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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 20, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm AST

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occupied with israel witness that incredible story from over 9 years. desert smugglers. with this document on the jersey to the the hello again. i'm to start the attain. this is all to 0 life from the coming up in the next 60 minute. these individuals to upcoming plans, have systematic to deprived the civilian population of casa of objects, indispensable to human. suffice the top prosecution for the international criminal court. 6 restaurants is rarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu and defense. i'm gonna send you out. a con is also seeking
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a rest florence for her. mostly it is accusing them of crimes against humanity committed on october. the 7th. as a whole, as, as rail continues to run for its attacks on garza, one of the last functioning hospitals in the north has now run out around supreme need. and because of 5 days of morning that says the nation will proceed as normal after president abraham writing seamless kills. i'm had until the advocates former president jacobs, who might have gone from running in next week's general election. the while it is now $1400.00 j. n. t, and we begin with breaking news. the chief prosecutors of the international criminal court cream con, has announced he's taking multiple arrest warrants for several is really i'm from athlete, is the list includes is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu defense. when i
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say you as kalonde and tell us politically the smile, how many minutes really the yes and well as well as mohammed alas, 3 the leader of the all custom brigades, also best known as mama desk. now con, says, israel has intentionally targeted civilians and gaza. each man like whole states has the right to defend its population. it has every right to ensure the return of hostages that have been criminally and carelessly taken. those rights, however, do not absolve these rail, always obligations to comply with international humanitarian law. intentionally causing death to stop ation, injury and suffering to the civilian population, including so very many women and children of criminal means to achieve military and political goals. my office also submits today that there are reasonable grounds to believe that hostages taken from these ro, taken from the homes,
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taken from that communities, have being kept in to main conditions. and that some have been subjected to horrendous, sexual violence including rape well being held in captivity. is there any president isaac had saw it has responded calling to move beyond outrages. the foreign minister says it's a historic disgrace and that a special war and has not been set up to counteract the decision. meanwhile, war cabinet administered many guns, defended israel's war on casa, the lucky se, placing the leaders of a country who went into battle to protect its citizens in the same line with bloodthirsty terrorists, is married, blindness, and a violation of its juicy and ability to protect its citizens excepting to prosecute his position will have the ability of any country to protect its citizens and will be a historic crime that will not be erased. the israel has found out a 0 from the forcing from this or let's go to our correspondent mohammed jump dream
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. he joins us now from the jordanian capital. i'm on. mohammed took us through all the reaction we've been getting from israel. so if i push back from both the government, i'm the opposition so far. yeah, that's right in this size. yeah, let's talk 1st about the statement that was issued just a short while ago from israeli president i's kurt saw again, which he didn't just say that this was beyond outrages what the ice c. c had announced. he also said that it shows the extent to which the international judicial system is in danger of collapsing. he went on to say, we expect all leaders in the free world to unequivocally condemn this step and strongly reject it. we've also heard on twitter from the opposition leader in israel, your la pete. he put out a statement in which he said that this announcement from the i c. c. prosecutor was a disaster and a failure. he said we will not accept the comparison between israel and her mouth and the international criminal court. and i look forward to the united states standing behind us. now beyond that, we've also seen
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a lot of quotes from different is really officials, most of them named in the as really outlets throughout the israeli media landscape . using words like hypocritical, saying that this is an embarrassing decision on an international level that it's disgraceful and select that it's hypocritical, and there are other, there are other officials who have been quoted by is really media outlets saying that even though this decision was expected because we must remember that over the course of the past few weeks, we had seen more and more officials in israel saying that they were concerned that the international criminal court was going to be issuing warrants, including prime minister benjamin netanyahu. so now they're saying, even though this was expected, it still came as a shock. we know that there are members of the national security cabinet that there are top legal mines in israel that have created a war room. they are putting their heads together now to try to figure out how to
