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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 21, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm AST

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a small town safe house and with this documentary on the jersey to the government challenges here, where the, [000:00:00;00] the hello on the pocket. this is the news our life. and so coming up for the next 60 minutes, you ins, agency for palestine says it will start delivering food aid. and rafa while israel steps up as strikes on the southern city, gaza exclusive video. imagine showing is right, the troops taking more than a 100, posting and bodies to israel last year. after rating causes of ship
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a hospital. is there any forces carry out rage in the occupied westbank city of janine can at least 7 palestinians the 10 funeral seventies begin for ron's late president abraham. right. you see who was killed in a helicopter crash on sunday, thousands to announce to pay their respects. type on piece of statements with your school will couple minutes. so any close announcements he's for time and from football. the june, the midfield of will hang up. these boots off to the us, the thanks for joining us. it's 1500 g m t and we still have this news out in gaza ways ready strikes all once again targeting civilians. and every corner of the strip is the move in 7 months of unrelenting bon bonded. and just a short while ago the main you an agency for palestine says it was suspending food distribution because of security concerns. at least 3 children have been killed by
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an x ray to strike on the refugee camp in rough up the attack targets in a gathering of palestinians of the southern states, a scattering bodies onto the street steps. and the central gauze as radio strikes, hit a family home in the outrage, refugee cab. several people are wounded, including children. the injured have been taken to the nearby l. x the hospital. meanwhile, the come, i'll add one hospital that's in northern gaza. medical stuff and full ship, the displace palestinian seeking shelter inside a fling for their lives is ready ministry vehicles of open fire about medical facility which is meant to be protected under international law. we will go to cause a shortly. but before that video has a nice office ready, so just taking more than a 100 posting and bodies and transporting them to israel late last year. this happened during the x ray, the siege of i'll ship a hospital. just remind you of course, that scott's as largest medical complex, a 2nd rate in november led to the complete destruction of that medical facility.
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i'm the discovery of mass graves, low economy thoughts. and this videos don't see, could be from high above chief, a hospital grounds in northern casa shows, is ready. so just wrapping it loading policy and bodies to be sent to israel. that's according to witness statements, mates to human rights groups saying the bodies were collected from inside the hospital, a bulk and a mass grave. it's the 1st video evidence of it's ready treat, ceasing bodies of to rating goals of the largest hospital in those. and the at the time, the director general of goals, administrative help setting the statement. these really ami a doctor, the bodies in the car, and a large truck taking approximately a 120 bodies. these radio me a bit, it's taking more than $350.00, pulsing and bodies only 3 months later saying this was to verify if any of them were spray the captives to bodies were collected off to israel. first major
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rate on the ship of hospitals. thousands of terrified people fled from kansas city and headed south during an intensified, aerial bombardment. in mid november is ready. so just enter the hospital saying a mass was using it as a come on center, offering no verifiable evidence to back. that claim. fighting also raged around the hospital, leaving stuff terrified to leave, and many staying behind to help their patients, including children. is ready for us is carried out a 2nd rate on chief and much destroying what's left of the building un humanitarian assessing the psych describe it as an empty sho in the off to boss. they also found mass graves in the courtyard of hundreds of bodies. some with fines of mutilation. others decomposed beyond recognition, adding to the suffering of policy. now,
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the even unable to bury and grieve their loved ones, nor hon. out to 0. it's ready with our to use have shut down a live camera position of the associated press, located in southern israel, and overlooking garza and use agency has been paying but live shop for many months . now it's equipment was also sees a says it's ready to go forward. he's accused this organization of violating the newly instituted bond, or that which is 0. well, as you know, israel has a bond which is a rep from reporting from israel. so let's go to mohammed jung june, who joins us now from the georgia damien capital a month. so i'm muhammad, can you clarify what's happened here? just here? of course, being one of many, many of the associated press is cons worldwide. the, that's right. and able to try to break down the sequence of events as we understand them. so in the last few hours, you had
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a life shot position from the associated press. instead, all the city in southern israel, it was providing a live feed from their camera, of what is going on in northern and gaza across that border there. now, the iep was told by the ministry of communications that they needed to shut down their live feed. they refused to do that. they were then presented with an order from the ministry of communications, and they had their equipment confiscated. now let me read you a statement that we received from the associated press about what happened. it says here, the press says that the associated press decries in the strongest terms, the actions that these really government to shut down our long standing live feed showing a view into gaza and sees ac equipment to shut down was not based on the content of the feed, but rather and abuse abuse by the israeli government of the countries, new foreign broadcasters law. we urge the israeli authorities to return our
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equipment and enable us to reinstate our live feed immediately. so we can continue to provide this important visual journalism to thousands of media outlets around the world. and that's really the key phrase here. they're talking about the fact that they have thousands of clients. this is a news agency, a very well respected news agency, one of the top news agencies around the world outages. here of course is one of their clients. but they have thousands of clients. the as really government is utilizing the law that they passed in which they shuttered out just 0 and banned other year from operating and israel. and they're using that as an excuse. now to shut down the eighty's feed, look overlooking that, that area into gaza because they're saying that that is being provided to all just 0. now we're also starting to see some reaction from some governments figures in israel point, in fact, yeah, your la p, the opposition leader who tweeted just a short while ago. the confiscation of the equipment of the a p,
