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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 21, 2024 7:00am-7:30am AST

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is because unlike captive bred monkeys, there's no guarantee the animals up that engine free. the the chief prosecutor of international criminal court, a 6 arrest warrants for israel's prime minister, benjamin netanyahu, and his defense minister on charges of war crimes and crimes against humanity in gaza. intentionally causing death to stop ation, injury and suffering to the civilian population, including so very many women and children of criminal means to achieve military and political goals. the i c. c prosecutor is also requesting warrants for 3. see me how much lead is for the october, the 7th, and kind of going into around the
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around the clock. this is out to your life and. 3 no, into the bloodshed in dogs is ready for us, is it? i can proceed. palestinians trapped in the homes and shelters and there were on orders an investigation into sundays helicopter crash that killed president able to receive just for him. and the so nearly $300.00 days of israel's board does it. through the $35396.00 policy is killed. and now the chief prosecutor, the was top criminal court. the icpc is taking a risk for us for israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu. and his defense minister, you have kalonde. they're curious of war crimes. and crimes against humanity in gaza. next me all who says it's a complete distortion of reality. us president joe biden is calling it outrages.
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the c. c prosecutor also wants arrest warrants for 3 senior. i'm actually just for the october, the 7th attack in southern israel. the move that's being developed by a mass, as haven't been job, a begins are coverage. solving children, is it trying of the killing civilians is a little crime and built for the causing suffering is also a criminal act. those are the top 2 reasons. the prosecutor of the international criminal court has cited for requesting of restaurants for these really prime minister benjamin netanyahu and defense minister golf kalonde. i reasonable grounds to believe on the basis of evidence collected and examined by my office that he's really prime minister benjamin netanyahu administer of defense. you, i've got a bad criminal responsibility for the following. international crimes committed on
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the territory of the state of palestine. several is read, the ministers have denounced the allegations of war crimes and crimes against humanity. the foreign minister is red costs. it says it's a historic disgrace. and that especially the board room has been set up to counteract the decision. but not everyone agrees is right, really gain full text. it says, was this war of the old versions of december, and the whole debate is against us any to unite the game. these very easy to very nation, at least even more nation is this way. everyone receives so just in such a victim by the evil decision, i think it's adjusted. this is the icpc. prosecutors also seeking the rest warrants for from us political and been if you need to explain honey yes. and bar involvement they've that are reasonable grounds to believe that these 3 how much lead has a criminal you're responsible for the killing of these race opinions in a textbook to try to buy a mess. i'm groups on the 7th of october 2023. the palestinian group says the
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rest wardens for nothing. yahoo and kalonde a several months too late. and rather than equating the victim with the perpetrator, i see should order the rest of all occupation officials gave orders and the soldiers who counted out the crimes. if we want to be honest, we should be looking at what it is that the government is really government has been doing the orders that it has the issue to it's soldiers and it's issued orders to a soldiers to carry out a genocide if this court has to have any credibility, it should be going after the people were committing genocide, rather than just simply trying to play this game of both sides. for months, the i c. c. prosecute to face criticism of the conduct and gods and folded. cons critics, even of the un security council, criticize what they saw as, as an action to hold is rather comfortable. ceasefire a ceasefire of israel's allies, including the united states, also expressed anger. i had to mondays if the announcement target is real and we
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will talk to you that a warning letter from it doesn't us republican senators, the trenton took tumbling and sanctioned isis. he stop and their families. 3 this is bill that today in the me, a talk of the risk board isn't likely to have an immediate impact on the war which has killed more than 35000 palestinians and displaced millions more since october. some of the job was there. well, it's really is not a member of the i c, c and israel's lead his date face immune interest. but they say the prosecutors decision is disgraceful and anti semitic how much of june has more. remember benjamin netanyahu, whose coalition has bound to help 0 from reporting inside israel. so mohammed just talking to us from amman and jordan outrage across the is really political spectrum of the announcement that international criminal court, cheap prosecutor cutting pond and seeking arrest warrants for israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu is really defense ministry off the lot,
