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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 21, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm AST

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also focused specifically on the dangers faced by journalist covering the environment. the number of attacks against the journal this to are specifically covering the environment has risen 42 percent in the last 5 years. the best antidote experts say is for those who attack facts and silence journalists to be held accountable. the u. s. agency for palestine says it will stop delivering food aid in ra, farm on israel steps. office strikes on the southern guns that the on the bulk of this i'll just say with less than $200.00 bullets are coming up. exclusive video emerges, showing is ready. troops taking more than a 100, pulsing embodies to israel. late last year. after reading guns is our ship,
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a hospital and funeral seventies begin for ron's late president abraham. right? you see who's killed and a helicopter crash on sundays, thousands turn out to pay their respects. donald trump's lawyers case without the full, the president taking the stand at his house money. trump. the thanks for joining us. we start this hour and goes away as really strikes all once again targeting civilians in every corner of the strip is the more than 7 months of unrelenting bombardment. and just a short while ago, the main you an agency for policy, new refugees, those own right. so it was suspending food distribution because of security concerns or says it has also run out of supplies to replenish is warehouses because food hasn't been able to enter the strip well than half the population because it depends on food i precisely formed on rob. let's get more on the strikes and rough
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uh, as well as developments regarding on right with hendo code reviews, india robb, i live in central, gaza, and hidden starting with on raw. this is, of course, usually important and vital sol, sofa aid and supplies for the people have caused this specifically in rafa as well . give us an understanding of what this decision will mean in terms of its impact on people that on the well for sure, it's going to have the cost or fee impact on the policy in use not only and dropped off, but all the products and use across of the gaza strip and we were expecting something like that from owner what other agencies were talking about more than 2 weeks with nothing entering the causal strip. when we say nothing, we're saying foods coming to tease fuel and all they need is coming to use for the policy and use in the causal strip. and it's very important also to mention that more than half of the population in the gaza strip rely on food assistance from
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owner. well, but due to lack of supplies and insecurity, they were forced to suspend. and they said that it's still, there's has funding their, their distribution today until further notice. i talked to todd capacitor. frank got situation in the gaza strip on all aspects on life of life and certainly specifically youth and security issues. these the tax on come out allowed one hospital and 2 refugee camps one more. can you tell us what since yesterday come on as one has been targeted by our tele reselling you yesterday or the 5th floor of come on at one was targeted earlier today. the emergency department and the get another in gate of the hospital was also targeted palestinians seeking refuge there are being evacuated. also patients are being evacuated. but unfortunately, some patients who do not have the ability to disconnect from the machines that are
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currently given, giving them life up. there are the only patients who are staying and risking their lives and not only come in at one, we're also talking about an hour. the hospital that has been at be seats by the is there any forces for more than 3 days now at least 15 patients are still trapped inside the hospitals, including 2 women with their new baby born. it's in as escalating and moving to the flock. there were at least 7 policy news were killed earlier today. according to the policy mean minister of health, at least a to policy news have been killed in the past 24 hours a pin to out code or you're forcing some darrell ballot in central cause of this. thank you. the videos of most of us right? the soldiers taking more than a 100 policy in bodies and transporting them to israel. last year. this happened during these really siege of our ship. a hospital guns was launch has medical complex. a 2nd rate in november led to the complete destruction of the medical facility and the discovery of mass graves. lower con reports of this video don't
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secretly, from high above chief, a hospital grounds in northern garza shows is ready. so just wrapping it loading, posting and bodies to be sent to israel. that's according to witness statements made to human rights groups saying the bodies were collected from inside the hospital, a bulk and a mass grave. it's the 1st video evidence of it's really treat, ceasing bodies of to rating doses, largest hospital in those and the at the time, the director general of goals as ministry of health said in the statement. these really ami a doctor, the bodies in the car, and a large truck taking approximately a 120 bodies. these radio, me a bit is taking more than $350.00, pulsing, and bodies only 3 months later. thing this was to verify if any of them were grady captives. the bodies were collected off to israel. first major rate on the
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sheep a hospital. thousands of terrified people fled from kansas city and headed south during an intensified, aerial bombardment. in mid november is ready, soldiers enter the hospital saying how mass was using it as a come on center, offering no verifiable evidence to back. that claim. fighting also raged around the hospital, leaving stuff terrified to leave and many staying behind to help their patients, including children is ready for us is carried out a 2nd rate on chief in march, destroying what's left of the building. un humanitarians assessing the psych describe it as an empty sho in the off to boss. they also found mass graves in the courtyard of hundreds of bodies, some with signs of mutilation. oh, this decompose beyond recognition. adding to the suffering of policy. now,
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even unable to berry and grieve their loved ones, nor hon. oh, to 0. does our new authorities have shut down a live camera position of the associated press, located in southern israel, and overlooking garza and use agency has been changed. they live short for many months. so equipment was also sees a piece as he's ready to go forward. he's accused this organization of violating the newly instituted bond on which is 0. but as we mentioned that as well has of course bind. i'll just say we're from reporting within the country of israel itself . so i'm having jump june disappointing for us from the today the and capital i'm on my bed. so can you clarify what's happened to you? how does 0 close being one of many of the fees clients around the world? yeah, and if so, let's walk our viewers through the sequence of events that happened earlier in the day. you had the so say to press largest press agency news agency in the world.
