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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 21, 2024 4:00pm-5:01pm AST

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it is real proffer. also, independent journalist would be targeted. we, i thought it was 0. we shouldn't be aware of that as a badge of honor to be banned. my government that stands indicted for general size at the national court of justice. the, [000:00:00;00] the, you're watching the news, our life or my headquarters, and i'll find daddy, you navigate, here's what's coming up in the next 60 minutes. 3 children are killed, wine is really drone. strike into the house for the 900000 palestinians. have now fled southern 1000. alger 0 obtains exclusive video of the is really army seizing over a 100 towers,
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city and bodies during its res on and she felt hospital last year. at least 7 palestinians are killed. that is really rates on jeanine in the occupied westbank. a journalist has also been shocked by the is really military and the body of a wrong late presidency. but humor that you see arrives instead run on the 2nd day of national morning in sports will cope when attorney cruz announces his retirement from football. but so many missed fields that will help his dates of to the year. the we begin this news hour in gauze where is really strikes or targeting civilians and every corner of the strip. it's been more than 7 months of unrelenting bombardments, and despite international condemnation, there's no light up to the palestinians suffering. at least 3 children have been killed by and is really air strike on the yep,
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the refugee camp and rough off that attack target it again during a power stands in the southern city. scattering bodies on the streets as in central gaza, is really airstrikes hit a family home and the employees refugee camp. several people are wounded again, including children. the injured have been taken to the nearby and up so hospital. meanwhile, it's come out of odd one hospital that's in the north of gauze. our medical staff. and 1st of the displace palestinian seeking shelter inside are now sleeping for their lives. is really military vehicles have open fire that medical facilities, which is meant to be protected under international law. we have one thing for that . he's joining us from the center of the gaza strip. indeed, and by the hens. what are you hearing about the situation right now? it's come out loud. one hospital.
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well actually the situation in come on and one is escalating as the the, the is really are tell her you're selling are targeting the reception and emergency department and the gate of come on at one and this started yesterday, the hospital is currently being evacuated. there are patients and there are medical stuff, but unfortunately there are some patients that put in are not able to evacuate because they're directly connected to the machines and without a if they are disconnected, we're going to lose their lives. we have been seeing a footage and videos of people and trying to help these people evacuate. some of them were on the beds of the hospital, but unfortunately these people do not know where they're going to evacuate because they're evacuating under choir and more foot footage is if it is emerging of children and other people who have been seeking refuge in the hospital and not only
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come on at one also, but they dr. of an out of the hospital set that situation in, in the hospital is dire. they have been trapped in the hospital for a for 3 days right now. and there are 15 patients a trap and are unable to evacuate. amongst them are 2 women that gave birth to 2 babies, a recent t it come on i do at and then all the hospitals are being severely targeted and they're also being it. the next target for that is ready for says as all of the news on the ground for our local sources there. and the situation in the another and parts of the gaza strip is also escalating and hinge. this is happening while at the same time there had been is really air strikes all across the gaza strip. exactly. yes, there has been air strikes and as the days are you there today and dropped off, there were 2 policy new skills that were transferred to
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a great the hospital and in the city in the gospel city for palestinians were killed amongst them is a one year old baby and that target to a show but to you family in also how about in the gaza city? we have been hearing more air strikes happening in the cause of city in the another in parts in the southern parts and everywhere has been taught at target for the israelis at since the early morning. okay. and for the thank you so much for that reporting from dated by the hand. central draws of a video as a merge stuff is really troops taking more than a 100 palestinian bodies, transporting them to israel in mid november. this all happened during and is really siege off as she felt hospitable about the gauze, largest medical complex. and the 2nd rate in november led to the complete destruction of the hospital and the discovery of mass graves. laura con reports.
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and this videos don't see, could be from high above chief, a hospital grounds in northern casa shows, is ready. so just wrapping it loading policy and bodies to be sent to israel. that's according to witness statements needs to human rights groups saying the bodies were collected from inside the hospital, a bulk of the mess, grave. it's the 1st video, evidence of it's ready treat, seizing bodies of to rating dose of the largest hospital in north and the at the time the director general of goals as ministry of health. setting the statement, these really ami a doctor, the bodies in the car and a large truck taking approximately a 120 bodies. these radio, me a bit is taking more than $350.00, pulsing, and bodies only 3 months later. thing this was to verify if any of them were spray the captives, the, the,
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the bodies were collected all is around the 1st major rate on the ship. a hospital . thousands of terrified people fled from kansas city and headed south during an intensified, aerial bombardment. in mid november is ready, so just entered the hospital saying how mass was using it as a come on center, offering no verifiable evidence to back. that claim. fighting also raged around the hospital, leaving stuff terrified to leave, and many staying behind to help their patients, including children is ready for it is carried out a 2nd rate on chief and much destroying what's left of the building. un humanitarians assessing the site, described it as an empty shell in the off to math. they will sit found and mass graves in the courtyard of hundreds of bodies from which signs of mutilation. others, decomposed beyond recognition,
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adding to the suffering of postilion. now even unable to bury and grieve their loved ones, nor hon. oh, to 0. many palestinians are returning to what's left of their homes across garza after fleeing israel's most recent attacks and rough in hon. eunice most are finding a north or near total destruction is really forces withdrew from gauze the 2nd largest city in april, but only after an estimated 80 percent of its buildings were destroyed. based on alda is a video journalist from gaza and she documented the wide spread destruction. have you ever seen this fraction like this? even in be the end of the room movies? no, we have never seen anything like this. been 3, it's almost good. are there this was going to the top
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people are returning, i'm building tense as you see here. and there are turning a foster the, what's 12 of these really forces, but it's not safe. look there. you see the swimming cream bugs with their children . people are trying to find anything from their homes because they're reading the pay for the child was eating, dick, just checking by that understood to send a little chewing on. oh gosh, that's why i say to passing and checking in. oh us is center for technical for 2nd, honey on the dropbox social. all research has is to show them on.