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respond to this going forward stops. you know, if, as you say, this was expected by israel to some extent. do you think it will have any discernible impact on the way that israel is prosecuting a tool? and this is the key question going forward. and just as yeah, because what we've seen already is that is really officials have said like, yeah, you're left pete in that tweet. he said that we look forward to the us standing behind us. they are going to look for support from the united states to try and put pressure on the international criminal court. and this is something that's been playing out more and more behind the scenes because we even saw reports in the last few weeks in the us, members of the republican congress saying, republican members of congress rather, pardon me, saying that if the icpc were to issue arrest warrants that they were going to try to apply pressure on the ice. you see now it's a question as to how exactly the u. s. can apply pressure because the us and israel,
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neither of them a signatory to the rome statute, meaning they are not members of the international criminal court. but what's interesting is the move that cream hon. the prosecutor made today by coming out and saying that he is seeking these arrest warrants to be approved by the judges and saying that there cannot be any pressure applied to either prosecutors or the judges of the international criminal court. well, that's going to put pressure on the judges to go ahead and do this and be independent. so there's a lot going on here. behind the scenes. beyond that, we must remember that jake sullivan, the us national security advisor. while he was in israel, he met with nothing. yahoo! yesterday he met with you off the lot. the defense minister today, the reports emerging from israel. is that in that meeting with the israeli defense minister, despite pressure from the us to limit the operations and drop off that the, the lot the defense minister said that they are going to essentially expand those operations going forward. so how much impact is going to have for the moment, it doesn't look like it. busy have an impact going forward? that's
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a very big question. massage you. mama. john drew with all the latest they're reporting from alon for us. thank you mohammed. well, just a reminder that prime minister benjamin actually all his government has fund $1.00 from the 14 as well. that's why we're reporting from the jordanian capital for him . us in town has released a statement saying that a red store and financing yahoo and go on to all 7 months to lays had went on to condemn the prosecution, saying that seeking restaurants against him off equates the victim with the path to trace a. it also says that the i c, c should order the rest of or occupational officials who gave orders as well as the soldiers who carried out the crimes. let's speak to handle co diary now. she's in general the in central garza and i know as we've been saying, people that has very immediate packed to considerations that i know you've been speaking to them about. what we've heard today from the i c. c. hasn't been any reaction, especially given that people have felt neglected by the international community for so long. people in the gaza strip,
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especially in the middle area, are feeling that they, they do not really have a lot of very big response to what has been happening about the icbc. i have been talking to a couple of people and asking them, what do they feel? and they said that this is meaningless. it's ironic. just like how much issued a response to this arrest warrants. they're saying that this is 7 months late, where during the 7 past months, that is where the forces have been committing hundreds and thousands of no crimes against the palestinians. they also mentioned that the i c. c, prosecutor should have issued arrest warrants to all is ready. officials and they also condemned the fact that the i c. c had been equalizing the palestinians with the is ready to use palestinians here. i won't want to feel anything of that a ceasefire agreement. we have been seeing the responses and their celebration on
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the ground when they're, when have mazda approved and agreed to that, seized by your, in the past couple of weeks. but as you see behind me, there has been no reaction from the people on the ground. and actually some people do not even know that this happened because they do not have any as to the internet to electricity. and that's that, that's exactly what people are appealing and, and saying right now. and stay with me because i do want to ask you about the situation and goals are right now that 1st i want to say some of the pictures we've been getting in from across the gaza strip today. take a look at this. this was a scene and bait blah. here in northern garza area is where the forces that target has a residential square. 14 people have been killed themselves. many of the victims were again, women and children. and these are images from the come out on one hospital in northern gauze and many of the injured from that attack you so early and they blocked. you were taken chair. at least 7 people died and not hospital from the injuries. and
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now the strike hit the, i'll show the refugee camp in rough in the south reports say that residential buildings were empty there as people had flooded during previous strength. and we know they're ongoing offensive as both in the north and the south of the strip. tell us a little bit more about what you're hearing, that that's happening on the ground. well these photos that you edge right now are only one percent of what's really happening on the ground. we've recently noticed that that is really our tele reselling target to the out of the hospitals, rooftop. and we know that this is one of the only hospitals that is still working and receiving injuries in, in the another in gaza strip yesterday is where the tanks were 500 meters away space and depriving ambulances to reach the hospital bait that he and somebody has
