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tv   Al Jazeera World Return to Palestine  Al Jazeera  May 20, 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm AST

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the forward all the zeros you've seen telling us nothing grows forever. the top prosecution for the international criminal court, the 6 arrest florence for his randy prime minister benjamin netanyahu on from us politically. that is mountain near the color that i'm installed here today that says out of here at life from the also coming up more attacks. meanwhile in northern garza is one of the last functioning hospitals runs down. sure, thank you. ron supreme needed a glass of 5 days of warning that says the nation will proceed as normal. after present, abraham racy was killed and i had until the advocates, former president, jacob's duma, is far from running. and next week's general election,
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the while we begin with breaking news, the chief prosecutor says the international criminal court, colleen con, has announced that he'll be applying for multiple arrest warrants for several is really on to mass. lead is. the list includes is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu. these really defense minister you have kalonde most politically, that smell honey and her last minute trulia. yeah, yes. and one con, says, israel has intentionally targeted civilians and gaza have reasonable grounds to believe on the basis of evidence collected and examined by my office. that is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu administer of defense. you, i've got a back criminal responsibility for the following international crimes committed on the territory of the state of palestine from at least the 8th of october 2023.
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the crimes include starvation of civilians as a method of wolf. i will fully causing great suffering, serious injury to body or health or cruel treatment, also killing or murder, unintentionally directing attacks against a civilian population as well as crimes against humanity of extermination, handling matter, persecution, and allegations of crimes of committing other in human acts is alleged these crimes were committed in the context of the ongoing conflict, and that's part of a wide spread and systematic attack against the civilian population of casa pursuant to a state policy. unfortunately, these crimes continue to this day. my office submits these
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individuals through upcoming plans, have systematically deprived the civilian population of gaza, of objects, indispensable to human survival. we have reached that conclusion based upon interviews with survivors. many eye witnesses, experts from satellite imagery, statements from is really officials including the 2 individuals. subject to the present complication, all the prospect of the international criminal court issuing the restaurants has come up before during the war on garza, especially as of april. and these really prime minister responded to the possibility of a warrant for his arrest, saying a move would be an outrage or the international criminal court in the he is contemplating issue in the russ once again. senior is really government and
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military officials as war crimes. this would be an outrage of historic proportions. international bodies like the, i see a rose in the wake of the holocaust committed against the jewish people. they were set up to present so chars to prevent future genocides. you know, the international court is trying to put as well in the dock as well as not even subject to the court's jurisdiction. and it has an independent legal system that rigorously investigates all violations of the law. rather, this isis, the attempt is an attempt to paralyze is very ability to defend itself corresponding and wrong con joins us live now from the to damian. capital, amman, your cold at benjamin netanyahu. his cabinet has bound altar 0 from israel. so we are now reporting from outside the country, and one went on surprisingly, saying pushed back already and israel can you talk us through the reactions, sorry,
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fathers from the government and the opposition is well, let's take one of the most senior members of the is ready will cabinet many, gams, he's actually come out and said putting ice, you see i'm putting the i c c. lead is in line with a mass is a moral blindness. accepting the position of the itc prosecutor is a historic crime that will not be a race bearing much attacking the ice. you see that is also worth pointing out of this. at this stage, the many guns he's actually a political rival to benjamin netanyahu whole. so the lead to all the, the all position yard the page has been speaking. he says to be arrest warrants or a disaster. and a serious political failure. these radio position later was i went on to say we will not accept the comparison between israel m as in the international criminal court. and i look forward to the united states standing behind us. now we've also been hearing from sauls is closer to the problem is, is office calling is
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a disgrace and insolent gesture hypocrisy at the highest level. so that's likely to be the kind of language that when the prime minister benjamin netanyahu actually officially reacts he will use you have got on the defense minister will probably use very similar language. but it's not just about the reaction. this is also going to be about the response to this as well. now remember, as well isn't a signature e, all of the i, c, c. neither is the us, but people in israel and now publicly talking about the fact that the us needs to do something. so is role is likely responds in the 1st instance, at least will be to reach out to it's our lives, both in europe and in the united states, to try and put the pressure on the ice. you see how much pressure they can put, how much they can do remains to be seen. effectively, the response will be and know you use the most simple words possible is to try and make this go away. now these really is all taking this incredibly seriously already
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the national security lead black spots. i have met all. so the minister of foreign affairs, legal experts are meeting to try and figure out what this is. but we're also hearing the old o. uh, they were expecting this the actual decision and the public ness of that decision has come as a shock to the political issue of israel. and long do you get any sense that, that this decision in this announcement by the i c. c will have any discernible impact on, on the wall and the way that israel is choosing to carry it out. i thought may will be the reason that the prosecute the car, even con, actually put this out publicly to tribal pressure on all of the policies to come up with this east. but uh, that's something that we've heard from very handily so far. but on the ground, i think is going to make the israelis even more determined to try and prosecute this rule in the way that they see fit. that's something that they've been telling
