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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 20, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm AST

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on good old palestinians to re discover their ancestral homes. why doesn't my grandparents stay here? why aren't i here? returned to palestine on al jazeera, the run supreme leader declared is 5 days of morning that says the nation will proceed as normal house of presidents, abraham racy, was killed in a helicopter. crash the i am sort of any, it's good to have you with us. this is elsa 0, live from the also coming up. racy was on his way to the northern city of breeze flying through heavy fonts, which hampered search operations for hours and more attacks. and northern gauze is one of the last functioning hospitals runs out of drinking water. south africa's
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former president to consume is barred from running and next week, the general election. the iran supreme leader has declared 5 days of national morning after the death of president abraham racy in sundays helicopter crash. the wreckage was found early on monday. the aircraft was carrying 8 other officials, including the foreign minister. michael, apple looks back at how events unfolded before and after the crash. these were rainy and president e brian, right, you see is fine. allow is attending the integration of 2 dams on sunday, near the border with us a by john, along with that countries. presidents yolanda alias is all here. let's see, all this damn can provide very safe transit for goods for passengers and taurus. given how siri easily the work is being carried out,
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i think it will take less time than originally estimated, which was almost 3 years. then reports began to emerge that the president's helicopter had to make what was referred to as a hard landing. that they had been an incident. finally, it was confirmed via craft had crashed in bad weather on board president wry. you see foreign minister who's saying a meat of the lucky on a provincial governor and the security details about the helicopter went down in a forest in a remote mountainous region, near the village of ozi in the east as a by john province. a sort of a runs on the forces emboldened 70 search and rescue team spring into action with turkish high tech night division. drones providing support from the sky. but darkness, sick fog, and the rugged terrain hampered search operations across the country
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on the test run to the president's hometown. if mashhad, you radians came out to print nearly 20, always off to the helicopter, disappeared from right on the wreckage was discovered the state television delivered this message to the nation places. on the 4th, i launched back so hard working and relentless president of the range and people who did nothing but serve the people on their way towards progress, kept his promise and sacrifice his life for the nation. there's been no official word yet on the cause of the crash. one aviation and it says changing weather conditions can pose challenges even for experienced pilots. you don't. the issue is when you're taking off and the weather was clear and then you were not on this rugged uh, forest liked rain uh, there could be farmed developing areas that you don't expect far to develop. but the age of the helicopter may also have quite a role. the us manufactured bell helicopter had been in service since 1971.
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westman sanctions have made it difficult for a run to obtain spirit pots or new aircraft, is already what i'm the is the supreme leader, ayatollah ali. how many has declared 5 days of moaning? according to runs constitution? a council comprised of the speaker of parliament chief justice and 1st vice president has 50 days to cool elections for the next president, mike level, which is era. we want to bring you breaking news on alpha 0. we have learned to just learned that the international criminal court, prosecutor, kareem khan, whom you see here on your screen has now announced that he is issuing arrest warrants against b is really prime minister against the is really a minister of defense as well as against multiple from us vigorous, this is what we know at the moment. this news is just breaking the kareem con, asking for arrest warrants against benjamin netanyahu, saying that there are reasonable grounds to believe that the is really prime
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minister, bears criminal responsibility for crimes and crimes against humanity. also against you'll have galani, the defense minister, and there are risk lawrence also outs for senior most vigorous including the hamas leader. yeah, yes. in war that's the uh, how much leader in the gaza strip. yes. in war and well, how many days understood to be his 2nd in command? that is what we know at the moment, there is going to be a lot to break down on this. we will bring up our correspondence and break down all the implications of these arrest warrants. for now though, let's take a quick look at what we know happens next in iranian politics, in the context off of course of the ring and president's death and the helicopter crash. the country's constitution says in the event of death, absence or illness for more than 2 months of the president, the 1st vice president, with the approval of the supreme leader shall assume the presidential powers
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a council that includes the speaker of parliament, chief justice and the 1st vice president will then be required to hold a new election within a maximum of 50 days. so i mean, it has on, he has an independent journalist who joins us from that. ron, i mean, what is, could you describe the mood across the country right now? the weather this morning woke up e confirmation has been from the from the. busy news the sense that. busy busy gosh, evenings on earlier in the past. that's amazing. coming unexpected stuff for the
