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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 21, 2024 1:00pm-2:00pm AST

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this business uptake these me roy thought no bundle a dash before to use the on the you're watching the news, our life from headquarters until 530. you navigate, here's what's coming up. in the next 60 minutes, there has been more is really bombardments at the gaza strip. dozens of injured people are taken to an assault hospital after a house with shelves. at least 7 palestinians are chosen is really rates on jeanine in the occupied westbank. a journalist has also been shocked by the is really military. the funeral processions begin for iran, late presidents of the email that you said was killed in a helicopter crash on sunday plus in indigenous site to this. and the french
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territory of new caledonia, se they'll die before leaving their roadblocks. after unrest triggered by folding rooms is full of full concerning the new head coach document. honest luck, leaves finals to replace, you can call the hello it's 10, g m t. so we'd be getting gaza where after 7 months of is really bombardment and international condemnation. there is no letter to the palestinian suffering is really forces targeted a family home and the day is refugee camp and central garza wounding several people including children, gaza, civil defense cru, see a fire that broke out after the is really showing has been brought under control the injured had been taken to an oxo hospital. it's not yet clear if there had been
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fatalities from that attack, i'll just 0 thought about zoom is indeed in valdosta and central gaza and has more on the is really attacks. what's happening in a rough idea, right? now is a part of the ongoing systematic smell it 3 campaign that is very all we have such l. yeah, they now racing in the eastern portion of the city as they have been destroying old residential buildings and civil infrastructure at the destroying clinics. this cool evacuation since is an old means of life in the, in the eastern areas of rough off. but along slowly with using intense fi abutment in the eastern portions, they have been passing more evacuation orders for residents in the central areas of rough law as that also not to as well. the is very defense minister of yolanda has been saying that the are it absolutely watching on expanding the military campaign in rough or to control the entire city in the south as this is absolutely the reason not mad that palestinians are really suffering from as there are still
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thousands of palestinians in the western portion of the city close to a lost the area that is a very tiny strip of land that were thousands of people are living there in an absolutely apps for the absence of hygiene facilities and ending up living and dress the humanitarian crisis button, the fun news of the cat 3. in fact through we have been hearing from eye witnesses that fighting is getting much more difficult as but those are still ongoing. we so different videos the most by palestinian on through the showing how close is the context funny thing that when palestinian finally to the is very um in the very narrow streets of devalue refuge account belong site. that medics have been confirming that the east valley minutes we quite hope to drugs have open fire against the gates of come on as one hospital which is absolutely grumbling with if you will, shortage in order to be operated as one palestinian girl has passed away due to the lack of oxygen and come on at one hospital since that since and the hours of this
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morning. well, many palestinians are returning to what is left stuff, their homes across causal after fleeing israel's most recent attacks and dropped off in the con eunice most are finding in your total destruction is really forces withdrew from dogs, a 2nd largest city in april, but only after an estimated 80 percent of its buildings were destroyed beside alda as a video journalist from gaza and she documented the wide spread destruction. have you ever seen this friction like this, even in the, in the end of the room movies? no, we have never seen anything like this and we've always good are there? this was going to the top people are returning and building tents as you see here. and there are turning a foster the what's 12 of these really forces, but it's not safe. look, there,
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you see these swimming cream bags with their children. people are trying to find anything from their homes because they're presume to pay for the meaning. dick, just checking by that. understood to spend a little short on it's gosh, just wanted to say do passing into an o. s a center for technical for such as any on the dropbox, especially the off specialist is to show them on. so i said that's on the associates for sweetie. if any of these words that you decide they
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were not able to see to see, you know, if i think this is royce, so they can see i'm good, that's good that i saw november. the guys didn't like most going got her on the, on the fish. there's like, i'm supposed to get to what i like. so the look at this look, look what's important here. you, as you're sending these are the american walkers behind me, as are used to destroy the buildings around me. you see destruction. oh my god. oh my god. it's really risky thing here, for despite all of this depot have top and i'm not going to do it
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after the day and i'm happy to show it. i know. so i'm into the spot later. i'll see you then why you wouldn't be honest and showed you enough for you to show. show up at the far the luggage for oh, fucking up in the country. it's lucian then instead of the end to shut up that that's in the jack. and then when i met at the time, you are the best to have the show and then what kind of them look like you got on this one? no, no, no, no, no cob savage. but in the english, i have more on the one point, but obviously with the dental insurance, you included in the unorganized image. and that's with nicholas leading to the of me, how the as well to watch the full version of the sons film, please head to the r h a plus youtube channel where you can view it. there is really forces have killed at least 7 palestinians during a military rate in the city of janine and the occupied westbank. and among those killed include a teacher, a students and the surgeon