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been under constant air strikes and we also know that the is where the forces expanded the ground invasion. moving to the fluid, there has been endless air strikes in a different presidential squares. we're talking about in the middle area in the eastern area, and we still know that there are still people at in dropbox and they did not evacuate. but we're also in the threats of losing hospitals operating because we're more than 13 days. no fuel has entered through the rough crossing archiving shut down people are, are, are, are feeling a collapse of the have situation because it's the only thing that is giving life and hope to people. we're also talking about 11000 palestinians that were waiting to get their medical treatments abroad. and after the rough crossing has coast, all of these people are in risk of losing their lives. we're talking about a collapsing humanitarian situation. collapsing has situation and it's still
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escalating and the air strikes are not stopping. and del cordarious though with the very latest for us from the ground from daryl bella in the gaza strip. thank you, and let's get the view today from washington dc and our white house correspondent, company house that joins us kimberly, in the aftermath of what we've had from the i c c today as well as cooling for the us to take some kind of action. what, what action even look like as well, what we're hearing from particularly republican members in the us house of representatives and at least one or 2 members in the us. senate also republicans, is that there is legislation that is being drafted. that would essentially not only call the actions of the i, c, c, illegitimate, and disgraceful and lawless, but also target the judges in the international criminal court as well as
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prosecutors and others who have investigated and worked on this case, potentially sectioning them, preventing them from not only coming to the united states, but also others involved from attending the you in general assembly for example. now, whether or not this could pass in the us send, it is still unclear whether not would have the support, but certainly this is something that is being drafted in the lower house of representatives. now we should point out in all of this, where the biting the bit as ration itself stands is that it does not believe that the international criminal court even has the jurisdiction for these types of charges. this is something that has been laid whereby the national security council spokesperson john kirby as well as the press secretary creation on pierre ad. we should also point out i did have the opportunity to ask directly the national security advisers jake sullivan. just last week about the sort of terminology of genocide in particular and the international definition and the rather the
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definition under international law. he said very clearly he doesn't believe it is real, is committing genocide. and when i provided him with that definition, he simply didn't reply and walked away. so what this all means in terms of these charges is the fact that this is only going to isolate the bite and ministration already under pressure, not only by these global protests, but just in terms of these charge is it's going to make it harder for president by the end of the election year, and he's going to have to potentially have to pressure benjamin netanyahu to end his war and gaza. something that joe biden has been in support of thus far. a white house correspondent can be housed at the with the reaction from washington dc. thank you. kimberly. well, just in the past hour, correspondent, as long as the engine i had spoke to is randy columbus, gideon levy, and a former legal advisor to the palestine liberation organization. diana bluetooth and they discussed the icbc prosecutions decision and the listen to the
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conversation. to tell us what is the going to be the initial reaction? obviously this is cutting fun, seeking the restaurants, they haven't been issued yet. but a something prime minister. being asked by the international committee court on the look of charges. what does this mean for is basically me personally on one hand, i'm very surprised because career and didn't make this impression that he would be so decisive. on the other hand, i must tell you i see some kind of a distinction easily. well, most of crime is when they were most of crime, the hours of minutes. and i think everyone knows that the will will surprise conducted both. my husband is read and therefore the think the think this, your community is bringing those speakers to quote, should encourage any men of justice. any human being of just is who is writing is right. really gain to text it says with this war or the whole vague is of december
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and the whole debate is against us any to unite the game. these very easy to very nation, at least still even more nation is there's a way that everyone receives. so just and such a victim by the evil decision, i think it's adjusted decision. was that question of victim who'd be heard from us saying that there is to be no justification for the rest, for instead of also being issued for the leadership of from us. how do you see this address for it, and what will this mean going full? i think that there was a lot of both sides of them. that cutting fun is now doing. and the point that he was doing this both sides of them is because he's looking and seeing that there is a genocide that israel's perpetrating genocide that has really been very open about of perpetrating with over 35000 palestinians, killed mass starvation, 15000 children killed and in order to balance it out,
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he has to make it seem as though he's addressing both sides as. but if we want to be honest, we should be looking at what it is that the government is really government has been doing the orders that it has it issued to its soldiers and its issued orders to its soldiers to carry out a genocide if this court is to have any credibility, it should be going after the people were committing genocide, rather than just simply trying to play this game of both sides. now let's get to, what does it mean going forward is really not a signature of their own statute. you've, you've heard from us, the latest writing, a letter activity of pressuring the i see. so we're still in the early phases. there is a request for this, or they haven't been issued yet. do you think they are going to be issued and kind of being forced? i don't know if they can be enforced, but you cannot and they seem a basic fix that he's very prime minister. we might become one to in all kinds of corners of the woods and we'd be prevented,
