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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 20, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm AST

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and so how can poor of people get their share of the wealth? how much does the us spend in foreign aid and does about funding help to boost global stability? plus why zambia has band charcoal production products? counting the cost on how to 0 the the international criminal codes top prosecutor requests arrest warrants for the is there any lead benjamin netanyahu and his defense minister for war crimes and crimes against humanity in gaza? the on the bulk of business, i'll just say about live from doha. also coming up the i. c. c. prosecutor is also seeking warrants for the arrest of 3 senior hamas leaders for the groups of the type of 7th attack on israel. the list is very
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strong, some dollars more than a 100 people are killed in the last 24 hours, many of them elderly and showed that they were on supreme leader that could as 5 days of mourning process, the nation will proceed as normal of the president every embracing was killed in a helicopter crash the . we begin with breaking news from the international criminal court at the hague. the i c. c, chief prosecutor, carry him. con. has announced he is seeking a rest warrant for his regular i'm time us leaders for crimes committed since october the 7th. last year a salma pinch of age has more a. c starving children is a crime. the killing civilians is a little crime and built for the causing suffering is also
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a criminal act. those are the top 3 reasons. the prosecutor of the international criminal court has cited for requesting at restaurants for these really prime minister benjamin netanyahu and defense minister golf kalonde. i have reasonable grounds to believe on the basis of evidence collected and examined by my office that he's really prime minister benjamin netanyahu administer of defense. you, i've got and a back criminal responsibility for the following international crimes committed on the territory of the state of palestine. several is really ministers of denounced the allegations of war crimes and crimes against humanity. the foreign minister is read cods that says it's a historic disgrace and that especially for room has been set up to counteract the decision. but not everyone agrees is what i really gain to text. it says was this war of the whole vague is of december and the whole body does against us any to unite the game. these very easy to very nation at least stick even more nation.
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this is way and everyone receives, so just in such a victim by these evil decision, i think it's a just, this is the i c. c. prosecutors also seeking the rest of ordering sort from us political and been if he does explain, honey, you can send bar and bahama dave that are reasonable grounds to believe that these 3 i'm actually to, is a criminal. you're responsible for the killing of these really civilians and attacks perpetrated by a mass of i'm groups on the 7th of october 2023. the palestinian group says that the rest of organs for nothing. yeah. who wouldn't kalonde a several months too late? and rather than equating the victim with the perpetrator, i c. c, should or did the rest of all occupation officials gave orders and the soldiers who carried out the crimes. if we want to be honest, we should be looking at what it is that the government is really government has been doing the orders that it has it issued to it's soldiers and it's issued orders to its soldiers to carry out a genocide. if this court is to have any credibility,
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it should be going after the people were committing genocide, rather than just simply trying to play this game of both sides. for months, the i c. c. prosecute to face criticism of the cottage and gauze and folded. cons critics, even of the un security council, criticize what they saw as, as in action to hold as we had a comfortable seas via a ceasefire. israel's allies, including the united states, mostly expressed anger. i had to monday of i c. c announcement, target israel and we will talk to you that a warning letter for me. it doesn't us for public incentives that threatened to cut funding and sanction i. c c stuff and their families. 3 this is, bill is a today in the me, a talk over the risk for and is unlikely to have an immediate impact on the war which has killed more than 35000 palestinians and displaced millions more since october. some of the javi was there like
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a well let's go live now to the international criminal court in the hague. step voss and the as the end step, a very bold move by the i c. c. the 1st stage and what could be arrest warrants brought against these permanent figures and this conflict will cause through the significance of the move. yes, this is one of the most high profile cases, the isis. he has ever unbox upon a. we know, of course, at last year there was an arrest for one, issued against the russian president vladimir solution. but now, just as an arrest warrant against us to lead us from a country, which is a very strong ally of one of the most powerful nations on this planet, the united states. and also a lot of you are seeing countries are very closely still supporting as well. we know also that these countries are very much also funding the i see. so this is in this sense a very unusual and unprecedented step. and it wasn't
