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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 20, 2024 4:00pm-5:01pm AST

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the eastern side of the west, but live the storm gathering across the northern plains, moving across the great legs and running by the east, the the hello again, i missed all the attain. this isn't use our line from doha. coming up in the next 60 minutes. these individuals to upcoming time, have systematic to deprive the civilian population of casa of objects, indispensable to human survivor. the top prosecutors of the international criminal court takes arrest warrants, as rarely prime minister benjamin s and the office until mosley the less cold must
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politically the smell honey. among others. that's as israel rems. it's a tax on garza, one of the last functioning hospitals in the north has now gone out around supreme need to declare as 5 days of morning that says the nation will proceed as normal, often presents. abraham rise seems as kills and a helicopter crash until the advocates of the president j conseula as far from running and next week's general election and school assign the shuffle. it has won the 1st major gulf title of his career. the american hold the pot to on the final green 2 in the pga tract. is it the? well, it is now that teen hunger g n t and we begin this news out with breaking news. the chief prosecutor serve the international criminal court. green. com has an us he's going to use taking
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multiple arrest warrants for several is riley and her last need is that list encourage these rarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu. these ready defense minister, you'll have kalonde. i'm asked politically that is my money and i'm asked mil it truly that. yeah, us and wall sconces. israel has intentionally targeted civilians and gaza each weigh like whole states has the right to defend its population. it has every right to ensure the return of hostages that have been criminally and callously taken. those rights, however, do not absolve these rail, always obligations to comply with international humanitarian law. intentionally causing death to starvation, injury and suffering to the civilian population, including so very many women and children of criminal means to achieve military and political goals. my office also submits today that there are reasonable grounds to
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believe that hostages taken from israel, taken from the homes, taken from that community, is how being kept in to main conditions. and that some have been subjected to her rent of sexual guidance, including rape. well being held in captivity, israel's foreign minister says the i c. c 's move against its leaders as a historic disgrace. and that a special war and has now been set up to counteract the decision. israel has bound dial 0 from a portion from this, or let's speak to our correspondent mohammed challenging and joins us now from the to damian capital. i'm on now that took us through the reaction in israel. so far. obviously pushback from both the government and i see the opposition to that's right. let's start 1st and just as you know with the opposition leader. yeah . your la pete who tweeted out a statement in which he said that the announcement from the i c. c was a disaster and a failure. he went on to say,
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we will not accept the comparison between israel and how mouse and the international criminal court. and i look forward to the united states standing behind us. beyond that, we've also seen a statement put on twitter by uh by been again, who is a member of the work cabinet? of course, a former defense minister. she said, placing the leaders of a country that went into battle to protect its citizens in the same line with bloodthirsty terrace is more blindness and a violation of its duty inability to protect its citizens. accepting the position by of the prosecutor would be a historical crime that will not be denied. beyond that. we're also seeing reactions coming out from fund named a senior is really officials throughout the israeli media landscape. quotes like, this is a decision that is hypocritical and embarrassing on an international level. also some official saying this is disgraceful, insolent and a hypocritical decision. and also what we're hearing is that even though, as we know many in israel had been expecting for the last several weeks that the
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prosecutor of the international criminal court might sink arrest warrants against senior is really officials. but they were still shocked when the announcement came about. now, as you mentioned, just before, we are hearing that there are urgent consultations going on right now with the national security council and the ministry of foreign affairs. and that essentially, a lot of a high level legal minds in israel right now are, you know, trying to come together to figure out how to proceed going forward with this bombshell news that even though they were worried might happen. they certainly weren't expecting what happened today. massage, yeah, mm hm. mounted, we had from cream con eddie who was very, very detailed in his statement about why he's, why he's requesting these restaurants, particularly for these really it is in terms of the intentionality of, of some of their decisions. especially for instance, they use installed ation as a weapon on of war. do you think this will have any discernible impact on the way that is rel, chooses to prosecute? this will going for the one that's out here. there is
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a lot of speculation that perhaps the fact that it was announced that the prosecutor kareem khan was seeking these arrest warrants. but perhaps that is a way of putting pressure on is real a to try to come to some sort of a ceasefire agreement. that's just speculation, that's nothing that's been said by anybody in the government officially, but that's what's out there and these really media right now, but it is a good question. will it have a discernible impact when it comes to the war? nobody is really certain at this point. clearly it's really officials right now. are expecting the united states to stand behind them to try to apply pressure on the international criminal court. and in the past several weeks, when those reports were emerging from israeli officials, that they were worried that arrest words might be issued. you did see reports in the us and which us officials were quoted as saying that they would do whatever they could to try to apply pressure on the i. c. c to not issue these arrest
