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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 20, 2024 1:00pm-2:01pm AST

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to this business uptake these voltage by the 6 bang gross dot net on the dash before to use the the color that i'm paying this is and use our life from the coming up in the next 60 minute. the wrong supreme needed a class at 5 days of morning that says the nation will proceed as normal after president abraham rice who was killed and a helicopter crunch. pricey was on his way to the northern city of to breeze flying through heavy fog, which also has its such operations for our israel's defense. minnesota pledges to expand the military operation and rough on southern garza, hundreds of thousands of displaced palestinians still sheltering. some you can see the range of the velocity of the destruction in the houses in this village will
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take years in northeastern ukraine with people in a small fishing village and find themselves on the frontlines and schools and to show for the has won the 1st major goals title of his career, the american hold the product on the final green to win the championship. the probably begin this news out and a wrong with the supreme lita has because 5 days of national morning after the death of president abraham ray c and sundays helicopter crash, the wreckage was found earlier on monday. the croft was carrying each other officials, including foreign minister, michael raffle, looks back at how events unfolded both before and after the crash. these were raining and president abraham receives final allow is attending the annual duration
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of to dance on sunday. near the board with us advisors on, along with that countries, presidents, yolanda, alias, shaw, seattle. this dam can provide very safe transit for goods for passengers and tours . given how seriously the work is being carried out. i think it will take less time than originally estimated, which was almost 3 years been reports began to emerge that the president's helicopter had to make what was referred to as a hard landing. that they had been an incident. finally, it was confirmed via craft had crashed in bad weather on board president wry. you see foreign minister who's saying a meat of the lucky on a provincial governor and the security details. the helicopter went down in a forest in a remote mountainous region. near the village of ozi in the east as a buyer's on province, a sort of a runs armed forces in more than 70 search and rescue team spring into action with
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turkish high tech night division. drones providing support from the sky. but darkness, sick fog and the rugged terrain hampered search operations across the country from tip run to the president's hometown if mashhad ukrainians came out to prey is nearly 20 always off to the helicopter. disappeared from right on the wreckage was discovered a state television deliver this message to the nation. prices of water for tallow shaft. so hardworking relentless, the president of the range, and about who did nothing but serve people on their way towards progress, kept promise and sacrifice his life for the nation. there's been no official word yet on the cause of the crash. one aviation analyst says changing weather conditions can post challenges even full experience climate. you don't, the issue is when you're taking off and the weather is clear and then you're not. when this rugged a forest liked rain up,
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there could be farmed developing areas that you don't expect far to develop. but the age of the helicopter may also have quite a role. the us manufactured bella helicopter had been in service since 1971. within sanctions have made it difficult for iran to obtain spirit pots for new aircraft. the supreme lita, i a total of a home in a book has declared 5 days of moaning. according to runs constitution. a council comprised of the speaker of parliament, chief justice and 1st vice president have 50 days to cool elections for the next president. mike, level l g 0 as well. they've got correspondence covering the story for us from around the region and the moment we'll be hearing from santa cutter and buried foot fast. that's head straight to the arabian capital, tyrone, and speak, talk correspondent, the bustle, satta, wrist. so we know search and rescue is now officially, or is that took us through what's happening right now. indeed,
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the bodies of those who were killed in the had a car crash had been transferred to the city off to breeze. and the officials there have gone back to the top seat. now the bodies are going to be kept in the city of deputies. and on tuesday, we are expecting the 1st stage or official states funeral to take place in temporaries, and then the expectation or that these bodies aren't going to be taken through the capital off the country. ready to ron and 2 days here to be open for the visits of the people and also state dignitaries. then we're expecting the bodies to be particular the body of the president to be taken to the city or from a shad. and eventually, the battery of ceremony is expected to take place in the city or from a ship due to 2 reasons. first, it is a hometown of the president. and 2nd, it is the most religious, the most important religious center of the country. russell. we
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understand that that burial will be taking place on friday, but we've already sent an outpouring of warning across the wrong can you explain from view is where, right? you see sits within the understanding of the nation of the she was quite a controversial figures from his early ages on. so he was a dedicated politician. he was very much steve to the revolutionary principals. and he was a conservative for edition that was live with the by the conservatives in the country . on the other hand, to us disliked by many as particularly the for missed in those once change in the country. so in that sense, we have seen that she has been some of the, has been contact some of the very controversial policies such as enforcement was there. she jumped below in the country which eventually that the wide, the nationwide, the protesting in 2022. but one thing is quite clear to what she's carry,
