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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 21, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm AST

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for the the, so on the bulk of this is the news life though i'm coming up in the next 60 minutes, b u. s. agency for palestine says it will stop delivering food a raffle while israel out israel steps up. it's as strikes on the southern city of gaza is around the shop sound the live kind of a position of the associated press news agency overlooking causes, citing the new media little us as is searching. that's a yahoo government to reverse the decision. menifee rate in the occupied westbank city of janine kills at least 7 palestinians. and funeral sermons begin for it runs late president abraham, right. you see who was killed in
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a helicopter crash on sunday, thousands turn out to pay their respects and peace of statements with all the de sports needs. the co costume i tried is stormed into the indian frame. any final sunrise is hybrid, but we'll get another chance to reach the showcase match. the thanks for joining us. this 1800 gm team. we're beginning goes. it was 7 months of relentless, rarely bombardment as pushing monetary and crisis to breaking point. the main un agency for palestinian refugees, the suspended food distribution and southern gaza, citing security concerns on rust as supplies on lady depleted because israel hasn't allowed food to enter through the rafa and carmen who sell them crossings for 10 days now. and it's really as dry cuz killed 3 children. my bodies were left strewn on the street. so if you happen to a refugee camp in rafa, the wounded would take him to the quite the hospital for treatment. and in northern
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garza medical stuff and displays, palestinians have been slipping from a co add one hospital. this lady on the open fire with the facility hospitals are protected under international law. a hold on the i really do not know what they mean by this. there is no explanation for the attack or medical facilities. it's out of hubris. feathery and palmer is these right is the right thing according to the desire. and no one is able to hold them to account to allow the hospitable has been deceived by the israelis for 3 days. this patient, for example, has a fractured hip. really, i don't know what to say. i'm set on as well, right? because he joins me here in a pseudo. he's a distinguished public policy fellow at american university by rates. welcome back here, robbie. let's talk about the significance of on the vital 8 organization being forced, essentially to make this decision citing security and supply consent. of course, many people who can cause the depends the precisely on a for own rock and all the organizations. well,
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that's precisely why they're trying to shut it down. they want to squeeze the palestinians and gas that as much as possible to make life not only difficult but almost impossible so that they leave or die. i mean, there's really policy has been for a century almost to get palestinians out of palestine or push them to the edges so that they can have the state of israel, the jewish state, which is the, the original industrial designed to them. they've achieved the 1948 the country of the states, but they, they keep doing this to keep settling wells on the west bank. they burn all of a groves they've destroyed of schools. and the guys as the most extreme example, which has been called a plausible genocide on the own, or is central to this cause own or is what provide services to the i think it's about 4 or 5000000 palestinian refugees that are registered with it. now the is rarely as think corner walk gives the palestinians the power of sending an identity . and if they get rid of unaware of the palestinians will no longer be organized
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and asked for the rights of israel are ready to return, right? of reimbursement. very compensation. whatever stated, but that's completely wrong, it's the illusion which a lot of zionism is one of the deals with our as it's delusional. but this is exactly in line with what they've done for many years to squeeze as well and try to replace it how other people do things, but take away the centralized palestinian identity issue. i'm talking about one real being squeezed, of course, or a few months ago the, the organization was stripped to funding by multiple countries off the israel launch this campaign against on ross saying that it had links to how much the members had been involved. they'll tell you the 7th a tax and independent investigation was launched to the un. nothing has been substantiated. a told to stand out this re the side of that argument. i mean, to say that the organization had face challenges would be an understatement.