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so said that's on the associated facilities of course that you decide they were not able to see to see. you know, if i think this is royce, so they can see, i'm good, that's good that i saw the like you can most can guy turn off the on the fish or should i go to not so should i get to what i like. so the look at this look, look what's important here. you as you're sending these are the american walkers behind me as are used to destroy the buildings around me. you see destruction. oh my god.
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oh my god, it's really risky thing here. despite all of this, people have hot and, and my daddy and i cannot get on that day and i'm happy to show that i know. so i'm into the spar lead. absolutely. and then why? yeah, it wouldn't be an essential as you and nephew to jo, shut up at the for the luggage for oh, fucking up in the country. it's lucian, and spending the funder and the ship i've had that's in the jack. and then when i met at the time the, on the bus to them had the show and then what kind of them look like you got on? that's why no, no, no, no, no cop savage. but in the english, i have more on the one point. what obviously it would be, you know, instead you included in the unorganized image and that's with nicholas leading to the of me, how the hell to watch the full version of a sons film. you can visit the ag plus youtube channel. this is really also ready to shut down
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a live camera position of the associated press located in southern israel and overlooking gaza. an ac has maintained that life shot for months. they also sees their equipment a piece as their organization was accused by is really authorities of violating the newly instituted ban on alpha 0. the company has issued a statement saying the following, the associated press, the cries in the strongest terms. the actions up is really government to shut down our long standing live feed showing a view into gaza and sees ac equipment. the shut down was not based on the contents of the fees, but rather, and abuse of use by that is really the government of the country is new for and broadcasters law. we urge that is really authorities to return our equipments and enable us to reinstate or live feed immediately so we can continue to provide this important visual journalism to thousands of media outlets around the world was really forces of also killed 7 palestinians during
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a ministry raid in the city of jeanine and they occupied westbank among those killed include a teacher, the students and the surgeon of these 9 palestinians were also injured by a journalist with shotwell, covering the raid. he's in a stable condition, is really military sent reinforcements to the area after special is really units infiltrated the city on the account where they were confronted by palestinian fighters. let's get more on the situation in janine and today, but he is joining us from. but on my last, so need that is that rate then still ongoing engineering and bring us up to speed with the latest casualties and what you're hearing the yes, the raid is, i'm going that in with we've heard from these really media, but it might take a lot of time to be finalized. we've seen, according to channel 12 more than 1000, is really soldiers reading. janine, since the start of the morning at 8 am, which is
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a time when palestinians are just trying to get to their schools, to their work places such as the surgeon who has been trying to get to his hospital, he parked his car and he has been shot by a sniper, according to local sources. they say that they expect that more palestinians have been injured than possibly there are people who have been killed among them. but because these really forces are still in the area, it's impossible for the medical teams to go and get those injured and or the bodies that are inside. so fired was talking about 7 palestinians who had killed 6 of them are still inside the governmental hospital, meaning that there would be no funeral procession at the moment until these really forces leave because they are surrounding the hospital. but one person has been laid to rest in his town, which is near a village near a genie. and he is a, a teacher of 48 year old who has to come to his wounds after he was going to cut them at school. and we've been reporting since the morning about the students were
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stuck inside that school before. they would allow it to be picked up and evacuated by the parents. again, this is the only funeral that was able to take place because this situation is so bullets all according to local sources. they tell us that they hear from time to time sounds of exclusive. they believe that these are from the hand made explosive devices that were made by the palestinian fighters. what in the jennie and are pg come? so we're going to stick following on the story and bring you the latest. okay, me the thank you so much for that reporting from it. i'm on the as the chief prosecutor of the world's tough quarter seeking a rusty borne's for that is really the prime minister benjamin netanyahu, and his defense minister are your galani. they're accused of war crimes and crimes against humanity in gaza. that's an yahoo is called it a complete distortion of reality and says that the isis is move is against the entire state of israel. while the i c. c prosecutor also wants arrest warrants for
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$300.00 us leaders for the october 7 attack in southern israel. and the group has denounced the move, demanding of withdrawal of that request from us as the icy seas targeting and fits leaders, confuses victim an execution or some palestinians and gaza. also say that that move is unfair. the moment we'll hear from how much i'm doing is joining us from the jordanian capital, but 1st will bring into the boston who is going to give us the latest information out of the hague step, and particularly to talk about the process. and what is it that we should be looking out for next in terms of what happens of the fall in the last 24 hours since the announcement on the request for a restful. and so it's been a lot of strong reactions from a lot across the globe and support, but also condemning the decision by the i see and also questioning the credibility . but in the meantime, the i. c. c continues to work the requests for the arrest for one,
