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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 22, 2024 2:00am-2:31am AST

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obviously is the opening of the nomination period for the year 2024, starting march 1st to may. 30 fast nominations are made on the award official website, w, w, w dot h t a dot q a forward slash e m. the united nation suspends food a deliveries in rough uh because of a renewed as ready, offensive in southern gaza. the timeline site. this is out. is there a life from the how it will? so coming up, the associated press news agency has resumed its live camera position and looking into northern garza offices writing government revokes an earlier decision to shut it down. exclusive video and not just showing is riley soldiers taking
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more than a 100 palestinian bodies to israel last year off to attacking thousands all she fell hospital and funeral ceremonies begins a wrong late president abraham racy who was killed in a helicopter crash on sunday. thousands to now to pay their respects the, the main un agencies of palestinian refugees is a spending ferry distribution to displace palestinians in gauze, the southern city of rasa. it's because of ongoing fighting in the area between these really ami and all groups and an order from the army to flee the area and risk supplies on nearly to police. it because israel hasn't allowed food and to through the rougher and crown was tablets fell out in crossings for 10 days. and
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roy is garza's largest distribute to food. a in del cordaris has moved from darrow ballot and central gaza on the lack of food aid industry. more than half the population of the gaza strip that completely rely on food distributions from under what underwater reduce that they will suspense, or food distribution. due to the lack of supply and security. but let's, let's me explain this. we're talking about more than 1000000 palestinians who were seeking refuge. and therefore now they have been displaced for more than a couple of times. they are, they move to con eunice and to the middle area. and they do not have any type of food assistance. the price is in the gaza strip are very high, where people have not been working for more than 7 months. right now they, they spend all their savings and the only way they're relying on food and getting food and feeding their children is under one other 8 at organizations. but this was
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expected, special needs that were more than 2 weeks. now. nothing is being entering from cut them all beside them and the roof on crossing where all of the committed to use the food communities and the fuel are not in during and this is leaving for a very dire situation in the causes trip. earlier we spoke to scott anderson, a senior deputy director of n road f, as in gaza. he says the agency has been forced to suspend this operations because of his riley threats of attack. our health center is a drop of camp for both him acted by the corporation and the becket wasting orders . so we have to health centers should were a rough, a rougher camp health center for both those unfortunate were new accusations on which is a significant, scary risk staff, but also really wonder be seeking care at the facilities. and as a result, we've had to suspend operations this and get the combat cic tougher,
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better that we're having significant supply issues in terms of getting enough food medicine and other things in the sustain. the operation and right is facing a critical set back. is it suspends operations in rough? uh, garza ongoing sizing means distribution centers in warehouses and now in accessible medical supplies are also low and more health is urgently needed out. is there as gabriel, as on the reports from the un headquarters in new york for you and says, all of the major border check points were a, is supposed to come in the guys that essentially are not working. the rafa crossing the u. n says remains closed. the care of boost salem crossing. well technically open the u. n. says in practice is not really usable and the air is crossing and the north closed on may 9th and hasn't been open since. and another crossing cold air is west in the north, only allows such a little 8 in it's negligible,
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our colleagues that onto our report that today the agencies distribution center as well as the well food programs warehouse is both in rafa or now inaccessible. jude ongoing military operation on was says that its health centers have not received any medical supplies for the past 10 days. despite this health care staff continue to provide thousands of medical consultations each day at health centers that are still operational, un humanitarian worker and gaza. say there operations, there are near collapse gabriel's on to i'll just say to at united nations in new york to you and well, same program has said that a us belt appear intended to deliver aid into gaza will fail unless israel does more to facilitate its mission that statement comes off to desperate crowds overwhelm the 1st 11 trucks to come ashore over the weekend. now the pentagon says