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or she has enjoyed the backend of the supreme leader, the mid 3 establishment portico, and the financial establishment in the country. and to she's the relations with this top of the shipment in the country. she has climbed the carrier leather leather on to stagnant fleet of rapids. your brain where you see what's going to a clerical family in mission that you're on the 2nd largest city and home to the whole is she almost been trying in the wrong was 5 years old. when he's father, we don't collaborate, died. his family is close relations with the clerical establishment, helps him climb to kevin or leather. at the age of 15, he began his studies in the city of cool, the center of the most prominent islamic seminary in the country. the amount of the credits he started on there was the wrong school supplement either or the company to up to the revolution. in 1979, i have to look how many became your honest president embrace. he was a pointed prosecutor of the city of coverage at the age of 20. 1983. he married
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deductible. how much i'm gonna hold on a partial credit and represent the 2 of you on supreme leader in me a shot. 2 years later, at the age of $25.00, chris was appointed deputy prosecutor in the capital pet wrong. he was one of the 4 judges who sat on secret tribune is established in 1988 pauses of prisoners were sentenced to death and then execute at of didn't media confidence in 2021. he was asked about his role, what role i've done during my times, always i've moved towards defending human rights to confront those who disrupt the rights of people and committed isolate crimes carried out and t security actions. i think the how many races mean support or was elected as the new? so people leave it in 1989 at the point of racy as to hom. prosecutor gracie's rise through the judicial system, was unprecedentedly, wrapping it in the following years. he became
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a attorney general in 2016. the supplement either named his former as to the receipt custodian of your was welty is really just foundation the son of course, the recipe which managed the strain of h. yeah. you mom was in the shop and has watched the economy holdings in various sectors. nationwide race who run for president in 2017 campaign and to fight corruption. he lost the race to his fellow, collaborate for some honey. but the defeat did not tarnishes image data in 2019 supplement, either a point of him head of the judicial room by allowing him to strengthen his relations further across critical institutions. in the aurora avenue, in 2021, recei again ran for president premier to the election. the guardian consul disqualify several prominent reforms. candidates who raised these challenger's coupons. the election uncontested by the turnout was the lowest since the 1979 revolution. as president,
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he promised to reconcile the people and the government to let the costs sent to people one to the governments to compensate for damage restore, trust and bridge. the gap between the nation and the government, the relationship between those 2, it's all can always so many problems. but in 2022, as long as the public face, the most widespread social own risk, since it is published means nationwide protest, an overseas to last has for months suppressed by suspicious that impulse custody of 22 years old. and i say, i mean, she had been arrested for allegedly, while you made your arms bent, that's what a huge job has cut off long wherever you see took off. if you want us to call them, it was pretty put by decades of worst. i mean post sections the 2023 races government attempted to revive the economy and put an end to the international isolation. his government, normalized diplomatic relations with region arrivals, saudi arabia, and start from ties with russia and china subordinate for membership and the stronger corporation organization. a big group of countries,
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despite those are for your minds, economy remains and crisis and host a relations with the west keeper williams isolated from the international financial system recently was a member of you on a t h. c. as a group experts, which selects the supreme leader, many believe that he's going to cover the political and military establishment made him a prominent candidate to succeed already come on. so they had all the state and supreme leader if someone a has an almost 5 days of national morning. and also she has that pointed met and will be of the 1st wife's present as the acting president across the country to lead the state affairs. and also he has that pointed mad are the biography of the former deputy for the administer as the acting for the ministry, a minister across the country. so according to the use of the constitution, the reading constitution,
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the country will hold elections within 50 days to get back to the next president of the country. so side of that with the latest for us, from the arabian capital, tyrone, thank your so all these events are of course being watched very closely around the region as well. that's nice because they know called us use our correspondence, the 11 east capital buried. then it took us through the reaction you've been seeing and hearing their 11 on the 3 days following the announcements of the, you know, they have good relations safe level, largely because the country has also a big brother
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who are oppressed in that statement. they've also referred to the minister also side of that process saying he supported resistance. the around your foreign minister really made a number of visits to pay the recent funds. very familiar face, especially since is rose for the gas officials have they've had a simple but he was also close to the security establish this is yvonne and has those relationships with the, the leaders of the groups that there's no doubt to can replace a foreign minister but this is definitely a blow because just a few weeks ago, syria they were killed in the parents is really strong in the syrian capital target. so yes,
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rustic politics over the years. but the missionary card and that's relationship with the supreme leader and has the law. it's been a go to the with the reaction for us from 11 on today. thank you very much saying i will. let's take a quick look at what we know happens next in iranian politics. as we're sort of saying, i leave the countries constitution says in the event of this absence of illness. more than 2 months of the president, the 1st vice president, with the approval of the supreme leader, shall assume the presidential palace a council that includes the speaker of parliament, chief justice and the 1st vice president will then be required to hold a new election within a maximum of 50 days. well let's get into this with our panel here in the studio.
