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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 22, 2024 6:00am-6:31am AST

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6 talk has been a place for organizing politically, for getting people to vote for getting people to protest, connect with our community and tap into conversations you want find elsewhere. why is our government taking us to work on the basis of live? read the public has to get out there and do something about it. the stream announces era. a massacre in sudden, full gauze is riley strikes, killing 10 palestinians of the shelter, including a pregnant women, the gloves. save along with headquarters. here is the hold. so coming it is ready, falls into the last hospitals and all the jobs are in nature. besides suddenly emergency departments come on to a humanitarian catastrophe. d. c.
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u n is false to suspend to date deliveries dropped on the justice details. antique congressional navy gets using us secretary of state sense . we think that a supposed to get genocide the welcome to the probably going to get its central goals or at least 10 people, including a pregnant women have been killed it over long. it is way the rates it happens in there's a way to area buildings. a sheltering displays, people with talks is by the strikes, the bodies of the data they did would take it to alex, the hospital and data by that. well, it's very full say is uh once again, legacy to hospitals in the columns and strip full. those 200 people, patients that relatives medical workers have been trapped inside the a lot of hospital adult dogs. and since sunday is why the sniper's
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a big at the building, other rockets hit the 5th floor, the all bills opened. fire with the cloud one hospital full thing stuff displays palestinians to flee axles the alba triples. chaos and fear good snores in gaza as kind of a student as credit for safety seeking refuge from relentless darkness. these really are me, has fired them to come. my loved ones saw spill building is a lie here. force the patients and medical staff to sleep. among those evacuated are premature babies and veterans and patients with chronic illnesses. and i was hoping that i yeah, i really do not know what they mean by this. there is no explanation to the attack or medical facilities. it's out of hubris, february and barbarism. these right is the right thing according to that desire and
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no one is able to hold them to account. this patient for example, has a fractured hip. really, i don't know what to say to come all up on hospital is being targeted by is really for assistance sunday despite international laws, protecting hospitals. stuff say they have been intentionally targeted. uh for the most part of this is the less facility that provides medical services in the north of the gaza strip. it's clear that this barbaric attack was targeting on duty medical staff in the reception and the emergency section. this is further evidence of the barbaric nature of the occupation. this is really military offensive, is ramping up across the gaza strip. a drone attacking the yep. and the refugee camp killed a young palestinians venturing bouts to find food. survivors were taken to the barely functioning q 80 hospital in the rough uh
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the 7 month is rarely a sultan garza has already devastated most of the strip and cost attire humanitarian crisis. intensifying siege is also causing severe food shortages. pushing palestinians dangerously close, defended the excess i'm of how does there so they made you an agency full palestinian refugees of suspending food distribution to displace to palestinians and calls a southern city of alpha. and that's because of the ongoing fighting of the area between the israeli army and all the groups on the road from the army to sleazy area underwater supplies on the deplete. it's after israel close landry. it's going to garza, it's a cost of the largest distribution of food a to him down country hospital from the butler and central cause of the lack of food aid in the strip. more than half the population of the gaza strip that completely rely on food distributions from under well under what reduce that they
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will suspense, or if we distribution due to the lack of supply and security. but let's let me explain this. we're talking about more than 1000000 palestinians who were seeking refuge in the fall. now they have been displaced for more than a couple of times. they are, they move to 10 units as to the middle area and they do not have any type of food assistance. the prices in the gaza strip are very high, where people have not been working for more than 7 months. right now they, they spend all their savings and the only way they're relying on food and getting food and feeding their children is under one other 8 at organizations. but this was expected special need that for more than 2 weeks now, nothing is being entering from a cut them. i was silent and the rough i'm crossing where all of the committed to use the food committees and the fuel are not in during. and this is leaving for
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a very dire situation in the causes trip most posted using guns or category of quotes of water that they need every day. and that's about fully says, according to the united nations and a lot of it is polluted and salty. leading to a public health crisis has been dismissed reports. in the search for one of the rarest and most valuable commodities in gaza, clean drinking water. it's children who are carrying most of the but it's backbreaking what so we'd much of the infrastructure here destroyed by israel's foaming. this is one of the only ways to get water from a to be undefeated. when we desperately need water to drink and to maintain basic hygiene. as you can see, we don't even have enough water to wash out dishes properly. we're using sand drum to try to sanitize them, but it's not enough. cooking utensils are also contaminated with sand residues and
