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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 22, 2024 12:00am-1:01am AST

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the business latest is free for you, i guess is that an i my on one of your makes modern plates the the color that i'm gonna start paying this is and use our life from the coming up in the next 60 minutes. so you and the agency for palestinian refugees, it says it's suspending food and deliveries. and rafa on israel step south, it's as strikes on southern garza, is around order seems to quit bends of the associated press to be returned, often shut down and use agencies, live camera position overlooking gaza exclusive video and matches showing. is there
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any soldiers taking more than a 100 palestinians funding is to israel last year off to attacking causes? i'll shoot. and is there any forces carry out raise any occupied westbank city of janine killing at least 7 pallets and and on piece of similar to your school it's news my retail poacher, tina leaves chelsea by mutual consent off of just one season that the club bed move late to this new use our, the whole we begin, and garza with 7 months now. overland. this is randy from wagner have pushed vision, monetary and crisis to a breaking point. now the main un agencies of palestinian refugees has now suspended food distribution and southern gaza sizing security concerns on why says it's supplies and really to places because is around hasn't allowed food to enter through the roof and kind of asylum crossings. now for 10 days. meanwhile,
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and is really striking, has killed 3 children. their bodies were left strewn on the streets of the up. no refuge account. in rafa, the wounded were taken to the co way to hospital for treatment. the engine rolls in gaza medical stuff and the space palestinians hoping to sling for me to come out on one hospital. he's really ami opened fire on that facility. hospitals. all protected on the international with him dealt with already has more now from there all by in central garza, more than half the population of the gaza strip that completely rely on food distributions from under what, under what reduce that they will suspense. or if we distribution due to the lack of supply and security. but let's, let me explain this. we're talking about more than 1000000 palestinians who were seeking refuge in the fall. now they have been displaced for more than a couple of times. they are, they move to con eunice and to the middle area and they do not have any type of
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food assistance. the price is in the gaza strip are very high, where people have not been working for more than 7 months. right now they, they spend all their savings and the only way they're relying on food and getting food and feeding their children is under one other 8 at organizations. but this was expected special need that for more than 2 weeks now, nothing is being entering from a cut them. i was silent and the rough i'm crossing where all of the committed to use the food committees and the fuel are not in during. and this is leaving for a very dire situation in the causes trip. what's called anderson is the senior deputy director of on ross as in gaza. he says the fighting has made it, but it's difficult and dangerous to distribution monitoring aid. our health center is a drop of camp for both and acted by the creation of the evacuation orders. so we have to health centers should we're on the rough, a profit camp health center for both those unfortunate were new accusations on
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which is a significant, scary risk staff, but also reading wonder be seeking care at the facilities. and as a result, we've had to suspend operations this and get the combat sync type of better that we're having significant supply issues in terms of getting enough food, medicine and other things in the sustaining the operation. we need assessed ation to combat ideally. i mean, we need to have a safe environment so our staff can operate, so people innocent civilians that we treat can seek treatment safely. so what we need is an end to the turn operation. we need to supply open, and ideally we would have $350.00 trucks today at a minimum of just the popular g as a, as they all have the right car. no, it's the right time. we're near that now or less than $200.00 trucks. today jumping in for bringing into a that everyone's so desperately needs. there is violence that results from the current conflict between israel on
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a mouse. and it's very much just people being trapped in a very small space. but don't worry to go to seek safety. it is unfortunate, many of our staff died during this conflict and are acting quite a rock every day and continue to deliver services to the people that are here. and we welcome any openings or by morning in 2000, and you mind has called for for a long time. and you know, as long as this is additive or not meant to be a replacement for other crossings. it's very much walk it out for a few days. so that really gauge is the efficiency and effectiveness is going to take a little bit more time. be that through the, for the, for the peer or through the crossing of the north or primarily through couch long. we welcome anything coming into any of those crossings, but it needs to be on a scale is sufficient to sustain the needs of the people in gasser. the hell is rose, ministry of communication has ordered that the return of equipment that receives from the association press news agency. it comes off to is brand new, with archie, is shut down, the live camera position located in southern israel overlooking casa,
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the news agency has maintains that live shots for months. the pieces is brand new authorities accused its organization of violation. the newly institution found on al jazeera, all as i was saying, out of there is banned from reporting from israel. so we can now speak to mohammed john june, who joins us from the to damian. capital a non, i'm a can you talk us through exactly what's happened is, well says it will return to a piece of equipment, but do we actually know if they're able to resume their live camera fee? we don't have clarity on that point yet and this dies. yeah. um, but what we have heard is there's been one last statement from the associated press in the past hour or so in which they said, while we are pleased with this development, we remain concerned about these really governments use of the foreign broadcaster law and the ability of independent journalists to operate freely in israel. so let's just try to walk through the sequence of events that happened on tuesday when
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you had the ministry of communications going to the live shot position of the associated press instead of rod, which is a town in southern israel that live feed, that they were providing to their clients and they have thousands of clients with showing a scene in northern gossip. now, their equipment was confiscated, their camera was confiscated, was seized. and of course, that set off a firestorm of criticism. let's be clear about what it was that the israeli government objected to, and they were saying that ac wasn't contravention of the law that had been passed. that band alda 0 from operating in israel. what's interesting about that is that while al jazeera is a client of the associated press, which is one of the largest and news agencies in the world, one of the largest and most respected i'm, i must add judges here is just one of their clients. they have thousands of clients,
