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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 20, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm AST

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me some sign of a sweet 100 on luis heavens, had gone through the rough, the crossing in recent months. i will most of these bless and be blessed and we all turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence. the, [000:00:00;00] the hello on the bulk of this is the news life and go home coming up in the next 60 minutes. the international criminal court top push the prosecute to request the arrest warrants. 40 is where the leader benjamin netanyahu and his defense minister for war crimes and crimes against humanity in guys that guy c. c prosecutor, is also seeking warrants for the rest of 3 senior mosley. it is for the groups of
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october 7th attack on israel and on the ground and gaza, his roused mass. kidding in full salvation of civilians, intensifies full than a 100 percent of students of be killed in the past 24 hours. a rainy and president abraham. right, you see is killed in a helicopter crash in the countries supreme leader has declared 5 days of morning. the thanks for joining us. $1500.00 g m t and we begin this news without breaking news on the international criminal course at the have the i c. c, chief prosecutor, car, him con. as a now see, you see thing arrest warrants for israel and her boss leaders for crimes committed since october. the 7th last year with the list includes, is ready prime minister benjamin netanyahu and his defense minister, you, of gland to crimes include starvation of civilians as
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a method of wolf. i willfully causing great suffering serious injury to body or health or cruel treatment, also killing or murder, unintentionally directing attacks against a civilian population as well as crimes against humanity, of extermination, handling matter, persecution, allegations of crimes of committing other human acts. o'connor is also so warrants for the rest of a mass political liter. it's about how do you and ministry lead to y'all send? why that are reasonable grounds to believe that these 3 i'm actually to is a criminal. you're responsible for the killing of these really civilians in a textbook to try to buy a mess. and i'm groups on the 7th of october 2023. the taking hostages and other crimes alleged you're not applications. a team of correspondents around the world are following all the latest developments in the story at
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a moment to hear from hendo cooter in central guys i gave her alexander was standing by the united nations in new york. and can we hook it to the white house before us? let's get the reaction from israel. i'm a jump. jim joins us from amman in jordan. just to remind you is dropping button from a, putting an israel profile, which is why they're reporting from outside the country. mohammed took us through the reaction in israel sofa from both the government and the opposition. all they still getting from the same time sheet when it comes to uh, what's come out of the i c. c today. me what we've heard thus far is outraged from across the political spectrum. now one of the 1st officials out of the gate with a response can deming? the announcement from ccg, prosecutor cutting con was penny gas. he's the former defense minister. and israel is also a member of the war cabinet taken. listen to what he had to say. if you're not the say that's placing the leaders of
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a country who went into battle to protect its citizens in the same line with bloodthirsty terrorists, is more blind in the violation of its juicy and ability to protect its citizens. excepting and prosecute his position will have the ability of any country to protect its citizens and will be a historic crime that will not be erased. we've also heard from the opposition leader in israel. yeah, you're located who put out a statement on x, formerly known as twitter, in which he said, the icpc arrest warrants or a complete moral failure. we cannot accept the outrages comparison between netanyahu, m, c, and war, between the leaders of israel and the leaders of how much beyond that. we also got a statement in the past hour from miss really president issac hertzog. he also put his statement out on twitter in which he said the announcement of the prosecutor at
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the icpc is beyond outrages and shows the extent to which the international judicial system is in danger of collapsing. we will not forget our hostages, who say per turn should be the main concern of the international community. we expect all leaders in the free world to condemn out, right this step and firmly reject it. and beyond that, me, we've seen quotes from on named officials across the political spectrum. it is real . this is all throughout the israeli media landscape. outlets publishing, quote, saying that this decision, this announcement was disgraceful that it's hypocritical. i say that it should never have been done. beyond that, we know that top legal minds and also members of the national security council in israel are having emergency meetings. they have set up a war room to try to figure out how to deal with all this going forward. me having clear pushback from across the political spectrum that they're in israel. i think the big question that pops of he was wanting to know is whether any of this will
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make any difference to the kind of world israel is waging and goes it for me. that is a critical question right now. how is that going to affect what is going on on the ground? now it doesn't seem as though this is something that's going to be putting a lot of pressure on israel, at least not in the short term, because time and again, when there had been international bodies like for you when you, in general assembly or the un security council that have voted on resolutions against israel. israel has continued to defy them to ignore them, to essentially say that the u. n. is biased to get against is real. so to hear that kind of rhetoric we're hearing right now in israel, very much in line with what we'd expected. the question is, israel right now wants to see pressure applied by the us on the international criminal court. what kind of pressure could the us put when the us about a signatory to the rome statute and neither is israel. now it's interesting because israel isn't even adhering to the advice of its biggest ally for us right now.