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warrants. what kind of pressure? exactly they could apply? well, that's unknown because the us like israel is not a signatory to the wrong statute. they are not a member of the international criminal court. so that all is very much up in the air. but look in the past, we've seen israel when you, when resolutions, whether they be security council resolutions or you in ga resolutions are issued against israel. they typically ignore them. and they say that the you and has taken an anti israel bias or an anti israel stands and they say that they will ignore them. so certainly it seems that for the time being at least israel will be defiant . they will continue to say that this is hypocritical, that is insulin, that they will not abide by this, that they will continue to try to seek help from the us to put pressure on the i c . c. but as to what the impact it might have on the we're going forward at this point, very much unclear. installed you knowledge on june the reporting for us from the lawn. thank you so much mohammed. well, just to remind the prime minister benjamin s no. his government has done dr. 0 from
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beforehand as well, and that's why we are reporting from the georgia and capital instead. what it's now goes to us on the venture of agencies in the country, capital, doha, at a global security summit that's taking place here. it's on the can you don't consider any reaction that you've been hearing that of today's announcement from the i c. c. that has been the focus of these talks have been essentially that more than it's going on for several months. and in the last hour, windows views grow. we've been hearing from multiple aspects of most journalists and people who are from these various sizes. when the stores were close to the productivity insights about how they feel about these warrants. and to discuss that further with this are 2 important members of both sides. the then a booty who's the lawyer who has represented the piano. but 1st we'll go to give you a maybe a prominent problem. this you do are on the board of hearts. tell us what is the going to be the initial reaction. obviously, this is cutting pun seeking the response we haven't been issued yet. but
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a 16 prime minister. being asked by the international committee court on the list and you have charges. what does this mean for is face of with me personally on one hand, that very surprised because groupon didn't make this impression that he would be so decisive on the other hand. so i must tell you, i see some kind of serious fiction easily well, most of crime is a be when they where we'll also find out what is the criminal war. and i think everyone knows that the will, will subprime conducted both by how much the newsletter and therefore, the think the thing to issue community is bringing those people to, quote, should encourage any mental, just as any human beings of just as for is way is right really gain to text, it said, was this war or the whole vague is of december and the order, but it is against us any to unite the game. these very easy to very nation,
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at least even more nation. this is way is everyone receives so just in such a 16 by this decision, i think it's adjusted. this is what that question of a victim would be heard from us saying that there is to be no justification for the rest, for instead of also be an issue for the leadership of from us. how do you see this as for and, and what will this mean going forward? i think that there was a lot of both sides of them. that cutting hahn is now doing. and the point that he was doing this both sides of them is because he's looking and seeing that there is a genocide that israel's perpetrating a genocide, that has really been very open about a perpetrating with over 35000 palestinians, killed mass starvation, 15000 children killed and in order to balance it out, he has to make it seem as though he's addressing both sides. but if we want to be honest, we should be looking at what it is that the government, these really government has been doing the orders that it has it issued to it's
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soldiers and it's issued orders to a soldiers to carry out a genocide if this court is to have any credibility, it should be going after the people were committing genocide, rather than just simply trying to play this game of both sides. now let's get to, what does it mean going forward is where it is not a signature of their own statute. you've, you've heard from us, uh, the just writing and that's actually a pressuring the i see. so we're still in the early phases. there is a request for this order. we haven't been issued yet. do you think they are going to be issued and kind of being forced? i don't know if it can be enforced, but you cannot, i'm the is the may, the 6. the fact that he's really pregnant is the we might become going to in all kinds of corners of the woods, and we'd be prevented the forever. they must have an effect. it's unprecedented. this is never the case when she moved in it come to which is supposed to be is the
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democracy which consider the surfaces democracy. and you have to see the overboard because it's not one case. it's an old board picture in which the entire way, more and more so more loudly. i really sense is not easy. now. we have enough. is that the same thing to you? do you really think that enough is enough? is the message that is going to resonate in israel because a lot of this is going to be most the symbolism brothers accurate actions on the ground. you're right. it is going to be mostly symbolism. but i do hope that that symbolism translates into something. if it gets into the minds of israeli soldiers that they to may 1 day, the cross charge with the war crimes that it will make it very difficult for them to travel the world and to go in and be. and these really are going to carry out a genocide and then somehow end up in places around the world. maybe they will
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think twice. the bigger problem with the licensee is that is that we've seen that it's a, it's a court that seems to go after meters from african nations and is going after. but it doesn't really do anything to go around the big to go after the big offenders to people who are committing genocide. so we'll see what happens. but i do think that this is going to have at least some sort of it will resonate somewhat inside as young people. perhaps we can just question what it is that they're doing and everything. thank you very much. if you both of you down to boots on video and maybe start there you go. this is the reaction from what size of the i have if you want to call it got to from the palestinians as well as the view from is very, very yes, there is acceptance that this might just be symbolism. but it is going to resonate not just in israel, beyond the support is, is a sounds of a speaking to people that not cable security for them for us here and are well, thank you as well. i'm us has also reacted saying the decision of that chief prosecute here in the hague equates the victim with the x that you is now and