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a step that to prosecute the 5 him side has taken lightly. there were months of preparation. so was pressure from all sides of pro processing and demonstrations here at the i c. c, demanding that the prosecute. so she would actually start acting a but also against a the i c, c, uh, from a not aside from the united states. and this was writing a letter to caught them signs, basically threatening if he were to continue with this case that that would be rep of cushions in the sense of maybe a finance being caught. so in the middle of this, this, this, this investigation has been ongoing from khan. and even now this morning, when the announcements came here from the ices see, we can see i'm, i'm here a lot of uh, of from them nation also from a lot of sites. so he is really walking a very thin line and you can also see it. and this at the charges that he's brought out, that there's been this,
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this balance that he's trying to present between the accusations against how much leaders and also against the is for amy lee. the. so this will definitely be a case that's going to be closely watched. so please help us with the, the mechanics of all of this because this is the 1st step is a request for arrest warrants to be issued. how does this work of the exactly has no issues this request. so now this will go to the free trial chamber and judge just there will have to decide if he has a valid reason to request these arrest warrants. is this, is that, does the court have jurisdiction in this case? is one of these, and so step has to be given at all. so is there a reason for the rest of the organs in the sense that, for example, are the crimes, the war crimes that they are being accused of? are they still continuing? so those questions needs to be answered by these judges. we expect it in a few weeks. if we look at the case against the flooding they put in, for example,
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it took them uh, 3 weeks to actually issue the arrest warrant. and if that happens, then 124 countries who have signed up to the rome statute, and these are countries all over the world. but mostly also in europe and africa and south america, they have to actually arrest the all these, these 5 people. if the rest of organs are issued and being, they will be brought to the hate and detained here and be put on trial significantly. i have to add to that the united states is not one of these countries. and obviously as well is also not among these countries probably with the very latest step voss and the, the i, c. c in the hague. all right, well as being angry, reaction in israel against the i. c. c, will cabinet minister buddy guns defended his country's long, gaza. if you're not the same, that's placing the lead is of a country who went into battle to protect its citizens in the same line with bloodthirsty terrorists is more blind in
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a violation of its juicy and ability to protect its citizens. excepting to prosecute his position will have the ability of any country to protect its citizens and will be a historic crime that will not be erased. all right, let's cross to, i'm a jump june, who's in the to damian capital? i'm on with bull on the is really reaction he's there of course, because i was just here has been banned from reporting in israel proffer muhammad, we are expecting quite soon for benjamin netanyahu to give his own personal take on the decision of the i. c. c. but we've already got this line in the last minute also suggesting that netanyahu is very furious. it says the, the i c. c prosecute is move is exactly what quote new anti semitism looks like. does it come at like, not chime with all the reaction that you're hearing and as well so far?
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it it certainly does. it goes further than what we've heard me from other is rarely officials throughout the day, but that's a defiant tone. that's what we were expecting before we even heard from his really officials, but now throughout, across the is really political spectrum. and this is a deeply divided political spectrum by the way, in israel. nonetheless, there has been so much opposition to the announcement from career called the icbc prosecutor as far as seeking warrants against nets and yahoo and galani. and let me just walk you through some of the reactions that we've heard. of course you heard a moment ago there from been against, but we've also heard from now you're located. he's the opposition leader and israel . he tweeted the icpc arrest warrants or a complete moral failure. we cannot accept the outrages comparison between us and yahoo and send war between the leaders of israel and the leaders of from us. we also got a statement from the is really president issac hurts are in which he said the announcement of the prosecutor at the icpc is beyond outrages. it shows the extent to which the international judicial system is in danger of collapsing. we will not
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forget our hostages, whose safer turn should be the main concern of the international community. we expect all leaders in the free world to condemn outright this step and firmly reject it. and beyond that, we've also heard from a lot of officials who were quoted unnamed officials, but quoted nonetheless, throughout these really medial landscape. saying that this uh, this announce that that was made, was hypocritical. and concerning. and, and that nothing like it should ever happen. what we know essentially is that there are, you know, consultations going on at the top tier of government at this hour. you have the national security council, as well as some of israel's top legal minds essentially, huddling they've created a war room to try and figure out how moving forward they are going to be dealing this dealing with this. but we are expecting, as you said, a statement, some type of a statement from the prime minister himself in the next hour or 2. and as soon as we get those details, we'll have more for you. i'm sure you will. mamma jump june that reporting for us
