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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 21, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm AST

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the community workers determined to provide refuge long as the communities say, not my problem is always going to happen. like one small town safe house. and with this documentary on that, it shows you the view and agency for palestine says it was still delivering food. 80 rough or well israel steps up, it strikes on the southern city of cause the, the bulk of this is i'll just leave a life and also coming up exclusive video. imagine sharing is ready. soldiers taking more than a 100 promising employees to israel. last year of the reading goes was i'll ship a hospital is ready to start to use shut down the live camera position of the associated press. news agency overlooking causes,
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citing the new media new town funeral ceremonies, begin for iran slate, present every embracing code, and a helicopter crash on sunday. thousands to announce to pay their respects. the thanks for joining us. we start and goals are worth writing strikes. a once again targeting civilians that every quarter of the strip is be more than 7 months of unrelenting bombardment. and just a short while ago, the main you an agency for palestinian refugees, owner, i said it was suspending food distribution because of security concerns on raw says it has also run out of supplies to be punished as warehouses because food has an end to the strip well, in hoff of the population of gaza depends on food aid from on the left sky. so the very latest with him, a country whose indira bala in central gauze and on dry, as we mentioned the citing security concerns and the lack of supplies for this
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decision to see say to rafa. but what does that mean for the population that of the well, it means that the situation is going to be more contrast to freak. we're talking about more than half the population of the gaza strip that completely rely on food distributions from under well under what reduce that they will suspense, or food distribution due to the lack of supply and security. but let's ex, let me explain this. we're talking about more than 1000000 palestinians who were seeking refuge and therefore now they have been displaced for more than a couple of times they are. they move to con eunice and to the middle area and they do not have any type of food assistance. the prices in the gaza strip are very high, where people have not been working for more than 7 months. right now they, they spend all their savings and the only way they're relying on food and getting
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food and feeding their children is under one other 8 at organizations. but this was expected special need that for more than 2 weeks now, nothing is being entering from cut them. i was silent and the rough on crossing works all of the committed to use the food committees and the few are not in, during, and this is leading for a very dire situation in the causes trip. right? so hendo could really speak to us from the above. thank you. okay, well let's bring and scroll down just son, who's the senior deputy director, owner affairs in gaza. he joins us from rafa and goes are 51. welcome to mr. anderson. so please, can you spell it by explaining what precisely underscore sits at this decision not to operate in rough away. you are given of course, how dependent huge numbers of people are precisely on over it looks like we've, we've lost scott anderson,
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senior direct and also on rough housing guys. i will hopefully try and go back to him a bit later. but let's move on for now. because videos of, most of his rarity soldiers taking more than a 100 posting and bodies. i'm transporting them to israel late last year. this happened during the x ray, the siege of, i'll ship a hospital. and that's because as largest medical complex, a 2nd rate in november led to the complete destruction of the medical facility and the discovery of mass graves. lucon has more in this video soon, secretly, from high above chief of hospital grounds in northern garza shows is rady. so just wrapping it loading policy and bodies to be sent to israel. that's according to witness statements needs to human rights groups saying the bodies were collected from inside the hospital, a bulk and a mass grave. it's the 1st video evidence of it's really treat, ceasing bodies of to rating goals as largest hospital in those. and the,
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at the time, the director general of goals is ministry of health said in the statement. these really ami a doctor, the bodies in the car, and a large truck taking approximately a 120 bodies. these radio me a bit is taking more than $350.00, pulsing, and bodies only 3 months later saying this was to verify if any of them were spray the captives. the bodies were collected of israel 1st major rate on the ship. a hospital thousands of terrified people fled from kansas city and headed south during an intensified, aerial bombardment. in mid november is ready. so just entered the hospital saying how mass was using it as a come on center, offering no verifiable evidence to back. that claim. fighting also raged around the hospital, leaving stuff terrified to leave, and many staying behind to help their patients,