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a police 9 palestinians were also injured. a journalist was shot while covering the radios in stable condition. these really mid latrice that reinforcements to the area officers special is really units infiltrated the city on the account where they were confronted by palestinian fighters an adult. but i am joining us now from on the situation in jenny, and specifically that you're joining us from. but i'm the, tell us what you're hearing about that raid in jeanine and the number of casualties and who was killed, as well as the palestinians who have been announced that since the start of this is a new way that started the 8th am, we're talking about 7 palestinian, 6 of them with identifying the as civilians. at least we're talking about 2 minors . one teacher was going to school and another, a surgeon who was working in the ged in the hospital and he was making his way
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there to help the wounded. when he has been shot dead according to locals, then these resources have been using excessive force against palestinians. those who have been killed with injured in the adjusted in the head. so what they'll do about the level of lease. so use of force by these really forces against palestinians, and that does not just include injuring palestinians with just going about the dead he lives. but also journalists who were telling us that they would said, now that in the area near a rose the hospital in gene, when these really forces soft the shots towards them. we've spoken to help us up with somebody who is a reporter for a jordanian tv, and he was telling us that he was with jordan and his the i'm in my hospital when end is where the sniper shots towards them. he says it's clear that the ahmed has been targeted by these really forces, although he was waiting all of his press, you there still, he has been shocked by live ammunition to the back. he's now in a stable condition, but that reminds us of the situation and how dangerous it is for just have
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a suit you telling the story from jeanine. 3 years ago we lost our colleague sitting about all color was she was trying to tell the story of what is really read in judy and to the north of the occupied with banks. so that tells you about the severity of the situation with heating that confrontations are still going on between the positive voices inside the account and these way before. yeah, and there just seems to be that janine is actually a floss points for these is really raised and there's been no, let up all over. these raids sit, particularly since october the 7th wide jeanine specifically. and what sort of resistance is being put up by the palestinian fighters? what does that mean? we can say that's not only janine, but do you need them to cut him? have been the center of those is really res. this continue sometimes for days and we've been covering since the beginning of the war on tens of these 2 long rates by these way, the forces because they say that they're operating against what they called
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palestinian terrorist. this is the way the terminology but for palestinians they tell you that is really res can often certain that even if by the cities that are offered no resistance at all. so that's why that has been pockets in groups of palestinian young men who decided to take up arms in the fight and, and confront these really forces militarily, specifically when they re the palestinian areas. so for palestinians, they say that the occupation requires palestinians to show for special strength. and even if that needs to deadly result, palestinians would say that they are getting killed anyways. under decades long is really military occupation. this is why we've been seeing it is like jeanine, like so we've got it in both of its refugee cabs, the toilet and refugee camp at the north. some sort, a few. jacob, being the center of many is radiates that often are that they would heating from is really media that it, these really armies intending to have
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a long operation. and you need, we've also seen both dozers bear with heating that the potential dom edition is being carried out by these weighted forces home that belongs to a palestinian who has been killed or the to buy these really forces. so that message from these really armies clip, anyone who fights these really forces admitted tiredly, they will make their lives difficulty with target them and they also think kill them. but i am thank you so much for that reporting from what i'm on the occupied westbank. the chief prosecutor of the world's top quarter seeking arrest warrants for the is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu. and his defense minister, your girl, aunt, very accused of war crimes and crimes against too many to you in does up. that's an yahoo called it a complete distortion of reality. and so as the i, c c's move is against the entire states of israel, up to the motion condition that the, this absurd and deceitful laurent of the persecution in the hague is aimed. no,
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certainly against israel's prime minister and defense minister, but against the entire states. if it's right off, it is against the idea of soldiers who are fighting with the utmost bravery against the vile murder is of a month. well, the ice, se prosecutor also once arrest warrants for 3 have ass leaders for the october 7th attack and southern israel. the group has denounced the move and says it confuses victim and executioner. the opponent would that are on the wait till the prosecutor thought the codes are being shuffled because there is the equivalence between the victims and the oppressed. how is it possible to equalize between those for defense of the country and freedom and the i c. c. c, the value, every single code does with humility, to this dentist. and between those who the target children, women and elderly people. and now all eyes are on the top chord as it's judges are set to decide on whether to actually issue yours. torrance, international reaction has been mixed with the us presidents condemning the move, but only against israel's leaders. let me be clear,
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reject the i. c. she's application arrest warrant. you get rid of these words by apply. there's no privilege between israel and i'm on stuff as soon as joining us now from the hague. so i suppose, you know, no surprise there from the us president joe biden on his reaction. has there been any more international reaction stuff of the well after the i c. c. drop quite a bombshell here on monday by requesting these arrest warrants. the i see has been very silent looking at of course, the strong reactions coming from around the globe. so you already mentioned to us the president a joe biden calling it's outrageous, and also criticizing the quality of the charges between the it's really lead us and how mazda. and this is also a similar criticism that came from germany. germany is one of the members of the