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we ever chiana is a car, is a professor of golf policy that cats hall university. and all 0 is diplomatic into the james bay as thank you gentlemen. so joining us again on the news, our, i know we've had from the supreme data, who said that that state policy isn't going to change and, and they shouldn't expect changes in the state of us. but the general, i'll start with you, what do we actually know about the interim president? look the well as not too much, whether we know about that. but we know that's the kind of the big decisions i mean considering that the now there is a cultural, it'd between the theme and the other to the side is that they will decide that all the elections. i mean wouldn't be like a lame duck. a few of them which not, many things can be defined mainly in for him policy. we have a foreign policy at this set by the, by the leader in the you get the biggest lyles and many in those politics and the police here at the out of state policies. many, i think i've been a special live on, on the tip of the said that we have been mentioned before. so we can't expect too many changes in this couple of months that would be
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a depressive. neither of billions at my level. i don't think she will have any set the, the income level that we will be at the end of the day, possibly the full amount, nothing like that. and again, this is abusing which not many things will be said or decided at we or are now focusing on what can be done candidates for the presidency and to the presidency because nobody was expecting this to happen. and for the previous president's wherever the elective and the sub 2 times meaning that nobody was thinking you either in searching for a new candidate next year that they weren't happy with the issue with how the conductive village goes to compete with the vice see. so now i guess from the very conservative a, it functions they will fight each other right in order to, to, to support their own candidates. and it would be big discussions about who can be that's candidate. so potentially some upcoming internal political time was in
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around i want to get into that in just a minute. but as we're talking about succession, let me ask you, james, you knew the, the late foreign minister to lock in. and i know you mentioned on, on several occasions, i wonder if you could perhaps reflect on his legacy a little bit for us and, and maybe speculate on who might succeed him, what we already know, who might succeed him. but we actually, we, we actually know that at least temporarily is the acting can take it for a minister. but he was a very different from his previous i said, but how much of it is the re, food was much more in motional personality. while his heart on his sleeve of often seen laughing and joking, and also when things when times are bad, you need us as well. but he built up good relations. it was a different time. of course, the wrong nuclear dealing whatever puts up good relations with weston diplomat as john kerry frederica maurine. i don't think we're going to go back to that period with a new cat take care of foreign minister ali baba. but i think they will be some relief in the western capitals that it's some one they know that they've been dealing with
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. cuz not only has he being the deputy for them and it's one of the deputy for a minute. has he's been the one with the nuclear file. now that's a file that's not progress. the tool and iran is now enriching uranium to 60 percent, which is weapons grade, but at least it's a known quantity is i think the, what you're going to hear from diplomats in those e. u capitals. and i'm the us and i think what you're seeing, the system sort of governs this, but you're seeing at least in this temporary phase, very much a efforts a continuity coming coming from uh from, from tyrone, as you say, it's a, it's a temporary arrangement. so now would you expect that things might then change drastically post collections? well, i think it depends on the elections. i think we know probably what the supreme leader wants, which is again, continuously in keeping on the same track. he sets of the overall direction of the country, the strategic direction of the country, bought an election in iran means
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a mobilization of people going to vote. it's going to be difficult decisions, i think of who can be on the pallets. because if you remember the last elections we had in march had a really low turnout that does not look good for rahman runs democracy. will they be thinking maybe we should put some more moderate candidates on the ballot at least to get a higher turn out. i think the answer is probably no, but i think a moment like that just a day even the moment that we're going to see in the coming hours will days a big funeral. lots of people on the streets. they'll be some worries. i think in the security operators in around about, about unforeseen circumstances that will let you on it. let me bring you in here when we talk about potential divisions in iran, and as the horse trading is going on behind the scenes of who is actually going to end up on, on a pallet as james is saying, turn out and, and not only the last by election, which was incredibly low, but also the last presidential election, incredibly low. it does reflect
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a little bit of the psyche of the nation. is this a moment for self reflection? whether it's something the, the, is the problem is i don't think and would be a reflection that will contribute to increase a popping up on the patient. and maybe the way in which it on is facing the eh, gus, are we to raise some expectations for the next president? but in any case, i don't think we'd be someone but this from the programmatic over from his come. they were totally bar from and they put it because of the iran in the last 32 or 4 years. so it would be somebody's someone from the conservative come and again, with this person or candidate or kindly they said they will fight 8 and compete with each other. i've talked enough is both those who at least raise their level for next. the participation, compared with the success of emphasis and it was a really doubted about that. and i, i don't think uh that then a,
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this is specific circumstance. we advice to what we're going to be to, to integration level of support. hopefully that's what it is. you know, i want to ask you a question as well about the other succession question and now the president try you see is dead and then that's the succession question around. what happens if the supreme lita is incapacitated? obviously present. right. you see, we understand was in the running to, to be on that lesson. does this paved the way for the supreme need his son to, to pop step in this? there's been plenty of speculation wrong. this is an interesting question since a 20 years ago that we have been discussing about who would be the successor of how many on most of the names of the were mentioned, the over the that so even right seat for the youngest one that nobody expected to pass at a weight was presenting that 2nd layer of a, a critics, a clergyman that they did not participate in med safely on the stomach and wilson. but they have this report from there that they either on from other sectors of the
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critical establishment. it now there is no other name apart from more style. by a more someone never was close to the on the list. i never consider himself as phone candidates with enough support income to become that alex either the idea of how the embrace. yes, the president was to build up his popularity. we remember that he lost the position 2017. he won in 20 and 21, but he needed to build up. she's popular because to be in either not only you require experience and capacity of religious credentials, but you need to be popular in, in the kinds of like you done when you have 22 leaders showing me how many though they have a lot of and we know, as we've been talking about that, that a lot of the decision, the decision is made in iran, especially when it comes to foreign policy at that level. so let me ask you now, james, given that the supreme data himself has said that nothing will change. what is, what is the us potentially looking for here in the coming days and weeks,
