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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 22, 2024 1:00am-2:01am AST

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and add to the countries environmental buttons and diseases government says that it is working to address the plastic waste problem and has had some success in making this and such as reducing marine plastic waste and promoting recycling. the . the guidelines don't see attain. this is the news, our life from the coming up in the next 60 minutes. the un suspends food, a deliveries and ross i because of their renewed is really offensive. and southern garza, israel were tons seized equipment to the associated press hours after it's shut down and use agencies live feed overlooking gone. exclusive video matches showing is really soldiers taking more than
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a 100 pallets spinning bodies to israel last year of the attacking causes. i'll see for a hospital and at least 7 palestinians are killed. and is there any rate? and you'll find west by including the students and the teacher the the. now the main one agency for palestinian refugees is suspending food distribution to the space to palestinians and going to the southern city of rasa. that's because of ongoing fighting in the river between these really all mean honest groups and an order from the armies of free the area or a surprise or certainly to police it because is around it has not allowed food and to, through the rasa and kind of we saw them crossing is now for 10 days. right. is causes launches distribution a few days. the $1.00 fee program has repeatedly warned that simon simon is looming in the strip and down because already has more from the bottom in central garza,
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on the left of food and the strip more than half the population of the gaza strip that completely rely on food distributions from under what under what reduce that they will suspense or if we distribution due to the lack of supply and security. but let's, let me explain this. we're talking about more than 1000000 palestinians who were seeking refuge in the fuss. now they have been displaced for more than a couple of times. they are, they move to con eunice and to the middle area and they do not have any type of food assistance. the prices in the gaza strip are very high, where people have not been working for more than 7 months. right now they, they spend all their savings and the only way they're relying on food and getting food and feeding their children is under one other 8 at organizations. but this was expected special need that for more than 2 weeks now,
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nothing is being entering from a cut them. i was silent and the rough i'm crossing where all of the committed to use the food committees and the fuel are not in during. and this is leaving for a very dire situation in the causes trip as well. i always spoke to scott anderson, the senior deputy director of unreal f. as in gaza. he says the agency has been forced to suspend the top ration is because of his really threats of attack. our health center is a drop of camp for both him, acted by the corporation and the evacuation orders. so we have to help centers, sharon, and rough, a profit camp tell center about those. unfortunately, new accusations on it, which is a significant, scary risk staff but also reading wonder be seeking care at the facilities. and as a result, we've had to suspend operations this and get the combat cic type of data. that we're having significant supply issues in terms of getting enough food medicine and other things in the sustaining the operation. and right is facing of critical set
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back as it suspends it's operation and buffet, gaza ongoing fighting means distribution centers and warehouses on now in accessible medical supplies on zillow and will help is urgency needed as is here as cable as under reports from un headquarters in you for you when says all of the major border check points were a, is supposed to come in, the guys that essentially are not working. the roof of crossing the un says remains closed. the care of both salem crossing well technically open. the un says in practice is not really usable and the error is crossing and the north closed on may 9th and hasn't been open since. and another crossing called air is west in the north. only allows such little aid in it's negligible or colleagues it onto our report that today the agencies distribution center as well as the well food programs warehouse is both in rafa or now inaccessible. jude ongoing military
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operation on why so is that it's health centers have not received any medical supplies for the past 10 days. despite this health care staff continue to provide thousands of medical consultations each day at health centers that are still operational, un humanitarian worker and gaza. say there operations, there are near collapse gabriel's on to i'll just either at the united nations in new york video or hasn't managed of as rarely sold as taking more than 100 palestinian bodies and transporting them to israel in november last year. this happened during these rarely siege of i'll shoot for hospital guns as largest medical complex, a 2nd grade, and not also led to the complete destruction of the medical facility and the discovery of mass graves. so recoverable this video to see could be from high above chief of hospital grounds in northern casa shows, is ready. so just wrapping it loading policy and bodies to be sent to israel.