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international criminal court, but they said, we do support the independence of the court. but we are questioning the quality uh, between our mazda and as well to have similar charge as well. uh, the top starting title is, uh, i do anticipating these uh, responses and you said all victims are equal before the law. it doesn't matter if it's an x ray child or a college student and charlie have the same rights and it has been uh, also questions as far which is true. so that's the british prime minister saying that is a arrest warrants would be unhelpful. but on the other side, the belgium, for example, and fonts for facts and much more supportive of the request for a rest for once. and it's going to be interesting to see, even before the free trial chamber of judges will decide if these arrest warrants will be issued. it will be interesting to see how country, so what we're actually members of the ice. se like germany,
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how they're going to respond because they will have to do something. now d, c has done this investigation, the prosecutor has announced these charges, so it's going to be very difficult for germany. us been fully supportive of his route to deny this. so step on the point of the process and what it is that happens next. i mean, how long do we expect that process to go from when these, uh, uh, when a con made the announcements just about 24 hours a go to the judges, actually issuing these arrest warrants, if they do so, as well as those 6 time periods for this got him caught and said that the judge is just take all the time they need. but if we compare it, for example, with the arrest for when the against the russian president vladimir puts in the last year, it was around 3 weeks between the request for the arrest phone and the actual decision on the arrest phone. that i have to say that it's sorry,
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where for the final of judge is the pre trial chamber to deny these requests. so most of the cases, these arrest forms have been issued, and that's also the expectation that that's what happened in this case. okay, stuff. thank you for that update from the hague. so prime minister benjamin netanyahu, his government has found out to 0 from reporting and israel. so that's why we're reporting for the georgia and campus online. and that's where am i kind of standing by for us. so in randi is really prime minister, furious over the i, c c a. any more reaction or what's been sort of the wider reaction in israel as well, darn. and if i spend all of my time telling you about the reaction, i'd spend about an hour talking to you, but that is one that consistent message. and you heard it from the prime minister of israel benjamin netanyahu, just uh, yeah. he says that this is the attack against israel,
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and it has united as role in many aspects, even the leader of the opposition. it was very critical apartments. so benjamin netanyahu calling this an attack against israel. you've had many guns, uh the defense. and this that you'll have come down to a both of those members of the wood cabinet. so this is how these relatives of framing it by saying that this is an attack against the serenity of the state of israel. and how day you make us equivalent to how i'm asked when we are a debit craddick states within the middle east. now that's the reaction, but there's also something else going on right now at the response to all of this already. we've seen meetings from legal experts, from the national security agency of israel plus the ministry of foreign affairs that reaching out to the allies within the international community particular li, the u. s. which is lucky what you had present, everybody's interest the site. what do you say and come to the defense of israel?
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so that's likely what's the strategy for these raise will be when it comes to come back saying this, they simply won't this just to go away. they're also putting pressure on the republicans within the us to try and put forward sanctions against members of the international criminal court. so that's likely to be the response is going to get tougher. it's going to get stronger from these riley's but the reaction is pretty simple. it really is all about the fact that these really see this of the attack against the own. so run it to okay. thank you tom. thanks for that update. and once again, iran is having to report from my mind because prime minister bunch of and nothing yahoo has governments in israel is banning elders, there are husbands, all just there are from reporting. so we're reporting from the georgia and capital layer. here's a closer look at how the i c. c works. so the court's founding treaty called the rome statute game grants. it's jurisdiction over 4 main crimes genocide,
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crime against humanity, war crimes and crime of aggression. the legal process include 6 stages before the prosecutor can investigate. he or she must conduct a preliminary examination, considering sufficient evidence jurisdiction as well as the interests of justice. pre trial, judges issue arrest warrants, and make sure there's enough evidence before a case can go to trial. while trial judges here the evidence render a verdict, different person is found guilty. issue sentences. the icpc does not have its own enforcement police so it does rely on nations that have signed up to the room statutes. we have with us eric white. she has a former icbc official, he also served as an advisor to the former president of the i, c. c. judge at sanctions song. eric joining us from brussels. thanks for your time with us on the al jazeera news hour, i just like you to clarify one thing for our viewers, because this seems to be
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a point of contention amongst them. so, the is really, are saying, you kinda equate us with time. us how mazda saying are you counts, victims cannot be equated to their execution or is, has the, i see actually equated the actions of both sides or doesn't mean that a con, as well as the team believe that both sides have committed war crimes. it is more the latter, it's absolutely not the case that the prosecutor is comparing the actions of one side with the actions of the other. what he's doing is he's comparing the actions against the law and he's drawing conclusions based on that, in terms of, you know, what, what he started out doing is determining that there was a reason to scrutinize the actions of both sides. but it's absolutely incorrect. the criticism coming from tel aviv, as well as from home honest, the disability way is some kind of comparison between the actions and the 2 sides.