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so that the prosecute has submitted are now going to the free trial chamber. a judge is there will have to decide if this request can be granted. in most cases, this is, has been the case in the past 22 years since the licensee exists. they will have to answer the question if the court has jurisdiction in this case, that's been a lot of questioning about this as well. mainly also from the united states, but the ice, se itself have decided in 2021 that it has jurisdiction to look into war crimes of happening in the palestinian territories. although the palestinian state is not officially recognized by the security council, but still it's been recognized by a majority of nation. so they have jurisdiction according to the ice se itself. so we will hear from this panel of the judges, the, the free trial chamber,
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probably in the next few weeks. if we look at the case last week or last year against the russian president vladimir put and it took around 3 weeks between the request and the actual decision on the arrest warrant. and then if that's the is if that's been issued, then the, the $124.00 nations that are members of the i so you have 2 extra guides. uh, the suspects uh to the heck where they will be put on trial. okay. stuff. thank you so much for that reporting from the have and well not bringing how much i'm doing for my mind. i'm how much is reporting from the jordanian capital because the government to benjamin this video has band algebra from reporting from is real much . so the reaction from israel over this icy see decision, as the prime minister is furious, we expected that sort of reaction. but what sort of wider reaction is there and israel and do they share his restoration? well, let me tell you, and our viewers 1st, that in about
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a tweet that was just put out there in the last half an hour or so from the is really defense ministry off the lot. of course you're off the lot along with is really far measurements. are minutes now it with those are the 2 is really officials back to him. finally icpc for a prosecutor is seeking warrants against now galani a put on twitter. israel is fighting a just war against a brutal terrorist organizations from us. even in facing a cynical enemy is real, abide by international humanitarian law and maintains professional and moral standards. we're fighting for the hostages. we're fighting for our lives. we're fighting for our future very much in line with what we've heard from many other is really officials over the course of the past 24 hours. you have from the top down, you had nothing yahoo saying that he rejected with the eyes. he was saying with disgust, saying that it was hypocritical, that it was outrages and disgusting. then you also have people from across the political spectrum, which is very interesting because this is the time of the political division, or at least it had been up until yesterday in israel. and you had people like the uh,
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the opposition leader is really yeah. your la pete as well as been against who was a member of the work happen as well as the president isaac. first of all, essentially echoing the same type of rhetoric, saying that this was hypocritical, saying that this was a moral failure on the part of the icy c, essentially saying that the allies of israel need to do something about this. we know that is really officials are calling on republicans in congress in the united states to try to sanction members of the international criminal court as a result of this. so it'll be interesting to see how it plays out. one of the more interesting things about all this right now though, is you're talking about a time when up until a few days ago. you had 2 key members of the work happen to have you off the lot, the defense minister and been against the former defense administer. and they both very publicly criticized very publicly criticized netanyahu for family to come up with a strategy for gaza in a post worst scenario. now you have a situation whereby people are rallying around with nothing. yahoo has to say so a lot of people in israel to yeah, especially when you look at these really media landscape wondering if this will
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give nothing yahoo, some type of short term boost in popularity at a time when trust in his leadership has been at an all time low. okay, thank you so much. i'm how much i'm doing reporting from a mind once again. that is because the prime minister benjamin netanyahu, whose government has banned thousands, there are from reporting and israel. so that's why we're having to report from outside in the jordanian capital a month. so we'll take a closer look at how the i c. c actually works. the court's founding treaty called the rooms that you had crowns. it's your grants, if jurisdiction over 4 main crimes. these are a genocide and crimes against humanity. war crimes, as well as crimes of aggression. and the legal process includes 6 pages before the prosecutor can investigate. here she must conduct a preliminary examination, considering sufficient evidence jurisdiction as well as the interests of justice and pre trial judges issue arrest warrants, and then they make sure that there's enough evidence before
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a case can go to trial about trial judges. here the evidence render a verdict, and if a person is found guilty, issue sentencing. the i say say it does not have its own enforcement, police. so it does rely on nations that have signed up to the room statutes. we can now speak to michael mansfield as a human rights lawyer, joining us from birmingham in the u. k. mr. mansfield, welcome back. wonder if you can, 1st of all clarify what seems to be a point of contention. so is really saying that you can't equate us with from us. i'm also saying victims cannot be acquainted with their executioners. what does the icpc activities on here? how's that equated the actions of both sides or does the icy see believe that both sides have committed war crimes? well, i think the ready answer such kareem. com as adopted and independent and balanced approach. just imagine for the moment how d i a indicted one of the out. so then that would be the criticism that
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he was prejudiced in some way or another. by doing that, i'm in a sense, he's cool in between a very rock and a house places you know, it goes every, every, the if he doesn't then dot. but the other one will complain then when he doesn't die. but as i said, what does it places, so is the way for the prosecutor to move forward then with this case or yeah, is this, the only way to move forward on the basis for moving forward is not comparing one to the other. why don't you do it about the lower demands you do is you look at the actions, whether it's time us or the idea or the start of the government and you look and see whether there is a legitimate and just inside legal basis for what happened. now, take october, the 7th, the mazda, the right, the hostage taking over that me by international low. so what is expected that that's going to be excused on the basis of a history and all the rest of it?