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so there was a real question as to what this would mean when it comes to other networks going forward and how that lot would be interpreted. and i should just mentioned that there was criticism also directed to the ministry of communications from your la pete, who is the opposition leader and israel, who put out a tweet in which he essentially called what happened madness. and said that these kinds of actions by the ministry communications would lead to israel being considered a pariah state. as long as you know how to can you put this in, in a little more context for us. as you say, we're talking about one of the world's largest, most respected news agencies that certainly sends a message from news. riley's message that you yourself have experienced to that's right in the sides. yeah, i was in israel on may. 5th, when the authorities shut down our workspace and occupied easters, and when they read out the order that is that out 0 was going to be banned from the operating and israel going forward. they seized our equipment as well. uh on that
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day. now, um, there was always the question after that as to, if this law was going to be utilized against other networks in israel, what do they be for networks or is really networks how this law would be applied? there's still a lot of questions about it in fact, and the hours after all this has happened with the a p, there's been a lot of analysis being written in is really media outlets about what exactly this means. i was talking to journalists later that day after before i left israel to come here to our mind. jordan, we're, we're reporting from currently because we can't in israel, and many of them were expressing worry that this would create a chilling effect when it comes to being able to report out of israel. and also worried that perhaps the israeli government would try to utilize this to clamp down on any kind of critical reporting or other types of reporting that they might not be happy with. so this really does bring up a lot more questions. and even though this decision today seems to have been quickly reversed, what does it mean going forward for being able to report out of israel?
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you had a lot of press institutes, a lot of of journalism institutes that have condemned what is real data when it comes to passing that lot, that band, i'll just hear from being able to report out of israel. now people are even more concerned about what all this means going forward. massage here. i'm showing the how much i'm doing now with a very nice just for us on the story reporting from alon today. thank you. mohammed hold armanda the prime minister in benjamin asking me all his government has fund onto 0 from reporting israel. so we now reporting from the georgia union capital. let's get the view from united states and speak to alan fish a. he joins us now from washington, dc. and as we've been saying, a paid one of the largest nearest agencies, also headquartered in the united states, an american institution of sorts. it sounds like the white house intervenes direct in, and it's got results what it would, it's an american institution, and clearly it didn't want to see it being hon for any great length of time. it's
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headquartered in new york. the white house expressed is concerned very quickly, an artist as failed to invest the decision to seize the equipment. and it looks as if for one of the few times since the war began on october, the 7th. the is really, is have actually bothered to us pressure very quickly indeed, i'm of best that decision that i remember about a month ago when i'll just eat or was forced off here in israel. the white house also expressed is consent in saying that journalists should be allowed to do their job, but they never exacted any pressure on our behalf. even though the bite and white house has talked several times about the need for journalists to be able to do their job and they should do so on hindered a number of press. organizations in the united states also express their concern that the national press club, the president there said that what has happened to the associated press was just
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the latest and a pattern of aggression against journalism organizations by the israelis. but it is clear that just those watson, the wife, how is the pressure that went on behind the scenes? the diplomatic leavers that were used by the united states has, within a few hours managed to get a utah and from the is really government. something that has been very rare over the last 67 months. and we're being told not officially by the associated press that they hope to have that freed up within the next hour or so showing the pictures from northern guys. i remember these early as close that done because they claimed that you could see the movement of troops on that shot. no, the shot was taken from a hotel and stood out. it is some distance away if you watch the feet, and i've seen it many times, it is essential or just a poll of smoke over northern guys. there is not a great deal of detail that you can use,
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so that will consent. numerous press organizations around the world that this law was used as these equipment from one of the biggest names in american journalism. ended out on fisher the with all the latest from washington, d. c. thank you. i'm on no way says it will be obliged to arrest these rarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu. if the arrest ones are indeed issued by the international criminal court. the 2 faucet, here's the all the i c. c is taking a rest. warren's foreigners in yahoo and his defense when i stay here after lunch. they refuse to will crimes and crimes against humanity in gaza, including starvation and wilfully causing suffering. nothing yahoo as cold as a complete distortion of reality and says the i c. c. 's move is against to the entire state of israel will be since he policies are also once restaurants for 3 ha suite is full of the all type of 7th attack in southern israel. the group has also denounced the move, demanding a withdrawal of the request. and also,
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as the licensee is targeting, eventually it is confuses victim and execution. a floating pet built by the united states to help with a delivery end to gauze that will fail unless is rel does more to facilitate submission. as the warning from the wall and food program, after desperate crowns are overwhelmed, the 1st 11 trucks to kind of show over the weekend. now the pentagon says it's trying to find ways to make the pay effective vs and discussions that have happened again as we work out processes and procedures. alternative routes for the safe movement of that cargo had been established. and the aide is now being taken from those assembly areas to, to warehouses for further distribution throughout guys without swinging terry kennedy issues, the international associate general secretary at the american fund service committee. she's going to spell from philadelphia and the us terry. one of the biggest questions being asked when the appear was even announced was about how that
