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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 22, 2024 10:00am-11:01am AST

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the football team, whatever happens next to the university have already made history out to do is teams across the world. bring you closer to the house of the story. the, [000:00:00;00] the, the, i'm for the back to, for you watching the news, our on out j a 0 live from bill coming up in the next 60 minutes on my assumes all this, the more items to the, to will they don't know way says they were recognized palestine as an independent state as of may 28th, a few other european nations. i also expected to make similar announcement. is
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there any s ride scale, at least 10 people in central gaza, including a pregnant woman, while it's forces on the ground, lacy's to to hospitals in northern godsa. also this our tens of thousands of the radians showing the shingle of late president brain marie see who is carried in a helicopter crash on sundays. and donald trump's lawyers wrap up the defense case without the former president taking the stand in is the thank you very much for joining us. 70 m g m t. and we begin with breaking news. the government of no way has a noun, say, well for many recognize an independent palestinian state which will enter into force next tuesday. israel has strongly opposed to move several other european countries, including island and spain are expected to follow suit. then the legion prime minister says this sends a strong message on where the country stands on his rouse,
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devastating war on garza. israel has recall this invoice to island and no way in response. prime minister benjamin, that's how's government has been da da 0 in israel. that's why we're reporting from jordan, and that's where him on con is joining us from. he's in amman, him, ron? the is really prime minister, furious about this move, which is not exactly a surprise. tell us about what he's been saying. while we were expecting reaction to come very swiftly, but it did come within minutes of the norwegian prime minister uh, issuing that statement. uh these ready for him is uh is ro caps uh old of the immediate, to return to his route of his own boss. it is an island and in no way remember, orland is about to speak and uh, uh, from point to date. uh, they say it's foot consultations off to the 2 countries decision to announce that recognition of a palestinian state. so those are the passages will come back to israel,
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they'll be in consultation to see what can be done about this, but it's worth going through the norwegian statement. let me just, uh, bring it up for you. it began with that we believe that the 2 state solution is in israel's best interest. the goal is to achieve a palestinian state that's politically cohesive. and that derives from the palestinian authority. and we believe that the 2 state solution is in israel's best interest. now they both have given a day, as you said earlier, is may 28th. the pin went on to say, the old guy weren't gauze that has made it abundantly clear. the peace and stability must be predicated on resolving the policy. new question. we must keep alive, the o'neill, tentative the office, a political solution for these rallies and the palestinians of like 2 states, living side by side in peace and security. this is going to present a difficulty for the is riley's in
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a few different types of forms. firstly, these, randy's really want a normalization deal was how do you radians, how these have been very clear they wouldn't come in gaza and they want a pathway to a palestinian states. i am on thank you very much for the moment jim on con, lived there in a mind we're going to take you back to the press conference by the norwegian, for an minister. there he is speaking now in english about the decision and then a wage in for an a prime minister about the decision to recognize that palestinian state let's estimate about the decision to meet the make that recommendation. but they have understood and they respect the decision. we have taken um and on, on all the european countries, um, uh well there are 3 countries coming out today. and then uh, my impression is that there is a reflection going on in, in, in, in some more countries. but i'm not going to be turned on that i think they will
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make their position known when they are ready to do so. not at all thing about at the city with on this and the other thing asked for smart this to again we've been missing the 2. i missed conference from no ways. prime minister after the country and on said he would recognize a palestinian state on may the 28th. a number of other countries including spain and island, are also expected to make a similar move. let's bring in iran con, uh, once again who is in a mine, jordan, because these really cabinet has gone down to 0 from reporting from inside israel. this move by no way, and which is also expected to come from spain and island is not going down. well, as one can imagine in israel starts out, so you right. expect to hit this one. that key statement coming out from these riley's in the next few moments. this precedent for this. we've heard it before,