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wouldn't, you know, it's really one of the, most of the dramatic dynamic organizations, noble organizations in the world, but also one of the most difficult to work for, especially in israel. i feel if they're working in, in jordan or 11 under other places it's, it's not quite as well, but to work in the occupied territories is really very, very difficult. but they're, they're adjusted to it. they have plans, emergency plans, but the about, i think maybe almost half the funding has returned to anywhere from countries. they've cut her off at denver and resumed because they show that these are as rarely as or essentially lying, which they do often. so this is an ongoing process, they'll come up with other reasons and to push the palestinians out there, restricting the flow of the aides of humanitarian aid very severely. and they'll come up with other reasons as well. and usually what they say, well it security and nobody can question the security of israel because of global,
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you know, collective guilt and shame for the holocaust. and that's still a very powerful tool that the israel is used. but this is not being done because, you know, they're drew's like the honda cause has been done because they're a general stifle occupying apartheid races. a power many, many of the top global human rights organizations use these terms. so this is a political issue. it needs a political resolution. the other side is going to destroy the other near the side compression or the other to leave. and these really is don't seem to understand, but talking about the deliberate restriction of age. one of the challenges that have been directed against a promise to benjamin netanyahu in defense of him. so you'll have kalonde by the international criminal court that is seeking a rest ones for both of those 2 man and 3 senior. i'm asked because there's that as well. as deliberately quotes, extermination cost starvation as a method of full, including the do not a few monetary relief supplies. and we, what we all see by the looks of it play out on our screens with one rush decision to do this. has many standing up. oh i see see case. oh,
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absolutely. on the r c. c is super careful. they're not gonna make a charge or start on indictment unless they're absolutely sure of what they're doing. if there's any doubt about it, they're going to wait. but the evidence is so overwhelmingly clear, and this really isn't gonna try to find ways with the americans, maybe even the british. and the 2 original colonial supporters of the, of the israel design is project to eliminate the palestinians. they're gonna try to get british and american support to somehow pressure. they are c c to drop these charges or adjust them in a way that they don't actually go to trial. they're not arrested. maybe they just an issue or buick or something like that. we'll see what happens. all right, rodney money, thanks. try mccurry the now these are the authorities of shutting down a live camera position of the associated press news agency located in southern israel overlooking gaza. the news agency has been taking the live shop for many
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months is equipment was also sees a piece as this radio thirty's, a q 6 organization of violating the newly instituted bond on al jazeera. as well as i said, has binds out 0 from operating in the country, which is why behind the junction is standing by the to obtaining the capital, amman mohammed police. can you pack all of this and clarify exactly how this impacts the associated press? apparently by association with how to 0. that's right, may have let's, let's try to go through the sequence of events as we know them from, from the associated press. so several hours ago the a peas live shot position instead, or which is a town in southern israel, that's where the a p had one of their cameras providing a live feed of their vantage point of what they were seeing going on in northern gaza. they had their camera and their equipment confiscated by the ministry of the communications and administered communications in israel essentially has accused
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a p, the largest news agency in the world with thousands of clients. they've accused a piece of violating the law that was passed in israel, which banned out just sierra from operating fair. what essentially has happened is that i'll just 0 is one of thousands of clients that utilizes this footage. it's one of thousands of clients of the 8 p because out this year is one of those clients. and because elders here it has been shut down is real. these really, authorities are saying that a p as in violation of this law, we've gotten a statement from the associated press. let's take a listen to what they've had to say about this with the associated press decry it in the strongest terms, the actions of these really government, which is shut down our longstanding live feed showing a view into gaza and seized the equipment. the shut down was not based on the content of the feed, but rather,
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and abuse of use by these really government of the countries, new form, broadcast or low off. the live shot has generally shown smoke rising over casa. we comply with israel's rules pro, him being broadcast of details like troop movements that couldn't danger soldiers. we urge the as really government to return our equipment and enable us to reinstate our live feed immediately. so we can continue to provide this important visual journalism to thousands of media outlets around the world. now let's just mention some condemnation that has come out within israel since this happened, there was a tweet from the opposition leader in his real yeah, your la p. let me read that tweet that he posted. he said the confiscation of the equipment of the a p, the world's largest news agency by minister of communication, shlomo car. he's people is an act of matters. this is not up to 0. this is an american media outlet. that is $153.00 future prizes. this government behaves as if it has decided to make sure at all costs that israel will be
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a pariah all over the world. they went crazy. now if you'll notice that even in that condemnation of what happened to the associated press is still being critical of algebra and essentially supporting the fact that al jazeera was shut down. none the less we are starting to see more and more reaction throughout israel about there's a lot of condemnation coming out about the fact that they would shut down this a p live position, which again, these rate, these are contending that because they were providing this live fee to thousands of clients, but because $1.00 of the clients without your 0 that that goes against a law that was passed to shot. i'll g 0 in israel. yeah. the pretty extrude name. i made an attempt to stop. i'll just say i would just say i have the ability to gain any new use of what's going on purely because we are clients of the associated press. my image on june reporting from amman. jordan, precisely because obviously it has been banned from reporting from israel itself.