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especially, you mentioned the new care deal. it did feel like there was potentially some fresh engagement on that in the last few. yeah, they've been some tools going on in the mon recently, and i think they'll be very cautious about the situation right now because they didn't particularly like present dry. see they didn't get the progress, they won't see it on the nuclear deal from him. and they know this is a time of potential change. they also know that the overall direction of policy is not going to change. uh, but the, in the thing, you know, in a circumstance like this could happen in terms of new person. autism both evolving, who could actually be less favorable to the west than countries the more favorable . i know, i think, yes, we know the overall direction, but we don't know the personalities who are going to be involved. we don't know who the new president is and even though the overall direction of policy is, is already said, individuals have an ability to change things slightly,
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a new own. so i think it will be important and very, very interesting, few weeks and months ahead. thank you for joining us again on the new zone, the ellipse time to some other wells news now and sold off because top court has bought the former president jacob's name from running for parliament. the constitutional court made that announcement on monday, a 2 year old. you might left office back in 2018, facing corruption allegations and was also briefed briefly jailed for contempt of court. and a surprise move. he then found a new political party, the m. k potty in december to run against his phone, the party, the governing, african national congress o. n. c. and the elections on may the 29th. well, let speech for me in a minute. she joins me now from john. his bag for me that the constitutional court is south africa's highest court,
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but i understand this isn't necessarily the entirely end of the road for 3 months. and what might this mean for m k a well, well, the constitutional quote has made the ruling. and so my current appeal, it, we've spoken to, some of the supporters who have been gathered outside you this morning and also some members of the party who have said that it ultimately means very little to them. because zoo must still plays a very important political and leadership role within that part to he remains the lead of the party space will be on the ballot paper in fact, so the africans abroad voted this post weekends using that valid paper. so zoom us to is the m k party and as far as we understand this a he may not have plans to go to parliament. specifically, even though these are parliamentary and general elections. because possibly as a former minus a former president brother, you could lose those benefits such as security and pension,
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so it may not have suited him to take a seat in parliament. the people we've spoken to here have said that they're not following jacobs, who must specifically, but they're in favor of the policies, the political thinking that he has cemented within the party. and that's what they're here for his ideology and some of the policies. and so this makes no difference. however, there is a concern that perhaps for some voters who support zoom uh specifically, perhaps specifically in the cause it would not tell province where he's from. they expected that zoom, i would represent them in a political office and when they see that not happening, they could be anger and good, but there's no searching to you around that. and also at the same time, the m. k party is fighting dealing with its own internal battles around leadership . hold a moment to mount remains, need all the parties the part to remains intact. but there are
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a couple of challenges ahead of elections for me to know that the following reaction for us to that quote such an engine on his back. thanks so much for me to let speak to and will be some of them just use the editor of the so went to the national daily newspapers. you joins us now also from johannesburg. visa, as we were hearing a little bit from, from me that as human supports as have about responses best, especially in case of, in how concerned are you about the violence and the lead up to this selection potentially also, i mean, it's just over a week away now, as opposed good afternoon and thank so much for inviting us. i suppose, you know, there's always a concern about whether or not that may be violent. so if you can, if you remember, for example, when mr to my was jailed for contempt of court i just, 2 years ago that you know, the why the reaction from his supporters and they, they really began, you know, a whole new school to, to split fine is across the country, but i think, you know, in this, in this instance, um, although of course the, you know, they may be some concern about what would happen. but i think the conflict is
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really based on 2 things. one is the fact that our law enforcement has really made it very clear that they are ready, essentially to, to, to respond unless you know what we saw. and i printed printed one, they're quite ready to respond in your, in, in, you know, to qual, that kind of find this, but also tools. i think most important is that the support, as of mrs. who am i, in this instance, seem to have really accepted you know this, this, this uh, the outcome of this case. and not necessarily because they agree with it. but this thing to them, you know, it doesn't really mean anything. his face has been on the ballot even though he's not eligible, and he will not stand for election. and they, and they basically saying, you know, ultimately they do get what they wanted. what you know to ensure that his face is on the ballot. i'm curious about how n k has actually been posting. they've been launch the running on the back as soon as appeal, as you say his, his face is still going to be on the ballot. but is this primarily about n t a and see sense? and then for them, and it is about anti and c sentiments, but it's also about,
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you know, the m k is really a potty like miss presuming that actually believes that they are. or he is a victim of a legal system. so, so that because the legal system so that because democracy as it were, and so they believe essentially that, you know, if they need to do anything to oppose, you know, the system that they believe is, is, is, is against them. so, so yes it's, it's about on to amc, but it's really about the democratic processes themselves and, and the message has really been, you know, they need to be a voice to fight against the system as we have it. well, let me ask you then what this might mean specifically for us as well as our own personal political future. he seems to bounce back plenty of times from previous challenges. is this the end of the right for him? it's difficult to tell because he was sending the fact that he is a to something years old. you know right now it does suddenly look of course, you know, in terms of punch is that it is the at the end of the roll for him. however, you know, as part of the party is concerned, as you put in yeah, he is doing them,
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you know, remains the lead off the party and obviously has major, major influence. as far as you know, the part is perform ends and how it really performs. when it isn't elected in the department, but he as an individual, i mean he is highly unlikely that will ever see him in government again, the ruling today really covers 5 years from, you know, when he was sentenced so, so you won't be spending for this election but i mean, if you're going to the fact that you know what the next election we're going to have is in 5 years time, i'm not attending the fact that he would be able to able to stand in that election but considering age and in also something i'm not sure if you will be able to know visa the country, so that square has already facing huge, huge challenges. economic challenges, certainly. i know for an investors who have been running scared with well hoping that they would be some kind of political settlements. and the optim off of the selection that things might settle down a little bit. does this change any event as well? the, also, the, you know, the concerns about the direction that so that the guy's going. right?
