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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 22, 2024 3:00am-3:31am AST

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obviously is the opening of the nomination period for the year 2024, starting march 1st to may. 30 fast nominations are made on the award official website, w, w, w dot h t a dot q a forward slash e m. the is there any forces attack the last hospitals in northern gulf, launching missiles at the emergency department? i come out on one the my money for you. this is island. is there a line from town or so coming up? you know it's a nation suspends food. a deliveries in rough up because of a renewed is riley, offensive in southern guns that a ministry rate and you'll find westbank city of
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janine kills at least a policy. the funerals begins. ron's late president e for him received who was killed in a helicopter crash on sunday, thousands 10 to pay their respects the . is there any forces the one small lane speech to hospitals in the gaza strip? almost 200 people, patients, their relatives and medical workers. trump inside the out the hospital in northern garza since sunday is rarely snipers the aiming at the building on a rock. it has hit the 5th floor. the army also open fire on the come all add one hospital force install fun displays, palestinians to flee. acts of them of which has more the, the chaos and fear equip north and gaza, as well as fitness,
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credit, or safety seeking refuge from relentless darkness. these really army has fired them to come out to install spill building is bait lie here for some patients and medical staff to sleep among those evacuated are premature babies and veterans and patients with chronic illnesses. and i was hoping that i, yeah, i really do not know what they mean by this. there is no explanation to the attack or medical facilities. it's out of hubris, february and barbarism. these right is the right thing according to that desire. and no one is able to hold them to account. this patient for example, has a fractured hip. really, i don't know what to say to come all up on a hospital is being targeted by is really for assistance sunday. despite international laws protecting hospitals. stuff say they have been intentionally
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targeted some of the part of this is the less facility that provides medical services in the north of the gaza strip. it's clear that this barbaric attack was targeting on duty medical staff in the reception and emergency section. this is further evidence of the barbaric nature of the occupation. this is really military offensive, is ramping up across the gaza strip. a drone attacking the yep. and the refugee camp killed a young palestinians venturing bouts to find food. survivors were taken to the barely functioning q, 80 hospital in the rough uh the 7 month is really a sultan guys that has already devastated most of the strip and cost attire humanitarian crisis. intensifying siege is also causing severe food shortages. pushing palestinians dangerously close to family excess. i'm how does their
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video has in the gist of israeli soldiers taking move in a 100 pallets, opinion bodies and transporting them to israel in november of last year. it happened during these riley siege of vows she for hospital garza's largest medical complex, a 2nd rate in march led to be complete destruction of the medical facility and the discovery of mass graves were con. reports. this video, soon secretly, from high above chief of hospital grounds in northern casa shows, is ready. so just wrapping it loading policy and bodies to be sent to israel. that's according to witness statements, mates to human rights groups saying the bodies were collected from inside the hospital, a bulk and a mass grave. it's the 1st video evidence of his retreat, ceasing bodies off the rating dose of the largest hospital in those and the at the
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time, the director general of goals with the ministry of health said in the statement. these really ami a doctor, the bodies in the car, and a large truck taking approximately a 120 bodies. these radio, me a bit is taking more than $350.00 posting and bodies only 3 months later. saying this was to verify if any of them were spray the captives. the bodies were collected of israel bus major rate on sheep. a hospital. thousands of terrified people fled from kansas city and headed south during an intensified, aerial bombardment. in mid november is ready. so just entered the hospital saying a mass was using it as a come on center, offering no verifiable evidence to back. the claim. fighting also raged around the hospital, leaving stuff terrified to leave, and many staying behind to help their patients,
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including children is ready for it is carried out a 2nd rate on chief and much destroying what's left of the building. un humanitarians assessing the site, described it as an empty sho in the off to boss. they will sit found mass graves in the courtyard of hundreds of bodies, some with signs of mutilation. others, decomposed beyond recognition, adding to the suffering of policy. now even unable to bury and grieve their loved ones, nor hon. oh, to 0. are the main un agency for palestinian refugees is suspending sir distribution to displace palestinians involves a southern city of russia. that's because of ongoing fighting in the area between the is really all me on, on the groups, on an order from the army to slieve, the area and risk supplies on nearly depend deleted. the police said,
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because israel hasn't allowed food to enter through the rough and term of a solemn crossings for 10 days. and where is golf was law, just distribute food aid. and all cordarious has moved from darrow by that and central garza, on the lack of food in this trip. more than half the population of the gaza strip that completely rely on food distributions from under what, under what reduce that they will suspense. or if we distribution due to the lack of supply and security. but let's, let me explain this. we're talking about more than 1000000 palestinians who were seeking refuge. and therefore now they have been displaced for more than a couple of times they are, they moved to con eunice and to the middle area and they do not have any type of food assistance. the price is in the gaza strip are very high, where people have not been working for more than 7 months. right now they,