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okay, a good to get that clarity from you. so as to what happens next, what is it that the panel of judges need to establish now to so the issue before the judges is whether there is a reasonable basis to believe that the alleged perpetrator has committed these crimes. it's a relatively low standard. it's very rare uh for the judges not to approve a request for rest words, although it has happened since before. they went back to the prosecutor in one case and asked for further information, and eventually the rest for it was issued in subsequent stages. the burden of proofs becomes harder on the prosecution if and when there are uh suspects in custody. there will be a confirmation of charges hearing and they are the standard. those are 2
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substantial grounds to believe that the charges uh for the water and then add trial for conviction. the procedure to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that these alleged perpetrators are responsible for the crimes. and we just have this announcement a sort of 24 hours ago. how long do you think it's going to take for the judges to actually issue those arrest warrants? it can vary as your correspondent noted in the case, so it's not a mere for me. last year it was about 3 weeks between the request and the judge's approving interest for him. in the case of home or all but share a sedan in 2009 and 10. it took the pre trial chamber 9 months, uh to decide on the prosecutor's request for an arrest for it. so really we don't know, but i would guess more on the side of weeks rather than months. and do you think
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that it's likely that the indictments will actually be approved as the war and guys that continues. and i think it's quite likely that these charges will be approved by the judges of the prosecutor having knows the stakes with over on watching. with this particular case, i think there's been lessons drawn from past cases. the talk of the unusual step of convening an external panel of experts to review the evidence. and they provided anonymous opinion. and these are assumed international experts saying that these uh, there was a reason to proceed with arrest boards. i think he likely has done his homework and we can expect that the judges will approve the ones. all right, so one thing at the eric with a thank you so much for speaking to us from brussels. thank you. the
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funeral ceremony is underway for it runs late president abraham about e. c. and his body has now been moved from the northern city of temporary used to the capital to ron. he was killed in a helicopter crash on sunday, along with the foreign minister and 7 others. tens of thousands of people have gathered to pay their respects. this is the 2nd of 5 days of national morning announced by iran supreme leader ali from any face his body will be laid to rest in his hometown of mush tubs on thursday. what crossover live to, to her on bringing our correspond interest will start our summer school. we see the pictures. morning. well underway and we understand that the late presidents body has now arrived in the capital. give us a sense of how people there are processing these tests as well in temporary use today, just in the morning,
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the 1st stage off the funeral has been performed and we have seen thousands and thousands of people are gathering around where the conference were paying that respect, so it's quite the moon full environment here in the country. so he was a quite popular conservative policy. politicians well established in the put the glass top judgments here, of course, on the other hand, many of the reform is the men of the people who dislike in him as well. so it was a controversial fusion in that sense, but she has died in a tragic incident and as the head of the government. so the general mood in the country among the people is quite mournful. so he's back to now is in my head about the airport in toronto shortly. he's going to be transferred to the city of kuhn, which is the, the, the, the main segment of a city in iran where the web to collaborate, educate and train the young candidates for the future to take over the state of affairs and of religious affairs. then his body is going to be returned to the capital again and tomorrow in the morning. that would be the main sooner,
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all set of money and the per, the disability that will off the comes out if somebody is going to lead the prayer for that, that are some of the foreign state dignitaries also expected to join this funeral. then his body is going to be taken to the town off uh, off the big job and it says where he was actually elected as the member of the asked him to have experts. and then from the judge, she will be transferred to a shirts where he was born and raised, where she's part the carrier, stopped it and then there is going to be the final stage off the funeral there and on in the same city, in his hometown, in my shed that he's going to be that route on thursday. right? right. so thank you for that update frontier on well for more on this one, enjoying by yourself jabbar here in the studio yourself for it. so it's covered iran extensively so door. so when this accident happened, you know, shortly after common a said that area, and so the rest assured that there will be no disruption in the countries affairs.