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israel right now has met in the last 2 days or been meetings between prime minister netanyahu j sullivan, national security adviser in the us today. sullivan met with you. i go on, the israeli defense minister. and what we've seen in the is really media is that the lot told told the jake sullivan, that they are going to go ahead and expand their operation. that up. i did this at a time when the us has continued to urge israel to not expand its presence in the heads operations and about 5. so a lot of questions going forward a critical time, but this defiant tone that we're hearing from israel. we expect we're only going to be hearing more of it going forward. all right, so many things about this, but i'm gonna jump jim reporting from amman just to remind you of course, since the v is ready to government binds out just here from reporting in israel, we are doing on journalism from outside the country. us. okay, well, have mouse in ton is released a statement saying arrest warrants from that's in yahoo. i'm glad
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a 7 months to liked. it went on to condemn. the prosecutor saying that seeking arrest warrants against the mass equates the victim with the perpetrator. as as the i, c, c should order the rest of or occupation officials who gave orders and soldiers who carried out the crimes. let's go to end of quarter a know who's in there, how about i am central garza and clearly and people in gauze. i have major priorities, that safety and security, but has to be any reaction a tool about this movement of the i see, see of course people have felt very abandoned by the international community for a very long time. well actually people here on the grounds around me in the courtyard of alexa hospital, most of them do not even know that this was a suit earlier today because they haven't been offline and disconnected to the internet as a for more than 7 months now. but we have been talking to them and asking them what they feel about it. the 1st question they ask is,
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is this gonna change anything on the ground? is this gonna stop? the marketing is there and is committing against the policy menus and in the causal strip. is this gonna let us go back to the north? is displacement is going to stop and highlight things. how much is a yup denouncement for this. now i see the statement, they're saying that this arrest warrants came after like 7 months late. that is ready for us is like the i to see sort of a issued arrest warrant against all the is radio officials and all the is there it is that have been committed into the genocide of the gaza strip. and they also mentioned that if they couldn't then the equalizing of palestinians, and that is where it is, where they have been equalizing one incidents on the 7th, october of 75 years of non ha, but so sorry. policy means don't care about anything issued by any
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a party on this world other than a ceasefire agreement. this is the only thing that people in because the strip care about. they want to go back to their homes. they want the boarders to open, they want to get their basic needs. and this is what the policy needs are looking for. go ahead and stay with us because i want to ask you about developments on the ground. but 1st, because i want to show some of the pictures that we've been getting from across the street today since i've been killed in the north industry. so i have the forces of target to residential square. in fact, my law here, many of the victims for women and children and many of the injured were taken to come out at one hospital, the renewals use the scenes. the hospital. as you can see, clearly overwhelmed, least 7 people have died in the hospital from the injuries. and another strike hit a, a i'll show refugee camp in rafa. that's in the south. fort say these residential houses
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were empty as people have flags during previous strikes. is now being reduced to rubble. let's go back to the hens. clearly some devastating seems that we're seeing that on the ground. clearly no less up and israel's offensive hands. well these photos reflects a little bit of what's really going on in the field at the latest. what we've got is that is really our tele re sending targeted the 5th floor of the hospital in north of the gaza strip. yesterday the tanks were 500 meters away station between on all the hospital and come on and one and they're the only 2 hospitals still operating in the nothing causal strip moving to the faf. uh air strikes are still going. um yeah, the is early forces are still expanding their encouraging and their military operations there. there have been also at to palestinians scaled in the past hour
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as they were transferred to avoid the hospital. or is there any forces, sorry, getting targeted these palestinians in the event and empty area of the artillery setting continues, the air strikes continues, policy, news, our send, striving to find lots are defined fluid as the rough crossing has been closed for 2 weeks. now listen, a number of 8 is entering the cause of strip palestinians in the north and in the south are not only fearing and strikes, but they're also fearing simon in the country. indeed, oh, by the thank you for the update. okay, let's get some international reaction to today's developments from the international criminal court. i don't just say it was gabriel. i was on day, joins us live from the u. n. a and gave what we're hearing anything from you and officials a it's not from you. and officials at all, and the reason is because the i c c is not officially a court of the united nations. now the i,
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c j is international court of justice. but the, i see, see why the un works with this court is not technically part of the un, so it's unlikely that we will be hearing much of from the un officials here. the spokes person for the secretary general is expected to hold his daily noon briefing at about 45 minutes or so. so we'll keep a close eye on that. now in terms of diplomats here at the un headquarters, there is a meeting that began about an hour ago with the un security council chambers. it's about ukraine, so it has nothing to do with the i see it all. never the less journalists, including myself, are outside the main door, leading into the security council chambers, asking questions or trying to ask questions of diplomats, as they were going in about the cream con decision. as you could perhaps imagine, almost nobody wanted to talk. everyone's sort of ignoring all of our questions for the most part. this is a very sensitive topic. a hot potato is one person. described it. however,