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live in a month. i just remind you of course, we have been banned from reporting and as well proper, which is why we're doing it in neighboring countries, manufacturing habits. all right, so a mouse in ton has released a statement saying, arrest warrants for nothing. yahoo and galant, uh, 7 months too late, he went on to condemn. the prosecutor saying that seeking a restaurants against the mass equates the victim with the perpetrator. and says the only c c should order the rest of or occupation officials who gave orders and soldiers who carried out the crimes. well, on the ground of course, nothing has changed off to x ray, the attacks killed at least a $106.00 palestinians in gauze since sunday. it's ready forces of target to the residential square and fed law. here dozens of being killed in the north of the street. many of the victims were women and children. many of the injured who had taken to the nearby come on how to run hospital. these are the scenes bad hospital
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stuff as you can see over whelmed. by the situation, at least 7 people have died in the hospital from the injuries. okay, well let's go live now to gaza. indeed, how about a colleague? is the standing by hidden to how could you a, can you give us a sense of whether or not that has been any reaction whatsoever? 2 developments that the international criminal court, or course internationally this means a lot potentially seeing arrest warrants issued for benjamin netanyahu. never the less given the ongoing violence the i'm sure people's main concern is security. well, let's be very realistic here in gaza policy news do not have any access to the internet . their only source of news is us as correspondence and reporters. we have been
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trying to talk to people, some of the people do not know that this has been issue today. others have been found this very ironic. i'm funny and some raised a little bit of questions. is this going to change anything on the ground? is this gonna stop? how with this change our lives? findings in use have been striving to find food defined watch or to find their medicine to their children. they have been displaced for more than a couple more than 8 times 9 times. that's all that palestinians are currently focusing and on. but when we're coming to highlights how much the response, they can done the icpc for the equalizing the palestinians. and that is right, is the set that this came 7 months later. this is rodney officials have been committed thousands of crimes against the policy is that they also said that the agencies should have issued a rest warrant against all the is their id. officials that have been in charge of
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the is where the atrocities against the public send you. but so far upon seeing you find this meaningless because they have very bad history with the i c. c and the security council and everything that is related to stopping this genocide. and while we are speaking to you, we're looking at the scenes of onto a devastation embed law here. clearly the conflict very much in info sway. could you give us a sense of what's happening on the ground, the, the scale of the, of the devastation there? well, the life is what we've got is 3 policy news from us ahead of time in the, in the gods us, if you have been killed in the past hour as the is ready forces targeted their house at 14 members of the flu time. and you are also being killed by and is right, the air strikes as the is really air strikes,
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targeted their home and nothing at your budget and your budgets refugee tom, also a palestinian baby girl, died inside the new nursery of a to mounted ones. hospital do the oxygen system failure. another policy mean girl was killed as the is really are tell her you target a school and into bad. yeah. and the is there any, is snipers targeted the another in gate of come i'd want hospice, an also targeted the 5th floor of the hospital replied policies have been injured with the tops or in just a head. more palestinians have been killed by clubs comforters as they are in the streets and rough off. also, that is really true. tanks are expanding their, their, their ground encouraging, where they reach to ad, but a z in the neighborhood and drop off. it's very obvious that the scale of tensions is increasing, right, and palestinians are still being the space for
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a place to another, either in the north or in the south of the causes of strip. okay, with the very latest theft garza and coded many things. okay, let's to speak to the other day. now. he's a political henderson calling to see joins us from ramallah and the okay, what are you by the west bank? uh no uh very welcome ma'am. back to l. just the weather is being pushed back from the east or at least as we i but also push back from the p l. o. against the arrest warrant request. say the i c. c. 's decision is quote, confusion between the victim and the execution that can you explain that to you as well it's, it's a bit difficult for the palestinian side to see how at, you know, more than 7 months after this war has started. and, and frankly more than 2 years since the investigation of the i c. c started that the prosecutor would come out and present of 3 or 3 have most
