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tv   Al Jazeera World Return to Palestine  Al Jazeera  May 21, 2024 4:00am-5:01am AST

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and remember the copy revised wells and increases systems caught on red, chris, the madison, and don't have the top stories. and i'll just see the top prosecutor for the international criminal court is seeking a rest. walgreens for is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu. i'm defense minister you off government is accusing them of war crimes and crimes against humanity in gas or both israel and it's on i, the us have been on the move to about the prosecutor in the hague with was odessa to do. you did compared between the how much the monsters and the soldiers of the id, if the world's most mario army was also destitute. do you compete from us?
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best mood, good bush, should the capital he said, raped and kidnapped our brothers and sisters, somebody with the idea of soldiers who are fighting a just for him. maybe claire, reject the i. c. she's application arrest warrant. you get one of these wars by apply. there's no privilege between israel and i'm off it's clear, isn't was all, do all can to ensure civilian protection. but let me be clear, concert allegations against israel made by the end as the court of justice. what's happening is not genocide. reject the raleigh stand with this room is and threats against a secured the s ones that are also being sold for how much weight is a small kind yeah, yeah. how yes and yes, and more and more how many days that accused of war crimes and crimes against humanity in the october 7th attack on israel. how much has released the stipends
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saying arrest warrants from nothing. yahoo and government are 7 months too late and goes on to condemn the prosecutors saying that seeking arrest ones against thomas equates the victim with the perpetrator. and it says the i c. c should order the rest of all occupational officials who gave the orders as well as soldiers who carried them on the un security council. as held an open debates on the situation in guys, the southern city of or offer more than 800000 people that enforce, to leave. since the 1st week of may, is really forces a whitening that offensive in the city. and they've sent more troops to the area total on this land is the un special coordinator for middle east peace process. besides all sides and the conflict need to urgently re enter talks. the secretary general, alongside numerous international partners and concert neighbors, including egypt, to avoid serious subjects you understood military operations. it isn't your rough
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uh, i mean, clear indications of its devastating consequences for the civilian population saving lives and the dressing of the critical needs. in roswell and gall saw, will drop, we must remain or immediate priority. and i reiterate the secretary general's call for a humanitarian ceasefire in gaza. is there any attacks of killed at least a $106.00 palestinians since sunday, and the north is ready for us as a target of residential square and back like here? many of the victims were women and children, errands, and ons presidential elections for june 28. solved to the death of president abraham gracie and a helicopter crash. the supreme leader has declared to 5 days of morning the wreckage of the aircraft categorize the and 8 others, including the foreign minister was found on monday. the 1st president, to remind you of my call has called a meeting of his defense and security council to discuss the unrest and the pacific territory of new caledonia. the streets are relatively calm,
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but roads are blocked and the airport is still shots. process began a week ago in response to proposed changes to the electoral law, according say, well dilute the voice of indigenous kind of community. south africa's top court has bod farmer, president jacob zoom from running for parliament. the constitutional court made the announcement on monday, 82 year old gentleman left office in 2018 1st and corruption allegations, and he was briefly jailed for contempt of court. and his surprise move, he formed a new political party called and came december to run against his former party, the governing african national congress timelines, new president lighting to has be sworn into offers. lie is expected to continue his previous sessions, policies of independence for the island. amazing has called him a dangerous separatist. and those of the headlines up next, and i'll just say that it's all just the, the world the
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the the
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color, that's the reason why they left the we didn't come to the police, they left so they're all 0. there's plenty of insurance and able to come through especially need i can sit in the front of the populated 11th and as opposed to what that and the things that. busy among their own people, and then the
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income county jail have on at least had extra while to attend this, the ill illness with them to help me a whole big metal when empty is that there's nothing of it the better to have it. the issue for a county heading there. so a lot of the, a head cold, but it looks above watson, the other the find the blue and show how about will be to bit novella. but to
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connect to the problem that have a great, what is it? so is the problem with the how to as it is for value. now, does that i said in the field of the pulse, the bottom level of the butler, i was able to ask you in a closer look the elaborate develop? yeah, yeah. one more layer to clean the savannah? no question again. do i have to come on the other side of the