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including children is ready for it is carried out to 2nd rate on chief and much destroying what's left of the building. un humanitarians assessing the site, described it as an empty sho in the off to box. they also found mass graves in the courtyard of hundreds of bodies, some with signs of mutilation. others decomposed beyond recognition, adding to the suffering of policy and you know, even unable to bury and grieve their loved ones, nor hon. out to 0, it is ready to go far to use of shutting down a live camera position of the associated press news agency located in southern israel. and overlooking garza, the news agency has been tamed. the live show for many months now it's equipment was also sees a p says it's fairly well forward. he's accused this organization of violating the new the institution by and allows us here a while,
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as we mentioned that as well as bottoms obviously are from operating in israel process. so we're going to have a jump june has been covering issues within israel from neighboring. i'm on the capital of jordan and how can you clarify what is actually happened to you? how to 0, of course is one of many, many of the piece clients all around the world. so shortly if so let's break down the sequence of events as they happened earlier in israel. the a p announcing that uh, their camera at the live shop position that they had in the southern is really city of their art, which overlooked a vantage point in which they were broadcasting to their clients. what was going on in northern concepts that, that camera and the equipment there was confiscated by the ministry of communications that the, for the equipment was confiscated. you administrate communications personnel going there and telling the people that they needed to stop their transmission of that
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the associated press had refuse, and the been they were told that they were going to be shut down there and then the equipment was complicated. now we reached out to the a p, we got a statement from them. let me read this statement to you and the viewers the statement says the associated press, the cries in the strongest terms. the actions of these are in the government to shut down our long standing live feed, showing a view into gossip and sees ac equipment to shut down was not based on the content of the feed, but rather and abuse of use by the israeli government of the country is new for and broadcasters law. we are these really authorities to return our equipment and enable us to reinstate our live feed immediately. so we can continue to provide this important visual journalism to thousands of media outlets around the world. and that's really one of the key things about all this is that the, of course, largest news agency in the world, and it has thousands of clients now. i'll just era is one of those clients, but there are thousands more. and to utilize
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a law that was passed to shut down out just 0 and uh, and to not allow us to operate from within israel to now use that against a piece. well, this is really one more instance of, you know, what these rivers are doing when it comes to their war on media outlets. now, we have seen a reaction from the opposition leader and israel. yeah. your la pete. he tweeted a short while ago. let me read that is, well, he said the conversation of the equipment of the a p, the world's largest news agency by minister of communications is shlomo car keys. people is an act of madness. this is not out to 0. this is an american media outlet, that is $153.00 p, which a prizes this government behaves as if it has decided to make sure at all costs that israel will be a pariah all over the world. they went crazy. interesting. but in that condemnation of what happened, you also had, yeah, your la pete essentially being okay with the idea that i'll just hear it was shut down. but when it comes to a p saying that this shouldn't be happening. essentially saying that this is matt, this will be interesting to see what other political leaders say as the story gets
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bigger and is real. there are more and more people talking about it right now. but certainly, you know, we've heard from journalists and people are concerned, this is going to have a real showing effect on the rest of the media landscapes throughout israel. roy mohammed many thanks and have a jump june the reporting from a mont. of course, just to remind you, ever since the bible lounges are operating at israel, we are being reporting from outside the country heads. uh uh, colleagues the in the georgia. any and capital a mom. all right, so i'm joined in the studio here by ron because he is a distinguished public policy fellow with the american university of bailey. i welcome back around me. so let's reflect on what we've just said that from having to jump into this decision by these fairly all sorts. he's to cut this cover to cover a position that ever since the very start of the war has been staring uncompromisingly into gauze or it's cool court, awful lot of detail over the many months of will be associated press. has thousands of clients around the world is one thing trying to silence out, is there a but what about the associated press which you make it that?