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well, i'm afraid the low doesn't permit that. so just excuse. so, it's obviously some actions might be regarded as self defense, but on the oh, a liberation movement or whatever. but mazda applied to something, but the mass execution, and hostage taking is not conducted by international that's on the one side. they told me, is it going to be pursued? they've almost got to collect the evidence. that on the other side with think about it is, is riley history. i think it's very important if i can just, sorry, take a 2nd to find something. of course, we expect it israel to say what it did, but no, because you know, anything of marriage in that israel, as a government has never, never abided by international resolutions of the general assembly, the united nations. cool, i'll give you a classic example case called the low in 2004,
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but the international code of justice, the one we're dealing with now, i gave an advisory opinion on what was going on in israel, was illegal, the sacraments, the world. and so, and i told it's male or advise that they should in fact still take the will down on end a form of a pond side there. is there any respect is relative respect that does absolutely not, right? they didn't do anything. they just the so what i'm saying here is not any, was it expected be, is there any government as paid no respect to the rules? no, no korean tons and bring in the charges on the right side. that's very important. they concentrated on humanitarian law and the preservation of protected people. so protected people of confidence, innocent citizens, women and children, mainly obviously as we now have over $35000.00 that have died and also aid workers . and so they're in protected. but you know,
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recently 7 killed apparently accidentally. okay. let me just jump on there for a 2nd. mr. mentioned because we're almost out of time. but look, you say that israel has never respected sort of any decisions that have come out of international institution. so what about i, c, c member countries themselves. do you expect them in this case, to respect the, the sort of the, the, and protect the courts, independence from what's likely to be hostility and pressure on the judges perhaps as they consider these uh, these arrest warrants? yes, that will be bunch of people who are challenges and i've seen some of the mazda said in that for there is pressure on every single meal crimes, full, humanitarian chase that goes before them. there's always friendship. and i do expect that member states, why did they sign up in the best place if it wasn't, in fact, the whole object was to prevent what happened in the 2nd world war. west 5th isn't repaid a very heavy price. i'm part of
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a part of the arrangement the often the 2nd level with the united nations jones and the i c. c coming in its way was inside to resolve these issues by legal means and not by the police and the go. okay, thank you so much michael mansfield, thanks for your time. and joining us from you. ok, it's the a funeral ceremony is under way for a runs late presidential, but i am and i. e. c is body has not been moved from the northern city of tempe, but he used to the capital to her on. he was killed in a helicopter crash on sunday, along with the foreign minister and 7 others. tens of thousands of people have gathered to pay their respects. this is the 2nd of 5 days of national morning announced by iran supreme leader ali from any but the east his body will be late to rest and his hometown of much heads on thursday of the house. and is there any us
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from that on so on the 2nd day of national morning, tell us what you've seen and what the movie is like and check on what does that mean? the funeral audit is in underway and the body of president tracy and his companions arrived in the matter about the airport. it's on its way right now to the city of palm. it's one of the holy cities. yeah. and you're on to be there with the also i said many of the my former shrines ad and after that the, the body will be moved back to, to her on whether to be here for tomatoes, official funeral. now, in general, i, so from the moment you i live in the airport to go down is being beside to all over the city, pictures of the president and the foreign minister and all the of the companions
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that can be seen everywhere in the city. and the fact that the preparations can be seen very clearly and here and to headline and also and all the cities, of course and mesh shut that off at the nations on. today as we saw in the morning and deputies, there was a huge funeral. everyone is preparing for rep tomorrow's funeral, especially that that would be also. so i'm going to nationals guests who are going to take box and this certainly. okay, thank you so much. how it has been reporting from tech on what we have with us store. so jabari door, so it has been covering iran for us extensively as well. and as or so. so the supreme leader at the time of the accident said that iranians should rest assured that there will be no disruption in the countries affairs. talk to us about whether we should be looking out for any domestic and regional implications. optimised accidents. i don't think we're going to see any major changes when it comes to around domestic and foreign policy because the head of the executive branch in iran
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is not the head of states. we have to remember that. so those decisions will still be coming from around supreme leader i to wiley, hominy and i think the messaging we've seen it over the past 48 hours is that iran is going to remain calm and very much consistent in what's been said and happening over the past few years under rise, these presidency as this is now just a very unfortunate incident that has taken the lives of the, the president and his companions. but there will be no major shift when it comes to around domestic and foreign policy. what do we know about the interim president? that's not in charge as well as the intern for him. minister. then term president mohammed. my father is a veteran of the around the rock war. he's the, he was deputy governor of front in decimal in the south who was a strong province, which is the home to the error of minority population,