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aid would actually then be distributed on land. and us said it would address that. so what happens? well, we're not seeing an adequate addressing of the monetary and crisis and the peer, the mechanisms for the peer to distribute aid are not um they can't be built in 3 weeks. and the year itself can only bring in 90 trucks a day when we know we need $500.00 minimum more of a $1500.00 to, to meet the vast monetary need that exist in gaza. so i think this is a distraction. i think it takes away from what we really need to do, which is focus on the 3 land crossings which do exist, which do have the adequate infrastructure to bring in the a nor miss aid that is needed. we are on the brink of a famine that is unprecedented in gaza with $600000.00 children on the edge of death and to think that we are playing around with building appear in
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a period of weeks to a month. that costs $320000000.00 and can only bring in 90 trucks is, is not serious. it is not serious, humanitarian aid. i want to understand a little bit more about the logistics head carry. because then you as the saying, it's still meant to complement what the pushing for which is for the landlord has to also be reopened. is what the us government has been telling us here on out to 0 . we have seen aid convoys repeatedly attacked. we know that aid work is killed. we know that logistics on the ground are incredibly challenging. why did the us think that the amount of time cargo was going to be any difference? and i just stick to that. i do not think that this is if there were people that were really thinking with you, a humanitarian lens and with a in objective to meet the food needs that are so critical at this time were 70 percent of gaza is on the brink of famine that this would not be proposed. there's
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lots of speculations about, you know, the motives and why this maritime chair is being built. perhaps it is, uh, somebody thinks that it's a good idea. i think she monetary and workers who've been in this work for decades know that this is not the solution to distract it takes the focus away from the crossing was that do exist that they've been there for, for years. decades they have the infrastructure of the security mechanisms to allow the, the aid that needs to go in to go in. so i can't, i can't speak to why the us government made this decision. but from a humanitarian perspective, it's the wrong decision. a terry dependent on i understand, is now saying it's exploring alternative routes. i know you've worked on the overnight ations on. you've worked on the ground and cause of the amount of time. can you give us a sense of what those could be, especially given the extent of the, the destruction of the infrastructure and the closure of the ongoing culture of the land crossing as well. i'd love to hear what they come up with because we have been
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in gaza for 75 years. we've provided food aid to 560000 people. we are one of the small organizations that are providing food to people in gaza on the ground. we've had to pause since the rafa invasion and since that quarter has been closed. so we've only been able to provide aid to hundreds of people rather than tens of thousands of people in the past week. and our con boy was attacked. we had a weak truck that was going from jordan to cause us. it was part of a convoy that was attacked and we were able, luckily the suited was not destroyed though some trucks did heavy that was destroyed. it continued on into gaza and it crossed into the border. our team in gaza had had to relocate when everyone was told, the 200000 people were told to leave eastern rock, but they relocated to the middle of gaza and they now cannot access that truck. so we have trucks waiting inside guys that helps. i've got a 1000 outside of rafa in jordan and they,
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we have not been able to get them in since october 21st. we have had through truck center in the past month, but it is not. this is a system that is not working and it seems like it was designed to not work carry canada, that they international, associate general safety of the american friends service committee. thank you for your time with us on out of there today. carrie and, and all the best with, with your mission and your one. thank you. it's my pleasure and appreciative a video has a mazda. is there any soldiers taking more than a 100 postilion bodies and transporting them to israel, late last year? and it's all happened during these really siege of the all she's the hospital causes largest medical complex. a 2nd rate in november led to the complete destruction of the medical facility, the discovery of mass graves, oregon reports, and this videos don't see, could be from high above. she for hospital grounds in northern garza shows is ready . so just wrapping it loading policy and bodies to be sent to israel. that's
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according to witness statements needs to human rights groups saying the bodies were collected from inside the hospital, a bulk and a mass grave. it's the 1st video evidence of it's really treat, ceasing bodies of to rating goals as largest hospital in those and the at the time, the director general of goals as ministry of health said in the statement. these really ami a doctor, the bodies in the car, and a large truck taking approximately a 120 bodies. these radio me a bit is taking more than $350.00, pulsing, and bodies only 3 months later saying this was to verify if any of them were spray the captives to bodies were collected off the israel 1st major rate on sheep, a hospital thousands of terrified people fled from kansas city and headed south during an intensified, aerial bombardment. in mid november is ready,
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so just entered the hospital, saying a mass was using it as a come on center, offering no verifiable evidence to back. that claim. fighting also raged around the hospital, leaving stuff terrified to leave, and many staying behind to help their patients, including children is ready for it is carried out to 2nd rate on chief and much destroying what's left of the building. un humanitarians assessing the psych described it as an empty sho in the off to box. they also found mass graves in the courtyard of hundreds of bodies, some with signs of mutilation. others decomposed beyond recognition, adding to the suffering of policy and you know, now the even unable to berry and grieve their loved ones, nor hon. out to 0. at least 7 palestinians have been killed by israeli forces. and
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the do you mean refugee accounts in the north of the occupied west bank launch numbers of israeli soldiers on vehicles rated janine and the surrounding areas in the early hours of tuesday. this is a time when many teachers, students and doctors were heading to work, need to abraham reports. for 22 years. surgeon was sage, a bidding work to save lives at that you mean hospital. but this time, no one was able to save his after and his weighty rate on jeanine in the north of the occupied west bank month about to do something today. and i didn't recognize him at 1st because this per either can legal gunfire continued as i was trying to help him, but she was already dead. she was always there for patients while he was on and off shift. i might be next just because i'm going to work to it was 8 am local time on tuesday when he's read the army started advancing towards virginia refugee can at least one student and a teacher wish all that kind of move to follow up on the students had the final