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the world's largest news agency by minister of communication slomo carries people is an act of madness. this is not obviously, or this is an american media outlet, that is 153 future prizes. this government behaves as if it has decided to make sure at all costs, but israel will be a pariah all over the world. they wouldn't crazy that from the opposition leader. it'll be interesting to see what we start hearing from across the political spectrum. because as we know there are many and is real, especially in the government who are more than happy that out there 0. what shut down and israel. yeah. as you say, i'm a camera position is such a, a vice, a witness on the war and guys and not just the houses are but the many networks around the world, but haven't jump june that reporting without any and capital. just to remind you, of course, that's fine. mr. benjamin dusty dollars. government has bind. i'll just save it from reporting these relevance while we are working from outside the country. let's go to the white house now and i'll correspond in that can be how could, how could i, kimberly any reaction from the white house that they responded? yes, they have. uh, what we can tell you is that korean john pierre,
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the white house press secretary, was asked about this just moments of go aboard, air force one and she's stopped short of condemning israel's decision to seize the equipment of the associated press. what she said is, is the white house is looking into it and that she and the president find it concerning. she's also gone for to say that the president himself, to by that has seen this reporting. and but the president considers this to be a journalism as a whole, to be a pillar of democracy. and that there is a need for journalists to be able to do their job. 247. and as a result, there is this firm belief that it should be upheld and that the white house supports that us. what's this white house to say is they're going to look into it. and they believe that there is a firm support of this white house in order to uphold journalist ability to do
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their job. we should point out though, and i was a little distracted when you came to me because i was going back looking at some of the statements of the national security council spokesperson, john kirby. uh and i did ask him back in october of october 27th of 2023. whether or not there was any evidence of israel's specifically targeting journalist? uh, and he says, no, there has been no evidence of that. but what we can say, and what i can tell you is that the committee to present journalist as of today says that a 105 journalist has been killed, tried to cover israel's foreign gaza, 100 of them, of palestinians. 16 have been injured for missing, and 38 has been arrested. so the numbers don't seem to line up with what the white house is saying, right, so it gives you how could live in washington dc of the white house. thank you for that. i was ready for us is of killed at least 7 palestinians during a ministry rate in the city of janine and the occupied westbank, a teacher, a student, and
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a surgeon or among those killed. at least 9 pal listing is also injured. a journalist with shotwell covering the rate is in a stable condition. these ready ministries send reinforcements to the area office of special is ready units infiltrate to the city, and the come with a contract confronted by palestinian fighters. less got more now on the situation of the occupied westbank. i would just there is need to. abraham is live for us in ramallah. i need a please give us more information surrounding this rate on janine as well. there are areas inside did you need refugee camp that are still surrounded by the is really army where palestinians cannot even leave, which is making it difficult for us to know if there are more injured or even dead bodies inside that a few decals that has been under and is really waived since 8 a m local time and the southern palestinians that were talking about to have lost their lives due to these really fire out of the ones who managed to get through the
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hospitals. just from the time from 8 to 9 am local time. so it's, you know, a lot could have happened in those times because we have a hearing from local sources. that dick, they can hear the sounds of these really gun fire. they can also hear the sounds of the explosions that are usually resulting from the explosive devices that are used and, and home made by palestinian fight is that they're often operating inside the janine refugee camp. we're talking about a huge damage to the infrastructure as we've been seeing lots and lots of pictures showing these really bulldozers really damaging the streets. they are also among those who have been injured by these really fire. is it during that list on that one? also the was inside an area that has been surrounded by these raise the army and he was telling us that he was trying to move to safety when he was shot by and is really sniper. and he's saying that even after he has been injured, the shooting continued towards the journalist who, where they are. so it remains
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a very tense situation where palestinians are saying that they're used to, these really forces wrecking havoc and making their lives more and more difficult. we've heard from it is really spokesperson of the government who has been saying that she compares genie into many that has the but isn't in the occupied to us back . and they were, couldn't, they will continue to operate against palestinian fighters in the, or you need to ever him in ramallah, and they'll keep out of westbank. thank q as well. the jeanine refugee camp is seen more is right in the military rates than anywhere else. and the occupied westbank for the files of children who call it home. it means being exposed to the violence and trauma war on a daily basis. and that comes out in the very games the children choose to play the same bus. robbie has this report from a mother and they all combined westbank. and did you need refugee camp a burial shroud becomes a child's cost if they take turns putting it on,
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emulating their heroes palestinian fighters killed by it's made. so it is normal for children to mimic adults recreating the things they see every day . but in the occupied westbank, what passes for me seems to the eyes of its children, can see more of it. we are playing cuz we're in as an out of the details of the game on the corporation, on the rates of it. so us act as the soldiers and others of fighters and someone gets when the, the army comes in and codes him, then there's sort of the house. and then there are classes. scenarios acted out against a backdrop that is all to real. the panic of running battles, the injured left in the street, civilians used as human shields or taken prisoner by israeli troops. they take cover regroup, and prepare for the next boom. with toys often couple together from scraps their