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making it difficult to prepare to safely. united nations estimates the average palestinian and gaza is surviving on the 3 lead to the water per day for all the needs. that's well below its emergency standard of 15 liters. of water is also salting and contaminated with as much as 70 percent of the population drinking straight from polluted wells. the young man with treating salty water for drinking purposes. we action pay cash for it and stores in large containers and then distribute to the people. we appeal to donors to help us buy water, even if it's sold to just provide us with most of the water means on safe hygiene practices, which help the spread of diseases and across casa attempts to repair the water supply network. a held up because israel isn't lasting in new products, it says they could be used as weapons. the huffman one to 92 percent of water and
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sanitation infrastructure has been completely obliterated. here in con units, the lack of electricity is west and the crisis with generates has completely destroyed country sewage overflowed into streets and the c leaching into ground water and wells contaminating the water system, potentially for generations to come. but it's smith, i'll just say a few, a said as a battery son does, has thrown his support beyond the international criminal court request for arrest warrants for his by the government officials. but he says that's evidence that isabel has committed war crimes in john. so of all these actions for crowns. yeah, i believe that they all are believe that there is substantial evidence that the extreme right wing is really government led by nothing. y'all has used the vision as a weapon of war. yes, israel has the right to go after from us. very few people doubt that for net yahoo
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and is government do not have the right to wage in all out war against the children against the women against the innocent people of casa. and for that, there must be consequences in the us, like united states had seemed like goodness as the simple sanctions against the international criminal cold. he spoke at a hearing where he was questioned about us support for israel. the hearing was disrupted by protest, is accusing blinking of supposing genocide, political aid has the latest from washington, dc to hearings on the hills, same situation sworn in the protest began in the morning and the afternoon. oh, that's to recommend. and this island protest continued read so tans framing the
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secretary of state on the prosecutor and international criminal court seeking arrest warrants for the leaders of israel and come off blinking promise to work with congress to find a way to punish the i. c. c. let's look at it. we want to work with you on a bi partisan basis to find an appropriate response. but the bi partisan divide over israel was on full display as democratic senators question the recent state department report that said, while it is likely israel has violated international humanitarian law using american made weapons, the binding administration did not take the steps that would have cut off military aid as required under us law. this issue does not require additional investigation . we've seen this play out in real time. and um, the report stating israel is doing more to get humanitarian 8 in. i think that's grading on a curve that if, if that's sufficient, then anything sufficient for many republicans, their complaint that the buying and mr. ation is pausing to shipments of $3500.00
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bobs at every stage. you have been telling israel do not kill the terrorist, and that has been from day one. the by new ministration is asking congress for $64400000000.00 to from the state department and other international programs in 2025. the proposal gives you crane and the additional $482000000.00. israel $3300000000.00. as for the palestinians, congress has voted to cut off a to enroll the main relief organization for palestinians, for the 1st 6 months of 2025. these budget requests are very rarely agreed to, and in fact, the us congress has only passed all the preparations bills on time 4 times since 1977 on israel's war on god's or blinking basically said the same thing. he's been saying for months that israel has a right to defend itself, that it's not doing enough to get humanitarian aid into gaza, asked repeatedly what the us could do to the changes on the ground. he didn't
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really give an answer. patio home l to 0 at the capital, at least 8 palestinians of not being killed by these when the army and an ongoing rate in the janine refugee camp in the occupied westbank. large numbers of soldiers and vehicles told me to come down to the surrounding areas early on choose day of to move the 19 hours the rates as may sign of stopping reinforcements was seen entering jeanine a short while ago. now at least 21 people have been injured. on the palestinian beds crescent, says is ready. troops stopped one of its ambulances from carrying victims out of the attempt. the abraham reports for 22 years surgeon was saved a bidding work to save lives at the junior hospital. but this time, no one was able to save his after in his way the rate on jeanine in the north of the occupied westbank went back to do something with a and i didn't recognize him at 1st because this per either can legal gun fire continued as i was trying to help him,