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but any recognition of the palestinian state is rewarding. how mass, but it's attacked on israel, on october, the 7th. i think that language is going to be clear and unambiguous. and that's really the message that these readies are going to be pushing forward. like i say these readings of already recall the ambassadors to norway and to island they likely to do the same thing. if for example, most us living it will spring also recognize a palestinian state. so the reaction from israel is going to be swift to is going to be unambiguous is going to go off to those countries. but this now has to put some pressure on israel. it's perhaps on surprising that no way has recognized a pile of starting 1st because uh they were part of the low a codes and 1990 feet. now that did 2 things, it's recognize the payload, the power started the duration of organizations as a legitimate representatives of the palestinian people. and it was like put into place the policy and well,
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far as the new origin problem is that today said that it's the palestinian authority that must govern any future space or palestine. but now we've got to take a look at the roadmap. is that going to be in negotiations process for a palestinian state? well, this actually happened is ro needs to get involved. and israel is been adamant for decades now, but it wasn't reward. ready terrace behavior, what they called tyrus behavior, and certainly this is going to come as some of the shocks to them, but not a surprise. they'll have to formulate a pro official response. part of that is bringing back those and boxes. but like i say the pressure is now building, it's all about how is ro reacts a more importantly perhaps is how the americans are going to react to all of this as well. the americans click key allies look stuck with israel, pretty much on every issue. so far,
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so let's see what comes out to washington dc as well, but it is a monument, us at a full, the palestinians full. and this recognition coming from 5, several different european countries by the end of the day is going to give them a mention to the idea of a 2 sites solution. okay, thank you very much. im ron for the moment and non con lives there in amman. jordan, let's get the reaction. now i will stop by godaddy who is the secretary general of the policy national initiative, joining us, why skype from ro my line the occupied westbank, the sub i go to thank you very much for being with us. what does this recognition mean to you today? no way announcing that it will recognize upon a sign in a week or so, spain an island. i'll also doing a similar move. what does it mean for you? this is the moment actually because it's because these gone to the side of the 1st month of just 24 nice by. that's fine. but because it was
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a new thing in the national community, especially in it'll be on countries where these countries i'm calling. is there any supplements been doing on the posting that logistical condition? meaning that on what it is doing, contingent is meaningless. and then, but national, it's a be a treatment for the other senior goals and it is on the bottom below to nothing. yeah. hold on this government. the 2nd one for 2 years i was invited by the prosecutor. this is the point in mind. can you consider made on the cost of the different products on the bus to get different sorts of different munitions and we do the other countries. what we know now that it's not aware of this thing on the item that is one that mr. faculty,
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i apologize. i'm going to have to interrupt too, because we aren't going to go live not the island where the prime minister of simon harrison now also set to announce that our island will recognize palestinian statehood. let's live 21st of january. 1919. are the end of the world to recognize our rights to be an independent states in our message to the free nations of the world was a plea for international recognition of our independence, emphasizing our distinct national identity, our historical struggle, and our rights to self determination and justice, today, we use the same language to support the recognition of palestine as it stays. we do so because we believe in freedom and justice as the fundamental principles of international law. because we believe that permanent peace can
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only be secured upon the basis of the free ways of a free people. taking our place on the world stage and being recognized by others as having the rise to be there was a matter of the highest importance for the finders of our space. from our own history, we know what it means. recognition is an act of powerful political and symbolic value. it is an expression of our view that palestine holes and should be able to vindicate. they floated rights of space, including self determination, self governance territory and integrity and security. as well as recognizing paula science own obligations under international law. it is a message to those in palestine who advocation work for the future, a piece of democracy that we fully respect your aspirations to be living freely in control of your own affairs and under your own leadership. on the 10th of may,
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a $143.00, i took a $193.00 un member states, 80 percent of those present and voting. both it to determine that the state of palestine is qualified for membership in the united nations in accordance with the charger of the un. a. r, a step to day. taken with norway in spain is a further recognition of the address and this rice to stay said. it is a statement of unequivocal supports for the 2 state solution. the only credible path to peace and security for israel, for palestine, and for their peoples. we have previously said that recognition is a step we would ideally have taken as part of a process towards that goal. however, we are 3 decades after the oslo process and perhaps further than ever from a just sustainable and comprehensive peace settlement. our decision to recognize palestine should not have to wait and definitely,