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bill yet? no. oh this are you. i will hold off how to set up the password. yeah. that's how, how does that so no, that, oh i have a oh you may have to send this one in the hands of us. oh no sad that i was just saying hey and i guess and as i said, i love to watch on the do know the yeah. the yeah. yeah, i'm gonna have to have this is mrs. of the flower, not a one. know nothing that they haven't had. let's see what
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other hand i see, what is the how i so we can live and now you said we will see you is who i am. your last name kim. uh let's definitely let me he said go ahead. you can cancel it, i tend to be in the delta care said, hey, let me go. hi, get ladon, perfect me and then you had got the, i haven't been able to convince some of the, the, the, you won't have to. hi. michelle, this the not the,
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the had the subpoena for her. this was disappeared. and i'm to have it thing is there is a few nation for combat hedges because there's a finding the nice that are the type of thing the the what, the nasa we had a ship. yeah. or you have the scene you live do not you base. so i'll call you so all ava can validate and these will be even the case of a home. uh i sent it all by send the back to me. but as i said,
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this is all bad and this is really going to be hooked up the 100 out of the fingers over a 100. so it will show you the, the, the of the human. so have you saw the email and say, hey, this is
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a you upfront and seen that isn't cs with the whole amount of the middle. so i know let's see it. and he thought he told me the most money on the i couldn't wait months and a little bit later. how was the the vehicle to the yeah yeah yeah. the i
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get into it come of who's going to had hot boulevard. oh, it's going to be if he's no, no, no, no, i wouldn't face the height height the height is, you know, oh oh, so hello, but most of us to see it in as an a is on i let it out of the not that movie to let them have the most of the houses out on the floor outside of. let's see. is what's the phone i have seen in mississippi? let's see. when i have, you know, let me see, let's see how the lucky which has all the look at the added onto the scene that no mac and on did. and then it was with fake mac went down and thought i had to keep the same. it just and a full of seen have sitting on the on just for us in the or an on does she with had that full of see another not going to say the and then the full scene of,
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of the claim number for me. i'm back you will see, you know, that's the most to lose it. difficult when to see the display of the you have to let them know show, don't know how to do it has to have the li, claudia, was she the the
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sat in this book and it should also be at home home that industry. what we shall for should be from 5 feet, especially with all and visited and all had a bit thought i was on it. well, come on, lim, coming to class, and what was your philosophy? and it is just a moment. somebody with the officials book keeping less than one i'm calling about this what i think it was gonna cut him happy she can get it hasn't been left. so now this rebecca. so how does that look? so hanging out the been up. so for the couple of minutes, i'm going to send it with this one. i hope the sooner the better the to buy it in the next in mechanical, i'm sure multiple supply only the in the i'm good enough. i'm the late for the
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a feeling something that's a different types of offensive and by them, by some given how to fill out, i'm doing that kind of comes with them and i'm lucky to have that. i said, i'm able to no additional what i'm a cool, i'm ruth. so to students and it will show me the model. look at and, and my full day it was i have my bar at the home i have, i'm booked up on the most. have to be on a, on my list of people though. so if that's the answer now, but if i have some useful alaska principal and there should be another 100 and some of me that even be to us and can did the 2nd fee i'm i'm a little home so high that. so how is that who has a list of e 90 out of 2 and that's what the events since coming out of man comes to the new place. but all comes up. i have the feeling kind of something that you had them up on a be fucked up on the natalie se come 2nd fee sl headphones. autumn up not any 7 up
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. no. and is when you want me out of it, i'll have on it with you. and if i'm going to talk about it, we've left a message now. so how do you find that event? and so, so kind of let me look here and look at him with all the things the on the bid that has the big maturity on the platter with the same name on it. okay. and many of those dates almost looks aka. oh, phillip blooming in the 1st thing in name is having the full set of mock or from for cool. how in, on the on the size, how like the little clock of a cassette, the know so this way, oh, it been sort of home. see how does a all the equity, how you like to put them in to the left. i'll explain a little less. how about show you? so i have, i'm feeling a bit domain
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a little bit i'm i haven't seen a whole lot on the the the
