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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 21, 2024 10:00am-11:01am AST

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the dresser, and this will be the 5th displacement, 8 groups holding for isabel to de escalate now and say there is no plan be for the people in rough or the the to $10.00 venue. it's good to have you with us. this is the news. our life from the coming up in the program today, the chief prosecutor of the international criminal court seats arrest warrants for these really prime minister and for senior home us leaders on charges of war. christ contradict allegations against israel made by the end as a court of justice. what's happening is not genocide to reject. the us president stands by israel after the i c c's decision to seek arrest warrants for its leaders
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. the fighting in janine is really forces killed at least 70 palestinians and a refugee camp in the occupied west. and morning in iran life pictures right now as funeral processions begin for president abraham racy, who was killed in a helicopter crash on sunday. the after more than 7 months of israel's devastating war on gaza, which has killed at least $35562.00 palestinians. the chief prosecutor of the world's top criminal court assault arrest warrants were israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu. and his defense minister, you'll have to lots, they are accused of war crimes and crimes against humanity and gaza. netanyahu says it's a complete distortion of reality. the i c. c prosecutor also wants arrest warrants
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for 3 homeless leaders for the october 7th attack and southern israel. a move that has been denounced by him us. some of the ends of it begins our coverage. solving children is a crime. the killing civilians is a little crime. and then for the causing suffering is also a criminal act. those are the top 2 reasons. the prosecutor of the international criminal court has cited for requesting of restaurants for these really prime minister, benjamin netanyahu, and defense minister golf kalonde have reasonable grounds to believe on the basis of evidence collected and examined by my office that he's really prime minister benjamin netanyahu administer of defense you, i've got a back criminal responsibility for the following international crimes committed on the territory of the state of palestine. several is really ministers have denounced the allegations of war crimes and crimes against humanity. the foreign minister is
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read concert, says it's a historic disgrace and that especially for room has been set up to counteract the decision. but not everyone agrees is what i really gain to text. it says was this war of the whole, vague is of december and the whole vibe is against us. any to unite the game. these very easy to very nation at least still even more nation is this way. and everyone receives, so just in such a victim by these evil decision, i think it's adjusted. this is the i c. c, prosecutors also seeking the rest of ordering sort from us political and been if he does explain, honey, you can send bar and bahama dave that are reasonable grounds to believe that these 3 i'm actually to is a criminal. you're responsible for the killing of these really civilians and attacks perpetrated by a mass of i'm groups on the 7th of october 2023. the palestinian group says the rest of organs for nothing. yeah. who wouldn't kalonde a several months too late?
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and rather than equating the victim with the perpetrator, i c. c, should or did the rest of all occupation officials gave orders and the soldiers who carried out the crimes. if we want to be honest, we should be looking at what it is that the government is really government has been doing the orders that it has it issued to its soldiers and its issued orders to its soldiers to carry out a genocide. if this court is to have any credibility, it should be going after the people were committing genocide, rather than just simply trying to play this game of both sides. for months, the i c. c. prosecute to face criticism of the cottage and gods and folded cream hunts. critics, even of the un security council, criticized what they saw as, as in action to hold as we had a comfortable seas via a ceasefire. israel's allies, including the united states, mostly expressed anger. i had to mondays if the announcement target is real and we will talk to you that a warning letter from it doesn't us republican senators, the trenton to cut funding and sanctioned i. c. c stop and their families. 3
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this is the today, in the me, a talk of arrest warrants isn't likely to have an immediate impact on the war which has killed more than 35000 continues and displaced millions more since october. some of the javi does their a 1000 zeros tarka boys whom isn't darrow bella in the central part of the gaza strip. sorry, it is good to talk to you today. look for home us. the prosecutors request for arrest warrants is both good and bad news. there, partly, you've indicated because they've been saying that israel has been committed committing more crimes and crimes against humanity for a long time, but they're also targeted, of course. so run us through how, how mazda is responding to this well, in fact, the chief prosecute of the international court. criminal court has accused i must lead is included india, s, and y, and how much they use. the main had official in the military wing of mazda.