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well, it's the same process. the same reasons that is real close down to 0 and has murdered something like a 130 journalists in prison. 20 or 30 of killed the families of some journalist and obstructs of any form journalist from coming bowsman from coming in together. that these really is of always preferred design, is before the state of israel to operate on the dark. they don't like the world to see what they're doing. one of the great deeds that just the, the local journalist g as a post and use them as to present to the world, the reality of what's actually going on. rather objectively. and clearly when visually, these realist can't handle that in a few years ago. and one of the last exchanges of fire between how may i ask them, israel of these rarely is bombs. they have to build the building that had a p and some other a journalist or international journalism officer. so this is
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a constant process for these realize they don't want the world to see what they're doing and they don't want the world. what we see now, the next stage of this, they don't want the world to debate or discuss or analyze what is real is doing is it's criminal is allowed. is it reasonable? they don't want israel to be treated like other countries. they want it to be exceptional above the law, and immaculately moral. it seems as though they've almost sort of folding file of their own emergency laws. it could have been brought in since the start of this complex over say i would just say it was being banned from operating that but they now have to enforce it in other ways as well by targeting the associated price. but as i said, the associated press is an american organization. undoubtedly there's going to be concerned from media freed in groups around the world about what this will this will mean something when it comes to lloyd doesn't seem particularly full of true. yeah, this is really fascinating. to see now what kind of reactions come out of washington,
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you're going to get a media freedom groups and the journalism professor. as i'm journalist, criticizing it, you're probably going to get a lot of people in the congress and the executive branch saying, well, you know, israel has legitimate a right to defend itself. and this is part of that process. and there's a power of like, chorus of views in washington's across the american public sphere, which repeats, whatever is israel says, but there are no cracks on that process. and you have a many independent voices saying, no, israel has to be treated like everybody else. so we've got to keep our eye on this . yeah, it seems to be so exposing an awful lot of contradictions within the state of israel, 11 remy curry, always great to hear your thoughts. thank you. okay, well we're going to head back to our top story, of course the decision by the all important relief and refugee agency, the united nations on the raw to cease operating in rockford and southern cause us citing security and to supply concerns. scott anderson is director of one ra fast
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in guys, and he joins us from rafa itself up. i will welcome to you so for so please can you explain to us what on the schools this decision not to operate in rough or given how dependent so many people are when your help? a 1st thank you for the savings. certainly not. our health center is a golf for camp, for both them, acted by the corporation and do back your wasting orders. so to help centers uh should were on the process. proper camp health center. i bought those, unfortunately new accusations on it, which is a significant, scary risk staff, but also where they want to be seeking care at the facilities. and as a result, we've had to suspend operations. this got the combat system for better, but that we're having significant supply issues in terms of getting enough food medicine and other things in to sustain the operation. well, conditions would need to be met for you to continue operating again. a
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good. what do you say? sure, tom bout ideally, i mean we need to have a safe environment so our staff can operate as a people, innocent civilians are we treat, can see the treatment of the same place. so what we need is an, an to turn operation. we need to supply open, and ideally we would have $350.00 trucks today at a minimum of just about to a gaza. is they all have the right car? no, it's the right time. we're near that now or less than $200.00 trucks. today, jumping in for uh, bring it into a that everyone so desperately needs. there are a few glitches on the line, but we can mostly hear you, so we will possess to mr. anderson. let me ask you this because the owner of chief of philly, plaza reading, recently spoke about physical violence faced by owner i work is operating across the posting entire tree is, can you give us a sense of what that looks like? it's a, it's a good the bad. it's just not ready for arms or violence from people. oh that are
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seeking for them there. there is violence. the result for the current uh, the conflict between israel and her boss. and it's very much just people being trapped in a very small space, but about where to go to seek safety. um, it is unfortunate um how many of our staff diet are in this conflict and are acting quite iraq every day and continue to deliver services to the people that are here. i want to get your response to the effectiveness. so office peer will pull them to the americans have built uh, just uh, the more fall off on from kansas city. the aim is to bring in obviously a much needed aid to the cause of the strip of from c. although it seems to full significantly short of what's really needed in postal, across the strip or fax it to you think that is as a source of a the 1st time say we welcome any openings or by morning in 2000 and do you mind as tall for, for a long time, and you know,