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but he was already dead. she was always there for patients while he was on and off shift. i might be next just because i'm going to work me to. it was 8 am local time on tuesday when he's read the army started advancing towards the g need refuge account. at least one student and a teacher were shop that. can, you know, they could move to find out the students had the final exam. so we heard that one teacher has been injured in the right. so we started calling the parents to pick up the children. there are a few decap is still surrounded by the way the forces making. it's hard to count the number of casualties. what is the or so far is the major damage to roads and buildings. is really army also demolished the home of a palestinian pointer killed a few weeks ago. but the main goal of the ray that says is to target palestinian fighters jeanine, which is um, i would co call it a and many gaza um,
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in, in the west bank to us for many weeks for months now. as you know, because there are many tears there, pear infrastructure, we've eliminated tear as they are. we've upper handed many terrors there as well. so far, local sources say the ones to were all civilians. even those reporting on the story were not spared. this has become common for palestinian during the discovering israel's military raids freelance camera, man ahmed manasseh. it'll push off in the back. he and a group of journalists were surrounded by the way the forces. so they tried to move for safety. it was out of the honda we clearly identified ourselves through the soldiers who were nearby. we were wearing our press gear and we were clearly targeted. the shooting even continued after i was shot so far, only one person has been laid to rest. there are others whose bodies are waiting the end of the rate to be buried. this is a story that is often repeated in june,
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1 of loss, pain and destruction. one that would go on as long as is real, maintains its occupation. the he just eat up, you'll keep hard to a thing, palestine. so a head held out, is there a funeral? so these are being held slowly around like present your brain while you see who's killed and a helicopter crunch on sunday. and donald trump's lawyers wrap up that case without the full were present taking the stands. it is hush money trial. those stories after the break, the and we're up and running with your weather report across the america is good to have jo long. this is not good news line of showers in store and setting up across
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the border with uruguay and southern brazil. this is not too far away from those areas that were devastated by flooding in southern brazil, dispatcher of range. you're looking to drop about a 100 millimeters of rain so that much rain all at once will give us some more flooding. our usual spells of rain draped across northern brazil that meets up with some of the wet weather we've got going on in central america, off the pacific coast, running into coast street on panama, and then very unsettle conditions for his spaniel of cuba and jamaica. some pretty good downforce here on wednesday. storms get going for northern texas, oklahoma in arkansas on his own here, there was a threat of seeing some tornadoes and after that violent weather we saw in the us midwest. so tell crossing over the border into canada. so, soaking rains, they're like new york 32 degrees. this could be your height of his stay in 8 months west found. we go now look into good still another to all day for vancouver. 15 degrees and showers and mix here breezy 2 for the pacific northwest. and we've also got
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a breeze off the pacific for california. so l a. s i can do for you is 22 degrees on wednesday. that's it for me. catch up later. the sick time again, this is terry, at the seats of unity in india is vibrant. the tapestry as election further sweeps, the nations to childhood friends find their relationship unraveling as they pulled to opposing poles. can the friendship survive the political divide in the world's largest democracy? india is fractured. witness on that, we'll just sierra the
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book about q, what you'll just bear with me. so robin doug, how reminder of all the top stories, at least 10 people, including a pregnant women, have been killed and overnight rates by these writings, buildings sheltering displaced people were talked in a way that it takes the total number of people killed in garza to move them 35600 is ready for us, is that we're talking the 2 remaining hospitals in northern garza patients and medics of lead me to my little hospital. meanwhile, hundreds of people are trapped in the a to a hospital which has been on the siege since sunday. underwater is suspending the distribution of food in rough, or it says it can no longer operate due to the threat. so if it's really a tax and the closure of land crossings depleting, it's supplied. well, let's get more of that announcement from underwater suspending operations in rough or i'll just there was gabriel. it's all the reports from you in h q in new york,