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all right, let's go to the white house now and uh, kimberly how codes and can be, i mean, in response to this, i know i'm sure the white house has a, has a, has its own opinions. this is, of course, one of the biggest american news agencies in the world of trouble as right. the white house has been following all of these developments in real time, including the president joe biden. and what we know is that the white house not only has defended journalists right to do their job. but we have now learned, has in fact been engaging directly with the israeli government and expressing concerns about the actions of these really government, particularly in the confiscation of the associated press camera equipment. so what we know is that they are currently as conveying their concerns about this and asking the is really government to reverse the decisions and to return that
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equipment to the associated press. earlier just a few hours ago, the white house convey to reporters, but it is the strong belief and i can back this up to the president has said many times that he believes, but in general is really are the pillar of democracy. but it's his firm belief that they should be able to do their job. this is something that he has long held as one of his beliefs. and this is just another example of that. now having said this, we should also point out that when it comes to journals doing their job, there have been we, when it comes to covering this more uh more than a 100 journalist kills. and what we've asked the white house about this, they will also says that there's no evidence of. 8 israel targeting journalist, so you well this is certainly the case, but they have defended in the past. israel's actions, in this particular case, the white house is backing the concern about the fact that journals have not been
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able to do their job and is fighting on behalf of journalist as we speak. all right, many things that can be how could, at the white house in washington dc. now video is the most of his rarely soldiers taking more than a 100 pulse to me and bodies and transporting them to israel late last year. this happened during the is rarely siege of the ship, a hospital that is of course, what causes largest medical complex is a 2nd rate in november lights, the complete destruction of the medical facility and the discovery of mass graves or con, has more and this videos don't see, could be from high above. she false blue grounds in northern garza shows is ready. so just wrapping it loading policy and bodies to be sent to israel. that's according to witness statements made to human rights groups saying the bodies were collected from inside the hospital. a bulk and a mass grave. it's the 1st video evidence of it's really treat,
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ceasing bodies of to rating doses, largest hospital in those and the, at the time, the director general of goals as ministry of health said in the statement. these really ami a doctor, the bodies in the car, and a large truck taking approximately a 120 bodies. these radio, me a bit is taking more than $350.00, pulsing, and bodies only 3 months later. thing this was to verify if any of them were grady captives. the bodies were collected off to israel. first major rate on sheep, a hospital. thousands of terrified people fled from kansas city and headed south during an intensified, aerial bombardment. in mid november is ready, soldiers enter the hospital, saying a mass was using it as a come on center, offering no verifiable evidence to back. that claim. fighting also raged around the hospital, leaving stuff terrified to leave,
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and many staying behind to help their patients, including children is ready for us is carried out a 2nd rate on chief and much destroying what's left of the building. un humanitarians assessing the psych describe it as an empty sho in the off to boss. they also found mass graves in the courtyard of hundreds of bodies, some with fines of mutilation. others, decomposed beyond recognition, adding to the suffering of policy. now the even unable to bury and grieve their loved ones, nor hon. oh, to 0. the funeral, so many is on the way for it runs vice president abraham, right? you see these body is now be moved from the northern city of temporary, so the capital, tyrone who was killed in a helicopter crash on sunday,
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along with the foreign minister and 7 others. tens of thousands of people have gathered to pay their respects is the 2nd of 5 days of national morning, announced by ron. supremely to ali on monday by you see, the body will be laid to rest in his hometown of my sons. on the 1st day of the turn around now and i'll be how sion is joining us from the reading and capital and ali, a huge amount of emotion, large numbers of people on the streets so of to ron tool, because through these 5 days of national morning is indeed the 10s of thousands of people in different cities in iran, from diabetes in the northwest, 2 to one where we are here, the capital. i'm from one of the most the holy a cities in your, on the uh, the funeral was moving from one place to another. a few hours ago. they arrived in the mail about the airport here in to have on and then the bodies, restaurants, sweat to the city, a form where they pass through
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a one of the holy shrines here in the city, then back to, to on what that expected to arrive at the main mosque in the city, whereas the people would have the chance to see the, the a test, the, the, the, the courses for the last time tomorrow that would be the funeral. it's, it was stopped early in the morning. the, as a family dies, a lot of coming, that he is expected to lead the prayers over the bodies of a present. dre easy for the minister say that we don't have the companions, then at the front end dignitaries will alive and to wrong whether it be the ceremony. and later on on thursday, the body of president a, her son of a precedent that you see a brain right, you see will be in front of too much had his hometown when he runs, why buried that point, mr. hudson?
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i mean off the light. yeah. would be better than to have out, and the others would be better than the hometown and id. there is a very clearly defined process and protocol as to what happens in the country following the desk. well, the incapacitation of the president what in fact this most transition already started with the, the vice president to a much better becoming the and told him president, also a car ticker of the 40 ministry was appointed on the box at the kenny and the cabinets met yesterday, announcing that the election is going to be organized on the 28th of june between the 30th of may and this. busy of june of candy and candy, this is, are going to be submitted. and between the 12th of june and the 27th off the end of june, that will be the electoral campaign. so as we can see,
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eventually all the steps are being taken. one after the other, the transition of a period is going on. however, the country was i was taught in surprise. i mean, this is something that no one expected. and in general, when that is election and in your on, especially the presidential election, that'd be a lot of time for the establishment to put the on for the candy. the super bad. now it's, it's going to be a very quick period for them to get into this moment to prefer for a new president to be ruling the country for the next 4 years. how they money sykes, about how the hash them live in town. okay, let spring you more on that decision now by these revenue authority is to shut down a live camera position of the associated press news agency located in southern israel and overlooking gov. well, joining us live from new york city is carlos mountain. as the last 7 days,
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the program director of the committee to protect you and the so thank you very much for joining us. can i start by asking you to explain the associated press is importance and reach, get and precisely given the situation what the significance of it will means. yeah . so say to practice, what are the most important into nation on these organizations? they, i mean, is wired. so they report the mini is around the world and they distribute that work to 2 hundreds and thousands of publications around the world is a critical voice regarding the coverage of the war. and it's a critical resource for the hundreds to getting those thousands of news organizations around the world that that uses it's material. databases 100, which is 0 is of course, one of those many, many clients that the associated press has around the world. and now because of
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that association, the a p a being aust, i'm to cease and desist so they don't having the cameras confiscated only one camera so far. that's on the border with gaza directed into gaza. but this potentially has far reaching implications. yeah. is when the company to protect jump known as when the user of the government voted on the suspension. and i'll just see, uh, we said that a few things. one that is part of a larger strategy of sensors. and so there is an arrest of journalist happening, there's um, kind of doing honest with infinity happening. and there is also these sense received measures and things like that needs to be exceptional, like is suspended and these are ventilation. really just define. it is not the case . we also said that the suspension effect, you know, the see, the said
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a very dangerous precedent for any international news outlet. so a p now so affected by the same type of measure, the same kind of law this never been justified. there's nothing be clearly explain and that would always require to be applied in very exceptional circumstance. so again, but we are seeing is the sensor see, redeem the being expanded now affecting associated press. this house implications for anyone that cares about. press freedom in the as well about the coverage of the board. i think port than send several do not display in in, in coming to work. right. call us at the moment as far as we understand it. it is only because if this one locked off, camera shot pointing into guys. but we use also the associated press in terms of the pictures that are often worked into r o new supports. how does era, like many other news organizations around the world also uses royces?