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rain. so now i'm not is out. i'm not to be coming home and i had to have somebody come a heads up and i should tell you i live, but i'm a baseball fan on my way. but i can, uh, i'd have cooler i was needing your that could be what i can more about the just fit in the whole not at the base, the values that i the so what i, as i saw him, what a is that a problem. i like some morgy dean. right. why it's all able to help from that. i would a half when people used to mazda have any height and weight loss,
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and how that was like, i didn't know that kind of thing that i told him and take the best of luck with them. uh, not optimistic any. the if i have to wait, is it to come in depth some since it's kind of hard to say, is it good? it means event handled better than most of the new that you anybody else in the the frontier industry just as means. oh, how does that does it could i have the could i have not been established daniella into something that helped me the most. i couldn't see you by the telling you what
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i mean. yeah. you know, when you look the card number, now how do i know how to read the fine or the quote so high, and i had them and that's no good. and that's just the income administrators balance. so we're just not as bad. the smallest companies miss a lot better, but yeah, i'm a veteran, but yeah, i know the other thing is, i know the end of the side of me. i'm wondering about the the about shouldn't do police lou when the 2nd annual. how about going to have the limited on the yeah. the good hello. hello. hello. hello. i don't see any by the way. her name is joe. i'm
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a sophomore. shes modified if i yes. this is the demo. okay . hello booking is looking to ship my you know, a little bit of a fee for that to ship. okay. i want to, she is a can see sort of the me, national specialist. what that means is that the honey thought must be studied, but you should send it to them and then it. and it's can i let me? what is that kind of stuff always? i wouldn't say if you don't know if i cut off the, sorry, the or the madness and alaska shop and the like the easy to say like a we can to keep increment that go. the doctor will have to is that the case with the little by the last code? the
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best? somebody for sick my head by little message the thought it, it's a little under j. u by the spell out of follow seen. look them, i'm gonna do it. i'm, i haven't got that many. might have valley subject back to your message. i sent it in on my side of mile, but they said my and i moved in a budget to put the address on a me and i love it. thought a mess with z and then also be in follows to me and, and they also have an outcome level of i'm only a doctor which i just thought i'm a little as if this mean. what i'm going to know is i'm and let advance another. and i'll give you a call about ha, but i was, i was that i live now and i love which is, but i was made by them to know. uh, i look into this and see us. maybe the
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bottle gets cold. painted. oh, you're fine. you've had a cool, very good, very nervous items in a next week. okay. jada. nick? good. how are you? i'm good. i have uh, can i go with tv? cuz in the vic? no single in the house. okay, we are off and assuming, even though the only one of these out if i was paying high 60, if not, goodness like that. yeah, yeah, yeah, exactly. but hopefully uh 59. okay. i have some um, some of the the
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income is what i liked cuz i couldn't see this lady by the name of 60. huh. she said that this handled the foundation. the subject of this american doctor is you know, can read too much the, the,
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and come to find a way for the weekend away and yeah, lovely. the when i am, i bet. yeah. my eyes are not can you see? yeah. oh, well i have on stage and i was kind of funny above the father, steve, i need them to look forward to any other philosophy and who is that? god? a 2nd is my feeling that k a 2nd telephone with us on line one to phillip nan alonza and then i'm both on it and then that isn't. it's enough,
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as thoughtful i've seen. and that it was the collective generations without for the state and the not feel a lot of them. and i live now in that a for the climate priority is from one of the most bio diverse nations on there. if you're interested in, if nature does not function, we don't exist exploding solutions to save life as we know what we work with and within the cycles of the we're not using our past resources,
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we use them again. and again, if we learn from nature, we have a chance to move forward. i'll just see you as you've seen doing nothing grows forever. foster a 10 year journey in which it has become the most important translation award from . i'm into the outer big language world wide. shea come out of ward for translation and international understanding of dumps is the opening of the nomination period for the year 2024. starting march 1st. to may 30 fast nominations i made on the award official website, w, w, w dot h t a dot q a forward slash e m. or here's from, i'll just say around on the go and meet tonight. i'll just there is only mobile app is that the, this is where we, the fix on line from out is there is a mobile app available in your favorites apps to just set for it and typed on
