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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 21, 2024 2:00pm-2:30pm AST

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to business latex, to be sponsored by interlock tuck. he's real estate consultant. the there's been more is really bombardment of augustus trips, dozens of injured people are taken to unlock the hospital after a house with show the serial then. yeah, it's good to have you with this. this is elsa 0 life from don't also coming up at least 7 palestinians are killed. that is really rates on jeanine in the occupied west bank. the journalist has also been shown by these really military. the funeral procession is begin for the runs of late presidents abraham racing alike. shawn right now was a very receipt who was killed in a helicopter crash on sunday and
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a wail of an issue. a new japanese ship set sail on its maiden voyage will be explaining why that's causing customers the beginning because of where after 7 months of is really bombardment and international condemnation. there is no lit up to the palestinian suffering is really forces target to the family home in the elbow. res refugee camp and central gaza, wounding several people including children because of civil defense crews say a fire that broke out after these really showing has been brought under control. the injured have been taken to unlock the hospital. it's not yet clear. if there had been state policies from that attack is also 0. sorry god was whom is in there, a lot in central gaza. he has more on the latest, is really a way what's happening in a rough idea right now is a part of the ongoing systematic smell. it 3 campaign that the is very only has since earlier they now with the rating of the eastern portion of the city as they
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have been destroying old residential buildings and civil infrastructure. they're destroying clinics, the school evacuation since it's an old means of life in the, in the eastern areas of rough up alongside with using intense fi abutment in the eastern portions. they have been passing more evacuation orders for residents in the central areas of rough law as that also not to as well. the is very defense minister of yolanda has been saying that the are it absolutely watching on expanding the military campaign in rough or to control the entire city in the south as this is absolutely the reason like mad that palestinians are really suffering from as there as to thousands of palestinians, the western portion of the city, close to a loss. the area that is a very tiny strip of land that were thousands of people are living there in an absolutely apps for the absence of hygiene facilities and ending up living and
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dress the humanitarian crisis button. the fun news of the cat 3. in fact, through we have been hearing from eye witnesses that fighting is getting much more difficult as but those are still ongoing. we so different videos the most by palestinian on through the showing how close is the context funny thing that we in palestinian fighters and the is very um, in the very narrow streets of devalue refuge account belong site. that medics have been confirming that the east valley minutes requite hope to drugs have opened fire against the gates of come on as one hospital which is absolutely grappling with if you will shortage in order to be operated as one palestinian girl has passed away due to the lack of oxygen and come on at one hospital since that since and the hours of this morning. how many palestinians are returning to what is left of their homes across the gaza strip after fleeing israel's most recent attacks and rough in hon. you this most of finding a near total destruction is really forces withdrew from gauze the 2nd largest city
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in april, but only after an estimated 80 percent of its buildings were destroyed. based on out as a video drawing list from gaza and she documented the destruction. or have you ever seen this fraction like this, even in the, in the end of the room movies? no, we have never seen anything like this and 3, it's always good. are there this was going to the top people are returning, i'm building tense as you see here. and there are turning a foster the, what's 12 of these really forces, but it's not safe. look there. you see these swimming cream bags with their children. people are trying to find anything from their homes because they're presume to pay for the
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meaning. dick, just checking by that understood to spend a little short on it's gosh, so i don't know if it's center for technical for such as any on the dropbox, especially the off with the shop is to show them on so said that's on the associates facility. if you do decide, they were not able to see to see you know everything. so they can see i'm the guy that i saw november. the guys didn't like the most can got her on the, on the fish there's like, i'm good enough. so should i get to what i like. so the
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look at this look, look what's important here. you as you're sending these are the american walkers behind me as are used to destroy the buildings around me. you see destruction. oh my god. oh my god. it's really risky thing here, despite all of this, people have top and i'm not getting these right now and i'm happy to show it. i know. so i'm into the spawn, laid out for you, and then why you wouldn't be honest and showed you enough for you to show, show up at the far the luggage for oh, fucking up. and they'll come the lucian then instead of the end to shut up that, that's in the jack. and then when i met at the time the on the bus to have the show