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we did hear from the multiverse ambassador to the un. uh, but that's a frazier. they have multi is an elected member of the security council. this is what she had to say about an hour ago about the i c. c decision. a reset for did you the should institutions of united nations. and we think we believe very much in their impartiality and their independence and they should be allowed to carry out the way independently without any threats and to the process go full, it's designated to fitness as everything else has been called crisis, the source process is also about who is invited through the is about the independence of the course. now, a $124.00 countries are signatories to the rome statute. that would mean that these a $124.00 countries would be legally bound to arrest a benjamin netanyahu. or you've got
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a lot if they come to their countries and that includes that from us officials as well. but there has not been an official arrest for it yet. it's important to point out, this is cream con, just issuing a very significant statement here, but still issuing a request for the judges to consider these arrest warrants. and so that's why i think you're seeing a lot of ambassadors here and un, un headquarters today. not wanting to talk too much about this because they're in a very difficult position of having to answer questions that quite frankly, they don't have enough information about yet to really make a decision on. or i'd say, gabriel's on the life of the you and the many thanks to that. that's go to the white house now can be how it gets a is bad. so can we, you probably just had to gabe mention how top diplomats, the, you and a viewing this potentially as a political hot potato. given all the sensitivities, particularly for allies of israel, i understand is riley's cooling very much for the us to take action on this. i mean,
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what would that even look like, as well already in advance of this, there was action that was being drafted in is action. that is being drafted by supporters of israel in the house of representatives and also in the us senate. and largely that is the republican party in the united states, but also some democrats, uh, what this is, is the house speaker mike johnson. and also supporters like tom cotton in the us senate has been drafting legislation to essentially try and bear with me. we've got some mon landscaping going off behind a fairly station jeff from the international criminal court who are working on this lawyers who are working on this. the investigators preventing them from normally entering the united states, but also perhaps going to view in general assembly and elsewhere they call this
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legislation or rather this of the charges disgraceful wallace. and they have also called on the, by the ministration to tell those that have been working on this to stand down. now i should just quickly also tell you that in terms of the position of the white house and all of this, they believe that the licensee does not have the jurisdiction as further the national security advisor j sullivan does not believe is real, is in any way committing genocide under the terms of the definition in and of itself under international law. right? can we, how could otherwise have thank you for this? this is how the procedure will unfold. now that the i c, c's top prosecutor says he's applying for several arrest warrants. an application is made to the quotes pre trial chamber to decide whether sufficient grounds and jurisdiction exist. if the arrest lines are issued, suspects can voluntarily surrender to the i, c. c,
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or countries that have signed up to the rooms that you have an obligation to arrest them. if i pretended a hearing will be held to decide if there's enough evidence to go to trial. the case proceeds 3 trial judges will preside, and the prosecution must prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. judges can then issue sentences of up to 2 years in prison and even life sentences in exceptional circumstances. okay, let's introduce what, let me show you boss who is professor of in special law of middlesex university. he's an officer of unimaginable atrocities. just just politics and writes a war crimes tribunals he joins us live from london. right, well, welcome to you. so benjamin us know, who's warns that any high c c arrest warrant would be, quote, an outrage of historic proportions. does it for israel have any room to challenge? what so it may potentially come of the icpc despite the fact that it is not
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a signatory to the wrong statute and does not pens recognize the quote, the argument that they are likely to make because of the other side is the fellow side is not a proper member of the court. the reason why the court is exercising jurisdiction is because palestine joining the court several years ago about a decade ago that was conducted by israel, which says that it's not a state. that argument was weak at the beginning and it gets weaker as low as the months and years go by. because more and more states recognize as real, it's really almost in the door as a full member of the united nations. with the exception of the us details, so i don't see that argument going anywhere, but it's before the 3 judges of the pre trial chamber who will have to make a ruling in the coming weeks for it. curious about the, the timing of all of this and also the decision by car him con the chief prosecutor . they're the i c. c. to make this announcement about the intention to ask for