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i'm to lou as the angels phones pressed about so many agencies that all vital sources of news know in the off but many of the networks. and i showed set to the same content and then i think it's is unfortunately what we have been denouncing for months already about why target and not just sierra 1st was and by no means just defy and can, couldn't be tolerated. just base the with the lesson was found us for, for us freedom of time. a boy is more important than ever to have as many boys as, as possible covering that we're bringing different perspectives to the public. so that can then measure that now is affecting the v in the cell, a specific coverage and not seem to be able to do my bread salad mean a case tomorrow for another international news. and here's why, cuz it can basically use the same protect. so using right now to limit and sense or
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a good coverage um call us most in us, tell us the program director of the community to project jen jolissa. it's been a pleasure to have you on the program. thank you very much for helping us also work out. well this one means now the news, french presidents and my crown is traveling to new caledonia and the pacific where that is being days of unrestricted by propose changes to the voting system. the overseas french territory is under a state of emergency of the violence broke out during protest. wayne hey, reports from tal wrong got and using and in some parts of new caledonia is capital new map protest is still in control and promising to find home unless we want to give up until they withdraw the decks. they are bound to go to him. no, no, we won't give up even if we have to die for it. in the text, he refers to is a constitutional change that would expand the electors in new caledonia allowing
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more french nationals to vote and local elections. the indigenous cannot say it's entrenching french colonization and marginalizing the voice. the reason we're waiting for this text to be withdrawn because it means the illumination of the contact people were already in the minority. if they get this text through congress and resign were screwed. the french government continues to increase the number of security personnel who, being slowly bringing the situation under control the days of protesting looting and us, and have shut down pots of new map. and some people worry, it will never be the same in the home that to full reading for the police to intervene. and then maybe we'll be a bit more relieved, a bit more liberated. it's true that afterwards it will be difficult to rebuild everything. and that's that it's a sad story. there's only one word for it said, as the international april remains close to commercial flights,
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stranding many tourists. on tuesday, the governments of new zealand and australia were given permission to land military, a craft in new caledonia to evacuate some of the citizens. the 1st have arrived back home, angry with the strong government 3 homes, and as much as with them, i felt that they should have warned us prior to going move flights, upland in the coming days, contingent on the fluid security situation. wayne, hey, al jazeera towed on a new zealand still a had allowed to 0. donald trump slow as wrap up the case, so that of the former president taken to the stand, it is hush money trial. and spoil the south korean superstar gets hot, racing and australia t sales lights, one of the show the
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hello from the al jazeera headquarters in del hi. could be our hottest day of the year in doha, on wednesday. so let's go into the golf for a closer look, we're shooting for a height of 44 degrees. southerly wind here could be filled with dust at times as well. up and down the gulf. temperatures will be in the forty's. it's got some disturbed weather around the caspian sea, so showers around buck crew drawn and ask about really never too far away from here . seems also heating up in buckets, dawn. same province, jacob, about closing in on 50 degrees over the next few days. also getting hot signed cypress nick or c at 36 in, but those showers dancing away from turkeys capital on correct? your temperature will come up to 28 on wednesday also quite hot for egypt. capital . 41 degrees. that's o 10 above where you should be at this point in the year and a tropical storm just stuff because of times in, in kenya, it's going to throw some big wind and big waves off the coast or, but i think the worst of the rain will be over the open water in time it's
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a windy pitcher for the kip provinces in south africa. and as a result of that, we've got an extreme fire danger here. some showers will dance into cape town over the next little bit, but let's go 20 degrees for you. on wednesday, the climate probably only is from one of the most bio diverse nations on your own interpreter. if nature does not function, we don't exist exploding solutions to save life as we know what we work with and within the cycles of the we not using office resources, we use them again. and again. if we newer from nature, we have a chance to move forward. i'll just see you as you've seen towing. nothing grows forever. you will cekada a duty and a growth using for p use
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a cost to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of our projects except the cost and we strive to ensure it reaches it's deserving recipients, visit the cost on the web presence. and remember, it's a copy, revise wells and increases systems cost on request the the the, you're watching al jazeera. here's a reminder of our top story is the south view, an agency for palestinian refugees on rather suspended food distribution. in rafa jeeter in security and a lack of supplies on recess food to replenish as warehouses,
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hasn't entered the strip. more than half of the population in guns it depends on food a from around is already look forward to use of shut down a live feed of the associated press located in southern israel. an open looking goal of the news agency has been tightened. the live show many months, a piece is where you will start to use a choose its organization of violating the music instituted find on how to sierra observer has obtained footage showing the is randy ministry seizing of more than a 100 bodies during the 1st rate are now ship a hospital in gaza city in november. they were taken from 3 locations to move a mass grave on size and a tense because of health ministry says the police have been abducted and taken to israel as really forces have killed at least 7 palestinians during a military rate in the city of janine in the occupied westbank, the teacher of a student and a search, and are among those killed. at least 9 palestinians were also injured. a journalist with shotwell, covering the radius, believes to be in