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and then what kind of them look like you got on? that's why no, no, no, no, no cob savage, but in the english i have more on the one point. one obviously leave them. indeed. no one showed you. and calling to notice the unorganized image and narrative nicholas leading to the of me how the you can watch the full version of the sun out is film that is on the ag plus youtube channel. is really forces have killed at least 7 palestinians during a military rate in the city of janine, in the occupied westbank among those killed include a teacher, students and a surgeon. at least 9 palestinians were also injured. a journalist with shotwell covering the raid fuse in stable condition. these really military sent reinforcements to the area, special is really units infiltrated, the city and the camp, where they were confronted by palestinian fighters. let's try and get more on this . when did abraham will joins us from ramallah in the occupied west bank. what more
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are you learning about this raid? well serra you mentioned the 7 palestinians who had killed those have been the bodies that would able to be transferred from the re just in its 1st hour. we're talking about a 29 am and palestinians are expecting that there are more injuries, possibly more dead people inside did you need refugee camp as these really forces are still surrounding the area? you know, including the shots that we've seen, a journalist being hit according to his college. he's been hit by and is really sniper. while he was around around the hospital, there is another group of journalists will say that they've set out and in another hospital, and they say it's becoming very risky for anyone to make any move outside of the hospital. and it's a try and see what's happening in that a no problem do you need an area? he says that what all of our sources inside the hospital that, that a heating explosions potentially from the explosives,
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the homemade explosives that are made by the palestinian fighters and ged. and that's what i'm trying to make it difficult for these really vehicles to move around. and inside that, if you do campus remains a very tense situation with the numbers of vehicles that property that the camp is much larger than usual. and already we've been hearing his rating media talking about a long maybe days of this is ready right now to thank you very much for the latest reporting on that raid. there you are, of course, in ramallah, in the occupied westbank thinking it. this is the chief prosecutor of the world's top court, the seeking arrest warrants for his really prime minister benjamin netanyahu. and who's defense minister you off kalonde. they are accused of war crimes and crimes against humanity in gaza. let's take a closer look at how the icpc works. the courts founding treaty called the wrong statute, grants that jurisdiction over 4 main crimes genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes and crimes of aggression. the legal process includes 6 stages before the
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prosecutor can investigate. he or she must conduct a preliminary examination, considering sufficient evidence jurisdiction and the interest of justice. pre trial, judges issue arrest warrants and make sure that there's enough evidence before case can go to trial. while trial judges here the evidence render a verdict and if a person is found guilty issue sentencing. the i c. c does not have its own enforcement police, this is important. so it relies on nations that have signed up to the rome statute . offices are a step, boston is joining us live from the hague step. we sort of outlined the steps right of how this works. the prosecutor kareem khan is seeking these arrest warrants against 3 homeless leaders against these really prime minister. these really defense minister, we don't yet know if he's going to get them. bring us to this very next step. this now goes to the pre trial judges of the yes it will and i'll go to the free trial chamber. they have to decide if the arguments
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that they've got and kind the prosecutor has mentioned the as a reason for these arrest for ones outside of that. and then they will look in this case at the desk, they scored the isis, you have jurisdiction and it's still also a valid reason to arrest these people. for example, are they needed here in trial? is there a reason that they will escape? but also are these crimes that they are being accused of still continuing and that's got them concept during this announcement, that's what we're looking at in god. so it shows that the crimes that he thinks this for a lead us are responsible for us still continuing. so to judge us, we'll make that decision then. and after that, the 124 members of the i, c. c has the obligation to arrest these people when they come to their countries. i have to say that the, the countries like the united states, china, india, for example, russia, they are not members, so they don't have this obligation. but large parts of the world have like many european countries. and that's interesting because for example,