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exam, so we heard that one teacher has been injured in the right. so we started calling the parents to pick up the children there. if you jacob is still surrounded by the way the forces making, it's hard to count the number of casualties with his v are so far as the major damage to roads and buildings. these really army also demolished the home of a palestinian flights are killed a few weeks ago. but the main goal of the rate it says is to target palestinian fighters jeanine, which is um, i would co call it a and many garza so in, in the west bank to us for many weeks for months now. as you know, because there are many pair was there pair infrastructure, we've eliminated tear as they are. we've upper handed many terrors there as well. so far, local sources say the ones to were all civilians even those
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reporting on the story were not spared. this has become common for palestinian during the discovering israel's military rates. freelance camera, man ahmed, manassas, plus shopped in the back seat and a group of journalists were surrounded by israeli forces. so they tried to move for safety. it was out of the honda we clearly identified ourselves through the soldiers who were nearby. we were wearing our press gear and we were clearly targeted. the shooting even continued after i was shot so far, only one person has been laid to rest. there are others whose bodies are waiting the end of the rate to be buried. this is a story that is often repeated in june, 1 of loss, pain, and destruction. one that would go on as long as israel maintains its occupation, the he just eat up. you'll keep hard to us bank's policy. the
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funeral certainly is on the way for around the late president abraham racy who was killed in a helicopter crash on sunday, along with the foreign minister and 7 all those crises. buddy has been moved from the old and said, you have to raise it to the capital. tyrone a state funeral this plan for wednesday before the burial. then on thursday, i have some reports from tara where they brought him right. you see lost the document here about airport. he was not only you once president, but also believe to be a candidate to succeed the supreme leader now to his body. and those are for him and his staff are saying, i mean i'll do here. and 7 of those are being federated in the profession at the same airport. it will be followed by state street on the scene by the supreme lead i at the law the coming they on wednesday, i had a burial ceremony the next day on income. one second tale
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a city the coffins passed through a shrine before being transported to run for the fine and public viewing suit to involve gag the chair. their bodies were found to monday. i was of to the helicopter crash and for the conditions in northern you are on the with this southern loss of his president. you're on faces. an unexpected transition with a snap election scheduled for june 28th to find right easy success a while ago from the local serves. as interim president, subjects, we have continued to use something solid would come vs that is mostly expected in terms of grand strategies. in the arena for policy and domestic policy, as the source of the policies and strategies are formulated within a culture excited amazon involving service factors and actors. however,
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the prevailing concern among the people is the mysterious circumstances surrounding the helicopter crush that killed the president and his companions. you'll find everything you must see about the house on the other into dislike. we spotted the cloud patched in the valley near the miner deposit, carrying the president decided to assent about the cloud, which we followed. but within 30 seconds above the clouds, we lost sight of the presidents helicopter pilot the speak you later on. imagine so landing before the president's pilot, an suitcase, the area several times. unfortunately, with no news before coming back. be the force to that in the mining area, the chief of staff of the armed forces mohammed body has initiated a high level investigation to the cause of the presidents helicopter crush. the outcome of this investigation will be crucial in finding out what was done to helicopter for a minute, says run
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a dog without definitely good answer. there will be likely more speculation and possibly a security. i actually read that on. it's all still a head here. all now is a 0 dollar. promissory is rough update case and without the former president taking the stand in his most money, try the a walk into your world, the weather update. let's get going. we've got some what weather swirling around the channel, the north sea that's going to come in to ne england and scotland gives us a pretty good splash of rain on wednesday. but away from this, what are the heat we've got going on in scandinavia? yeah, we can call it heat also 25. also keeping that heat for the baltic states because capital re good 26, but there are weather alerts in place here for the risk of wildfires because of how
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hot and dry it has been. it's rain now moving further to the east, catching up with berlin and foresaw so that's going to give us a refresher feel. on thursday, temperatures are down, the rain does turn a bit lighter, and many spots. temperatures are coming up in searcy now that that weather has moved away for the capital on throughout 28th, and also quite tots on cyprus. it go see a $0.36 above cray, who should be for this from your showers, turn the invite or across portugal and spain. still keeping a few showers in the forecasts though for the north of spain on wednesday to africa we go. it's also hot pitcher for egypt is capital cairo. 41. this almost 10 above where you should be 32 degrees for me, but the winds will shift on friday. temperatures will come down and we've got our tropical storm here, giving us the big wind and big waves for the coast of tens and the, and kenya the
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all the talking about georgia's era. let's remind you about top stories. the phone through an agency for palestinian refugees on russia has suspended a food distribution and rough us tier 2 and security and a lot of supplies. unless as a food it to replenish is warehouses. it has no incentive to stress pulling off the population in gaza depends on fear data from as well as administer of communications has ordered the return of equipment seized from the association passengers agency comes off to is brand new authorities shut down the ac is live camera positions located in southern is right. i've left in garza if he says,
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is there any, oh sorry if he is accused it's organization of violation of the newly institution found out there was there has obtained for attention showing these really minute cheese seizure of more than 100 and bodies during that 1st grade on how she felt, fund garza city in november. they were taken from 3 locations to move a mass grave on signs and attend. because as health industry says the bodies had been abducted and taken to israel. french president and manual icon is traveling to new caledonia and the pacific where they have been days of unrest triggered by proposed changes to the voting system. they are busy expunged territories on the stage of emergency. still off to violence, broke out during protest. when head reports from tyrone got in new zealand in some parts of new caledonia is capital new map protest is still in control and promising to find home unless we won't give up until they withdraw the decks.