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on the watch for me. and i mean, i look, i apologize to you, but i can't hear you. well, the audio connection just isn't good. so we're going to have to put this on pause for now. work on that audio connection and then hopefully resume our conversation. i mean, it has on the thank you so much the, the best turn to the war and guys, and now we're in the past few hours. dozens of people have been killed is really strikes in the north of the strip. these are the 1st moments after this really forces targeted houses in big law here the number of the victims, a children as being you know, correspond to talk of with whom. who's in darrow dollar? that's in the center of the gaza strip. sorry. what do you know about that attack? well, generally what we do know,
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a rough idea is that there is an ongoing escalation of 4 minutes reparations by these for the army in the entire roof, our district. but the main focus of the military operation is in the completely eastern portion of the city as these by the armies having different kinds of confrontations and battles with the palestinian troops as spartans helping describe to be absolutely difficult and even the violence in terms of the intense bombardment being used by both hot spots, residents have been receiving more documentation or just to flee from the central neighborhoods of roughly the district. and that's absolutely not seeing what is reading defense minister. you all have cologne's has been saying that they are preparing to expand the fight. think in a rush law and order to completely dismantled the remaining homeless battalion in a rough district by law. i took this on cutting this for it's at least $810000.00 palestinians. how to select the from russell, according to the united nations relief on what agency. i know they are ending up
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living in drastic humanitarian conditions in the very tiny strip of land called a loyalty area alongside with dairy by that which is over now over whelmed with palestinians power sending it back to you is this place also has witnessed different kinds of abutment, as is really minute treat today alias talk to the very limited military, encouraging the eastern portion of the city using different military tang size. we found that the funding going exchanges absolutely. overhead from our location here in our locks, the hospice, a target. we're also hearing from doctors without borders that are out the hospital, which is one of the last functioning medical facilities in northern guys. it is now without drinking water. what do you know? yes, we have in fact uh, coding and making different contacts with hospitals in the north of disturbing tooting allows on come on at one hospitals. they have concern for us that they are struggling to get approved a few and proper drinkable water due to the deep shortage of water sources in the
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notes of this trip in light of expansion of the fighting in devalue a refugee camp on with the destruction of 4 wheels in that didn't get populated here. yeah. not only the situation sounds particularly down in terms of what was off on in terms of so the level of safety food was submitted as far as hospitals are surrounded with the east valley troops spot the situation and with the hospital is the quick is the most critical, specifically that they have been a subject to, to the is very fire and they are on able to get out from the hospital in order to go to the areas of the bottom and far as i would use it for english was talking to the director of come on at one hospital, he has to be confirming that the hospital is grappling with this if the shortage of, if you will supplies in the hospital itself as the only amount of fuel that exist in the hospitals can last for 4 days on that amount. as soon as it was run out from this medical facility, the situation would be completely co take what we need earlier to remember that
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there was 2 hospitals have been stormed by the is ready mandatory in the initial days of the will. when the, as talk to the manager of the ration of the notes of the strip again, they have been surrounded by the is by the troops facing on such in the future. in light of the ongoing miniature offensive into body or a t t can a topic up with who i'm reporting from darrow bella in the center of the gaza strip . thank you very much talk or that's from some other world news. now south africa's top court has barred forward president jacob zoom from running for parliament. the constitutional court made the announcement on monday, 82 year old zooming left office in 2018 face and corruption allegations, and was briefly jail for contempt of court. in a surprise move, he formed a new political party, the m k party. this was in december and he created it to run against his former party, the governing amc, african national congress. all of this is headed the elections on may the 29th. so just around the corner office, there is for me to mail it joins me loud,
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lived from johannesburg for me to where does this leave us? you explained to me earlier that zoom a may not be able to run, but that doesn't mean he won't be able to still be part of the political process. and that's exactly right. we've also spoken to supports as of outside the quotes in the day. and the, some of the responses we're getting from members of that m. k party is that it means very little to them because he remains part of the party. he's the leader. his face will remain on the ballad, paypal when elections come round in just a few days time. and so he's ideologies, he's present sort of back remains and also a lot of the support is believed that he has been victimized. and so for some of them, this comes as little surprise. it's possible the quotes for somebody like 2 months, despite it based being based on, you know, a new and the constitution and to explain to you that resume has been bought from