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alongside weight is main. heavy, the chief political, the political group chief of the movements of committing a overseeing crimes against is where the community is on october. the 7th where one south will more than 1000 is barely have been killed sofa with, with at least 205250 others being taken captives inside the territory here. but they have a also pulled in a statement to the, to national criminal code to come. so this a rest squadrons against that fleet as, as they have been confirming and saying that the court is it drawing to equate thing between the victim and the execution in that attempt. that's how mazda is trying to say, that is where the leaders are responsible for all kinds of mastic has been committed inside the territories since october, the 7th target. if we go to the situation on the ground,
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tell us what's happening in the gaza strip on day 200 and 28th of this war. let's start with, with a rasa in the south. the way what's happening in a real fi right now is a part of the ongoing, systematic military campaign that they use very only has since earlier they not with the rating and the eastern portion of the city as they have been destroying old residential buildings and civil infrastructure, they're destroying clinics, the school evacuation since it's an old means of life in the, in the eastern areas of rough off. but along slowly with using intense fi abutment in the eastern portions, they have been passing more evacuation orders for residents in the central areas of rough law as that's also not too as well. the is very defense minister of glance has been saying that the are absolutely watching on expanding the military campaign in rough or to control the entire city in the south. as this is absolutely the
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reason why the palestinians are really suffering from as their, as to thousands of palestinians, the western portion of the city, close to a loss. the area that is a very tiny strip of land that were thousands of people are living there in an absolutely apps full absence of hygiene facilities and ending up living and dress. they humanitarian crisis fund, the font most of the top 3. in fact, through we have been hearing from eye witnesses that fighting is getting much more difficult as buttons are still ongoing. we so different videos the most by palestinian on through the showing how close is the context fighting. but when palestinian fighters and the is very army in the very narrow streets of devalue refuge account belong site, that medics have been confirming that the east valley minutes report hope to drones have opened fully against the gates of come on at one hospital, which is absolutely grappling with if you will shortage in order to be operated as one palestinian girl has passed away due to the lack of oxygen and come on at one
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hospital since that since and the hours of this morning. the target boys were reporting from darrow butler. thank you very much. talk as appointments to benjamin netanyahu, whose government has banned alpha 0 from reporting within israel a. so we're all reporting from the jordanian capital, amman, where im run con is standing by. so him or on the, the is really prime minister is simply put furious that the chief prosecutor of the i, c. c is requesting an arrest warrant against what did benjamin netanyahu say as well, there's one key thing that he said, which is now being echoed across these really political spectrum. it doesn't matter whether you are the leader of the opposition, like you are the paid, or whether you are a storage ness and yahoo support. or whether you remember the wood cabinet like many gains, like the defense minutes, that your client. and i think this is the message that is being pushed right now. this is the key sentence, the observed and deceitful warrant of the prosecutor in the hey, is
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a note on the against israel's prime minister and defense minister. it's aimed against the entire state of israel. i'm not lost, but it is absolutely crucial. so i could spend about an hour going through all of the responds coming out of these ready political echelons. but it's all pretty much similar. the reaction is one where everybody is saying this is about individuals anymore. this is an attack against the state of israel, that's the messaging that's coming through. everybody seems to be look step behind that messaging. it's even being a code in the media. why are you making a false equivalence between us and how much this is just absolutely upset at the tech, against israel? that's a direct quote from an editorial that i read this morning and it is really newspaper . so there you go. that's where we're at right now. in terms of reaction, however,
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response is going to be a real litmus test of how is ro deals with all of this. now, it's worth pointing out again as well as a signature you to the i, c, c. a boat is taking this incredibly serious that happened me, things, strategy meetings, meetings with legal experts with administrator for the fast and level security agency. that's how serious they all taking all of this. and we're beginning to see the response come through. not only is about blaming israel, sorry, deflecting blame from is rather than saying this is what vicki less, but it's also about reaching out to allies, present job i do last night said israel isn't committing genocide in garza, and that's something key that would be something that the is riley is gonna hang onto it and pointer and say look, if the present of us to set it, then clearly window committing a genocide. so that's really where we're at right now. it's a, it's all about the messaging. it's all about the reaction. but the response is
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what's going to be key and that's gonna be coming up swiftly and over the next few days. and we're on con, reporting from amman to jordanian capital. thank you very much for all that context there. and mine will speak again. just a reminder that prime minister benjamin netanyahu is government has banned alpha 0 from reporting and israel. so that's why we're reporting from i'm on now this issue of equivalence between israel and hamas is what i want to get into with eric with the former icbc official will serve as an advisor to the former president of the international criminal court. and he joins us from, from brussels. so there is this symmetry in kareem khan statement. he goes off to how most crimes goes after his really crimes. and he ends his statement with quote, international law must apply equally. the lines of all human beings have equal value. this symmetry is very noticeable and it can't be an accident. i wanted your thoughts on that. yes, thank you. it's important understand what that symmetry means and what it doesn't