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a. thank you. when says all of the major border check points were a, is supposed to come in, the guys that essentially are not working. the roof of crossing the un says remains closed. the care of both salem crossing, well technically open. the un says in practice is not really usable and the air is crossing and the north closed on may 9th and hasn't been open since. and another crossing cold air is west in the north. only allows such little aid in it's negligible or colleagues that onto our report that today the agencies distribution center as well as the well food programs warehouse is both in rafa or now inaccessible. jude ongoing military operation on was that it's health centers have not received any medical supplies for the past 10 days. despite this health care staff continue to provide thousands of medical consultations each day at health
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centers that are still operational, un humanitarian worker and gaza. say there operations, there are near collapse gabriel's on the i'll just read it at the united nations in new york, israel's but it's faith communication is remote and any decision to shut down, the news agencies live camera position in southern israel. the associated press has not resumed the live video fees that overlooks northern causes strip. now the israeli government is also type broadcast equipment sees from the use agency on choose day is ready to go forward. he's had a cues. the news agency, a violating the newly instituted by the on algebra 0 problem in this opinion, and that's we always give a bundled reserve from the pulsing within israel. olive fisher has more or less from washington dc. c. associated price is one of the biggest names in american journalism. it's headquarters in new york, and his office is around the country as well as around the world and clients around the world as well. when the white house had what they usually said done,
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they asked them to rethink and return the equipment. and they use the diplomatic levers and the pressure of that they have to manage to get that decision over time in just a couple of hours. now you'll remember when i'll just see it a was block from operating israel by these really government about 34 weeks ago. the white house then said that this was the correctable to express their concern. 3 and the generalist should be allowed to do their job, but they never put the pressure on the way they did over the last few hours. that pitcher is no backup being fed to clients around the world. the israelis close the door and saying it was a threat to national security, but it's a very wide short. there's just a pool of smoke over northern guys that there's very little detail in it. and that was obviously challenged by the united states. and the whole decision has been challenged by a number of free speech and journalism advocates in the us. in fact, the national press club based here in washington dc said that this was yet another
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example of is really aggression against journalism organizations trying to report the war and gaza all the for sure, i'll just say to washington or the state 0 who will be held in the coming hours for it was late president abraham received that he was killed at a helicopter crash on sunday, along with the foreign minister and several others, only hash reports from aaron's capital where they brought him right. you see last the document here about airport. he was not only you once president, but also believe to be a candidate to succeed the supreme leader. now his body and those are for the minute stuff are saying, i mean all the here and 7 of those are being federated in the profession. at the same airport, it will be followed by state feet on the scene by the supreme lead i at the law the coming the on wednesday, i had a burial ceremony the next day on income one second tale,
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a city the coffins passed through a shrine before being transported to run for the final public viewing, she went to investigate the chair. their bodies were found to monday. i was after the heavy cop to crush dock and for the conditions in northern you are on this southern loss of his president. you're on faces, an unexpected transition with a snap election scheduled for june 28th to find right easy success a while ago from the local serves. as interim president, subjects, we have continued to use something solid with companies that is mostly expected in terms of grand strategies. in the arena, foreign policy and domestic policy as the source of the policies and strategies are formulated within a culture excited amazon involving service factors and actors. however, the prevailing concern among the people is the mysterious circumstances surrounding
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the helicopter crash that killed the president and his companions. you'll find, exhibit the your message, both house on the other into dislike. we spotted the cloud patched in the valley near the mines deposit, carrying the president decided to ascend above the clouds, which we followed. but within 30 seconds above the clouds, we lost sight of the presidents helicopter pilot the speak you later on imagine so landing before the president's pilot ansuka the area several times. unfortunately, we'd known use before coming back. be that forced to do that in the mining area, the chief of staff of the armed forces mohammed body has initiated a high level investigation to the cause of the presidents. have you called the crush. the outcome of this investigation will be crucial in finding out like what does a helicopter for a minute says run