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they had what's called a live shot camera in the southern israel to city up there on overlooking a view in northern gaza. transmitting a live feed of what was going on and gaza to their clients. so their clients can have access to that feed. one of their thousands of clients is l g 0. you had a representative from the ministry communications. go to that point and tell them that they needed to shut down their transmission. the ac then said no to that. then their equipment was confiscated and they were given an order saying that their equipment is going to be confiscated and that that live feed was going to be shut down. now, we reached out to a peep. we got a statement. let me read that statement in full to you. statement says the associated press the cries in the strongest terms, the actions of these really government to shut down our long standing live feed, showing a view into gaza and sees a p equipment. the shut down was not based on the content of the feed,
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but rather an abusive used by the israeli government of the countries, new foreign broadcasters law. we urge these really authorities to return our equipment and enable us to reinstate our live feed immediately. so we can continue to provide this important visual journalism to thousands of media outlets around the world book. in essence, what's happened is, the israeli government is now utilizing the law that they pass in order to shut down al jazeera to go after other media networks like a p, this news agency. and again, i'll do here is just one of thousands of clients by the 18th. so this is very much an escalation in the war that israel is now engaged in against the media. and let me tell you also what we see from the opposition leader and is real. yeah. your la pete, he's the head of the opposition. he put out a tweet, criticizing the saying, the complication, the equipment of the a p, the world largest news agency by administer communications, shlomo car to these people is an act of madness. this is not out there 0. this is
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an american media outlet. that is $153.00 to which are prizes this government behaves as it has decided to make sure at all costs the israel will be a pariah all over the world. they would crazy. you'll notice that in that statement, the opposition leader is real still critical about 0. but at the same time saying that what the administrative communications has done when it comes to the is wrong, may have about how much your cost with along with the team in israel itself. when i was just there was fund and objected from the country, what's the attitude, the israel, do you think of the moment when it comes to media? freedom, of course, in the midst of a conflict, a look, i'll tell you in the wake of being shut down in the israel, that's happened on may 5th me along with my colleagues. we were there at our workspace in occupied east jerusalem. that's when the ministry communications and police officers came out and shut us down, confiscated equipment. we got a lot of messages from journalists there. they were very concerned about what was happening. there is a switch and is real about what has happened. there are many and is real,
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especially on the far right. they're very happy that l g 0, it was shut down. many of them continue to say that i'll just here is a quote, terrorist network. uh, but then you have a lot of others that say that this is wrong. this is not something that a country that bills itself as a democracy should be doing. now of course, in the wake of us being shot or do you have, how does your media network issue in a statement, in which they said they condemned these really government's decision to close its operations in israel as a criminal act. and one of the country suppression of the free press stands in contravention of international and to a manager in law. i just also want to mention one thing that i observed need when it comes to all this the saturday before we were shut down. may, 4th, i wasn't telling me of covering anti government demonstrations. and one of the things that people there were angry about was about the fact that they saw that the government in their words was going after al jazeera in a way that didn't make any sense. at one point they started chanting that it's been
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7 months of war. and the only thing you really been able to do is try to shut down al jazeera, meaning they did not agree with the war policies, and they did not agree with this policy of trying to shut down alger 0. so there's a lot of condemnation about that. there are those in israel for fine with it and we'll continue to be fine with it. but it'll be interesting to see what plays out going forward when it comes to this. confiscation of the associated press is equipment. yeah, very interesting indeed, i'm sure it will be keeping a close eye on it so it might be judging reporting for us from i'm on in jordan. and just to remind her, of course, that since being binding his route, we are continuing our work reporting on his route from neighboring georgia. or let's go to our white house correspondent, kimberly how could now and uh, kimberly. i understand the white house is very much weight. illness and white house press. secretary create john pierre speaking on behalf of the president says that the president joe biden has certainly been following the news reports about what