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mean. a good with the prosecutor is said is that the law applies equally to everyone that both sides in this conflict as in other conflicts before the international criminal court are bound by international law. and their actions will be equally scrutinized. what it doesn't mean is that the prosecutor is saying that the actions on one side are necessarily the equivalent of actions on the other side or that the 2 sides are equal in nature. in some way. it just means that both sets of actions will be measured, not against each other but against the law. so that's really interesting, and i that, that's why i wanted to raise this topic with you, because you've been hearing our correspondence, hama by netanyahu of all slammed the i, c. c. and they all seize on this point saying that i'm austin is really not equivalent in israel's telling of it. of course is that we're acting in self defense. you can equate us with home us and i'm us is telling of it they're saying
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we're being slaughtered. victims can't be equated with their executioners. so both of them suggesting that the prosecutor is got the plot completely wrong and that that somehow negates his request for, for an arrest warrant. those arguments are really a diversion whether intentional or not from the core issue. the international criminal court is not looking at the justification for finding on either side. it is not saying that israel does not have a right to defend itself. in fact, the prosecutor noted in his statement that israel does have a right to defend itself against attacks. it's not a judgment on the right of the positivity and people to pursue their freedom. um, the question is, what means have the 2 sides used and the states but individual
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criminal responsibility. this is about the actions of individuals and not necessary . busy only the state involved in a political implications for the states. and of course, it has as great political, meaning the impact of those above what the court is really looking at are the actions of the individuals. what are the specific allegations it can be proven, is that uh, the main individuals have perpetrated these, these acts. and this is really interesting because what it, what it tells us listening to use the both homos and, and the is really response totally and perhaps deliberately missed the point, right? because the point is that the actions of certain individuals do not comply with international law. regardless of the bigger narrative that they may want the, the frame or shape in any way, there are a legal actions,
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according to kareem. khan had been committed by both use really lynch leadership. and the last leadership was this, perhaps this sort of symmetrical, 5050, almost presentation of the request for arrest warrants was we said it was likely intentional by kareem khan was this, you think the only way for him to move ahead with the case as i think it i think is likely was um yeah, i think it's important there's been tremendous suffering on both sides. um and it's important to think about the victims on both sides of the hostages were still in custody. the families of those killed the thing missing in israel and the palestinians have been subjected to starvation to uh the allegation is that they've been specifically targeted as a civilian population by israelis leaders. i mean, it's just been massive suffering and we see it play out on our television screens
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every day. and it's impossible to compare the 2. but what we can say is that victims on both sides are deeply deserving of justice, accountability, and the broader international community has an interest here in seeing standards of held that there are standards even during one time. but even if you feel your boss is justified, the things that causes justified it doesn't mean that you can use any means whatsoever to, to pursue that. cause eric, let me, let me put it this way and i'm circling around the same point here is if kareem khan had gone after just one side from us, or even just gone off to both sides. hum us leadership is really leadership. it separately, different moments in time. wouldn't he inevitably have been accused of bias and wouldn't his case and literally inevitably have lost credibility? i think that was a real danger here. yes, i think it was important for him to show that the that he was
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scrutinizing the actions of leadership on both sides of this conflict. right, eric, would he thank you so much for joining us. i have so many questions for you. we will speak again next hour. i look forward to that. thank you. it is really forces have killed at least 7 palestinians during a military rate in the city of janine any occupied westbank among those killed include a teacher, student and a surgeon. at least 9 palestinians have also been injured to in serious condition right now. the military sent reinforcements to the area after special is really units infiltrated, the city and the camp, where they were confronted by palestinian fighters to the janine refugee camp. se more is really notary rates than anywhere else in the occupied westbank for the thousands of children who called at home. that means being exposed to the violence and trauma of war on a near daily basis. houses the resumed astronomy has more from ramallah in the
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occupied west. and did you need refugee camp a burial shroud becomes a child's costs? do they take turns putting it on, emulating their heroes palestinian fighters killed by it's made so it is normal for children to mimic adults recreating the things they see every day . but in the occupied westgate, what passes for me seems to the eyes of its children. can see more of it, we are playing cuz we're in as an out of the details of the game on the completion, on the rates of it. so us act as the soldiers and others of fighters and someone gets when the, the army comes in and codes him, then they sold the house. and then there are classes scenarios acted out against a backdrop that is all to real. the panic of running battles, the injured left in the street, civilians used as human shields were taken prisoner by his regular troops. they
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take cover, reboot and prepare for the next boom. with toys often coupled together from scraps their prized possessions, the way they move is almost tactical. faster. well, what other children learn from movies? these youngsters have learned for real life even rebuilding in the aftermath of us really rates all the time. so i mean, how do we talk about more about the incursions, they want to protest and fight. they are very influenced by whatever happens around them. they see young people being killed target to the nearest dykes and they ask, why should we have to live like this? we must defend ourselves to that. so i called to just say this is a form of healing, playing for 10 more to cope with the trauma of living in a wheel, chosen use, playing for different things. first of all, just to able to control situations where the field that i'm able to,