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other on that's an interesting background for him to have. and also his later years from around 2000 onwards, his work has been in the financial sector of the government, which is very important. and from what i understand, speaking to other officials in iran, over the past few days at the vice president was actually very much active in this government. so he was the president's a former president abraham racy, are relied on him a lot. so he's very well established within not only the system, but also in the government itself. now the acting foreign minister, i the bulk or economy. we know him from those new clear negotiations that happened in vienna a few years back and he was the deputy chief new nuclear negotiator at that time. so he did all those trips back and forth to vienna. and he's also comes from a very well known family of clerics, his father was a clerk and the assembly of experts as was his uncle. so both men are very well established names and families with in the system itself. so i think it's very
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possible that we're going to see them at once. their elections are held on june 28th, and then the new governments has announced in august they will very much be playing a huge role in the future of the governments. and as for uh, sort of any uh, succession plans for the supreme leader because an issue had been tipped to possibly be one of the candidates to take over from the simply the supreme leader at one point. so is this now going to create a success increase this? well, i think the issue of a succession is always been an issue that we didn't know what would happen, and we still don't to the day rumors around race. they were just, that's rumors. of course, you know, he was a very, very powerful man within the establishment and he was very ambitious and that's in terms of actual succession. we just don't know. obviously his best means there's one less option, the assembly of experts, $88.00 members there tests with selecting the supreme leader. we don't know if they already have somebody in mind. what we do know is that it's something that is very
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much kept secret. it is almost like a compared to how the pope is selected in the vatican. they go into this meeting behind closed doors, very secretive, very tight lips, and then they will announce a success or when the time comes. ok, thank you so much stores of things. well, temperatures are raising across be a radium penance loss. so here's just now with a check on the weather. a hello from the al jazeera headquarters in dell high. it could be our highest state of the year in doha, on wednesday. so let's go into the golf for a closer look, we're shooting for a high, a 44 degrees, southerly wind here could be filled with dust at times as well. up and down the gulf. temperatures will be in the forty's. it's got some discharge weather around the caspian sea, so showers around buck who take her on and ask about really never too far away from here. seems also heating up in buckets, dawn, same province, jacob, about closing in on 50 degrees over the next few days. also getting hot, signed cypress nick or c at 36 and but those showers,
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dancing away from turkey is capital on correct? your temperature will come up to 28 on wednesday also quite hot for egypt. capital . 41 degrees. that's o 10 above where you should be at this point in the year and a tropical storm just stuff the coast of tens, india and kenya. it's going to throw some big wind and big waves off the coast here . but i think the worst of the rain will be over the open water. in time it's a windy pitcher for the kick. providence is in south africa, and as a result of that, we've got an extreme fire danger here. some showers will dance into cape town over the next little bit, but let's go 20 degrees for you on wednesday. so heads on the al jazeera news, our time runs out on president will let him as a lens sees the term in office, but there won't be an election for now. 14 time french spoken champion roughly on the dell. that's a big welcome. on his return to paris stocks coming up a little later as for
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the interrogate, the narrative is the us has continued support for israel, affecting his global standing. there's no question about it. the united states has effectively complicit the genocide challenge the rhetoric. yes. say lisa, correct. but so in the international community, can we also say that the l cornerstone of democracy is having a free and open democratic pro upfront without the ever done. here's
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a reminder of the top stories on algebra 0. the is really military is targeting civilians in every corner. of the stress, at least 3 children having kill vine is really or strike on the yep. not rescue g champ enough off. the attacks targeted a gathering of palestinians in the southern city, scattering bodies on the streets. truly military vehicles of open fire at the can not allowed one hospital in northern dasa medical stuff and forcibly displaced palestinians taking shelter inside or fleeing for their lives. hospitals are meant to be protected under international law, which is 0. has obtained footage showing the is really military seizing more than a 100 bodies during their 1st rate on and she felt hospital and gaza city. they were taken from 3 locations, the more and a mass grave on sites. on the 10th gauze, as health industry says,
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the bodies have been abducted and taken to israel. the more than 14000 people have been forced to leave their homes and ukraine's north eastern clarkie region. that's according to the w h. sho, evacuations, commas ukraine said that a down $28.00 out of $29.00 drones launched by russia during overnight attacks on multiple regions. russia says that has captured a series of florida villages through presidents the lens. the president of lansky insist that ukraine's forces are still in control of the contest that areas, laws over the landscapes term as president was scheduled to end on the 28th of may . but with the country at war and marshal declared parliament was postponed, not vote. and no elections will be held for now. obviously result home and reports from kids. it's been 5 years. 5 years is
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a fresh space below them is the landscape became president and peace time. you cried. that with me now is the end of is to say, i'm fresh elections. somebody else with the country on the marshall lewis is 2022 votes, prohibited. the incumbent, president continues in office in a statement last november he said that was the right course. you noticed you might, but if we now is the time of defense, which is the time of the bottle that determines the faith of the state and the people when it is not the time for manipulations which i knew russia would expect from ukraine. i believe that now is not the right time for elections, pg the q he question his own, during legitimacy. and he remains popular low lower than before. his approval ratings still over 60 percent to many ukrainians on such feeling the election would be unrealistic and disrupt the worth. the po,