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especially when he sees the rice thing to do it, it is, it is a decision being taken on its merits. but we cannot ignore the fact that we are taking us as palestinians and gaza are enjoying the most appalling suffering, hardship and starvation, a humanitarian catastrophe, unimaginable to most an unconscionable to or is on folding in real time. how can anyone justify children going to sleep? but nice, nice knowing if they will wake up today, we are taking the significant political step. there will be reaction there with the interpretations of its implications. but let us not lose sight of this fundamental truth. the children are innocence, the children of israel, the children of palestine. they deserve peace. it is long past time for a cease fire. for the unconditional release of hostages from hindered access for humanitarian age,
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there should be no further military incursion into rasa. there should be no more how master has the rockets fired at israel. civilians on all sides must be protected by international humanitarian at all. violence and hatred can only ever be a dead end. the only pathway to peace is political. the people of palestine to service future filled with hope. a future is defined by success. instead of suffering. the future a piece, the people of israel deserved the exact same pain to the people of israel, i say today, pardoned his resolution unequivocal and fully recognizing the state of his route and israel's right to exist. security and peace. what his neighbours, that may be clear that islands condemns the barbaric mastic are carried out by him . us. on the 7th of october last civilians attacked murderers. hostages taken in the most brutal and terrifying circumstances, including
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a young is riley irish child. we called again for all hostages to be immediately returns to the arms of their loved ones. but let me also be clear how math is most the palestinian people. today's decision to recognize palestine is taken to help create a peaceful future. a 2 state solution is the only way i said the generation of cycles of violence, retaliation numbers, sentiment for so many runs can never make a rise. just as items recognition as a space eventually led to the establishment of our no peace. the republic. we believe that palestinian statehood would contribute to peace and for reconciliation in the middle east. a piece that honors the legitimate aspirations of all people in the region to live with respect, justice, security and dignity, free from violence or the trust of violence. today. moving and lock step with our european colleagues. we seek to be bearers of hope. we want to reaffirm our belief
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peace as possible, but just as is achievable and the recognition of both states, palestine, i'm the israel, is the cornerstone upon which this piece must be built. so today we're saying we recognize the state of israel. we recognize its right to exist in peace and security within internationally we borders. we equally recognize the state of palestine and its rice to exist in peace and security with an internationally agreed borders. recognizing the state of palestine sends a message that there is a viable alternative to the nihilism of a mass mass has nothing to offer a pain and suffering to his riley's palestinians alike. there was also no future. and the extreme is version of zionism, that fuels secular violence and a legal appropriation of land in the west bank. i want to thank our international partners in norway, in spain and another like minded countries for that goes and continued cooperation . want to thank the toner sta for his ongoing work on this issue. i look forward to
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continuing to work with them on our shared objectives of delivering long overdue peace and prosperity to the people of israel and palestine. on the white or middle east island will always stand with those who are ready to walk a political pathway to peace. and we will do everything in our power to help to bring it advice. that's what today's decision is, advice. we take it to offer help and encouragement to the people of palestine at one of their darkest hours. we in art and see we recognize you, we respect you. we will continue to work so that you and your children, and your children's children. kind of have the better future you deserve. and so that one day palestinian children and is ready. the children can live side by side in peace and security. a decision yesterday by government to recognize the state of palestine, which would formerly take effect on the 28th of may, is
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a historic moment for ireland. it is a care and amusement statement of our deeply held belief that that can be no peace, send them at least until the is randy and palestinian peoples. i like enjoy the same rights, sex determination, statehood, peace, security, and thickness. and the principle of equality is the foundation for justice, for peaceful coexistence, and for a better future. and that is why today, with this principle, under concerted attack across them, at least, that we have taken this step. few states and the world have invested as much intensive diplomatic engagement energy, an application as ireland. it's a supporting nurturing, of protecting the viability of a negotiated pets with to the realization of that states with an equal and software