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to control. because children normally feel headed this comparing to their parents, they're expressing what they're seeing and what they're suffering. because even if they are laughing, it's spark of the environment. a life of this conflict where they feel helpless, and sometimes they feel of the appearance or the others around them who's supposed to provide them with protection helpless, also unable to protect them. it is about processing pain and having some agency in their own lives. therapist say their behavior is not necessarily fine. their circumstances are within their games. they are free. because in the imagination of palestinian children, they get to decide who wins. zane beside the oldest era, remo loved the occupied westbank. palestine is really military bulldozer has exploded, drink, and other rate in the occupied west bank. it was moving through the
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city of 2 of us overnight when the explosion happened. it's unclear whether it was a deliberate attack on the vehicle or possible detonation of a home made explosive device. the. the funeral ceremony is under way for one's late president abraham racy in the northern city of to breeze. he was killed in a helicopter crash on sunday, along with a foreign minister and 7 others. tens of thousands of people have gathered to pay their respects. it's the 2nd day of 5 days of national morning announced by the supreme leader ali hyundai, a racist. donny will be laid to rest in his hometown of mashhad on thursday that let's go live to dinner on and speak to russell sort. ok, we're so can you, can you comment on the pictures that we're getting? we're getting the, the live shots of people who are turning out for this. the racist funeral are really impressive. as indeed powers and thousands of people are
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gathering to move on for the present. and so that the supreme leader of the country has yesterday to clarify these or the national morning and which has stopped it. so a race sees body is in is in the city of diabetes and of course is the companies as well. and so later today, we are expecting that to be taken to the city of whom the most important seminars center in the run where the senior collaborates, educates train the young kinetics to prepare them for the future on religious affairs as state affairs. so the 2nd stage of the funeral is going to take place in comb and then so they, we are expecting also the body to be returned to the capital city, the cat to her on tomorrow, early in the morning. that would be the main funeral ceremony. and the supreme leader, i, i guess on monday also he's going to join that and indeed lead the prayer. then his
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body is going to be flown to the town, which is called the john's, where he was elected as the member of the essence of experts. that finally, his body is going to be taken to mission on thursday. mission is he's hometown where he was born and raised, where he's points a good carrier has started the dental. so it is $0.74 really just attempted because it towards the try and or the, the, the, the 8th a mom and find on thursday he's going to be buried there of the for so how would you describe the mood in the country right now? there is obviously an outpouring of grief we're seeing it on our screens. but i assume it's that the picture is actually a little bit more layered in nuance than that. because there are also many people, many iranians who are against their government who dislike the iranian leadership. and we're only about a year removed from a very strong and very deep expressions of defense. and there were hundreds of
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protesters who were killed at the time in b, so praise of racy was a controversial figure. he was quite popular among the conservative segments of the society among the conservative establishment in the country. but on the other hand, particularly from the reforms blogs and there were many that dislikes his policies, the code and policies that he was a lie in when he was the president. and previously when he was the judge and had of the judiciary. so in that sense, the writing society was divided over his role and i've over his popularity. however, one thing is now for the year, the people who disliked them people who aware that who were very much entries him at the end of day he was the head of the government to the president. and so in a tragic accident, he and his friends the for the minister and many of others, they have lost their lives. so that's why now we see mostly the language. the tune
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of the language in the country is quite mournful. the russell sort are reporting from the radian capital there on thank you very much result mohammed and must be joins us now. political analysts, professor media studies at the doha institute, the graduate studies mohammed, we want to look with you at the political fallout of this internally and in terms of foreign policy. maybe we start with the foreign policy. it's one of the reasons . so many countries around the world are looking at iran and we're looking so closely at races death. and what comes next is because iran has its fingers and so many pies across them at least. mm hm. absolutely huge, huge implications, potentially. right? especially when you think about what's, what's been unfolding and gaza, where the past 7 months and you have the, the prospect of, of these kind of larger wars. we've seen the confrontations that direct confrontations between iran and israel. i think though that there's a sense among a sort of political science community and those who are area experts,
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experts on iran that there's a kind of essential continuity had play with, with, especially with respect to iranian foreign policy. and so bothering some sort of major change in the upcoming election of a major change of direction, which i think is probably unlikely we would likely expect that those major a foreign policy um, imperatives to, to continue as you watch developments and around. so there they have to be, there has to be a new presidential election within 50 days. right. so i think it's reasonable to expect continuity from the interim president was racist 1st, vice president who takes over now he's acting president. within this 50 day period . i don't see anything major change, correct me if i'm wrong, but after that the on the election. what are you watching for? to see me, this is the wrong may change course here, or the other way around is just going to be more of the same. right,
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so what has been happening is that, so there's the guardian council is able to sort of filter candidates out, and that's what they did with in the, in the, in the last election, right. they filled it out, a number of candidates. and so you end up the citizenry is end up ends up with a very narrow list of candidates that are more or less amenable to the, to the supreme leader into the general direction of the, of the country. so there's a choice, but it's not a truly democratic choice in, in, in, in a sense. so i think what to keep, what's, what we should keep an eye on over the next several weeks is to what extent the ronnie and political elite seem to be willing to accommodate some of the, you know, with the, the, the anger or some of the opposition and some of what they want in terms of change, are they willing to open things up for a bit more than they did last time and enter into the fray? some of the candidates that might, they, they might not particularly like,