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encourages the continuation of the occupation that speak to him delford already. now. she's in darrell, bella, and central garza and i know people that have a lot of very immediate, very practical considerations. but are you hearing anything from them about this move by the i c. c. i know people that have felt abandoned for so long by the international community. of course people in the gaza strip are feeling abundant. we're talking about more than $225.00 days and more days of unless airstrikes, endless fighting in the cause. us troop, we're talking about thousands of hundreds of palestinians, the i've been killed and injured. we have been talking to some of the people here in the courtyard develops the hospital. some people are saying this ironic that well, how come there equalizing netanyahu? and it's main, honey. how come there equalizing one incidents on october 7 with 75
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years of occupation, an endless atrocities other palestinians believe that this is meaningless for them because they have been seeing a lot of hearings from the security council since the beginning of the war. and nothing has been implemented on the ground. people in costa are frustrated, are desperate to end this more on the causes through for more than 225 days. and they believe that this won't change anything. and again, people believe that this is a meaningless where it won't change anything on the ground. well, speaking of what's happening on the ground, we know they're all senses going on right now, both in the north and the south of the gaza strip. can you talk us through what you've been seeing and hearing about what's happening that well, let's start with the north, injured by the aware for more than 4 days now. it has been,
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there has been in tens fighting between the is where the forces and the policy mean fighters. there has been and this air strikes and, and just are tended, are showing up. and also there expand things are ground, encourage and moving to defy. the same exact thing is happening where more than one in windy and people evacuated from wrestling. now, that is where the forces are expanding their operations there. the air strikes did not stop. artillery, shutting did not stop. and we also need to highlight that there are $11000.00 palestinians, strangled, in the cost of waiting for the treatment abroad. and the restaurant crossing has been closed for more than 13 days now. and policy news need to get their treatment as soon as possible. the situation on the ground talking about the has situation that giving it to their you and situation, everything is collapsing. and as, as i'm talking right now that we have been receiving more news of air strikes on
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the far in the southern causal strip. angelica diary that was a very nice, as far as reporting from the ground from there all by that. thank you very much. and how the prospect of the international criminal court issuing restaurants has come up before during this war and gaza, back on april. the 30th these really prime minister responded to the possibility of a warrant for his arrest, saying the move would be an outrage. the international criminal court in the he is contemplating do, showing the russ once again senior is really government and military officials as war crimes. this would be an outrage of historical portions. international bodies, like the i see a rose in the wake of the holocaust committed against the jewish people. they were set up to present. so charge to prevent future genocides. you know, the international court is trying to put as well in the dock. israel is not even
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subject to the courts do a section and it has an independent legal system that rigorously investigates all violations of the law. rather, this isis c attempt is an attempt to paralyze is very ability to defend itself as well. let's bring him luigi daniella. he is a senior electron international law and international criminal law at nursing and middle school. he was also one of the academics invited by human rights organizations to discuss the you in special rough, which has goals of genocide report at the un human rights council. he joins us now from london, luigi, in terms of what we've seen today from kareem khan, just telling you as well as that that he's decided to, to go public with his request before the judge is actually decide whether or not to improve the warrant. that you are right, these so called region, but i think these multi region by the fact that the company called them knows that there will be and i'm president of the pressure to try to solve it. watch the just
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job that the prosecution is. do we seem lead to pursue legality? you do a correctly shown towards ultimate and you know, we recent carefully to work that on, you know, say we get them to send, these are the words all the right. and he said that piece of seeing himself and he's going to as a whole. and suddenly so far, these as being the reality for center is very bored. so, and he's probably one of the, because these are all the must be the migration of the dns, dns. not only 87 moles, but to particular. so somehow these the end are way the route that you uh, we use for these roads and probably targeting car ease of where all the story from ocean's all these uh, sheeter. so he's somehow moving ahead of all these thoughts. well,
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it's interesting, you mentioned the end of a, an, an age of impunity. i mean, that was very close to some of the ones that cream con, himself used. i'm curious about the timing of this. obviously we're now 7 months moving, 7 months into this complex. there's been a lot of criticism of the i c c. and from what we had from kareem caught, it almost sounded like he felt that the international justice system itself was on trial. do you think that that also influenced to his choice of move today? or are these thoughts all of the reasons of these choice that can be fixed very clearly. we should see the timing of these, not just the relation to these set of the months of atrocities by your relation to us from the full job, the spike wallace starting there, that it can benefit the 80009 equals then the publish dno authority for the 1st item assign the are people 12 are the 3 a declaration of the rooms, dr. joining to us for it to the i c,
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c. so policy and human rights defining there's and use as you rolling lawyers, f, b 5, d for a refill national theories. demonization for 50. yes. so that is why a to b and from now on maybe international lawyer. so we need to really month to matter . but she never forgets that there were policy anymore. lots of. ready combining reports as they don't see, sions collecting this. the money's very often under balls the sewing and the rockies and the offices of the organization. so, so the drivers to the, to be, or these, the steps to work out. this is for them. and also for the nation, all the and the design, the human rights defenders that several times the amount of the dc 3rd batch. really not moving to the job. just do we do, i want to ask you a question about jurisdiction because as you say, how this time is a signal treat to the room statute which, which founded the international criminal court. you also referenced the idea that