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germany is certainly much been supporting israel, so they have that obligation as well. and even before the arrest of orleans are issued at this stage, when this announcement has been made, these countries have already been sold in a precarious situation because they have to think about what their position will be towards its role. and also to watch how much. because they are members of the i, c, c. so it's going to be interesting to see how they will respond already in this stage of this investigation. just briefly on this. what's the timeline for when should we reasonably expect to find out whether the arrest warrants are going to be issued as well, there's no fix the time line and got them concept on monday that they see things that didn't judge it should take all the time they they need to make a proper assessment, but if we look at the situation, the, the case last year, the arrest warrant against the president,
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put them from russia. it's still around 3 weeks, be between the requests for the restaurants and the actual announcement and decision on the arrest organs. so we're expecting this to happen in a few weeks. maybe maybe a quicker or maybe a bit longer. and then there's also something i need to noticed that the mostly these are rest of organs are actually uh, uh, that run salad that will be issued if they have to know requested by to prosecute them. okay, that's all interesting context and we will keep in mind those 3 weeks as a, as a sort of reference point for the timeline. thank you very much. step boston, reporting from the hague of the funeral ceremony is under way for one's late president abraham, raising his body has now been moved from the northern city of the breeze to the capital to run. he was killed in a helicopter crash on sunday, along with a foreign minister and 7 others. tens of thousands of people have gathered to pay
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their respects. it is the 2nd to 5 days of national morning announced by a run supreme leader. at least i'm in a race, his body will be laid to rest in his hometown of mashhad on thursday for sol sort or has more from there you have seen thousands and thousands of people are gathering around where the coffins were paying that respect. so it's quite a moon full environment here in the country. so he was a quite popular conservative polish politicians, well established in the political establishment here. of course, on the other hand, many of the reformation men of the people who dislike in him as well. so it was a controversial secret in that sense, but she has died in a tragic incident and as the head of the government. so the general mood in the country among the people is quite the mournful. so he's, by the now, is in my head about the airport in around a shortly. he's going to be transferred to the city of coon, which is the, the, the main seminary city in iran, where the web collaborates,
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educate and train the young candidates for the future. to take over the state of affairs and of religious affairs, then his body is going to be returned to the capital again and tomorrow in the morning. that would be the main sooner. all set of money and the per, the disability that will off the, comes out if somebody's going to lead the prayer for that, that are some of the forward and say dignitaries also expected to join this funeral . a still a head on alpha 0. indigenous activism, the fresh territory of new caledonia say that they will die before leaving a roadblock after unrest triggered by voting rules. the in depth analysis of the days headlines. if that was a rough or offensive, where would the people go? people have no place to go. each one of 1000 people has to be displaced these 2
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times frank assessments. this is a mass and blown to free speech and freedom of the press informed opinions. you can be somebody on one of the hostages, october 2nd and return. and i want to start inside story on out to 0. the challenges here with the
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the, [000:00:00;00] the, the one thing else is 0. a reminder of our headline. the children are among the wounded and is really shelling of the family home at the elbow. res refugee camp in central gaza. civil defense crews say of fire. the broke out into bombing has been put out. the chief prosecutor of the world's top court is seeking arrest warrants for israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu, and his defense minister you off the line. they are accused of war crimes and crimes against humanity and gaza. netanyahu says it's a complete distortion of reality is really forces have killed at least 7 palestinians during
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a military raid and the city of jeanine and the occupied westbank among those killed are a teacher, a student and a surgeon. at least 9 palestinians have also been injured, 2 of whom are in serious condition. one person has died and others have been injured when a single port airlines flight hit severe turbulence. the flight, which was traveling from london to single poor on monday, was diverted to bangkok, emergency services and paramedics were waiting on the ground to attend passengers. andrew charlton is the managing director of the consulting business aviation advocacy, and you are joining us from clooney and france. it's extremely rare to hear of somebody dying as a result of turbulence. what do we need to know at this very early stage? well, thank you, cheryl i, it is extreme. it is extremely rare. one hays of turbulent someone hazy occasionally of injuries but, but these most, most unusual i,
