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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 20, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm AST

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obviously is the opening of the nomination period for the year 2024, starting march 1st to may 30 fast nominations i made on the award official website, w, w, w dot h t a dot q a forward slash e m the the international criminal quotes top prosecutors or requests arrest warrants for these writing need to benjamin netanyahu. and his defend submitted stuff for war crimes and crimes against humanity in gaza. the the i. c. c. prosecutors also seeking warrants for the rest of 3. seni, i'm ashley. this for the groups. october 7th, attack on the israel, the hello. i am the mother of the this is alger 0. live from dough halls are coming off
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on the program. inside. goals are itself as well as mass killing and full salvation of civilians intensifies moving. a 100 palestinians have been killed in the past 24 hours. and iran announces new elections for june 28th on to present a ryan rice. he was killed in a helicopter crash. the chief prosecutor of the international criminal court at the hague has applied for a rest warrens for senior high mass and is ready to lead. his accusing them of war crimes and crimes against humanity. they include as ready, prime minister benjamin netanyahu, and the defense minister you'll have guidance senior my seat as my hi nia. yeah. yes. and what i'm how many days are also included in the application sullivan job aid has more or the starving children is
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a crime. the killing civilians is a war crime. and then for the causing suffering is also a criminal act. those are the top 2 reasons. the prosecutor of the international criminal court is cited for requesting and restaurants for these really prime minister benjamin netanyahu and defense minister golf kalonde. i reasonable grounds to believe on the basis of evidence collected and examined by my office that he's really prime minister benjamin netanyahu administer of defense. you. i've got a back criminal responsibility for the following international crimes committed on the territory of the state of palestine. several is really ministers have denounced the allegations of war crimes and crimes against humanity. the foreign minister is read cods that says it's a historic disgrace. and that especially for room has been set up to counteract the decision. but not everyone agrees. here's what i really gain to text. it says, was this war of the whole reg as of december and the hardwood is against us any to
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unite the game? these very easy to very nation at least stick even more nation is this way and everyone receives, so just in such a victim by the evil decision, i think it's adjusted. this is the i c. c. prosecutors also seeking the rest of ordering for from us political and been if you need to explain honey, you can send bar and bahama dave that are reasonable grounds to believe that these 3 i'm actually to is a criminal. you're responsible for the killing of these really civilians and attacks perpetrated by a mass on the other. i'm groups on the 7th of october 2023. the palestinian group says the rest of organs for nothing. yahoo! in deland a several months too late, and rather than equating the victim with the perpetrator, i see, see should order the rest of all occupation officials gave orders and the soldiers who carried out the crimes. if we want to be honest, we should be looking at what it is that the government is really government has
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been doing the orders that it has it issued to it's soldiers and it's issued orders to its soldiers to carry out a genocide. if this court is to have any credibility, it should be going after the people were committing genocide, rather than just simply trying to play this game of both sides. for months, the i c. c. prosecute to face criticism of the cottage and gods unfolded cream hunts. critics, even of the un security council, criticize what they saw as, as in action to hold as we had a comfortable seas via a ceasefire. israel's allies, including the united states, mostly expressed anger. i had to monday if, if the announcement target is real and we will talk to you that a warning letter from it doesn't us republican senators, the trenton to cut funding and sanctioned i c. c stuff and their families. this is bills are today in the me a talk of arrest warrants is unlikely to have an immediate impact on the war which
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has killed more than 35000 continues and displaced millions more since october. some of the job was there was there is a step voss incentives this update from outside the international criminal court at the hague. this is one of the most high profile cases. this court has ever and box on since it was established in 2002. and it's especially unprecedented because one of the u. s. is closest allies of israel is now being under investigation and will be prosecute today. the rest of orleans requested against the nathan, y'all, and the defense minister, a very, very much fracture by a people here also demonstrating at the ice se in the last couple of months. but also have been very much contested by people in the united states. senators, who have send a letter to the i c, prosecute to threatening him that he should withdraw these cases,
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that he should never issue these arrest warrants because then that would be rep precautions. for example, financial sanctions. so got them con, had to try the very same line for our we a narrow balance also between the cases against how much and against israel. and now we as finalize this long investigation and you can already, oh, even an hour off the announcement that was already so much criticism around the globe. but he has that justice must prevail and nobody is above the law. and. and also one of the things he said, i've read and everyone is equal for the law, but also all lights are equal. and i think you want us to make a very strong point. also towards s. ralph, about the it's feeling of being about the last by saying that it's ready at 5 minutes. have benjamin netanyahu has responded to the news mission, national criminal court, and a pre recorded address. it's about the prosecutor here in the hague,
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with was odessa to do. you did compared between the how much the monsters and the soldiers of the id, if the world's most mari ami was also destitute. do you compete from us? best mood, good bush, should the capital you said raped and kidnapped our brothers and sisters? somebody with the idea of soldiers who are fighting a, just with us and little in a female, that kind of a deal that come up part of them with that i'm gas here we take you now the united nations security council where there is a briefing held on the situation and rough uh why we have seen israel intensive lights, ministry operations in the southernmost part. you have just read the email quote. uh so we do rule for the 7. 0, the concert was provisional rules of procedure. i invite you to the representatives
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of egypt and these aisle to participate in these meetings with the so the side that i propose that to the consulate revived department in terms of uh, of the owners of the state of palestine to the united nations to participate in the meeting, the and i quote those we live original rules of procedure. and the previous practice being these are the god there being no objection to do so decided as you know for those we do such a 9. what would the cost those provisional rules and procedures are you via the following brief us to participate in this meeting?
