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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  May 22, 2024 9:30am-10:01am AST

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the the, the international capital costs talk to prosecute. so 6 arrest warrants for his wally, i'm from us leaders. the united states was condemned to move against its allies. but really i see things action deeper as well as international isolation for us for on gaza. this is inside story, the
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hello welcome to the program. i'm adrian. instead of going to me 7 months of was more than $35000.00 palestinians killed and widespread destruction of the densely populated guns a strip, the international criminal courts to prosecute to says that is really prime minister, benjamin netanyahu and defense minister your go on, that criminal responsibility for war crimes and crimes against humanity. the ground cited by a come out of hong include starvation of civilians as a method of wolf app, intentionally directing attacks against civilians and willful killing. con is also applied for arrest warrants for $300.00 ass leaders for the october 7th attack on israel. so what does this mean for the demonstration on concept of how does legal pressure 1st and the genocide case of the instructional court of justice and now at the i c. c. impact the realities on the ground. we'll put that to, i guess in a moment, but 1st a report from over close. i'm should have president joe biden's standing by
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is one us preston. joe biden has told these rejected the decision by the prosecutor of the international criminal court to seek arrest warrants against is why the prime minister benjamin netanyahu, and his defense mister hugh of cologne, is the 1st time the r. c. c has sought the rest of the top us ally r c. c. prosecutor, cream con is also seeking the rest of 3. how mostly does for the october 7th, the tech already was very wide. there is no privilege between israel and i'm us it's clear isn't was all do all can to ensure submitting protection b r c. c prosecutor says this evidence to show that nothing yahoo, i'm go on the criminal responsibility for crimes. and also in the past 7 months, the mazda attack on his wife killed about 1200 people on october 7th,
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and is to as well. and also since has more than $35.00 pounds of palestinians, the crimes include starvation of civilians as a method of wolf, i wilfully causing great suffering. serious injury to body or health or cruel treatment. also killing or murder, unintentionally directing attacks against a civilian population. as well as crimes against humanity, of extermination, handling matter, persecution and obligations of crimes of committing other in human acts. nothing yahoo condemned what he called an outrageous position, accusing the icpc of anti semitism. the prosecutors of search the we're breaking into a coverage of i'll just say we're here to go over to the legion low as capital weather will region 5 minutes from foreign minister. now speaking about the middle
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east and the recognition for palestinian states on his belt and published the amount of wood for the order. so he's speaking in the wheelchair and we are expecting an english the statement that this week when 5 minutes. so eunice ja stora has been a politician since i subbing, especially 65 minutes of norway. and this statement is plans along with several of those from across europe in the next couple of hours that are in the meant as the days that lisa forget palestinian politicians. we expect to hear from pretty interesting response from israel. but let spring gain re forever to be in a political science professor, the computer 10 say university of madrid joins us now live from bucharest. good. have you with us, ma'am? on the program, we were expecting these comments and statements to be made, but no way has taken now a step in a direction which will have international ramifications for its own position.
