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tv   Witness Desert Smugglers  Al Jazeera  May 21, 2024 3:00pm-4:01pm AST

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era, there are some of the media stories, a critical look at the global news media. on out to 0, government shut off access to social media, the business out to 0, i'm getting you navigate over the check on your world headlines in gaza after 7 months. if is really bombardment and international condemnation, there's no let up to the palestinians. suffering is really forces targeted a family home and the anybody's refugee camp in central garza wounding several people including children, gaza civil defense crew, say a fire that broke out after the is really selling has been brought under control. the injured had been taken to the hospital. it's not yet clear if there had been fatalities from the attack,
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thought about zoom is in dayton by the hand central gaza and has more on the most recent is really attacks. as we have been hearing from eye witnesses, that slighting is getting much more difficult as but those are still ongoing. we so different videos the most by palestinian on through the showing how close is the context. funny thing that when palestinian finally says on the is very um in the very narrow streets of devalue refuge account belong site, that medics have been confirming that the east valley minutes requite hope to drugs have opened fire against the gates of come on at one hospital. which is absolutely grumbling with, if you will, shortage in order to be operated as one palestinian girl has passed away due to the lack of oxygen and come on at one hospital. since that since and the hours of this morning, is really forces of killed at least 7 palestinians during a military rate in the city of jeanine and they occupied westbank among those killed include a teacher, a student, and a surgeon. at least 9 palestinians were also injured. a journalist was shot while
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covering the raid he's in stable condition. is really military sent reinforcements to the area officers special is really units infiltrated the city on the account where they were confronted by palestinian fighters. the the but i am has the latest from the law and the occupied by spring or the 7 palestinians who had killed those has been the bodies. that's what able to be transferred from the raid. just in the 1st hour. we're talking about a to 9 am, and palestinians are expecting that there are more injuries, possibly more dead people inside. did you need refugee kept as these really forces are still surrounding the area. you know, including a, the shot that we've seen during that is being hit according to his calling. he's been hit by in his rainy sniper, while he was around around the hospital, there is another group of journalists who say that they're set out. and in another hospital and they say it's becoming very risky for anyone to make any move outside
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of the hospital and it to try and see what's happening in other and around janine area. the chief prosecutor of the world's top quarter, seeking a russ torrance for israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu. and his defense minister, you of gallano, they're accused of war crimes and crimes against humanity in gaza. and that's when yahoo says it's a complete distortion of reality. a judge in greece has dismissed the case against 9 egyptian man accused of causing a deadly migrant shipwreck in the mediterranean. last year. they were facing charges or people smuggling ahead of the trial, right? police tussle with the testers outside the court house. the demonstrators claim that the 9 men were being denied a fair trial. they accused the greek coast guard of failing to intervene in rescue efforts. more than 500 people were on board the adriano, and only a 104 were rescued to australia, new zealand, or some planes to evacuate their citizens from new caledonia. indigenous count
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attractive as say they're determined to force the withdrawal of an electoral reform bill and have refused to abandon the roadblocks that have large, they shut down the pacific archipelago for a week. a 1000 police officers and elite forces have been deployed to restore order in the french pacific territory. of these 6 people have been killed and hundreds arrested. one person has died and several others have been injured when a single port airlines flight hit severe turbulence. so that flights which was traveling from london to singapore on monday, where it's been diverted to bangkok, emergency services on paramedics. we're waiting on the lot on the ground to attend to the passengers. more news in about 25 minutes time right here. and als is 0 up next. it's witness. bye bye for now. the
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of the
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is agent of service. i mean yes. the, the the, the,
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the the yeah, yeah, the the push is a kind of on, sorry, you mean batesman my when might have sent it and then i can see my fathers and 7 the
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7 a to you kind of tell me say i shouldn't really use what i see, i mean, yeah, i mean if you had asked me to do a little a few minutes later, you can send this over to the cafeteria for you. me an investment. you can look at the beauty music. second for you on the trash can be it isn't about what it is. why that of this computer stuff. it's added to this. i'm not going to see the other video about the stuff and i was trying to send them to the gym. i any the
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welcome to the kind of good, all right in the 2nd, you just have to show the between not able to know the 7 mat to stop by now that i give a little bit to get blue because i had never had the