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but that might be popular with, with the citizenry. my sense and based on the experts that i follows, that is that is unlikely that we're, we're likely to see a very narrow range of our candidates that will ensure that kind of, uh, continuity, and stability that i, that i spoke about a moment ago. racing was also seen as a potential successor to the supreme leader. so i have had some guests tell me otherwise, but the majority of people have spoken to have told me yes, he was a successor. he was a possible successor. many of even said he's a potential, he was a front runner to be a successor for the supreme leader. which means now with re c, a dead, they are going to have to possibly scramble to find other possible successors. right. and so i've tried to follow those discussions as, as best i, i can, and i, i honestly, i think it's probably too early to say there's a lot. there's a lot of speculation. there was speculation about that. you see there are those who say that he was definitely going to be the, the next supreme leader. there are others who say that that was exceedingly
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unlikely that there's also speculation about the supreme leaders, son and other sorts of speculations are my, my sense of that. it's too early to say right now, and i'm not in a position to give anything definitive well and so much of that particular question plays a deep behind the scenes to that is really hard, right? for us to see is often not in the public. i mean, it must be thank you so much for joining us. thanks for your insights. it's still a head on alpha. 0 time runs out on president bought him years lensky tournament office. but there won't be any election in the near future. for the coup attempt in the democratic republic of congo will be reporting from the capital can shots on the
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hello. we have some beaks, some like stones, across so many pots. if you're up at the moment, you can see this uh area cloud here across bronze, another one just around but west inside of the met another one. i was the balkans just spinning away half of a research study. we tried with a high pressure and charged so that's why the sun shining that is warm sunshine for the most part. even then we'll see some wet weather, some shabby range, just getting into western russia. i ran to the both the states, but the where this weather will be across germany, austria check republic pushing down towards the bulk and some live, the showers live be storms of rumbling away. so i some fun to have you down polls in a little nighttime, gusty winds, as well. good roster shots across western pos if you're up to into a western font central fonts, southern areas pushing down into the north of spain and portion i just wish i was just cropping up a crossing with wells public file and pull them out of the say some shops out with the weather, eventually pushing in discussions as well as in the heavy rain here as we go
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through the middle part of the week by the state was pretty disturb right down to the low countries. little try by the state across the mediterranean, and then last you try to post northern parts of africa. i'll see the ne car, we're touching 40 celsius and maybe a shala's west africa. the examination being proactive. today's headlines. i wish i had the word word to describe what setting the agenda for tomorrow's discussions right now. if you're on campus talking about the site, you are being called anti semitic and a supporter of care international filmmakers and will cross journalist bring programs to enforce and inspire to options await us in the immediate future by the prices for climate revolution. on alger 0 or is deliberate over $300000000.00 will suffice be more than $75.00 countries around the
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world, 100 percent of set on an emergency donation spence on projects. and we ensure beneficiaries come 1st of a 300 on luis, haven't had going through the bumps the crossing in recent months. our most of these bless and be blessed and we all turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence. the and watching l 0 a reminder of our headlines. israel's military is continuing to target civilians across casa killing, at least $35562.00 palestinians. since october. the un says 40 percent of the strips population has been displaced in the last 2 weeks. is really forces have
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killed at least 7 palestinians, ring a military rate in the city of jeanine. and we have to fight westbank among those killed include a teacher, students and a surgeon at least 9 palestinians, and also been injured. and to are in serious condition the chief prosecutor of the world's top criminal forces seeking arrest warrants for israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu. and his defense minister, you after lunch or to use the war crimes and crimes against humanity in gaza that yahoo says it's a complete distortion of reality. speaking it and events marketing, jewish american heritage months at the white house. us president joe biden strongly defended israel. heidi show castro reports from washington, dc. of these have been strongly stated. words of support for israel coming at a time when in the last few weeks that there had been a lot of tension brewing between israel and the us particularly as bite and continues to warn and be ignored against israel's invasion of rafa. but now that
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this icy c application for a warrant has been issued, the president seems to be moving closer again to israel. you spoke on this hours ago as who was addressing jewish americans at the white house. let me be clear, reject the i see she's application arrest warrant. you get rid of these wars by apply. there's no privilege between israel and i'm off it's clear isn't was all, do all can to ensure a civilian protection. but let me be clear, concert allegations against israel made by the end as a court of justice. what's happening is not genocide. reject the raleigh stand with israel is and the threats against a secured. and this follows on a letter that was delivered by about