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but most importantly for the state of palestine. yes, yes, yes it is norway, but also i finally is going to be recommendations by saying i don't so i island and that will be a very, very, a said for there to be in the, the, the regulation impact historical. yes. please. and reaffirmation of the right of the policy and people to separate the nation and, and the companies man of the international international. no, be the most important thing. 8 said the regulation, but the each to then we just assign, bullied yes, chair of recognition by the government, but they should estate some explicitly recognizing the 19 seventy's 1967 borders because uh that could be otherwise. this excess survey to be able never important have any deals to be published and young people and also involved in
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these days. so i look on the new policy. so let's see how this statesman i, i are going that by the 1st a we should pay attention about the borders that they are recognizing for as long as seen in the state and state county east, there's district of nations are being followed by other measures. what we have seen here now in this particular instance is countries like no way an island in spain had certainly worked a very fine line of being as neutral as they possibly can when it comes to negotiations in terms of the 2 state solution and try to find a way forward for both israel and palestine to, to live in peace. they've allowed the united states to take that lead. does this now mean the countries like no way? and we also thinking the coming hours i lived in spain will put the todds with the united states. so we're looking at the much rough logic rift here. and what was
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missing is that there a bunch of, of gone through the red recognized policy now by the sign. and that these to the samples in europe is going to be very important because most of the countries are costing, recognize the sign work home coming from the global self or their parcel of each on a, in, in, in, in europe. we just have 9 countries that go nice and by this time uh, that will be an impulse to it, to the rest of or for the new york in countries to recognize that the said this country. and this started the dialogue to, to get that we, the, i is, well, i mean, of course, united states and, and, and, and their own polish time to try to sort of these because they did. this is a very important step of the very 1st steps to try to sort out the said the situation that we're leaving now in the, in the middle east. so what's the difference then between as you say, several countries already having recognize the state of palestine to what we're
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going to be hearing of what we are hearing right now? because does it actually mean they will recognize the board as a more determined situation to accept the right to the palestinians that lost their lives, lost a livelihood some that homes in 19471948. what does this actually mean practically? now, for countries like no way, what will they do as well? they're giving a symbolic, a political support to palestine, which is important in, especially in the, in their, you know, in the, you know, in the see places that we're leaving. knowing that for assessing to enable it to not be, and then the united nations in which the united states is a some of the times us both being alone. so it seems they're aligned with these. what's that he's listed in a lies, or taking another position that good floor also in united states to reconcile either the positions or worse and the situation. and it's great because situation
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that has been leading 9 to augusta across the street. so it's 1st a political and symbolic and movement. that's good to leads to all there. and member states in new york in union to move forward as well, like it's going to be put, is really not very difficult position with on. there are un, under a lot of work pressure, european pressure, which has kind of been the acts or who are being missing in the hole in the hole in a situation a so far. um, so be easy for them to, to, to pay attention. but that's what, that's the way i told you before, that the borders should be the 97065. the board is the commission going to the 2 and dissolution of the 2 states. its its being stated that any emails that like 3 months and um, that will be due now the 1st one and very important step to,
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to, to try to sort of the, the situation under feel and also putting pressure on the united states which re, i, it should remind here that they are holding these to him. it protects on elections at the end of the year. and that the, they should, they got the station about a, about the what they're going to do with big with these why, which are when, when it's a, i mean they go, nathan, yahoo government is just breaking 0 to all human rights. and all international conventions miss as so data to the other. cool. so it will come back to you for more analysis as the minutes progress, but for the day. but thanks for joining us from the crest. let's go safe to him and com, who joins us now from i think is an amount of money in jordan is what amount is right now for us. why the prime ministers of israel, bending benjamin, that's in the all he's going to spend dollars is there from reporting. so in your role. so listening into what the legion prime minister is saying of the
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significance of it, of course, will rest the dates. uh, a cost of at least i think the main headline that right now so is that nobody will recognize a palestinian state on may 28th. the p. m is said we believed that the 2 state solution isn't as well as best interest. a goal is to achieve a palestinian state that is politically cohesive and that derives from the palestinian authority was i believe the 2 state solution is and israel's best interest is going on to say that the ongoing role in goals is made abundantly clear that keeping peace and stability must be predicated on resolving the palestinian question. we must also keep alive. he says, the only alternative, the office, a political solution phase, right? these and palestinians are like a 2 states living side by side in peace and security. it also sends a strong message to other countries to follow the example of norway and recognize the state of palestine. recognition of palestine means supporting
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a moderate forces which have been losing ground and is protected. i'm brutal conflict, so we've got to keep it alive. so this is a major statement. we're expecting this to be followed by island, a little bit later, multi slovenia, and spain also publicly saying that they all going to look at recognizing the state of palestine. this is a moments occasion for the palestinians as perhaps on the surprising that norway had taken the lead on this side because they were behind the oslo accords. at the agreement in 1993, there really did 2 things that recognize the palestine liberation organization. the payload as the legitimate representatives of the policy and you people also put into place the palestinian authority, which have limited powers within the occupied westberg. now, this is going to be a boost for the house and you know, far as the, it's going to come up as some more of a problem for these, right?