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as well as 3 from us leaders is really prime minister. netanyahu declaring that he rejects with disgust the comparison between israel and come us. here's more, i wouldn't as in yahoo have to say, oh, absolutely. but should condition that the, this absurd and deceitful warrant of the persecution in the hague is aimed no, certainly against israel's prime minister and defense minister, but against the entire states. if it's right off, it is against the idea of soldiers who are fighting with the utmost bravery against the vile murder was of a month who attacked us with ring dispute. tell us the on october 7th, the prosecutor in the haines with was odessa to do. you did compare between the how much monsters and the soldiers of the id, if the world's most immoral army at a time of such deep political polarization is real at a time when there's so many divisions across the political landscape. what we heard throughout the day after the announcement from the i c. c was very much
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a common refrain, very much echoing, but we also heard from that's in yahoo for example. you had war cabinet member been against former israeli defense minister, and he tweeted that to equate israel and how much was moral blindness. we also saw a tweet from the opposition leader in israel. yeah. your la pete in that tweet. but pete said the icpc arrest warrants are a complete moral failure. we cannot accept the outrages comparison between us and yahoo, instant war between the leaders of israel and the leaders of how much we also saw a tweet from is really president issac hertzog, who in a late fee statement set, among other things. the announcement of the prosecutor at the i c. c is beyond outrages and shows the extent to which the international judicial system is in danger of collapsing. we will not forget our hostages, whose a for turn should be the main concern of the international community. we expect all leaders in the free world to condemn outright this step and firmly reject it. beyond that, we also saw a lot of quotes from
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a named is really political officials throughout the years, really media landscape throughout the day. calling the announcement from the i c. c, hypocritical saying that it was embarrassing on an international level that it was disgraceful that it was insolent. what we know is that there are top legal scholars in israel as well as members of the national security council. and the foreign ministry that are all meeting they have set up a war room to try to figure out how to deal with all this going forward. how much i'm doing with 0. i'm not most picky. i sent events, mulkey, jewish, american heritage month to the white house. the us president joe biden strongly defended his railroad director rebuking the icy seas decision of what was happening and cause i did you a customer reports now from washington, dc of this have been strongly stated. words of support for israel coming at a time when in the last few weeks that there had been a lot of tension brewing between israel and the us particularly as by then
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continues to warn and be ignored against israel's invasion of rafa. but now at this icy c application for a warrant has been issued, the president seems to be moving closer again to israel, who spoke on this hours ago as he was addressing jewish americans at the white house. let me be clear, reject the i see she's application arrest warrant. you get rid of these wars by apply. there's no privilege between israel and i'm off it's clear isn't was all, do all can to ensure a civilian protection. but let me be clear, concert allegations against israel made by the national court of justice. what's happening is not genocide, reject the raleigh stand with this room is and the threats against a secured. and this follows on a letter that was delivered by about
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a dozen republican senators last months that kind of for saw the movement here as the i c. c was at that time considering applying for arrest warrants for netanyahu . and in that letter, the senators said, quote, target is real and we will target you. that's what they said to the i c c staff. and saying that the us could issue sanctions against employees and bar them and their families from entering the u. s. if they go ahead and approve this application for a warrant, as far as that goes, it's these words of disapproval that us officials are issuing as well as pressure on its allies in europe, who are parties to the i c. c. eventually, if these warrants were to be approved and issued, the us would likely try to pressure those allies not to arrest netanyahu. if they had, if they had the opportunity. meanwhile, in gaza, palestinians are facing daily desks and displacement. and here's how they react to
