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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 21, 2024 11:00am-11:31am AST

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the the . ringback the the chief prosecutor of the international criminal court seats arrest warrants for these really prime minister and senior hamas leaders on charges of war crimes. the i'm serial. then you have good to have you with us. this is elsa 0, live from the also coming up, the exciting in janine is really forces killed at least 7 palestinians and a refugee camp in the occupied west bank. and morning in iran,
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funeral processions begin for the late presidency, bringing re seats was killed in a helicopter crash on sunday. and a reported coup attempt to be democratic republic of congo will be reporting from the capital control. so the after more than 7 months of israel's devastating war and gaza, which has killed at least $35562.00 palestinians, the chief prosecutor of the world's top criminal court assault arrest warrants, face, rails prime minister, benjamin that you know, and his defense minister you off the lot. they are accused of war crimes and crimes against humanity in gaza. netanyahu says it's a complete distortion of reality. you actually see prosecutor also wants to arrest warrants for 3 homeless leaders for the october 7th attack in southern israel. a move that's been denounced by him us. some a bunch of a begins are coverage. starving children is
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a crime. the killing civilians is a little crime. and wilfully causing suffering is also a criminal act. those are the top 3 reasons. the prosecutor of the international criminal court is cited for requesting of restaurants for these really prime minister benjamin netanyahu, and defense minister kalonde. i reasonable grounds to believe on the basis of evidence collected and examined by my office that he's really prime minister benjamin netanyahu administer of defense. you. i've got a back criminal responsibility for the following international crimes committed on the touch screen of the state of palestine. several is read, the ministers have denounced the allegations of war crimes and crimes against humanity. before the minister is ready costs, it says it's a historic disgrace. and that especially the board room has been set up to counteract the decision. but not everyone agrees is what i really gain to text. it
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says, was this war or the whole very because of december. and the whole debate is against us any to unite the game. these really easy to very nation at least stick even more nation is there's a way that everyone receives. so just and such a victim by the evil decision, i think it's adjusted. this is the icpc. prosecutors also seeking the rest warrants for from us political and been if you need to explain honey yes. and bar involvement they've that are reasonable grounds to believe that these 3 how much lead has a criminal you're responsible for the killing of these really civilians in a textbook to try to buy a mess. and i'm groups on the 7th of october 2023. the palestinian group says the arrest warrants for nothing. yahoo and kalonde a several months too late. and rather than equating the victim, but the perpetrator, i c. c, should or did the rest of all occupation officials gave orders and the soldiers who carried out the crimes. if we want to be honest,
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we should be looking at what it is that the government is really government has been doing the orders that it has it issued to its soldiers and it issued orders to a soldiers to carry out a genocide. if this court is to have any credibility, it should be going after the people were committing genocide, rather than just simply trying to play this game of both sides. for months, the i c. c. prosecute to face criticism of the conduct in god's unfolded cons. critics, even of the un security council, criticize what they saw as, as an action to hold is rather comfortable. ceasefire a ceasefire of israel's allies, including the united states, also expressed anger. i had to mondays, i see announcement target israel and we will talk to you that a warning letter for me. it doesn't us for public incentives to threaten to cut funding and sanction i. c. c stop and their families. this is go that today. and then me, a talk of arrest warrants isn't likely to have an immediate impact on the war which
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has killed more than $35000.00 palestinians and displaced millions more since october. some of the javi was their prime minister benjamin netanyahu, whose government has banned alpha 0 from reporting in israel. so we are reporting from the jordanian capital amman, where in ron khan is standing by everyone. these really prime minister was furious, which is not exactly a surprise, but what did he say in response to the i see to the, the, the request for an arrest warrant as well. so i'd like to spend about an hour getting notes just through a problem is the benjamin then you have a who's a reaction. but across the political spectrum, everybody from benny ganz member the wood cabinet to ya, the leader of the opposition to the far right minute says everybody has reacted, but that does seem to be one key thing that is coming out. and this is what the him, himself up site, this upset and deceitful ward of the prosecutor and the hate is a,
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not on you, israel's permanent defense. but it's the, it's aimed against the entire state of israel. and that's really the language that's coming through, you know, just from the political echelons, but in all of the editorial leaders in the newspapers. all of the commentators speaking on tv. this is actually in a very old way, uniting the state of israel because everybody believes that this isn't about individuals. what about your gland? the defense minister note about the appointment and stuff, but this is an attack against israel. the fact that the cooling, it's a false equivalence of our democratic, the elected political leaders with the terrorist of a mass. that's another quote from an editorial that i read today. so this is really the reaction. it is like you say on surprising up, but it did take the is ready political establishment by surprise. the news that