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i'm struggling to remember what i mean in my 35 years and i'd be ashen. is the thing we need to know even at this early stage, the thing we'll need to know is the end of this investigation. the thing we must never forget is way your psyche built through your sites to build up even when you're just sitting on the airplane. we don't know anything yet, although there are reports that the a craft was coming into time to storms. that's always a big thing that they could well be turbulence. it's a tropical area. so i found the storms of quite no. and we were also experiencing the, one of the great causes of turbulence, which is a changing a temperature, which could be caused by the, the, a lower down, a cooling down as, as the di ends in the not stats. and any day for becoming call it in the air above it, which thing causes the to need to change? because of course, it always runs in why is it could have been caused by the a cross coming out of the mountains and other things which causes eighties and all sorts of other different pieces of, of
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a it'd be moving around or it just could have been what often causes turbulence, which is literally the friction between 2 bodies of a or as they move one, moving in one direction. and moving in the of the turbulence is it's very common. anybody who, who has flown on a handful of flights in their lives, they've experienced turbulence and plains, are it's uncomfortable, the plains are built to withstand it. it's never or, well, i would never, no longer applies. that was going to say it's never life threatening. so it's all by significant. that's absolutely get turbulence. he's commented because of course, as i said, turbulence, he's caused by reactions in the a which in turn are impacted by the outside temperature by what's going on in the ground underneath it. storms, all sorts of things like that, but you are absolutely right. so it, when i think this point is really worth making a craft, built to withstand incredible amounts of turbulence. uh and,
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and often the turbulence that you and i experienced sitting on an airplane in think gosh, this is a bit too much. that's still right. it is really slide for moderate across the rival to we stand really quite severe amounts of turbulence. that's the a fine, but as i say if the passengers what your safety bill. yeah. and so this happens on a single port airlines flight. single port airlines has one of the most enviable reputations for safety in the ation world. absolutely. the right state. it didn't happen to anyone. i mean, when you 5 through the or it's that's what, that's what caused us to do. let's just bring in the air of course, but yes, absolutely. the single raylon's, not the sort of people who will voluntarily fly through a thunder storm. there is no reason to fly through a thunder storm in place. time is as of a full size, the i just will tell you, i don't take stupid risks. sometimes the turbulence is visible on the radar and as i say, a storm is usually pretty good evidence of,
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of the likelihood of turbulence. but sometimes it's to do with a temperature changes moving on a horizontal basis. and the right out will simply not pick it up. so yes, single raylon's very young, a cross very strongly across, very will try and very conservative cruise, really quite remarkable sit account. a set of circumstances for this to happen. are under charlton, director of the consulting business aviation advocacy. thank you very much for joining us this way. your site built where you selected? absolutely. we heard your message. thank you. thank you. a judge in greece has dismissed a case against 9 egyptian man accused of causing a deadly migrant ship wreck in the mediterranean. last year. they were facing charges of people smuggling ahead of the trial, right? police tussled with protesters outside the court house. the demonstrators claimed that the 9 men were being denied a fair trial. they choose the greek coast guard. failing to intervene and rescue efforts. more than 500 people were on board,
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the andrianna only 104 were rescued. turning to other world news now, australia and new zealand have sent plains to evacuate their citizens from new caledonia. indigenous cannot activists say they are determined as to force the withdrawal of intellectual reform bill. and they have refused to abandon the roadblocks that have largely shut down the specific archipelago for a week. at least 6 people have been killed and hundreds more have been arrested last month unless probably won't give up until they withdraw the reform that are about to vote. so no, we won't give up even if we have to die for it. we'll stay here on the road blockers. good to go there, but we're waiting for the bolting reform to be withdrawn, because it means be illumination of the conduct the people we're already in the minority. if they get this referred to congress, we're screwed. that's what they don't understand with their we're already a minority at home. you know, a wayne hey has been monitoring the situation in new caledonia and he sent this
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update from. lucio is an interesting situation. i think it really is a day by day proposition. at the moment, clearly the french government think that the situation has improved enough for them to allow the president to manual mat crone to visit news coming through from paris and the last hour or so that he will head to new caledonia later on tuesday. but at the same time, they feel the situation is still serious enough to send an additional $500.00 security personnel to new caledonia. there are some pods of new me out of the capital with the protest is still in control that the security forces haven't gone in and cleared yet one of the main roles of the security forces at the moment is to clear the roads. so many road blocks up, the cars have been put on the roads by the protest is and really blocked the traffic, moving around some parts of the capital city that so the security forces have been busy trying to clear those. the problem is that in some cases,