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the smaller 78 percent of those all said they were gains collections before the end of the war. in addition to that, there's also the practical difficulties. some ukrainian towns ruins many power plants have been hit. so they were rolling blackouts in parts of the country, and perhaps most importantly, a 1000000 ukrainians, a displaced 5000000 of them outside the country. there's also the problem in getting the boat to ukrainians and russian control regions. but they have still been some questions from outside of the country. political i'm list alexi have and says they come from one place. sions. when we hear about the selection that it's necessary to have some selections because otherwise the landscape will not be legitimate. hoist things that gosh, dictate the same, dictate the in the roster is saying that within your crime is more concerned about the concentration of power in the hands of presidents. so let's get
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a few others in is in a circle or position in p below to me, how do you all use for a national unity government to dilute that power and eventually elections to even during the war. so free world should remain free and democratic even in the most difficult conditions. otherwise, beating the dragon, returns to drag them and that we should preserve and to shoot still hopeless abilities for that a vote. and ukraine still looks as far away as victory does for a country struggling to stop a rushing of bones, joan home, and how does it keep? well now speak to peter as on my of who is the executive director of your raise a democracy initiative. joining us on sky from cable control to 0. so why does ukraine not allow the presidential elections to go ahead while under martial law or
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during war time? well, it's simply a part of the constitution that really does not make that mechanism available. and uh, you know, despite the skis kind of, uh, and uh, significantly weakening the popularity it still, you still remains the most popular politician, ukraine. but you know, he climbed down from 91 percent at the beginning of this more to like 63 percent now still remains popular. and despite the opposition that is unhappy with some of the ways of a zaleski is wrong or during more time. but there is consensus on the part of the politicians and the final, at least 2 thirds of the population that holding either problem meant to re presidential election was being more time would be detrimental to the point in security. so will the president of the now will this term based sort of indefinite for as long as the war continues or how does it work as well? that's a very good question because that's,
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that's the main complaint on the part of the opposition. the, the wars projected to last well into at least 12 to 2025. and if we take a longer kind of elias in the summer saying that this could last for, you know, a generation in one way or another. so that does lead to these paradoxical questions then when would he, would he ever step down to it that increases the course of those on the part of the opposition and public at large? the demands greater was in a representation on the part of these opposition parties. in greater voice for their media, for example, you know, i have works where i media that belongs to the former president, president for center, for example. and at the beginning of the war, it was very limited, is broadcast range, and it's become sort of a part of that criticism. the brain is hard from western countries that yes, there are some concerns about allowing unfettered sort of freedoms in the country
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at one, but still ukraine is not russia and is the last. you cannot turn into another point then then what are we fighting for? if we start to mirror every hour and then the right bunch of people still actually trust the landscape to sort of guide them through this war, when ukraine's own assessments say that it's been difficult to hold some ground to. that's another good question. i think that trust is weakening, as i said, he still remains by far the most popular politician. but i think he would make himself more popular and sort of went back some over the last concert. isn't that part of the people if he wants to get allows for greater participation on the part of the opposition? bronze the playing field. okay, thank you. peter is on my. have thanks for speaking to us from keith. here's what's coming up on the i'll just it renews our a whale of an issue. a new japanese ship set sail on its maiden voyage and we'll
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explain why it's causing controversy. and what do we know about liver fools? new head coach will take a closer look and sports would show the interrogate. the narrative is the us has, contains corporate israel, affecting it's global standing. there's no question about it. the united states has effectively complicit the genocide challenge the rhetoric. yes. say lisa, correct. but so in the international community, can we also say that deals the cornerstone of democracy is having a free and open democratic pro upfront without
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the fellow again, here's the joe with all the sports is during thank you. woke up when a tiny cruises announced he'll retire off to the years to germany, and round the dread midfield a one. the well come. in 2014. he came out of international retirement earlier this year. how does the hearers which are being held in germany, christmas one, the chump is like 5 times, including once to find munich and full times with right now. and he's got a chance to make it 6 when they pay totland in the final on june. the 1st christina, rinaldo make a record 6th parents of the year is the to 39 year old l. nasa fluid has been included in the portugal squad. and i as i look for pete of 2016 when they won the trophy. a fox disappointment from august rush for it has been left out to the english provisional squad. the 26 year old strong come on is just 8 goals and
