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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 20, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm AST

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just deserving recipients, visit the cost on the web presence. and remember, it's a copy revised wells and increases systems cost on request the the international criminal court stop prosecutor requests arrest warrants for these riley lead to benjamin netanyahu and his defense minister for real crimes and crimes against humanity in gaza. the icy c prosecute says also seeking warrants for the rest of the 3 senior. how my sweetest to the groups. october 7th, attack on israel, the hello i my m i z. this is algae 0 life from dell also coming up on the program for
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bringing the latest from browser itself is rouse, mass cleaning, and for salvation of civilians intensifies moving a 100 policies have been killed since sunday. the also iran announces presidential elections to june 28th off to present ever. i am, right. you see was killed in a helicopter crash. the hello and welcome to the program. the chief prosecutor of the international criminal court at the hague. as applied for arrest warrants for senior high mass and is really need is accusing them of war crimes and crimes against humanity. they include the is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu on the defense minister of government senior. how mosley this is monique? yeah, yes and well, i'm a dave also accused, some of been job aid has minus starving children is
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a crime. the killing civilians is it will crime. and then for the causing suffering is also a criminal act. those are the top 2 reasons. the prosecutor of the international criminal court is cited for requesting and restaurants for these really prime minister, benjamin netanyahu, and defense minister golf kalonde, have reasonable grounds to believe on the basis of evidence collected and examined by my office that he's really prime minister benjamin netanyahu administer of defense you, i've got a back criminal responsibility for the following international crimes committed on the territory of the state of palestine. several is really ministers of denounced the allegations of war crimes and crimes against humanity. the foreign minister is red costs. it says it's a historic disgrace and that especially for room has been set up to counteract the decision. but not everyone agrees is what i really gain to text. it said,
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was this war of the whole reg as of december and the horrible is against us? and it's with united, the game, these very easy to very nation at least stick even more nation is this way. and everyone receives, so just in such a victim by the evil decision, i think it's adjusted. this is the i c. c, prosecutors also seeking the rest of ordering sore from us political and been if he does explain, honey, you can send bar and bahama dave that are reasonable grounds to believe that these 3 i'm actually to is a criminal. you're responsible for the killing of these really civilians and attacks perpetrated by a mass of i'm groups on the 7th of october 2023. the palestinian group says that the rest of organs for nothing. yeah. who wouldn't kalonde a several months too late? and rather than creating the victim with the perpetrator, i c. c, should or did the rest of all occupation officials gave orders and the soldiers who carried out the crimes. if we want to be honest,
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we should be looking at what it is that the government, these really government has been doing the orders that it has, the issue to it's soldiers and it's issued orders to its soldiers to carry out a genocide. if this court is to have any credibility, it should be going after the people were committing genocide, rather than just simply trying to play this game of both sides. for months, the i c. c. prosecute to face criticism of the content you can govern folded, clean cons. critics, even of the un security council, criticize what they saw as, as in action to hold is really comfortable seats via a ceasefire. israel's allies, including the united states, mostly expressed anger. i had to monday if, if the announcement target is real and we will talk to you that a warning letter from it doesn't us. republican senators threatened to cut funding and sanctioned i c. c stuff and their families. 3 this is bill that today in the me, a talk over the rest within is unlikely to have an immediate impact on the war
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which has killed more than 35000 continues and displaced millions more since october. some of the javi was there. the step of austin joins us live now from needs national criminal court in the hague. and it isn't known this court. the taking swift action bought the i. c. c's. kareem khan appears to have spearheaded a watershed moment for the court. yes, this is one of the most high profile cases. this court has ever and box on since it was established in 2002. and it's especially unprecedented because one of the u. s . is closest allies of israel is now being under investigation and will be prosecute with the the rest of orleans requested against the y'all. and the defense minister, a very, very much for i showed by
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a people here also demonstrating at the i see in the last couple of months. but also have been very much contested by people in the united states. senators, who have send a letter to the i c, prosecute to threatening him that he should withdraw these cases that he should never issue these arrest warrants because then that would be rep precautions. for example, financial sanctions. so got them gone. had to try the very same line of thought. we narrow balance also between the cases, against how much and against israel, and now we have finalized this long investigation and you can already so even an hour after the announcement, it was already so much criticism around the globe. but he has sat just as much prevail and nobody is above the law and, and also one of the things he said, i've read and everyone is equal for the law. but also all life are equal. and i think you want us to make a very strong point also towards s ralph about its feeling of being above the loss
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by saying that yes, it did seem as though in his remarks, you know, he's clearly done this in the face of all physician from the united states and western state and western countries as well, perhaps in an effort to convince the global community that these laws apply to everyone and not just to, to countries in africa as we've seen in the past. how does this process unfold? now? what happens next? well this was today a fairly significant for a step, but now the pre trial chamber of judges would have to decide if these arrest warrants will be issued. and this could happen in, in a few weeks. they have to decide if the, the, the, the court has jurisdiction in this case, and we know that in the last 3 years, it was decided that the court has jurisdiction in the palace. so instead of saying, and tara 3 is the a. so this is the question will be answered also, but also is it important to have the suspect on file? should that be a rest?