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it's trying to find a way to make the pay work. the some discussions that have happened again is we work out process using procedures, alternative routes for the sake movement of that cargo have been established. and it is now being taken from those assembly areas to, to warehouses for further distribution throughout guys and my colleague, this does it taste bag to carry kennedy issues, the international associate general secretary at the american friends service committee who explain why everything the pay was the wrong decision from a humanitarian perspective and wound, but even when a dose gets through is roles, force evacuation, or any sin. rafa has made the distribution of that a possible. i think she monetary and workers have been in this work for decades. know that this is not the solution, it distracts it takes the focus away from the crossings that do exist that they've
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been there for, for years. decades they have the infrastructure, the security mechanisms to allow the, the aid that needs to go in to go in. so i can't, i can't speak to why the us government made this decision, but from a humanitarian perspective, it's the wrong decision. terry depended on, i understand, is now saying it's exploring alternative route. well, i'd love to hear what they come up with because we have been in gaza for 75 years. we've provided food aid to 560000 people. we are one of the, a small organizations that are providing food to people in gaza on the ground. we've had to pause since the rasa invasion, and since that border has been closed. so we've only been able to provide a to hundreds of people rather than tens of thousands of people in the past week. and our convoy was attacked. we had a weak truck that was going from jordan to cause us. it was part of a conway. that was attacked and we were able, luckily the suited was not destroyed. those some trucks did heavy that was
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destroyed. it continued on into gaza and it crossed into the border. our team in gaza and had to relocate when everyone was told, the 200000 people were told to leave eastern rafa. they relocated to the middle of gaza and they now cannot access that truck. so we have trucks waiting inside guys outside got a 1000 outside of rafa in jordan and they, we have not been able to get them in since october 21st. we have had 2 truck center in the past month, but it is not. this is a system that is not working and it seems like it was designed to not work. israel forces one small lying siege. the hospitals in the gaza strip, the w h. i says almost 200 people, patients, their relatives and medical workers have been trapped inside the out. the hospital and northern dogs has since sunday is rarely snipers aiming at the building and a rocket hit the 5th floor. the army also opened fire on the commode, as one hospital forcing stuff,
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and displays palestinians to flee. so some of this reports chaos and fear with north and gaza. that's kind of a stand this credit for safety. seeking refuge from relentless darkness. these really army has fired them to come. i loved ones, saw spill building is made to lie here for the patients and medical staff. the fleet among those evacuated are premature babies and better with the patients with chronic illnesses. and i was hoping that i, yeah, i really do not know what they mean by this. there is no explanation for the attack or medical facilities. it's out of hubris, february and barbarism. these right is the right thing according to that desire. and no one is able to hold them to account. this patient for example, has a fractured hip. really, i don't know what to say to come all up on hospital is being targeted by is really
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for assistance sunday. despite international laws protecting hospitals. stuff say they have been intentionally targeted to some of the part of this is the less facility that provides medical services in the north of the gaza strip. it's clear that this barbaric attack was targeting on duty medical staff in the reception and emergency section. this is further evidence of the barbaric nature of the occupation is really military offensive is ramping up across the guy straight to a drone, attacking the yep. near refugee camp, killed the young palestinians venturing doubts to find food. survivors were taken to the barely functioning q way. the hospital in the rough, uh the 7 month is rarely a sultan because of his already devastated. most of the strip and cost of dire
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humanitarian crisis. intensifying siege is also causing severe food shortages. pushing palestinians dangerously close to family access items. how does there as well as administrative communication has revoked in earlier decision to shut down the news agencies live camera position in southern israel. the associated press is now reviewing the live feed that overlooks the gaza strip. this is it, we're looking at it now. the israeli government has also returned broke costs. equipment seized from the news agency on tuesday is riley authorities had a keys, a news agency of violating the nearly institution found on out is there a prime minister? benjamin us knows government found out a 0 from reporting in israel. well, in a statement the associated press welcome to decision saying that it was pleased
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with the development, but it was still concerned about these ready governments use of the new far and full cost a little. i'm the ability of independent gen this to operate freely in israel, and jam june has moved on this from amman in jordan. let me just take you all through what happened on tuesday when the administrator communications seized a camera and other equipment of the associated press in steroids, which is a town in southern israel. that is where the associated press at a live shot position. they were providing a live feed to their clients. a live feed showed northern gaza strip. now the is really government sees that equipment took it. and the reason for that was because, according to the as really government the associated press was in contravention of a law that had been passed and israel, the band algae 0 from operating in israel. so the rationale was that because alger