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a dozen republican senators last months that kind of for saw the movement here as the i c. c was at that time considering applying for arrest warrants for netanyahu . and in that letter, the senators said, quote, target is real and we will target you. that's what they said to the i c c staff. and saying that the us could issue sanctions against employees and bar them and their families from entering the u. s. if they go ahead and approve this application for a warrant, as far as that goes, it's these words of disapproval that us officials are issuing as well as pressure on its allies in europe, who are parties to the i c. c. eventually, if these warrants were to be approved and issued, the us would likely try to pressure those allies not to arrest netanyahu. if they had, if they had the opportunity, what to go back to the occupied westbank. now where we were telling you earlier is really forces have killed at least 7 palestinians during
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a military raid their houses here. was it abraham is live for us now in ramallah. did it? what more do you know? so we know that this really forces in large vehicles, large amount of vehicles have rated the janine area and the julian refugee camp at around 8 am. this is a time when palestinians are trying to go through their work through their schools . this is why, according to locals, the 7th, how the city is who it kills. at least 6 of them are civilians. the 7th is yet to be identified. 2 of the miners under a c. one was a teacher who was going through schools and we know now that there are talks to release. some of the children are evacuated, some of the children's children in the school inside that a few decals because of the heavy confrontations that are going on between the palestinian fighters. and these really forces that's yet to be seen. also one of those who have been killed is a search in the palestinian surgeon in a hospital in janine who has been more in by the palestinian ministry of health,
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who was heading to the hospitals to help age. those who have been wounded according to palestinians. they are, they say that these really force as soon as they entered the refugee camp, they started shooting towards it, palestinians left twice in center. and we've heard from these really forces that they've released the statement soon as they enter the area of janine and did you need refugee cup, which signals that we are looking at the large operation, these where the army says that they're operating against what they call the terrorist but as far as palestinians tell us that all of those who have been killed at least 6 of them are civilians. just going about those in the live when these really raids killed them and ended abraham. thank you very much for your reporting . they're alive from ramallah in the occupied wessick. these are the war crimes and crimes against humanity that the icy seas prosecutor believes. israel's leaders bear criminal responsibility for starvation of civilians as
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a method of war wilfully causing great suffering and wilful killing. intentionally directing attacks against a civilian population. all of these are considered war crimes. the accusations of crimes against humanity include, extermination persecution, and other in humane act. meanwhile, in gaza, palestinians are facing daily deaths and displacement. here's how they reacted to b. i. c. c, prosecutors request and the problems with the victims. although we have nothing to do with issue a little, i'm us. we know how mass or palestinian islamic jihad. we citizens and i used to work in israel and i was working in israel, security and safety. what's my guilt for my children's guilt? what's my goal to my sibling skills? oh, my neighbors guilt. why was i displaced them? why do i have to suffer every day that i'm on the house? the allowed off until the prosecutor that the codes are being shuffled because the equipment most of between the victims and the oppressed. how is it possible to
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equalize between those for defense of the country and freedom and the i c. c. c, the value, everything in accordance with the humanitarian standards. in between those who target children, women, and elderly people, those who display homes and structure enter your mind to use sectors. indic us to members of the united nations security council have called on israel to cease it's offensive in rough uh more than 800000 palestinians of fled. as is really forces launch assaults on the southern city offices here is kristen salumi has more from you and headquarters in new york from the impact on civilians and efforts to help them. we have described it as a catastrophe, a nightmare as hell on earth. it is all of these and worse to prospects for a ceasefire. if thoughts do not resume, i fear for the worst you want. officials describe military activity and rough uh as a new low in the war on gaza and increasing threat to the region. so did many
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member states prophesies the last remaining area and guys, a, that has not been completely destroyed. the right size, the solid region, where humanitarian actors go and stay low pair rate f. i is no defined a refugee for guidance. this price is from their homes. the one says more than 800000 palestinians have been displaced from rafa. sense is real issue to tobacco ration orders 2 weeks ago. and even now with the construction of a peer and a getting into guys or by c. c, monetary needs are only increasing the roof of border crossing once the main access point for aid remains closed, while other access points are to unsafe to meet the growing needs. even the united states, israel's closest ally, and the security council called for d confliction. we also do not support and will not support and is really reacting
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patient of gaza. and we have long maintained our objection to any large scale military operation in our office that risks to mass civilian farm. the palestinian ambassador noted, passed condemnations of israel have had little impact. is that a it is asking you to destroyed international based or that with your own hands, so it can continue killing a lot of people and onyx in our land in for impunity. it will not listen to reason or to your protest. toyota calls audio to do mines. israel vowed to continue with assault as long as her moss is in power. the fire of terror is burning the rough. uh, sadly there is no alternative. kristin salumi outages here on the united nations, a former u. k. governments minister swell abraham and found herself cornered in a text tense exchange with a student during
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a televised debate on thursday. for ottoman is known for her strong pro israel stats. and earlier that day, she had confronted protesters at an encampment in support of palestinians. this was in cambridge, student and activist you on a lovely heap scaling criticism on the british government's response to the ongoing rallies against israel's one data. yeah, completely ignore the issue about what's happening in this route and it does look about it. and i'm also interested in what, what time it really say is done for the last 7 to 6 years. so would you say not just around the right to defend itself? israel does not have the right to do what is doing right now, which is a genocide, which is the criminal enslavement. the trusting people in certain places and then saying you've got to move somewhere else, but ongoing invasion of ross and it's been sort spoken about today. the displacement of millions of people. of course they don't have the right to do that . no one thinks they do writing you posing those questions is exactly what makes students in cambridge they don't want to talk to. i don't wanna talk to anyone