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and that's really about, you know, you know, they kind of make direction issues of transformation and the dropping us in a success training in quantity at best. this ruling does not necessarily change that. i think, you know, it's very, very important to understand that. so that's good, that's have, you know, democratic institutions and i mean the quote, 12 constitutional quote really being one of them. so the is, is stable just from a democratic point to view. what we don't need, of course, is very, very strong. you know, leadership as far as governance is concerned, leadership that does not kind of like corruption, leadership that, you know, has a vision about way to types of efficacy. the willing does not necessarily change that, but i think for many people what really matches is who will be or which political parties may be coming into government that actually have the ability to, to goldeneye as a country to was the correct direction. mr. somebody installed, i don't necessarily be, i believe he's part of that. a bad question that is not going forward. oh, certainly be keeping a very close eye on those elections on may 29th to finance and will be some of them go to the editor of the semester and thank you so much for joining us again around
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to 0. thank you for returning to our top story now around supreme data has they've had 5 days of morning following the death of the president abraham racy and a helicopter crash on sunday and had a cup to run down in a mountainous area in northern iran. we know the vice president will now be responsible for the running of the country for the next 50 days. and then a special counseling made up of senior rainy and figures. will need to call in the election for a new president or 9 people on board that helicopter crashed in addition to present abraham racy and foreign minister who's saying, i mean i've lost him. there was mother across mossey. he was the governor of east as a buyer's on providence, and mohammed ali alhashan the amount of around the 4th largest city to breeze. the president's head of security, the pilots co pilot crew chief and the body. god will also killed well around this fine. minnesota was a former soldier whose career was devoted to protecting his country and its
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revolution looks bad, takes it back in his mind. so saying, i mean the law he on was born in the city of them gone to northern iran in 1964. when he was just 6 years old that his father died, leaving the family to moves to tear from his family. settled in one of its porous neighborhoods on the capital southern outskirts. the outbreak of war with the rounds wish to neighbour, a rock in 1980 would be a pivotal moment for me of deluxe. yet the 16 year old and listed to serve and volunteered until the cx 5 was reached. in 1918, i would like to create the experience for leading him to work at the foreign ministry, a rock desk in 1990 after the will. i mean, up to last year on enrolled at the foreign ministry school of international relations and would like to receive his masters and dr. will to grace from the university of terre honda. in 1997, he was appointed under secretary of
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a runs embassy to a rock. during this time he would develop a close relationship with customs. so the money became come on. the overruns codes force around 1997 and was advised to assess an exit in the us joint strike in 2020 . the revolution regards could suppose as an a lease unit that handles around. obviously the operations. so they money would become a major force and i'll meet up the lock in future. he would even like to refer to himself is still a ninety's soldier. during the us invasion of a rock in 2003, i made up the last one was appointed as the heat of a rock fees at the foreign ministry and from 2007 to 2010. he would serve as a runs, invested a to buy frame. during this time i made up the law, sean said he would often consult somebody money for guidance. this relationship with so the money would lead been present maximum. what i'm gonna do a shot to a point. i mean of deluxe young is deeply the foreign minister. that's the error of an effort, confused in 20, leaving the election of abraham raw. you see is president in 2021. so i mean,
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the life can quickly promoted to become the country's top diplomat. his appointment was approved, 270 votes, detain entered bonds parliament. and during his poem entry reviews, he was clear about his approach. so maintained himself as a staunch becca of a runs excess of resistance. during his 3 years of the country's foreign minister, they wouldn't monumental shift center runs strained relations with saudi arabia. the 2 countries cut ties in 2016, but the leadership in the country decided to review relations last year and a deal broken by china. the outbreak of israel is more on gaza also, so i mean up to lock you on, take a pivotal and active role. he want israel, that's her fun, could intervene and expressed support for both hum us and has bola, members of the so called excess of resistance and an april when an is rarely drawn, strike destroyed, runs come to us in serious capital,
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damascus. i mean it up to like you on cold, be a tech, a violation of all international obligations and conventions. he demanded a serious response from the international community community. he was expected to play a role in so many years to come all as we know, israel under ron has had his strange relations from on this. we can speak to a political commentator or recalls that concerns us now from tel aviv or just last month is relevant around when approaching you doing that. if i'm glad that you can hear me, i was going to ask you about what we saw last month. i mean, we were looking at potentially without war between israel and iran, do the debt. so right. you see, and i mean, i to law him, change anything as well. i would actually assume they would have a restraining effect, but you have to remember that the party that requires restraining in this case is more likely is 0, then it is wrong. for some time, there are during the 7 months or more and does it certainly looked like because
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there was trying to get some best of dry wrong out until the confrontation, perhaps as a means of justifying its actions in gaza is of sales. iran has much to gain by maintaining the role of the grown into the room as you go, son continues it's rampage. and so i think the decimal gray see will not see any change in that policy. not only because i see was the shape defense policy, but again, because the ron has a lot to lose from reckless endeavors. these are the issue well, we know in terms of the succession protocol that we expect collections within 50 days, but 50 days for elections is a long time when it comes to the stage of the current floor on gaza. how is israel viewing the interim president and administration? and i think israel has been significantly changed as its approach,