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that's according to witness statements, mates to human rights groups saying the bodies were collected from inside the hospital, a bulk and a mess grave. so it's the 1st video evidence of it's ready treat, seizing bodies of to rating goals as largest hospital in those. and the at the time, the director general of goals as ministry of health setting the statement. these really ami a doctor, the bodies in the car, and a large truck taking approximately a 120 bodies. these radio me a bit, it's taking more than $350.00, pulsing and bodies only 3 months later thing this was to verify if any of them were grady captives. the bodies were collected off to israel. first major rate on the sheep of hospitals. thousands of terrified people fled from kansas city and headed south during an intensified,
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aerial bombardment. in mid november is ready. so just enter the hospital saying a mass was using it as a come on center, offering no verifiable evidence to back. that claim. fighting also raged around the hospital, leaving stuff terrified to leave, and many staying behind to help their patients, including children. is ready for us is carried out a 2nd rate on chief and much destroying what's left of the building un humanitarian assessing the psych describe it as an empty sho in the off to boss. they also found mass graves in the courtyard of hundreds of bodies. some with fines of mutilation. others decomposed beyond recognition, adding to the suffering of policy and you know, even unable to bury and grieve their loved ones, nor hon. out to 0. israel's ministry,
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if communications has now returned equipment that receives from the associated press news agency and comes of to is brand new authority is shut down. the peas, live camera position, which is located in the southern israel overlooking cause a new, the agency has, maintains that lives out for months. the pieces revenue authority is accused it's organization of violation. the newly institution bond on al jazeera prime minister benjamin netanyahu. his government has bound delta 0 from reporting and israel in the statement, the associated press. welcome to the decision to habits, equipment or time save pleased with the development that is still concerned about these really governments use of the new fund for cost and know and the ability of independent janice to operate freely and israel. well that's bringing bill mccarran, he's the press freedom advocate at the national prescott. the joins us now from washington dc. bill, it feels like that was a pretty quick turnaround. by the way. it is not something you see often do you have a sense of what the whitehouse might have said to make this happen?
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yes, when it was reporting that the white house was upset about this and had had conversations asking for russell. and i don't know that or the, the people weren't quoted from the story and they were just unnamed sources, but i do believe there was communication and there was pressure. and um, this, this felt uh k, on it on the part of it is real. the policy such as it is, is new. and i don't think they're all on the same page about how it's supposed to be implemented. but we were bitterly disappointed to, to see that they had. busy this far with the associated press and the reasons were not up to the to the problem. so we weren't glad there was a quick reversal. but just, just as the pieces we are concerned about, what this means will be a, is also an american institution. a thoughts can you perhaps give of you as
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a sense of where the associated press sits within the psyche of the united states because of all the agencies to crack down on and a number of them have live feeds of gaza. it seems strange that as well chose this one. so yes, um the ape is in every news room in the united states of any size uh much of what's made up of a newspaper or on a broadcast is a material that on some level is produced by the associated price. uh and on the tv side the ac is very big or over. busy around so it makes video products out of the united states that are used and, and in other places like israel, that are used by global news organizations around the world. um ac is one of the leaders in our field. they're a cooperative so that means their board is made up of 30 news organizations. they
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are the largest for the most partners organizations in the country. it is is messing with something that's a significant institution and tradition when you are messing with you associated press. so good, very surprised, it wouldn't be a p is also saying that is really curious that of providing a feed to us to al jazeera, but it is an agency that's what it does. we also get feeds from a number of agencies. does this have implications for them? well, i don't know about that. i, you, i hope that a lesson was learned today about how to exercise this. this policy is one thing to create a policy, but then it's another to see how it's implemented. and um, you know, we saw it was implemented with failed year l l to 0. and just recently in is real. and um, you know, that was also a surprise in us and we spoke out against it. i think it's possible that we might
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have some fits and starts here. uh you know, this is. busy um, but um i, i, i did read in the stories that uh, and i heard from others that it seemed that the feed being provided to album 0 is a major, a major part of this. mm hm. um uh, however, yes, as you, as you point out a p is an agency they do serve their customers, they have contracts, and this is an important feed for them to be able to provide that. just the elders are over to lots of other users that cost bill we did see some domestic pushback on, on the choice to, to sees a piece of equipment today. and i'm wondering whether you sense that there might be a bit of pushback more broadly from these really media. if, if is writing media organizations are feeling like they might be on the thread. and i really think you've uh, hit an important point there. i do think that the pressure on the is really media
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a pressure is not the right word, but the responsibility to cover of what's happening in gaza more fully now than ever answer is, is more and more limit put on what others can produce. is going is extremely important now that the israeli media stand up and cover this in aggressive and complete way. and uh, i know they are concerned as well. i think they are concerned about their own freedom to publish. uh yeah, i do think uh, part of this is for uh, internal consumption in a way that, uh they, they want to make sure that the, what is really citizens are seeing reading, hearing a can come ports to what they to their strategy. and i think this is where the is really process must be independent and i wouldn't be looking forward to seeing what the right in the world and other kind of publications about just what happened to