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leaders with more charges. then he presented to top is really officials. this is something that is difficult to digest at domestically, but frankly, i don't think, i don't think that anybody was surprised one palestine exceeded to the rome statute joined the court and submitted to its jurisdiction and requested that the prosecutor of the time open an investigation there was a realization that this puts everybody under the scrutiny of the law and it could subject palestinians to that scrutiny and possibly to charges. and at the time every body in the palestinian c and fractured as it is, was involved in that. so the decision that supportive of it hasn't been the pushback from the pay, although also appears to come from. i'm good at this case, these uh accusations, the allegations directed against these 3 senior last figures don't take into the context of the wider occupation as well. they don't take
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into consideration the wider occupation, but they also don't take into consideration the other crimes that, you know, the prosecutor has received hundreds of submissions on it, including the sacraments, for example, which are clearly defined in their own statute as a war crime apartheid which has a, you know, a qualification that has been reached by top experts and you on organizations and human rights organizations around the world. so there's a lot that's still missing from cutting plans, coming back in so far as investigation. and i think he tried to clarify that in his announcement by saying that this is part of an ongoing investigation. this is not where the buck stops. there might be other indictments and other, a restful warrant issued. he has acted in a bit of a peculiar way, if you will, regarding this investigation and his announcement itself is
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a precedent in i. c. c. history. he didn't have to inform the world about his intention to ask for arrest warrants before informing the court itself in a way. he kind of put everybody in a bind and, you know, placed pressure all around maybe to release some from, from himself and in his office. so he is taking a different route from others that the other prosecutors might have might have taken. he's been very vocal on many issues and he moved much quicker on other issues. you would a recall in russia, for example. it took him exactly one month to issue warren or 7 months into this. a plausible genocide. he has now declared his intention to ask for arrest warrants, which could take weeks to be issued by the pre trial to chamber. right. no, that particular unless economists, many thanks for joining us. the,
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you're watching our series reminder of our top story space. our top prosecute for the international criminal court has applied for restaurants to both is riley and some of the leaders include is there any prime minister benjamin netanyahu defense minister, you have kalonde and i'm us political lead up, your smile on the is there a, the president isaac had song, has responded to the i c. c prosecutor according to move beyond that ranges from us as well. so responded saying that we have against this lead as a quakes, the victim with the perpetrator. is there 80 strikes of killed at least a $106.00 process teams and gaza since sunday attacks of pain reports, he's in bed law here, and father in the north is one of those rough or in the so us present, joe biden, 1st condemning the international criminal court prosecutor for requesting an arrest warrant against is right. the leaders can be how kept this live for us. so the
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white house and kimberly we know that a certain senior is re lease in the government to head off the united states to, to wait in to this should the, i see see taking the negative stance on israel. what have the us leadership being saying response to developments v i c c. as the n word, the us president has called the application for arrest warrants against israeli leaders and outrages that is the word that the us president use. and he goes on to say in a statement, letting me be clear, whatever this prosecutor might apply, there is no equivalence, not between israel and her boss. we will always stand with israel against threats to it's security. now, the statement from the secretary of state and to me blinking is much more detail, but i post the sentiment of the us president. he also rejects the prosecutors of privileges with is really leaders and how mass leaders calling it shameful. because
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he alleges that him off in his view, carried out the worst mass of her jews since the holocaust. but it goes on to say that the united states had made clear for weeks. but it believes that the i c, c has no jurisdiction for this case, and it's investigation. and so as a result the united states has been opposed to it for some time. it has made clear that for some time, he believes that the court has rushed this investigation and further believes but israel is where this should be investigated. in fact, it is doing so right now. and that that process should be allowed to carry out. of course, we know historically when is real investigates itself, it usually finds that it has committed no wrong doing what we also know from the statement by entering the blinking is it has called into question the legitimacy and credibility of the i. c. c is investigation. he also says that it threatens b, a, c, 's for c's for our efforts moving forward of releasing captives and also humanitarian