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as long as this is additive, but not meant to be a replacement for other crossings, it's very much welcome out for a few days. so that really gauge is sufficient to just kind of factors. going to take a little bit more time, but of what i would agree with you that he said as we do in gaza and be that through the, for the, for the peer or through the crossing of the north or primarily through council on how we welcome anything coming in for any those crossings, but it needs to be on a scale is sufficient just to stay in the needs of the people in gossip or at school. anderson, senior deputy director of affairs speaking to us for rough up monday. thanks for joining us. and i'll just thank you still ahead. he went out to 0. donald trump's lawyers wrap up the case for the for what president taken to the stand today as harsh money trial. the in depth analysis of the days headlines if that was
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a rough or offensive. where would the people go? people have no place to go. each one of 1000 people has be displaced at least 2 times frank assessments. this is a maxim blow to free speech and freedom of the press informed opinion. you can be somebody, this is on one of the hostages, october 2nd and return. and i want to stop inside story on al jazeera, the . ringback the hearing the facts chart,
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populations a decline, 70 percent. understanding the reality. i just placed it in a flowing it. i'll just say it was teens across the world. when you come to the house with the story of the the you're watching out just there is a reminder of our top story is the so i'm send you an agency for palestinian refugees or a suspended food distribution in reference to, to in security and a lack of supplies when west, as through to replenish as warehouses, hasn't entered the street on the cost of the population of costs. it depends on food aid from on. i'll just say what has obtained footage showing the authority ministry seizing of more than a 100 bodies. during that 1st rate on our ship,
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a hospital and garza city in november, they were taking some 3 locations. the more a mass grave on sites and attend cause us health industry says the police have been abducted and taken to is room as ready with our to use of shut down a live feed if the associated press located in southern israel and overlooking the news agency has been changed to live shots for many mums. as equipment was also sees. no way says it will be applies to rest is ready. prime minister benjamin netanyahu, if arrest warrants are issued by the i c. c. the chief prosecution of the world's top course is seeking arrest warrants for nothing. yahoo and his defense minister, you'll have kalonde, the accused of all crimes and crimes against humanity in gaza. that's and you know, who is called it a complete distortion of reality and says the icy sees move is against the entire state of israel. the icbc prosecutor will say, once arrest one's for 3, how must lead is for the october 7th attack in southern israel. the group has denounced the move to mounting a withdrawal of
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a request. i'm asked as the i. c. c's targeting of his leaders, confuses victim an execution, a set of austin has more from the hague, having strong responses coming in from across the globe. cynthia, now it's been by the licensee, prosecutor that is requesting these arrest warrants. the u. s. presidential biden calling is outrages and also say saying that how much on israel should not be put on the same level. other countries have said the same thing, but on the other hand, france, for example, says that that supports the independence of the court, has also been urging that you military in law, should be respected from them in the mazda sac, but also saying in impunity. shoot and a belgium, the foreign minister also saying that she encourages this process. here are the eyes to see that everyone should be a prosecute to regardless of who the perpetrators are. so very various responses. so you're on the court and we have to wait. now what the pre trial chamber
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a judge is, we'll decide if this arrest warrants will be issued. we are expecting a decision in a couple of weeks. and if that happens, the 124 member states of the ice, se will have you over the go should to up so died. these are 5 a suspects as to the hague, where they will be put on trial. and this will be a process. it will take quite a long time. step 5, some else you 0 take is there any forces have killed at least 7 palestinians during a military rate in the city of janine and the occupied westbank, a teacher of students massage and on those killed. these 9 pod listings are also injured or jealous with shotwell, covering the right and is easy and a stable condition is to leave. is there any ministry? send reinforcements the area off to a specialist or a unit simple trait to the city and become for they were confronted by palestinian flights, has a few to assignment. he is on the way for a ron slate president abraham, right? you see his body has now been moved from the northern city of debris,
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so the capital to run. he was killed in the hell of a helicopter crash on sunday, along with the foreign minister and 7 others. tens of thousands of people have gathered to pay their respects as the 2nd to $5.00 days of national morning, announced by runs supremely to at least time and a price each party will be laid to rest. and this hometown of my shots on the 1st day of the hush him has more for me to run the population started to bring the bodies from from home to, to have fun for the last view here and tomorrow. that'd be the official funeral. as a lot, if i'm in a wrong supremely the, the, the, the prayers on the bodies of the, of the president, the fun minister and the companions. and later on to for and dignitaries without i've had entered on to take part in the funeral to the day after on thursday, the body of president tri