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me. and we'll be interesting indeed, we'll be keeping an eye on that feeling the karen, a press freedom advocate at the national press club spring just in washington dc. thank you so much for your time with us again on al jazeera though. thank you for as well. is there any forces attacking the come out, antoine hospital and those and gaza. several missiles have targets. it'd be emergency departments. we understand. it's forced medics and patients to flee the hospital as you see. now this facility is one of just 2 remaining functional hospitals in northern garza feel that they are on the hospital husband on the siege since sunday with hundreds of people trapped in 511. i really do not know what they mean by this. there is no explanation for the attack or medical facilities. it's out of hubris. feathery and palmer is these right is the right thing according to the desire. and no one is able to hold them to account to allow the hospitable has been deceived by the israelis for 3 days. this patient,
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for example, has a fractured hip. really, i don't know what to say. i don't know where it says it will be blind to arrest. is there any prime minister in the engine that i've seen you all who if arrest warrants, are issued by the international criminal court? the chief prosecution of the i. c. c is seeking arrest. one's foreigners in yahoo and his defense minister. yeah, i've kalonde, they refuse to rule crimes and crimes against humanity and gaza. there's me on who has school that a complete distortion of reality and says the i c. c. 's move is against the entire state of israel, all the ice. the prosecution also wants arrest warrants for 3. hm. monthly. it is for the all type of 7th attack in southern israel. the group has also denounced the move demanding of withdrawal. if that request law says the icbc is targeting, if it's viewed as confused as a victim, an executioner, protest as has to be dragged out of the us senate committee here. and while the secretary of state on st blinking was giving testimony, he was being quizzed by both republicans and democrats over the by the
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administration's policy on israel when police have to step in public health and reports now from the capital. the us secretary of state antony blanket was on the hill to try and convince the senate to fund $58500000000.00 and the state department budget for 2025. but as the case, most of the time when i buy the ministration officials appear in public, there were protesters 3 separate occasions. people yelling out he's the butcher of gaza, that he is a war criminal. that there are been 7 mass graves found outside is really hospitals . the were saying the people's republic of china the many countries were discussing this wide ranging hearing. but a lot of the focus was on israel's more on gaza. many republicans complaining that
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the by the administration is under cutting israel, demanding, and as we send those 3500 bonds with the vitamins administration is holding back. but also from the democrats, there was some pointed criticism. specifically about the report this, the state farm are released saying that even though it seems likely that israel violated international humanitarian law using us weapons, there wasn't enough evidence. in fact, to cut back those weapons, as the law says, has to happen if that determination is made. this issue does not require additional investigation. we've seen this play out in real time and why you concluded it is snapshot that israel had improved and was doing better in the report required a backwards look. and the administration decided to duct that despite several combat of back and forth between the secretary of state and the senators. it was
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clear as the hearing went on that nothing so far as going to change the binding, the minister since policy on israel. and it's for on gas particle hain, elda 0 at the capital. well, at least 7 palestinians have been killed by israeli forces. and did you need refugee camp in the north of the occupied westbank launch numbers of israeli soldiers and vehicles rated janine and surrounding areas in the early hours of tuesday. and this is a time when many teachers, students and the doctors were heading to walk. abraham reports for 22 years surgeon will say to betty work to save lives at the junior hospital. but this time no one was able to save his after in his way the rate on jeanine in the north of the occupied westbank months investigation. that with that and i didn't recognize him at 1st because this per either can legal gunfire continued as i was trying to help him, but she was already dead. she was always there for patients while he was on and off
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shift. i might be next just because i'm going to work to it was 8 am local time on tuesday when he is really army, started advancing towards virginia and refugee can at least one student and a teacher wish all that kind of move to follow up for the students had the final exam, so we heard that one teacher has been injured in the right. so we started calling the parents to pick up the children there. if you jacob is still surrounded by the way the forces making, it's hard to count the number of casualties with is the are so far as the major damage to roads and buildings. it is really army also demolished the home of a palestinian flights are killed a few weeks ago. but the main goal of the rate it says is to target palestinian fighters jeanine, which is um, i would co call it a and many garza um, in, in the west bank uh for many weeks for months now. as you know,
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because there are many pair was there pair infrastructure, we've eliminated tear as they are. we've upper handed many terrors there as well. so far, local sources say the ones to were all civilians even those reporting on the story were not spared. this has become common for palestinian during the discovering israel's military raids freelance camera man, i'm in my hospital shopped in the back seat and a group of journalists were surrounded by israeli forces. so they tried to move for safety. it was out of the honda we clearly identified ourselves through the soldiers who were nearby. we were wearing our press gear and we were clearly targeted. the shooting even continued after i was shot so far, only one person has been laid to rest. there are others whose bodies are waiting the end of the rate to be buried. this is a story that is often repeated in june,