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they are bound to for to him. no, no, we won't give up even if we have to die for it. the text he refers to is a constitutional change that would expand the link to us in new caledonia allowing more french nationals to vote and local elections. the indigenous cannot say it's entrenching french colonization and marginalizing the voice. the increasing while we're waiting for this text to be withdrawn because it means the elimination of the contact people were already in the line already. if they get this text through congress and resign were screwed, the french government continues to increase the number of security personnel who, being slowly bringing the situation under control the days of protesting looting and us and have shut down pots of new map. and some people worry, it will never be the same thing in the home that to full reading for the police to intervene. and then maybe we'll be a bit more relieved,
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a bit more liberated. it's true that afterwards it will be difficult to rebuild everything. and that's that it's a sad story. there's only one word for it said. the international airport remains close to commercial flights, stranding many tourists. on tuesday, the governments of new zealand and australia were given permission to land military, a craft in new caledonia to evacuate some of the citizens. the 1st have arrived back home, angry with the strong government 3 homes. and as much as that, i felt that they should have some wound us prior to going move flights, upland in the coming days, contingent on the fluid security situation. wayne hay al jazeera towed on a new zealand 9 people have gone on trial in germany accused of attempting to seize portland and over through the state. and they include an aristocrat, a form of judge and to senior army offices. and total 26 people have been prosecuted in 3 release of trials and one thing hold,
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one of the most complex cases in recent german history, dominate, came forth from berlin. he is accused of plotting to over throw the german parliament uninstalled himself as head of state. heiner is the 13th prince voice, a man with an irish socratic background to prosecute his se, wanted to bring back the old imperial german heis after a qu data among those on trial with him or a form, a judge and 2 x senior officers call to officials say it's one of the most complex cases in recent german history. it's kind of hard, it's impossible to say how long this trial will last to. the court has ordered a scheduled about 50 days up until january, but it's not an indication. it may last much longer. it depends how much dust and one is the defendants case. one of the central charges is the royce and the others use these properties in the states of tilling to formulate the plans, including one where they stacked illegal weapons and ammunition for their alleged
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to the most of the defendants have been in custody since their arrest. maybe 18 months ago, including this lady gets mazda didn't come on, who was still a civil judge when she was detained, but was once a member of parliament for the far right alternative for germany, or if de potty, it's alive, she knowingly showed fellow conspirators around the book this talk was still in office. defense lawyers reject the charges. one finally twice says his client has been demonized. i bet you as this folder is portrayed as some big monk who was the lead of the whole thing. it's just not true. the media push investment and it shouldn't be wrong, but we will rectify that. the defendants so boldly part of the iceberg. a movement which does not recognize molten germany, but leaving the pre world war one imperial predicts as a lives on which explains why this building was so important to the royce group in
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its current guys as the bonus tag, prosecute has saved the accused, wanted to seize it and to throw after the selected members. but as the old rice tag, it represents the time of the cases which they allegedly wanted to restore. the authorities say these defendants believe in the so called deep states theory. the lawyers say there's no evidence they committed any crimes. dominant cane houses, era bullying, judge and greece has dismissed a case against 9 egyptian men accused of causing a migrant shipwreck in the mediterranean. last year they killed more than 500 people. the judge said the court didn't have jurisdiction to hold the trial. charlie angela has been. 2 pushing back, protest is outside the court, right? please scuffled with human rights. demonstrate is demanding the trial be abandoned, insisting the men accused with mike would not people smugglers,
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victims of your west migrant dissolved stuff? no criminal, an hour later, the case was dismissed to the 9 egyptian men, the fight is over. the judge ruled greece did not have jurisdiction to try the men as a ship sank outside greek territorial voltage. they say that so we need to find many survivors say it was actually an attempt by the greek coast got to the edge on it that caused it to capsize the most unpleasant matters miss. i was to tell us, we will 5 days at sea, the ship was broken, but we didn't drown. but when the coast guard placed the rope, then we went down to the sea. it's estimated up to $750.00 people on board. the
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fishing charter when it sank on june 14th, 2023 in international waters of the south western coast of greece. the ship only had room to full 100 people. it went down in one of the mediterranean deepest areas, making the recovery of the boat or those trapped on board, all but impossible. that with just a 100 and full survivors. most of these impact histone syria, palestinian territories in egypt, none of them women or children. the adriano was sailing from libya to italy and was initially shadowed by the greek coast guard. greek authorities have rejected accusations triggered the shipwreck. they insist the crew refused help from them and from nearby ships. but rights activists, a greek authorities close to shipwreck while attempting to tow the boat out of greece's zone of responsibility. a separate naval quotes investigation into the quick coast guards rescue attempt is underway and the survive is no longer safe.