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a stable condition. these are the ministry send reinforcements to the area off to special is ready units infiltrate to the city. i'm the come where they were confronted by palestinian fights has or what would you need refugee kept to see more is ready ministry race than anywhere else. so they occupied westbank for the thousands of children who quoted having that means being expose the violence and trauma of one of the a daily basis. and that comes out in the for games that the children choose to play the same bus for avi reports from ramallah in the occupied westbank. and did you need refugee camp a burial shroud becomes a child's costs? do they take turns putting it on, emulating their heroes? palestinian fighters killed by experience of it is normal for children to mimic adults recreating the things they see every day. but in the occupied westbank, what passes for me seems to the eyes of its children. can see more of it. we are
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playing cuz we're in isn't out of the details of the game on the commission on the rates of it. so us act as the soldiers and others fighters and someone gets when the, the army comes in and codes him, then they sold the house. and then there are clashes scenarios, acted out against a backdrop that is all to real. the panic of running battles, the injured left in the street, civilians used as human shields were taken prisoner by his regular troops. they take cover, reboot and prepare for the next boom. with toys often coupled together from scraps their prized possessions, the way they move is almost tactical factor. well, what other children learn from movies? these youngsters have learned from real life even rebuilding in the aftermath of us really rates all the time. so i mean,
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how do we talk about more about the incursions, they want to protest and fight. they are very influenced by whatever happens around them. they see young people being killed, target to the nearest dykes and they ask, why should we have to live like this? we must defend ourselves. so that's so ecologist. say this is a form of healing, playing for 10 more to cope with the trauma of living in a wheel one. children use playing 4 different things. first of all, just to april, to control situations where they feel that i'm able to, to control because children normally feel headed this comparing to their parents, they're expressing what they're seeing and what they're suffering. because even if they are laughing, it's part of their environmental life. of this conflict where they feel helpless and sometimes they feel of the parents or the others around them who is supposed to provide them with protection helpless, also unable to protect them. it is about processing pain and having some agency in
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their own lives. therapist say their behavior is not necessarily fine, their circumstances are within their gains. they are free because of the imagination of palestinian children. they get to decide who wins the same bus route . the old a 0 remo, loved the occupied westbank palestine. okay, we're joined by street and so she's an associate professor of psychology at cleveland state university. and this looks extensively in the occupied westbank. she joins us from cleveland, ohio, if i will welcome to you. it's a mis, tragically ironic, ready that of course, wherever children are, children remain children, even in the midst of a war, unusual to see of course, then fashioning guns out of what they find on the streets. why are they doing this? how are they making sense of what they see children use play as a way to understand the world around. so it's actually not surprising that if this,
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if significant part of their life is experiencing this violence from an occupying army, that they're going to replicate that in order to better understand them, to understand their own circumstances and try to work it out. i mean, as a psychologist, how do you even begin unraveling the depth of trauma that these young children experience you know, there is a psychiatrist doctor. so much of as she says that the word trauma that comes from the western lens is almost unusable and trying to understand the policy and experience, particularly for young housing and children. and the way that it will impact them is not only in their mental health, which is what people 1st kind of think of, but also in their physical health. moving forward, there's extensive research showing exposure to trauma and things like cancer, diabetes, and other even unexplained health conditions moving forward. so just trying to delve into what this means in the long term. when we talk about rebuilding for palestinians, it's not just putting up new buildings,
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but it's also the internal work that we need to do to hear back from them before it happens. of course, when i mean from the outset, fear i'm suffering amongst these children's earliest memories. as you said, that a lifelong scholar, something or they are like the stars. and i think what's particularly notable. so a lot of my work has been in under streaming understanding trauma, post disaster, and what we know, and students are kids who experienced these investors, is that there is a particular relevance to a man made disaster. because when a student, when a child experiences trauma, the 1st thing it does is they lose their sense of stability. there's a lack of a sense of security and it changes their world view, how they think of the world. and when there is a man made disaster, one that we know can be preventable. that becomes a part of this child's worldview moving forward. so it's not even that, you know, fear fear and, and this violence might be part of their 1st memories,