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1 of last pain and destruction. one that would go on as long as is really maintains its occupation the he just eat up. you'll keep hard to explain how this time all the janine refugee accounts has seen more is really military rates than anywhere else in the occupied westbank. and for the thousands of children who quoted home, it means being exposed to the violence and trauma level on a near daily basis. and that comes out on the games that children choose to play does. and does drop the reports from ramallah, emil replied westbank to the janine refugee camp. a burial shroud becomes a child's cost if they take turns putting it on, emulating their heroes palestinian fighters killed by it's made. so it is normal for children to mimic adults recreating the things they see every day . but in the occupied westgate, what passes for me seems to the eyes of its children. can see more of it. we are
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playing cuz we're in isn't out of the details of the game on the patient on the rates of it. so us act as the soldiers and others of fighters and someone gets when the, the army comes in and codes him, then they sold the house. and then there are classes scenarios acted out against a backdrop that is all to real. the panic of running battles, the injured left in the street, civilians used as human shields were taken prisoner by his regular troops. they take cover, reboot and prepare for the next boom. with toys often coupled together from scraps their prized possessions, the way they move is almost tactical. faster. well, what other children learn from movies? these youngsters have learned for real life even rebuilding in
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the aftermath of us really rates all the time. so i mean, how do we talk about more about the incursions, they want to protest and fight. they are very influenced by whatever happens around them. they see young people being killed target to the nearest dykes and they ask, why should we have to live like this? we must defend ourselves. so that's, so i called to just say this is a form of healing. playing for 10 more to cope with the trauma of living in a wheel one. children use playing 4 different things. first of all, just to able to control situations where they feel that i'm able to, to control. because children normally feel headed this, comparing to their parents, they're expressing what they're seeing and what they're suffering. because even if they are laughing, it's spark of their environment. a life of this conflict where they feel helpless and sometimes they feel the pain in or the others around them who's supposed to provide them with protection on helpless, also unable to protect them. it is about processing pain and having some agency and
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their own lives. therapist say their behavior is not necessarily find their circumstances are within their games. they are free because in the imagination of palestinian children, they get to decide who wins the same bus route of the oldest aroma loved the occupied west bank palestine. the funeral ceremony is on the way for runs that late president abraham. right. you see he was killed in a helicopter crash on sunday, along with the foreign minister and 7, all those crises. buddy has been moved from the northern city of to breeds to the capital, tyrone a state funeral this time for wednesday before the burial. then on thursday, i have some reports from tara a while it brought him right. you see last the document here about airport. he
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was not only you once president, but also believe to be a candidate to succeed the supreme leader. now his body and those are for the minute stuff are saying, i mean all the here and 7 of those are being federated in the profession. at the same airport, it will be followed by state feet on the scene by the supreme lead i at the law the coming they on wednesday, i had a burial ceremony the next day on income one second tale, a city the coffins passed through a shrine before being transported to run for the fine and public viewing suit to involve guardianship, their bodies were found to monday. i was after the heavy cop to crush dock and for the conditions in northern you are on with this sudden loss of his president. you're on faces, an unexpected transition with a snap election scheduled for june 28th to find right easy success
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a while ago from the look of the subs. as entering president subjects, we have continued to use something solid with companies that is mostly expected in terms of grand strategies in the arena, foreign policy and domestic policy as the source of the policy. the strategies are formulated within a culture exciting. divers, i'm involving service factors and actors. however, the prevailing concern among the people is the mysterious circumstances surrounding the helicopter crush that killed the president and his companions. you'll find, exhibit the your message about the house on the other into dislike. we spotted the cloud patched in the valley near the mines deposit, carrying the president decided to ascend above the cloud, which we followed. but within 30 seconds above the clouds below us and sight of the presidents helicopter,
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pilot the speak you later on imagine so landing way the presidents pilot ansuka the area several times. unfortunately, we'd known use before coming to be the forced to do that in the mining area, the chief of staff of the armed forces mohammed bog really has initiated a high level of investigation into the cause of the presidents. have you called the crush? the outcome of this investigation will be crucial in finding out what was done to helicopter for a minute, says run a dog. without definitely good answer. there will be likely more speculation and possibly a security. i'm actually going to see it on that on most of the head here on out just here. donald trump. so it is rough up the case without the former president taking the sand and his most money trying and investigation is underway off to one passenger side. and thousands of others injured during a single airline slice from the
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year. here we're here, let's go with your weather update and we've got to talk about all this rain stretching across the enemy and see running into the south coast. sidney. i'm are crossing the border into thailand, but this has injected quite a bit of moisture into the atmosphere for indo china. so widespread storms here, really the name of the game on wednesday. storms for southern china in glen dung and fuji and provinces that's extending through taiwan japan through group islands and coming pretty close to q. issue with talk about that in one second. but for northern china round, the yellow river valley is young joe, and she had their temperatures about $34.00 degrees on wednesday. so there's a closer look at that rain just passing to the just so a frontier issue. it's think it's going to throw more in the way of cloud cover on