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2. i see the i c, c, prosecutors request, and the slot you will have problems with the victims. although we have nothing to do with the issue a little how much we know how mass or palestinian is. i make too hot with citizens and i used to work in israel and i was working in israel, security and safety. what's my guilt for my children's guilt? what's my guilt of my siblings guilt? oh my neighbors guilt. why was i displaced them? why do i have to suffer every day? the opponent would that live on the coast fell off until the prosecutor thought the codes are being shuffled. because the equivalence between the victims and the oppressed. how is it possible to equalize between those who defense a country and freedom, and the icpc, the value? everything in accordance with the human utility and standards. and between those who target children, women, and elderly people, those who display homes and structure enter your mind to your sisters integrates us through it. let's say now from and
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a good to be in the pallet in central gulf. in gaza policy news do not have any access to the internet. their only source of news is us as correspondence and reporters. we have been trying to talk to people. some of the people do not know that this has been issue today. others have been found this very ironic and funny and some raised a little bit of questions. is this going to change anything on the ground? is this going to stop? how is this change our lives policy in use? have been striving to find food defined watch or to find their medicine to their children. they have been displaced for more than a couple more than 8 times 9 times. that's all that palestinians are currently focusing on. but when we're coming to highlights how much of response they condemn the icpc for our equalizing the policy in use. and then they said that this came 7 months late as the is really officials have been committed thousands of crimes
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against the palestinians. and they also said that the agencies should have issued a rest warrant against all the is ready. and officials that have been in charge of the is where the atrocities against a policy new. but so far, policy news find this meaningless because they have very bad history. with the i c c and the security council and everything that is related to a stopping this genocide on sundays. ready forces have killed at least a $106.00 palestinians and in northern gaza. is there any forces of talking to the residential and square and waiting to hear many of the victims with women and children? i suppose i might have just this report now because you had the what is really palm so raining down again, the northern does the targeting civilian areas and monday morning
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explosions hit the most of the neighborhood debate last year. building scramble, trapping people into rubber panic, spread among thousands of palestinians shelter. and here i was passing through this road and all of a sudden the earth was shaking as if it was an earthquake piece. the flesh of screwed over the walls. look for yourself. i'm collecting pieces of flesh and i was in the market, came home to find all my brothers and sisters going. all of them were killed, ripped to pieces their flesh scattered all over the place. at a nearby come all odd one, hospital emergency rooms are overwhelmed with the continuous influx of picnics, including many children and the elderly. the. this medical facility is one of the few still barely operating in northern cancer and
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face and collect staff. and i just seen them and supplied israel has been in testifying its military operations across the strip in the past 3 weeks. earlier this month, troops and tags began moving into southern gaza targeting the city of brussel. the civilians were ordered once again to head to other areas. but with the entire strip under relentless bombardment, they find themselves with nowhere to go. x of language, which is 0. no, it's a color. it's was in basically here in northern dogs or incentives. this update, this is david had most of the neighborhood is where the forces started, which is our residential house for them to on capital 10. many dozens has been killed and doesn't get injured. citizens are trying to pull out the people who have been killed and lives under the right now in order to
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pay the consequences. so many as you can see, all of this, the bus station just because of one massage. by the way, the closest was in control or just the room. nothing goes pretty well. this time i still head here now to 0. we meet the children of janine processing, the trauma of israel's violent occupation. troops play the on counting the cost india's income inequality gap his wife makes so how can poor people get the share of the wealth? how much does the us spend in foreign aid and does about funding help to boost global stability? plus why zambia has band charcoal production products counting the cost on that, which is 0. hundreds of officers closing in on the area where the students have