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israel feels it's above the little israel and the us are not state policies to the statute. and israel has said that they don't feel that they have the jurisdiction to app to. can you explain that from us? a yeah, these a couple of these little section on the phone call, audio city, diesel. strange that looks like all their meds and several governments of bonds. these are, these are the rules starting to establish this 3 year lease. that's when they become spotty. all that stuff comes through for the was doing the shows for drives for me to the territory, even buying nation else, all known as the bodies. and we have the perfect example of these. we did, you need the shuttle, the itc relational, do you agree? raska, he's not the state bar to the room, stop to know the list. the united states strongly supported the, the iris moran studies team, the other rational, the just the even pressure,
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the normal lines the, to the 6 use. these are a sort of. so the are now seeing that that is the norm. and the opposite. meaning these phone fixed even if i didn't pick up from the point of view. so he's really of the on the i'm boise and he said that so double standards that damages the standing of the state. so to me, the spots to that we've done. yeah. like the seen electron international criminal, nothing. a middle school. thank you for joining us again on now, does the are really great to get your insights at this stage is really well, let's get the view now from united states and speak to our white house correspondent, kimberly how good. kimberly, i see that is ro is cooling for the united states to take some sort of action. i mean, the only c c is an international, traditional buddy. what would action on the part of the us even look like as well, there's already talk in the us congress in the part of the house speaker,
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mike jots and to try and take some sort of action that is unlikely to move anywhere in the us senate but certainly there is already legislation that is being drafted and what it is doing is essentially looking for the united states to retaliate in some sort of way to basically take some sort of action and but again, the whether that goes anywhere is really unclear. but what we know is that house republicans in particular, have called the actions even before this was a sort of announcement. this pursuing and investigation was disgraceful, and also wallace. but in terms of where the white house stands on this, there has already been a clear message that has been sent and that is from the national security council spokesperson, john kirby also be a white house press. secretary cringe on pear. say that they believe that the international criminal court simply doesn't have the jurisdiction to level any of
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these charges. and so as a result, there is really no support here for them on the part of the white house in the bottom, the administration that is business as usual. and they're really add to a large extent ignoring what is taking place. but what this does is further isolate is real and in many ways further isolates the biden administration and puts more pressure on the binding administration. and particularly president biden, in a election year. something that he really doesn't want. what this does, in addition to those global protests that we've seen outraged, not only over the high civilian casualties, the 35000 palestinians killed in counting is for president biden to put pressure on benjamin netanyahu to end his war on gaza. but at the same time, what we have been here is in this way, house is that support for israel is iron clad and us president joe biden has said
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that repeatedly. so in terms of him changing his stance, there really has been very little indication that he's going to do anything other than status quote. a white house correspondent, kimberly how could bear with an assist for us from washington dc. thank you. kimberly. well, that's not bringing challenges here. a senior political analyst smell on the shara, he joins us today from paris, mom and we just heard back from kimberly about what's the white house this thing? and i'm curious about your take on, on this what seems to be a relatively convenient argument from the white house around jurisdiction which we've had completely well disproved by a number of legal experts. is this about the bottom and ministration? not then having to, to make a political decision here. well, certainly as you say, the argument has already been demolished. and once again, the double standard is mind boggling. we know what happened with puts in russia and
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ukraine after the war on the i c, c. and now we have to address the signed issue. see again us what you're trying to say. one is yes. and others know, and if you are disagree, you are mad. but in fact, they are meant to think that the rest of us around the world will take them more for the full for legal proceeding and for anything but cynicism. because we know for a fact that the united states and besides ultra with the eye doctor, is he has the right after our assign, joined in 2018 and after the southern states, months of looking into what has happened. these are the last 2 years they've been looking at what's been happening occupied by the side. we have reached the prosecutor is his conclusion. this is a fine to deliberate the time to slack,
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not the time for the illusion and denial. and i think while kimberly is 100 percent correct, to report that they are saying this on that basis and many players and they don't see it upon different sources, but expect the do care. in fact, they're standing around the world has to do and will continue to enroll because of the supporters and piece a fact that by then has worth nothing. you know, over the past several months, these 4 or 5 months, just call in the start of issue policy to stop weaponized in congress to allow the scene to stop bombing guys. uh, the screw. nothing. yeah. who did not listen to this, but why did warnings fall? not just the i c c 's birthday, but the history is perfect for his war crimes the
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a mile. and we're already seeing push back from both from us and the palestinian side as well as the, as riley's, the way the queen con, phrased his statement also suggested that he expected some obstruction to, to the court actually carrying out further investigations. what did you make of them? well, the used to be expected that both sides with reject both sides is it, in the sense that the i c, c prostitute terms and these basically say both of them. i get these a number of cries and both of the meeting leaders i should spend right of the kind of signal say there is no more rivets between the victim of victimize, of the 3256 is rarely say as for colonial set, florida states leaders upset over the past essentially is that there's no model because it's in lighting. and the bond forces are being due to this population for