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folks at nissan from 50 check and has their method there. so i, you know, checked with different on how to do mation with the hyatt but sometimes interested in most of the mesh the the, to say a disabled individual is that the have of caused some
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sort of the answer to the tests and everything with us. it doesn't get in the the the the
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the, the, the looms and energy and the energy costs the over
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the phone with somebody to get to pick and choose the other one big enough to have you out of a full set of 70 percent should be on the plan, so just to see what you do, just if you think you think that s as in sierra, s k e ha, ha, ha,
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ha, showing as t y the the it will be telling you what it means about it. and i don't want to just, i want to know will that get that into now? no, going to the linux,
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the world. so most it didn't come to the idea had the why the kind of could he give you cause he has to continue almost as a gun, oklahoma gun. how's your idea of what the the issue just the, the technicians are these, these are the 2 issues. the the
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the, the the money is imaging by the discovery. okay, of the the,
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the the
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least for those of you that uh, the color of the wife wrote it down. it should be the same as the push to get a total 100 a month is the center. they
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do not need lash lane less as much so so you know what, lucy ills. what else look good going to handle the committees for him as well. so i thought i'd say good lord, know the when to read the letter was that each game of a few somebody named it took them a while we get him of civil tow. see, or is there a good and the window will just simply do is the center. the main goal is to move the go with the cobra, show it all. it has refreshed,
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especially with the fact that i just really interested in. i mean, i'm seeing as of 10 us of the shipping a lot of the way you can fit and the price of 700 on the the street is gonna play the games where the government go control things outside of that sort of of the, of the large was
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a uh no, but items the inside of really i'm missing now will the do you need to come to the restaurant or some actually html the site. it's so, so by the human will it make the whole good something that i'm going to show the let me tell me what the issue of additional how do i sound
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but i'm concerned about how much is each of them. this is just get done that can be shown is so low. so if you have an official spatial, i mean in terms of the, of the them instead of them study, i'm gonna assume they want to shut it up to shut it on. let's see from that. so you want me to go, can i ask who i'm sending out the
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sentiment. deacon c r. and that's what us on spanish session. one cannot be the shop children just as the ocean hoops check be taken at least from the gym government. beautiful though i don't 100, you know lot of big legacy to the kitchen. so we've got a metal with the
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uh the, the, the month. that's what the holdup someone has said around the issues that i on the side of the, of the you know, he just has a very good that he had them think nobody finished. i'll leave you stop and restart the shower here. she's at the bottom. she uses the
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can help push, move them hand them as in missing the last we have had the 2nd i knew that and 2nd i am putting the dental center on this and have a good 2nd step. right. you know, he but he said it was literally the vision has never had the illness
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from us. the emissions side of things, not sure. i've had a good culture over the dish over the button on the stand to me. i just want to, i just want them nearby to know who make money as wanted. and let me know that i just wanna, i wanna know if i'm thinking the wireless. if this is what i get in the for the state of 50. so
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i'm gonna go to the initial sort of software to do next semester. there. close a 27000 photographs of data and told you it civilians. have you seen the photo? so i didn't. the prosecutor ulton did traditional investigation for disappearance, torture and crimes against humanity in the final part of the series, which is 0 follows the fight for justice through the courts. fairly straightforward in terms of establishing command responsibility as families and the lawyers face
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a terrible deal in the search for the truth, the lost souls of syria. well now just the era we are looking at now is low. the flow from the nearby to pile landfill garbage has reached a height of more than 35 meters and is well over capacity. this is just one of many landfills around the country that have exceeded capacity, mostly due to an excess of plastic pollution. denisia is one of the world's top contributor has of plastic waste accounting for around $7800000.00 tons each year. and it's at locations like where i am on the outskirts of jakarta, where you can see the scale of what environmental groups cool, a plastic waste crisis. the most common plastic pollution engine asia are single use sashes, which environmental group say or small, but accumulation add to the countries environmental button. entities, as government says that it is working to address the plastic waste problem and has