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0 is one of the clients of the associated press that the associated press was in violation of that law. of course, the associated press is one of the largest and most respected news agencies in the world. it has thousands of clients. alger 0 is just one of those clients had been a lot of condemnation about what happened after the announcement was made after a lot of pressure was put on the as really government to reverse this decision. after the announcement was made that that equipment would be returned. there was a follow up statement from the associated press, which said, while we are pleased with this development, we remain concerned about the is really government's use of the foreign broadcaster law and the ability of independent journalists to operate freely in israel. beyond that, there was also criticism of what it happened from some is really law makers, including the head of the opposition in israel. yeah. your la pete, who put out
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a statement on twitter in which he called what had transpired, and what the ministry communications had done. he called it madness and said that essentially this type of action wasn't short to make israel into a pariah state. how much does it i'm just to remind you that prime minister benjamin netanyahu is government has found out is there from reporting in israel, which is why we are reporting from the jordanian capital. i'm on let's get some reaction now from the united states. alan fish that joins us from washington. d. c . island is interesting to see how quickly the move was through it reversed once the lighthouse intervened to the associated press is a big name and american journalism. the white house moved in and use the diplomatic leavers and its strength of support for israel to try and get that decision for best. as soon as it could in that feed is now up and running. we told you a couple of hours ago that people at
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a p would expecting that to happen. i know the pictures are back being beamed around the world to clients around the world, including i'll just see it up. now the white house said also expressed consent about these really is getting the way of douglas doing their job. they said something similar when i'll just say it out, was essentially lot from broadcasting in israel. what about 4 weeks ago? but they didn't do any pressure on these really the best time they did. and they said they wanted these at least to consider a best thing that decision as quickly as possible. and here we are a few hours later. that's exactly what's happened. and of course, under the foreign press law, what these really argued was that the show that was being used, the picture that was being broadcast could perhaps give information away. yet it was a very broad white short. and most of the time, if you look, it was essentially just a polar smoke over northern guys like you couldn't see troop movements. you couldn't because of that sort of detail. so there was great concern that this was
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the israelis perhaps pushing that little a bit too far. and certainly that was a view expressed by a number of freedom of speech and journalism advocates in the united states not least the national press club based theater in washington, where the president said that this was just yet another part of the pattern of aggression against journalism. organizations by israel, we've also had that the united states has been upset with israel on numerous occasions since the war began back in october. but it seems this time that they actually took some action. and for one's betty ridley, these really actually listened under the best the decision for us to say one of the biggest names in world journalism, the associated press. thank you for that island fisher, that 1st in washington, dc. the still ahead on out is there a donald trump's lawyer is wrap up the case without the former president taking the stand in his us running trial
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the and we're up and running with your weather report across the america is good to have jo long. this is not good news line of showers in storm setting up across the border with uruguay and southern brazil. this is not too far away from those areas that were devastated by flooding in southern brazil. dispatcher brains, you're looking to drop out a 100 millimeters of rain so that much rain all at once will give us some more flooding. our usual spells of rain draped across northern brazil that meets up with some of the wet weather we've got going on in central america, off the pacific coast, running into coast street on panama, and then very unsettled conditions for his spaniel of cuba and jamaica. some pretty good downforce here on wednesday. storms get going for northern texas, oklahoma in arkansas on his own here, there was