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life in prison. charlie angela out is there informing us president donald trump's defense team has arrested its case in his testimony trial. trump did not take to the stand to testify despite promising that he would. he's on trial for concealing a payment, made to an adult film actress during the campaign, allegedly just stop high from making that relationship public. he says the charges opposite cambridge bases drawers will be back on may 28th to hear closing arguments from the chinese on both sides. kristen see me, has one out from outside the course in new and the defense team wrapped up their case calling just 2 witnesses to the sand. and donald trump was one of them despite the trunk claims that he wanted to testify. at the end of it all the defense to consider that too risky and focused instead on their efforts to undermine the credibility of the prosecution star witness michael cohen, the positives,
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former fixer, now trump payments to michael cohen are at the heart of this case, which involves 34 counts of falsifying business records on michael cohen has testified that donald trump was well aware of his efforts to silence an adult film star. and he knew that he was paying michael cohen to do just that. the witness called to the stand on to say a man by the name of robert costello is a lawyer who claims that call and told him that had no idea about the hush money payment. but his credibility could be called into question by the jury, after the judge reprimanded him on the stand for rolling his eyes and making comments under his breath. now the case will be back in front of the jury on tuesday of next week. when closing arguments will be presented and the jury will begin their deliberations, they will take as long as they must to reach a consensus on the $34.00 charges. they must be unanimous in finding the former
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president either guilt or innocence or of some. this trial will be declared present salumi al jazeera, new york will still head here on hours. here. we look at my children in the occupied west bank, pretending to be a state raffle with a tool. a lot of israel is a violent occupation and enforce uh, south korean superstar gets house racing in australia, details later on. this is the, the, this business uptake these bolts and by this, the design growth partner of, on the dash before he is the
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these business uptake. these me why this exact proton of bundle, a dash football, he is the
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part of his mountain time for school. his pizza started. thank you so much for to punch it so you know has left his job as chelsea managed by mutual consent of enduring a difficult campaign. chelsea managed to secure european football for next season by finishing 6th in the premier league. the origin time who previously managed to talk to them and p. s g as only spend one season that stand for bridge. you had signed a 2 year contract to england manager account itself. good has admitted that leaving marcus restaurant out of these plans will be your pi and championship with a difficult cold. the majesty united forward has been excluded from england. this provisional scored. it follows an underwhelming campaign in which he manage just 8 goals in all competitions. for the red devils. yeah, i mean, these are of course difficult clothes you're talking about plays the very good players and who's being an important part of what we've done over a number of years. so we've monica, so just feel the other players in that area of the pitch of head back to the
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seasons. it's as simple as that. christy on a rinaldo will make a wrinkled 6th appearance at the euro's the 39 year old out. and that's a fluid as being included in the potable squad as a look for a piece of 2016 when they won the trophy costano who and although i sure came a lot fall out of the regarding christiano. rinaldo, i think the best thing is to talk about the data. he is a player who has scored 42 goals and 41 games for his club. shows continuity, a physical ability to always be fit on a quote in front of goals that we really like a need to out. thousands of screaming fans tend up to the melvin cricket ground to get a glimpse of self 3 and football style song. you mean the, the forward is currently with these tubman, teammates in australia for a post season for a new against new cost with united space had a disappointing final part of the season and missed out on champions to the
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qualification so on. however, believe's the team can do better next time to do with the phone with all the c, it's gone and we should then it's so much room to improvement. so i think next is it would be so much with uh and, and prayer. so take also take me posts over to 2 people being step up and being disciplined. then i think that we finish, i think is because of because of us and not, not annual 9th. so they need to, to go about it. and for next season we come make the same mistakes. 14. so i'm friendship, and champion, raphael and the adult lives in a race against time to be fit to take his place. in this year's events in paris, adult trained on felipe shop, 3 a for a 2nd straight day on tuesday. injuries of plague, the spaniards in the last year or so. but the 37 year old is aiming to feature in the main goal in what is likely he's final season. on the women side will
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number 2 arena sutherland k is also finalizing hood preparations. she is the reigning to time australian open champion, but in order to achieve success abroad and get us feel like you have to stop iga should be homesick. the pole has beaten sutherland k and the last 2 w t a 1000 finals in the cold cuts at night, right? is, has power they way. and so the i b l. final of the thrashing. the sun rises, hydra by 8 wickets. how about bankruptcy? qualifying match. who's the coffee, the face of the best man? with 55 this the sunrise is posted 159. what else? the run faces one way. so i think that that's a captain. so they asked yes. how many? $58.00, not out for many $23.00 bowls. the target was reached with moving 6 service to span sunrises to get another try and save me save the winter of the illuminating so between the red stone royals. and we will challenge has been diluted place in the fall. this thing was we weren't able to help us and being able to go,