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do we expect this to have any sort of domestic implications at all? well, i think it's going to highlights really how important it is for the system to remain united. and that's what we've been hearing from the establishment from the supreme leader i to wiley, harmony. we also heard from the members of the governments that had a meeting and also these in term president. now he met with the head of digit this year and had a problem and saying they're going to have elections on june 28th and nothing is going to change. this is just procedure that they're following. i think domestically there is going to be no change. we're most likely to see another conservative that'd be re elected. and foreign policy really is not something that is decided by the reading president. this comes from the supreme leader himself. of course, he has consults that he has consultants and so on. but the waiting president doesn't have a final say about which direction to form policy goals. and so i don't think we'll
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see any drastic changes inside the country or in how it wrong deals with its neighbors and sand trash. i want to ask you about a regional implications because of course we know also the foreign minister was in not helicopter went across. so do we expect any sort of changes there? i don't think so. i think we'll see very much the same thing. and i think it is more important for the system now than ever before to remain consistent because any kind of major shift will be seen as a weakness. and i think they will make sure that that does not happen. there's support for the various groups within the region. the so called access of resistance that who sees in yemen has the line up and on the different groups in iraq the, their support will remain steadfast and that will continue very much. so in the coming months in year there are questions being raised about the successions on right now, aren't they? because the easy was a to,
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to be one of the possible candidates to succeed of a supreme leader. when that happens, what are you hearing on that front? well, this is the minute 1000000 dollar question in iran. it has been for a very long time. i to wiley, harmony has been in power since 1989. he is now 85 years old. he has had various issues of health issues and prostate cancer being one of them a few years back. and there isn't many options in terms of a of the a successor. and of course you have to remember when a whole many died in 1999. there was no clear replacement for him. there is a body known as the assembly of experts in or on in 88 member body. and their job is to elect a supreme leader. they will only have to do it once in 1989 when how many died. it's very much like how i would, rare equated with the pope is alexis at the vatican. they go into a session and they, they come up with a decision right? in this body, 88 members, 2 thirds of them have to vote for this person. there is no button and we don't know
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any names that they have as possible successors. comedy himself doesn't and choose his own successor. so they have, we have to go through this process and racy because he is one of the few people that is so well known and has the background. and the relationship within the system was seen as a possible successor. and also his closer relationship to how many son much of a who is very well known to have hand in the operations of the country. so now with him gone, it's not clear what's will be okay, thank you so much for. so still ahead on the als, is there a news? our times runs out on president for a lot of years. a lensky is term in office, but there will be an election for now. and 14 time french open, checking my film at all. that's a big welcome on this return to harris that's coming up in support for each of the
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the hey there, we're going to power up some severe thunderstorms in southwest things like harbor one. so pick up the weather story there in the zone here. these storms could produce some hail and the potential for big downpours that could give us some flooding. also what day for western france belgium in the netherlands, but north of this stellar forecast full on sunshine, always capital. also for the past week, your temperatures have been 20 degrees and above will squeeze out a few more warm days. well is by thursday 26, it's almost 10 above where you should be for this point in the year. let's go back to the here in dallas in big pulses of rain. ne italy around amelia romano. dropping down across eastern shores of the a dramatic see eventually this weather will catch up to berlin and warsaw. so that will give you a fresher feel. it's a hot feel on cyprus because see if 35 degrees it's fall above average. and for the
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other side of the mediterranean, just some shower, restrict over, and northern spain, northern portugal in the south of france, shouldn't be anything major. here. we do have some major heat for egypt, capital, cairo, 41 that's above where you should be at this point. in the year and a tropical storm off the coast of tens, india and kenya, it's going to throw a lot of rain. we've got weather alerts in play for both countries. big wind and big waves. here, as the climate probably only is from one of the most of the bio diverse nations on there. if you're interested in, if nature does not function, we don't exist exploding solutions to save life as we know it. we work with and within the cycles of the we not using our past resources, we using them again and again. if we newer from nature, we have a chance to move forward. i'll just see you as you've seen joining us. nothing grows forever. the latest news as it breaks this year's march as a message,
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not just for the cards government, but also for the incoming ones that they're not going away until they know what happened to their loved ones with detailed coverage. millions of pharma. now how rare thing that we'd cross by day, whether they may not get that good right because the management of weight import from around the world surprises rose sharply. yeah. and tried when neighboring nigeria restricted as a the the, the top stories on the out. is there a news our children are among the wounded and it is really showing
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a family home with that is refugee thompson, central civil defense crew. say, a fire that broke out in the bombing has now been put out the chief prosecutor of the world's 12 porter seeking arrest warrants for israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu. and his defense minister you'll have come on very choose the war crimes and crimes against humanity in gauze on. that's an yeah. who says it's a complete distortion of reality is really forces. i'm sure this is something that was pretty answering administer rate in the city of janine and the occupied westbank among those killed included teacher, a student, and a surgeon, at least 9 palestinians. i've also been injured to are in serious condition to the janine refugee campus. the more is really military rates than anywhere else in the occupied westbank. and for the thousands of children who call it home, it means being exposed to the violence on trauma for on a near daily basis. same bus for avi has more from it on the in the occupied