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wednesday hot in china's capital as well. things to a warm breeze out of the south. indonesia biggest pulses of rain will be in central . kelly, montana on borneo island. same goes for southern sumatra, and to australia we go, not really looked into catch a lot of ranger this week. let's talk temperatures, but the color is on dark. the blue and the purple, the lower the temperature, some frost. the starts to the day. and alice, you should be 8 degrees waking up, adjust to, and well and this weather report in new zealand, we've got weather alerts for the east coast of the north island in the interrogate. the narrative is the u. s. has continued support for israel affecting his global standing. there's no question about it. the united states has effectively complicit the genocide challenge the rhetoric. yes. say lisa, correct. but so in the international community, can we also say that dells? the cornerstone of democracy is having
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a free and open democratic pro upfront without the . ringback the, the, [000:00:00;00]
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the fucking matcher watching l 0. let's remind you about top stories. the sound is rarely for says are attacking the 2 remaining functioning hospitals in northern garza and patients and medics are now seeing the come out on one hospital pretty well. hundreds of people are trapped in the us or the hospital which has been on the stage now since sunday therapy news agency, as you can see that has now resumed its live camera position in southern israel, looking into enrollment that's off to as well as ministry. if communication with us to add a decision to something down this way, the government has also returned. it's for costs that facies value. is there any with ours? he's had a curious seniors agency, a violation of the newly institution final knowledge. was there one of the largest distribution of age in the gaza strip is suspending the distribution affairs in the southern city of rama. explaining,
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especially if has ran the attacks on the close of land crossings decreasing and supplies. all the u. n. walk through the program has said that the us built pay intended to deliver aid into casa, will fail unless is rel, does more to facilitate its mission. statement comes off to desperate crowds overwhelm the fest 11 trucks to come a show over the weekend. now the pentagon says it's trying to find a way to mix appear, walk vs and discussions that have happened again as we work out, processes and procedures. alternative routes for the safe movement of that cargo have been established and age is now being taken from those assembly areas to, to warehouses for further distribution throughout guys. and i spoke to carrie kennedy. she's the international associate general secretary at the american friends service committee. she explained why opening the pay is the wrong decision from a humanitarian perspective and worn. but even when a does get through,
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israel is forced of actuation or an eastern rascal has made the distribution of that age impossible. i think she monetary and workers have been in this work for decades, know that this is not the solution. it distracts it takes the focus away from the crossings that do exist that they've been there for, for years. decades they have the infrastructure of the security mechanisms to allow the, the aid that needs to go in to go in. so i can't, i can't speak to why the us government made this decision, but from a humanitarian perspective, it's the wrong decision. terry depends on, i understand, is now saying it's exploring alternative route. well, i'd love to hear what they come up with because we have been in gaza for 75 years. we've provided food aid to 560000 people. we are one of the, a small organizations that are providing food to people in gaza on the ground. we've had to pause since the rasa invasion, and since that border has been closed. so we've only been able to provide aid to
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hundreds of people rather than tens of thousands of people in the past week. and our convoy was attacked. we had a we truck that was going from jordan to gaza. it was part of a convoy that was attacked and we were able, luckily the suited was not destroyed. there's some trucks did heavy that was destroyed. it continued on into gaza and it crossed into the border. our team in gaza had had to relocate when everyone was told, the 200000 people were taught to leave eastern rafa. they relocated to the middle of gaza and they now cannot access that truck. so we have trucks waiting inside guys outside got a 1000 outside, is rafa in jordan and they, we have not been able to get them in since october 21st. we have had 2 truck center in the past month, but it is not. this is a system that is not working and it seems like it was designed to not work. a protest and solidarity with palestinians continue to be held around the wild and digest young people and making their voices had calling for an end to israel's war
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. garza time. good job. 3 reports now from dotcom. as the several 100 students gather the john, good. now the university alternative, the copies of to protest against that trusted is in gaza. they're showing their solar guard even though this order in all across the world, protesting their energy generation. they said we can relate with them and we want to tolerate this kind of injustice in the was in the 21st century in the nation. i think i believe we lost the field a motion for the city or what does have any way that you can use it to stop. the dentist needs to stop the should cut that could be organized ourselves to protest against the genocide. we are also urging the students and everyone in general across the world for protests, against this type of genocide and atrocities. the students are demanding an end to the violence against the palestinians in gov and
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a permanent c spy and they're also demanding for an independent palestinian. most of the student we spoke to said that's not enough and done by the u. n. o. the world community to stop that trust that is in gaza. totally depends on what to do. there has been gross violations of code of war and atrocity does committed against the palestinians. america should stay away from supporting were crimes and put them into it. bangladesh is one of the strongest supporters of palestinians. they offer scholarship. they offered students to go to the military academy. here it is, one of the plus 5 country in last, november filed a formal complaint with the international criminal code to investigate the war of attrition against pro stadiums in java. we have seen many protesting recent weeks in across the country and different universities. and this is one of them from richard 3. i'll just say that. 5