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a new app from audi 0 nice at your fingertips the madison at the top stories and i'll just say the leading prosecutor for the international criminal court is taking a rest warnings for those ready prime minister benjamin netanyahu on defense minutes. are you off, garland is accusing them of war crimes and crimes against humanity in gaza. both israel and it's all like the us of the nuns to move on to the about the prosecutor in the hague with was odessa to do. you did compared between the how much the monsters and the soldiers of the id, if the world's most moral armies was most odessa to do, you can come us best mood. good bush,
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should the capital you said raped and kidnapped our brothers and sisters, somebody with the idea of soldiers who are fighting a just for him? let me be clear. reject the i see she's application arrest warrant. you get rid of these wars by apply. there's no privilege between israel and i'm off it's clear because it was all do all can to ensure a civilian protection. but let me be clear, concert allegations against israel made by the end as a court of justice. what's happening is not genocide. reject raleigh stand with this rule and threats against a secured arrest. warrants are also being sold for hama status. i smell funny. uh yeah, yeah. i seen was. and mohammed dave, they're accused of war crimes and crimes against humanity in the october 7th attack
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on israel. i says release to stipend, saying arrest ones for nursing, yahoo and garland are 7 months too late. it's gone on to condemn the prosecutors saying that seeking arrest once again, thomas records the victim with the proper traitor. and it says the i c. c should order the arrest of all occupation officials gave orders and the soldiers who carried the mileage and gaza is there any attacks of killed at least a $106.00 palestinians in sunday. and the north is ready forces of targeted the residential square and bethlehem. iran is an honest presidential elections for june 28th south to the death of president abraham gracie and a helicopter crash. the supreme latest declared of 5 days of morning, the wreckage of an aircraft scanning that. are you seeing a ta? those including the font administer? was found on monday, those are the headlines and use continues after alda 0 world, the the
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vic of can you do know any bit by harmful, who can one less than a must. i don't have to have a house on the whole. so as i said about it, so they made me nice the know i would know. so
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a lot of this stuff of 50 since that is less than 50. 50 is my money, i'm subject sort of high says the money on the, on a sufficient as ease of up to but was too much back to me know and it says open in the the, i need touchy feely. but that is, that is of the how would then to so how did to send me well by the phone when i hello, you have a 50 office that i'm almost a fell off at the mama, mama,
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obviously that my sister has really hard to say are they 2, hadn't they had 69, but that was a us. yeah. i mean that's not whole, not an issue that he was sent up with. how does that result and it has it. and then she said like she was a and i'm the mom back if it has to the attack the idea of the, of what i have and that has a lot of the j left c c. again, this is todd almost off when i use that to tell us about the the
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. 6 the, the on begin uh, what was the, you know, how can i do you have to them and how dilemma is in another oh, somebody is about to like you, i am not the most of the things, but i would look into each of this not going on sean sean and how did he learn how and how did he lie as you're not, i just sent me another i did. i did as well as not even gotten it. yeah. and i, i really, i have to have a, so a lot of charlotte, charlotte, i've done a lot about the board. i know that's the yeah. guy. and you've been that made me
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mad to you. yeah. and as he is ready receive up about about or that is the end of the i don't know what joe as of the us, but i yeah. look in the it should investigate. so get it. had of. yeah. and i would, joe was miss rippling. edison knew this, i'm not so hello, miss. well, i knew it would be me. yeah, i knew more less on z a whole. and i mean torres, i mean it's a way to live with the machine, but it's not just it went home hardly. i knew this number in the stones and it was a headline view and i love be the
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best one, but it has the right. oh uh the middle. so i looked up. most people not on the out of it, on the phone on it. so the, the customer on the phone and see some level of in the summer this a lot of the
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sub minutes take a little how do you mean is that only the high end of the less what i have is no, not as nothing. yeah. have a nice and yadda yadda, yadda, and i'm assuming they are on law. how does that or not? and that is yours. i think i did send it for is that in my when hi, this is all of this is about the yeah. so because of the sony wireless warning,
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i don't want them to select intended vanessa. what am i gonna see here? yeah, go ahead. no, it's just an i c. j 9 a on the printer. we let me submit number system. now see if i'm on or some so do you always have really been done? yeah, i knew i sent mr. no, let me go. let me see. let me see if that will see the can see the judy as opting point this afternoon. if that hasn't been a good fit there, what are the now i might time i had a high us to say, do i, you know, from the i back very negative ivy c equipment our side general.