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but they'll also have love and all the memory that they'll make good memories that don't make it as part of their worldview. but in particular, when we think about the exposure to these kinds of manmade violence isn't traumas that can be prevented. that is now going to become the way they think of the world moving forward, right? and not, of course, as the crew will say, they know that it is very much a mind made phenomena or isn't it. i mean, where would you as a psychologist even begin? how mean it's so pretty over use phrase would be the rose to healing the path to recovery. if it's a total possible it has stopped with an interest to patient and buying a psychologist. we can't talk about healing and better mental health without improving the conditions, restoring that sense of security and safety for these use. only then can we really start to talk about what does it mean to build mental health and wellness? what does it mean to, to build up physical health and wellness because the 2 are still connected. ultimately, as they called,
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is there anyone interested in supporting these kids and a long term future? we have to start with understanding of the conditions they're in and brought to find those. or i should be nasa professor psychology at cleveland state university . many thanks for joining us. you have more than 14000 people have been forced to leave the homes and ukraine's ne, in hockey region. that's according to the world health organization. evacuations. com as ukraine said, that at a down 28 out of 29 drones launched by russia during, overnight attacks on multiple regions. gosh, it says it's captured a series of board of villages. the president below them is a lensky insist ukraine's force is still in control of the contested areas. and security council has been holding and opened debates on the protection of symphony and in concepts was on de joins us live from the you and a new york. and of course the game. but there are a lot of i'm conflict around conflicts around the world. was the focus being that as well, all of them quite frankly,
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and this is an annual report that's put out by the secretary general and then presenting to the security council. and then any country or member state of the un can then make comments about it. and there are dozens of member states that are on the list to make comments about this very critical report. the conclusion from the report in a word or in a sentence i should say is the current state of the protection of civilians. armed conflict is over. whelming leap. tragic. that is the summation of this just some numbers 73 percent. that is an increase of 73 percent in the number of civilian deaths due to armed conflict just in the last one to 2 years. and a 117000000 people are now facing conflict related hunger. just conflict related hunger that separate, separate from migration and other sorts of displacement from conflict. and this
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report looked at the whole world. it specifically looked uh, also pointed out democratic republic of congo. molly mozambique, near and maurice, sudan, south sudan, syria just to name a few as countries where there have been widespread civilian harm. in the last year or 2, the security council heard from several briefers, including the president of the international committee of the red cross. this is a little bit of what she had to say. lots numbers of people are at great risk of disappearing as human to remain. so i left it in the rubber were abandoned in the battlefield. as they are buried in mass graves are left in overcrowded more it's not identified than document. and as they are taken hosted and used as bargaining chips. i or to disagree with the council, to recall parties to oppose international humanitarian law and resolution 2474, to prevent people from going missing in the 1st place. and to clarify the fates of
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those who have made still still disease and does an integral part of a new plan for reconstruction. states must make certain that human remains are recovered, identified and return to their families in a timely and dignified manner. and when you talk about civilians in harm's way of conflict, of course, the biggest such conflict right now and the most significant, quite frankly, is in the guys of course, this report did mention a little bit of guys. it was not the focus by any means. but the assistant secretary general of humanitarian affairs brief the security council and reminded the counsel that 75 percent of the population, the palestinians in gaza had been forcibly displaced. she said, a man made famine is looming as we have been told, weeks and even months ago now. and that issue, we must said that unit step is calling it a war on children in gaza. so there was some mention of guys in this report. it
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certainly wasn't the focus, but clearly that was some of the discussion that we've been hearing in a security council chambers that okay, gabriel is on the live even in new york. many thank as a full us peasant, donald trump's defense team is arrested is case on his harsh money trial. trump didn't take to the stand to testify despite promising that he would focus on trauma for hiding a payment made to an adult film actress during the campaign, allegedly, to stop us and making that relationship public. he says the charges are politically motivated. well, yours will be back next week to the closing arguments from attorneys on both sides . christmas ladies outside the court house in new york unusual is a christian for a man who doesn't normally shy away from the line like choosing not to take the stand in court. he really raised expectations. donald trump did that. he might take the witness stand. but at the
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end of the day, his team decided not to put him on the stand this actually not very unusual for a defendant in a criminal case, not to testify. lawyers consider that a very risky proposition. but donald trump, as you say, someone who is not shy about the limelight left open, that possibility. at the end of the day, the defense only called to witnesses perhaps most significantly, the one who was on the sand earlier today. a man by the name of robert costello who is a lawyer and that was put forth by the defense to try to discredit a t witness for the prosecution. in this case, michael cohen cohen's a reimbursement alleged reimbursement by donald trump for payments that he made to an adult film star are at the heart of this case. and the charges against donald trump, which are falsified business records. the allegation is that the payments were listed as legal fees when they were really about silencing this film star. and