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nor should it. but i think the situation has changed when is there a bond? the uranium console, the mask, this is all still side so very much in control of the situation on the ground. and guys, i think again that has changed, i think is or has lost control or is in the process of losing control. ready or what is happening uh, even though there's so a great deal of damage being done, a lot of how stimuli is being lost is or is growing more and more weak as this more progresses, which is why did you see any potential change coming from your eyes direction and i also doubt 0 has any real desire to engage, not so sort of direct confrontation with the ron martin. maurice or the politicians are talking seemingly off the call. so the possibility of some sort of arrangement with principal that is also a change in who is early politicians conduct themselves up until about a month ago. it was all war all the time. so again, i think is,
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will need to stay below the ron at the moment. certainly they're watching to see whether the scream leader seals. it's time to impose his son and heir apparent on the country. or whether there is some sort of radical air to be announced that the rain in politics under the sonic republic are usually conducted in back room is among coalitions if 2 days as a while. but it takes 60 days for alliances, farm and for our candidates cease to be wrong, i think is always looking just as the rest of the world is looking at what's happening in the run. but i doubt anybody expects any sort of radical shift. i'm curious about a shift in all the dynamics and relationships with israel, given the tensions, for instance, between tyrone and washington and the concerns that washington's had about regional escalation. might this very particular moment give rise to a shift in the way that the us engages with israel on the wall? judging even more caution?
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the house. and i would assume that you're correct and from mine, the limited knowledge. american. any right, and officials have been holding consultations over the last few weeks trying to reach exactly that conclusion. i think again, this is very discreet. this is very slow. nobody will talk about this openly. but i think that as the risk between united states and israel browse on the potential, let's call it reconnection or the igniting the connections. that one swears between the ryan in the united states is very much on the table. is there is always made it clear that its relationship with the wrong is a 0 sum game. when is or lose is iran wins? apparently, united states has signed onset logic in washington is drawing away from israel, even if it does so. almost almost criminally slow fashion, but as it does so, the ron becomes ever more lucrative as
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a potential partner. is the sonic republic managers to undergo the, the 60 day process peaceful, the unstable if you're on, we'll have only proven in the more significant way that it is capable of undergoing these changes. that it is not susceptible to radical shifts or to fanatic clues, and only strange to me around stature in the region already called back out political commentator, joining us that from tennessee. thank you for sharing your thoughts with us on the news. our thank you for having me the, the whole as already was just referencing the us national security advisor jake sullivan is in west harrison meeting is randy lead is and discussing the war on gaza. sullivan is expected to press the arrows round to adopt a more focused military campaign. and rafa, as well as defense minister, you have kalonde said that israel remains committed to broadening its ground
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operation. in rafa, thousands of palestinians have been killed and wounded, as is rarely forces push even defend and took off the southern most se. well that spring and i'll correspond to a couple assume he's in general bala, in the central parts of the gaza strip for us. tarry, they're saying that they're going to expand the already existing operation in raffle. what do we know about the situation right now in the south on the ground? we listed that the israeli defense, spanish type of cologne test said it was highly expected among palestinians that the start of the proration was in the eastern portion of rough our district. then they managed to use legal force on the ground making a kind of complete military clearance in the entire neighbor who's that are. so a jason to the board is with israel and the same time that being dropping leaflets . anything different phone calls to residents in the middle areas of rough like district imagined and urging residents to not completely remain in the area which
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reflected the is very intentions to expand this caleb the military operation. and that's what is what the prime minister benjamin netanyahu has said before that they are seeking to eliminate on too many, telling me this month. so the remaining come most battalions in the rough are. but what we have seen in the course of the past days and within the past 4 to 8 hours as best and most wave waves of displacement by palestinians as phone or what estimates that at least 810000 palestinians have slipped rough notes. he can show to in a very tiny strip of land cools on milan, see alongside with david by area which region that was over crowded. but as we've been hearing from eye witness is who are still in the western areas of rough on septic confirming that they continue to hear a loud explosion sound on go and get taxed by is very many teachers in the central areas of roughly district as well. and tara, we know, in the last few days the noise has been on the very, very heavy attack. what do we know about how hospitals in the north
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a now coping the situation and the goal is was fairly function of hospitals and the north of it territory. he's completely de. um we have been managed to speak to an impulse medics in the hospital. they have been state you think that they can tell you a hospital is surrounded by the it's very minute treat as the buildings. although the hospital has been subjected to the east, verify is from the east by the troops that are completely deployed an old the vicinity of allowed the hospital, as they have been confirming for us that's by tools, are still ongoing, fell in the ground, which must light is on the east bed on me while a come on at one hospital. i will get your english pennies to get exclusive statements from the director, a stating that the hospital is going to really difficult situation. as the fuels that exist in the hospice have come only last for full days. as soon as it's gonna run out from the hospital, the situation will tend to be extremely kalsich. the topic of was in with a very license for us from the ground,
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a portion from dell by that and the cause of strep. thank you. time on ukraine's call. he says he and the surrounding villages have been hit by a series of aerial strikes. as russian forces pushed further into the region on homeland was in the village of co cost. gullible was just off to a russian miss all the time to catch go to those of wasn't quite village, just no footpath. keith, where people came to fish up until 11. am this sunday the me so ripped through the country club and the like sure. we run into valentino, one during the road, outside people. what's happening in the hollow for a fragment. he's my head here a little bit. my blood congealed. it smells at that. then i called my husband, but she didn't because, you know, he's lying on the lake shore with his dog, where his phaser, husband is one of the dead. who disabilities just 20 minutes from how to key.