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how do you, how do you have a 5 piece, 5 piece by piece in a think i the how you has it was how much it is at the uh huh. and then i can, i can now inside the size and so let me see, man, if these you all in some he also i'm in them and lift the on the bottom and was needing to really need to get a piece of cutting those up and off when he bit about how is some of the so for the for months to concede, how do i have to pay off accidentally? it's more like the new investment by the bit and the key my, the we do call that one model i'm gonna have you couldn't lift up bits of a how you had that any of it by yourself withdrawal. yeah. and it'll be
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a lot of the limitations have definitely had the full of cleaning it has been via to and is that a that kind of thing? we're heading to the whole of the, to the had that huh. i can do it. i'm just in the, in a, as in as a whole model. he level huh. on the celebrity, or have the largest of the not in, i'm a single the, i'm a high can much as a yes actually the obviously it had him a candle. uh, some kinda a little surface mean the montage, little federal government, some instantly the little bit. but they had him home looking for
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a lot of people about the auto just so if i know how to, we still can let them know what a lot of background to see if the somehow the case hey, nick. a. finally, this finally the
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phone over to now can, i mean it says this, now i'm an old as a 14 new muscle. what does a 4 to on and look forward to addition then i'm in terms of the should have no, no, no no he and this this multiple machine and the whole washington, highly a man who yeah, i me had the to hello. nick, i'm much too much for that, but then it can also look at the eyes of account bit. now what are some where it is hey, for like a 4 level i'm on the
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news. i need to know who it was a who. yeah, i lost that, i found that you know, who is the lead that in and it should have. so now i'm side, so they're gonna have you have the other side of the healing and as you for, you know, what if i guess, i mean with the agency cumberland history is that option then the you know,
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we made it. yeah. the. 1 the we didn't do that and didn't even know what i came in the last year anyway, but nothing. i still have to try to check in the queue for the and i've been one of law but zip code of issue of, of people who was that kind of a head alonzo shot in that could i suppose way the
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yeah, the shuttle. so there's a lot when i'm up, put them on the low cost level movies the so let me, oh, look in little bit and see how the key the size of his he asked me in monkey o dot. i have nothing here, but as will fly level low. so don't know how big the hell i took i'm away from 16
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bit now. who would or was that what was in the rest of this, the whole level of our a monthly i allowed to be able to look up. you still owe my name and not the feeling on the one that is on my home, said he had to live now right after what have that meeting with yvonne? when did the young man last on his young medical matters for how boy willie years uh will know. i know in know a who was sick usually fucking do you think so? yeah. and you can talk to him about just this little bit and then the
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there's another huge ball doing the same house and yeah, my love the most eleanor as say a minute to hold all was the same as intended. libby, i'm the guy, i need to know the low level platinum and haven't delivered the
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had to pay to savannah a as a plus the method. let mathias actually had the product of you know, that a whole lot more of a sudden a sense that us the main line. but this had the how much why ma f enough sitting the show will kick the high side of do a walk. how do all with water should the mean? i miss one is still the doors. so the inside the other way i knew that if we can have a bad ma is in uh, less than the oldest and i go saw people also i was off in the l as in i,
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i was in the mountains, you know, i left a lot but we've got, i've got, i really was a into and felt the lives in the machine. i me so that my mind that direction. busy yeah, no one of my my of us for kennedy was not sure about him and how do we must, that i missed my development menache needing to know how is a fidget doors not involve of businesses. your settlements spend a lot of rain that the fees are 15 best were best 2nd, unless you have them. and then yeah, any, lemme shift advances can on or no. uh my is your best most updated unless you have the items that have you can buy the most of the home 10. 0 one might have hes in the next mr. who need uh, the laughing gas has no nevada for the,