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westbank. and did you need a refugee camp? a burial shroud becomes a child's cost if they take turns putting it on, emulating their heroes palestinian fighters killed by it's made. so it is normal for children to mimic adults recreating the things they see every day . but in the occupied westgate. what passes for me seems to the eyes of its children, can see more of it. we are playing cuz we're in isn't out of the details of the game on the commission, on the rates of it. so us act as the soldiers and others of fighters and someone gets when did, the army comes in and codes him, then they sold the house. and then there are classes. scenarios acted out against a backdrop that is all to real. the panic of running battles, the injured left in the street,
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civilians used as human shields were taken prisoner by his regular troops. they take cover regroup, and prepare for the next boom. with toys often coupled together from scraps their prized possessions, the way they move is almost tactical. faster. well, what other children learn from movies? these youngsters have learned from real life even rebuilding in the aftermath of us really rates all the time. so i mean, how do we talk about more about the incursions, they want to protest and fight. they are very influenced by whatever happens around them. they see young people being killed, targeted the nearest dykes and they ask, why should we have to look like this? we must defend ourselves. so that's the ecologist say this is a form of healing, playing for 10 more to cope with the trauma of living in a wheel one. children use playing 4 different things. first of all, just to april,
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to control situations where they feel that i'm able to, to control because children normally feel how does this compare things to their parents? they're expressing what they're seeing and what they're suffering. because even if they are laughing, it's spark of their environmental life of this conflict where they feel helpless. and sometimes they feel the parents or the others around them who's supposed to provide them with protection, are helpless, also unable to protect them. it is about processing pain and having some agency in their own lives. therapist say their behavior is not necessarily fine. their circumstances are within their games. they are free because of the imagination of palestinian children. they get to decide who wins the same beside the old de 0. remo, loved the occupied westgate palestine will turning to other world news now. and australia and new zealand are sent planes to evacuate their citizens from new
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caledonia. indigenous counter activist said they're determined to force the withdrawal of an electoral reform bill and have refused to abandon the roof blocks that have largely shut down the pacific archipelago for a week. at least 6 people have been killed and hundreds arrested. kinda calendar say their voting reform would dilute their voice and it rhodes their culture. oh, last time unless probably won't give up until they withdraw the reform that are about to vote. so no, we won't give up, even if we have to die for it will stay here on the road blocks. good to go there, but we're waiting for the bolting reform to be withdrawn, because it means be illumination of the conduct the people we're already in the minority. if they get this referred to congress, we're screwed. that's what they don't understand what they're we're already a minority at home. okay, wayne, hey, is there any, is not from tell wrong on who is the lens. so wayne protests as we can see, are ongoing. a new caledonia, what's happening on the ground right now. a yes,
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well it interesting situation. i think it really is a day by day proposition at the moment of cleaning the french government. think that the situation has improved enough for them to allow the president to manual met crone to visit muse coming through from paris and the last hour or so that he will head to new caledonia later on. i choose day, but at the same time they feel the situation is still serious enough to send an additional $500.00 security personnel to new caledonia. there are some pots of new me out of the capitol with the protest is still in control that the security forces haven't gone in and created yet. and as you mentioned, one of the main roles of the security forces at the moment is to clear the roads. so many road blocks. the cars have been forced on the roads by the protest is and really block traffic. moving around some parts of the capital city, it's that so the security forces have been busy trying to cleave those. the problem
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is that in some cases, a couple of hours after the clean those barricades, the protest is a fact that putting them back in place again. so it really is a day by day sometimes out by our proposition at the moment. so we understand that there are multiple countries who are evacuating their citizens. any more information on this? yes, so the new zealand and australia and governments have been waiting for a few days now to get approval from differential therapies to land military, a crop in new caledonia to get some of the citizens out. remembering that the main international terminal is still close to commercial flights, and the latest is that it will be closed until at least saturday. so finally on choose day earlier on tuesday. but yes, training annual and government's got approval to send the 1st plains to effectuate some of the citizens at 2 of the slides have now landed back in australia and, and the last few minutes landed in new zealand as well. now,
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what happens from here is a little bit off in the, the museum and ministry of foreign phase saying that they will be more of a situation flights in the days they hit, but they're unable to consume, even if they will be another one. on wednesday, even though there are still many new zealand is a new caledonia waiting for those flights. so i think you can take from that, that really is again a day by day proposition, as far as the frame security forces go in terms of giving approval, that it is safe enough for those planes to land in new caledonia and indeed safe enough to get the dealing does and australians from their accommodation along those roads to the airport and then on the plane and out of this. so it really is again a day by day proposition. all right, thank you so much when hey, thanks for that update from new zealand. as a judge in greece has dismissed a case against 9 egyptian man accused of causing a deadly migrant shipwreck in the mediterranean. last year, they were facing charges of people smuggling and the head of the trial. why at least household protests are as outside the court house. the demonstrators claim
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that the 9 men are being denied a fair trial, and they accused the greek coast guard of failing to intervene and rescue efforts. more than 500 people on board, the h riana, and most of them died on their way from libya to italy, only a 104 people for rescued. the more than 14000 people have been forced to leave their homes in ukraine's northeastern car keep region that's according to the w h o. b evacuations come as ukraine said, that a don't. $28.00 out of $29.00 drones launched by russia during overnight attacks on multiple regions. russia says it's captured a series of border villages through presidents lensky. so presidents, lensky insists, ukraine's forces are still in control of the contested areas on staying in ukraine