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the us for a long time. remember, jake sullivan was just a, the national security advisor of the us, your go out and had a meeting with him just a few hours ago in that meeting. he was very clear. he said that they were going to go into rough at the way they saw fit, the national security advisor allegedly telling as well that the other ways of going into rafa to prosecute the world in a different way. apparently that wasn't being taken seriously. body is right, is when they have an impact, we don't know, this is uncharted waters. it's very impressive that to be any we will present that we have is when it comes to decisions from the united nations security council that are simply dismissed by the is ratings most the time. they just say that the united nations isn't nancy's randy body. oftentimes they choose the united nations of being anti semitic, and they're able to dismiss things like that. uh, the view and security council resolutions in that manner. this, however, is
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a lot more serious, even though these arrest warrants haven't actually been issued that style to the quote itself is ro, is scrambling to come up with a reaction. but i think the response is going to be key. the reaction will come in to be swift, and it will condemn the ice. you see what they will try and do a balance. it will be very interesting. and long con the, with a very nice has reaction from israel. now a reminder that we are now having to report from the jordanian capital amount, because there's no who's cabinet has banned us from reporting in israel. well, let's now go to our correspondence, honey must flood. he joins us now from central garza honey. i know so many people that have felt very neglected or ignored by the international community for some months now. have these arrest ones with these requests for these restaurants changed anything? is nothing significant yet. i spend the past 15 minutes just
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around the court yard of the hospital, just asked if people of the actually seeing or heard this a statement by the isis, the prosecutor about the arrest warrant for these really prime minister and his defense minister and a 3. how boss top leaders, and it's all sounded quite insignificant for people that 1st of all, people have been off the grid for the past week. so there has been an outage of electricity for the past 7 months. but more recently, difficulty and communication people are unable to, to call their family members and, and loved ones, let alone to connect it to the internet. it's only people who are in media and, and in the journalist community who are aware of what's going on on the guard. there is a huge difficulty and it's challenging, getting the right information as well. i have an access to this information for people when we talk to them about this, the, the daily struggle is what, what matters to them. every day the food supplies, the medical supplies, the fuel,
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the kids that health facility liked the one behind me sustainable, unable to provide a medical intervention and proper one for the injuries arriving today. but more importantly, the huge influx of displays, people who are pushed into in force displacement. the central area for the past is 2 weeks. so far they are filling up the roads here in the central area with no, with no basic supplies whatsoever to keep them a surviving these difficult conditions. the rest florence, while it, it sounded really promising because what we're seeing on the ground in terms of the, of the genocide, they'll accent the in the, the evidence of, of committing it then the old atrocities, including the mass agree with the destruction of healthcare facilities. the schools, academic institutions, the rapid mass going of people here, there is a public defiance by these really prime minister. and that's where people is stating that there is it really point out of it. because these rel is always at the side where it is opposing anything coming to from the international arena,
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like they, you want to security council and they have terrible experience with that. and talking about how as soon as of right now, it more of this is the question of applicability. is it going to be applicable? how effective is that going to happen, particularly when we look at right now as we speak, we could hear it clearly the explosion uh, ongoing explosion of our hillary showing as well as the, the constant bought selling of a drones that has been intimidating. a very much for people, it displays families local, resent us with a sense from the area to see this at the sign of public defiance, prosecutor statement, but on the ground there is no lit up. no signs of slowing down any of these genocide deluxe on the ground. if we need to start ration to enforce the hydration don, going to block a blockade on old atlanta crossings. the prevention of people from leaving the guster for medical, better medical attention and the constant intense bombing campaign going on. honey . as you say,
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the fighting is continuing and gaza even as the i c. c. chief prosecution makes this request. can you give us a sense of, of what's happening on the ground? obviously, the, the rough or offensive has been continuing a diesel in both northern the dogs is to have been rough. i said it is really a task, continued the pounds across these 2 parts and, and what seems to be a surge in the top just the past hours we, we receive these confirmed reports. so more of the air attacks and not only the center part of robust city and the eastern part that has almost right now was empty of any of the local residents. and these really military speaking over and below those in the vast majority of the area, including the public facilities, cemeteries and henri infrastructure and the roads. but now the tax are expanding as far as the western part. that's the same neighborhood where 2 weeks ago, 1000 of displaced families were in that area do where in the setup there makes
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shift $0.10 and other areas where the word shouldering is because under heavy bombardment, 3 people reported go through our shoulder and inside a residential home, several other injuries reported to the hospital. there we have one hospital now almost when a brink of complete shut down because it does not receive the will for the past couple of weeks since the beginning of the military operations and expansion of it and drop off city field hospitals are struggling. and also because of the problem of the fuel, they don't have enough fuel to suspend their operations. meanwhile, when we look at your body of rep is you can, what we're looking at is more of a destruction of a whole, a whole area, not only the comp itself, but also the surrounding area. that's part of you about the town as well as the, the northern part of it that it gives a big town and big la city, the healthcare facilities, all the ro say there's at least a close to 30 percent of golf. the rest of it gives you a value or you can have been both of those by those really military and turned into