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distributing. must have an effect. it's unprecedented. is never the case. we'll see both in the country, which is supposed to be a different thing which consider it surfaces democracy. and you'll have to see the overall picture. it's not the one case. it's an old board picture in which the entire way more, most more loudly or more clearly sense is read enough is enough. we had enough. is that the same thing to you? do you really think that enough is enough? is the message that is going to resonate in israel because a lot of this is going to be most of the symbolism rather than accurate actions on the ground. you're right. it is going to be mostly symbolism. but i do hope that that symbolism translates into something if it gets into the minds of israeli soldiers, that they too may 1 day describe charged with war crimes. that it would make it
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very difficult for them to travel the world and to go and, and the, and these really are the, carry out a genocide and then somehow end up in places around the world. maybe they will think twice. the bigger problem with the eyes to see is that is that we've seen that it's a, it's a course that seems to go after leaders from african nations and is going after. but it doesn't really do anything to go around the big to go after the big offenders to people who are committing genocide. so we'll see what happens. but i do think that this is going to have at least some sort of it will resonate some what's inside as your own people. perhaps we can to question what it is they're doing. oh, here's how the procedure unfolds. now that the i c c is chief prosecution says he's applying for the several arrest once an application is made to the quotes pre trial chamber to decide whether sufficient grounds and jurisdiction exist. if the arrest warrants, all issued suspects can then voluntarily surrender to the i. c. c o. countries that
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have signed up to a certain statute, then have an obligation to arrest them. is apprehended a hearing will then be held to decide if there is no evidence to go to trial. if the case then proceeds 3 trial judges will preside on the prosecution, must approve guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. judges come then issue sentences of up to 30 years in prison, even live sentences and exceptional cases. well, let's bring in michael not to a piece of international the way he joins us now from bombing. i'm in the u. k. michael, i bosses question to an a number of legal experts now that given what we're hearing from the us and as well, i feel i need to ask you to get in front of you is in your mind, does the i c, c, have the jurisdiction to prosecute these warren's cream concept. anything sir jerry section is a very important issue because israel and the united states, but also so reasons which we know about have never signed up. however, that does not prevent the cold from having jurisdiction. these are the
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issues that arise. visa be israel are a sub by the security council, the problem of the united nations. it's a, it's a very big issue and it needs to be addressed at the same time, is that the security council has been split decade after decade. now you go to america version one way, russia version the other way. the united kingdom always sitting on the fence are pretty well always conference mediation between the 2 and there are other parties as well. so that could be a restriction here. if the security council is allowed to refer it on the back of a resolution by the general assembly. so the answer to your question is yes, michael. so just to be clear, because a number of others have said that because palestine is the signature to the room statute that creates jurisdiction full of the court here. is that, is that misleading? yes,
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yes. the court has jurisdictions over any crimes committed within a policy of the state policy. so all the se, crimes committed within palestine cheese uh that was done in 2012, a change of service status. so that's in itself, creates jurisdiction over and above the security council. if the commission in israel, israel is not a policy, but it's a perpetrate that goes into a state. in other words, one of the world cabinet, for example, goes into a member state, then they have jurisdiction. so that's why i say overall they're all very different rates, which i may make israel, i'm the, is an in members of hamas as well as subject to the i c c. me. so if i'm moving forward, the panel of judges does improve these ones. how strong man is the obligation on, on countries who are a policy to their own statute to actually arrest these individuals. but there is a,
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it says, sort of sometimes regarded as an i'm the, is the obligation. everybody has the, who's a member. and in fact, in some cases, especially genocide, it so serious that actually wherever in the world is committed, if in fact that's what the prosecutor and the i c c considers is one of the crimes that wants to refer in terms at the moment. he's just refer to a breach of humanitarian law and crimes against humanity. but genocide is clearly another headache the icbc can deal with. so it's a, it's a very important obligation. i just want to make this point that israel has a history of a good know, ring of the institutions that are being such a legal nation's united nations. the charge uh you're paying conventions of ignoring knows where israel is being accused in 2004. there was a very important case. it's called the wall where they were held to be an awfully