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there was this application for arrest warrants, they did know it was coming, so they didn't think that it was going to be so far ranging site in terms of reaction. so like i said, not much of a surprise, but it's now all about the response. what is it is role going to do about this? well, the 1st key thing it's doing is reaching out to all of its allies, including people who are signatories to the i. c. c. members. israel isn't a signatory, but it is taking this very seriously. one of the key places of support that they were looking for and they got was from president us president joe biden, who said that these ready falls is on committing a genocide in gaza. and that's something that a message that they really try. ready to push out, but like i say, generally speaking is ro is united in seeing this as an attack against their own. so renaissance and run. i just wanna double check because i see touching your piece
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. you can hear me right? yes, i got it. okay, that's what you said. okay, i just needed to make sure one thing that doesn't seem to be happening. apple doesn't even seem to be on the cards on the horizon or even the distant horizon is any kind of change in the way that yeah. who chooses to prosecute this war? right? he's accused of starving ballast engines. he's accused of committing more crimes, crimes against humanity, along with his defense minister. what they did not say is, oh we're, we, we take at least some of this on board and we're going to change what we're doing a well, that's a very typical response. there is precedent for all of this written, but every time that is a united nations security council resolution, israel simply dismisses it because it has the backend of the united states. so that's a very typical response. they just simply dismiss everything. often times they'll say the united nations is simply anti is riley as well. it's so cold, empty symmetric by 10 dismissed the un security council resolutions. this is
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a little bit more difficult that prime minister benjamin netanyahu is using this tactic once again of just going off to the organization, rather than looking at what the organization has said or whether anything these change. their very convinced is ro, is very convinced that he's going to fight this way the will, the way possible. funds that off divisions mitigates member the will cabinet. you'll have cult, member of the will cabinet, has been, have been very critical of the problem. is that a visual because he simply doesn't have a plan for the day off to and that's something that's good becoming increasingly more obvious. okay. more on con, thank you very much. that reporting there from amman, once again, because it is real, shut down alpha 0 within israel. thank you very much. and run con, there are a couple assume reports now from central data on the reaction from there as well.
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in fact, the chief prosecute of international court of criminal court has accused i must lead is included india, he asked. and why? and how much they used to be made. had a official in the military wing of how mos, alongside weight is main, had the, the chief political, the political group chief of the movements of committing a overseeing crimes against as many communities on october. the 7th where one south will more than 1000 is rarely have been to the sofa with, with at least 206250. others being taken captives inside the territory here. but they have a also pulled in a statement to the national criminal code to cancel this arrest warrants against its leaders. as they have been confirming and saying that the court is it trying to equate thing between the victim and the executioner in an attempt. that's how mazda is trying to say, that is where the leaders are responsible for all kinds of mastic has been
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committed inside the territories since october. the 7th is really forces have killed at least 7 palestinians during a military raid in the city of janine and the occupied west bank. among those killed include a teacher, a student, and a surgeon. at least 9 palestinians of also been injured, 2 of whom are in serious condition. the military sent reinforcements to the area of the special is really units infiltrated the city of the camp where they were confronted by palestinian fighters. alpha 0 is the abraham joins us now. from ramallah in the occupied westbank neither what more have you been able to find out about this is really rate on you need as well. we know now that confrontations are still continuing in a certain area that has been surrounded by these really forces. but the confrontations are going on between the policy and fight those. and these really forces what the way that the janine area and the janine refugee camp in the are the hours of the morning. we're talking about 8 am. this is
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a time when palestinians are going to their schools to their work. this is why we seem to palestinians who where to go into their work, who have been killed. a doctor who has been moved by the palestinian health ministry is a surgeon in the hospital as well as a teacher. we are also talking about all the products thing is we would have killed it 7 of them, but at least 6 when identified. then according to the information we've gotten from the medical sources, 2 of them out of minors under 18 and the injuries that have caused them to be killed with direct it to the test and the had. so we're talking about that intention to kill as far as promising is there are concerns we've seen and is really statements from these really it's are me saying that they have operated on a group of what they called tyra risk. but the cold didn't to palestinians who would be the palestinians who have been killed are all civilians. some of them would even over the age of $55.00. so we're not talking about fighters at the