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so that's another question they need to answer. and then we have to look also at the fact that these, according to car him time, these crimes are still commit being committed. we're nathan, y'all and the defense minister i'll be in your fused off as we speak. so that's why these considerations will all be dealt with, and then we will know if the reference will be issued at then $124.00 countries we have signed up to the rome statute. have the obligation to arrest the suspects when they're in their countries. and then they asked to be brought to the hague to be, prosecute this and be put on trial. but there are some exceptions, not the united states and israel and china, for example. they are not signatories, so they will not have this obligation to arrest the suspects. but a lot of other countries, especially around europe and the i forget in south america, they have the obligation to arrest the, the suspect. thank you very much. step voss and 14 to
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a staff from the aid. and now that has been a reaction from these ready prime minister benjamin netanyahu. he's responded to this news from the international criminal course in a prerecorded address. a lot. so the bus increase, so that the, this absurd and the sinks, the warrant of the persecution in the hague, is aimed and also on the, against israel's prime minister and defense minister both against the entire states . if is right off, it is against the idea of soldiers who are fighting with the utmost bravery against the vile murder was of a month who attacked us with ring dispute. tell us the on october 7th, the prosecutor in the hague, with was odessa to do. you did compare between the how much monsters and the soldiers of the id, if the world's most immoral army was also density. do you compete from us? best mood. good. what should the capitated raped and kidnapped our brothers and sisters with the idea of soldiers who are fighting a just war? i rejects with disgust the comparison between democratic israel and the mass murder
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is of how much this is a complete distortion of reality. all right, let's get more of this now and how much i'm to him. he's reporting to us from the dining capital amman, because israel has bond elders air from are forcing inside the country. and so i'm going to, i suppose, a predictable reaction that from the prime minister, he has reacted with disgust. he rejects this decision by the international criminal court. but, and he was on the public reaction inside his israel. so essentially, mariam, because at a time when is really politics are so polarized, when there are so many divisions and phishers across the political landscape and israel, you have top leadership in israel, essentially backing what the prime minister said. and let me take you and our viewers. so what we heard from some of those top officials throughout the day you
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had been in camps, former defense minister, current member of the war cabinet, who said that it was marrow, blindness, to try to equate what israel is doing when it comes to the war with what, how much has done beyond that? you also had yeah, year le pete. he is the opposition leader in israel. yeah. your la p tweeted earlier saying the i c. c. arrest warrants are a complete moral failure. we cannot accept the outrages comparison between that and yahoo and send war between the leaders of israel and the leaders of how much beyond that. we also had a tweet from is really president issac heard sock, he put out a statement in which he said the announcement of the prosecutor of the icpc is beyond outrages and shows the extent to which the international judicial system is in danger of collapsing. we will not forget our hostages, who say, for turn, should be the main concern of the international community. we expect all leaders in the free world to condemn outright this step and firmly rejected. beyond that, you've had
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a named is really officials who've been quoted throughout the is really media landscape who have used the words like hypocritical and wrong headed to describe what has happened. this announcement by kareem khan, the prosecutor for the i. c. c. seeking warrants against that's in yahoo and lot and what's happened is you have essentially a brain try stuff is really legal scholars as well. busy members of the national security council that had been meeting have set up a war room to try to figure out going forward how they are going to handle this. now beyond that, when it comes to these really public, we've not yet seen and much of a reaction, there have been some calls for protests. it will be interesting to see what happens in the days going forward. there happened these large anti government protests. the last several weeks, people who don't agree with benjamin netanyahu, his leadership at this time, don't think he's doing enough to get those is really captive that are still being held in gaza at back home. but as of now, what we're hearing mostly is from the political leads in israel, marion. and i suppose the other thing is the way in which the war is being carried