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the, the judge in greece has dismissed the case against 9 egyptian man accused of causing a deadly migrant shipwreck. and the mediterranean, last year, the judge said the court doesn't have jurisdiction. charlie answer that has been. 2 pushing back, protest is outside the quote, right, please scuffled with human rights. demonstrate is demanding the trial be abandoned, insisting the men accused with mike would not people smugglers, victims of your west migrant disaster, no criminal. an hour later, the case was dismissed to the 9 addiction men, the fight is over. the judge ruled greece did not have jurisdiction to try the man as the ship sank outside greek,
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territorial voltage. so we need to find many survivors say it was actually an attempt by the greek coast got to the edge on that caused it to capsize the most of the matters semesters to tell us we were 5 days at sea. the ship was broken, but we didn't drown motors, but when the coast guard placed a rope, then we went down to the sea. it's estimated up to $750.00 people on board. the fishing charter when it sank on june 14th, 2023 in international waters of the south western coast of greece. the ship only had room to full 100 people. it went down and one of the mediterranean deepest areas, making the recovery of the boat to those trapped on board, all but impossible. there with just a 104 survivors. most beef and pack of stones, syria,
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palestinian territories in egypt. none of and women or children. the adriano was sailing from libya to italy and was initially shadowed by the greek coast guard. greek authorities have rejected accusations triggered the ship wrecked. they insist the crew refused help from them. and from nearby ships, but rights activists, a greek authorities close to ship, brett qual, attempting to tow the boat out of greece's zone of responsibilities. a separate naval quote investigation into the greek coast cause rescue attempt is underway. and the survivors no longer faced life in prison. charlie angela out there on to germany. now when 9 people have gone on trial, the accused of attempting to seize parliament and over through the state. thank you is incurred an aristocrat, a form of judge and to senior on the offices, dominic caden reports from berlin. he is accused of plotting to over throw the
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german parliament uninstalled himself as head of state. heiner is the 13th prince voice, a man with an irish socratic background to prosecute his se. wanted to bring back the old imperial german heis after a crude data among those on trial with him or a form, a judge and 2 x senior officers cool to officials say it's one of the most complex cases in recent german history. it's kind of hard, it's impossible to say how long this trial will last. what the court has ordered is scheduled about 50 days up until january, but it's not an indication, it may last much longer. it depends how much dustin one does. the defendants case, one of the central charges is the royce and the others use these properties in the states of tilling to formulate the plans, including one where they stacked illegal weapons and ammunition for their alleged to. most of the defendants have been in custody since their arrest maybe 18 months
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ago, including this lady gets mazda, then come on, who was still a civil judge when she was detained, but was once a member of parliament for the far right alternative for germany, or if de potty, it's alive. she knowingly showed fellow conspirators around the book. this talk was still in office. defense lawyers reject the charges. one finally twice says his client has been demonized. i bet you as this folder is portrayed as some big monster who was the lead of the whole thing. it's just not true. the media push investment and it shouldn't be wrong, but we will rectify that. the defendants so boldly part of the iceberg. a movement which does not recognize molten germany, believing the pre world war one imperial pre to assess the leaves on which explains why this building was so important to the royce group in its current guys as the bonus tag, prosecute to say, the accused, wanted to seize it and to throw after each selected members. but that's the old
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rice tag. the represents the time is the crisis which they allegedly wanted to restore. the authorities say these defendants believe in the so called deep states theory. the lawyers say there's no evidence they committed any crimes. dominant came houses, era full in the more than 14000 people have now been forced to leave their homes and ukrainian region of call cave over the past 2 weeks. fighting has been relentless and that area a new crane says it down to 28 hours of 29 drones launched by russia in multiple attacks of a nice on monday. russia says it's captured a series of voted villages older, the reading and present. it probably means it landscape insists that new kinds forces are still in controls of the contested areas or the landscapes ton as president. it will show you to end on the 20th of may lived with
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a country at war and lost a lot of glad parliament has postponed to the word and no elections will be held for now. john holland reports from fif it's been fully 2 years. 5 years is a fresh face. below them is it lensky became president of the peace time. you cried . that with me now is the end of is to say, i'm fresh elections. somebody else with the country on the marshall lewis is 2022 votes. prohibited, the incumbent president continues in office in a statement last november he said that was the right course. not as to mike, but if we now is the time of defense, which is the time of the bottle that determines the faith of the state and the people we knew, it is not the time for manipulations which any russia would expect from you. great . i believe that now is not the right time for elections. pg, the q he question is on during legitimacy and he remains popular