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moment old though, we are seeing the confrontations going on according to locals. they are. they say that the bulldozer has made its way inside. they were fiji. can they believe that it's fair to demolish the home of, of how the city in was been early, are killed by the is way the forces we are anticipating this to continue for a while. and the situation is very sense at the moment. the only good news that we've gotten from them at the moment is that the children who would, inside the schools would caught in the fire, were able to be safely evacuated to their families. right now. native abraham reporting from ramallah and the occupied west bank. thank you very much for that into the, to the janine refugee camp has seen more is really military rates than anywhere else in the west bank. so the thousands of children who call it home. that means as knitter was explaining, being exposed to the violence and trauma of war on a near daily basis. same astronomy has more from romano and did you need refugee
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camp a burial shroud becomes a child's cost if they take turns putting it on, emulating their heroes. palestinian fighters killed by his means of that it is normal for children to mimic adults recreating the things they see every day . but in the occupied westgate, what passes for me seems to the eyes of its children. can see more of it. we are playing cuz we're in isn't out of the details of the game on the completion, on the rates of it. so us act as the soldiers and others of fighters and someone gets when the, the army comes in and codes him, then they sold the house. and then there are classes. scenarios acted out against the backdrop. that is all to real. the panic of running battles, the injured left in the street, civilians used as human shields were taken prisoner by his regular troops. they
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take cover, reboot and prepare for the next boom. with toys often coupled together from scraps their prized possessions, the way they move is almost tactical factor. well, what other children learn from movies? these youngsters have learned for real life even rebuilding in the aftermath of us really rates all the time. so i mean, how do we talk about more about the incursions, they want to protest and fight. they are very influenced by whatever happens around them. they see young people being killed target to the nearest dykes and they ask, why should we have to live like this? we must defend ourselves. so that's, so i called to just say this is a form of healing. playing for 10 more to cope with a trauma of living in a wheel one doesn't use playing for different things. first of all, just to able to control situations where the field that i'm able to to control.
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because children normally feel headed this, comparing to their parents, they're expressing what they're seeing and what they're suffering. because even if they are laughing, it's spark of the environment. a life of this conflict where they feel helpless. and sometimes they feel of the parents or the others around them who's supposed to provide them with protection on helpless, also unable to protect them. it is about processing pain and having some agency and their own lives. therapist say their behavior is not necessarily find their circumstances are within their games. they are free because in the imagination of palestinian children, they get to decide who wins the same. beside the oldest era, remo loved the occupied west night, palestine still ahead on elsie's 0 time runs out on president, bought him use the landscapes tournament office. but there won't be any election in the near future. the
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hey there, we're going to power up some severe thunderstorms in southwest things like however one. so pick up the weather story there in the zone here, these storms could produce some hail and the potential for big down pores that could give us some flooding. also what day for western france belgium in the netherlands, but north of this stellar forecast full on sunshine, always capital. also for the past week, your temperatures have been 20 degrees and above will squeeze out a few more warm days. well is by thursday 26, it's almost 10 above where you should be for this point in the year. let's go back to the here in dallas, and big pulses of rain. ne speedily around amelia romano. dropping down across eastern shores of the a dramatic see eventually this hot weather will catch up to berlin and warsaw. so that will give you a fresher feel. it's
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a hot feel on cyprus because see if 35 degrees or 12 above average and for the other side of the mediterranean, just some shar, restrictive, or northern spain, northern portugal in the south of france shouldn't be anything major. here. we do have some major heat for egypt, capital, cairo, $41.00 that's above where your should be at this point in the year. and a tropical storm off the coast of tens, india and kenya, it's going to throw a lot of rain. we've got weather alerts in play for both countries. big wind and big waves here as the sick time. again, this is terri of the scenes of unity within india is vibrant tapestry as election for the sweeps. the nations to childhood friends find their relationship unraveling as they pulled to opposing polls. can the friendship survive, the political divide and the world's largest democracy?