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more of a pile of ruins and more of a waste land. similar to what we seen in the city of han you and as the trapping people inside evacuation centers who have no way whatsoever to leave right now, they haven't received any food supplies or water supply for the past 2 weeks. and since these really military push the button into the center of, of your body or up to the account, what we are seeing right now constance use something except for some, it's a genocide, but on the ground it's worse than a genocide. honeymoon want that reform for us from the ground from there about on the central part of the gaza strip. thank you very much, honey as well. let's break some of this down without different matic. i just had it, james space. james, i want to start with the timing of this. it was interesting. some of the language that cream con, used in his, in his video statement seems to acknowledge that this is a moment that international itself is on trial. is that why we've seen this? mean? i think international little, maybe on trial and i think the court itself,
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he's cool, may be on trial and that's some of the background to why they've decided what to do, what they do. so big technical, but it is different. the way they've done this from what they did in 2023 last year in march, when they issued ret arrest warrens full. glad to be put in the president of russia and maria the vote. but beloved by his children's commissioner, then we got a public statement from the court. these arrest warrants have been issued. if these people go to any of the countries, but the signatures to the run stopped to, that's the statute, the governance, the international criminal court, they should be arrested. they've done it slightly differently. this time they've decided to of the 1st stage that clearly happened to private in the coaching case in public. because what we've got so far is north arrest warrants being which issued. but the prosecutors say, i think there are grounds for restaurants of these 3. i'm us leaders and these right, the prime minister and he's right, the defense minister,
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i'm applying to judge is to, to issue those arrest warrants. what will now happen is the pre, a pre trial chamber of the international criminal court will look at what he's put forward and decide whether to issue the rest born. so it's not clear to me exactly why they decided to do its different way, but maybe it is the fact of what we're seeing and gaza at the moment and the scale of the desktop. and the hope that maybe this can bring an end to the killing and maybe even force that force the hand of those who are blocking a ceasefire at this point. while it may put pressure on, on israel and does rouse allies, but it will surface if they put pressure on, on the independent panel of judges as they're having to, to look at this. i'm also curious about why it's taken quite so long. we know that cream comes made several visits to the region. he's been denied access as far as i am. stands to it because this trip itself is it, is it that it's, it's taken this long to gather enough evidence in order to be able to put a case for as i say,
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i'm sure that's what they would say. and i showed that what they would say that doing it remotely. and then when you rely on media reporting requires them to test spend a little bit longer than they would if they were able to go to the scene. but of course, they're not able to get to the scene. israel is not letting in investigations of the international criminal court and not nothing in the international commission of inquiry, but not letting in human rights investigators from other parts of the un. special rock protest is rather than that, anyone like that in? so that may be a reason, but clearly that has been a great deal of criticism from a m uh, from green. com. and um, i think he will be well aware and he makes it clear in his statement of that, but he knows that particularly in the us and israel, he's being criticized. and he's saying that no, i will not stand for that. and i may even decide to take measures against those that try and block the action of the court down the line. because remember, if the arrest warrant to issued,
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then any one of 124 countries obliged to arrest these 5 men. anyone who signed, signed to run stopped and you're talking about the wrench dot truth that established the international criminal court. interesting, the, the, me, the israel know, the united states all state parties to the run statute. and it was interesting to hear what him on cano corresponded to saying that as well as cooling on the us to take action, what kind of action would would even be an option for the us. the us isn't an interesting position. we have the trump administration that really hated the international criminal it. and it's basically the republican position. they don't sign up to it. do us any us government because they ultimately don't want us troops at any point to, to face the jurisdiction of the court. but democratic administrations, obama and now pardon have cooperated in the cold and the pos, think of the 4 think of the charges with regard to ukraine. so it puts, i think, the us administration in a difficult position on what they do much click,
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we'll click up with this route. they will oppose this every way they can. but the us and the more difficult position. but i think ultimately the countries that are in the most difficult position of those that have been strongly supporting israel and all signatures. the court said that they fully support the course we've had in the last few minutes to anyone i've seen is the boat informing us the thing. we support this and we support the course. gotta be harder. i think when you get to germany, all the u. k. which you being so supportive. i mean, yes, they criticized some of the lack of humanitarian access, but they've been among the most supportive cool. um countries of israel. how are those countries going to respond on this occasion? because if they suddenly say no, no, we don't like this, we're not going to agree with this routing that's don't have just this works. it's no sir. a picking mix. you have to take absolutely everything that the court says whether you liked it will not. so i think watch very closely what we get out of the white house out of the state department, clearly out of jerusalem,
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but also out of countries like powers, like berlin and uh like power as bullying and loved to, well speaking of international justice more, more broadly, this isn't the only case that's looking at what's happening right now in gaza. and just from view is obviously, and we're talking about a system of international justice and there are different organs within that system . so today we're talking about a request for a restaurant to the international criminal court, which is a different body from the international court of justice where there is an ongoing case. can you just explain it because it gets very confusing because by fees cause a both based on the announcements and the price based on the same dutch city. the hate so does get confusion. the i c. c is corporates with the un, but it's not a un body. that's because t countries, notably the us, didn't want to be part of it. so it had to existence be created outside the u. n. it deals with criminal proceedings against people responsible for war crimes. tax