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arrest warrants to be approved. why do you think he did that? so he's, he's going carefully of them slowly and patiently, many of us likely taking too long to get to this point. but we've now seen them. it's been revealed today that he went through an unusual process of consultation. he had a group of experts recognize the authorities and international law, many of them from what we might call the west. and he was flattered when he presented it by his 2 of his deputies. they're not official deputies of the prosecutor, but they are very close to him and he's brought them in. the one is a former senior prosecutor in the united kingdom and the other a lawyer from the us military with a great deal of experience. so he's trying to bolster that already and he's, he's on very secure ground. he's going to go to the pre trial chamber now with a great deal of authority and in front of ability for this initiative that he's taking. given coming khan is being denied access to the palestinian territories. i
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wonder when it comes to securing the solid evidence. how he and his team as advisors go about doing that before making this important step? well, it's a challenge to getting the investigators on the ground, but of course they're able to collect the evidence through people in the justice system in gather who will collect the evidence totally against real will allow them in as well. although that seems questionable. uh, they may be denied access to both of them, but there's a great deal, open source information. there are witnesses who testify, who make recordings from the territory both from occupied and gather and from, from israel. so, you know, it's, it's a challenge to do this type of investigation. it's also a great challenge to do it when the war has ongoing, when the conflict is ongoing it's, it's always been very brain, very difficult to gather evidence. and of course, in israel, they're going to have the obstruction and then the opposition of these rarely alarms, at the same time. if israel wants to find it all,
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they have to demonstrate that they're carrying out the investigation. and they will have to be investigating their own prime minister and other senior officials for the more crime of, for example, starvation which is that the more of the charges against nothing. yeah. given that we have 5 names on the requests list so far for these arrest ones, i wonder whether that list can be expanded to, to perhaps, to taking senior figures within. is there any defense for a thirdly, absolutely. on the prosecutors, i alluded to this. this is a star, this is a fire in shot over the bowels, but he's voted, can eat, he's even indicating it today. there will be more investigations. there are aspects of the charges that have not that are not in the, in the, the application from the warrant. for example, for, for a long time, there's been discussion about charging the moving of centers in the to the occupied west back. the west bank so far uh doesn't appear to be touched by the investigations,
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or at least by the applications for the arrest warrant. but that is likely to come, it should come in my opinion. so there are many, many stones on turn and the investigation will continue. and that's a very bad a law is a very helpful morning. and we all determined to the ongoing a violations under our clarity taking place. right. very, very interesting indeed. speak to you in m seamus, professor of instructional middlesex university. thank you. if he's on okay, let's go to the hague now and the international criminal court step voss and as the step i wonder if we can right now sort of take stock of how we got that. just to remind those exactly of the kind of them cons application for these arrest words. yes, there has been a lot of pressure on the i c. c. in the last couple of months that have been
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demonstrations here at the international criminal court. people pressuring the i c c to take action against this route. i've seen demonstrations, here's of thousands of people here, but also from the outside. the united states has put a lot of pressure on the eyes to see also to stop the proceedings and to have no arrest warrants. so in the middle of all this, the prosecute caught them con, uh, was trying to proceed with his investigation. and he has completed the investigation now, and it's been a very careful, very delicate process because of the very strong political implications of this particular case. of course, we have seen cases here at the i c before. and i can say sometimes some people barely noticed these cases for this one is particularly in the spotlight. of course, this is the 1st time that the, that we close allied to a very powerful nation. selected united states is now facing a prosecution,
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a rush for one, based on what crimes and crimes against humanity. so this has been a long road. some things may be too long of to get to this stage for this arrest warrants to be requested at the free trial chamber, which we will expect probably in a few weeks from now. but this is a significant, significant moment. uh definitely a significant uh 1st step, step voss and then outside the international criminal court. and the hey, thank you. now, the prospect of the international criminal court issuing arrest warrants has come up before during the war. and guys have made for the 30th. is ready, probably minister responded to the possibility of a warrant for his arrest, saying the move would be an outrage. the international criminal court in the who is contemplating issue in the russ once again senior is really government and military officials as war criminals to this would be an outrage of
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a star for portions either natural bodies like the i see a rose in the wake of the holocaust committed against the jewish people. they were set up to present so chars to prevent future genocides. you know, the international court is tried to put as well in the dock as well as not even subject to the court's jurisdiction. and it has an independent legal system that rigorously investigates all violations of the law. rather decisive c attempt is an attempt to paralyze is very ability to defend itself. i was just there, a senior political analyst mom and the shower joins us from paris. now in mind is the 1st time the icpc is targeted, a lead a close to the united states. the us, of course, now under a huge price of pressure to respond firmly and critically. how dangerous could that be for washington to attack this quote right now?