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he's the because he's right. these have said already that they don't want uh, they want the moderate force within garza for the day of that, but they're not really looking at the palestinian authority. so now what this does, no way recognizing on these other european countries recognizing is it puts a lot of pressure to get a roadmap in place as well with tools. my wrote back many, many times over the years, but this will put pressure to get that roadmap. in place also so. so i hope this is going to have an impact on the saudi normalization process with the israel. if that does happen this, how it is being very clear. they won't come and goes it. and they want a promise of a palestinian state. so all of these things working time together, i'm going to put a tremendous amount pressure on prime minister benjamin netanyahu would love to see what the reaction is to all of this. but certainly there is now just with the
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norwegian problem, is that in the foreign minister statement? i'm a mentor in place. the other european countries will fuller. and let's see how israel is going to react in the coming minutes hours and days. of course the, it comes with the backdrop of what's going on in gone. so right now, of the reaction of these ladies towards it and they, the problems the positive use of facing goes across the gaza strip. this sort of a statement also is going to gain traction with israel's opposition. they were already very critical of both the prime minister netanyahu and his will cabinets the army. let's see what the all position does at the moment. yeah, lupita is the leader of the opposition has said we've got to think about recognizing a palestinian state, but that's in the framework over any potential. ready saudi arabia normalization, deal with israel. that's a big victory for problem is that net, benjamin netanyahu,
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if that happens, but this out, he's been very clear. it's predicated on a palestinian state and now you have no way as well. so it might well be that there will be a discussion going on. it's not a simple or as clear as the position say, okay, this is a great deal. let's go for it and stood. there's still a tremendous amount of um opposition to a palestinian state from the government. remember this a fall? right. government that has elements but simply do not want any palestinians in the occupied westmark. the objectives is always been very clear. um, this is our land and it's outside of the street and we are going to take over as much as possible. that's the fault, right? so benjamin netanyahu politics nothing, you know who himself is a pragmatist at how he's a survivor. and if he thinks that he can make a deal with the opposition policies to try and push something forward, just try and stay in power. that's maybe one way of the way he might frame this.
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we've seen him survived by making deals of this nature. but recognizing a palestinian state and negotiating for a palestinian state is something that these really have bolt for a very long time. this is a fee change. if these re, these actually do it, will be a fundamental change in his writing politics. if they decide that they are going to negotiate for a published in your state months process building. if dave this is emma called, sold out, updates, calls will come back to him, run as things develop. we now gotta go back to a re so right, right to be on the electra of political science at the university of betrayed to the coal. so while we speak no ways, foreign minister s been bought. the ada is also talking, explaining the region government's position on the recognition of a palestinian state. i just wondered if we sort of look at the way that no way is not part of the you, but does fit in the european community
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a search. it does put pressure on the members of the but that are all there is resistance in certain comfortable setting the empowers and in bold as to how they want to deal with the issue of a 2 state solution and also with the palestinians themselves. a yes of course i mean and norwegian as a c d b, there is some years ago sweden, there are no already countries and then appear 3 of you can use with any salt now belonging to new york and union. also it's this that kind of pressure to it in the lead or to, to, to the main company all seen in the, your european union. and i see these, the cable cars and bolling. and so i think it is very much and boring that, that glow, you shall know. if it'd be friends over men's, the light, the easy does the case, an island or a spring, i might be is lini as well, and a good food, some pressure on the rest of the member space to do the step
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a farther up. and so it is why it was very, very concerned about these movements because they are losing their number of defects or as euro, which costs being that they're leaving one new. we have to remember that to be the, you know, every, every single government into your opinion. and it states, as well as the only democracy and the only ally. we a like in the, in the, in the middle east for ag wisdom countries. so the losing of credit ability and leverage and in a name may some of these countries, it's something that the government is to, it's a warrant about. and that's why they are reacting in a very, very strong way and against the, against the based these movements on the wheels as you to take into account. that big sam, the speaker condition, is coming together with be in the rational federal courts of just in and over the last of the last hours in which there are prosecute and then putting for