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running because of the conviction he received for contempt of quote, the conviction in sentencing and people who read a sentence to 5 years or more in prison and aren't able to pay a fine comp and run for public office. and so it's based on that gets members of these party say is that it means very little to them. but also this is a part to that's going through its own difficulties. i have to point out those who might have joined the party in december last year, some would say as a founding member, but the founder of that party, jo blondie camacho has since been kicked out by zoo. my full, they say compromising the party and double i need call tomorrow, then please do my on precautionary suspension. so that's just giving you an idea around some of the difficulties within that party. maybe some of which support is might not, no way it stands, but you might still forms a very important symbolic speaker. but those who have gone on to support the m p
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party, maybe some of them leaving the african national congress for me. the miller reporting from johannesburg, thank you very much. i or oh, still ahead on alpha 0, we're going to come back after a short break and bring you more on the breaking news of this hour. is it? the prosecutor, the international criminal court of justice, has just issued arrest warrants against the 3 hamas leaders in gaza, including the head of i'm us, the youngest in war and against these really prime minister benjamin netanyahu. and his defense ministry you off the lot more on that after the one of the biggest elections of 2020 pools in the general election will administer now render moody's b t p. increase its food across the country. how will economic uncertainty and you've some employment swafer to think he states and will the media be able to
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cover the vote, reading and fairly ongoing coverage. but in the, as an actions on out is there a palestinians who are expelled from there? and then the next couple of 1948 still don't have the rights of return today is that the land was extorted and settlements were built when it was a 0 world, goes back with the young, good old palestinians to re discover their ancestral homes. why doesn't my grand parents stay here? why aren't i here? return to palestine on al jazeera, israel's war on gossip be coming a forever across the united states. why are the student protests for palestine being met with military style track down wide is by to insist on 0 consequences for israel in its war on gaza. the quizzical look of us politics, the bottom line news
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the thing else is 0 reminder of our headline iran supreme leader has declared 5 days of morning following the death of the president abraham racy and a helicopter crash on sunday. the wreckage of the aircraft carrying racy and 8 others, including foreign minister, has been sent. south africa is constitutional courts as bard former president, jacob zoom from running some parliaments. he formed a new political party. the n k party in december run against this formal party and see the governing african national congress. this is for elections coming up on may . the 29th and a prosecutor for the international criminal court has applied for arrest warrants
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to both is really and some us leaders. they include is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu defense minister you off the lot. and i'm us for the leader smile here. as discussed this with officer as diplomatic editor james space at james, we got this news just in the last 15 minutes or so. so this is all crossing. there's more for us to find out because there's a, there's a fairly lengthy document that's been released by the prosecutor, which let's be honest, we haven't read and fully. yeah. it's working for me. there it is. there it is. tell us. all right, tell us what you're seeing for now. let's start with the basics. this is a very, very significant moment in the war with regard to accountability. it is been decided by the court to seek arrest warrants for 3. i'm us leaders and to is really leaders. uh so let me give you the names 1st. yeah, you'll send well the head of her mouse and the gaza strip mohammad, the youth who is the head of the l. custom brigades is male hon the and who is the
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rule head of the mouse. the head of the home us political wing who operates outside garza arrest warrants to on these really side. and they off the top tier. they all benjamin netanyahu, the prime minister, and you have kalonde, the minister of defense. let me go through the, the possible charges for arrest that they're talking about and for each size. with regard to see how much leaders extermination is a crime against humanity mode or is a crime against humanity taking hostages as well. crime, raping other acts of sexual violence is crimes against humanity, torture as a crime against humanity. all the inhumane hack acts as a crime against humanity to treatment was a crime. and that's what the most leaders are charged with an outrage, but not charge that they get on upon personal dignity as it will count those all the, all the possible charges that he's investigating with this arrest warrant for the hamas leaders for the israeli leaders. and this is the top officials in israel, the prime minister netanyahu. i'm the defense minister kalonde. starvation of