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decide tar. when is a land special for the data? for they meet the least piece process, and it moves adam for a certain direct on over ations and, and woke us all. she saw the coordination over you want me to tati on a fair be do so decided the security because so we're now the need scrolling, se, durations over item 2 of the i j i now gave the floor to me. so i tore windows in mind. you will have the flow so thank you mr. president, members of the security council. thank you for inviting me to address the council. in recent developments in russell,
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where the situation is becoming increasingly desperate to dangerous for the already besieged population request to be, we phase you get to know the proceeds offered the catastrophe in ga. so i made store pokes between the parties to secure the release of almost inches and the garza and the ceasefire to provide books needed relief to disability and population . just 2 weeks ago, negotiations were ongoing cairo with the support of egypt culture and the united states. however, the storks and did all 9 may without agreement. i urge the parties to read double all efforts and return to the negotiating table immediately and in good faith. as i reiterate, the un is for the support for the pilots efforts by the b da. just to achieve this goal. as we stand ready to support the presentation of such
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a deep if thoughts do not resume, i fear for the worst for the believe good. then 35 civilian seeing russell for the hosted sees him in on the much liberal conditions for more than 2 with 25 days and 4 and. ringback stretching many 30, no peroration, that remains on debris inside the strip based impressed that my colleague from my job was brief in great the details of the di you in the 3rd situation, the in the round rough on momentarily. but that little we to highlight some critical ups of asians from the ground since the 1st week of may, the security situation and rough eyes rapids, the worsening us. the idea of operations admitted to read maneuvers in the around the c d. i that in tennessee find on may 5,
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how much we don't want to move through isn't rockets at the idea of sold us. most of these way the side of curves came up with solid and joey general crossing keeling for idea of soldiers. and would the idea of time shelling of the serious somebody else dried, seemed off or killed at least 19 post the news of the same day. according to the ministry of health in gospel, the following day, the idea of said that he would prepare to operate with extreme force against him was in these, the rough uh, an old, an approximately, a 100000 palestinians to immediately back to 8 to what is described as a quote expanded, you ready, terry? and there you are. but while i see a quote, the scenes operations begin, more than 800 people. 800000 people have been displaced from rough up to what wasi condo is, and they are by law. i mean daily ideas, it strikes the rough uh,
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colleen, dozens of palestinians from us has continued to fire. rockies indiscriminately from casa to watts, is where these events have had a significant impact on humanitarian operations. an access the so called expanded human is area area in all my while see less adequate skills to foot water and sewage infrastructure crossings for the entry. oh you monetary and good several very be directly affected in the wake. all the, all of us strike on 6 may is radio authorities close car and we saw them go shut long crossing for 3 days. the following day. the idea said the tide, this stuff. he's an operation to control if the gall, so sides of the rough across the, and close to crossing for the movement of goods and people drop across the we need
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you remain closed. in addition, ask people still it to use an idea operations continue to render nowhere to say no was safe in gospel including for you when he to are you workers. just last week, a staff member of the u. n. department of safety and security from india site and then other stuff. and then the was seriously in your whether you n v can was struck as they traveled to your fee and also to the in rafa government . this brings to a total of $893.00 un stoffers web, the cuban think also since the start of your seventy's, humanitarian movements must be made safer. a recent precedent. i'm deeply concerned that the current project duty, including the possibility of a larger scale operations would further undermine the efforts to escape of the
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entry of human nature and goods and the safe distribution to desperate civilians. the opening of this of this key for as west crossing and goss adults, including for the entry of unitary relief items arriving the r stalled and from your ease of westcott development. as each the entry of the 1st time of human history and supplies to cyprus, the us being floating fear all night in may. oh, well, i read it. the more i is needed to meet the enormous scale of need seen garza and there is no substitute for the food and increase the you know, the existing land crossings. the un continued to engage with all concerned parties, including these radio authorities to address these all the safety concerns, including any prove you need to read notification system. mister president, the secretary general alongside numerous international partners and concerted
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neighbors, including egypt to avoid serious subjects units to administer the opperation. in this, into a rough, i mean clear indications of its devastating consequences for disability and population saving lives and addressing the critical needs involved. and also more broadly must remain or immediate priority, and i reiterate the secretary general's call for a humanitarian ceasefire. at the same time, we must not lose sight of the risk. these immediate threats both to the prospects for our resolution, all this conflict and for the long piece of stability in the region. i'm very concerned that's a failure to reach a ceasefire in gaza and a large scale being to authoration in rough or excessive bait to the risk of escalating regional tensions. see this, the stock, the facilities on 7 october. i have gauged continuously in the region including 11