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india is fractured. witness on i wonder, is there the you're watching else 0 are headlines. this hour is really forces have killed at least 7 palestinians during a military raid. and the city of jeanine and the occupied west deck among those killed are a teacher, a student and a surgeon. at least 9 palestinians have also been injured, 2 of whom are in serious condition. israel's military is continuing to target civilians across gaza, killing at least $35560.00 pounds a stadium since october. the u. n says 40 percent of the strips population has been
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displaced. in the last 2 weeks alone, the chief prosecutor of the world's top criminal court is seeking arrest warrants for israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu. in his defense minister, you'll have to launch. they are accused of war crimes and crimes against humanity in gaza. netanyahu says it is a complete distortion of reality. a funeral ceremony is under way for a ron's late president abraham racy in the northern city of to breeze. he died in a helicopter crash on sunday, along with a foreign minister us, and 7 others. these are the live pictures into breeze right now. the 10s of thousands of people are gathering to pay their respects. it's the 2nd of 5 days of national morning announced by ron supreme leader of the human a races. but he will be laid to rest in his hometown of mashhad that will be on thursday. let's go live to be a ringing capital officer as we're still sort are standing by alice's here a. i beg your pardon, russell was to as we are watching these life pictures into breeze. could you
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describe for us the mood in the country? obviously there's an outpouring of grief in the breeze. the president also had his critics. so how is it possible to, to sum up how the country feels right now a while it's quite a tragic event that happened a tragic incident that happened in the country. so that was definitely of the not to expect it. so president himself relatively was a young figure, 63 years old. and many people were expecting him to be re elected in the presidential election that was scheduled to the next year. and even many people viewed him as a likely successor to the supreme leader on the other hand of the the here's the for the minister who said and i made off to my young also was a very valid on about a stablished figure in the country. and then suddenly, both of them with many of others, they have died in a tragic event in
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a tragic crash. so the mode in general in the company is quite small and full in that sense. so the, the, the head of the government, the top diplomat, they're gone. but the other hand now, so if i am raising was a conservative politician, he was ready well, around the popular among the conservative segments, tribes, society, animals with establishment. on the other hand, the reformist and some of the people who are supporting the reformist we're quite unhappy about these policies. uh, they have seen that in 2022. that the pro tests that have corrupted over the job lows. that was one of the signs off that the people were not happy with many of his policies as well. so it's quite mixed. however, as i said she has died in a very tragic incident. the jungle more intriguing in, in iran is, is quite mournful at that time. and you will see if several cities, thousands of people are gathered in still prey in and also the houses are now at
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the moment gathering that she is funeral for. so the authorities have announced an investigation into the circumstances and the causes of this helicopter crash. what, what do we know about that as well? they say that they have initiated a profound investigation. so primarily they're focusing on the harsh weather conditions, x and weather conditions. so it was that the, it was quite rainy, it was being the panel. so for the you have any quality as well. so then the question is for many people is didn't they check the weather forecast? so one day before that, so the, the, the a, a, a, and warning was issued that in the region, the slides. what i expected. on the other hand, if they're focusing on the technical side of this, the, how to cope that as well. it was quite the old had the cop there was bought by you run before the islamic revolution in 179 in 1979. so it was an old daddy carpenter
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and their folks, some of the technical issues as well. now the question arises again. so an old headed cop, they're taking presidents to such an old headed carpenter and taking him into such harsh weather conditions wise and then also i for now they, the of the, of the crash that could not get the signal is from the had to go up to 40 hours an hour. so that's also another question. but one thing is, could you hear you running the i was focusing on the weather conditions the to the challenge attempt challenging to rain. and the technicality is or bad. the cops that i've ever so far they haven't embraces any off costs, but as a tories or a possibility off the several times that's not being talked in the country. okay. well, that's really interesting and you bet your race and really fair and start questions . why was an old helicopter carrying the president through what was known to be terrible weather over mountainous terrain. so still, all of these are still open questions. first of all, sort or thank you so much for your reporting. i'll give to her on to the comedies