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costello told jurors that the michael cohen had told him that donald trump knew nothing about the scheme. in contrast to what kohen and other witnesses have been saying on the stand, that in fact, donald trump was well aware of the plan to reimburse him and the film star for those payments. and, and that at the end of the day, the credibility of costello could be called into question by the jury. 2 jury as well because he was reprimanded on the sand by the garage in this case. he had been making comments under his breath and rolling his eyes and the judge. i got very angry with him and reprimanded him in the court of kristin. like every good to courtroom drama, there is a follow up the episode that next week what, what happens then? so next week the jury comes back after
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a long weekend. they'll hear closing arguments from the defense and the prosecution as a some up their case. and the argument they hope to make the jury will then get instructions from the judge. very important, given that this is a somewhat complicated legal case, and then the delivery as long as it takes to reach a unanimous decision. all 12 jurors have to agree that donald trump is either guilty or innocent otherwise. and this trial will be declared. okay, christian salumi outside the house in new york. many thank the still ahead on a new japanese ship set sail on its maiden voyage. will explain why it's closing control, vesee uninstalled the greatest of all time, at least according to some gaps, another crack of international glory, all the details coming up in a few months. that piece of the business latest is wrote to you believe i guess as i live slowly on,
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one of your makes modern pleads. the business latest is free to you. i guess there's an ice fly on one of your just makes modern pleads the,
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[000:00:00;00] the type of support. now his piece of me, thank you so much more to approach it. so you know has left these job is chelsea managed by mutual consent? well someone doing a difficult campaign. chelsea managed to secure european football for next season by finishing 6 being the premier league. the origins on who previously managed talk them and p s t has only spent one season at stanford bridge. you have signed a 2 year contract as england manager, carrots southgate has admitted that. leaving marcus respite out of these plans will be your p and championship, was a difficult cold. the mattress. the united ford has been excluded from england's provisional squad. it follows an underwhelming campaign in which he managed to just
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8 goals in all competitions. for the red devils. yeah, i mean, these are of course difficult. close you talking about plays the very good players and who's being an important part of what we've done over a number of years. so we've monica so just feel the other players in that area of the pitch of head back to the seasons. it's as simple as that. christy on a ronaldo will make a wrinkled 6th appearance at the euro's the 59 year old. oh no. so forward has been included in the portugal squad as they look for a repeat of 2016. when they won the trophy casino hotel a little, i should came a lot file out of the regarding christiana, rinaldo. i think the best thing is to talk about the data. he is a player who scored $42.00 goals and $41.00 games for his club shows continuity, a physical ability to always be fit on a quote in front of goals that we really like a need today i woke up with a tony crow, says unknowns to retire off to the euro's the germany and rail madrid,
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midfield it won the world cup in 2014, the can out of international the time authority of this year ahead of the euros, which are being held in germany. gross has won the champion, speak 5 times, including ones with by munich, and full with rail. and he's got a chance to make it 6 when they play the rest of your documents. in the final, on the 1st of june at wembley, a thousands of screaming fans tuned up to the melvin cricket ground to get a glimpse of south korean football stall. swim you mean the fluid is kind of thing with these. tubman, teammates in australia for a post season friendly against new cost with united. so is that a disappointing final part of the season and missed out on champions to the qualification so on, however, the leads the team can do better next season. do we look forward the sea is gone and you should then it's so much room to improvement. so i think next is it would
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be so much with uh and, and to so take also repeat me post over to 2 people being step up and being disciplined. and then i think that we finish, i think is because of because of us and not, not annual 9th. so they need to take care about it. and for next season we come make the same mistakes. the cold cost at night right is have power they way into the i p l. final off the thrashing. the sun rises 100 bud by 8. we gets hyderabad method 1st and the qualifying match the who to policy the best of the best men with 55 as the sunrise is posted 159 old outs to run say so there's one way traffic hook up. the captain says, yes, how did 50 i filled out for many 20 full blues. that's all this is reached with more than 6 is to spend the sunrises we will get another chance that they will pay the window of the,
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illuminates between the registers royal's and william challenges being diluted for a place in the funding. this thing was we weren't able to help us and being able to help us gives you a lot of confidence heading into the playoffs. so, and could i do to the coaching staff being data management and the own as i thought to give out and j. so it also came today they gave us uh, the group itself. so disputes, but really, really high and i'm always when, what do we think about that? and the so all you the speed of the price when you have that is that you can say $20.00 cricket a when you're really good saw you have some days where use doesn't quite work out for obviously, you know, if you guys even get his thoughts. i will probably closer to where he wants to be with that and then i couldn't get it done with the book. boston celtics will continue. they transfer rick would 18 thing be a championship later when they faced the indiana paces and came one of the eastern conference finals, the celtics who are the top seeds in the east got this fall by beating the cleveland cavaliers full, wanting the best of 7 semi final series,