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prized possessions. the way they move is almost tactical. after all, what other children learn from movies? these youngsters have learned from real life even rebuilding in the aftermath of his really rates. so i mean, how do we talk about more about the incursions, they want to protest and fight. they are very influenced by whatever happens around them. they see young people being killed, targeted the nearest dykes and they ask, why should we have to live like this? we must defend ourselves. so that's so i called to just say this is a form of healing, playing for 10 more to cope with the trauma of living in a wheel one doesn't use playing for different things. first of all, just to able to control the situations where the field that i'm able to, to control. because children normally feel headed this comparing to that based on sex pricing, but they're seeing and what they're suffering. because even if they are laughing,
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it's spark of the environmental life of this conflict where they feel helpless. and sometimes they feel of the parents or the adams around them who's supposed to provide them with protection, are helpless, also unable to protect them. it is about processing pain and having some agency in their own lives. therapist say their behavior is not necessarily fine. their circumstances are within their games. they are free. because in the imagination of palestinian children, they get to decide who wins the same beside the oldest era, remo loved the occupied westgate palestine. okay, let's take you to guys and now because of course they have the multiple strikes and the tax back in the country is in their obama in central garza. and let's start with this decision by on rod vital 8 organization the you and ref, eugene relief agency and palestine. now saying that it will cause it's
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a supplies to rafa sizing, all sorts of concerns. what does this mean for the population in reference of treaty? so dependent on the help, it's totally expected after 2 weeks of nothing entering that causal strip that are for her crossing and cut him up beside him. sense the is there any forces in beta dropbox? nothing has been entering the gaza strip. we're talking about a food commodities. we're talking about fuel we, we talking about other commodities that are needed to keep the godless trip alive. honor well expressed in their press release stuff, but they're also out of stock, like even all of their warehouses are now empty. all of the food that was supposed to enter in the past month did not enter. and they also said that they are not even able to reach their warehouses because we know that dropbox is is currently
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being under air and, and not. and a targets of the is there any forces are invading gets and it's very risky to distribute their food there. they also stretch that they were forced to suspend their, their food distribution. but i also need to mention that more than half of the population of the causes to completely rely on food assistance from the under well . and this is leading for more catastrophic situation across the cause of city ride . so just to be clear, a lack of security and a lack of supplies this wants on depending this to section by on rough turn into the security situation. the have of course the multiple attacks in the south and also middle and north of cause. it brings up to speed well, according to the pilot, sending many millions to of how the sub that's at least $85.00 palestinians have been killed in the past 24 hours. moving to divide it in the north of the causal
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strip. i'll come on at one hospital have been at targeting by is really are tele reselling the hospital is being in the seeds by the israeli forces for more than 3 days and also a house and on thursday for hood, for as her old book assignment has been targeted 6 dollars to news from this members of the family were killed. among them is a palestinian tribes were also moving to the central area earlier today. a 3 policy needs have been killed and goodies moving through to find there were at least 7 policy needs that were killed across a dropbox. so it's escalating tensions that is escalating and it's obviously there is nothing positive in the next upcoming days or hours to handle kuta and data about many sites to the updates the
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best like you to around our funeral. so many is underway for ron's late president abraham, right? you see his body is now being removed from the northern states, if temporaries to the capital around. he was killed in a helicopter crash on sunday, along with the foreign minister and several others. tens of thousands of people have gathered to pay their respects is the 2nd of 5 days of national morning, announced by ron supreme vida, how do you find my name? by you seize, 40 will be laid to rest, and this hometown of my sobs on thursday. let's go to tyrone now and ali hash and matt joins is live, how they walk us through these 5 days of national morning. yes indeed, the today, the bodies of president wry. you see the for them in a saucer. and i mean the, i'm the, i'm the young and the, the companions that i the in to hold on and from that on. they will transfer to chrome, one of the holy, a city, a city z a and, and you're on the buddies were taken to
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a one of the shrines that very important shiny new one. and later on they wouldn't be back here and to have gone for the last uh, the last uh 5 before the funeral, tomorrow to one of the be a funeral. probably very big funeral also that will be international guests coming to the ceremony. after that, the bodies will be taken to the cities where the very the presence is going back to his. found off i is the city of flesh has the 2nd biggest city in and you have on whether he's, he's going to be late dress for 5 minutes. i made all the he on is going to be buried here in that and to hell on. i'm the rest uh we'll go to the cities for example, 2 deputies, the kinetic well from the hash, him and the govern, off eastern as that of the john. now this is all in a context also that is
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a box. it can transition out of the in action here they are on doesn't you and fed and presidents from a much better. and yesterday, as an election was a novice on the 28th of june. people would start presenting the candidacy is between the 30th and the fed. off right may, of course the whole country is coughing in surprise, but at the end of things should uh, should uh, boss. and of course this transition will take its uh its time. okay. on a monday. thanks bye honey. have some live for us inter on, oh, okay, well some more. i'm showing par correspondent dose and jabari. she's company run extensively over the years. i mean, we're looking at extraordinary scenes, you know, the streets lined with many, many thousands of people in the streets of, of tell ron obviously shoes, number of questions surrounding how this crash happened. whether it was the age of the aircraft, where the sanctions had an impact, not to mention a whole load of potential conspiracy theories when it comes to the investigation.