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building a wall separating right through the occupied territories. they don't start guys, have a, did they do anything about it because that take down the well, the cause that to the rest of the well made sure they take down the what did they do? so now they're just the opposite. here it is. that is where i will ignore all of it . busy a be offensive in the way it describes what because it's trying to do well that you, in a sense, the united nations at the end of the 2nd world war wanted to do was to bring in a system whereby you do not have to stand by and watch thousands of people being mastic, or let me ask you that michael, because obviously if, if israel is going to ignore this, that it is also then contingent on other countries to try to, to implement what the court wants to carry out. we saw a south african in the case of the pushing the restaurant that was issued by the i c. c. ask for an exemption. do you see that happening here? if indeed these cases do go ahead and i think if these guys go ahead,
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we have the old countries that have policies. but that is when it comes to genocide, it's not necessarily being a ponti to the i. c. c, rooms not, you know, because it's without it is such a serious crime that actually doesn't just full on the vast, heavy. and it seems to me that in order to restore face and respectability and trust in what was set up at the end of the 2nd world war and rebuild a reputation. because if the i c c, that's the other way around have not done well. they've done today, in other words, begin the process of applying for or as far as everybody was saying, what's the point of the i see, see if you've got might, is right. in other words, you've got a big time to go, the bigger rocket, the whatever you just ignore and carry on. knowing that no one's ever going to get to that's, that's been the approach of russian. russia is nolan,
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and this is i. so we see it happening again here. it is extremely and boom, but international lawyers who have supported the general faces and operation of the international criminal code. and of course the, the, they come back that's off of the end of the 2nd level should inside, at this time put pressure on the cook to remain independent and not be bulldozed and bullied into withdrawing. which is the fair i have is the americans, for example, might withdrawal funding in various ways that they do. and they don't, they don't members of the i c, c, but they're also suppression. so they can bring back we as a company under the, the, the decision i've already mentioned in the i, c, j, the in such a court of justice back in 2004, impressed upon every country and obligations that we all have to ensure that in that case, it was to do with the war and a legal sense on this, which of course as well as never recognize them on so impressed the old country. so
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there's an, a legal obligation to ensure that the, if you like the standards, unknowns that have been set by the international humanitarian law, not just under the i c c genocide conventions. and so he's off help. otherwise, it's point this, michael, it's interesting that you say that because it sounded from the way that he phrased the statement today. that cream con is very, very aware that the entire international justice system itself appears to be on trial. he was also very, very detailed in his language and in describing some of the evidence they have to hand. so let me ask you, then, having heard from him today, what's your assessment of the strength of the case? well, it's very sick, it's very difficult to know that well, i'm gonna be criticize from doing it in a 2nd of the time. however, is there a certain say in fact, which i as far as i can see as he's got the detail of it,
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because he's being to the middle east, the law, i'm not sure that he was allowed in to cause it's over a well is on say yeah, of the evidence. they weren't allowed anybody in, in the goals including you all sounds. so that tells you everything about what's really going on there. however, i think that the importance of wants kareem thompson has done today and the detail is to fill out the obvious fact that the obvious fax is not identical at the car. number is 35038000 people killed. there is no way that is being justified as self defense because as a protected category, this is why 19464748, set the stand it. but yes, you may have a case for defending himself, but it's not without limits. you got lost. everybody else? yes, because your and in defense of your so i'm sorry, it doesn't work like that. majority of women and children knew be they have not a stablish. they've been telling compet as adult. they've been feeling not
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incompetent. so he's got to a stage. there's a red line is on, while we just sit, they sorry, i'll do what you want, demolish everything. and of course they made statements to that effect in any event that that's the object could be accessed on it something while beyond self defense . so as a may a proposition then know that i've hearing lowes on the nomes that have been set down full actually long before the 2nd. well before that. so that's why i think this is so important today. i think it is a, it's a oh shit. it's a dining point and i'm, i'm ready. um, right inside the international and the rule of rule has begun a since beginning to raise its head in public. my life, you know, i'm for once a voting and indeed michael, the, the death toll currently stands that are the sachi, 5500 currency and the gaza strip since the 7th of october. thank you so much for being with us. michael mansfield and international lawyer joining us back from bombing them today. thank you so much for your time with us on,
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on to there are some well, the very prospect of the international criminal court issuing a restaurants has come up before during the war.


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