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a dog without definitely answer there will be likely more speculation and possibly a security. i'm actually going to see it on that. i will see is that sanctions against their all voltage, 10 to the periphery with countries a fight to deal with the wrong because of us pressure the crane war and the imagined solve all tentative economic blocks has not changed. colorado is viewed and dealt with us of the bank reports, now turnarounds, international standing and relationships that have developed over the recent years . its ukraine will, may have rallied the us and it's, you repeat allies against russia. but that wasn't the only alliance express accent and solidified the ring and drones used by russian have been instrumental in the will use to strike ukrainian cities and overall, it's a defensive it's brought the 2 countries closer together. it's no longer the case that countries us try to be seen to do business with their on the country officially joined the breaks group this year. the alliance of brazil, russia,
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india, china, and south africa, along with other countries like side year radio. it was a move to ends, us attempts to isolate their own. so essentially without the economic duck office access to fast growing market and opportunities for mutual cooperation. iran assigned agreements with india, russia, and china, and developed many of those relationships under the presidency of a brian, right? you see who died this week? the war on cause it has also thrust iran into the spotlight. it's a major supporter of posting and resistance groups. the us was eager for it not to be dropped into the will. the region was put on fire the 20 ringing strikes. it is where you target retaliation for the is really bumming over, wants embassy, damascus strike, which kills 2 of its generals. and made it clear that it runs a major pair that can exact its instruments. and its relationships with countries around the world means it's no longer isolated of huge the way the us would like it to me. i said big i 0. the french president of the black hole is driving to new
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caledonia and the pacific weather being days of unrestricted by propose changes to the phasing system, the overseas, punish territories under estates of imagine. so you have to balance protocol joining protests wayne. hey pulls from to run, get england in some parts of new caledonia is capital new map protest is still in control and promising to find home unless we won't give up until they withdraw the decks. they are bound to 4 to no, no, we won't give up even if we have to die for it. the text he refers to is a constitutional change that would expand the electorate in new caledonia allowing more french nationals to vote and local elections. the indigenous cannot say it's entrenching french colonization and marginalizing their voice. the we're waiting for this text to be withdrawn because it means the illumination of the
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contact people were already in the minority. if they get this text through congress and resign were screwed. the french government continues to increase the number of security personnel who, being slowly bringing the situation under control, but days of protesting looting and us, and have shut down pots of new map. and some people worry, it will never be the same thing in the deal, not to for reading for the police to intervene. and then maybe we'll be a bit more relieved, a bit more liberated. it's true that afterwards it will be difficult to rebuild everything. and that's that it's a sad story. there's only one word for it. sad of the international april remains close to commercial flights, stranding many tourists. on tuesday, the governments of new zealand and australia were given permission to land military, a craft in new caledonia to evacuate some of the citizens. the 1st have arrived back home, angry with the strong government 3 homes. and as much as that,
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i felt that they should have warned us prior to going move flights, upland in the coming days, contingent on the fluid security situation. wayne, hey, al jazeera towed on a new zealand. the criminal trial of former us present donald trump is entering its bundled face on tuesday, the defense team rested its case without calling trump to testify that trump is charged with 30 full kinds of falsifying business records to hide hush money. payments to an adult film actress kristen sleepy has moved from new york for the defense rest of its case and the 1st ever criminal trial of a former us president after calling 2 witnesses. and donald trump wasn't one of them. instead, they honed in on robert costello a lawyer who disputed claims that donald trump knew all about efforts to silence an adult film star and paid his former fixer michael cohen to do so. terms of payments
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to colon are at the heart of the charges. the faces 34 accounts of falsifying business records, that cohen admitted on the stand that he's lied under oath before the prosecution had no choice, but to put michael cohen on the stand. and that's what they did. of course, he present certain difficulties. the jury saw documents e mails invoices, phone records, and even checked, signed by donald trump and heard from stormy daniels who was paid to keep quiet in the run up to the 2016 presidential election about an affair. she claims she had with him. they also heard from media mogul, david packard, trump's co conspirator, and the hush money scheme. but the prosecution's case largely comes down to cohen and what he says is former boss new. so that's the way they can present any evidence that directly shows that the new business only information in trust. hey, the only way to present that evidence is by presenting stormy daniels,
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michael cohen. david peck, are people that have spoken to trump and can tell a jury that was the intent behind.


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