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a threat of seeing some tornadoes and after that violent weather we saw in the us midwest. so tell crossing over the border into canada. so, soaking rains, they're like new york 32 degrees. this could be your heart of his stay in 8 months . west bound. we go now look into good still another to all day for vancouver. 15 degrees and showers in mix here breezy. 2 for the pacific northwest, and we've also got a breeze off the pacific for california. so l a. a 2nd do for you is 22 degrees on wednesday. that's it for me. catch her later you will so caught a duty and a growth using for p use a code to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of our projects except the car. and we strive to ensure it reaches its deserving recipients. visit the costs are really present and remember, it's
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a cup you revise wells and increases systems costs on red chris, the the, the watching out there on line default top stories based on where the largest distribution, few date and the gaza strip facade. to suspend few date in the south, in the city of rasa and plains, ongoing slicing in the area, and is riley evacuation with a full stain where it has to move to central gaza. meaning the aid that has arrived into the south is now strong. that is really forces are attacking the 2 remaining
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hospitals in northern tanza patients and medic. self clean. we cannot add one hospital. meanwhile, hundreds of people are trapped in the out out of the hospital, which has been on the fees since sunday. the news agency has resumed its live camera position in southern israel, looking into northern garza, its off to israels ministry of communication revoked in earlier decision to shut it down. is there any government is also attend food costs equipment fees from the associates press? so any authorities how to accuse the news agency is violating the newly institution found on out just sarah in no way says it will be obliged to arrest is rarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu. if arrest warrants are issued by the i. c. c, the chief prosecution of the course is seeking arrest warrants financing, yahoo! and his defense minister, you, i've got their accused of war crimes and crimes against humanity in gaza. doesn't
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you know who is called it a complete distortion of reality and says the eyes the sees move is against the entire stage. if israel or the eyes he prosecute, the also wants arrest warrants for 3 of how much is need is for the october 7th attack in southern guns that the group has denounced. the move demanding a withdrawal, a fee request. how much says the honest he sees talk, a thing of his need is confused as vixen, an executioner, or at least a palestinians have been killed by his writing forces in the jeanine refugee camp in the north of the occupied westbank. notch. numbers is ready. soldiers on vehicles rate and janine and its surrounding areas in the early hours she stay. now, this is a time when many teachers students, doctors were heading to work in for him. reports for 22 years. surgeon was sage, a bidding work to save lives at the junior hospital,
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but this time, no one was able to save his after and his way the rate on genie in the north of the occupied west bank one semester goes from that with a and i didn't recognize him at 1st because this per either can legal gunfire continued as i was trying to help him, but she was already dead. she was always there for patients while he was on and off shift. i might be next just because i'm going to work. it was 8 am local time on tuesday when he's read the army started advancing towards virginia, a refugee camp. at least one student and a teacher were shop that can move to follow up for the students had the final exam . so we heard that one teacher has been injured in the right. so we started calling the parents to pick up the children. there are a few decap is still surrounded by the way the forces making. it's hard to count the number of casualties, which is the are so far as the major damage to roads and buildings. these really
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army also demolished the home of a palestinian flights are killed a few weeks ago. but the main goal of the rate it says is to target palestinian fighters jeanine, which is um, i would co call it a and many garza so in, in the west bank to us for many weeks for months now. as you know, because there are many tears there, pear infrastructure, we've eliminated tear as they are. we've upper handed many terrors there as well. so far, local sources say the ones to were all civilians. even those reporting on the story were not spared. this has become common for palestinian during the discovering israel's military rates. freelance camera, man, ahmed manasseh, it'll push shopped in the back seat and a group of journalists were surrounded by israeli forces. so they tried to move for safety. it was out of the honda we clearly identified ourselves through the
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soldiers who were nearby. we were wearing our press gear and we were clearly targeted. the shooting even continued after i was shot so far, only one person has been laid to rest. there are others whose bodies are waiting the end of the rate to be buried. this is a story that is often repeated in june, 1 of last pain and destruction. one that would go on as long as is real, maintains its occupation. he that he just eat up the occupied to a thing, palestine a funeral ceremonies on the way it runs late president abraham racy. he was killed in a helicopter crash on sunday, along with the foreign minister on 7 others. his body has been moved from the northern city of to breeze to the capital, to her on the state. and juno is planned for wednesday for the burial on thursday.