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they spend all their savings and the only way they're relying on food and getting food and feeding their children is under one other 8 at organizations. but this was expected, special needs that were more than 2 weeks. now. nothing is being entering from cut them up asylum, and the rough on crossing where all of the committed to use the food committees and the fuel are not in during. and this is leaving for a very dire situation in the causes trip to owner is facing a critical set back as it suspends operations in rafa and gaza. ongoing facing means distribution centers and warehouses. and now in accessible medical supplies, also and more help is as easy. now just there is gabrielle as onto a report on the un in new york for you and says, all of the major border check points were a, is supposed to come in. the guys that essentially are not working. the roof of
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crossing the un says remains closed. the care of both salem crossing, well technically open. the un says in practice is not really usable and the error is crossing and the north closed on may 9th and hasn't been open since. and another crossing cold air is west in the north, only allows such little aid in it's negligible or colleagues that onto our report that today the agencies distribution center as well as the well food programs warehouse is both in rafa or now inaccessible. jude ongoing military operation on was that it's health centers have not received any medical supplies for the past 10 days. despite this health care staff continue to provide thousands of medical consultations each day at health centers that are still operational, the un humanitarian worker and gaza. say there operations, there are near collapse gabriel's on the, i'll just either at the united nations in new york in no way says it will be
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obliged to arrest is riley prime minister benjamin netanyahu. if arrest warrants issued by the i. c. c, the chief prosecutions. the courses sticking arrest warrants for netanyahu, his defense means that you are gallant. they're accused of war crimes and crimes against humanity and gone. so that's an yahoo is called it a complete distortion of reality and says the icy seas move is against the entire state of israel arrest warrants for 3. how much leaders have also been applied for in the us for justice had to be dragged out of a senate committee hearing well asked me blinking was giving testimony the company stepped in while the 60 states was being quiz don't be binding the
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administration's policies to words israel's warn garza, lincoln reiterated president joe bought in support for israel, despite criticism for both republicans and democratic sentences. israel's administrative communication has revived an earlier decision to shot down the news agencies live camera position in southern israel. the associated press is now reviewing the live video feed that overlooks no, ben garza strip. the is right. the government has was over 10 full cost equipment sees from the news agency on choose day is ready authorities, how to accuse a news agency. evaluating the nearly institution find on al jazeera, prime minister, benjamin netanyahu government found out as sarah, from reporting in israel officially has won this from washington. as the associated price is one of the biggest names in american journalism. it's
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headquarters in new york and his office is around the country as well as around the world and clients around the world as well. when the white house had what they usually said done, they asked them to rethink and return the equipment. and they use the diplomatic levers and the pressure that they have to manage to get that decision over time in just a couple of hours. now you remember when i'll just see it was blocked from operating israel by the is really government about 34 weeks ago. the white house then said that this was the credible to express the consent, and the general list should be allowed to do their job. but they never put the pressure on the way they did over the last few hours. that pitcher is no backup, being fed to clients around the world. the israelis close the dime saying it was a threat to national security, but it's a very wide short. there's just a pool of smoke over northern guys or there's very little detail in it. and that was obviously challenged by the united states and the whole decision has been
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challenged by number of free speech and journalism advocates in the us. in fact, the national press club based here in washington, dc said that this was yet another example of is really aggression against journalism organizations trying to report the war and guys of all the fisher i'll just say to washington and he's a palestinians, have now been killed by the is riley on me in an ongoing rate on the janine refugee camp in the occupied westbank launch numbers of soldiers and vehicles storm that comes and is surrounding areas early on tuesday to optimal the 19 hours. the raid shows no sign of stopping reinforcements were seen entering. janine a short while ago, least 21 people have been injured on the palestinian red crescent says it's raining . troops stopped one of his ambulances from towering victims out of the cab did it for him. the quotes for 22 years surgeon was saved
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a bidding work to save lives at the junior hospital. but this time, no one was able to save his after in his way the rate on jeanine in the north of be occupied last month about the notion that with that. and i didn't recognize him at 1st because this per either can legal gunfire continued as i was trying to help him, but she was already dead. she was always there for patients while she was on an off shift. i might be next just because i'm going to work to it was 8 am local time on tuesday when he is really army started advancing towards virginia refugee can at least one student and a teacher were shocked that can, you know, they could move to follow up the students had the final exam, so we heard that one teacher has been injured in the right. so we started calling the parents to pick up the children there. if you jacob is still surrounded by the way the forces making, it's hard to count the number of casualties. what is the or so far as the major