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i think it would be quite reckless on the part of washington not funny because that would undermine extend ink or further undermine the standing in the world of compromise and its position about human rights and international law. but also will send the message to the rest of the. ready world that this is. ready ready of my not right, that international law does not count and you know what that means. it means that people will start resorting to other symmetrical, unconventional on acceptable legal means. the only reason why a good number of people and causes. ready will continue to struggle peacefully or within the law office because they believe there is such a thing as international law. once this is compromised by the world superpower, you can't get international law just a moment. there's no shortage. is we heard of outraged coming from these ready
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leadership? it also opposition? leaders in israel as well. um uh nevertheless. so we've also heard from, it's about ben, give a, the extreme rights security minister in the country telling benjamin doesn't know who to quote, ignore the um, to submit a quote i want to the given how far benjamin doesn't know who's going to express outrage. how much this actually genuinely hudson i think it's heard some a lot. i would go further and say this is the beginning of the time. no, nothing. yeah. bear in mind that a lot of us for a lot of times that this was the end of nothing. yeah. but do you have like a centralized like us is rated cap sort and you did survive and he did the show still going to assume yes. oh, somehow there isn't problem during this indictments climbs the serious issue. but this time i think they are so many factors involved. one is
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responsibility for october 7, to his indictment on the number of crappy charges. 3 is seated in gaza, guides destroyed, but how much survivors force is a total disregard for international humanitarian law and the execution of war crimes. 5, he is indicted. foreclosure will jo side international court of justice. 6. he's these uh, basically, hong is the issues with most countries around the world. is there a standing is a problem bill was that the government was of the car step to years. so the economy might have just done the best of the best quarterback. not doing what in general, it's certainly been found it from both sides. and i think it's divided in a big way. not just the families of cottage, but a good number of people. industries continue to process the case. something you
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know, who's probably a lot of, there's no more than 6060 percent. so really important or wants to combine all the causes together, how badly he's done over the past decade. how arrogance has been, how does he miss it? there's been, even of his closest highlights, joe biden, basically rejecting what his advice discriminated by me about what can i should to hunger and so on, so forth. so really, you know, this has been a failure. it's been a lot of disgrace, confusing himself with all the jewish people as if accusing you know, something is accusing all the jewish people or something that's such a ridiculous, stupid for dish inexcusable declaration by an indicted political, our criminal life. nothing. yeah. so really in the end of the day, i think the future doesn't look good for him. i think most of it is for his phone
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make. right. so it seems to cut steeper than he would like to admit. but don't mind bashar out is there a senior political analyst that's fine to still ahead on how to 0. as you can see, the range of the last day of the destruction in the houses in this village will take you to northeastern ukraine, where people in the small fishing village find themselves on the front lines and in support. celebrations. and cairo is one of egypt as best known football teams. witness a major continental tracing. the while i'm pleased to say that we, they have slightly dry weather for the se, for sale for the time, barely because a lot of the clear skies here. finally, got rid of low pressure, heavy lights, a system to bring some brain is now weak,
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needs to move into the south atlantic. a little bit of weather that just pushing up towards re i but you can see monday does not come much drive day. i'm afraid we are going to see further shelves as we go on 3 tuesday night. what's the weather? never ready to fall away, some pockets of heavy and thunder rewriting coming for a gusty winds as well. they'll run the way down towards uruguay. somebody's shout was too up tools and all the west, particularly across. but his way that easing across the into columbia wanted to shout was to into the caravans seen a shower to win to trinidad. losey delightful. the east, not as for the time being west, the weather will be across the greater entities, a cuba sing, some wet weather showers, the 2 into jamaica. and if the hispanic elderly sounds a little more widespread as we go through tuesday, we will see some showers of that state all the way down towards by beta small across the us. we have got dry weather weather for the eastern side of the us, but live the still gathering across the northern plains,
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moving across the great legs and running by the east. the unique perspectives. why is that the doctors don't get to have a saying any of this? the medical workforce has been so under valued by the british government for such a little time on hub voices. tick tock had been a place for organizing politically, for getting people to vote for getting people to protest, connect with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. why is our government taking us to work on the basis of live with the public? have to get out there and do something about it. the stream announces era. the latest means not only that these patients were receiving, tells me that y'all as, as treatment in unless you are hospitalized. let's say we're also seeking refuge here with detailed coverage for the war. people have access to the leaders of water per day, but now everybody here gets between $2.00 and $3.00 leaders from the heart of the
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story. how send you the officials photo to 0. that in situations like this is we will deduct the funds directly from customs tax the the, [000:00:00;00] the, the watching, i'll just say like here's a reminder of our top story is this out. the top prosecutors are for the international criminal court has applied for arrest. warrants for both is really a mass leaders include is ready, prime minister benjamin netanyahu defense minister, you of kalonde, and i'm us a political leader as well. here. is there any present? isaac heard, so it has responded to the i c. c. prosecutor,
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according to move beyond outrages. a mass has also responded saying that they have against this leaders equates the victim with the perpetration. is where the strikes of killed at least a $106.00 palestinians and gaza. since sunday attacks are being reported in bed, la giovanni or the north as well as rough himself or less turn to some other world news. now the round supreme laguna is declared 5 days of national mourning of the death of president abram, right you see, and a helicopter crash. the wreckage was found early on monday. the foreign minister who was one of the 9 on board has also been confirmed that michael apple looks back how events unfolded before and after the crash. these were rainy and president e brian, right, you see is fine. allow is attending the integration of 2 dams on sunday, near the board with us a by john, along with that countries. presidents yolanda lee saw seattle. this damn can provide very safe transit for goods for passengers and tours. given how seriously