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how important is it for it to provide definitive ounces? while it's going to be critical because it's going to put the officials in a position where they have to explain how this could have happened to one of the highest ranking people and officials in the country. so uh, the investigation has been ordered and it is underway. i think it'll take some time, obviously, for logistical reasons. but i think it's going to be very, very important for the authorities to establish what actually happened then to explain how this could have happened. and also the other question, many people, how does, why was the president traveling with the form mr. in one helicopter? there was 3 helicopters that day. and these 2 high ranking officials, many believe that should not have been traveling together. so there's a lot of questions and i think it's going to be important for officials to have some answers in order to come the country in order not to create any sense of a chaos or that there is a crisis that there is supreme leader. i would call many,
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almost immediately on sunday without even announcing the death of race. the 1st said that nothing will have changed and things will continue as they have in the past. and it's trying to create a sense of calm before people started to panic. so i think the investigation plays a very important role in that. okay, it is a, we've been saying a period of morning, the scenes on the streets of toronto and other cities very much to say that. but looking ahead, we're into this 50 day period. now. the presidential elections will be taking place at the end of that. do we anticipate that will be much jostling for power when it comes to finding a replacement for present rice? it's absolutely, and it's already started today. there were reports of, you know, different former officials, high ranking officials, a close to the supreme leader already. i'm going to different various bodies trying to make sure certain people get an advantage over others. there's been speculation about who would be able to stand and this election on june 29th, 28th, who would be around 9th president. so it's
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a very critical period. we're going to see over the next few weeks until the elections on her are held. of course is a very complicated process, their candidates have to register, they have to be vetted by the guardian council. then there is a campaign period. and then finally we're going to have elections. and of course, border apathy is a critical issue for the establishment right now. in the parliamentary elections on march 1st, lois voter turnout in the countries history. and i think, given the current mode now in the country, there isn't really much appetite for people to go to the polls. again, the reading population at large doesn't believe change comes from the ballot boxes anymore. so this is yet another critical test for the establishment to try and prove that they are still very much in touch with the people and popular with the people. so the political and fighting that we'll see, take place will also play a big part in that door. so great to hear your thoughts on that dosage of our that thank you. the,
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the more than 14000 people been forced to leave the homes and ukraine's ne, in hockey region, that's according to the w h o. evacuations, commas, ukraine said that it downs $28.00 out of $29.00 drones launched by russia during overnight attacks on multiple regions. russia says it's captured, a series of board of villages are present lensky. and since ukraine's force is still in control of these contested areas. for a lot of me, is it lensky is tom as president's wish, scheduled to end on the 20th of may, but with the country of war and marshal lloyd declared, parliament has postpone the vote and the elections will now be held for the time being, peter is on the face, the executive director of the ration democracy initiative, he says there are no easy answers for you quite need democracy in the midst of a war. despite the skis, uh, kind of uh and uh,
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significantly weakening the popularity it still you still remains the most popular product to be crated. but you know, he climbed down from 91 percent at the beginning of this war to like 63 percent now still remains popular. and despite the opposition that is unhappy with some of the ways of the villas is really during 4th time, there is consensus on the part of the politicians and the final at least 2 thirds of the population that holding either problem meant to recall presidential election was being more time would be detrimental to the point in security, the wars projected to last well into at least 12 to 2025. and if we take a longer kind of elias in the summer saying that this could last for you know, a generation in one way or in the other. so that does lead to these paradoxical questions. then when would he, would he ever step down? so that increases the course of those on the part of the opposition and public at large. the demands greater was in
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a representation on the part of these opposition parties in greater voice for their media, for example. but still ukraine is not russia and does it last. you cannot turn into another point then then what are we fighting for if we start mirroring our enemy, the still ahead allowed to 0. donald trump's lawyers wrap up the case with that, the former president taking the stand in his testimony trial 14 time french spoken champions. i found the dial gets a big welcome on his return to power. so i was coming up and spoke with peter the other. we've got some rocking storms in the us to talk about these are a stretch stream from colorado rate into iowa, minnesota, and wisconsin,