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civilians is a method of rule 5, a closing great suffering will serious injury to a body or health. wilful killing in, in intentionally directing attacks against the civilian population, extermination, or murder as a, as a crime against humanity. persecution is a crime against humanity, although in a humane act. so these are the most serious charges leveled at both sides and the other thing, but that strikes me straight away is you'll be aware how controversial this will be in the international community. how much of a hot potato this will be from many of the western countries? how are they gonna respond? but particularly the united states, remember his previous assets to been sued to when she was considering cases involving israel and also involving us troops in afghanistan and the trump administration actually put sanctions on her. and when we've had news of possible of charges or possible arrest warrants in recent weeks,
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we've already had the us thing very strongly that they oppose this. and we've had republican senators saying that there will be serious repercussions will in response to that. in this statement, the chief prosecutor of green. com says i insisted all attempts to impede intimidates or improperly improvements the officials. this court must see. so meet me, my office will not hesitate to act pursuant to all school 70 of the run statute. if such, conduct continues, i'm unfamiliar with the run statute. i'm not familiar with every article. allow me to look that one off. there had been reports and these really, for us in the last few weeks that is really leaders, benjamin netanyahu himself were worried that this might happen. that green khan might decide to issue an arrest warrant against them. the same reports also said that the us was possibly trying to lean on the i, c. c, in order to avoid these arrest warrants. but here we are a, this is a 1000000 questions for you at this point. let's,
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let's put one thing out there right now is real and the united states are not parties to the international criminal court. then also they have not signed the rome statute. the us has decided not to mainly i think because they are concerned about the charges in the past and in the future against us troops operating in, in, in, in conflicts. and this route is certainly not policy. what the significant thing here is, is the palestine is a party to the rome statute. that was a great deal to base about this. the palestinians made amazing application and it was decided eventually that they could join. and so there was jurisdiction, not everywhere, but there's jurisdiction in the palestinian territories. and that's why careen con, can pursue. now, these arrest warrants against 3 senior, i'm us officials and commanders, and 2 of the top top officials, israel, the prime minister, and the defense minister. it's
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a very important moment. i think one thing i do need to kind of fight for of you is because you do get confused with these courts. i see j i sees. yeah, this is the international criminal court. this is the top criminal court in the world. this is separate from the international court of justice. although this cool, the i, c. c is supported by the un. it's not possible you at the international court of justice is the top court in the u. n. system the talk will the court that is doing its own separate investigations. that's normally a code that deals with countries breaking, treating so it's normally we don't put in the news business or less interested in it often quotes and attract the i. c. j can prosecute states, where's the i c, c goes outside individuals. the reason the i c, j has got involved in this is because of one particular treaty, the genocide convention. i mean, all i, c, j is already post pursued to different political professional meshes, inter emissions which says israel, most likely more aid. i'm that now looking at another measure completely separate
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from what we've just been talking about about trying to stop the restful, offensive continuing. and so there are 2 different. yeah. so they both happened to see it in the dark city of the hague and many hoping saying look at the i, c, j. it's not the cool really, that nobody deals with this sort of stuff and it's leading the way. whereas the i, c, c. well, the i c, c of come out and they've acted today, and it's very, very strong actions also was telling james pause for a 2nd. i'm hearing kareem khan speak live at the hague. no, come on. no civilian liter, no one connect with impunity. nothing on us. i can justify wilfully depriving human beings including women, women, and children, babies the old and the young. all the basic necessities required for life. nothing, nothing. a congestive 5 hostage taking all the targeting and cleaning of
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civilians independent junctions of this international criminal court. the so probably test as to whether the necessary standard for the issue and some warrants and the rest to be met. the judges of the international criminal court must be now given the space to do that work and dispassionately and objectively review the evidence that we have submitted should the judges approve my applications and issued the requested warrants. i will work closely with the registrar of the court to apprehend the name of individuals by quote, opponent count total states, especially state politics to the room statute to approach this application and the subsequent traditional decision that will be rendered with the same seriousness.