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if you crane 2nd city ross has been bombarding it for months, hitting industrial targets and for residential buildings. so military unless believe it's an effort to push the population out. well, thirty's, the noise was so just staying in the country club. so that was left. this is not even a so called soviet pressed base. what are the russians like to say? and what's the impulses of your plan? what a place? this is absolute nonsense people. he told us that with 2 strikes they beat to showed us what they did to her house. you can see the range of the bloss to the destruction in the houses in this village. the windows of lane. the roof has been damaged here as well. but it's not just that is the people they've been lost or been injured. the 2 sister and the
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husband just flung back to see the family of the leaving for island just to start the will. they were outside when the 2nd strike here. me which we have to have, gosh, just in her breast. that's what her ballot didn't know. have to close them. and but does the at my brother in law's good, like this almost and set out and his stomach, one of them was land kiera and the blood test board and out like a fun things to moment nicole true. yes. a balance as of now taking both away and beats his mom lou, both start sweeping up while she waits for the nurse for the impact to what's happened here. hasn't yet so in can john holman out to 0 to to casket. loss of a few cried taiwan. his new president, lights into has been sworn into office lies expected to continue his predecessors, policies of independence for the island. badging has called him a dangerous separatists for refusing to accept the chinese sovereignty. well that
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spring in one piece only has a non resident fellow at bid on to cancel the global china happy drains us out from taipei. mr. stone, present line has been referred to as a bit of a 5. right. and i see all the headlines have been about his push for independence. but if you read into the nuances of his statement, that actually sounds like a much more pragmatic approach to beijing. how much is obviously going to change? you know, if he lives speech today, his person go over a speech as process, it would not be largely is trying to project an image of continuity and predictability. most of things, he said, my sounds somewhat well, like i said, most about babies and my sound that they provocative to international audience, but really much if it were already present there in the so code i'll flip, she lives of he's up to code that he sent me to the wall street journal last year. so really, i think call us back the fundamental principle, which is that he talks about this. the general idea is that he's still going to be looking at the possibility of dialogue with by eugene. and that his general ad to
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on crawford hall is one the well, i will summarize as conditional yes on possibly or the look yet some timelines door is always open but you cannot happen on the preconditions dictated to by the aging . so well, you refer to that opinion piece here, right last year talking about how he wants to engage with china. does china want to engage with him? so tiny, not size and bit hard to say really i thing i didn't know my, nothing china. so i still isn't in the best mood that trying to psych either exactly, you want to give lodging, demonstration, much benefit of doubt when it comes to crushed, a positive vibes. so in that sense, i think what you're more likely to see out of china based on china is going to respond with a lot of rhetorical is to ensure we always think i want to face office, which is a chinese nation, where you are responsible for tie one issue,
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a statement that says basically that they wanted to see like in the, or possibly for me, the one china principal that they will say it's a, it's a must answer question on this exam, not paging and close on taiwan. but the things i can do, the thing is actually directly address it, and that's why i think we're likely to see a bit more buying a fury of badging and coming weeks. just full bathing can i guess reset the terms of frustrating negotiation during a life and go years from a position of strange and china is going to show mentioned force to show that they are still in the driver's seat for costs are relations given to a time when they have a new government, so trying to trying to show its influence. let me ask you on the ground, how is present life built up by the time when these people understand who is the, the son of a coal miner, he's come a long way since then. or indeed, i mean for present watching the kids really got
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a old home with nice origin story in a way. like i said, he start off as the son is a coal miner, his father passed away to rescue early, so it's really raised by a single mom and for how words he evangel went well, that one's best. universities went to harbor one points. so for him, it's quite a story in terms of how it work and climbing the ladder for the medical craddick system. broham as well before you become president. if you really had to find a complete regimen a she worked as a lawmaker in both upper and lower house of parliament in so i won the local mayor for a couple of terms, the vice president and premier, so really quite a ready to go, a regimented for anyone who was aspiring to want the tires, probably office in taiwan. so that's how we can translate those experience into the effective sped crap as president. i'm sure he's saying is a very inspiring figure by many when he's in that a non resident fellow at the atlantic councils global china. hi. thank you for
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sharing your insights with us here on the houses here in arizona. thank you for having me as well. it is now times of support and here, so thank you very much and the size of the show for that has won the 1st major gulf title of his career. a single stroke separated the american from the chasing impact at the pga championship under richardson hospital posts on the final green. so when your 1st major sunday, showplace has been stripped this moment many times and sunday, until this minute with the pga championship by when stroke was like, oh my gosh, this is what i want for a winning. but fortunately it was up hill. it was, you know, 6 feet ish. i ended up playing it straight, it did go left, caught the left side. just a huge, just so much relief as the shoulders length and that,