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been protesting against israel for them guys for almost 2 weeks. they also want the university to stop investing in company. they say profit from a swales war. some of the students tried to present the police from entering the university, one by one. they were arrested. the police then rated hamilton hauling their objective to detain. the students who had fabricated themselves inside. they broke a window and entered via the 1st floor. candles broke out on behalf of the students were evicted from the holy. johnson's were arrested, even the students that were detained, nobody is resting, and we will not stop until columbia and it's hard to mount columbia university. it's a place that inspired a move line to cross the united states to demand an end to the world. got how many of the students would have spoken to are saying that whatever happens next, the students of columbia university have already made history. the,
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[000:00:00;00] the again, you're watching out, the 0 reminder of our top story is this. uh, and the top prosecute of the international criminal court is seeking arrest warrants for his ready prime minister benjamin netanyahu defense, minnesota. you, i've got on these accusing them of war crimes and crimes against humanity and gaza, both israel and it's, i like the us of denounced arrest warrants rules of being sort for how much the smells. i mean, i've seen one of the day, they're accused of war crimes and crimes against humanity in the on type decision to talk about. it says it has the right to resist. is randy occupation including arms. all right, let's look at the war crimes and crimes against humanity that the prosecutor believes, israel's prime minister and defense minister,
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that criminal responsibility for these all starvation of civilians as a method of war wilfully causing great suffering. wilful killing, intentionally directing attacks against civilian populations, all these considerable crimes, like sections of crimes against humanity include, extermination persecution, and of in humane acts yourself about gucci is this extra general of the promise to me and national initiative. and he says the licensee to prosecute his decision to sing words for his ready leaders may come into the late, but it is significant to find the items that got him signed. it showed his opinion describing what's happening cuz word crimes and described into those that are in the behaviors as an act of war, crimes against humanity in describing in details the what is or is doing
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extermination of the palestinian people using hunger instead of ation as a lot of instrument decision does a complete to depriving people fluid are depriving people of any other sources for the human life and source advice on. and i think the most important thing, today's does that he said that to up to the 5th and as extermination the most, i was 3 just think and this whole scene is the action of missed the by then describing the act of the quote as outrageous and actually, it is really funny to see the united states of america, which raises the court for a show in government. i guess that i've been president clinton and president so much for that and now they're. busy criticizing this quote and saying that it has no right to do to describe what is there any crimes, the crimes that that happening and it's really it minutes. you build those that has
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exploded during your rate and the occupied westbank. yes, it was moving through the city of to best overnights when the explosion happened. it's unclear whether it was a deliberate attack on the vehicle or a possible destination of a home made explosive device to the janine refugee campus. even more is rarely military rates than anywhere else in the occupied westbank for the thousands of children who call it home. it means being exposed to the violence and trauma of wool on a daily basis is changing the way they play. because the games mimic the reality symbols robbie has moved from the occupied westbank in did you need refugee camp a burial shroud becomes a child's cost if they take turns putting it on, emulating their heroes palestinian fighters killed by it's made so it is normal for children to mimic adults recreating the things they see every day
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. but in the occupied westbank, what passes for me seemed through the eyes of its children. can see more of it. we are playing cuz we're in as an out of the details of the game on the completion, on the rates of it. so us act as the soldiers and others of fighters and someone gets when did, the army comes in and codes him, then they sold the house, and then there are classes. scenarios acted out against the backdrop that is all to real. the panics of running battles. the injured left in the street, civilians used as human shields or taken prisoner by his regular troops. they take cover, reboot and prepare for the next boom. with toys often couple together from scraps their prized possessions. the way they move is almost tactical. after all, what other children learn from movies?