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the work is being carried out, i think it will take less time than originally estimated, which was almost 3 years. then reports began to emerge that the presidents had look up the head to make what was referred to as a hard landing. that they had been an incident. finally, it was confirmed via craft had crashed in bad weather on board president try you see foreign minister who's saying a meat of the lucky on a provincial governor and their security details. they had a cup to wind down in a forest in a remote mountainous region, near the village of ozi in the east as a buyer's on province. a 3rd of it runs on forces and move in 70 search and rescue team spring into action with turkish high tech night vision. drones providing support from the sky, but darkness, sick fog, and the rugged terrain hampered search operations. across the country
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from test run to the president's hometown mashhad, uranium came out to print nearly 20, always off to the helicopter, disappeared from right on the wreckage was discovered. the state television delivered this message to the nation prices of order for tallow shaft, so hardworking and relentless president of the range and people who did nothing but serve the people on their way towards progress, kept his promise and sacrifice his life for the nation. there's been no official word yet. on the close of the crash, one aviation analyst says changing weather conditions can pose challenges even for experienced pilots. you don't, the issue is when you're taking off and the weather was clear and then you were not on this rugged. uh forest liked rain uh there could be farmed developing areas that you don't expect far to develop. but the age of the helicopter may also have quite
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a role. the us manufactured bell helicopter had been in service since 1971. westman sanctions have made it difficult for a run to obtain spirit pots or new aircraft, is already what i'm the is the supreme leader, ayatollah ali. how many has declared 5 days of moaning? according to runs constitution? a council comprised of the speaker of parliament chief justice and 1st vice president has 50 days to cool elections for the next president, mike level, which is era, say, joining us here in the studios audi virus. he's the director of the around project at the international crisis. great. provide one. welcome to you. thanks for your time. so let's look ahead because obviously there is this 50 day period before presidential elections need to be called. we know the essentially cooling the shots is the supreme leader that i told her how many, but nevertheless, to expect that to be some political jostling behind the scenes as we work towards that election. there will be absolutely
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a lot of political and fighting and amounting to practice side or in the fighting in the run up to the elections. but this is we have to remember an election that is very likely to remain an intro conservative fights. it is a bit like us primary elections when you have candidates and the same part of you basically talking for the top position. and in this case, even the voters so will come out are very likely to be a devoted members of the party because we just had an air in iran in the runoff election of the part of entry election last week and only 8 percent of the capital city there ons, presidents showed up at the ballot boxes, again a reminder of this gap between the states in the society that is growing by the day . and so i think it would be very difficult to bring the extra to the pose until and unless the system is willing to open up the elections and which i think is a very unlikely probably for the see. now, i wonder if you can help decipher something for us because it has been widely
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reported the ever him right. you see was often seen as a potential successor as supreme leader. well, there will be writing the leadership of your mind completely tight lipped about that. how does that come from? what evidence is being based upon? so there are several issues to consider. one is that usually in these cases, it's a matter of conjecture. nobody ever admit split. second, the supreme peter himself remembers that his predecessor at the local, many in the 1980s had a designated successor. but that successor did not become supreme leader because his reputation was destroyed because he was placed to succeed the founder of the revolution. and so i think deliberately, you didn't want to commit that mistake. it's true that tracy did fit the profile, even if you look in a and the way he dressed himself almost, he was a mini me of the current supreme leader. and he certainly had the vision, but i think the key points about right, you see that made him
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a good successor to the supreme leader? is it he was company of the subservient and loyal to the current supreme leader. meaning that probably after i sort of how many passes the current leaders office and the revolution in gars would be, would be the ones who would continue to pull the strings from behind the scenes. the next thing about the last presidential election that's uh, so what people's appetite and go people thinking about what abraham, right you sees political future might look like, was the fact that there was seen the of figures on that's all within that particular election, potential political rivals both motivates, i'm conservative. so all of a sudden were removed from the list. i mean, that looked very much as if right you see was being involved for a future role at the top of the government. that's true. but and the kind of supreme leader also served as president before becoming so frame leader. also by
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the way, succeeding a president who was killed in 1981 and a bombing. uh, but uh, the reality is that the supreme leader also wanted the yes ma'am. he had years of experience with presidents who have challenges or thought or t all either because intellectually they were superior to him like present cost to me or a new the world better like prison romani, or we're just the trouble makers like present got medina shot. whereas this guy present, right, you see was an absolute yes man. and that's what the supreme date or liked about him. that's why he cleared the stage for him to be selected is not pretty elected. all right, thank you very much. all of us are giving as much need to come to expect you to, to the process defense ministry says it's for us is they've taken control or the village of being all risk up. and the look on screeching, oppression forces continue to push into credit khaki regions with ariel strikes. hitting a number of villages. john holman,
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was in the village of chick oscar was over. just off the russian, we saw a tech to cascade of those of wasn't quite village, just no football, keith, where people came to fish until 11. am this sunday, the me so ripped through the country club and the like? sure, we run into valentina wondering, the road outside people. what's happening in the hole for a fragment, he's my head here a little bit. my blog congealed. it smells at that. then i called my husband, but she didn't pick up, you know, he was lying on the lake shore was his dog will his stay there. her husband is one of the dead who disabilities just 20 minutes from how to key. if you crane 2nd city, russia has been bombarding it for months, hitting industrial targets and for residential buildings. so military unless
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believe it's an effort to push the population out. well, thirty's, the noise was so just staying in the country club. so that was left. this is not even a so called soviet pressed base. the russians like to say, and what's the importance of your plan? what a place this is absolute nonsense. people had told us that with 2 strikes that they beat to showed us what they did to her house. you can see the range of the last day of the destruction in the houses in this village to the windows when the roof has been damaged. here as well, but it's not just that is the people they've been lost or been injured. the 2 sister and the husband disciplined back to see the family of the leaving for all and just to start the will. they were outside when the 2nd strike here. when they are, which should be able to have cash just in her breast,