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but it gives you a lot of confidence heading into the playoffs. so i'm connected to the coaching staff, being data management and the, and as i saw to get out and j. so it also came today. they gave us the top. so disputes, but really, really high and the boys. what more do we think the blog that in the so all you the speed up for the price when you have that is that you can say 20 cricket a when you're really good saw you have some days where use doesn't quite work out for obviously you know to you guys who can get us started, so i would probably, oh, so the way we want to be with that and then i couldn't get it done with the book. new york, it's cool. so back adrian rogers hopes to be able to take his place in the starting lineup for the new nfl season. is there any starts in september drudges missed who missed the entire previous season because of a tone achilles tendon. full here old has been training with these teams to get ready bunch of stuff with the injury in the season opener against the buffalo bills . you will be hoping to help the jets in the 13 season playoff trouts. yeah,
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i feel really good. it's just about the, the mental part just i think these practices have been nice last couple of days. it just feels like to be out there to me moving around and i'd be thinking about it. and i see i respond the next day. so it's, it's just this last part, you know, the strength is good, this moment's good. just the confidence to do everything that i plug that y'all has taken the 16 stage of the jew to the talia. to explain these over will lead to over 7 minutes. the start of the stage was chaotic and wait. the reese was altered last week because of a high risk of f. a launch is the list of slovenia and shoddy as close as he wins on. so when he's that stage of the see is 0. products are crossing the line, 16 seconds ahead of julio period. sorry. and daniel martinez who moves the 2nd the 2 times to the phones, champion of the biggest chito to tonia advantage and saving decades. hit a sunday's final stage. that's what was supposed to be useful tonight. most of you,
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thanks so much patience. more than 14000 people have been forced to leave their homes and ukraine's northeastern khaki region. that's according to the w h i. d 's evacuation is kind of a zoo crane said that it had down to 28 out of 29 runs launched by russia during organize attacks on multiple regions. russia says it has now kept a series of florida, villages all the ukranian president problem is lensky insist that new cranes forces spill in control of those contested areas of landscapes. time as president was scheduled to end on the 20th of may, but with his computer or last on the clad parliament has postponed to the verge and no elections will be held for now. i'm just here's john home and reports from cheese. it's been solid use 5 years is a fresh face. below them is the landscape became president of the piece time you cried. that with me now is the end of is to say,
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i'm fresh elections. somebody else with the country on the motion, louis is 2022 votes, prohibited. the incumbent, president continues in office in a statement last november. he said that was the right course. you know, raised you might. but if it now is the time of defense, which is the time of the bottle that determines the faith of the state and the people when it is not the time from and that the license which on the roster would expect from ukraine. i believe that now is not the right time for elections. p u q. he questioned his own during legitimacy. and he remains popular low lower than before. his approval ratings still over 60 percent to many ukrainians on such feeling the election would be unrealistic and disrupt the worth. the po, the smaller 78 percent of those all said they were gains collections before the end of the war. in addition to that,
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there's also the practical difficulties. some ukrainian towns ruins many power plants have been hit. so they were rolling blackouts in parts of the country, and perhaps most importantly, a 1000000 ukrainians, a displaced 5000000 of them outside the country. is also the problem in getting the vote to ukrainians and russian control regions. but they have still been some questions from outside of the country. political i'm list alexi have and says they come from one place. sions. when we hear about the selection that it's necessary to have some selections because otherwise the landscape will not be legitimate. hoist things that gosh, dictate the same, dictate the, in the roster is things that within you crime is more concerned about the concentration of power in the hands of presidents. so let's get a few others in is in a circle or position in p below to me,
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how do you all use for a national unity government to dilute that power and eventually elections to even during the war. so free world should remain free and democratic even in the most difficult conditions. otherwise, beating the dragon, returns to drag them and that we should preserve and to shoot still hope was to deal with this for that with a vote. and ukraine still looks as far away as victory does for a country struggling to stop a russian of bones, joan home, and how does it keep to protest and solidarity with palestinians continue to be held around the wild and bangladesh young people and making their voices had calling for an end to israel's war on gaza. tons of chatter reports from doctor several 100 students and gather the john, getting the university out front of the copies of protest against that trust that
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is in gaza. they're showing their solar guard even though this order in all across the world, protesting their energy generation. they said we can relate with them and we want to tolerate this kind of injustice in the wall in the 21st century in the nation. i think i believe we lost the field a motion for the city or uh, what does have anybody that used to be stopped? the dentist needs to stop the should cut that could be organized ourselves to protest against the genocide. we are also urging the students and everyone in general across the world for protests, against this type of genocide and atrocities. the students are demanding an end to the violence against the palestinians in gov and a permanent c spy and they're also demanding for an independent palestinian. most of the student we spoke to said that's not enough in done by the u. n. o. the world