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for the testing on nevada. when you add a energy fitness, excuse me. exactly. oh and i can explain how you can let them go. measure was sort of more labeled. i didn't know. i know high the most. so lights are cause most actually was the last sunday. those it just seems to be they send them the
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and the other. no, no, that's a pass code with joe was his background. it's good lead. i've been to live in muscle, the in the living and i'm, i'm not a funeral any like you and i'm not in love yet. this is not, you know, didn't be kind of that i had them because in am city in the field follows in my family the shifting this in the i did you to sign it so good
4:54 am
show bebbles away. i mean show it live. i don't shut that the new home home this place to the low lives by the hood of a day, each one of the is a z, a r d o man. ok to sure. under the corn hole. as i live in the block, i had to cut out about middle as the heads up and beyond that she had lost, but i knew a let me the i miss you of us, but i know had a she to be they didn't go was sure. yeah, they plus body and if you need a face when the deepest blessing they are, his home sobbing literally. and the other thing is, is jada had to show a lot of nic. the system here is the channel. it needs the
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scenario and the see here. so the give to not allow me just about so please pick that up and let me know. i mean,
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it will have to be in the ceiling and we just need to get out of the vienna that's been been been in this room is going to have on paperless think we have a not, not we'll have to have, i mean, it's on the screen can they saw me to share that? bobby, i would bond for this. please. bob and hurry you bob and just thought the or brutal motors to take 9 to the country and k o l g 0. well,
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goes to gammon with political schools in the 1980s was settled by assessing that was a big black hole coming in a battle in which south humans president responsive of dec. i refused to give them my head, will give up power the killing of south him and the politicians during a routine cabinet meeting. a 1986, an estimate of an assassination on al jazeera. hearing this tax chart, populations is declined 70 percent, and we're still not doing anything about it. understanding the reality plays that floated reporting from the ex whatever happens next to the university have already made history out. as soon as teams across the world bring you closer to the house of the story. the
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a hello. we will see most of this storm spring across the northern plains of the us pushing across into the upper midwest is going to be towards the great lights on the off the area of low pressure. this one, you can see that on the heads just rolling in on this same system. so some big down polls coming in here was a go one through tuesday that was likely to be some of the localized flooding lot. so somewhere around the october night, a large hail the whole shipment by the east it's dry is warm. it's sunny. 26 celsius and new york a couple of degrees higher than that for they say, unless we go on into uh, wedding stay, it's form is still that west of weather. still welding his way across the legs, pushing up into one chair, raising across the was good back for the west. but a wintry weather still cool enough funds. when the wintry weather the across the higher ground, you'll notice that across the tapes house and big showers, coming through that more heavy down pools into texas could again lead to some
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localized flooding heavy down post tube across the greater entities. cuba, jamaica said some nasty shows, it's quite a nasty system. this one which rolls out into the eyes and what is all the caravans? few showers, 7th of haiti, and also in to dominican republic and move the same as we go through where the state by where to stay a few shot wasn't about betas and also into trinity that the, if you're watching this prerecorded report that al jazeera has been banned in the territory, all is, well, we'll just change to be any stray me when my country is closing down inspection towards the networks only because patients being confirmed here, this decision puts other networks where it came in the occupied was dying for inside. israel proffer also independent journalist would be targeted. we, i thought just we shouldn't be aware of that as
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a badge of honor to be bad. governments that stands indicted for general size. i think to that sort of justice. the chief prosecutor of the international criminal court is seeking a rest, was for israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu. and his defense minister on charges of war crimes and crimes against humanity in guns. i'm about to send a business out to 0 live from dough hom, also coming up. let me be clear, concert allegations against israel made by the end as the court of justice. what's happening is not genocide reject. does president joe biden box is real
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and calls the move for the icbc prosecutor outrage.


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