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on 2 of were divided below were, and i in support of the 6 the general will continue these efforts. i also re thread that there can't be no long term solution. think also that is not fundamentally political. the new policies in government, we 8 ministers from the also represent any pull the to the to support can do. but the steps to what you define garza and the occupied westbank politically can obviously it has released particularly the international community to provide support to the new government to address its face. good challenges, strengths and it's governance capacity and prepare it to re yes. you is responsibility and gossip and ultimately go with the whole of the occupied palestinian territory. the palestinian authority must also be an integral part
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of planning for gossip recovery and construction the devastation that mystery of the past 7 months have reinforced a simple truth as well as the deals and these waves can no longer wait to establish a viable political voice on the horizon to end the conflicts of the stablish, a 2 state solution they off today. we are with this thing the, that the consequences of the next, you know, is to time to raise the foundations for a better future for palestinians. you so a lease and the goal to reach in the us. we continue to support all such efforts. thank you. i think uh is uh when is the land for his uh, import on the right thing. and i'll give the photo told him. you said then i saw
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him. thank you mister president, members of the security council. thank you for this opportunity to brief you on the humanitarian situation in the eliza, which has only grown from more urgent. i made on going is ready ground operations in and around the rough or since 6 me to be frank. we are running out of words to describe what is happening ended as a we have described it as a catastrophe, a nightmare. as hell on earth. it is all of these and worse and living conditions continue to deteriorate as a result of heavy fighting, particularly in depth layer and eastern rough, as well as is really bombardment from air land and see the number of casualties continues to increase by the day. according to the gods, or ministry of health, more than 35000 people have now been killed in the violence and more than 729000
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injured, around 17000 children on accompanied or remote separated from their families. so let me note here also is really military announcement last week that it had recovered the body. so 4 is ready. hostages from kaiser. it is estimated that a $128.00 is randy. and for nationals remain tough to because or including for utilities was bodies are without and as you know, the extreme levels of violence have not spared the un, and she might turn community special coordinator has just updated on the death of the un, according on the 13th of may yet another un staff member was killed and another seriously injured when the un vehicle came under attack while on which to the european has the hospital then come eunice. we lost a father, a husband, and
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a dedicated courtney with a distinguished career. this brings the number of you're in south killed that has us since the escalation of hostilities. again, us as being said, 293 stuff. we find it impossible to accept the people endeavoring to save lives instead losing their lives. particularly as 1100000 people faced catastrophic levels of hunger and drugs. that remains on the brink of funding as of 18 may just 10 bakeries operational outs of a total of 16 being supported by our humanitarian partners. however, it is expected that these will run out of stock and fuel within days if no additional supplies are received. the other 6 bakeries, all of which are in southern gaza, have been forced to seize operation due to either shortages of fuel or because of
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ongoing hostilities. the healthcare system and advisor is also on the impossible stream in rough or 21 medical points for primary health care centers and full hospitals, now in accessible in the north to hospitals. 5 primary health care centers and 16 medical points are inaccessible. these facilities all provided critical medical services including trauma care, non communicable disease management, kidney, dialysis, and maternal and child care health care. i'm estimated 14000 critical patients currently require medical evacuation out of a heads up prior to that the closure of the refund crossing medical evacuations has reached approximately 50 patients per day. this means nearly 700 patients have
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nobody, never coates it since the closure of the rough or crushing. mister president, since october 20, 2375 percent of the population in the hands of $1.00 point to $7000000.00 people have been forcibly displaced within heads up many of them up to 4 or 5 times, including as a result of repeated ideas issued evacuation instructions some reports of also suggested that many thousands of residents may have crossed into egypt or more and more are trying. and in the past 2 weeks, more than 800000 people have been displaced from rough or into other parts of the area. so if you guys are in search of safety, as the conflict persists and lives are threatened, civilians must be allowed to seek protection. i must also emphasize on quickly, as the person's forcibly displace within or from casa must be guaranteed the rights