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has happened to the associated press. what she says is that the white house is a team and as a whole, as looking into it. but as the white house in the bottom administration stopped short of condemning the actions of because really government, instead she said that the bottom administration is looking into, investigating what has occurred and that she says right now what, dividing the restriction is overall, taking away from business but it is in her words concerning now the position she says that the president's taking is that he has always believed, but journalists have a right and an ability at need to be able to do their job. 247. he believes that journalism is a pillar of democracy and but they should, but that should be protected and that it should be upheld. now having said that, we should also point out, but the white house is on record going back as far as uh, october. when i had the opportunity to ask the national security council
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spokesperson, john, for me, whether or not israel was specifically targeting journalists. and at that time he said there was 0 evidence that israel is doing just that. but i can tell you that as of today, the committee to protect journalists has tallied up the numbers and the numbers tell a very different story. 105 journalists have been killed trying to cover israel's foreign gaza. 16 have been injured for missing. 38. have been arrested by these really military live of the white house company. how could thank you. it is a full series of code, at least 7 palestinians during a ministry rate in the city of janine and the occupied westbank. the teacher was students in a search and among those killed at least 9 public students were also injured. a journalist with shotwell covering the res, he's police be in a stable condition. he's ready, ministry, send reinforcements to the area off to special is around the unit info straight to the city, and the come where they were confronted by palestinian sciences. the
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if you know, seventies underway for runs late president abraham, right. you see his body has now be moved from the northern city of temporary use of the capital term. he was killed in a helicopter crash on sunday, along with the foreign minister and 7 others. tens of thousands of people have gathered to pay their respects. it's the 2nd to 5 days of national morning announced by around supreme data. how do you, how many i use these body will be laid to rest and this home tired of mashhad on thursday, how the hashem joins us live now from tyrone. so how do you wear in the midst of these 5 days of national morning? can you give us a sense of the strength of feeling the, the moods that way you to see you guys actually as this, as of this morning, the funeral, a started interpreter is 2217 north the rest of iran. then the bodies
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was transferred to mad i by the 4th you entered ron. and from that ron to the holy city of palm where the bodies were passed through a shrines. uh and uh, now the, the population started to bring the buddies from from palm $2.00 to $1.00 for the last view here. and tomorrow that'd be the official funeral, as a lot of the company that you run supremely, that will lead the uh, the prayers on the bodies of the, of the president, the form in his on the companions. and later on to 4 and dignitaries with that i have here in town to take part in the funeral to the day after on thursday, the body of president tri easy will be transferred to his home city of much had while he would be buried. foreign minister i read off to let have said that the light would be very different that on. and the rest of the people who i killed in
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this in this crush would be better than their home. thousands of course. there are many other part of the events going on and of course the country is in transition. there's a new insight in president for how much the book with the former vp so would be now preparing for the next election. uh, the uh, cabinet announced yesterday that the next election is going to be on june 28th. and that's even before the 50 days. that's the video that is given in the, in the constitution. also the, the chief of staff from a buffer the, i noticed that an investigation by the ministry i started into what's happened on the day the, the have you come to trash, you know, at the res, to live in toronto for us. how do you wash him? thank you. still ahead on out as the chief prosecutor, all the international criminal court sinks arrest warrants for these really prime
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minister and see the from us leaders on charges the . it's a hot forecasts for many in asia, harper, one let's get going with your weather update. colors are on dark, the red, the hotter it is, parts of the same province and bucket stand closing in. on 50 degrees in jacob a bad i do think you'll get there later in the week now through the other side of the border in northwest india through punjab. the national capital region are just standing low to pradesh, like this temperature is exceeding 40 some cases 45 degrees. but let's take the colors off. we've caught quite a bit of rain pouring into careless state in southern india, same through the northern bodies and all of this what weather will crash into that western side of sri lanka. so copious amounts of rain to go here over the next