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army says it stopped and attempt to cool on sunday, but some opposition politicians have accused president felix jessica petty and his allies of be responsible for the attack. now can web reports from the capital control? so it was in contrast to is most affluent and supposedly secure neighborhood . the gunfire erupted early on sunday morning. the attack is what led by christie on milan. got a politician who's been on the periphery of congress opposition for years and lived in the us. we come put up with just a cathy and come in for any longer. they messed up this country too much. felix must go. felix. you're out. the towel to marry is a prominent politician in presidency, likes to securities from child governing coalition, and it was here at his house. the funny thing began to mary's stuff say that the
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attack has said they were here to kill combat. right. and his family were hiding inside the house at the time. the attack is didn't manage to get in this car also took a couple of bullets. the survivors say most of the fighting took place around the gate with 2 of the police guns were killed. and they say the 5 fight went on for about 40 minutes before the attack has left and went up the road towards the presidential palace milonga and his hands on a flight. those fell confidence enough in their well peroration to stream its on facebook live. remarkably, they didn't meet any resistance entering the palace. soldiers arrived late to the army, says it stopped and attempted to middle anger was killed. the video showing soldiers detaining man of can i to know social media many uses, including opposition. politicians have suggested presidency security on these allies orchestra to the attack to cause destruction or justify repression in
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to matter. a spokesman told us, he doesn't understand why the attackers were able to go so far before they was stopped. these are facilities, the above 2. we have many officials in the country, but they weren't to tax him, but here we had fatalities. this is why we need onset of presidency. security was announced. the winner of k all taken disputed elections in december. he still has informed the new government, the city streets quickly went back to normal, but the so called attempted to his left more questions than on says malcolm web out to 0. kinshasa, democratic republic of congo, australia, and new zealand are sending planes to evacuate their citizens from new caledonia, indigenous conic activists say that they are determined to force the withdrawal of intellectual reform bill. and they have refused to abandon the roadblocks that have largely shut down the pacific archipelago for a week. at least 6 people have been killed and hundreds arrested. indigenous kind
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of island is say, the voting reform would dilute their voice and a road their culture. on last month, unless probably won't give up until they withdraw the reform that are about to vote . so no, we won't give up, even if we have to die for it. we'll stay here on the road blockers. good to go there, but we're waiting for the bolting reform to be withdrawn, because it means be illumination of the conduct the people we're already in the minority. if they get this referred to congress, we're screwed. that's what they don't understand what they're we're already a minority at home. 9 egyptian men are facing trial in greece for the sinking of a boat carrying hundreds of people in the mediterranean. last year. they were accused of people smuggling more than 500 people were on board, the andriana, most of them died on their way to italy. from libya, only 80 bodies were recovered. it was one of the worst shipwrecks in the mediterranean. in recent years, the greek coast guard was accused of failing to intervene in the rescue to follow
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the nearest lensky farm as president of ukraine was scheduled to end on the 20th of may, but with the country at war and marshal law and declared the parliament has postponed the vote and no elections have been schedule so far. gone home and reports from keith. it's been 5 years. 5 years is a fresh face. below them is the landscape became president of the peace time you cried. that with me now is the end of is to say, i'm fresh elections. some of the with the country on the marshall lewis is 2022 votes, prohibited. the incumbent, president continues in office in a statement last november. he said that was the right course. you're not asked you might. but if but now is the time of defense, which is the time of the bottle that determines the faith of the state and the people when it is not the time from and that the license which on the roster would expect from ukraine. i believe that now is not the right time for election in fiji
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. the few he questioned is on during legitimacy and he remains popular low lower than before. his approval ratings still over 60 percent. many ukrainians on such feeling the election would be unrealistic and disrupt the worth. the poll, the smaller 78 percent of those all said they were gains collections before the end of the war. in addition to that, there's also the practical difficulties. some ukrainian towns ruins many power plants have been hit, so they were rolling blackouts and parts of the country. and perhaps most importantly, a 1000000 ukrainians, a displaced 5000000 at the outside of the country. there's also the problem in getting the boat to ukrainians and russian control regions. but they have still been some questions from outside of the country. political i'm list alexi have and says they come from one place, sions.


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