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is job, and the countries that have signed off it's a $124.00 out of a $193.00, the $190.00 member states of the un. i actually paula stein, and that's why this case can be held, is a policy to the right statute. separately, you have so many as much old a impact. it basically dates from the league of nations before the united nations, which is the international court of justice. that is part of the you and the us is part of that court as is every one of the $193.00 members of the united nations. but they normally deal with technical breaches of treaties. and quite a lot of that work is pretty dull and doesn't make the news all that often spots with regard to the war and garza and this, this is not the 1st time it is for the, for the breakthrough case was on the on more a few years ago, there was one particular treaty that is being used to make them deal with effectively war crimes issues. and that's the genocide convention. and so we have a case for genocide bought by south africa. the court has already twice now issued
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interim judgments with the co provisional measures saying, we think is ro should be allowing more aid in a to garza. well, there's a new application to fact cools from south africa in the last few days, saying that there should be a complete stop to be offensive in rafa. the, the stuff offerings decided to tighten that request to make it very explicit and specific. and that cool, it's going to the side in the next few days on that one. so it's, it's quite possible that these 2 different separately constituted courts could both bring, will barrels, a legal action against israel, and then the if each and so we all watching the, the wheels of international justice fairly. so the tiny, james pays out to somebody, get his a thank you for sharing your insights. let's now speak to our senior political analyst smell on the shower. he joins us today from paris. mountain we've been speculation for weeks about what the international criminal court might do has the
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way that this is played out today. has this come as a surprise it should not that's for sure. but it's kind of been slightly so for those who have been rather cynical about the international law and the capacity of uh, won't power western powers of, uh, weighing in on such decisions. fortunately, they did not or could not weigh in enough to describe the court or rather, the prosecutor, i should say for the time being uh from issuing his statement. and i thought that was uh, quite important. uh, it was uh, paved now for inside, over the seats went on as more than or more than one location besides those who are trying to, uh, connect to him or black man, him or,
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or what time he was especially it was in the united states and uh, the lights, it is important, but as you said, uh, i like the expression, the wheels of justice are turning on the district and they turned in for an order of them backwards. and it's important because this is, you know, seeing the globally, isn't there not a law as the poor man or the week man, or we women's online. you know, people have a lot of faces, especially the city is when you speak to. but as soon as you see them citing international law every other state, but so the fact that this is happening is certainly a non marked decision. it's a non mark page, it is but historical data. indeed that indicates something started 1st loan. i'm curious about the motivations here by kareem call and the chief prosecutor said, obviously he faced a huge amount of criticism with regards to what was happening in gauze and the lack of,
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of seeming movement. that when we didn't see an arrest warrant issued full of let them imprison fairly early on in the ukraine conflict, would you ever gone? what's happened is now as a political statement as to what's especially given, this isn't actually in a restaurant, but a request for an arrest. one that's been made public. as long as you can sit split to go, you say, perhaps as the excess of politics in the sense that really wanted to make sure it goes by the book. especially that there's so much push back on the parts of 2nd powers. and secondly, the united states, you definitely want to go buy the book and there is a special case that's not forget, that is right is especially if there's always been on the financial statements of the lines that no one can accuse. nothing. yeah, hold on. i should be the 1st to do so and i hoped it would be that i sat in the statement that he should be 1st and foremost, held accountable for undermining the memory of the holocaust. and basically
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destroying the fight against anti semitism by really engaging as the prime minister of his writing in such terrific acts against the proceedings in gaza. and the rest of us time was also, it's more you think, the memory of genocide, the heart of cost. and so on, so forth. so i think kind of have to be very careful basically going by the book. and he did try to balance about somehow we can go and discuss the legs by saying that both smart to 0. this for both sides is it has, what are the cities did what they do the door 7, and that's also a is a lot prime and indeed even included that right, so, so forth. what was also interesting because up in both statements about these issues against the palestinians around the mouse eaters extremely this is that
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there was a dr. extermination. that was interesting that it was both that used in both cases with what is clear is that i see those are basically living in the extra time. you know, they basically sacrifice them up as soon as they entered into the stucco or and the operation on october 7. well, these are, these are sort say what impugn. that's what they enjoyed, the infinity and the support of the united states and all that was about them. they would never be such a situation because you, you need to natural law sides with a strong i guess the week. well, maybe this is a change of refreshing or with a push back from from both sides. we've obviously had plenty of pushback from is relevant. and just in the last few minutes we've had from the pillow of the palestine liberation organization to us saying that that the choice to request arrest warrants for how much lead is was and i'm pushing it a confusion between the victim and the execution. i mean, push back from both sides. do you think that there is going to be any discernible
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impact on the ongoing conflict? but as i said, you know, just from the 1st impression you says high and wanted to create that kind of a poolside is in this case. so he would not be accused of picking one those rand. i'm, i'm turning finds, i'm as you know, as we've had experts on that channel, but the many past months, a lot of the beginning of shipping is in the halting certificate of hostages based on crime. there's no doubt about that. i think i must think there's new dodge and then what do you do, what are they to pay the price for? the problem here is that the, the degree of crime that's happening, i guess i'm going to send, you succeeds by far thousands to find what happened. looked over 7. in fact, we've had over the past 6 months from october 7 to search every other day. so the 2nd push track is to get started, i think because nothing, you know, was pushed back. that was also expected,