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. the letter is a lensky is to term as president was scheduled to end on the 20th of may, but with the country war and marshal law declared. parliament has postponed not votes. no elections will be held for now. i'll just here has drawn home and reports from keith. it's been 5 years. 5 years since a fresh face below them is the landscape became president of the piece time you cried. that with me now is the end of is to say, i'm fresh elections. somebody else with the country on the marshall lewis is 2022 votes, prohibited the incumbent, president continues in office in a statement last november he said that was the right course not is denied, but now is the time of defense, which is the time of the bottle that determines the fate of the state and the people when it is not the time for manipulation, which on the roster would expect from you. great. i believe that now is not the
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right time for elections. the few, he questioned his own during legitimacy, and he remains popular lower than before. his approval ratings still over 60 percent to many ukrainians on such feeling the election would be unrealistic and disrupt the war at the pole. the smaller 78 percent of those all said they were gains collections before the end of the war. in addition to that, there's also the practical difficulties. some ukrainian towns ruins many power plants have been hit. so they were rolling blackouts in parts of the country. and perhaps most importantly, a 1000000 ukrainians, a displaced 5000000 of them outside the country is also the problem in getting the boat to ukrainians and russian control regions that have still been some questions from outside of the country. political,
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i'm list alexi have and says they come from one place. sions. when we hear about the selection that it's necessary to have some selections, because otherwise the landscape will not be legitimate. foyce things that gosh, dictate the same, dictate the, in the roster is saying that within ukraine is more concerned about the concentration of power in the hands of presidents. so let's get a few others in is in a circle of position in p below de me. i do you all use for a national unity government to dilute that power and eventually elections to even during the war. so free world should remain free and democratic even in the most difficult conditions. otherwise, beating the dragon, returns to drag them and that we should preserve and to shoot still opus abilities for that. but a vote and ukraine still looks as far away as victory does for
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a country struggling to stop a rushing of bones, joan home. and how does it keep is still out on the old 0 and who's our whale of an issue. a new japanese ship stuff sale on its maiden voyage and we'll explain why it's causing controversy. on what do we know about little fools, new head coach will take a closer look and sports joe, the, if you're watching this pre recorded report that al jazeera has been banned in the territory, all is, well, we'll just stream to be any stray me. when my country is closing down the spectrum towards the networks only because patients being came here, this decision puts other networks where it came in. the occupied was time for
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inside israel proffer also, independent journalist would be targeted. we, i thought just, we shouldn't be aware of that as a badge of honor to be banned by the government that stands indicted for general size at the national court of justice. the, the hello time for the sports. those tourist jo during thank you. on a slope says the living, full jump was difficult signal or off to the cup. confront him as a new head coach. this is the 45 roll, such been saying good bye to the final funds. on sunday, he signed a 3 a deal and feel way. he has big shoes to fill, replacing your quote, to ended live, post the to you white, the premier like trophy and one, the champions dates, but slots has an impressive cv office i saw was a mid field that he played his whole career in the evidence that sola and they see
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the data and spots are brought to them. he moved into coaching with scholars use team before taking charge for a 2nd said club, the tumbled slots took over as a said outlaw head coach in 2019. and they were leveling points with lead as i x, when the league was cancelled because of carpet 19. and in this 3 he is at the finals. they won the league the dutch comp unfinished runners up in the road. pet conference leak. cope has a little pools funds to get behind his replacement, the yeah, it's so unusual to see such a good buy for a popular manager. let's bring in the football, right to elbow, a coupon, and answer them. okay. tell us about slots. why do you think you've both chosen
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handle what a his strengths as well, i think one important factor for a living fool was that there is actually some similarities between fi in or in the netherlands and liver pool in england into premier need. obviously in england and a premier the we've seen manchester city as basically the teen to beach in recent years. and normally in the netherlands, i x from amsterdam or that seem to be not this year, but historically that's always been the case. now hold on, a slope has done is uh you became a fine or manager really implemented as quite a progressive modern play style with a team and managed to, uh, we ended up sleep with relative on the dog. so the obvious, the fine would have a lot of potential in the netherlands and, and so the really managed to take that potential and really turn them into a title when each email, i think little pool. that's exactly what they're looking for, livable, obviously
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a great come up with lots of potential to win the premier league and someone will be looking to do exactly that. i think. so what kind of style of football can we expect then from slots? and how will it differ from the style that we've seen from folks? and i think in a lot of. busy ways it's quite similar. i think sloth just like clothing is going try as well of what some people think quite possession based on do they reach the final and the opponent's hall, then they can be very attacking and very direct. so we see a sign or gap will build up from the back. them wants to close the up decisions. gold, a big shots, they take their chances and a score quite a few goals. so i think you see a lot of similarities and they get, i think leaving for really looking at that continuity between close and is young manager, a new manager coming up on a slope. right. yeah,
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right. a lot of concerns from some of the level funds that are balance, whether the pool will still have that we're talking edge on the, on the slope. do you think she suits living, pull that in, and how do you think he will adapt to the premier league as well? that's a very good question. i think yes, looking at it now, you were staying with those similarities between fi in order to live. well that i mentioned as well as technical similarities really between cool things slow. you weren't big dad, he suits liverpool. but scaling ability here i think is a huge issue. we see the football are from dodge already v easy gloves move through the premier league. and while they mice for a lot of goals in and the charity visa, sometimes provo to really keep up with the base independently. similarly with managers as well. obviously we seen a town hall at manchester united rather the good birth season, but a disappointing 2nd season for it's an off. and that raises a lot of questions. can managers who made that move from the era?