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little bit. all of it stretches across the bay of and gold pours into the end of it and see runs into the south coast myanmar. crosses the border into thailand, injecting a lot of moisture into the atmosphere for indo china. so showers and storms here on wednesday, showers in storms in southern china. that's moving across the taiwan through japan through islands. it's just going to clip kyushu islands, but for the rest of china to the north. the low river valley temperatures in the thirty's and there is some of that rain getting close to kyushu. and our biggest burst of rain for indonesia will be central callum and turn on borneo of the read. and so one of the worlds wherever his creatures numbers are plummeting due to deforestation, culture and climate change. indian scientists are fighting to protect, to one of the most important things to control the species is to maintain that habitat 101 east reveals the bottle to save into use with. oh no,
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just the showcase this documentary from across the network on out the the, the watching out is there a is a reminder of our top story? is this our, you an agency for posting and refugees and run a suspended food distribution. the rough on us to, to in security and the lack of supplies on russ it's due to the punches warehouse is not entered, the strip holden hoff of the population of cause. it depends on food a from 0 to 0 is obtained footage, showing these really ministry seizing more than
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a $140.00 east during that 1st range and now ship a hospital in kansas city. in november. they were taking some free locations to morgan mass grave on the side of the tent. causes health ministry says bodies have been abducted and taken to is around sort of the forces of code, at least 7 published and you destroying any ministry rate of, of 16. you jeanine is the occupied westbank, at least 9 palestinians, also injured. but you, unless with shotwell covering the raid easy and a stable condition. now the chief prosecution, as well as top quality seeking arrest warrants for his ready prime minister benjamin netanyahu. and his defense minister, you'll have kalonde that which use of war crimes and crimes against humanity in gaza. that's an yahoo is quoted a complete distortion of reality and says the icy seas move is against the entire state of his route. you know, i c, c prosecutor also once the arrest of 3, a mass leaders for the type of 7th attack in southern israel took
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a fist in house to move, demanding a withdrawal of the request. for my size, the icy ceased targeting of its leaders confuses victim and execution. step voss and the paws from the hague. having strong responses coming in from across the globe. since we, you know, it's been by the licensee, prosecutor that is requesting these arrest warrants, the u. s. presidential bite and calling is outrages. and also say saying that the how much on israel should not be put on the same level. other countries have said the same thing, but on the other hand, france, for example, says that it supports the independence of the court, has also been urging that human to terry and law should be respected from them. indeed, mazda sac, but also saying in impunity, shoot and, and a belgian, the foreign minister also saying that she encourages this process here at the eyes to see that everyone should be a prosecute test, regardless of who the perpetrators are. so,
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very various responses. so you're on the court and we have to wait. now what the pre trial chamber, a judge us will decide if this arrest of organs will be issued. we are expecting a decision in a couple of weeks. and if that happens, the $124.00 member states of the ice, se would have yorba sion to absolute died. these are 5 suspects as to the hague, where they will be put on trial. and this will be a process. it will take quite a long time. step 5, some out you 0. they as well. rodney cory joins been out here in the studio. he's a distinguished public policy fellow with the american university of pay rate. rodney, welcome back to i'm to 0. and i want to know exactly how far this request for the rest were and solve your guidelines. benjamin that yahoo go how deep to they go. in terms of that use riley psyche because it's really interesting because in recent days we see not only support as of benjamin netanyahu, but even his opponents come out and slam. just move by the icpc. yeah,
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they go very deep. but the psyche if israel is pretty soon they will have, they will accept no serious accusations against the state of israel and they will counter but i think this is anti semitic. these are nazis. this is what the people in the holocaust is that they won't accept that israel be measured by the same moral and legal values that all other countries in the world are. so you'll get a huge, huge majority of people and israel, who will say this is a totally unacceptable. they're singling us out and think they do this all the time . they'll come back and say, why don't you do a document of some people in the congo or, or rolando or so, and some of them say this here and there, but they've always tried to change the subject. and this has been constant since 1920 the whole last century. any time the behavior of the pre stage zines is the militias and israel, or the state of israel after for the it comes up and the international discussions