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the sum of those work to be expressed. and then these skills questions to be asked whether there is really a comparison piece in terms of the degree between what the purpose means have done and what concerns to between the 50, when a mass all set of 10 or i guess the kind of signal people and the sort of uh retailer and they use that expression kind of thing instead or i guess the. ready the seventies and the stuff that we'd be left to the court to decide for the time being. it's clear that there is a statement that the judges would have to decide and to stick it would have to take its course. what for me is t politically speaking is that for once the strong, the, our, for the back by western powers is really being exposed is being reviewed
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for what they are and get on to nothing. you know, been invited to work on the chart that i'll just share a senior political unless to thank you for joining us again on the news of the well that's 10 to some of the world news now and around. supremely that has the cad 5 days of national morning. also the death of president abraham. right. you see and a helicopter crash. the wreckage was found early on monday. the foreign minister who was also one of the 9 on board has been confirmed dead to michael awful. takes a look back at how events unfolded before and after the crush. these were rainy and president e, brian, right, you see the final allow is attending the integration of 2 dams on sunday, near the board with us a by john, along with that countries, presidents yolanda alias, it's all here. let's see on this damn,
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can provide very safe transit for goods for passengers and taurus, given how seriously the work is being carried out. i think it will take less time than originally estimated, which was almost 3 years been reports began to emerge that the presidents helicopter had to make what was referred to as a hard landing that they'd been an incident. finally, it was confirmed via craft had crashed in bad weather on board president wry. you see foreign minister who's saying a meat of the lucky on a provincial governor and the security details. the helicopter went down in a forest in a remote mountainous region. near the village of ozi in the east as a by john province, a sort of a runs armed forces in more than 70 search and rescue team spring into action with turkish high tech night division. drones providing support from the sky, but darkness, the sick fog,
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and the rugged terrain hampered search operations. across the country on the test run to the president's hometown mashhad, ukrainians came off to play. nearly 20, always off to the helicopter, disappeared from right on the wreckage was discovered state television delivered this message to the nation prices of what a poor tallow shop, so hardworking and relentless president of the range and people who did nothing but serve the people on their way towards progress kept his promise and sacrifice his life for the nation. there's been no official word yet on the cause of the crash. one aviation analyst says changing weather conditions can post challenges even full experience pilots. you don't, the issue is when you're taking off and the weather is clear and then you're not on this rugged forest liked rain. uh there could be farmed developing areas that you don't expect far to develop. but the age of the helicopter may also have
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quite a role. the us manufactured bella helicopter had been in service since 1971. westman sanctions have made it difficult for iran to obtain spirit pots or new aircraft is already what i'm the is the supreme. lita i a total of a human a has declared 5 days of morning the according to runs constitution. a council comprised of the speaker of parliament, chief justice and 1st vice president has 50 days to cool elections for the next president. mike level which is era. well, that's spring and how many devices as easy. he's a non resident fellow at the middle east council on global defense. he joins us now from valen. how may i address it? let me start by asking you to reflect perhaps on rice, he's legacy and, and particularly how around spine influence has evolved during his time and office . so i'm not sure, i mean, 1st of all, according to the constitution,
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the presidency is not the hardest time getting off the shoulder in the concert. so he's actually the 2nd figure in the power hierarchy, 2nd to the supreme leader. and that's means, as one has comes to distracted directions of the contributing kind of foreign policy or domestic politics. the cabinets in general and presidents in particular, they have more of the kind of executive rules. and so basically in the sense that they have been implementing the actions of the supreme data when it comes to the personal re, see, i mean, she used to be known as basically the weakest presidents in the history of these on the, to public. because he was basically a lawyer, understood the system of course, but so when it comes to a clear reason for foreign policy, there was no such thing. and so they most of the mileage. so the units here and coordination between different branches of the government,
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especially the russian regards, the all you see on the administration. and also when it comes to domestic politics, he was quite in line with the i, the confusion of the so kindly to accommodate. so for example, watch we recently saw in the last have strong on of the cracked on for a job. so these are basically the legacies of the, a president, tracy. so i mean cause only others to discriminate or i don't. so i'm supporting the world calls, you know, as you see in the region times more broadly, you can define policy of the country while in supporting foreign policy in recent years, it feels like around 10 months, close to relations, for instance, with russian. i see present person has already been on the phone to the interim president. oh yes, definitely is one of the important developments of the past few years. it's hard to do, of course needs, uh, the concert or richard function. also a president try say being it's
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a manual presenter because of presidents and basically go, we're taking the old branch off development. so it gave some insurance this to you as long as eastern partners, particularly russian in china. that's the partnership, or better to say to strategic view on theory, i'm sorry for parker's should be just concert. he's going to remind me in fact, and he won a strong sense. so in that sense we should interpret for his inputs in florida, but uh, the absence of jerry. so i don't think there's going to have any substantial impacts on that direction in the parliament in, i mean the so can be there himself. so example is one of the peer supporters of those in relationship with the russia. so as i said, the strategic directions are going to remain the same as uh, as far as, like i said, we're under lease. how many trays as easy that non resident fellow at the middle east council on global affairs. thank you so much for joining us on the out. is there a news on thank you for having let's take