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competitions for months to united this season on this lot says the level full job was difficult, so ignore off to the cup, confront him as a new head coach. this is the 45 year old documents i could find to the sign on the funds on sunday, he signed a 3 a deal and feels where he has big shoes to fill. replacing you can call ended live, close the to you wait for premier like trophy. and one of the champions league box slots has an impressive cd of his own. so was a mid field, a who played his whole career in the netherlands, but smaller. and they see data and spots have brought to them. he moved into coaching with bowl as youth team before taking charge of the 2nd tier club can board slots took over as a said out my head coach in 2019 and they were left alone. points with lead as i x, when the league was cancelled because of coven 19. and in his 3 years at finally, they won the league of adults comp. i'm finished, run this up in the right, the conference leak clump has
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a lift pulls funds to get behind his replacement the way. what's going on? oh yeah, you can see that is going to catch on. well i spoke to the football janice a couple and earlier he says slot will have to take his football success the next level. if he's to do well at level as well, i think one important factor. so live pool was that there is actually some similarities between fi in or in the netherlands and liver pool in england into permanently. obviously in england independently, we'd seen manchester city as basically the teen to beach in recent years. and
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normally in the netherlands, i x from adams to them or that seem to be not this year ad historically, that's always been the case. now hold on, a sloth has done is uh you became a fine or manager really implemented as quite a progressive modem, playing style with the team, and managed to uh, when the ducks leave with relative under dogs. now i'd be livable. that's exactly what they're looking for. livable, obviously a great come up with lots of potential to waiting to premier league and someone will be looking to do exactly that, i think. but the scale ability here i think is a huge issue. we've seen uh football are from dodge already v z clubs move to the premier league. and while they my score a lot of goals introductory already visa, sometimes struggle to really keep up with the base independently. similarly with managers as well. dan managers who made that move from the arity visa, relatively small league in europe to,
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to primarily where the pressure is in man. so what a level is really high that will be the question it's, it's a bit of a gamble. so let's go in that regard. i'll start a women's football captain sam cub will miss the powers olympics with an injury she picked up almost 5 months ago. the strike a who's one of the biggest dogs and the women's game ruptured and ligaments in her ne, in january. she's now been left out for the matilda scored for the last to warm up games before the olympics again in july. as russell adalyn has returned to berlin, carol's to practice, to try and figure out whether you compete. the french open, which begins on sunday. the that was sonya from the crowd as he made his way onto the soft ca, quotes, and the down has won the tournament director for team times head of the missing most 2023 campaign because of injury and poor fitness. still trying to hit his best
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film the season, which is expected to boston, celtics will continue that chase for record 18 and be a championship later when they faced the indiana paces in game one of the eastern conference finals. the celtics, who are the top seats in the east got baseball by beach in the cleveland cavaliers . full one in the best of 7, semi final series, all the paces needed 7 games to get past the new mix. if you're asking how well our team is prepared to play against you in the interfaces, i think we've had a really good couple of days of practice regardless of who we're playing. and i think our guys are really focused on what it takes to give ourselves the best chance of winning on an indiana is a really good team. well balanced and now they're dangerous. and so we've had a couple of days of preparation and that that our guys are ready to take on the challenge of planning. and cynthia is in the attic child play o. c evans and oil is the 3 is the western conference finals for the 2nd time. and 3 years of the beating the vancouver canucks in game 7. why and you just help kids? how to go? i'm in the system. as i mentioned the canucks, 32. 0,
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thanks. tell us next with game one of the series on thursday, edmonton, and looking to bring this done, they come back to canada for the 1st time since 1993, the la dodgers have extended a winning street to full games. freddie friedman had a grandson, minnesota, ending the girl just getting 6 runs in that ending alone as they beat the hours on its own and back 6 full. it's the 9th time in franchise history. but just have at least 33 wins. all right, that is all your fault for now. peter will have, we'll see you later. 3. thank you so much, joe. well, one person has died and others have been injured when a singapore airlines flight hit severe turbulence. so that flights which was traveling from london to singapore on monday was diverted to bangkok, emergency services on paramedics were waiting on the ground to attend to passengers . a new japanese whaling ship has set sail fueling controversy over tokyo
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support for the hunting of wales. japan is one of only 3 countries in the world that allows commercial wailing the new ship as the 1st of its kind to be built in 72 years. rob mcbride reports a highly controversial vessel for many. but most people in the japanese whaling ports of shame on a 2nd. the king getting the route is a source of civic pride all supple. it's great because it's a big also is so quickly design processing facility with the meat can be refrigerated. it's like a factory in 2019 and the face of international opposition depend allowed the resumption of wailing and it's her waters to meet continue to the could you mind. but with a crew of 100, under range of 13000 kilometers the ships arrival has raised the possibility of japan resuming its fun to wales in the antarctic ocean. gabriel do not show quells