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but it's far less colorful. i tell you why. i think our view was around the world. my to remember what i've been told that to the past 7 or as much this is really, really important. not if continue on with the, on the listen to bike when binding was warning in quite the indiscriminate funding . but the policy was started sessions applied to the targeting of hospitalization. so if you need this exam, when you said wind down to the penny, oh i'm gonna, i wouldn't have been in this position. i think, why didn't you the historic illegal dimension to what you know was doing? i'm was wondering him, i guess it's time and again, because he had is anthony who's best interest in mind. but the not listen. so did not listen to by that, and now he's facing the international prosecute that will be international, which i'm sorry, can i see the criminal court? this is really important here to distinguish while yes,
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the united states is on auto is right. yes, but not this will probably be putting that pressure moving forward, but by gaming more, nothing you know about his clothes and he just did it. then goes back to his hotline by then and continued to execute his walk crunches. you know, just the 1st, the 1st enticement, right, perfect. and so i guess nothing, you know, on the, on the 1st sponsor should start ration. it was the killing, the sacrifice 1000 people. it wasn't the destruction of most of doesn't salvation because there was a waiting for the intentional i came at jim aside the look on the spot being the person need people. i'm talking walter or population of over 2000000 people. i can nothing ever got to it now and the shara onto they were a senior political unless the speaking to us today from powers. thank you. my one
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as well. that's now bring interest in our marinello. he's a professor and low level pool. john was university. he joins us now from there. thank you for being with us, christine, or i want to start with the questions that have been raised around jurisdiction here. as we've said, the united states and israel are not state parties to the run statute. they don't. signatories to the international criminal court. can you explain why kareem con, feels he does have jurisdiction here to request arrest ones as well. first of all, many things for having to me today, what these being the state the by the us and these are last or it is from a legal perspectives a completely wrong international agreement of course, has jurisdiction, has compet, then sold a legend. international crime is committed on the policing and savvy 30, so by policy in a nation on some build, why policing police on because of the state of palestine is electrified to the state to build with international female coast. in other words,
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the types of delegate, the, the to do is big shown premium joystick, shown a building technician. i was cleaning the cold. so the cold test confidence because these crimes worked crimes into crimes against humanity. allegedly committed the policy on the side. we thought, and that's why the coast can intervene it for the us and these are, i love seeing what's cool. so i'm going to go to perspective, which will the get to the conclusion that the international court doesn't, does not have a duty addiction in ukraine. and we know that that slow too, as also stated the by the united states, the court has not to do is diction over. so gotten to because with don, he's not to say to park in the quote that's not that would do is make sure no really bill. so you can see that so many got perspective from of the state with the international of the me. of course, these are you mind these completely? i'm phone the can you talk us through the process that will happen from here? so these requests have been issued. it will now go to this panel of judges and cream con has said that if the rest warrens are been issued, he'll make every, every effort to apprehend the individuals is then obligation on state policies to
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the room. statute arrested. these individuals, if they are indeed on their soil. yeah. and these are going to get you a lot thing these moments and all of this is a request to, by the off the, some of the particular president, the, the request for the one thing, the situation, the state of palestine invoke the innovation of the international criminal court for the 1st time in 2009. so it took 15. yes for the a c. c to intervene in the slightly funny scene and setting what's next. as it hasn't been said before, the fundamental, the 3 jobs, the so the potato chain, but we'll have to evaluate the evidence submitted to by the off the, some of the particular i've seen that these, these are very compelling and solely the request. so it can be even the, the, the, the data to the request of the office over the prosecutor should likely be successful. so that besides the chain both can approve the request safety as it stands or cannot pull between pops the relation to some of the individual also some
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over the crime. so kind of a piece of international agreement that the besides the 10 but so he's going to approve of the request of, of the prosecutor, then one on to 2524 states. sorry that the, the 5 and the state of the international court have of the, of the legal obligation not to the political discretion to arrest the subject while this was on. so eventually including also net on, you know, and the guidelines in any case that to will, the significantly lead me to day and 40 to collectivity to means that the would be difficult also for them and police, if any of the states that has the right, the fight that the state with over the a c c a tristan, a you talked about how compelling the case appears to be. i want to ask you about something that that cream con said. he said that further warrants would also be issued. if he felt that there was a realistic prospect of conviction, so he obviously feels that that the case as it stands in his request for these restaurants is indeed very, very strong. how strong can the evidence be if he hasn't been given access to the
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gaza strip? how would an investigation like this have been carried out as well? let's so the sun select it, look at some of the declines that are included in the so i was told that i stood on the vase on the to be clear out of the prosecute with the does not the need to access the got to sleep through bit that'd be done on the ongoing survey shown as a work crime committed a scholarly scene on seeing the guy the street, but he's also being widely documented. and then i don't see the by international organizations, including of the secretary, janet all over to the nation. the percent of people for the no 5, so we'll do a new and young and the least is a, is a very long a. here are the same applies to other crimes, including these requests to persecution. persecution is a crime against humanity. it's been widely documented, but not only in the gods as 3 for but even the more in general in the west, the bank including the basic general selim. so these are just some examples. we have to think of clients that have been widely documented even before the 7 of the