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in fact in the cell. and we could see an outbreak of tornadoes. we're going to get doubts with rain. this will eventually move to the other side of the border in northwestern, ontario can drop about a months worth of rain in the span of 24 hours to otherwise we go. and i gotta tell you, it's a pretty dell forecast here, vancouver almost summer time here. rain and 12 degrees. that's a temperature you should see in march or april and with a breeze off the pacific. fairly cool in california. la, best i can do for you is 22 degrees today on tuesday, confir now in the southern states, but watch what happens on wednesday. we fire up some storms, northern texas, oklahoma, and arkansas. this track of tornadoes here as well, but back to the hearing. now today on tuesday batch of what weather across, eastern cuba, in jamaica that's going to dump quite a bit of rain. what could all this rain stretching across the pacific into coast rick on panama, that meets up with the wet weather to what the top end of south america. and that's got to show this once again, we've got showers and storms of lining up across the border of uruguay and southern
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brazil. this is where we've had devastating flooding and that rain and those storms are locked into this area. on wednesday of the interrogate, the narrative is the u. s. has continued support for israel affecting it's global standing. there's no question about it. the united states has effectively complicit the genocide challenge. the rhetoric? yes. the correct but so in the international community, can we also say that deals the cornerstone of democracy is having a free and open democratic process upfront. what out now let me tell you almost suffice. cold results, the 1st of its kind in west africa. we were surrounded by a wild life from the moment we entered a coupon. occupied right now able to practice what the now be used only
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and look very close here. like common. he sits on to play with a large stairs face with a look in my progress for me now. thanks. royal. i can also offer somebody probably equal, restored to me and gone to the the you're watching, i would say, right, here's a reminder of our top story. is this our view an agency for palestinian refugees on a suspended through distribution and rafa due to insecurity and the lack of supplies under assess food to replenish as warehouses is not into this trip. more than half of the population of cause. it depends on food aid from monroe out is
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there a has obtained footage sharing these ready ministry seizing more than a 100 bodies during that 1st rate on our ship a hospital and gaza in high in november. they were taken from the 3 locations to mold a mass grave on site 10 ounces health industries as the police of beat up top to take him to his room. is there any forces of code to be 7 processing? he was drawing a ministry rate of a city of janine and the occupied west by at least 9 palestinians were full so injured. a journalist with short wall covering the rate, leads to be in a stable condition. now the chief prosecutor of the world's top course, he's seeking arrest warrants for his right department as to benjamin netanyahu. and his defense minister york allowed accused of war crimes and crimes against humanity in gaza. that's now who has called it a complete distortion of reality that says the icy seas move is against the entire state of his route. the i c. c prosecutor also wants arrest warrants for 3. how
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much lead is for the type of 7th attack in southern israel? the groups denounced the move demanding of withdrawal of the request law says the i . c. c's targeting of his leaders confused as a victim and executioner. step voss and as a hey. in the last 24 hours since the announcements on the request for arrest florence, that's been the a lot of strong reactions from a lot across the globe and support but also consuming the decision by the i see. and also questioning the credibility. but in the meantime, the i c. c continues to work the requests for the arrest or one, so that the prosecute has submitted are now going to the free trial chamber. a judge is there will have to decide if this request can be granted. in most cases, this is, has been the case in the past 22 years since the ice and t exist. they will have to answer the question if the car test jurisdiction in this case. there's been
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a lot of questioning about this as well as mainly also from the united states. but the ice, se itself has decided in 2021 that it has jurisdiction to look into war crimes of happenings in the palestinian territories. although depaula, city and state is not officially recognized by the security council, but still it's been recognized by a majority of nation. so they have jurisdiction according to the ice se itself. so we will hear from this panel of the judges, the, the free trial chamber, probably in the next few weeks step boss and now. okay, let's bring it in michael mansfield, he's a human rights lloyd joining us in birmingham of the u. k. a viable and welcome to you, so both sides who po, faced the possibility of arrest warren's face, different charges for different things, but there's a lot of and in israel that the i, c, c is pursuing a russ once for mice,
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leaders i'm to be so where department is doing defense minister at the same time. is this problematic legally? yeah. it's no problem as it gets old. and in fact, the color of this would be coming problematic, because i'm just going to use the phrase, the noise, the private station. in other words, on the face of is for the evidence that those of us are enough. and dogs that have seen, at least conveyed by your channel a lot of channels where that is reputable news reporting. war crimes and crimes against humanity have been committed by high mass. on the 7th when they cross the border and invaded the music festival took hostages. mad at certain individuals themselves so that they have what level crime says they fall old crimes against humanity. as the heading for this purpose doesn't really matter. they all crimes that should be made comfortable and should be pursued. and if they prosecute the
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haven't done that, the problem would be, who was saying, well, why is it just a, it's an anti symmetric prosecutor. so he had an obligation with his pain, as he did to investigate what happened. but, but in addition, the same time, israel is committed crimes against humanity. and if i may just pick up your news item recently, it's very interesting that the not quite the words of the prosecutor so precisely because they are part of what is happening right now. what are the authorized decision to this was the accusation against the is there any officials? they're accused of extermination? doesn't become much bigger than matching with the thing causing starvation. as a method of rule, the denial of humanitarian relief, surprise supplies, and deliberately targeting civilians. that is precisely what is continuing