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a closer look at what actually happened with regards to the helicopter on the crash, we can speak to alex monteros, he's an independent aviation analyst and consultants he joins us now from the ha, i think so we see lots of questions are still being honest and i want to start with the helicopter itself. it's decades old. how much would sanctions have affected maintenance? i know they've taken a real toll, for instance, on commercial aviation, we are right. i mean to have a culture in both was acquired about 40 years ago. i think we looked at iran as a whole. iran is found to the world's oldest commercial aviation play. it is a similar scenario to those that cross that private age. and given that they also own, they are deteriorating. the start, speak for themselves around 2000, he radians of died in across the crashes since 1979. this is a country that because of the sanctions, has struggled to obtain that part. i mean
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a patients that policy fundamental in order to provide adequate maintenance, not least to young jets, but especially to the with the jobs that need that need, that extra k. and so we know that when that costs are not receiving the made sense that is required, you end up into a tired tree that puts ultimately the lives of those on both of these are all direct costs at risk. so it's likely that it could have played a role if there is such a, an awareness of the pool maintenance of, of the aircraft fleet and iran, if the weather was as bad as it was. why did the helicopter take off at all? and given that there were 2 others in the convoy that made it, why not this one as well? this is of course the question that i think will leave to the investigators that we're trying to determine the exact cause. but what i would say is that, as is often the case, the net cost accidents, it is a variety of different contributes that come together ultimately to boom, that final outcome rather than just $1.00 single thing. so it is likely that when
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you combine something like deteriorating the whole direct cost, the needs of maintenance, which something like poll weather, which can of course complicate even the most ordinary of flight. nevermind that in a region that is mountainous for example. then then you quickly begin. see how again that risk level is increasing as and we have the initial reports of the incident. the presidency was talking about a hard landing. now when you look at images of the crash side, the disintegration of pretty much the whole aircraft except for the tail. what does not tell you? and what implications does not have for the investigation? it was something fundamental, was obviously a kind of sound of sometimes something drastic. it doesn't have page to be. and so consistent with that initial report, i will note that lights and they were referring to it as a crash rather than just what they refer to in the early hours as the co called landing. and you know, i had a call to in trouble, but had a called series, a generally last se, then traveling on a fixed wing, the commercial aircraft,
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or private across. so ready to go to a slightly increased risk that and as i say with the backdrop of having the oldest fleet across, under the us functions, they actually were able to import new across into iran during that brief period in the bottom row, ministration. whether you're wrong, you create, you was active to at last manage to get some you just in some of the stakeholders. and then of course, donald trump at the present time, pull the plug and new ron's that and across the street, it continues to the chair right now. so as i say is likely to be a contributor, every one of these things. and that's what the investigation of impacts some of the following that very closely. indeed, alex, my chair, us then independent aviation, i less than consultant. always. great to hear you inside. thanks for joining us again on now to 0. thank you very much. thank you. the
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city and it's surrounding villages have been hit by a series of aerial strikes as a russian forces pushed farther into the region. john hallman was in the village of costs, colors over just often a russian missile attack to cus, good lives over. was it quite village just no foot tall keith where people came to fish up until 11. am this sunday, the me so ripped through the country club home the like sure. we run into a valentina one during the road outside people. what's happening in the hollow for the footsteps, giving a fragment, he's my head here a little bit. my blog congealed. it smells at that, then i called my husband, but she didn't because, you know, he's lying on the lake shore with his dog, where he stays there. her husband is one of the dead who disabilities just 20 minutes from how to key. if you crane 2nd city ross has been
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bombarding it for months. hitting industrial targets and residential buildings. so military unless believe it's an effort to push the population out. well, thirty's, the noise was so just staying in the country club. so that was left. this is not even a so called soviet pressed base. what the russians like to say, and what's the importance of your plan? what a place this is absolute nonsense. people had told us that with 2 strikes they beat to showed us what they did to her house. you can see the range of the last a, the destruction in the houses in this village. the windows of lane. the roof has been damaged here as well. but it's not just that it's the people they've been lost or been injured. the 2 sister and the husband just fling back to see the family of the leaving for island just to start the will. they were outside when the 2nd strike hit me, which she had, gosh,
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just in her breast. her ballot did not have to close them. and but does the at my brother in law's good, like this almost and set out in his stomach, one of them was land kiera and the blood test board and out like a phone thing and culture you a balance as of now taking both away and beats is mom lou, both start sweeping out while she waits for news for the impact to what's happened here. hasn't yet sun can. john holman? out to 0 to to casket loss of a few cried. so the advocates top court has fallen diploma. president jacob zoom up from running for parliament. the constitutional court made that announcement on monday, a c 2 year old zoom. i left office back in 2018 and facing corruption allegations. and does even briefly jailed for contempt of court. and a surprise move or even formed