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or unimportant food results, unlike other marine living results. so as they should be used sustainably, based on scientific evidence, i believe it is important to inherit traditional food coach in japan. japan recently added another species to the list of whales that are allowed to be hunted are then 50. this will be 14 way will meet, is part of japanese people's identity. it's similar to help indigenous people in alaska. it goes on and the australians eat kangaroos in pursuing tradition. this vessel brings molten sophistication. it plans to catch $200.00 wales on its 1st voyage, equipped with a long range drone to help to do so, covering fast expenses at the furthest oceans. rob mcbride out just there. let's. i'll speak to luke mcmillan who's the head of hunting and captivity at well and dolphin conservation joining us from shipping them in the united kingdom. welcome to alta 0. so look,
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the last the mother ship was aggressively pursued and the antarctic by activists who were determined to disrupt operations. but now we say japan is building an even bigger boats to replace it. what's behind this move? 6? well, the time game room is funded by tax payers and then substantial loans, and it signifies to pounds commitment. it's just the state of the way the industry for the next 30 years. the reason behind it is the japan on looking to increase the popularity of wyoming is too expensive for widespread consumption. so the price needs to be lower to ensure and future generations at the well meet. otherwise the industry will die. so increases on the supply, wales will potentially drive down the price. so this new vessel, the with range is about 13000 kilometers business. raise the possibility of japan hunting in the antarctic ocean. this, this is because, uh,
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i don't think that is within range previously. japan has operated on a regular scientific research exemption may have what's in the southern ocean. it's significant from a conservation point of view, as is the feeding ground for 80 percent of the world's great wiles, which includes the 2 large as well as the fin. well, and the blue well, and both of bible to becoming extinct. yeah. and you know that you've said that japan has added fin well to their list. so what impact is that going to have on a species as you're saying that's already endangered? that's correct. yeah. so i've seen wells all the 2nd biggest while in the well and already they are under pressure from an extensive way in iceland. so the news came out last week saying well, would be added to japan's list due to the fact that in austin, there was a child that been waiting mild type price this summer. again,
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the japanese see that there is an opportunity to increase the popularity of wyoming on that for they've added fin wells, which on all you see and read list of threatened species that i have been to this on this movie for or um, let me ask you this i know that in 2018 japan pulled out of the international whaling commission and announced that it would end its antarctic funds, but resume commercial wailing and its own sort of coastal waters. but since then, is there any evidence at all that japan has not given up on the resumption of oil hunting in the antarctic their best steadfast um with, with, with their assets use um and they are the biggest driver behind what they're trying to do is to convince the well, that's the 18 wyoming is part of japanese identity. whereas aging wyoming, i mean, really we can cover an off the well to due to food shortages. but since then, the month of this house declines,
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and since it's paid for the $96.00 days of the wealth, consumption in japan has plummeted around 99 percent of the stuff japan offset fostering around it to to wave. okay, we'll leave it there. thank you. so much lose mcmillan, thanks for speaking to us from the u. k. punching as well. uh, speaking of japan officials in a japanese town have finished building a 20 meter long barrier and that's to struck. it's one of the nation's most famous views that of mount fuji, people there say that they are tired of a huge number of tourists who are crowding into their town to take pictures and refusing to ebay rules on littering as well as parking. the decision is a symptom of the tensions across the country. as japan rustles with the consequences of a tourism boom, march and april set all time records for
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a tourist arrivals into the country. we'll take a short break right here on out to 0, and we're back in a moment with more news news . climate play on is from one of the most bio diverse nations on there if you're interested in. if nature does not function, we don't exist. exploding solutions to save life as we know what we, what we have and within the cycles of the we not using office resources, we use them again. and again, if we learn from nature, we have a chance to move forward. i'll just see you as you've seen doing nothing grows forever. a pod is an inconvenience. as the oil see suffered casualties. we have not suffered to say, tyler, to use. thank goodness we did have injuries from
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a missile strike on a guest house, thought provoking on to who they to say, no double standards to all of us any, any one in particular. i said, all facing realities government seems here to whittle down democracy. if this is troubling for you, it's very, very painful here the story on talk to how does era, this is a front line where there is little life. after more than half a year of hostilities that began when hezbollah opened up a front to help, it's like from us in casa, we are traveling with members of the united nations peacekeeping force. they're on patrol with lebanon's army. we are here to support them and these government to take control of the situation. but the army is not the dominant force here. has the law has a strong presence even before this late, this confrontation, nearly 100000 lebanese, have left their homes and livelihoods. it's a similar situation on the other side of the border, who says the cost of or official say last that are already in the billions of
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dollars. although the concert this still larger contain and confined to the, for the region, as well as says, the conflict won't end until there's a ceasefire in casa, but possibly not even then. because isabel is threatening a wider war, if border security doesn't improve. the 3 children are killed, wine is really drone strike ended up off more than 900000 palestinians of now flood southern gaza the you're watching l g 0 life from the headquarters and up time to you. navigate to also a heads. alda 0 obtains. exclusive, exclusive video of the is really army seizing over a 100 hollow,


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