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these youngsters have learned from real life even rebuilding in the aftermath of his really rates all the time. so i mean, how do we talk about more about the incursions, they want to protest and fight. they are very influenced by whatever happens around them. they see young people being killed, targeted the nearest dykes and they ask, why should we have to live like this? we must defend ourselves. so that's ecologist. say this is a form of healing, playing for 10 more to cope with the trauma of living in a wheel one. children use playing 4 different things. first of all, just to able to control situations where they feel that i'm able to, to control because children normally feel how does this comparing to their parents they're expressing what they're seeing and what they're suffering. because even if they are laughing, it's spark of their environmental life of this conflict where they feel helpless. and sometimes they feel of the parents or the others around them who is supposed to
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provide them with protection helpless, also unable to protect them. it is about processing pain and having some agency in their own lives. therapist say their behavior is not necessarily fine. their circumstances are within their games. they are free because of the imagination of palestinian children. they get to decide who wins the same bus route . the old a 0 remo, loved the occupied westgate palestine. united states is offered its official condolences for the death of the writing president abraham racy while simultaneously describing him as a man who had blood on his hides in line with the wrongs constitution. the country must now elect to new president, and we'll go to the polls on june. the 28th of darius who was killed in a helicopter crash on sunday. like level reports on the death that has sent a nation into 5 days of morning or the these way rainy and president
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e brian, right he's, he's fine. allow is attending the annual duration of to dance on sunday, near the board with us advisors on, along with that countries. presidents yolanda leah saw seattle. this damn can provide very safe transit for goods for passengers and taurus, given how seriously the work is being carried out. i think it will take less time than originally estimated, which was almost 3 years then reports began to emerge that the president's helicopter had to make what was referred to as a hard landing that they'd been an incident. finally, it was confirmed via croft had crashed in bad weather on board president. try you see foreign minister who's saying a meat of the lucky on a provincial governor and the security details about the helicopter went down in a forest in a remote mountainous region, near the village of ozi in the east as
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a buyer's on province. a 3rd of it runs on the forces and move in 70 search and rescue team spring into action with turkish high tech night division. drones providing support from the sky, but darkness, sick fog, and the rugged terrain hampered search operations. across the country from test run to the president's hometown, mashhad, iranians came out to prey nearly 20, always off to the helicopter, disappeared from right on the wreckage was discovered a state television deliver this message to the nation. prices of water for tallow shaft, so hardworking and relentless president of the raining and people who did nothing but serve the people on their way towards progress, kept his promise and sacrifice his life for the nation. there's been no official word yet on the cause of the crash. one aviation analyst says changing weather conditions can post challenges even full experience pilots. you don't, the issue is when you're taking off and the weather was clear and then you were not
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when this rugged uh forest liked rain. uh, there could be farmed developing areas that you don't expect far to develop. but the age of the helicopter may also have quite a role. the us manufactured bella helicopter had been in service since 1971. waste and sanctions have made it difficult for a run to obtain spare parts or new aircraft. mike level which is a south africa's top code, is bought for president jacobs. the material from running for pur, uh for parliament. the constitutional court made the announcement on monday. it's a 2 year old. c met, left office in 2018 face interruption. navigation was briefly jail for contempt of court, and his surprise move, he foamed a new political party called m. k. december. to run against this formal party, the governing african national congress in the elections on may the 20, not about to remain in cloud to pay more costs on our website out. is there
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a dot com is the address we got more news coming up here. oh, now to 0, right, often we go to come to the costco seat and run it by the hello. welcome to the cat, the international forecasts. see why the remains long as you try cross much of the middle east, but nights are still some cloud still, some of the weather, the course of north west of iran into good positive as a budge on a heavy showers. longest spells of right coming through here, then i will continue to just not a little further research as we go through why the state of the shout was never really too far away. becoming
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a little more widespread down towards central in western areas all around by that stays hot. so i'm trying to back that temperatures here into the forty's further south. we'll every concept we could get into the low fourties on wednesday afternoon. so i some pretty serious hate to come for many. well it's enough for across the is the side of the mediterranean, because here a 35 celsius for got a few shows. just around that eastern side of ducky, i wanted to shout into the southwest of the country as well as we go on through the next couple of days. the what are the increasing breeze just rolling through that praise also i faded some very well mother went to the north east of africa and both africa generally try plenty of showers. that across the house of africa. joining up with the white to weather that we have over towards the rift valley. this typical system i'm pleased to say is weakening the latest news as it breaks this years march as a message, not just for the cards government,
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but also for the incoming ones that they're not going away until they know what happened to their loved ones. with detailed coverage, millions of pharma now how rare thing that we'd cross by day whether they may not get that good right because on the management of weight and forth from around the world for prizes rose sharply. yeah. inside when neighboring nigeria restricted s the color i made, or instead of getting them, this is counting the cost on al jazeera. you'll, we can look at the world of business and economics this week. india is booming, but millions of its people are benefiting from the economic growth the income. and


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