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today and has been for the last 2 weeks as well as the full of that. so it seems to me the answer your question is it wouldn't be a problem if he happens. i think possibly i think that he's put them off for a very important monica. the international should not be just disregard it. right. well, look at the interest of finance. let me read the charges that y'all, y'all said, well, that must lead to mohammed's t of abraham holland massey, otherwise known as mohammed jeff and isabel had of face because they faced charges of extermination, murder, the taking of hostages rate and sexual assault in detention. i think what i'm trying to say is that a lot of the arguments being made, particularly in israel, that the moment is, could this have been stack a, could this requests for is arrest warrants of been staggered, given the political ramifications. now obviously the united states coming out and saying things like this is not helpful. the tool to see restaurants like this. well, he's fine. when says i'm not he's, he's
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a building is right position which is disgraceful. signed. it's the risk. as soon as the british prime minister, who said himself helpful, the usual, i'm to dine comments that come from the british in the united nations who haven't exactly supported the room as well. so, i mean, yes, you've read out the challenges that pretty well mirror that different that spread the mirrors by these rarely ones. and therefore i, of course, it could be straight. it could all be put off until they got a political solution. but, you know, and i know a political solution is, you know, almost physical, and that's all they prosecute to dealing with here and now trying to get close to get israel still. now, i'm a cool, i'm us to return the hostages. that's the, that's what's obviously the pressure prosecute does not sound back in just way, but it will be convenient if i didn't actually do it. and so, and so i, i think the prosecute is absolutely right. there's been, no, the problem is be that over the decades,
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the rule of law has been disregarded and disrespected. and it was set up with the lead relation assessing the united nations after the 2nd level. the idea of was that, you know, you'd have a situation in which this would not occur in the if the conditions which was such as in new and johnson. i'm doing the european convention. i've been followed the intervention international like okay. yeah. michael mansfield has been a pleasure to have you on the program. many sites, so that's okay. the un security council is holding an open debates on the protection of civilians in on the concepts of k. but i live on the slide from the united nations in new york and gave of course, there are many on conflicts around the world. what's the focus of this debate? a well ensure the entire world, and it's really looking at the entire world. this is an annual debate there more
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than 80 countries on the list to wanting to speak at this security council meeting . and it all centers around this report by the secretary general that comes out every year looking at really a survey of the world and when it comes to the protection of civilians and armed conflicts. and as the report states this year, it says the current state of protection of civilians is overwhelmingly tragic. a couple of numbers of civilian deaths, up 70 percent. just in the past 2 years and a 117000000 people around the world are facing a conflict related hunger, simply and incredibly, a tragic number. they are quite frankly, the report really looks at many different countries do the democratic republic of congo, molly mozambique miramar, somalia south sued in sedan and syria is just a few of the countries that have seen a wide spread civilian harm. but of course, it also looks at least briefly at gaza as well during
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a briefing to the security council, one of the top humanitarian officials at the un told the accounts so that the 75 percent of civilians and guys that have been displaced just in the last 678 months and that a man made famine is certainly looming. these are all things that we've heard before. heard the repeatedly over the past weeks and months. but again, any discussion if you will, about protection of civilians or lack there of in conflict. certainly circles back to the most tragic conflict really in the world, or at least one of the most tragic. and that's certainly what is taking place in the guys right now with the un saying now 812000 civilians just from a rafa had been displaced in the past 2 and a half weeks since israel has begun or increased uh,
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its military operations in and around rafa. gabriel is on the line with you in in new york. thank you. you know, at least 10 people have died in egypt and many bus fell from the ferry into the nile river around 50 kilometers north of kyra. the many boss was carrying a group of young female farm workers rescue teams have taken 9 of the passengers to hospital. the driver has been arrested while he was trying to sleep the cause of the accident. the remains unclear. but judging grease has dismissed the case against 9 egyptian man accused of causing a deadly migrant ship wreck in the mediterranean last year. and the judge said the court didn't have jurisdiction. but the head of the trial, right, police tussled with the test is outside the courthouse. demonstrate his claims, but the 9 men were being denied. a fair trial accused the greek coast guard of fading to intervene and rescue efforts for the 500 people on board. the audrey ana lea, a $104.00 rescued,
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are still ahead on out just they are on the way of an issue. a new japanese ship set sail on its maiden voyage will explain why is causing control the sea. and what do we know about little holes? new head coach will take a closer look and support would piece the business latest to be sponsored by interlock tuck. he's real estate consultant.