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prostitution. and nathan jo and some of the issues ministers together with some guy said that sadly there's some high a high mosley there's uh, so uh it's a bunch of for the conversion. so fox or said a visa, over the last hours, against a situation that thing has been living in, in, in the, in the augusta street and in the west bank as well. because we got no forget that. this is a trying to see what's going on in, in, in gusta. so unless of course it is a, it's an ethnic lean seen in it and then massacre and, and in the morning or it is our break in on international conventions. but also there are some issues happening in the, in the west bank. it has been happening for a long time already, and no one has made anything about it. so these converges so, so these 2 factors, these, these new regulations by european countries,
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their historical allies and creators of phase 12 and in the state of basically a, it's a, it's a very, very huge last of the 44 days, right? of government. and we have to wait to see how these issues are coming out on the india, in the honest, stable is available berman with some, you know, these are me for impose to show that if there's going to break through breakouts or 8 and it's going to be you know more, more on to get there because supposed to be a threat to forward their, their force, the change, the federal, many moving parts to the story from suddenly different angles in different parts. the world will continue to monitor what goes on and comes out of no way as well as the of the european capitals we expect in the coming hours. and we know you'll be that for us to try and pick exactly what's going on for the name and refer to the on from the university of madrid. thank you. in the
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spring you some of the days of and these do have the top story that was following is the state funeral of around late to present a volume where you say it's under way into her on tens of thousands of variety is a guy that it freedoms, the kind of go to pay their respects why you see spotty, will like to be taken to his home city of the shots full burial of the states. wrong as well. he is the 5 official days of molding announced by the supreme nita, ayatollah ali. how many days president emanuel by cross is traveling to new caledonia in the pacific where they have been days of address triggered by propose changes to the voting system. the overseas french territory is under a state of emergency of divine it's broke out during protests wayne. hey, ripples in some parts of new caledonia is capital new map protest is still in control and promising to find home unless we won't give up
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until they withdraw the decks. they are bound to 4 to no, no, we won't give up. even if we have to die for it, the text he refers to is a constitutional change that would expand the link to us in new caledonia allowing more french nationals to vote and local elections. the indigenous cannot say it's entrenching french colonization and marginalizing the voice. the reason we're waiting for this text to be withdrawn because it means the elimination of the contact people were already in the line already. if they get this text through congress and resign were screwed. the french government continues to increase the number of security personnel who, being slowly bringing the situation under control the days of protesting looting into us and have shut down pots of new map. and some people worry, it will never be the same thing in the home that to full reading for the
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police to intervene. and then maybe we'll be a bit more relieved, a bit more liberated. it's true that afterwards it will be difficult to rebuild everything. and that's that it's a sad story. there's only one word for it said. the international airport remains close to commercial flights, stranding many tourists. on tuesday, the governments of new zealand and australia were given permission to land military, a craft in new caledonia to evacuate some of the citizens. the 1st have arrived back home, angry with the strong government to be homes. and as much as that, i felt that they should have warned us prior to going move flights, upland in the coming days, contingent on the fluid security situation. wayne, hey, al jazeera towed on a new zealand a single pull outlined slide hit turbulence, size of a that one button died and dozens will injured. 10 thousands besides, the plane dropped around 6000 feet within the space of
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a few minutes before regaining altitude. passengers who was wearing seat belts with catapulted into the ceiling and objects with right across the cabin. it happened that the seat belt signs uh were not on the because i didn't hear any kind of tone . uh like that, that usually goes on that face in the intercom when to see about sign goes on as well as no announcement from the pilot necessarily. i think the pilot was meeting just trying to deal with the, with the situation before he could even really tell everybody within the plane to grace. so hold on or to buckle in. so it's you really just have to work with your instincts, like i knew there was some, there was a lady behind me, i think from you do and who was on buckled, but she baby to quickly buckled in like the people who didn't respond or were sleeping with the ones that unfortunately many like separate a lot from the incidence. a judge in greece has dismissed