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criminal. i want to go over this and comment. i want to grow and it was close. close the, i mean there's, there's a lot of criminal. yeah. i mean, sorry. oh, well, criminal. oh, earlier my colleague me, barker spoke to fiona loudly and asked her how she felt the interview went. and the reason i went on this because when you watched the news in the u. k. b, b, c, news, sky news, it's like being got slipped on a monumental scale. and i felt like it was important to the one that to say the truth of what was happening, unexposed, these people for what they all the getting away with mazda. and that's why it was important to, to do that. and so someone to just say, well, everyone is thinking and feeling already because people are so angry when they come out here with these lies. that's what the saying and then come and starts with this thing at the protests. and it was necessary to just cut through the hypocrisy. there's constantly spewed out by all of these politicians, what is your exchange with? so why the problem and also for a bit of context. i mean, this is a full,
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a minister who was fired precisely for handling all of these pro, posting it will posting in solidarity launch is what does the exchange say about the difference in opinions between the public politicians. when it comes to guys that i'd say it's a demonstration of the fact that these people are completely out of touch with the real need in society. palestine has become a lightning world for all of the accumulated and the young people and why? cuz have towards the establishment, and it's becoming so apparent to people that this is no longer a question of just individual politicians like so a brave woman is particularly hateful. one um, the a lot of people have a lot of strong feelings towards, but it's about what they read present, which is a whole system. the cops, the system which will in prostate, above everything else. and i think what's significant is that it's an international feeling as well. the main feature of politics today is people pacing the writing
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establishment. and that's why the revelation comments parties, because we've been eyes actually internationally and is trying to look the sections all over the world, the people to channel the anger, actually into history. it is international which we're launching in june on the 10th of june, right. let, let me, uh, focus on something that happened did not exchange woods while i brought them in as well because you said something quite powerful. you said that you believe to have the power along with others who ascribed to your opinions surrounding the war in gauze. are the power to bring down this government and the future government? oh, we obviously in the u. k, there was an election lou mean, what did you mean by that? can you clarify your point? well, i mean, is that these incumbents, or just a flash point, the spark of what could become a much bigger mass movement? i think to take down will criminals or any government enacting will crimes or facilitating days we need to mobilize students. yes. but ultimately why?
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cuz i think what, cuz should go on strike. we should look at all of the industries the up taking part, facilitating investing in these really state, in the ideas in any form and work is have the power to stop that we can stop the trends, pool of money, of weapons, and also political support to israel and i think it's important that we get that message out that we have the power to do something to stop our government. and that's my main enemy. the main enemy, for me is, is, is, birth is person. and the british states, i should say, in the main, the enemy, for american students, for example, is, is clearly biden. and that's what significant about this and, and it can happen if we grade incumbents and get the work is in involved. the,
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the congolese army says it stopped in attempt to cool on sunday, but some opposition politicians have accused president felix, just a cat in his allies of being responsible for the attack. malcolm web reports from the capital construction it was in contrast as most affluent and supposedly secure neighborhood. the gunfire erupted early on sunday morning. the attack is what led by christie on milan. got a politician who's been on the periphery of congress opposition for years and lived in the us. we come put up with just a kathy and come or any longer. they messed up this country too much. felix must go . felix. you're out. the towel to marry is a prominent politician in presidency next to securities from child governing coalition and it was here at his house. the funny thing began to mary's stuff say that the attack has said they were here to kill combat. right. and his family were
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hiding inside the house at the time. the attack is didn't manage to get in this car also took a couple of bullets. the survivors say most of the fighting took place around the gate with 2 of the police guns were killed. and they say the 5 fight went on for about 40 minutes before the attack has left and went up the road towards the presidential palace maslanka and his hands on a flight. those fell confidence enough in their well peroration to stream its on facebook live. remarkably, they didn't meet any resistance entering the palace. soldiers arrived late to the army, says it stopped and attempted to middle anger was killed. the video showing soldiers detaining man of can i to know social media many uses, including opposition. politicians have suggested presidency security on these allies orchestra to the attack, to cause destruction or justify repression. commit, or a spokesman told us,
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he doesn't understand why the attack has we're able to go so far before they was stopped. these are facilities the bus to we have many officials in the country, but they weren't to tax it, but here we had fatalities. this is why we need onset of presidency. security was announced the winner of k all taken disputed elections in december. he still has informed the new government, the city streets quickly went back to normal. but the so called attempted to his left more questions than answers malcolm web out to 0 kinshasa democratic republic of congo, australia and new zealand or sending plains to evacuate their citizens from new caledonia, 1000 police officers. and the lead forces have been deployed to restore order in the french pacific territory. the streets are relatively con roadblocks to remain, and the airport is still shot. protests began a week ago in response to proposed changes to the electro law that critics,