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damage to roads and buildings is really army also demolished the home of a palestinian pointer killed a few weeks ago. but the main goal of the ray that says is to target palestinian fighters jeanine, which is um, i would co call it a and many gaza um, in, in the west bank to us for many weeks for months now. as you know, because there are many tears there, pear infrastructure, we've eliminated tear as they are. we've upper handed many terrors there as well. so far, local sources say the ones to were all civilians. even those reporting on the story were not spared. this has become common for palestinian during the discovering israel's military rates. freelance camera, man, i'm in my hospital, shopped in the back seat and a group of journalists were surrounded by israeli forces. so they tried to move for
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safety. it was out of the honda we clearly identified ourselves through the soldiers who were nearby. we were wearing our press gear and we were clearly targeted. the shooting even continued after i was shot so far, only one person has been laid to rest. there are others whose bodies are waiting the end of the rate to be buried. this is a story that is often repeated in june, 1 of last pain and destruction. one that would go on as long as is really maintains its occupation that but he just eat a, you'll keep lie to us bank palestine, a seal. it has own out of there of donald trump's lawyer as wrap up the case without the full and the president taking the stand in his house money trial. columbia as president announces action of to recessions of rebels minus the
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in depth analysis of the days headlines. if that was a rough or offensive, where would the people go? people have no place to go. each one of 1000 people has paid this place at least 2 times frank assessments. this is a maxim blow to free speech and freedom of the press informed opinions you can be somebody, this is on one of the hostages, october 7th, and return. and i want the chilly to stop inside story on al jazeera, examining the impact of today's headlines. setting the agenda for tomorrow's discussions. international filmmakers and world class journalists bring programs to inform and inspire financial sierra over $27000.00 photographs of dead and tortured civilians. have you seen the photo? so i didn't. the prosecutor ulton did traditional investigation for disappearance,
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torture and crimes against humanity in the final part of this series, which is 0, follows the fight for justice through the courts. fairly straightforward in terms of establishing command responsibility as families and a lawyer space, a terrible deal in the search for the truth, the lost souls of syria. well now just the era of the the you're watching out, is there a mind the thoughts of the stories this hour is really forces attacking the 2 remaining hospitals and northern dawslet patients and medic sauce playing the canal as one hospital. meanwhile,
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hundreds of people have trumped in the out. i'll down hospital which has been on the seas sunday and right is spending the distribution of food in reference says it can no longer operate due to the stress if it's rarely a tax. and the closure as land crossings to placing it supplies. as early forces have killed at least 8 palestinians during rate in janine and the pod was fine. teacher, she and honest surgeon are among those killed out of state funeral will be held in the coming hours, but it runs late president abraham racy. he was killed in a helicopter crash on sunday, along with the foreign minister and 7 officers. ali hassan reports of the when abraham right, you see last a be a document or about airport. he was not only you once president, but also believe to be a candidate to succeed the supreme leader. now his body and those are for the
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minute stuff was saying i made all the la and, and 7 of those are being federated in the profession. at the same airport. it will be followed by state street on the scene by the supreme lead i. it's a lot of the coming they on wednesday, i had a burial ceremony the next day on income. one second tale a city the coffins passed through a shrine before being transported to run for the final public viewing. she went to investigate the chair, their bodies were found on monday. i was after the heavy, coptic cross has not been sluggish conditions in northern you are on. with this sudden loss of his president, you're on faces. an unexpected transition with a snap election scheduled for june 28th to find right easy success a while from a lot of the serves. as entering president subjects, we have continued to use something solid with companies that is mostly expected in
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terms of grand strategies. in the arena for policy and domestic policy, as the source of the policies and strategies are formulated within a culture excited amazon involving service factors and actors. however, the prevailing concerned among the people is the mysterious circumstances surrounding the headed cup to crush the killed the president and his companions. you'll find that i see you my seat. about half an hour into dislike. we spotted the cloud patched in the valley near the mind deposit carrying the president decided to assent about the cloud, which we followed. but within 30 seconds above the cloud, to the lawson side of the presidents, helicopter, pilot the speak you later on an emergency landing way. the presidents pilot ansuka the area several times. unfortunately with no news before coming back. be there for
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us to do that in the mining area, the chief of staff of the armed forces mohammed body has initiated a high level investigation to the cause of the president's headed golf. the crush, the outcome of this investigation will be crucial in finding out what was done, the helicopter part of minutes as well as the passenger without definitely a good answer. there will be likely more speculation. and i actually read that on in columbia and president gustavo petro will travel to the southern region on friday in response to the deteriorating security situation. the a splinter group, a former falk rebels, has launched a full frontal offensive against state forces. as under unpaired, he sent us this report from boca to the series of explosions of rock columbia. it's called a towel, kind of region over the past several days. this is what's left of