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the business legions to be sponsored by intellect. tuck, he's real estate consultant. the items for not his pizza. me. thank you very much. woke up with a tiny coast has announced he'll retire off to the euros. the gemini and roman to admit feel the won the world cup in 2014. it came out of international retirement
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earlier this year. ahead of the euro's which are being held in germany, cross has won the champion city 5 times, including ones with buying munich, and full with rail. and he's got a chance to make it 6 when they pay duplicates in the final on june. first. christiana right now they will make a wrinkled 6th appearance at the years. the 39 year old though not so full with it, has been included in the portable score as they look for a repeat of 2016 when they won the trophy. but it's disappointment for marcus restaurant has been left out of england's provisional scroll to the 26 year old striker. manage just h goals and all competition. so manchester united the season on a slope says the little pull job was difficult to ignore. off to the club, confirmed him as a new head coach. this was the 45 year old documents saying good bye to the fine old friends. on sunday, he signed a 3 year d o at and feel we, he has a b choose to full replacing. you can pop who ended levels the to you wait for a premium
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e trophy and one of the champions league. but salts has an impressive cd zone. so it was a midfield who played his whole career in the netherlands, full zola, not riddle, and spots, and lots of them. he moved into coaching with as well as youth team before taking challenge. and 2nd tier club can book show took over as a is it elk my head coach in 2019. and they were living on points with lead as i x when the league was canceled because of cause of 19 entities. 3 years at finald, they won the league desktop and finished runners up in the robe of confidence, lead club passage levels, fence to get behind these replacements. 6
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we spoke to touch triple june list. okay. boeing earlier. he says shots will have to take his football success to the next level. if he's to do well, i'd love a pool. well i think one important factor for a living pool was that there is actually some similarities between fi in or in the netherlands and liver pool in england into permanently. obviously in england independently, we'd seen manchester city as basically to teen to beach in recent years. and normally in the netherlands, i x from adams to them or that seem to be not this year, but historically that's always been the case. now the honest fault has done is uh you became a fine or manager really implemented as quite a progressive modem playing style with the team and managed to uh, when the ducks leave with relative under dog. now i'd be little pool. that's exactly what they're looking for. livable, obviously a great come up with lots of potential to waiting to premier league and someone
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will be looking to do exactly that, i think. but the scale ability here i think is a huge issue. we've seen uh football are from dodge already v z clubs move to the premier league. and while they my score a lot of goals enter the charity visa, sometimes struggle to really keep up with the base independently. similarly with managers as well. dan managers who made that move from the arity visa, relatively small league in europe to, to primarily where the pressure is in man. so what a level is really high that will be the question it's, it's a bit of a gamble. so let's go into the garden, australian women's football cats and sam co well missed the parents and then picks with an injury she picked up almost 5 months ago. the strike is, is one of the biggest stalls and the women's game rupture, the ligaments in any, in january. she's now being left up until the squad for the last 2 months games before the olympics beginning july, or press l middle has what tends to run in general as to practice, to try and figure out whether he will compete with the french open,
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which begins on sunday that was the reception the spanish from the crowd, as he made his way onto felicia 38 quotes. the bell has won the tournament, the wrinkled, 14 times that often missing most of between the 23 campaign because of injury. and for this, you still trying to have these base pull the season, which is expected to be, he's lost, the boston celtics will continue. the chase were wrinkled, 18 thing the championship lay to where they faced the indiana paces in game one of the eastern conference finals. the celtics, who are the top seeds in the east coast this fall by beating the can even kevin is full one and they best of 770 final series, while the paces needed 7 games to get cost the new york knicks. and if you're asking how well our team is prepared to play against and the interfaces, i think we've had a really good couple of days of practice regardless of who were playing. and i think our guys are really focused on what it takes to get ourselves the best chance to a known indiana. uh is a really good team. well balanced and now they're dangerous. and so we've had
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a couple of days of preparation and added. our guys are ready to take on the challenge of planning and cynthia in the n h l. playoffs, the edmonton oilers, all 3 of the western conference finals for the 2nd time in 3 years, also beating the vancouver canucks in game 7. ryan newton hopkins had to go and been assessed as edmunds and beat the canucks 3 to that'll face status next with game one of the series on thursday. edmondson are looking to bring the stand the come back to canada for the 1st time since 1993. and the la dodgers have extend a winning streak to full games for the freeman. he had a grand slam and the 3rd in the doj. a score and 6 runs in that ending alone as they beat the arizona diamondbacks 6 full. it's the 9th time in franchise history that the judges have at least $33.00 wins off the 50 gay. that's what we're supposed to use and i'll have more a little bit less any. okay, many things for you as president donald trump's defense team has arrested his case
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and his harsh money trial. trump didn't take the stand to testify. that's just by promising he would. jurors will be back on may the 28th to hit closing arguments from tennessee attorneys on both sides following developments some outside dakota, new york kristen's lead me is that. so trump hasn't decided to take this down. what should we read into that crystal? well, it's actually quite common for a defendant in a criminal case and not to testify on his own case. lawyers consider that a very risky move, but of course, there's nothing common about this case. the 1st criminal trial of a former us president and donald trump raised expectations by saying that he wanted to testify that he had nothing to hide. and of course he's been saying all along that he considers this case of sham political persecution. he said, more of the same on his way out of the court room. today. the defense actually only