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aid for palestinians, right? with all the latest fraction of the white house can be how can, as okay, let's turn to some other world news. now the rom, supreme data is excited, 5 days of national morning after the death of president abraham, right. you see in a helicopter crash, the wreckage was found early on monday. the foreign minister who was one of the 9 on board, has also been confirmed that michael apple looks back at how events unfolded before and after the crash. these were rainy and president e brian, right, you see the final allow is attending the annual duration of to dance on sunday near the board with us a by john, along with that countries, presidents yolanda alias, it's all here. let's see on this damn, can provide very safe transit for goods for passengers and taurus, given how seriously the work is being carried out. i think it will take less time than originally estimated, which was almost 3 years then reports began to emerge that the president's
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helicopter had to make what was referred to as a hard landing. that they had been an incident. finally, it was confirmed via craft had crashed in bad weather on board president ry you see foreign minister who's saying a meat of deluxe. he on a provincial governor, and the security details about the helicopter went down in a forest in a remote mountainous region. near the village of ozi in the east as a by john province, a sort of a runs armed forces in more than 70 search and rescue teams spring into action with turkish high tech night division. drones providing support from the sky. but darkness, sick fog, and the rugged terrain hampered search operations across the country on the test run to the president's hometown. if mashhad iranians came off to print nearly 20 always off to the helicopter,
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disappeared from right on the wreckage was discovered. the state television delivered this message to the nation thrice visual who report carlos about the hardworking and relentless president of the raining people who did nothing but serve the people on their way towards progress. kept his promise and sacrifice his life for the nation. there's been no official word yet on the cause of the crash. one aviation analyst says changing weather conditions can pose challenges even full experience pilots. you don't, the issue is when you're taking off and the weather was clear and then you were not when this rugged a forest liked rain. uh, there could be farmed developing areas that you don't expect far to develop. but the age of the helicopter may also have quite a role. the us manufactured bella helicopter had been in service since 1971. westman sanctions have made it difficult for a run to obtain spare parts or new aircraft is already what i'm this the supreme
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leader ayatollah ali. how many has declared 5 days of morning? according to runs constitution. a council comprised of the speaker of parliament, chief justice and 1st vice president have 50 days to cool elections for the next president, mike, level l g 0. you're gardening and forces say that holding by russian advances near the village of border we've got and the law hand squeezing us despite must go claiming control of the area. meanwhile, fighting continues in the city of hockey and surrounding villages. a series of aerial strikes have hit the area as russian ground forces continue that push into the hockey region. thailand's new president, lighting tay has been sworn into office lies, expect you to continue his pre to assess his policies of independence for the island. badging has cooled him a dangerous separatists for refusing to accept the chinese sovereignty. so
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okay, let's have somebody in these boxes and then figure out our website. how does their adult calm weather is next? spend insight story. we'll examine how ever hungry he sees death effect, rainy, and policies the or hello welcome to the cat, the international forecasts. see why the remains logic dry, close match off the middle east. but notice still some plows still some off the web of a cross. the north west of iran into a good positive as a barge on a heavy shower as long as spells of right coming through here. then i will continue to just not a little further research as we go through why this type of the shot was never really too far away, becoming a little more widespread down towards central in western areas of around by that
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size. oh, so i'm showing it back. that temperature is here into the forty's further south. will there be contact we could get into the low fourties on wednesday afternoon so i some pretty serious hate to come for many. well, it's enough for across the is the side of the mediterranean, because there are 35 celsius for quite a few shows. just around that eastern side of ducky, i wanted to shout into the south west of the country as well as we go on through the next couple of days. the what are the increasing breeze just rolling through that phrase? also i faded some very well mother into the northeast of africa and both africa generate dry plenty of showers that across the house of africa joining up with what's the weather that we have over towards the rift valley. this trouble system i'm pleased to say is weakening the
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traffics with a face for iran, president of the name of the ac is killed in a helicopter cross at a time of rising tension in the region on domestic concern over economic crisis. so what does the death of a man wildly foster has been the next supreme leader meeting for iran? this is inside the
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hello and welcome to the program. i'm data you navigate to the ac was widely believed to be.


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