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that's what caribella did not have to close them and bundle them. and my brother in law was good, like this, almost and set out and his stomach, one of them, brooklyn keir here. and the blood test board and out like a fun thing to you. i'm the lenses have now taken both away and beats his mom lou, both start sweeping up while she waits for the nurse for the impact to what's happened here. hasn't yet some kids on the home and out to 0 to, to casket. loss of a few cried sons, presidents emanuel, my cronum is called a meeting of his defense and security council to discuss the unrest and the pacific territory of new caledonia. a 1000 police officers and the lead forces of being deployed to restore ordering the french pacific territory. the streets around from com, but my blocks remain and the apple is still shot. indigenous kind of island does have refused to abandon the road blocks protest began
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a week ago in response to propose changes to the electro level. the critics say would dilute the voice of the indigenous kinda community without just the still ahead poems. new president officially takes office flight shantay has been sworn in and it's cooling on china to respect the islands democracy. and for the 2nd major golf championship with it goes down to the final 3 tires here with the store. the
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business latest the sponsored by interlock tuck, he's real estate consultant. the business lights has to be sponsored by intellect. tuck, he's real estate, consult sent the the
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k it is signed to support his bar name. thank you so much. sandra softly has won the 1st major golf title of his career. a single stroke separated the american from the chasing pack and the pga championship and the richard sign reports books on the final green. so when your 1st major sunday showplace has this group this moment many times and sunday, listening to with the pga championship when stroke was like, oh my gosh, this is what i want for a winning. but unfortunately it was uphill. it was, you know, 6 feet ish. i ended up playing it straight, it did go left, caught the left side. just a huge just so much relief as the shoulders length and that, kentucky's val, how across the chasing pack was closing in on shore play for us. so i think
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champagne price and to show by as on the charge $6.00 bodies in a whole. so new ways big to homeland briefly take the lead show flight hadn't won a tournament to use. this was to be his day. it's super sweet, but when i, when i break it down, i'm really just proud of how i handle certain moments on the course of day different from the past after his arrest by traffic police on friday morning. we'll number one scuffle shiffler finished and it's only the 8th is due to have a quotes here on tuesday. you're out here competing. you're doing what you can throughout the course of the round to post a score and i wasn't able to get that done yesterday. did i feel like myself? absolutely not. was my warm up the way it usually is, and the distractions where they normally are? absolutely not showplace. when has moved him up to a career best 2nd in the world rankings. and will just be defending his olympic
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title of the parish games and the richardson l g 0. now the court is dominance of the women's game goes on for the 6th time. in 7 tournaments, the well number one finished up as a winner. this victory for the american coming at the lpga tour event in new jersey . her next challenge will be the women's, the us women's open, which starts at the end of the month. manchester city had been crowned english primarily champions for a 4th time in a row. they sailed the title with victory over west ham, on what was a 10th a final day of the season. so home out like reports munches to city a premier, the campaigns for a full season in a row. the equation was simple beat visitors with time to render an awful victory of evidence superfluous. and that's exactly what pep god deal aside,
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did so that they couldn't have started any better. fill the food in school shortly off to kick off and then made it to 0 with less than 20 minutes. play city did have a small scale as width times in the home, it could pull the go back just to full half time. and with talking here, oh, tell me ask who's helping austin to recover from being a go down again. stevenson to go in wonderful. at the break city news, they could not afford any more slip on. but if there were any lives among last seasons tribune, if they didn't show rotary findings in it to make it 31 and effectively shattering the dream that rivals the north london to us is credit vacant. pushing the victory and go to to one way. and thanks to a late, kindly habits go,
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but it was all in vain for mikayla to 15 months as the city kept the cool scene victory to spunk was tied to the winning celebration. fancy, 34 years in a row. this is almost accommodated what. 7 what can i say, i mean, which is a serious we did something funny, my general affording a role. but the best thing is we want more matches. the city will attempt to win the 50 premier leak title in the road next season. but they face of potentially big of battle of the field, and this is 115 premier. the charges for alleged financial irregularities hanging over the club for now. however, those problems seem to be far away from the minds of the advance and the plays. so here's malik, i'll just at a different hop says he may never manage a top level club again. the german said good bye to liverpool after 9 years. during his time with the club,
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his team won the premier league and champions lead titles. dutch coach or any slots will take over next season. i don't know exactly why nobody believes that. i probably will not be a manager again, but i understand because obviously it seems to be a drug but looks like because everybody comes back and it really works until the 70 something i always idea but i'll do that and different sides. i'm like have one the african confederation cop. they beat are a super can of milwaukee one. now in the 2nd leg of the funneling cairo, this is the 2nd to your competition for african clubs having last, 1st like to one is when something sounded like winning the title on the away goals for all the reading. and the champions of denver nuggets had been dumped out of the playoffs. the semi final series of is locked at $33.00 heading into their decide are against the minnesota tougher walls. and then august made
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a strong start to on their home course of and at a 20 point lead. the to wonder will fall back to when it to $98.00 points to 90 and wrap up the series for 3 overall. it puts them into the western conference finals for the 1st time in 20 years or they'll face the dallas mass. i said we have, we don't have a degree, we got a big 15, you know we, we, every single person on his team means a lot that his team and they help in so many different ways of his game just shows that the timber was not anything where it's not car at any child's that really go bear the timber was our special team alexander has arrived the nicholas, sorry to win his 2nd is holly and opened his had all the world number 5 defeated. as julian opponents in straight sense begins, top players are now heading into the 2nd grand slam on the here. that's the french open, which starts on sunday, the very coons age.