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a new political party. the m. k party in december to run against has been the policy, the governing african national congress in the upcoming elections. on may, the 29th for me to mila, has worn out from genesis. we've also spoken to supporters who will outside the quote uh in the day and the some of the responses we're getting from members of that m. k party is that it means very little to them because he remains part of the party. he's the leader, his face will remain on the ballad, paypal when elections come round in just a few days time. and so he's ideologies, he's present sort of that remains. and also a lot of you supports is believed that he has been victimized. and so for some of them, this comes as little surprise. it's possible the course with somebody like sue my, despite it based being based on, you know, a little and to the constitution. and to explain to you that was who must be involved from running because of the conviction he received for contempt of quote,
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the conviction in sentencing and people who read a sentence to 5 years or more in prison and aren't able to pay a fine comp. and run for public office and so it's based on that. it's members of each party say is that it means very listen to them. but also this is a part to that's going through its own difficulty as i have to point out zoom out during the party in december last year. some would say as a founding member, but the founder of that party, a job blondie tomato has since been kicked out by zoom, a full they say compromising the party and double i need call tomorrow. then because please do my on precautionary suspension. so that's just giving you an idea around some of the difficulties within the party. maybe some of the support is might not know where it stands, but you might still forms a very important symbolic speaker. but those would have gone on to support the m p party, maybe some of them leaving the african national congress. the wigs found
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a julia sanchez, baffled to avoid extradition, received a huge support on monday. the u. k. is the top court rule that assigns can appeal against being sent to the united states to face espionage charges. the judges found assurances from the u. s. on how he will be tried and sentenced if convicted, unsatisfactory. sondra is facing 18 charges of to his website published secret, and that actually documents 15 years ago was still a head view here on al jazeera learning. to find, we look at why women through dogs are attending training camps sessional, 504 celebrations in cairo. as one of the agents to best 9 football team left a major continental drive. newark . as universities across the u. s. mobilize for palestine,
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an unprecedented track down intensifies. they're putting a target on my back there. say, here's your person. go get her fault lines investigates the mechanisms of suppression and the implications for academic freedom. universities who embrace diversity when it's for posting in right, you're suspended your investigated, your shut down, the palestine exception. does he, you know, we look at the world's top business stories. how much of those plans going to cost is the rebuilding going to cost and who pays from global markets and economies to construction and small businesses. we have just started seeing in stations come down in many costs. well to understand how it affects our daily lives. outline forth how big a 12 level is labeled food insecure. counting the cost on outages here the the
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amount of his time for supporting his time. thank you very much and the size it was on the shuffle. it has one of the 1st major gulf title of his career. a single stroke separated the american from the chasing pack at the pga championship and the assistant reports hooks on the final green. so when your 1st major sunday showplace has this group this moment many times and sunday, elizabeth with the pga championship by when stroke was like, oh my gosh, this is what i want for a living. but fortunately it was up hill. it was, you know, 6 feet ish. i ended up playing it straight, it did go left,
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caught the left side. just a huge just so much relief as the shoulders length and the, kentucky's val, how across the chasing pack was closing in on shore flight for us. i think champion gross and to show by is on the charge 6 bodies in a whole. so new ways big to hold on briefly take the lead show fleet hadn't won a tournament the to use. this was to be his day. it's super sweet, but when i, when i break it down, i'm really just proud of how i handle certain moments on the course today. different from the past after his arrest by traffic police on friday morning. we'll number one scuffle shiffler finished and it's only the 8th is due to have a cool team. and tuesday you're out here competing. you're doing what you can throughout the course of the round to post a score and i wasn't able to get that done yesterday. did i feel like myself?
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absolutely not. was my warm up the way it usually is in the distractions where they normally are absolutely not showplace. when has moved him up to a career best 2nd in the world rankings. and who just be defending his olympic title of the parish games and the richardson l g 090 cortez dominance of the women's game goes on for the 6th time. and 7 tournaments of the world. number one finished up as the went up this victory for the american coming on the lpga tour event in new jersey. her next challenge will be the us women's open, which starts at the end of the month. and i just the city have been crowned the english premier league champions for full time in a row. a goal from audrey, it wrapped top of the window. so if you needed the final day of the season, 31 victory over west thomasville pet claudia las team. as soon as 2 points clear of
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arsenal at the top of the table, city became the 1st english team to win 4 consecutive titles. they're now building up the 2 subsidies as a cup final against my 1600. when i won my place, enjoy these 2 or 3 days and we'll have 2 days to prepare the final, but next season. right now i'm not able to know exactly what would be the multiple motivation to to do it because it's difficult sometimes to find when everything is done, a self says that he may never manage a top level. again, the gentleman said good bye to liverpool, often, 9 years during his time with the club, but his team on the permanent league and the champions. these titles such coach on his thoughts will take over next. i don't know exactly why nobody believes that. i probably will not be a manager again, but i understand because obviously it seems to be a drug but looks like because everybody comes back and it really works until the 70 something i always idea of and they'll do the different sizes that malik.