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had some success in mechanism such as reducing marine plastic waste and promoting recycling. the this is all 0 and daddy you navigate with a trick on your world headlines is really forces of target at a family home and the output a is refugee camp in central gaza, wounding several people, including children, gaza civil defense crew, say a fire that broke out after that is really showing has been brought under control. the injured had been taken to a hospital. it's not yet clear if there had been fatalities from that attack, it is really for us as i've killed at least 7 palestinians during a military rate in the city of janine and the occupied westbank among those killed
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included teacher, a student and a surgeon. at least 9 palestinians were also injured. a journalist was shotwell covering the raid. he's in a stable condition. the is really military sent reinforcements to the area after special is really units infiltrated, the city and the town where they were confronted by palestinian fighters. the chief prosecutor of the world's top quarter seeking a rusty borne's for israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu. and his defense minister, you go on there and choose the 4 crimes and crimes against humanity and does nothing. yeah, he says it's a complete distortion of reality. a funeral ceremony is underway for a wrong late presidency, but of humor that you see, his body has now been moved from the northern city. it's a breeze to the capital, said ron. he was killed in a helicopter crash on sunday, along with the foreign minister and 7 others. tens of thousands of people have gathered to pay their respects. this is the 2nd day of 5 days of national morning
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announced by iran supreme leader. i saw many that use his body will be laid to rest in his hometown of some much heads on thursday, australia and new zealand are sent planes to evacuate their citizens from new caledonia. indigenous count as active as say they are determined to force the withdrawal of an electoral reform bill and have refused to abandon the roadblocks that have largely shut down the pacific archipelago for a week. at least 6 people have been killed and hundreds are arrested, or one person has died and several others have been injured when a singapore airlines flight hit severe turbulence. that flights, which was traveling from london to singapore on monday was diverted to bangkok. emergency services were waiting on the ground to attend to the passengers. it's back to witness next on algebra 0. thanks for watching. the
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elusive in the something that's actually a good news. the arkansas is available, but still there's of, up in the the, the
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problems show this when the just the door and pull the some of the man the well the the
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the, the, the little who industries and your 1st i'm sorry, one of the back on the estimate on the do
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a sort of the holiday and the for this article friday will definitely be able to follow be able to dodge to select hello. what about assessing by the, by the rules that go to the thought he gave me instead of avenue. so you can, um, go this direction then how do i be cold and stuff with this cuz i know that is offered to us as well. we moved at $800.00 in the system. i live in shifting and so, you know, let's just of one button most of the, the
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the that when i go to go to the, uh oh, the
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school police to get on the 17th. it was going to, the southern menu has 430 getting the message to the bottom of the short list for the set those forms listed. and then i'll be focus. chevy. loan has said that as well as your message. so will the best fit for this show me that i'm seeing the familiar has happened watch 1st thing. i get your thoughts a sudden i had
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a month ago and now the screws putting on the screen, the people. sure. of course with it today. it's all about the system, i'll say the sort of extra useful tool in the the one that came up on me and then one of them was
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the the,
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the, the, the, or the themes pennsylvania. i need to get a hold of the on that uh estimate literally the dentist im gonna be on the phone them what but can you just if i don't get into the location i can
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so we're looking at the okay, give me a little little bit them let me make sure i have a ceiling to see if we can share remix the for the for him. yeah, so month it add and that's the issue as and wanted to see a must got also what's i've got and that was due to the clement. now did you have those zillow, though, there should a issue, the amount that i had you guys were good and i want the guys could easily tell them what the heck daniel the about us, of an e and, and of lead to the new had you had and one of the
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this is the number you had maybe the best, the the, the, the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, the, the, the, the, the, the additional time a month ago will invested in that because of it's not going to have the thought of going to stream service the
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the the all the time the the the, the . 2
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the the the, the, the, the good record. hello
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. or the to
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the how do you get a 2nd is to solve when i was trying to invest the laws of the wow
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the the message the i don't know the semester he was the rest of the heck the heck the some and some of them will have a gentleman chickens, they usually do the sugar, but i'm not sure which chevrolet ton is jeremy. i'm decision of a single i'm interested about shipping because jerry, you mean i thought about how i'm assuming cancel and getting the site to book this . if you want to. sikes, i out of, in front of the, you know, the video concert video and show a general sense. i pulled it out there as well. and i bid that are man,