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they have shown in other situations i also stand ready to work with non state policies in a common pursuit of justice and accountability. it is critical in this moment. but my office of all parts of the quote continued to conduct our work with full independence fund. impartiality not insist all attempts to impede to intimidate or to improperly influence the officials of his cold cease immediately. my office will not hesitate to act a pursuant to the provisions of article 17 of the rooms statute if such, conduct continues possessed. we would also submit for the applications for water into the rest if and when we determine oft independent and objective
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analysis. but the threshold of realistic prospect conviction is being met. my office is advancing multiple and to connect to an additional lines of inquiry. including concerning reports of sexual violence during the 7th, october attacks in israel. and in relation to large scale bombing. that is coolest and continues to cause so many civilian deaths and injuries and so much suffering and cause i renew my cool a potties to the kind of conflict to comply with these basic principles of mole without any further delay. i also wish to emphasize that the principle of complementarity at the hall to the room statute will continue to be assessed by my office as we take action in relation to the alleged crimes otherwise perpetrators. and as we move forward with other lines of inquiry,
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complementarity requires us to defer to national authorities only when they sincerely engage and independent and impartial, traditional processes that do not shield suspects from accountability. and which one of the shown it's requests the investigations at all levels, addressing the policies and actions underlying these applications. i can also confirm today that i'm reasonable grounds to believe on the basis of evidence collected and examined by my office that he's really prime minister benjamin netanyahu administer of defense. you. i've got a back criminal responsibility for the following international crimes committed on the tenant tree on the state of palestine from at least the 8th of october 2023
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to crimes include starvation of civilians as a method of wolf. i will fully causing great suffering serious injury to body or health or cruel treatment for killing or motor and intentionally directing attacks against a civilian population as well as crimes against humanity of extermination and all matter, persecution and navigation. some crimes of committing other human acts is alleged. these crimes were committed in the context of the ongoing conflict on this part of a wide spread and systematic attack against the civilian population of gaza pursuant to the state policy. unfortunately, these crimes continue to this day, my office submits these individuals through upcoming plans,
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have systematically deprived the civilian population of casa of objects, indispensable to human survival. we have reached that conclusion based upon interviews with survivors. many eye witnesses, experts from satellite imagery, statements from is really officials including the 2 individuals subject to the present application. as well as based upon several 100 authenticated videos, photographs unfold your recordings. many of which were taken shad by victims and the eye witnesses themselves. this systematic deprivation resulted from a decision to pose a total siege on garza by complete, the closing the 3 border crossing points, rough or shut them, shut them, underwriters for extended periods of time. and by i'll be totally restricting the
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transportation of a central supplies including food and medicine, through the border crossings after they, when we open the siege. the total siege also involve cutting off across the border water pipelines from israel to gaza, which is the principal source of clean water from the population in gaza. it was cut off for prolonged periods, beginning on the 9th of october 2023. and it was accompanied by the cutting off or hindering of electricity supplies to gaza from the 8th of october 2023 and $2.00. today. that conduct took place alongside of tax been killed civilians, including people, drink for food, instructional aides, and they're free by him. monetary and organizations other tax on aid workers.


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