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out. that is, after all, what the, the international criminal court is taking into account here. and we've been a 14 today on the forming of bait law here in northern cause a 18 palestinians killed, but then more than a 100 killed over the past 24 hours according to causes health ministry. so this is not likely to have any effect on the way in which israel has pursued this war inside causing mohammed. my name is certainly doesn't seem like there will be any impact or at least out in the short term. israel has said what israel, observers of israel had expected, they are defiant. we've seen from israel many times in the past, not just when it comes to the international court of justice refuting that case, brought by south africa accusing is real of genocide and gaza. we've seen all so many times in the past and they've been un security council resolutions that should
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be binding against israel. and israel has rejected those and has said on many occasions that the united nations is a body that is anti israel. what's interesting here is that it's not just pressure from the i c c. that is real as being defined about right now. you're also seeing the fact that israel is not adhering to the advice of its top ally right now. the united states shakes all of a national security advisor in the us have been in israel the past. today's meeting when that's in yahoo today meeting also with defense minister to a lot, urging them not to continue to go into it up. i had in fact what we've seen and these really press is that those men both responded to jake sullivan saying that they are going to expand the operations and drop by. so israel does not seem to be can tending with any of this and not adhering to any advice and saying that they're not going to buckle under any pressure, no matter what direction it's coming from. now i am. thank you very much mohammed jim. jim reporting just from amman and just to remind that to promise to benjamin that, you know,
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use government has found out just air from reporting inside israel. so we will continue to cover this story and reports on all of this from online. of course that was the is riley reaction. we were just discussing how math is also released a statement. they have said the arrest warrants, winette, and y'all and gallons a 7 months too late. they went on to condemn the prosecutors saying that seeking arrest warrants against the mass equates the victim with the perpetrator and says the i c. c should order the rest of all occupation officials who gave orders and soldiers who carried out the primes, while just airs. and on the whole day reports now on how people inside gauze are reacted to this decision by the i c. c. in gaza policy news do not have any access to the internet. their only source of news is us as correspondence and reporters. we have been trying to talk to people, some of the people do not know that this has been issue today. others have been found this very ironic and funny and some raised
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a little bit of questions. is this going to change anything on the ground? is this going to stop? how is this change our life policy? news have been striving to find food defined watch or to find their medicine to their children. they have been displaced for more than a couple more than 8 times, 9 times. that's all that kind of thing is, are currently focusing on. but when we're coming to highlights how much response they condemn the icpc for the equalizing the policy and use. and then they said that this came 7 months late as the is ready. officials have been committed thousands of crimes because the policy is and they also said that the agencies should have issued a rest warrant against all the is their id. and officials that have been in charge of the is where the atrocities against a policy new. but so far, policy news find this meaningless because they have very bad history with the i c c
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and the security council and everything that is related to as stopping this genocide. let's get more international reaction then to today's developments with elders here as gabriel is on the joins us live from the united nations. and so what have you been hearing there and that the whole is a view and on this highly significant step by the international criminal court. well, a lot of diplomats here, the un and we've been trying to speak to as many as we have as many as we can all day. simply do not want to talk about this. are actually running away from the camera or are ignoring us when we shout questions to them. for the most part, that's because we're being told this a scene is a real political hot potato. if you will, here at the u. n. i mean, a security council met this morning 10 am local time on on ukraine. we waited outside the security council chambers as diplomats are going in and coming out,
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asking them try and ask them questions, but they simply just do not want to talk about this right now. primarily because the arrest warrants have not officially been issued yet. it's just cream con, doing the application for potential arrest warrants. and so i think diplomats are using that as cover if you will, to sort of avoid any discussion of this right now. however, we did hear from vanessa frazier. she's multis ambassador to the u. n. she also sits on the security council right now. she basically said this process needs to play out. listen to a little bit more what she had to say. we support did, you did, should institutions of united nations. and we think we believe very much in their impartiality and their independence and they should be allowed to carry out the way independently without any threats and take the process, go for those who need to the fitness as we find those have been called crisis. so