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low lower than before. his approval ratings still over 60 percent to many ukrainians on such feeling the election would be unrealistic and disrupt the worth . the po, the smaller 78 percent of those all said they were gains collections before the end of the war. in addition to that, there's also the practical difficulties. some ukrainian towns ruins many power plants have been hit. so they were rolling blackouts in parts of the country, and perhaps most importantly, a 1000000 ukrainians, a displaced 5000000 of them outside the country. is also the problem in getting the vote to ukrainians and russian control regions. but they have still been some questions from outside of the country. political i'm list alexi have and says they come from one place. sions. when we hear about the selection that it's necessary to
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have some selections because otherwise the landscape will not be legitimate. foyce, things that gosh, dictate the same data in that aspect. is things that within your crime is more concerned about the concentration of power in the hands of presidents. and let's get a few others in is in a circle or position in p below. to me, how do you all use for a national unity government to dilute that power and eventually elections to even during the war. so free world should remain free and democratic, even in the most difficult conditions. otherwise, beating the dragon, returns to drag them and that we should preserve and to shoot still hold possibilities for that with a vote. and ukraine still looks as far away as victory does for a country struggling to stop a russian of bones, joan home,
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and how does it keep to the defense team. so former us president donald trump's hush money trial has rested its case, and trump ultimately decided not to testify despite promising that he would trump is on trial. so concealing a payment made to an adult full mattress. during his 2016 presidential campaign, the legends e. just stop that from making that relationship public. he says the charges though a politic king motivation doors will be here in co closing arguments next week. kristin, see me has moved from outside the court and you the defense team wrapped up their case calling just 2 witnesses to the stand. and donald trump was one of them despite trumps claims that he wanted to testify. at the end of it all the defense to consider that too risky and focused instead on their efforts to undermine the credibility of the prosecution star witness michael cohen, the positives, former fixer, now trump payments to michael cohen are at the heart of this case,
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which involves 34 counts of falsifying business records on michael cohen has testified that donald trump was well aware of his efforts to silence an adult film star. and he knew that he was paying michael cohen to do just that. the witness called to the sound on tuesday, a man by the name of robert costello is a lawyer who claims that call and told him that have no idea about the hush money payment. but his credibility could be called into question by the jury. after the judge reprimanded him on the stand for rolling his eyes and making comments under his breath. now the case will be back in front of the jury on tuesday of next week . when closing arguments will be presented and the jury will begin their deliberations. they will take as long as they must to reach a consensus on the 34 charges. they must be unanimous in finding the former
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president either guilt or innocence or awesome. this trial will be declared prison . salumi al jazeera, new york. i'll still ahead here on the 0 new japanese ship set sail on its maiden voyage, will explain why it's for then from trumpia, the, the,
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the, [000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the, the french president, a manual icon is traveling to new caledonia and the pacific. where that has in days
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of unrest triggered 5 proposed changes to the voting system. that there was a sponge tar tree is still under a stage of emergency off to abundance broke out during protests. when a report in some parts of new caledonia is capital new map protest is still in control and promising to find home unless we want to give up until they withdraw the decks. they are bound to 4 to no, no, we won't give up. even if we have to die for it, the text he refers to is a constitutional change that would expand the link to us in new caledonia allowing more french nationals to vote and local elections. the indigenous cannot say it's entrenching french colonization and marginalizing the voice. the reason we're waiting for this text to be withdrawn because it means the elimination of the contact people were already in the line already. if they get this text through
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congress and resign were screwed. the french government continues to increase the number of security personnel who, being slowly bringing the situation under control the days of protesting looting and us, and have shut down pots of new map. and some people worry, it will never be the same thing in the home that to full reading for the police to intervene. and then maybe we'll be a bit more relieved, a bit more liberated. it's true that afterwards it will be difficult to rebuild everything. and that's that it's a sad story. there's only one word for it said. the international airport remains close to commercial flights, stranding many tourists. on tuesday, the governments of new zealand and australia were given permission to land military, a craft in new caledonia to evacuate some of the citizens. the 1st have arrived back home, angry with the strong government to be homes. and as much as i felt that they
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should have warned us prior to going move flights, upland in the coming days, contingent on the fluid security situation. wayne, hey, al jazeera towed on a new zealand of a 73 year old freshman has died and thousands of others were injured off to a single pool. airlines flight had severe turbulence and the pain was traveling from long to single pole and was divested to bangkok, emergency services and power medics for wasting their on the ground to attend to passages. well under charlton is the managing director of the consulting business aviation advocacy. he says that's caused by type events are extremely bad when he's of turbulence, someone who's the occasionally of injuries but, but these most, most unusual i, i'm struggling to remember what i mean in my 35 using ivy i sion, the thing we need to know even at this early stage, the thing we'll need to know at the end of this investigation, the thing we must never forget is way your site developed to your site to build up even when you're just sitting on the airplane. we don't know anything yet, although there are reports that the