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to voluntary the return. as international demands, the president distinguished members of the security council today, the once over crowded attempts and emergency shelters, and russell have now largely emptied with the majority of the displaced seeking refuge in her newness and the bella. but the situation that people are finding on the arrival of new sites in these areas is horrendous. there is exceedingly limited existing infrastructure, the like adequate latrines, lots of points, drainage and shelter. civilians essential needs must be met for evacuated civilians. this means ensuring to the greater greatest practicable extent, proper shelter and satisfactory minimum conditions of hydrogen health
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safety in nutrition and the members of the same family. i'm not separated. these appalling conditions leave serious doubt as to compliance with these basic obligations. mister president, the rough for ground in question is magnified the impediments to i'm already fred drive and be good. 8 operation as again has been said. as of set, 17 may. the rough for crossing remains closed and an accessible for humanitarian, cargo, fuel and personnel movement. this has prevented the entry of a 2000 metric tons of supplies, including critical food items and medicines. around 654000 liters of fuel have entered the strip. since the rough operation begun, on the 6th of me, this means on average,
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on average we are receiving just one quarter of a few locations that we have prior to 6 of me. further impacting the functioning of bakeries, hospital, water wells and other critical infrastructure. the crossing, i've cut them shalom, which has been the main entry point for critical 8 remains open in principle, but extremely difficult for 8 organizations to access from the side. due to hostilities, challenging logistical conditions and complex court the nation procedures among the northern, the route. so in the northern land routes era's crossing opened from 1st to 9 to me has been closed since the newly opened errors west, known as c f r o z came, is now being used for limited quantities of 8, but now areas in the vicinity of this coursing are also on the evacuation orders.
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we welcome the 1st 8 shipment delivered on 17 me via the floating docks at top are being lighted. states, the maritime corridor hosted by cyprus in line with resolution 2720 and would support from other member states is unimportant, a jumped to a comprehensive humanitarian opperation and has there. but as we have stressed land roots remain the most viable and effective way to deliver the scale of 8 needed. mister president, the united nations and our partners are committed to staying and delivering interguards or wherever civilians are need. and we are configuring operations to recent population movements. the united nation senior, he might turn on reconstruction, coordinators, back active inactive engagement with a relative parties to accelerate the position of humor and term with nice
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consignments to guys out through all possible roads. however, due to the current closure of the roof of crossing and limits advise access bar to room show room and other crossings. right now we locked the supplies and fuel to provide any meaningful level of support. i can take you and the council members through the list of things we need you have heard them before. one, the depth, the total of their injury, destruction and eliza is actually unconscionable. we demand the civilians there housing and the vital infrastructure. they depend on the protected us international humanitarian law requires all feasible precautions must be taken to avoid and minimize civilian harm to we need the facilitation of roughly all right, so we've been hearing from total was lend the un special coordinate with him at
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least piece process and right now we're getting an update on the humanitarian situation in gaza, and which is as we were hearing just the indescribable the population is besieged, is ready from baldwin from the land. and the sea is not on the cause civilian death, but is also destroyed. houses and critical infrastructure. these are things that people need to be able to live, so be able to survive even at bakeries and water wells, a salt lacking some 1.1.7000000 people have been forcibly displaced. we had that from the united nations. many of the multiple times as they moved from one positive cause a twin. now the opponent israel's instructions in order to avoid bombing and shelling, trying to seek some sort of safety and shelter. gabriel is on to is that correspondent un joins us now. and so one of the things we have from to what has been, was i supposed to well to it may be important points one that it's,
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it's urgent for negotiations to resume just to try and get some sort of humanitarian ceasefire and any further escalation and is ready bombardment and raw fund elsewhere and gaza will cause unbearable suffering to people in the strips for yeah, i think you heard there from total when a slide whose job is a senior coordinator for the middle east peace process. and it's in a very difficult position because how do you pursue a priest process given the current situation on the ground and guys, and i think that's what he was really alluding to there. he said, flat out. he said he's very concerned about how further escalation by these really military in the rafa will just impede any efforts to try to get any sort of piece process back on track. and i think you heard that from him very clearly there. and i think you also heard also some very powerful words as well from it. and we're soon know who's the director of operations for the us office of
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the coordination, humanitarian affairs, she laid out in very start terms. what we've been hearing about from.


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