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a couple of hours off to the clear those barricades, the protest as a back to the putting them back in place again. so it really is a day by day sometimes l by our proposition at the moment. when you deal and, and australian governments have been waiting for a few days now to get approval from the french authorities to land military, a craft in new caledonia to get some of the citizens out. remembering that the main international terminal is still close to commercial flights, and the latest is that it will be closed until at least saturday. so finally on, choose day earlier on tuesday, both of us driving and you dealing governments got approval to send the 1st plains to effectuate some of the citizens at 2 of those flights have now landed back in australia and, and the last few minutes landed in new zealand as well. now, what happens from here is a little bit off in the, the, you still a ministry of hard phase saying that they will be more of actuation flights in the days ahead. but they're unable to consume,
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even if they will be another one. on wednesday, a new japanese whaling ship has set sail on his maiden voyage. fueling the controversy over tokyo has continued support for the hunting of wales. japan is one of the only 3 countries in the world that allows commercial wailing officers. rob mcbride reports a highly controversial vessel for many. but most people in the japanese wailing for to if she, i'm on a 2nd, that kind of getting the root is a source of civic pride all supple. it's great because it's a big also, it's a quickly design processing facility with the meat can be refrigerated. it's like a factory. in 2019, in the face of international law physician, japan allowed the resumption of wailing and it's her waters to meet continued local demand. but with a crew of 100, under range of 13000 kilometers the ships arrival has raised the possibility of
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japan resuming its fun to wales in the antarctic ocean. gabriel drew and shook wells are unimportant food results. unlike other marine living, there's also, as they should be used sustainably, based on scientific evidence. i believe it is important to inherit traditional food culture in japan. japan recently added another species to the list of whales that are allowed to be hunted identity. this will be for the team. well meet is part of japanese people's identity. it's similar to how indigenous people in alaska it goes on and the australians eat kangaroos in pursuing tradition. this vessel brings molten sophistication. it plans to catch $200.00 wales on its 1st voyage. equipped with a long range drone to help it do so, covering fast expenses of the furthest oceans. rub mcbride delta 0. and that's it from me. so then the agent today is more information on our website,
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alpha 0 dot com up next is whether then you've got inside story. it'll examine what's the depth of the president ibrahim racy means for around speech. the hello good to be with here. here's your weather report kicking this one off in egypt. pacific hot weather in china is capital beijing at 33 degrees. that also extends across the yellow river valleys young jo at 34, but south of this for that southeast corner of china, there's showers and storms will dance away in question to the west coast of top. want to the middle east right now. i think we're going to see our hot, it stays so far this year for parts of the golf. let's coming for a closer look that will include us here in the 44 potentially 45 degrees with this southerly breeze here. filled with quite
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a bit of dust as well. also hot and focused on this paint the colors on here. dr. there, brad, the hotter it is. so parts of the same province, jacob, a bad closing in on 50 degrees. i think you will get there this week and you're going to lock your temperature in there for the next several days. the record 52.8 by next week we could be challenging that other side of the border india also dealing with this hot weather punjab for the national capital region. projects done and go to protest temperatures 45 degrees in some cases. but otherwise, there is quite a bit of rain coming into careless state and the northern, well dis, this will also crash in to the west coast of sri lanka, so big burst of rain here. the examination being to of today's headlines, i wish i had word word to describe what setting the agenda for tomorrow's discussions right now. if you're on campus talking about the site,
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your being called anti semitic, and a supporter of care international filmmakers and will cross journalist bring programs to enforce and inspired to options await us in the immediate future. quite a crisis for climate revolution on alger 0 of a tragic twist of faith for iran, the president of the ac is killed in a helicopter crash at a time of rising tension in the region and must have concern over economic crisis. so what does the death of a man wisely false to have been the next supreme leader meeting for iran? this is inside the


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