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while the paces needed 7 games to get past the new york mix. and if you're asking how well our team is prepared to play against you in the interfaces, i think we've had a really good couple of days of practice regardless of who we were playing. and i think our guys are really focused on what it takes to give ourselves the best chance to a known indiana is a really good team. well balanced and now they're dangerous. and so we've had a couple of days of preparation. and i think our guys are ready to take on the challenge of planning and cynthia us in the n h l. title c. edmondson oil is authors of the wisdom conference final for the 2nd time in 3 years of the beating the vancouver canucks in game 7. ryan newton hopkins had a go and i'm a so says evidence and beat the canucks, 3 to they'll face dallas next with game one of the series on thursday. edmondson are looking to bring the stand to come back to canada for the 1st time since 1993. and the la dodgers have explained to the winning streak to full games for the freedom and hit a grand slam, and the food in the georgia school in 6 runs,
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imagining alone as i b p, arizona, diamondbacks, 6 full. it's the lifetime inferential i speak with the judges, have at least $53.00 wins, also 60 days or that's what we're supposed to use for the time being. i'll be here again in a couple of hours with another uptake needs manufactured. so that peter, so a new japanese where like ship is set, sail fuel in control. obviously i would take care of support for the hunting away of japan is one of very 3 countries in the world that allows commercial, waiting for new vessel is the 1st of its kind to be built in 70 years from a private thoughts a highly controversial vessel for many, but most people in the japanese wailing for to if she, i'm on a 2nd, that kind of getting the root is a source of civic pride or supple is great because it's a big also is so quickly design processing facility within the can be refrigerated it's like a factory. in 2019, in the face of international law physician,
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japan allowed the resumption of wailing and its ho waters to meet, continued the local, dumont, but with a crew of 100 under range of 13000 kilometers. the ships arrival has raised the possibility of japan resuming its fun to wales in the antarctic ocean. eh, gabriel, drew and not shook wells, are unimportant food results, unlike other marine living results. so as they should be used sustainably, based on scientific evidence, i believe it is important to inherit traditional food culture in japan. japan recently added another species to the list of whales that are allowed to be hunted by then 50. this will be 14, wyoming is part of japanese people's identity. it's similar to how indigenous people in alaska seals and the australians need the kangaroos in pursuing tradition . this vessel brings molten sophistication. it plans to catch $200.00 wales on its
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1st voyage. equipped with a long range thrown, to help to do so, covering fast expenses of the furthest oceans. rob mcbride delta 0. look one minute and is the head of hunting in captivity at well. and dolphin conservation. he says japan is building such bustles to boost the popularity of well meet monks is population all the time game roo um is funded by tax payers and substantial loans and it signifies, depends commitment to stay the way the industry for the next 30 years. the reason behind it is the japan on looking to increase the popularity of wyoming is too expensive for widespread consumption. so the price needs to be lower to ensure and future generations at the well meet. otherwise, the industry will die. so increasing the supply wales will potentially drive down the price. previously, japan has operated on the rita scientific research exemption and may have what's in
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the southern ocean is significant from a conservation point of view, as is feeding ground for 80 percent of the world's great wiles, which include the 2 largest wells, the fin, well, and the blue well, and both of the bible to becoming extinct in wells, all the 2nd big as well in well and already they are under pressure from extensive way in iceland. so the news came out last week saying well, would be added to japan's list due to the facts in austin. there's a child that been waiting model type price this summer. and again, the japanese see that as an opportunity to increase the popularity of wyoming and therefore they've added fand wells, which on the icy and red list of threatened species, they added then to the pump list. moving forwards, you're up to date, that's it for me. in the pocket with this news out, don't forget our website. how does that don't come much, horrible stories and styles. you tell you will be up next and much more. the days news go with
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the in japan. divorce often leads to one parent losing only contact with the children. judges usually grunt sole custody to whoever was last, physically with the child, with a new law set to allow the joint custody one. 0, one east investigates japan's parental abductions on i will just the era for the next generation in the united states. they're not happy with what is happening in gaza. they're not happy with the u. s. foreign policy and that's why they're trying to make their voices heard. the administrators of each university really have a choice to either escalate and calling police be confrontational, or to actually listen to what their concerns are. city stream of people being arrested, placed in the zip tie and cups and taken away many of the purchases we talked to
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have said they will continue protesting until their demands are met. as for young women, the south african town played by poverty rate and murder paid me. yet despite all community workers determined to provide refuge, long as the community keeps say, not my problem is always going to happen. like one small town safe. and with this document on the jersey to years from i'll just on the go and meet tonight out is there is only mobile app. is that the, this is where we just fix allies from out is there is a mobile app available in your favorites apps to just set for it and typed on
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a new app from out to 0 new at you think is it the you and the agent saving palestinian refugees, it says it will stop delivering food. and rafa on israel steps off. it's as strikes on the southern city of costs, the color that i'm starting to obtain this is out of their life and also kind of exclusive video. imagine showing israeli soldiers taking more than $100.00, the palestinian bodies to israel lost in after waiting causes. i'll shoot for


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