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a police station in the town of morales, after a blast, killed several officers and injured and the 6 others. opportunities believed the fark, m. c. a rebel group is to blame for the violence. the groups western faction walked away from the stocks with the government in april, starting a full scale assault and the region where they operate. last ship, by the way, we'll share so we won't negotiate a new c spy with the e. m. c. this criminal organization has shown with its attacks against civilians in this region that a truce isn't possible. president gustavo pay through order defense minister in the military leadership to immediately travel to the area and establish a permit and security council. calling for a total offensive against the group. he also replaced the armies chief general louisa spina who has come under fire for the deteriorating security situation. alco residents say they have been increasingly terrorized by the group
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name is. it's very distressing, especially for the children have know what this fighting is affecting us all of it . so have to your 50 security expert, elizabeth dickinson says the violence is the consequence of an increasing fragmentation of columbus internal conflict in recent years. and particularly since the pandemic we saw the ultimate, there was a trend toward consolidation where different, smaller groups saw an advantage in coming together to look for concessions from the government. now the piece talks have been thrown into crisis. i think the logic is very different. it's much more about controlling and listed economies on the local level, and that is leading us towards a situation with more and more smaller groups, splitting off and looking for their own interest rather than a national accord. the ongoing piece docs have helped to reduce violence in some regions, but not all in the rural south west. for example,
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crimes such as extortion kidnapping. go to recruit samantha of children have actually increased s criminal groups continue to tightened their grip, leaving the government with no option better, return to a full offensive with civilians. caught in the crossfire. i listen that i'm get the i just need a book that the criminal trial, a former us president donald trump, is entering its final phase on tuesday. the defense team rest that it's case without cooling from, to testify from his charged with betsy full accounts of falsifying business records to hide harsh money payments to an adult film. actress christian slavery has the story for the defense rested its case and the 1st ever criminal trial of a former us president after calling 2 witnesses. and donald trump wasn't one of them. instead they honed in on robert costello
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a lawyer who disputed claims that donald trump knew all about efforts to silence an adult film star and paid his former fixer michael cohen to do so. trump's payments to colon are at the heart of the charges. the faces 34 accounts of falsifying business records, that cohen admitted on the stand that he's lied under oath before the prosecution had no choice, but to put michael cohen on the stand. and that's what they did. of course, he presents certain difficulties. the jury saw documents e mails invoices, phone records, and even checks signed by donald trump and heard from stormy daniels who was paid to keep quiet in the run up to the 2016 presidential election. an affair she claimed she had with him. and they also heard from media mogul, david packard, trump's co conspirator, and the hush money scheme. but the prosecution's case largely comes down to cohen and what he says, his former boss knew. so that's the great big cat present. any evidence that
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directly shows that he knew this is only information interest. hey, the only way to present that evidence is by presenting stormy daniels, michael cohen. david peck, are people that have spoken to trump and can tell a jury that was being tapped behind the payment. trump, who denies all of it, reserved his commentary for the cameras. the jury will return to the court room next week to hear closing arguments and begin their deliver ration solved. 12 jurors must agree on donald trump's guilt or innocence to avoid a mis trial. kristen, so we me out to 0 new york. okay,
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that's it from me, molly, inside lots more information on a website out there, dot com to check it out, whether is next and inside story when exam. and if the i c c action might defend israel's international installation, do stay with the the, it's a hot forecasts for many in asia, harper, one, let's get going with your weather update. colors are on dark, the red, the hotter it is, parts of the same province and bucket stand closing in on 50 degrees in jacob a bad i do think you'll get there later in the week. now through the other side of the border in northwest india through punjab, the national capital region are just starting to pradesh like this. temperature is exceeding 40 some cases 45 degrees. but let's take the colors off. we've caught
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quite a bit of rain pouring into careless state in southern india, same through the northern bodies and all of this what weather will crash into that western side of sri lanka. so copious amounts of rain to go here over the next little bit. all of it stretches across the bay and then gold pours into the end of it and see runs into the south coast of myanmar, crosses the border and to thailand injecting a lot of moisture into the atmosphere for indo china. so showers in storms here on wednesday, showers in storms in southern china. that's moving across the taiwan through japan through islands. it's just going to clip kyushu islands, but for the rest of china to the north, the low river valley temperatures in the 30s. and there's some of that rain getting close to kyushu, and our biggest burst of rain for indonesia will be central, calla, montana on borneo of the 2 of us didn't even customs their families smuggling
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undocumented workers across the next festive occupied with bart to witness their incredible stories from over 9 years. desert smugglers with this document on the jersey to the international criminal court top prosecutor. so 6 arrest warrants for his wally, i'm from us leaders. the united states was condemned to move against its allies. but really i see things action deeper as well as international isolation for it's for on concept this is inside story the .


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