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in terms for palestinians and israelis. over decades, we have engaged with the government leaders and peoples of the middle east. in recent months, we've worked intensively with your team and our partners to ensure that our decision to recognize a palestinian stage would be taken as part of a comprehensive political framework that can finally and this group is conflict. it is with a heavy heart that we watch those intent unimposing by for a future based on violence domination, subordination and exclusion becomes some of the most prominent voices in israel and palestine to date. as we reject that future in states. we endorse a future that so many people in the middle east and internationally have put so much time and energy and commitment into developing over tickets. one based on mutual respect, equality,
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and on 2 states for 2 peoples. it is important that our decision to recognize palestine is not misrepresented as a hostile acts towards the space of his rent. we on equivocate, support the rights of the state of his right to exist and the right of the as very people to peaceful such determination. just as we on it quickly support the rights of the state of palestine to exist on the rights of the palestinian people to peace for says, determination. we condemn without equivocation the savagery of a mass. on october, the 7th, we acknowledge the heartbreak, loss, and anguish of these very people. we recognize that it is an agree with your desire to live in security and dignity as a strong, vibrant, and independent states. as just as we acknowledge the heartbreak loss and anguish
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of the palestinian people and recognize validate and degree would your desire to live in security as a strong, vibrant and independent space is really and published in, in citizens that like our valued and cherished part of our society here in ireland and i challenge and reject anyone who would seek to de, legitimize either as history culture or believes in recognizing the state of palestine. we also on a vigorous leave reject those in palestine and israel, who called for the entire say of the line between the mediterranean sea and the river jordan to be a mono as next states, based either on forcible exile or subjugation. a new pathway is needed towards the game that is overwhelmingly endorsed by the international community. the 2 state solution based on the 1967 borders with the state of israel and an independent democratic,
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contiguous sovereign and viable state of palestine. living side by side in peace and security and mutual recognition, which it has been serving as the future capital of both states. a solution that would bring to an end the 57 year is rarely occupation of palestinian territory. to realize that im, we believe that the parties must in the future meet as equals as 2 states with the responsibility to come to a final settlement. in direct negotiations. today we make clear to the palestinian people that our relationship with you is one of 2 equal states and as described in the un charter on the basis of respect for the principle of equal or what rights sunset determination of peoples as a spence and universal peace we are all so clear that in order for the state of
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palestine to become the reality that its people aspire to much is needed from its leadership. just as we've been all of us from palestine to the judgment rights of space, we would always expect palestine to fulfill its obligations. as we do of all the states, the palestinian people are entitled to democracy, human rights to good governance, to the rule of law. and the state of palestine must provide this, this is the future that we passionately believing. and we will continue to support you in building this future. recognition of palestine is not the end of a process. it is the beginning. on sunday, i traveled to brussels to be more than 5 days out of your pain and other international partners to discuss a recognition can make a concrete, practical impact to ending dis, hardly conflict and implementing a 2 state solution. based on
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a comprehensive vision of peace that the ard states have developed we in government, we continued to work tirelessly on the immediate priority of securing a seats for in gaza. the young, conditional release of hostages unfolded safe and on hindered humanitarian access. there was a long road ahead and today orland site is on the big it was like but this road must be walked by israelis and palestinians on the basis of an equal rights to sovereignty, dignity, and peace. thank you very much. i to re recognize the state of palestine just as we agree and resolute to recognize the stage of israel, unfair rice to protect all their people peaceful existence. we called for an immediate release of all hostages on an inch to the assault on the people of
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gaza. this is north doris smith from us. we have learned the hard way that violence against innocent civilians to try and achieve police reclaims caught on most never when. now for the be a car bomb on the streets of oma are jerusalem. be that a rock and lounging internally, these are know, warning, blast environment or pop be dyson, a soul trying to books or a bomb dropped from a judge fighter on terrific g comp, oregon is a hospital is all wrong, but we know the kind of nation on its own kind of deliver piece. what is needed as political negotiation to find an income and then hopefully last a constitutional democratic solution we have been