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have won the f as in configurations, carpet they base us of those kind of morocco, one mill in the 2nd leg of the final and chiral. this is the 2nd tier, competition for african clubs having lost the 1st stick to one this wind. so somebody like winning the title on the way goals will be raining and be a time. is it then? so now good to have been dumped out of the playoffs? the semi final series. it was locked. that's real. heading into the decider. i guess the minnesota timber wolf and another it's made the strong thoughts on their home quotes opening up at 20 point lead. but the timber wolves are full back to when it's 98 points to 90 and wrap up the series full suite overall. it puts them into the western conference finals for the 1st time in 20 years where they will face the dallas mavericks. i said we have, we don't have a big 3. we got a big 15. you know, we, with every single person on his team is
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a lot to this team and they help in so many different ways of his game just shows that the timber was not anything where it's not current. and he towns that really go bear the timber was our special team. here comes the antonio tiny produced another game winning moment for the los angeles. so just his 1st walk off ahead. since joining the door just gave you see if it's free to win. and that's what his ball for me as far as mail will have moved for you later on, but for now i had 2 bucks and the size. yeah, thanks so much center. well, before i go, let's tell you about what's happening with through dawns on me with your setting up more training camps as it baffles the power, minute few rapids support forces. it's now and bracing the participation of women. the conflict has to space. millions of people cause widespread disruption and seeing increased sexual violence, had to move and reports from
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a training camping on demand where women all i need to defend themselves. this playing field has been made into a military training ground. beef in the middle of a neighborhood came home through man, it's where so since summer comes every day to train as a part of a group of women. they've responded to a call by the so denise army general, i have to put that on for all those who can to fight alongside the army and it's war against the power military rapids support forces or r s f. a blind. i'm so late, i joined this come to learn to defend myself. my family, i'm my relatives there up. it's a full force this to cause our home and have to move. we would displace to santa state dental cuz out of state and then so he will really suffered, learned ministry skills. mean i can defend myself and try to take back what's being taken from us. yeah. magazine. she's one of the doesn't in this part of the man to join the comp since slicing started in april last year,
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the army and the rest that. 6 have been battling for the control of the down with more than 15000 civilians killed as a result. and more than 9000000 internally displaced according to the u. n. an estimated to 1000000 across the border into neighboring countries while to dance army only to pose men to the bathroom fields. the conflict has seen arise in the number of female recruits. more than 10000 have joined the training camps according to authorities. a scans for women and girls like this one can be found in many areas under the control of a sudden these army that's largely the result of what they've been subjected to. since the start of the conflict with sexual violence against women being carried out by both sides rights groups also like to see our staff of sexual slavery and abduction girls. at least 140 women have been raped according to the, to the new center for combating violence against women. with most of being carried
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out by the rest. half. some women see the fear of they are, they loved ones being subjected to such a violence, prompted them to join the camps and learn how to handle the weapons. and we've heard that there were numerous violations by the r. assess including assaults, loading, killing and recruiting children. so that's why i joined the camp. i want to be able to defend even to a small extent, to protect my sisters or children from being recruited. the caps are supervised by government forces, who are being criticized for recruiting civilians to fight out the fear that would widen the conflict comp managers. the only those who want to join are trained those lex austin, who's seen their family displaced or learning to content themselves in a conflict where both wearing sites are determined to win. and where civilians have suffered the most people morgan ultra 0. i'm the man and all that set for me in the stalls you pay for this news out. remember, you can always find much more on our website out. is there a don't com?
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don't go away though. i'll be back in just a couple of minutes with much more of the days means stay with the brian as well. um one says it's too soon to know if this new currency, the ball, the gold was big, will make a difference to his daddy like, like millions of other people living in a country with one of the highest deflation rates in the world. he wants to bobby's economy to improve physics, replace this and bobby and donna, and it's backed by gold reserves and fine cars, commodities such as input duties, rent, and fuel. a paid with us dollars. that means and bobby, and still have to change the $6.00. the police to be no, everything a legal money changes operating without a license undermining the government. he does want people to change their money back and not many here. haven't seen the signature yet. people are buying and
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selling mainly in us dollars. they say over the years, it's be more stable. that's always money to use the currency, doesn't these value wrap in that coaching? take them into a meeting of minds. we have israel committing genocide before eyes, and none of our mainstream politicians across the board seem to have a problem with the campaign to andrew fine. stay and photographer shock you do on, on active is on the crisis against each one of us. these are with this, and this is upon us as with this is to be able to validate for the seeing around the studio will be on script in part to, oh no, just the 2 of us didn't even customs with their families to smuggling undocumented workers
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occupied westberg to witness their incredible stories from over 9 years. desert smugglers with this document on the jersey to the the hello again. i missed all the attain. this is alger 0 at life from dawn, coming up in the next 60 minutes. these individuals to upcoming plans have systematically deprived the civilian population of gossip of objects indispensable to human. suffice a top prosecution for the international criminal court. 6 restaurants is rarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu and defense. when a sudden you'll have the last.


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