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prosecutor now was focusing on fox after the 7 of adult. but. but as i say, even without the excess for the gods us 3. but he couldn't already get access to a wide evidence, but also it does even if he doesn't get docked so he can still interview people living with the got this 3 and the providing the direct that every day and squeeze all face on what's happening or what's happened to what's happening in the sleep, tristan or as, as legal experts. i do want to have you explain something for our view is kareem khan. and his statement mentioned something called complementarity, which is a huge amount of what the international criminal court has is founded on. can you explain that for, for our audience and how that, how that would play out here. he was very clear that in terms of, of any kind of national prosecution, then that would have to have a very that would have to be considered very, very legitimate. a, what is complement died at the very few words means that the,
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the c so so called the cost of the last of the soft can intervene only one stage. that type of thing that they do is big shown in this case by the sign. and beside unwilling or unable to put in place of genuine investigation and persecution. uh, to be honest, i don't think that the compliment thought it would be a problem in a police. the relation to the case against these that i really need this for the simple reason once because of these, of a name, any type of justice system is unwilling to and most likely also unable to prosecute the ease of highly political lead. as this has been widely document, the domain of the soul, so by independent the commission, so being quietly or would you like team they show that they've clearly documented how it would be slightly just the same is put in place to go back to shield. he's available for 38 or 6 from a josh piece of out there then providing weeks the theme. so we the just the so so although on one side, casey, so can be dallas we. busy a enough force to moment to,
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let's say, and domestic level. i don't seem to that to complement 5. if you have the mitsubishi here, we provide 2 quotes, screen, davina, police, they gaze these that any politically military lead us complement that with the could be an issue with relation to a crime. was allegedly committed to by how much to members. because as we know, he's well, in this case, he's winning and also able to eventually prosecute with a member. so by his being on home with a group tristin are in yellow that profess central and have a pool. john was university. thank you for breaking that down for us professor, and thank you for joining us on the engineering news. the one that's done to some other world news now, and iran supremely that has the cad 5 days of national morning after the death of president abraham racy and sundays helicopter crash, the wreckage was found early on monday. the aircraft was also carrying 8 of the
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officials, including the foreign minister. michael apple looks back at how events on falls advice before and after the crash. these were rainy and president e brian, right, he sees final hours attending the annual duration of to dance on sunday. near the board with us advisors on, along with that countries. presidents yolanda alias, it's all here. the seattle, this damn can provide very safe transit for goods for passengers and taurus, given how seriously the work is being carried out, i think it will take less time than originally estimated, which was almost 3 years. then reports began to emerge that the president's helicopter had to make what was referred to as a hard landing that they'd been an incident. finally, it was confirmed via craft had crashed in bad weather on board president wry. you see foreign minister who's saying a meat of the lucky on
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a provincial governor and the security details about the helicopter went down in a forest in a remote mountainous region, near the village of ozi in the east as a buyer's on province. a sort of a runs on forces in more than 70 search and rescue teams spring into action with turkish high tech night division. drones providing support from the sky, but darkness. 6 fog cold and the rugged terrain hampered search operations. across the country from tip run to the president's hometown mashhad, iranians came out to print nearly 20, always off to the helicopter. disappeared from right on the wreckage was discovered . state television delivered this message to the nation thrice, which one would have for a title shot. so hard working and relentless, president of the range and people who did nothing but serve the people on their way towards progress, kept his promise and sacrifice his life for the nation. there's been no official
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word yet on the cause of the crash. one aviation analyst says changing weather conditions can post challenges even full experience pilots. you don't, the issue is when you're taking off and the weather was clear and then you were not . when this rugged a forest liked rain up, there could be farmed developing areas that you don't expect far to develop. but the age of the helicopter may also have quite a role. the u. s. manufactured bella helicopter had been in service since 1971. westman sanctions have made it difficult for a run to obtain spare parts or new aircraft is already on the supreme leader, ayatollah ali hominy has declared 5 days of morning the according to runs constitution, a council comprised of the speaker of parliament, chief justice and 1st vice president has 50 days to cool elections for the next president, mike level, which is era. abraham lacy's pausing brings an end to
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a career spent in the haunts of the reign in clerical establishment. russell sat to take to look back at his by a ram raising was born to clerical families in mission that you're on the 2nd largest city and home to the whole is she almost been trying in the wrong was 5 years old when his father, renown cleric died, his family is close relations with the clerical establishment helped him climb to kevin leather. at the age of 15, he began his studies in the city of cool, the center of the most prominent islamic seminary in the country. among the credits he started on there was the wrong school supplement either or the combination of the revolution. in 1979, i have to look on a became your honest president embrace. he was appointed prosecutor of the city of coverage at the age of 20. 1983. he married deductible. how much i'm gonna hold on a partial credit and represent the 2 of you on supreme leader in my shot. 2 years later, at the age of $25.00,
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chris was appointed deputy prosecutor in the capital pet wrong. he was one of the 4 judges who sat on secret tribune is established in 1988 pauses of prisoners were sentenced to death and then execute at a yes. didn't a media confidence in 2021? he was asked about his role, what role i've done during my times, always i've moved towards defending human rights to confront those who disrupt the rights of people and committed isolate. crimes has all carried out and t security actions. i think the how many races mean support or was elected as the new so people leave it in 1989 at the point of racy as to hom. prosecutor gracie's rise to the judicial system, was unprecedentedly, wrapping it in the following years. he became a attorney general in 2016. the supplement either named his former as to the receipt custodian of your was welty is really just foundation the son of course,