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community to stop that trust that is in gaza. you totally depends on what to do. what we just did. there has been gross violations of code of war and atrocity just committed against the palestinians. america should stay away from supporting more crimes and put them into it. bangladesh is one of the strongest supporter of palestinians. they offer scholarship. they offered students to go to the military academy. here it is, one of the 1st 5 country in last, november filed a formal complaint with the international criminal code to investigate the war of attrition against palestinians in java. we have seen many protesting recent weeks in across the country and different universities. and this is one of them from richard 3. i'll just say the stock. 5 well, there's, you mean refugee accounts has seen more military raids by israel than anywhere else in the occupied west bank. and for the thousands of children who quoted home, that means the exposed to the violence and trauma of war on a me,
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a daily basis that comes out from the games that children choose to play. then does robert reports from ramallah in the occupied westbank? did you need a refugee camp? a burial shroud becomes a child's cost if they take turns putting it on, emulating their heroes palestinian fighters killed by it's made. so it is normal for children to mimic adults recreating the things they see every day . but in the occupied westbank, what passes for me seems to the eyes of its children can see morbid we are playing cuz we're in as an out of the details of the game on the completion, on the rates of it. so us act as the soldiers and others of fighters and someone gets when did, the army comes in and codes him, then they sold the house, and then there are classes. scenarios acted out or against a backdrop. that is all too real. the panic of running battles,
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the injured left in the street, civilians used as human shields or taken prisoner by his regular troops. they take cover, regroup, and prepare for the next boom. with toys often couple together from scraps their prized possessions. the way they move is almost tactical. after all, what other children learn from movies? these youngsters have learned from real life even rebuilding in the aftermath of is really rates all the time. so i mean, how do we talk about more about the incursions, they want to protest and fight. they are very influenced by whatever happens around them. they see young people being killed, targeted the nearest dykes and they ask, why should we have to live like this? we must defend ourselves psychologist, say this is a form of healing, playing for 10 bore to cope with the trauma of living in
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a wheel one. children use playing 4 different things. first of all, just to april, to control situations where they feel that i'm able to, to control because children normally feel health this comparing to their parents, they're expressing what they're seeing and what they're suffering. because even if they are laughing, it's spark of their environment. a life of this conflict where they feel helpless, and sometimes they feel of the parents or the other around them who is supposed to provide them with protection, are helpless, also unable to protect them. it is about processing pain and having some agency in their own lives. therapist say their behavior is not necessarily fine. their circumstances are within their games. they are free. because in the imagination of palestinian children, they get to decide who wins the same beside the oldest era. remo loved the occupied westgate palestine. well that's it for me. so as you pay for this new zone,
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but i'll be back in just a couple of minutes. it's much more to stay with the in japan divorce often leads to one parent losing only contact with the children. judges usually grunt sole custody to whoever was last, physically with the child, with a new law set to allow the joint custody one. 0, one east investigates japan's parental abductions on i will just the era if you're watching this pre recorded report then al jazeera has been banned in the territory home as well. well, it's a shame to be any stray me when my country is closing down. start you go to networks only because ition sooner being came here. this decision put other networks working in the occupied was time for inside israel proffer also
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independent journalist would be targeted we, i thought it was 0. we shouldn't be aware of that as a badge of honor to be banned by the government that stands indicted for general size at the national court of justice. where you're looking at now is overflow from the nearby to pile landfill. garbage has reached a height of more than 35 meters and is well over capacity. this is just one of many landfills around the country that has exceeded capacity mostly due to an excess of plastic pollution. indonesia is one of the world's top contributes has of plastic waste accounting for around $7800000.00 tons each year. and it's at locations like where i am on the outskirts of jakarta, where you can see the scale of what environmental groups cool. a plastic waste crisis, the most common plastic pollution engine, asia, a single use sashes, which environmental group say or small, but accumulation add to the countries environmental button. entities,
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as government says that it is working to address the plastic waste problem and has had some success in making this and such as reducing marine plastic waste and promoting recycling. the . the guidelines don't see it time. this is the news, our life and our hops. coming up in the next 60 minutes, the un suspends food, a deliveries and ross i because of their renewed is really offensive. and southern garza, israel were tons seized equipment to the associated press hours after it's shut down and use agencies live feed overlooking gauze on exclusive video. matches showing is really soldiers taking more than
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a 100 pallets spinning bodies to israel last year. of the attacking causes of c for hospital and at least 7 palestinians are killed and is there any way.


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