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the visa, relatively small league in europe to the primary where the pressure as a man sort a level is really high. that will be the question it's, it's a bit of a gamble for lives point that the guard will still be able. ready to scale is performance, and today what you did at live one repeat the same pattern, but in a much, much bigger lee that remains to be seen. and we wonder how much of a chance the left full funds will give slot. so really get going in the premier league, all right, does football right to a couple and answer them. thank you. i'll start in football, women's captain. some cut well missed the powers olympics with an injury she picked up almost 5 months ago. the striker, here's one of the biggest stalls and the women's game brought to the ligaments in her ne, in january. she's now been left out of the matilda scored for the last 2. won't gains for the olympics again. in july. i found it out has returned to run and girls to practice to try and find out whether he'll competes of
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a friendship in which begins on sunday the yeah, that was the reception this funding from the crowd. as he made his way onto phillips, you'll see a quotes to the dial has won the tournament a record 14 times 14 times, but often missing most of the 2023 campaign because of injury. and who is he still trying to his best form this season, which is expected to be his law. alexander is 6 rain as undisputed heavyweight. well, champion may only last a few weeks. the training is widely expected to be stripped of his ip. yes. well titled for failing to flight mandatory challenges, philip had a coverage of croatia. the sick has already said he wants his next found to be a re match with tyson's theory in october. the boston celtics will continue that chase for reco 18th and be a championship later when they faced the indiana paces in game one of the eastern conference finals. the celtics, who are the top seats in the east scope this fall by basing the cleveland cavaliers
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full one, and the best of 7 semi final series, all the paces needed 7 games to get posted. your next mr. asking how well our team is prepared to play against and the interfaces i think we've had a really good couple of. there is a practice regardless of who we were planning. and i think our guys are really focused on what it takes to get ourselves the best chance to ignore that indiana is a really good team. well balance and now they're dangerous. and so we've had a couple of days of preparation and added. our guys are ready to take on the challenge of planning and cindy a and then at tell playoffs the edmonton oilers all through to the western conference finals for the 2nd time in 3 years of to be some different. cuba cannot sing games, 7 fine youtube hopkins, how to go on and assist us. and then to repeat the kind of 3205, dallas next with game one of the series on thursday admin to they're looking to bring the stomach out back to canada for the 1st time since 1993. all right, that is all useful for now. i'll have, we'll see you later. 3. ok,
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so we'll see you later. thank you so much. well, a new truck and these wailing ship has set sail fueling controversy over tokyo support for the hunting of wales. the new ship is the 1st of its kind to be built in 70 years. from mcbride reports a highly controversial vessel for many. but most people in the japanese wailing for to if she and on a 2nd. the kind of getting the root is a source of civic pride or supple. it's great because it's a big also, it's a quickly design processing facility with them they can be refrigerated. it's like a factory. in 2019, in the face of international opposition depend allowed the resumption of wailing and it's her waters to meet, continued the local, dumont, but with a crew of 100 under range of 13000 kilometers. the ships arrival has raised the possibility of japan resuming its fun to wales in the antarctic ocean. eh,
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gabriel geo, and not show quells, are unimportant food results, unlike other marine living results. so as they should be use sustainably thinking based on scientific evidence. i believe it is important to inherit traditional food culture in japan. japan recently added another species to the list of whales that are allowed to be hunted. by then 50. this will be 14. well meet is part of japanese people's identity. it's similar to how indigenous people in alaska it goes on and the australians need the kangaroos in pursuing tradition. this vessel brings molten sophistication. it plans to catch $200.00 wales on its 1st voyage equipped with a long range thrown, to help to do so. covering fast expenses of the furthest oceans. rob mcbride delta 0. okay. morning is coming up and i'll just sarah with sort of i interesting moments. bye bye for now. the
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over $27000.00 photographs of dead and tortured civilians. have you seen the photo so i didn't. the prosecutor ulton did traditional investigation for disappearance, torture and crimes against humanity in the final part of the series, which is 0 follows the fight for justice through the courts. fairly straightforward in terms of establishing command responsibility as families and the lawyers face a terrible deal in the search for the truth, the lost souls of syria. well, now just the era interrogate the narrative. this is the u. s. has continued support for israel affecting it's global standing. there's no question about it. the united states has effectively complicit the genocide challenge. the rhetoric. yes. the correct but so in the international community, can we also say that deals the cornerstone of democracy is having a free and open democratic pro upfront without
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business latex to be sponsored by intellect. tuck, he's real estate consultant. the
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base initial agents to be sponsored by intellect. tuck, he's real estate consultant. the there's been more is really bombardment of augustus trips, dozens of injured people are taken to unlock the hospital after a house with show the serial then yeah, it's good to have you with this. this is elsa 0 life from don't also coming up at least 7 palestinians are killed. that is really rates on jeanine in the occupied west bank. the journalist has also been shown by these really military. the funeral procession is begin for the runs late for.


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