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and the media diversity is and politics. they change the subject, and the use primarily the argument that this is and to some of the, and it's a blood libel against the juice and it's not. but this is their most powerful report which they've used many, many times. their problem is it's less effective now because they've used the so often and the world sees what is real is doing. so they're really in a type, a difficult situation and they, there's no sign that they're going to try and then the other strategy. but they will probably try to work with the us to somehow pressure the i c. c to uh, not come up with the warrant somehow to where if they do, it will be a catastrophe, as opposed to being substantial pushback from a mass leaders as well. the angry that's a by issuing this request for west one. so the same time is that being issued for the israeli need? is it in some way conflicts a press a, an oppressed. yes. that's a, that's a very clever way to do it for how about us. but the reality is this
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a really tough moral issues, but there are legal issues as well. and i personally believe, i think most people do do that. we have to hold everybody to has the same standard . we can't except that the americans to be indicted for what they did in iraq or afghanistan, but not other people. same with israel. we want, i believe anybody who has to credibly been involved in war crimes for crimes against humanity or genocide should be judged according to the same standards. that's really a tough position, especially on the can be our region. but i think there's no other way to, to give that value to the law, to give legitimacy to the rule of law other than just saying that it has to be equally applied to everybody turning to the situation and cause that because the crisis that seems to be deepening by the day and now of course this news, there's all important relief agency or has decided that it can no longer carry on
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working, particularly in rafa because of a lack of supplies. i'm poor, secure to your thoughts. ringback this is part of a continuous process that has gone on for some years, but really accelerated a couple of months ago with israel trying to shut down on what they want to wonder what to go away. they think that if one it was shut down, the palace time issue, the refuge palestine, refugees claim to a certain rights restitution. repub creation, whatever will go away. but of course they want. the problem is not the problem was the refugee lot of the palestinians, which was created by the as rarely take over of palestinian lands and 4748 on afterwards. so this is part of this has been consistent policy and there's room we can or discredited. make all kinds of wild accusations. the last one they did about order one for you as being with how mouse and the attack on october 7th proved to be not true. many of the accusations i would say, most of the accusations that the israelis make a turn out to be either wildly exaggerated or not true,
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and this has assembled. okay. so this one was the money will come in just under fluids. we'll get in somewhere. but we have to wait and see how from a co we always good to hear your thoughts. thank you. as the former us president donald trump's defense team has arrested the case in his hush money trial, trump didn't take the stand to testifying us just by promising a word for days. jurors will be back on may the 28th of his closing arguments from attorneys on both sides and kristen, blissfully me is outside the courts in new york said kristin, please on part. as far as what does it mean for trump not just take the stand unfortunately made into that well, it's actually not uncommon for a defendant in a criminal case, not to testify. lawyers consider doing so a very risky move. it just happens in this case that trump raised expectations by saying that he wanted to testify, he was willing to testify, he might testify,
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and on his way out of the court house when asked by reporters why he wasn't taking the stand, he didn't give an answer just said that there is no crime. there is no case against me. he didn't give a reason for not taking the stand. i. now the defense wrapped up their case after calling just to witness is most significantly a lawyer by the name of robert costello. the defense wanted him to testify about kind of conversations he had with michael cohen, a key witness, in this case, the person who says that he paid an adult film star to buy her silence. and that donald trump knowingly reimbursed him for those payments that set the heart of this case. the lawyer that was called by the defense robert costello. uh said that cohen told him that donald trump didn't knew about the payments. but cohen has very consistently on the stay on said that not only did donald trump know
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about the payments he made to the adult film star, but he knew about the reimbursement for those payments as well. and that's really key to the case here. right, and closing arguments are expected next week. is that right? on tuesday, the 28th after a long holiday weekend. yes, the jury will come back. they'll be given their instructions and they will hear closing arguments from both the prosecution and the defense. and then they deliberate how long it will take. no one knows if they have to reach a unanimous verdict. otherwise, a mis trial will be declared as 12 years. they all have to agree on the final verdict. in the meantime, we expect donald trump to be on the campaign trail, making his case to the public. uh that, you know, he's being persecuted, he can't talk about what's going on in the court room specifically. can talk about
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the witnesses or the judge, but who sarah gets continued to do that outside of the court house here and all.


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