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they will dilute the voice of the indigenous kind of island is at least 6 people have been killed and hundreds arrested. haiti's maintenance national airport has resumed operations for the 1st time and nearly 3 months after gang violence forced authorities to close it. the reopening in the capital port, a part of the past is expected to help them raise a critical shortage of medications and basic supplies. but the delivery of those items is difficult as gain control. most roads leading to the capital, the still ahead on alpha 09 men face trial for allegedly causing one of the worst migrant shipwrecks in the middle. the
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or the
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fall, it is the landscape term as president of ukraine was scheduled to end on the 20th of may, but with the country at war. and marshal lord declared that the parliament as postponed the vote no elections had been schedule so far. john home and reports from keith. it's been 5 years. 5 years is a fresh space. below them is the landscape became president and peace time. you cried. that with me now is the end of is to say, i'm fresh elections. somebody else with the country on the marshal, newest is 2022 votes, prohibited. the incumbent, president continues in office in a statement last november. he said that was the right course. you noticed you might, but if we now is the time of defense, which is the time of the bottle that determines the faith of the state and the
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people when you, it is not the time for manipulations which i knew russia would expect from ukraine . i believe that now is not the right time for elections. pgp the q he question is on during legitimacy and he remains popular low lower than before. his approval ratings still over 60 percent to many ukrainians on such feeling the election would be unrealistic and disrupt the worth. the po, the smaller 78 percent of those all said they were gains collections before the end of the war. in addition to that, there's also the practical difficulties. some ukrainian towns ruins many power plants have been hit. so they were rolling blackouts in parts of the country, and perhaps most importantly, a 1000000 ukrainians, a displaced 5000000 of them outside the country. is also the problem in getting the vote to ukrainians and russian control regions. but they have still been some
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questions from outside of the country. political i'm list alexi have and says they come from one place. sions. when we hear about the selection is that it's necessary to have some selections because otherwise the landscape will not be legitimate. hoist things that gosh, dictate the same, dictate the in the roster is saying that within your crime is more concerned about the concentration of power in the hands of presidents. so let's get a few others in is in a circle. opposition and p below de, you all do use for a national unity government to dilute that power and eventually elections to even during the war. so free world should remain free and democratic even in the most difficult conditions. otherwise beaten the dragon returns to dragons. and that we should preserve and to should still hold
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possibilities for that a vote. and ukraine still looks as far away as victory does for a country struggling to stop a rushing of bones, joan home. and how does it keep main addiction men are facing trial in greece for the sinking of a boat carrying hundreds of people in the mediterranean last year. more than 500 people were on board, the audrianna, and most of them died on their way to italy. from libya, only 80 bodies were recovered. it was one of the worst shipwrecks in the mediterranean. in recent years, the greek coast guard was accused of failing to intervene in the rescue. but you k court has ruled which leads founder, drawing and assigned can appeal against extradition to the united states to face espionage charges. the judges found that assurances from the us on how he would be tried and sentenced if convicted were unsatisfactory sondra spacing, 18 charges after his website published secret military documents. 15 years ago,
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judges reached the right decision. we spent a long time hearing the united states putting lipstick on a pig, but the judges did not quiet as a family were relieved. but how long can this go on? the united states should read the situation and drop this case now. now is the moment to do it. just abandon the shameful attack on journalists on the press on the public that has been going on for 14 years. the officials in the japanese town of queencreek of what was xico has finished building a 20 meter along barrier to obstruct one of the nation's most famous views that of mount fuji people. they are say that they are tired of a huge numbers of forests crowding into their town to take pictures and refusing to be rules on littering. and parking decision is
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a symptom of the tensions across the country. as japan wrestles with the consequences towards the back of the company on the over $27000.00 photographs of dead and tortured civilians. have you seen the photo? so i didn't. the prosecutor ulton did traditional investigation for disappearance, torture and crimes against humanity in the final part of the series, which is 0 follows the fight for justice through the courts. fairly straightforward in terms of establishing command responsibility as families and a lawyer space, a terrible deal in the search for the truth. the lost souls of syria without just sierra. so we news of eunice goes world press freedom prize, were announced. a collective awards honoring the palestinian journalist covering the war on gaza. when does the recipients out his ears, guys, a bureau chief, why i sent
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a message of appreciation. he says palestinian journalist and guys i need justice and protection. his wife, children, and other relatives were killed by his really bones before he himself was nearly killed. at least 143 media workers and journalists have been killed in gaza in nearly 7 months of war. this use wordpress freedom conference also focused specifically on the dangers faced by journalist covering the environment. the number of attacks against the journal this to are specifically covering the environment has risen 42 percent in the last 5 years. the best antidote experts say is for those who attack facts and silence journalists to be held accountable of the
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. ringback the chief prosecutor of the international criminal court seats arrest warrants for these really prime minister and senior hamas leaders on charges of war crimes. the i'm several of any age good to have you with us. this is elsa 0. live from the also coming up fighting in janine is really forces killed at least 7 palestinians and a refugee camp in the occupied west bank.


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