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so i'm in much the days we live in the flat unlimited plan. they come as well in the new uh. a 1 each of them and good, good. good, bad. plus the like, why is it i don't want to touch on it. yeah. i hate. i'm not sure why the beginning
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a fish by the way of getting them. how do i? that's just the then how do i mean? so in other words, oklahoma, mazda of oklahoma, pims arguments well, a little fat, and then tell me where to shuffle it to them. i enjoy life shops. it typically it's fun here. sure. on fishing call from you know, what i in the. c c c c c c c
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the, the, the fit the interest more been, they've been on the, on should with the give the zip. the certainly had it would come to the, to the, to the ministry so you never decisions. legislation has
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to just when he says you have been this, i'm on the most of us to the here. so you know, to age the sort of subject to just the or have the shot. is it where the guys switched
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them off. ready yeah, i did do a 2 month of, of the see the budget best of flesh of a base has nothing to do with the slide. these are the things that most of the, of the less the key but that, i mean it's good for you then for the image and i'm up on the 2 bedroom. uh, literally just do a bad question mobile cuz he, you know, i'm gonna go ahead and we'll catch him up on a 2nd. let me just a number is more of a feller cut, but it can see a little at them 6 and the level the that'd be the sort of the initial jewish hospital additional able to do is just of up cynthia. and as you learn about from
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sitting in the sits in the community, it's been hed international. we do have bullets, we'll beat them in a didn't have the will change of love a better that student absolutely. one, altogether the the sink. the thing in the, in the, in belgium,
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in maybe the i was just me as a mechanic. oh, of the for young women,
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the south african town played by poverty rate and murder paid me. yet, despite all community workers determined to provide refuge long as the community, se not my problem is always gonna happen. like one small town safe house. and with this documentary on that, it shows the, you know, the canyon government has forwarded thousands of people across the country. to move away from winter months. that helps a lot in many areas. torrential rains in the region have been made was by the el nino where the phenomenon. this is how close the houses are from the narrow that down. it doesn't look like margins covered by what the highest says when it overflows the water comes to that. how is this? the problem in that ruby has been watson by pull drainage and he's taken the bill
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set told him that people's beeping in near the narrow be down say they know they're not supposed to be there, but it's the only place they can afford. the although we've got some rocking storms in the us, so talk about these are a stretch stream from colorado rate into iowa, minnesota, and wisconsin, in fact in the cell. and we could see an outbreak of tornado. so we're going to get doubts with rain. this will eventually move to the other side of the border in northwestern. ontario could drop about a months worth of rain in the span of 24 hours to the right. so we go, and i gotta tell you, it's a pretty dog forecast here. vancouver almost summer time here, rain and 12 degrees. that's a temperature you should see in march or april and with a breeze off the pacific. fairly cool in california. l. a best i can do for you is 22 degrees today on tuesday. confir. now in the southern states, but watch what happens on wednesday. we've fire up some storms, northern texas, oklahoma,
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and arkansas. the stress of tornadoes here is ball. but back to the here. and now today on tuesday, batch of what weather across, eastern cuba, in jamaica that's going to dump quite a bit of rain. we'll get all this rain stretching across the pacific into coast trick on panama, that meets up with the wet weather to what the top end of south america. and i've got to show this once again, we've got showers and storms of lining up across the border of uruguay and southern brazil. this is where we've had devastating flooding and that rain and those storms are locked into this area. on wednesday. the if you're watching this prerecorded report that al jazeera has been banned in the territory, all is, well, we'll just scream or be any sway me when my country is closing down inspection towards the networks only because the sions thinking here,
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this decision puts other networks working in the occupied was time for inside is real process. also independent journalist would be targeted. we, i thought just we shouldn't be aware of that as a badge of honor to be banned by the government that stands indicted for general size international court of justice. the, [000:00:00;00] the, you're watching the news, our life from a headquarters, and i'll find daddy, you navigate. here's what's coming up in the next 60 minutes. 3 children are killed, wine is really drone strike. and enough for the 900000 palestinians have now fled southern 1000. i'll just 0 obtains exclusive video of the is really army seizing
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over a 100 towers, city and bodies during its res on and she felt hospital last year. at least 7


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