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the recipe which managed the strain of h. yeah. you mom was in the shop and has watched the economy holdings in various sectors. nationwide race who run for president in 2017 campaign and to fight corruption. he lost the race to his fellow, collaborate for some honey. but the defeat did not tarnishes image data in 2019. so people either a point of him head of the judicial room, but not allowing him to strengthen his relations further across critical institutions. environmental in 2021. recei again ran for president premier to the election. the guardian costs will disqualify several prominent reforms. candidates who raised these challenger's coupons. the election uncontested by the toner, was the lowest since the 1979 revolution. as president, he promised to reconcile the people and the government to let the costs sent to people one to the governments to compensate for damage restore, trust and bridge. the gap between the nation and the government,
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the relationship between those 2, it's all can always so many problems, you know. but in 2022, as long as the public face the most widespread social invest, since it is published means nationwide protest an overseas to lots of 4 months suppressed by suspicious that impulse custody of 22 year old. and i say, i mean, she had been arrested for allegedly, while you made your arms bent, that's what a huge job has cut off long wherever you see took off. if you want us to call them, it was pretty put by decades of worst. i mean both sections, the 2023 races government attempted to revive the economy and put an end to the international isolation. these government normalize diplomatic relations with region arrivals, saudi arabia, and start from ties with russia and china. gordon and full membership and the stronger corporation organization. a big group of countries. despite those are for you long as economy remains in crisis and hosting solutions with the west keeper williams isolated from the international financial system. recently was
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a member of you ons, h h. c, s a group experts which selects the supreme leader. many believe that he's going to cover the political and military establishment made him a prominent candidate to succeed already come on a. the runs foreign minister was also killed in that crash. a form, a soldier to his career was devoted to protecting his country and its revolution unexpected looks back at his wife saying, i mean the law he on was born in the city of dumb gunn and northern, around in 1964. when he was just 6 years old and his father died, leaving the family to move to from his family, settled in one of its poorest neighborhoods on the capital southern outskirts. the outbreak of war with the rounds wished a neighbor rock in 1980 would be a pivotal moments. i'll meet up to live here. the 16 year old and listed to serve and volunteered until a ceasefire was reached in 1918. i would like to create it be experienced. the
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leading him to work at the foreign ministry is a rock disk. in 1919 after the war, i mean it up to last year and enrolled at the foreign ministry school of international relations and would like to receive his bosses and dr. will to grace from the university of terre hon. in 1997, he was appointed under secretary of a runs embassy to a rock. during this time you would develop a close relationship with customs, so the money became come on. the overruns could force around 1997 and was advised to assess an exit in the us drawing strike in 2020. the revolution regards could support as an a lease unit that handles around overseas operations. so my money would become a major force and i'll meet up the lock in future. he would even like to refer to themselves as somebody's soldier. during the us invasion of a rock in 2003, i made up the loss and it was appointed as the heat of a rock fees at the foreign ministry and from 2007 to 2010. he would serve as
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a runs, invested a to buy frame. during this time i made up the loss and said he would often consult somebody money for guidance. this relationship with so the money would lead been present monkwood, i'm a democrat to appoint. i mean of deluxe young is safety. foreign minister, the error of an effort, confused in 20, leaving the election of abraham. right. you see is president in 2021. so i mean of the life can quickly promoted to become the country's top diplomat. his appointment was approved for 270 votes to attain and their bonds parliament. and during his poem entry reviews, he was clear about his approach. so maintained himself as a staunch becca overruns. excess of resistance during his 3 years is the country's foreign minister. they wouldn't monumental shift center runs strained relations with saudi arabia. the 2 countries cut ties in 2016, but the leadership in the country decided to review relations last year and
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a deal broken by china, the outbreak of israel's war and gossip also. so i mean it up the last you on take a pivotal and active role he want is right. well that's her fun. could intervene and expressed support for both thomas and his bold members of the cycled excess of resistance. and an april winning is riley drawn, strike destroyed ron's come to us in serious capital, damascus. i mean, i'll block you on cold the attack. a violation of all international obligations and conventions. he demanded a serious response from the international community. a community he was expected to play a role in so many years to come. and so off it goes top court has bod, former president, jacob's doing that from running from paul them. and the constitutional court made the announcement on monday, a c, 3 year old to my left office and 2018 face and corruption allegations and was also briefly jails. the contempt of court and surprise me if he formed a new political policy. i'm comfortable. jay's way the m k policy to run against
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his full apology, the agency and the elections on may 29th. for me, the miller has more from john his back. we also spoken to supporters who outside the quote in the day and some of the responses we're getting from members of that m . k party is that it means very little to them because he remains part of the party . he's the leader. his face will remain on the ballad, paypal when elections come round in just a few days time. and so he's ideologies, he's present sort of back remains and also a lot of the support is believed that he has been victimized. and so for some of them, this comes as little surprise. it's possible, of course, with somebody like zoo my, despite it based being based on, you know, a little and the constitution and to explain to you that resume has been bought from running because of the conviction he received for contempt of quote, the conviction in sentencing and people who read