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a case against 9 egyptian man accused of causing a deputy michael ship ranking the magistrate the last uh the judge said the court didn't talk jurisdiction. charlie angel has moved. 2 pushing back, protest is outside the quote, right, please scuffled with human rights. demonstrate is demanding the trial via band and insisting the men accused with my good note people smugglers victims of your west migrant disaster, no criminals. an hour later, the case was dismissed to the 9 egyptian men. the fight is over. the judge ruled greece did not have jurisdiction to try the men as a ship sank outside greek territorial voltage. so we need to find
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many survivors say it was actually an attempt by the greek coast got to the edge on that caused it to capsize the most of the matters semesters to tell us we will 5 days at sea, the ship was broken, but we didn't drown motors, but when the coast guard placed a rope, then we went down to the sea. it's estimated up to $750.00 people on board. the fishing charter when it sank on june 14th, 2023 in international waters of the south western coast of greece. the ship only had room to full 100 people. it went down in one of the mediterranean deepest areas, making the recovery of the boat to those trapped on board all but impossible. that with just a 104 survivors, most beef and pack of stone, syria, palestinian territories in egypt. none of them women or children. the adriano was sailing from libya to fleet was initially shadowed by the greek coast guard. greek
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authorities have rejected accusations triggered the ship wrecked. they insist the crew refused help from them. and from nearby ships, but rights activists, a greek authorities close to ship, brett qual, attempting to tow the boat out of greece's zone of responsibilities. a separate naval quote investigation into the greek coast cause rescue attempt is underway. and the survivors no longer faced life in prison. charlie angela. oh does there and that isn't useful, but let's just bring you up to speed with all the top story and but no way has officially recognized the state of palestine. the prime minister subject has been made abundantly clear that the chief in peace and stability must be predicated on resolving the palestinian question. no way of speaking now it's a prime minister in 5 minutes. taking questions from the press. we expect spain an island to be making statements later in the day,
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and we will continue to follow that story here on out to say, what do stay with us more is coming up next with one of the unique perspective. why is it the doctors didn't get to have a site in any of the medical workforce has been so under valued by the british government for such a long time on hub voices. tick tock had been a place for organizing politically, for getting people to vote for getting people to protest, connect with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. why is our government taking us toward, on the basis of live we the public has to get out there and do something about it. the stream announces era to close the $27000.00 photographs of dead and tortured civilians. have you seen the photo? so i didn't, the prosecutor ulton did traditional investigation for his disappearance, torture and crimes against humanity in the final part of the series, which is 0 follows the fight for justice through the courts. fairly straightforward
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in terms of establishing command responsibility as families and a lawyer space, a terrible deal in the search for the truth. the lost souls of syria. now just sierra in depth analysis of the days headlines, if that was a rougher offensive. where would the people go? people have no place to go. each one of 1000 people has paid this place at least 2 times frank assessments. this is a max and blown to free speech and freedom of the press, informed opinions you can be somebody. this is on one of the hostages, october 7th, and return. and i want the chilly to stop inside story on al jazeera. hearing this tact, sharp populations, a decline, 70 percent, and we're still not doing anything about it. understanding the reality place that floated reporting from the exit whatever happens next,
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the student from columbia university have already made history out to see who is teams across the world. bring you closer to the house of the story. the, [000:00:00;00] the, the, i'm for the back to for you watching the news our on outages 0 live from bill coming up in the next 60 minutes on my assumes all this the more items to the, to will they don't know way says they were recognized palestine as an independent state as of may 28th, a few other european nations. i also expected to make similar announcement. is


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