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for us is also about who is invited to review is about the independence of the course. now separately, we also have another very important meeting here at the security council that we expect to start within the next 15 or 20 minutes or so. that's a security council meeting on the situation in rafa. they are expected. the security council members are expected to be briefed by top un officials, including a top osha official on the current situation. in rafa, the un continues to urge that rough uh, the military offensive. there does not escalate any further than it already has. the un, his saying 815000 people have been displaced from a rough alone just within the last 2 weeks or so. since israel started escalating their military operations there, now we expect this briefing by the security council to take place again just within
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the next few minutes or now or so. we'll be monitoring that closely and bringing you the latest news and developments when that begins looking forward to it. thank you very much. gabrielle, as under there at the united nations. thank you. well, us, pfizer and joe biden is reacted to the icbc prosecutors decision. he said that he is outraged by this, and as reiterate, reiterated his support for israel. kimberly, how kit has more on this from the white house us president joe biden, the in a statement reacted to the i. c. c. prosecutors. application for arrest warrants for is really leaders and didn't a word called it outrages. he said, let me be clear. whatever this prosecutor might imply. there is no equivalence, none between israel and hum us. we will always stand with israel against threats to it's security. there is also a statement released by the secretary state antony blinking. he shared the
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sentiments of the us president going much further rejecting. again the prosecutors, equivalence between the leaders of israel at home, off calling it shameful. but also alleging that him off carried out the worst massacre of jews since the holocaust. he also says the united states has made clear for some time that the i, c. c. in the eyes of the united states has no jurisdiction for any case of this nature. and that the court has rushed this process. instead, israel should be allowed to investigate itself and that it's legal system should be allowed time to proceed. anthony, blinking, also colleagues of questions, the legitimacy and credibility of the i. c. c is investigation threatening, but it could jeopardize future efforts for a cease fire and efforts to get the release of a captives and exchange for palestinian presenters. it is really jails and future
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aid to palestinians. kimberly how hit al jazeera, the white house. meanwhile, inside gaza is riley attacks of killed at least a $106.00 palestinian since sunday. thousands have been killed in northern gauze or as well. is there any forces of targets at a residential square and bait law here? many of the victims that were women and children, axles, i'm a veteran reports the the what is really pumps are raining down again in northern gaza, targeting civilian areas, and monday morning explosions. hit the most of the neighborhood of bates last year . building scramble, trapping people into rubber panic, spread among thousands of palestinians shelter. and here i was passing through this road and all of a sudden the earth was shaking as if it was an earthquake piece. the flesh of screwed over the walls. look for yourself. i'm collecting pieces of flesh and
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i was in the market, came home to find all my brothers and sisters gone. all of them were killed ripped to pieces their flesh scattered all over the place. at a nearby come all odd one, hospital emergency rooms are overwhelmed with the continuous influx of picnics, including many children and the elderly. the. this medical facility is one of the few still barely operating in northern cancer and facing the length of staff. and it does seem and supplies israel has been in testifying its military operations across the strip in the past 3 weeks. earlier this month, troops and tags began moving into southern gaza targeting the city of process. the civilians were ordered once again to head to other areas. but with the entire strip
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under relentless bombardment, they find themselves with nowhere to go. acts of language, which is 0. want to take you to are the top story this now iran is announced presidential elections for june 28th. after the death of present abraham rice, e and a helicopter crash wreckage was found early on monday. my co op looks back at how events on folded before and after the crash. these were rainy and president e brian, right, you see is fine. allow is attending the integration of 2 dams on sunday, near the board with us a by john, along with that countries. presidents yolanda leah shaw seattle. this damn can provide very safe transit for goods for passengers and taurus, given how seriously the work is being carried out, i think it will take less time than originally estimated, which was almost 3 years. then reports began to emerge that the president's helicopter had to make what was referred to as