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i'm sure we have autonomy produced another game winning moments for the la dodgers . his 1st a walk off hits since joining the dodgers gave his team a $32.00 wins over cincinnati. okay, that is all you support for now back to me. all right, thanks a lot for before we go tie ones, the president has quote on china to respect, be honest, democracy. i just don't military and political threats lie. shantay was an organ rates to monday, a quote for tools for china. but eugene had called him a dangerous separate test for refusing to accept the chinese self and to continue supporting badging lighting to is a doctor, turned to pull attrition from the vice president. and now the president of ty, one, the leader was sworn in on monday months of to his policy one and unprecedented. the consecutive presidential tub is integration, celebrations with joyful lie. speech carried assume the message, but they think they're just trying to stop intimidating taiwan politically. and
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militarily, you know, take on the global responsibility, what's tie one to work hard on, and tiny piece of stability across the taiwan strait and ensure the word is without the fear of war breaking out. they jenkins such as the island road chinese territory, and cut official communication with this government in 2016. china is taiwanda says also says lives comments revealed his true nature as a 21, independence walker. title, taiwan independence is a debt and no matter under what guys what panama pursue in taiwan independence, a section is doomed to fail to think. sure by the law has cooled. the dialogue with a james, china's answer has been to send several people separation on a flight of jets across the taiwan straits, median line, an unofficial boundary. badging does not recognize the incursions has become increasingly routine pushing light to play more funding for time when these forces
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and move closer to the united states. it's most important allies for me, us officials attended the integration as well as representatives from the 12 nations maintaining diplomatic relations with the tie. one. that list has dwindled in recent years as more countries of fatalities with aging. life faces challenges domestically to his democratic progressive party. last, it's paula men to majority in the january election, few them scuffles and the government against move lighting to determination to continue. ty, once democracy, the scene as an act of defiance against staging it considers the islands of tubs and mainland control inevitable slices. what to maintain the status, quoting, not about you know provoking badging. the chinese efficiency has places to washington send a dangerous signal. on monday law, i received 2 samples of presidential power suit, spoke to taiwan after the republican government, most of the chinese civil war and flood that in 1949. he's promised to be
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a strong leader for ty, ones, future, but he won't escape the complex history of its past. katrina, you all to 0 dating. right. that's it for the news. more news in some of the hoffman. it's time service that the they're the next generation in the united states, they're not happy with what is happening in gaza. they're not happy with the u. s. foreign policy, and that's why they're trying to make their voices heard. the administrators of each university really have a choice to either escalate and call in police, be confrontational, or to actually listen to what their concerns are. city stream of people being arrested, placed in the zip tie and cops and taken away many of the purchases we've talked to
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have said they will continue protesting until their demands are met. as universities across the u. s. mobilize for palestine, an unprecedented track down intensifies. they're putting a target on my back. they're saying, here's your person, go get her fault lines investigates the mechanisms of suppression and the implications for academic freedom. universities who embrace diversity point is for posting in right. you're suspended, you're investigated, you're shut down the palestine exception. when it does the, you know, the mood and untold stories from asia and the pacific on would you say a brutal mode is to take 90 to come to you and k o l g 0 will goes to gamut with political schools in the 1980s, with 2nd,
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by assessing that was at the back of company battle in which south humans president responsive of debt, i refused to give them my head, will give up power the killing of south him and the politicians during a routine cabinet between 8th 1986 anatomy of an assassination on al jazeera, the, to the international criminal court top prosecutor, requests arrest warrants for the is ready to lead to benjamin netanyahu. and his defense minister for war crimes and crimes against humanity in guns and the i. c. c . prosecute is also seeking warrants for the rest of 3 senior hamas leaders to the groups. october 7th attack on israel. the
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funny bucko, this is out just a life and also coming up on the ground in gaza. israel's mass killing and full


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