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called 2 witnesses to make their case such a contest. the prosecution's case, most significantly, a lawyer by the name of robert costello who was sort of a go between between michael trump and the white house. after donald trump took office in 2018. this lawyer was called by the defense to argue that michael cohen told him that donald trump didn't knew about the hush money payments that were made to and above all sound star, and knew nothing about it directly contradicting what michael cohen himself has said on the sand his testimony being a very important part of the prosecution's case that donald trump knew about efforts to silence the adult film star, and more importantly, knew about michael collins, payments and reimbursed him for those payments. hiding them as legal fees in the company record books. and that's really what is at st here is a christian just for it came to you. of course i mentioned that the jurors will be
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back on may the 28th towards the end of the month next week. so what does that mean? so yeah, it's not coming back until next week because it's a long weekend. there's a national holiday on monday here in the united states and some conflicts with the jury and the judge. so they'll be back next week. the prosecution and the defense will get a chance to make their closing arguments. prosecutors will again try to make the case that trump didn't know about those reimbursement payments. the jury will then get instructions on what they have to consider what they need to look at in order to prove this case. again, it has to do with hiding the payments, not the payments themselves, and they'll deliver it as long as it takes to reach a unanimous verdict and a criminal case. all of the jurors have to agree that the suspect is guilty. otherwise it's a hung jury and a mis trial,
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regardless of what they find. if they do, if they do find said he is guilty, it will probably go to an appeal. so this could take a while to play out. for instance, the me in new york. thank you very much. a new japanese whaling ship post set sail, feeling control vesee of a took care of support for the hunting of wales. japan is one of the 3 countries in the world that actually allows commercial waiving the new vessel is the 1st of its kind to be built in 7 to use. rob mcbride reports a highly controversial vessel for many, most people in the japanese whaling poor to achieve on the 2nd. the kind of getting the root is a source of civic pride or supple is great because it's a big also we so quickly design processing facility with the meat can be refrigerated. it's like a factory. in 2019, in the face of international law physician, japan allowed the resumption of wailing and it's her waters to meet continue to the
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cookie mind. but with a crew of 100, under range of 13000 kilometers, they ships arrival has raised the possibility of japan resuming its fun to wales in the antarctic ocean. eh, gabriel, drew and shook wells are unimportant food results. unlike other marine living, there's also, as they should be, use sustainably thinking based on scientific evidence. i believe it is important to inherit traditional food culture in japan. japan recently added another species to the list of whales that are allowed to be hunted identity. this will be for the team way will meet, is part of japanese people's identity. it's similar to how indigenous people in alaska even feels on, and the australians need kangaroos in pursuing tradition. this vessel brings modern sophistication, it plans to catch 200 wales on its 1st voyage, equipped with
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a long range thrown to help to do so. covering fast expenses at the furthest oceans . rob mcbride out just like by midland is the head of hunting incompatibility as well. and dolphin conservation. he says japan is building these vessels to boost well needs popularity among the population all the time. game room is funded by tax payers and substantial loans, and it signifies to pounds commitment to sustain it away the industry for the next 30 years. the reason behind it is the japan on looking to increase the popularity of wyoming is too expensive for widespread consumption. so the price needs to be lower to ensure and future generations at the well meet. otherwise the industry will die. so increasing the supply wales will potentially drive down the price. previously, japan has operated on the re a scientific research exemption and may have what's in the southern ocean is
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significant from a conservation point of view, as is the feeding ground for 80 percent of the world's great wiles, which include the 2 largest wells, the fin, well and the blue well, and both of the bible to becoming extinct been wells all the 2nd big as well in the well and already they are under pressure from an extensive way in iceland. so the news came out last week saying well, would be added to japan's list due to the facts in austin. there is a child, so been waiting model type price this summer. again, the japanese see that as an opportunity to increase the popularity of wyoming and therefore they've added fin wells, which on the all you see and read list of threatened species, they've added them to the list moving forward. all right, that's it for me. and the bulk of, of this thing is that i've got a website how to 0. don't com, top story. this our, the decision by the, you and refugee and release agencies in palestine to suspend operations,
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searching security concerns. and this is the signature on as the nation based abraham receipts for my president to rest when you shortly. the climates clearly is from one of the most of the bible. diverse nations on this you're interested in the nature does not function. we don't exist exploding solutions to save life as we know it. we work with and within the cycles of the we're not using our past resources, we using them again and again. if we learn from nature, we have a chance to move forward. i'll just see you as you've seen joining us. nothing grows forever. a pod is an inconvenience. as the oil see suffered casualties. we have not suffered to say, tyler, to use. thank goodness we did have injuries from
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a missile strike on a guest house, thought provoking on to who they to say, no double standards to all of us. any anyone in particular? i said, all facing realities, government seems here to whittle down democracy. it's because it's troubling. for you, it's very, very painful here. the story on talk to how does era. so we news of eunice goes world press freedom prize, were announced a collective award honoring the palestinian journalist covering the war on gaza. one of the recipients outages here is guys a bureau chief wide. i do send a message of appreciation. he says palestinian terrorist and guys need justice and protection. his wife, children and other relatives were killed by his really bumps before he himself was nearly killed. at least 143 media workers and journalist have been killed in gaza in nearly 7 months of war. this use wordpress freedom conference also focused specifically on the dangers faced by journalists covering the environment. the
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number of attacks against turnover is to are specifically covering the environment has risen 42 percent in the last 5 years. the best and to build experts say is for those who attack facts and silence journalist to be held accountable. the view ends agency for palestine says it will stop delivering food aid in roswell, israel steps on this strikes on the southern guns that the on the bulk of this is i'll just say with life and also coming up exclusive video emotions showing is there any troops taking more than a 100, pulsing and bodies to israel late last year, after reading guns as our ship


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