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a craft was coming in to tons of storms. that's always the beginning that they could well be turbulence. it's a tropical area. so i kind of the storms that quite know single pull raylon's and not the sort of people who will voluntarily fly through a thunder storm. there's no reason to fly through a thunder storm in the face. time is as of a full size, the i just will tell you, i don't take stupid risks. sometimes the turbulence is visible on the right. and as i say, a storm is usually pretty good evidence of, of the likelihood of turbulence. but sometimes it's to do with a temperature changes moving on a horizontal basis and the right out will simply not pick it up. so yes, single pull raylon's. very young a cross very strongly across a craft built to withstand incredible amounts of turbulence. uh and, and often the turbulence that you and i experienced sitting on an air plan, anything golf, gosh, this is a bit turbulent. that still right. it is really slide for moderate across the
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arrival to we stand really quite severe amounts of turbulence. that's the a frame, but as i say, if for the passengers, a way you're safe to build new japanese welling ship has set sail fuel in control of a c, a took care of support for the hunting of wells. this new vessel is the 1st of its kind to be built and 70 is well defined reports. a highly controversial vessels, but many, but most people in the japanese wailing for to if she, i'm on a 2nd that kind of getting the root is a source of civic pride or supple. it's great because it's a big also, it's a quickly design processing facility with them they can be refrigerated. it's like a factory. in 2019, in the face of international law physician, japan allowed the resumption of wailing and it's her waters to meet continue to the
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cool demand. but with a crew of 100, under range of 13000 kilometers the ships arrival has raised the possibility of japan resuming its fun to wales indian tactic ocean eh, gabriel geo. and not shook wales are unimportant food results. unlike other marine living, there's also, as they should be, use sustainably based on scientific evidence. i believe it is important to inherit traditional food culture in japan. japan recently added another species to the list of whales that are allowed to be hunted identity. this will be for the team. well meet is part of japanese people's identity. it's similar to how indigenous people in alaska it goes on and the australians eat kangaroos in pursuing tradition. this vessel brings modern sophistication, it plans to catch 200 wales on its 1st voyage. equipped with a long range thrown to help it do so, covering fast expenses of the furthest oceans. rub mcbride out his era. mcmillan
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is the head of hunting and captive it to you as well. and also in the conservation . he says, depend, is building these vessels to boost well needs popularity along the population. the time game room is funded by tax payers and substantial loans and it signifies to pounds commitment to stay the way the industry for the next 30 years. the reason behind it is the japan on looking to increase the popularity of wyoming is too expensive for widespread consumption. so the price needs to be lower to ensure the future generations at the well meet. otherwise the industry will die. so increasing the supply wales will potentially drive down the price. previously, japan has operated on the a rica scientific research exemption and may have what's in the southern ocean is significant from a conservation point of view,
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as is the feeding ground for 80 percent of the world's great wiles, which include the 2 largest wells, the fin, well and the blue well, and both valuable to becoming extinct and wells all the 2nd big as well in the well and already they are under pressure from an extensive way in iceland. so the news came out last week saying well, would be added to japan's list due to the facts in austin there the child, the been waiting model type price this summer. again, the japanese see that as an opportunity to increase the popularity of wyoming and therefore they've added in wells which are on the ice e and read list of threatened species. they've added them to the best movie, fords. officials and a japanese town has finished building a 20 me so long barrier to block one of the nation's most famous views of mount fuji circle. say they're tired of the huge numbers of taurus crowding into the town
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to take pictures and refusing to ebay rules on lettering and poking as well. that set for me and associates have it this news out. remember, you can always find much more on our website out. is there a dot com, but the inside will be here and alignment with much more for you to stay with us here on out of here, the climate probably only is from one of the most bio diverse nations on there. if you're interested in. if nature does not function, we don't exist exploding solutions to save life as we know what we work with and within the cycles of the we not using office resources, we use them again. and again, if we learn from nature, we have a chance to move forward. i'll just see you as you've seen towing. nothing grows forever. pod came into the woods as the oil, c software,
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the casualties we have not stuff websites, pilots is. thank goodness we did have injuries from a missile strike on a guest house thought providing on to who they to say no double stand to all of us . any anyone in particular i said to facing realities. government seems here to whittle down democracy if this is troubling for you. it's very, very painful. here. the story on talk to how does era, you will see the caught a duty in a grove using for the p, use a cost to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of our projects except the cost. and we strive to ensure it reaches its deserving recipients. visit the cost on requested and remember, it's a copier size, wealth, and increases systems. costs on red, chris a sort of 10
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year journey in which it has become the most important translation award from. i'm into the outer a big language world wide shaped. come out a word for translation and international understanding. announce is the opening of the nomination period for the year 2024, starting march 1st to may. sachi fast nominations are made on the award official website, w, w, w dot h t a dot q a forward slash e m. the united nation suspends food. a deliveries in rough uh because of a renewed, as really offensive in southern gaza. the timeline site. this is out, is there a noise from the house was still coming up?
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the associated press news agency has resumed its live camera position, looking into northern gauze offices right and government revokes an earlier


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