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a sentence to 5 years or more in prison and aren't able to pay a fine comp and run for public office. and so it's based on that. it's members of each party say is that it means very listen to them. but also this is a part to that's going through its own difficulties. i have to point out zoom out during the party in december last year. some would say as a founding member, but the founder of that party, jo blondie, tomato has since been kicked out by zoo my full they say compromising the party and double on eclipse tomorrow. then because please do more on precautionary says pension. so that's just giving you an idea around some of the difficulties within the party. maybe some of the supporters might not know where it stands, but you might still forms a very important symbolic speaker. but those will have gone on to support the m p part. the may be some of them leaving the african national congress, the
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ukraine's khaki city. and it's around the villages have been hit by a series of ariel strikes as russian forces pushed farther into the region on homeland was in the village of cheer, costs gullible as a and just off to a russian missile attack. to cus, good lives over was a quiet village. just know for par keith where people came to fish until 11. am this sunday the me so ripped through the country club on the lake? sure. we run into valentino one during the road outside. what's happening in the hollow for a fragment? he's my head here. elizabeth, my blood congealed. it smells at that. then i called my husband, but she didn't, because you know, he was lying on the lake shore was his dog. where his phaser, her husband is one of the dead. who disabilities just 20 minutes from how to key
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if you cry and 2nd, city ross has been bombarding it for months, hitting industrial targets and for residential buildings. so military, unless, believe it's an effort to push the population out, let's look forward to use the noise was so just staying in the country club live, it's less. this is not even a so called soviet press base. the russians like to say, and what's the impulses of your plan? what a place this is absolute nonsense. people had told us that with 2 strikes that they beat to showed us what they did to her house. you can see the range of the bloss to the destruction in the houses in this village. the windows of lane. the roof has been damaged here as well. but it's not just that is the people they've been lost or been injured. be to sister and the
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husband, the discipline, back to see the family of the leaving for all island doesn't start the will. they were outside when the 2nd strike here, which is a bit she said gosh, just in her breast. that's what caribella did not have to close them. and bunch them at my brother in law's good like was almost and set out and his stomach was one of them, but land kia and the blood tests pouring out like a fun thing. just a moment for you. i'm glimpses have now taken both away and beats his mom lou both start sweeping up while she waits the nurse for the impact to what's happened here. hasn't yet some kids on the home and out to 0 to castillo's all the few cried well, very thing is currently underway in the 5th phase. now india is general election monday stage has the least number of seats being contested with 89500000 versus
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septic trees. representatives for $49.00 seats, voters in the financial capital known by acute outside holding stations to cost the balance. this is the world's largest selection and began on april the 19th and will end on june, the fast with results due by june for the french presidents. emanuel mac on has called a meeting of his defense and security council to discuss the unrest in the pacific territory. of new caledonia bandage and as calico island does have refused to abandon their road blocks. however, the french forces have made some progress, carrying the highway, linking the capitals to the main airport, purchased again a week ago in response to propose changes to the electro law that critics say, well done, new to the voice of the indigenous cannot community. well just to remind to the full week of breaking news story, the sound, the chief prosecution of the international criminal court cream con, has announced that he will be applying for multiple arrests warrants for several is really on tomas leaders that list includes is really prime minister benjamin
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netanyahu is ready defense, minnesota, us kalonde in a statement con, says he believes that crimes against humanity were committed by israel as possible . widespread and systematic campaign against the palestinian civilian population. he says, crimes have been committed, including the starvation of civilians intentionally and causing great suffering serious bodily hon and directing attacks against civilians. meanwhile, as i said, con, will also be pursuing a restaurants with 3. i'm us leaders including minute truly the yes and well politically that is melania and head of the all. cassandra gave mohammed the abraham l last 3. the court believes they the criminal responsibility for the killing of hundreds and is really civilians. don't try that 7th. last year, i a well done co way. i'll be back in just a mind that was not small. the day is news to announce as they are in treating out ongoing coverage. what's happened with the i c c. the
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route to mode is to take them out into the country and k o l g 0. well, goes to gamma with political schools in the 1980s, with sexual bias. i, since there was a big back. so come many battles in which south humans president was part of a deadly gay. i refused to give them my head, give up power the killing of self human. the politicians during a routine cabinet victory, age 1986, an estimate of an assassination on al jazeera. the while i'm pleased to say that we, they have slightly dry weather for the se, for sale full of the time painting because a lot of the clear skies here. finally, got rid of low pressure or the latest system to bring some rain is now wake needs to move into the south atlantic. a little bit of weather that just pushing up
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towards the re i but you can see monday does look a much drive day. i'm afraid we all going to see further shelves as we go 13, tuesday night. what's the weather? never ready to fall away, some pockets of heavy and found the rewriting. coming for a gusty winds as well. they'll run their way down towards uruguay. somebody's shout was too up to what was the northwest particularly across. but his way that easing across the into columbia wanted to shout was to into the camera family scene a shower to win to trinidad. las. you delightful. the east, not as for the time being west, the weather will be across the greater entities, a cuba sing, some wet weather, showers the to into jamaica. and if the his spaniel really sounds a little more widespread as we go through tuesday, we will see some showers of that state all the way down towards about beta small across the us. we have got to dry. why that warm weather for the eastern side of the us, but live the storm gathering across the northern plains, moving across the great legs, and running by the east, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the hello again, i missed on the attain, this isn't use our line from the coming up in the next 60 minutes, these individuals to upcoming plans have systematic to deprive the civilian


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