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i have some reports from tat wrong. when i brought him right, you see lost the document here about airport. he was not only you once president, but also believe to be a candidate to succeed the supreme leader. now his body and those are for the minute stuff are saying, i mean all the and, and 7 of those are being federated in the profession at the same airport. it would be followed by state street on of a scene by the supreme lead diets, a lot of the coming they on wednesday, i had a burial ceremony the next day on income. one second, holly, a city the coffins passed through a shrine before being transported to the wrong for the final public viewing. she went to investigate the chair that bodies were found to monday. i was after the had accept across the dock in for the conditions in northern your on the with this sudden loss of his president,
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you're on faces. an unexpected transition with the snap collection schedule for june 28th to find right easiest success a while ago from a lot of the subs. as entering president subjects, we have continued to use something solid would come vs that is mostly expected in terms of grand strategies. in the arena for policy and domestic policy, as the source of the policies and strategies are formulated within a culture excited amazon involving service factors and actors. however, the prevailing concerned among the the fall is the mysterious circumstances surrounding the headed cup to crush the killed the president and his companions. you'll find that i see your message. about half an hour into this light, we spotted the cloud patched in the valley near the mine deposit, carrying the president decided to assent about the cloud,
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which we followed. but within 30 seconds above the clouds, we lost sight of the presidents helicopter pilot speculated on an imagined. so landing way, the president's pilot ansuka the area several times. unfortunately, we don't use force coming to be the force to do that. in the mining area, the chief of staff of the um, forces mohammed body has initiated a high level investigation to the cause of the president's headed golf. the crush, the outcome of this investigation will be crucial in finding out what was done the helicopter. president, part of minutes does run a dog. without definitely did i say that would be likely more speculation and possibly a security and actually measure that a, a judge in greece has dismissed a case against 9 egyptian men accused of causing a deadly migrant ship or i can the mediterranean last year the judge said the court
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didn't have jurisdiction ahead of the trial, right? please tell sort of protest is outside the court house. it demonstrates is plain that the 9 men were being denied a trial. they keys read coast guard. failing to intervene and rescue efforts more than 500 people died when the adriana signed the criminal trial, a full by us president donald trump, is entering its final phase. on tuesday, the defense team rested its case without cooling trunk to testify. trump is charged with says the full counts of falsifying business records to hide hush money. payments to an adult film actress christmas leave me reports from new york. the defense rested its case in the 1st ever criminal trial of a former us president. after calling 2 witnesses, and donald trump wasn't one of them. instead they honed in on robert costello
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a lawyer who disputed claims that donald trump knew all about efforts to silence an adult film star and paid his former fixer michael cohen to do so. trump's payments to colon are at the heart of the charges, the faces $34.00 accounts of falsifying business records. that cohen admitted on the stand that he's lied under oath before the prosecution had no choice, but to put michael cohen on the stand. and that's what they did. of course he presents certain difficulties. the jury saw documents e mails invoices, phone records, and even checks signed by donald trump and heard from stormy daniels who was paid to keep quiet in the run up to the 2016 presidential election. an affair she claimed she had with him. and they also heard from media mogul, david packard, trump's co conspirator, and the hush money scheme. but the prosecution's case largely comes down to cohen and what he says, his former boss knew. so that's the great big cat present. any evidence that
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directly shows that he knew this is only information interest. hey, the only way to present that evidence is by presenting stormy daniels, michael cohen, david peck, are people that have spoken to trump and can tell a jury that was being tapped behind the payment. trump, who denies all of it, reserved his commentary. so the cameras expert the jury will return to the court room next week to hear closing arguments and begin their deliver ration solved. 12 jurors must agree on donald trump's guilt or innocence to avoid a mis trial. christine, so we me out to 0.


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