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u. c. would be transferred to his home city of mesh had while he would be very far in minnesota. i mean, obviously i have to say that we don't have to lie down would be very different that on. and the rest of the people who i killed in this in this crush would be better than the home thousands of course. there are many other part of the events going on and of course the country is in a transition. those and you entered in president for how much the book with the former vp who would be now preparing for the next election. uh, the cabinet announced yesterday that the next election is going to be on june 28th . and that's even before the 50 days at the period that is given in the, in the constitution. also the, the chief of staff from at bassetti and noticed that an investigation by the minutes we started into what's happened on the day the, the had a couple of trash near deputies. judging grease has dismissed the case against line
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egyptian been accused of causing a deadly migrant ship wreck of the mediterranean loss. here, the judge said the court didn't have jurisdiction, but head of the trial, right, police tests of would protest is outside the court. demonstrations claims that the 9 member being denied a fed trial accused degree coast guard, failing to intervene and rescue efforts within 500 people. and who the entry on that would be a $104.00. right. excuse me. more than 14000 people to be forced to leave their homes and ukraine's ne, in hockey regions less, according to the w h o. evacuations. com, as ukraine said, that it had down 28 out of 29 drones launched by russia during overnight attacks on multiple regions. russia says it's captured a series of for the villages. the presidents are lensky and says, ukraine's force is a still in control of these contested areas. for us, presidents, donald trump's defense team has rested the case in his house. plenty. trump, trump didn't take the stand to testify this just by promising he would for several
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days to us. we'll be back on may the 28th, the hit closing arguments from attorneys on both sides. a new japanese whaling ship is fueled in control. vesee of a tokyo support for the hunting of wells. and your ship is the 1st of its kind to be built in 70 years. and it has some modern equipment from a bride reports, a highly controversial vessel for many, most people in the japanese whaling, poor to if she, i'm on the 2nd, the kind of getting the root is a source of civic pride, or supple. it's great because it's a big also we so quickly design processing facility with the meat can be refrigerated. it's like a factory in 2019 and the face of international opposition depend allowed the resumption of wailing and it's her waters to meet continue to the could you mind. but with a crew of 100, under range of 13000 kilometers the ships arrival has raised the possibility of
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japan resuming its fun to wales in the antarctic ocean. eh, gabriel, do not show quails or unimportant food results, unlike other marine living results. so they should be used sustainably based on scientific evidence. i believe it is important to inherit traditional food coach and japan. japan recently added another species to the list of whales that are allowed to be hunted, identity. this will be for eating well, meet is part of japanese people's identity. it's similar to how indigenous people in alaska it goes on and the australians eat kangaroos in pursuing tradition. this vessel brings molten sophistication. it plans to catch $200.00 wales on its 1st voyage equipped with a long range thrown to help it do so. covering fast expenses at the furthest oceans . rub mcbride delta 0. okay, with that, so for now, you can find much for
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a website. how does 0 don't come much born use much more opinion. that's it for me . the bulk of weather is next. then inside story will examine. if the i c c action might deepen is rouse, international isolation. stay with us. thanks watching the the hello from the al jazeera headquarters in dell high could be our highest state of the year in doha, on wednesday. so let's go into the golf for a closer look. we're shooting for a high, a 44 degrees southerly wind here could be filled with dust at times as well. up and down the golf. temperatures will be in the forty's. it's got some discharge weather around the caspian sea, so showers around buck crew drawn and ask about really never too far away from here . seems also heating up in buckets, sponsoring province, jacob,
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about closing in on 50 degrees over the next few days. also getting hot signed cypress nicko see at 36 and but those showers dancing away from turkey is capital on correct. your temperature will come up to 28 on wednesday also quite hot for egypt. capital 41 degrees. that's o 10 above where you should be at this point in the year and a tropical storm just stuff the coast of tens, india and kenya. it's going to throw some big wind and big waves off the coast here . but i think the worst of the rain will be over the open water in time it's a windy pitcher for the cape. providence is in south africa, and as a result of that, we've got an extreme fire danger here. some showers will dance into cape town over the next little bit, but let's go 20 degrees for you on wednesday. the . the latest news as it breaks this year's march as a message,
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not just for the cards government, but also for the incoming ones that they're not going away until they know what happened to their loved ones with details coverage, millions of pharma. now how rare thing that we'd cross by day, whether they may not get that good right because the risk management of wait am phone from around the world. surprises rose sharply. yeah. inside. when neighboring nigeria restricted s on the international criminal course, topic prosecutor says 6 arrest warrants for his wally, i'm from honestly this the united states has content to move against its allies. but literally i see things action deepen as well as international isolation for its for on concept. this is inside story, the .


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