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kentucky's val how across the chasing pack was closing in on shuffling for us. i think champagne gross and to show, but it's on the charge. 6 bodies in a whole. so new ways, but it's a hopeless, briefly take the lead. shuffling. how does one a total of the to use this is to be is day. is super sweet, but when i, when i break it down, i'm really just proud of how i handle certain moments on the course today. different from the past after his arrest by traffic police on friday morning. we'll number one scuffle shiffler finished and it's only the 8th is due to have a cool team on tuesday. you're out here competing. you're doing what you can throughout the course of the round to post a score and i wasn't able to get that done yesterday. did i feel like myself? absolutely not. was my warm up the way usually as in the distractions where they normally are? absolutely not showplace, when has moved him up to
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a career best 2nd in the world rankings. and who just be defending his olympic title of the parish games and the richardson l g 0. natalie cortez dominance of women's game goes on for the 6th time. and 7 tournaments at the world level one finished up as the winter is $53.00 for the american coming that the lpga tour event in new jersey. next challenge will be the us women's open, which starts at the end of the month. my sister city had been crowned the english premier league champions at 4 full time in a row. a goal for moultry rob, top of the when a city needed the on the final day of the season, 31 victory over west time. a so pet claudio las team finished 2 points, clear of arsenal at the top of the table. since he became the 1st english team to win the full consecutive titles, they're now building up to some of these f, a cup final against matches to united way one that plays enjoy these 2 or 3 days.
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it will have 2 days to prepare the final but next season. right now i'm not able to know exactly what would be the multiple motivation to to do it because it's difficult sometimes to find when everything is done, a dozen club says that he may never manage a top level club again. the gentleman said good bye to liverpool, often, 9 years during his time with a club, but his team on the premier league and champions the titles. i don't know exactly why nobody believes that. i probably will not be a manager again, but i understand because obviously it seems to be a drug but looks like because everybody comes back and it really works until the 70 something i always idea of the egyptian side is that malika have won the assets in the configuration as cost, but they do, i said that kind of morocco one now and the 2nd that of the final and chiral. this is the 2nd tier. competition for african clubs have
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a lost the 1st like to one at this when the soul is america winning the title on the away goals. the writing and b tempe is the denver nuggets have been dumped out of the tails. the semi final series that was lock set $33.00, heading into the decide the against the minnesota attend the wolf. and then that's made the strong thoughts on the whole course. opening up a 20 point need with the temple was a full back to when it 98 points to 90 and wrap up the series full suite overall. it puts them into the western conference finals for the 1st time in 20 years, or they will face the dallas mavericks. i said we have, we don't have a big 3. we got a big 15. you know, we, we, every single person on his team is of lots of his team and they help, there's so many different ways of his game just shows that the timber was helping out where it's not currently childs that really go there. and the timber was our special team. the advantage that as a business,
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when i started to when his 2nd autonomy opened title the well, number 5 defeated these 2 in the opponents in straight sets, the games pop plays on. now heading to the 2nd, the grandson will begin that the french open, which starts on sunday. very coones, 8 me so tiny produced another game winning moment for the last sign duty. so it is his 1st it will cost. since joining the dog does, gave his team a suite to win over cincinnati. and that's always, but for me, a 100 bucks in the stuffs you. thanks so much, donna. well, that's also it for me and installs it pays for this news. alice serial will have much more for you in just a moment, and i will see you off to that. you can also always find a much more on our website that's out 0 talk com. we'll be back with much more about coverage of our special stories here on out there and treating what's happening. the
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as universities across the u. s. mobilize for palestine, an unprecedented track down intensifies. they're putting a target on my back there. say, here's your person, go get her fault lines investigates the mechanisms of suppression and the implications for academic freedom. universities who embrace diversity when it's for posting in right, you're suspended, you're investigated, you're shut down the palestine exception. when it does the business latex to be sponsored by interlock tuck, he's real estate consultant. the the
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base initial agents to be sponsored by interlock tuck. he's real estate consultant, palestinians who are expelled from there, and then in the neck of 1948 still don't have the rights of return today is that the land was extorted and settlements were built. 20 houses 0 worlds, goes back with the young, good old palestinians to re discover their ancestral homes. why doesn't my grandparents stay here? why aren't i here? returned to palestine on al jazeera,
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the 2 run supreme leader declares 5 days of morning that says the nation will proceed as normal house of presidents, abraham racy, was killed in a helicopter. crash. the sorry, i'm sort of any, it's good to have you with us. this is elsa 0, live from the also coming up, racy was on his way to the northern city of breeze flying through heavy fog. which cambridge search operations for hours and more attacks. and northern guns is one of the last functioning hospitals runs out of drinking water. south africa's former president jacob zoom is barred from running and next week the general election.


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