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a hard landing that they had been an incident. finally, it was confirmed via craft had crashed in bad weather on board president. try you see foreign minister who's saying a made up to lucky on a provincial governor and the security details about the helicopter went down in a forest in a remote mountainous region, near the village of ozi in the east as a buyer's on province. a sort of a runs on the forces emboldened 70 search and rescue team spring into action with turkish high tech night division. drones providing support from the sky, but darkness, the sick fog cold and the rugged terrain hampered search operations. across the country. on the test run to the president's hometown mashhad, ukrainians came off to play. nearly 20, always off to the helicopter, disappeared from right on the wreckage was discovered the state television
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delivered this message to the nation prices of order for tyler shock. so hard working and relentless, president of the range and people who did nothing but serve the people on their way towards progress, kept his promise and sacrifice his life for the nation. there's been no official word yet on the cause of the crash. one aviation and it says changing weather conditions can pose challenges even for experienced pilots. you don't, the issue is when you're taking off and the weather was clear and then you were not on this rugged uh, forest liked rain. uh there could be farmed developing areas that you don't expect far to develop. but the age of the helicopter may also have quite a role. the us manufactured bell helicopter had been in service since 1971. westman sanctions have made it difficult for a run to obtain spirit pots or new aircraft, is already what i'm the is the supreme leader, ayatollah ali. how many has declared 5 days of moaning?
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according to runs constitution? a council comprised of the speaker of parliament, chief justice and 1st vice president have 50 days to cool elections for the next president, mike level, which is era. here's a quick flavor of the international reaction to present abraham rise. these death. the us state department is saying rises. that fundamentally doesn't change the us thoughts on iran. national security advisor john cubby said right, you see, and i quote, had a lot of blog on his hands for the cold, the stabilizing activity in the region. the tucker supplies, it was you the type idol on is declared a day of mourning of a right. you see staff saying his cabinet made the decision to share the suffering of the brother, the iranian people, and then rushes president by the name of perusing cold, raised the true friend who was devoted to serving his motherland. and finally, the chinese prizes engaging things at rice. he developed a comprehensive partnership between at china and iran. i'm going to bring you my
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much more analysis on this story, including what comes next and iran a with those electrons that are scheduled for the end of june. that's coming up in the news out with myself, that will be a $2100.00 g m t. but for now, i leave you with counting the costs of programs coming on x the the hello. we have some beaks, some like stones across so many pots. if you're ever them avenue, you can see this uh area cloud here, across front and other ones just around but west inside of the med. another one i have a to was the balkans just spinning away here for the research study. we tried with a high pressure and charged so that's why the sun shining that is warm sunshine for the most part. even then we'll see some wet weather, some shabby range, just getting into the western. russia ran to the both the states, but the where this weather will be across germany,
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austria check republic pushing down towards the balkan. some live, the showers lie be storms of rumbling away. so i some fun to have you down polls in a little nighttime, gusty winds as well. good roster shots across western positive here up to into western font central fonts, southern areas pushing down into the north of spain and portion i just wish i was just cropping up a crossing with wells public file and pulled in all the safe, some shops out with the weather eventually pushing in discussions as well as some heavy rain here as we go through the middle part of the week by the stainless, pretty disturb right down to the low countries. little troy by this stage across the mediterranean. and then last you try to post northern parts of africa. i'll see the ne car, we're touching 40 celsius, maybe a shala's west africa. the climate is probably only is from one of the most of the bio diverse nations on are
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you interested in human nature? does not function, we don't exist exploding solutions to save life as we know it. we work with and within the cycles of the we not using our past resources, we using them again and again. if we never from nature, we have a chance to move forward. i'll just see you as you've seen towing or nothing grows forever. the color i made or instead of getting them, this is counting the cost on al jazeera. you'll, we can look at the world business and economics this week. india is booming, but millions of its people are benefiting from the economic growth. the income inequality gap is off topic dominates international election. the u. s. as the
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world's biggest, don't of foreign aid, but to american people know where the tax money is go. it's also funding helped to boost globally.


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