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considering for decades. i recall in our parliament this issue of the recognition of the state of palestine on for many decades. we said now is not the break moment . this is not the right time, but today is the right time on the park in time for us to do the us. it follows that follows by a $143.00 countries into a noise at nations. the week before, last recognition recognized their rush to join the united nations. it called sort of mold, which when hundreds of thousands of people in garza are in the brink of star ration on a. com. is that a time where the ongoing conflict to the west bank has been allowed to 1st or for decades? this problem did not start on the 7th of october. but we have to start thinking now about delivering how things are leveraging everything we contract deliver on the beach advice sees far, but also fort collins the day after the us. and the day after the us us to involve
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the recognition of the space of palestine and thereby bring peace to both israel and palestine, which is what we seek. thank you. chances of security danger, danger, skews to so israel loses nothing from the recognition of the space upon his time. we needs to see a 2 state solution. a solution that recognizes the state of israel recognizes the
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state of palestine, and welcome recognizes that both have a rice to exist in peace, a secure sheet, and stability in the region. so long has passed since the opposite records. what do we most know? we do? am in the face of huge adversity. a huge challenge is keep the destination of a 2 state solution to live. they must be on the right side of history and people look back companies, period of time in the decades ahead. i want to be able to say privately that ireland spoke up and spoke guys in favor of international law, in favor of a political pathway to peace and in favor. the 2 states solutions. pardons has been so clear and its opposite as condemnation of the horrific terrorist attack and massacre of the people of his rad experienced. on the 7th october, we again today reiterates our absolute condemnation of dash and off on us. we do
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this to give hope to people in the region in palestine and is that who wants to bring it by piece and want to bring it by the 2 states. the nation are just saying it was in respect of a minister. cuts is a contribution on statement part of the statement does say that the rule is to direct negotiations. so i agree with that aspect of, of, of, of the statement. we do need to go see ations recognition of a palestinian state, creates that equal status in terms of products and he's going to that tailored. but i'd also remind uh, 5 minutes to cats that there had been to go stations prior to this war and act, but i'm trying to check between jordan worth was there. all the partners, israel and the palestinian authority firm agreements agreements for reached. but they were not implement to and those were in respect of the settlements, for example, in dividing such as into west bank. and there was an agreement that that would be cease. there was an urgent need to get back to the go stating table. and to get on
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to a political track and the recognition of a policy and states is part of the arab piece initiatives which has been presented to the united states, which would be presented to your opinion and next weekend. that's the context. and we need to get back to the agreements of that, but i'm trying to check in, in, in, in, in respect to moving this forward on one of the questions there, it is as easy as that message was tears a large class for abuse sexual world. those which refused to run by you
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on the last 2 years is not on a city and people here in art. and especially in most countries in the world, we know what it's like when a terrorist organization seeks to hijack your identity. and 6 to speak for you. assign are the children today who went to bed last night and starving. so we hope wake up today. many of whom won't wake up if there's further military incursion into rafa in the days ahead of us time is made up of people, decent people. so is ram and we needs to be able to differences and we are able to differentiate. and i think right, thinking people around the world are able to differences between the actions of terrorists and the decent peoples of us. it is absolutely true that it's being arden's longstanding and policy position as 3 successive governments that we wished to recognize the state of palestine as part of the political process towards the 2
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state solution. it's also absolutely true that the environment has changed so much . now that ourselves on spain, norway, and i believe in the weeks ahead, other countries and indeed 80 percent of people hosting at the us and on behalf of their country know believes that it is so important is to take action to keep the destination of a political sacraments that brings abided to state solution of life. can i say i kevin, that today's decision is about the empowering of moderation within palestine. it can be argued that is really strategy, war and suppression of the part of sending people has in part explain this. and we're moving in a different direction. i would also say there are different perspectives and duration. yesterday i spoke to 5 minutes of the palestinian authority at warmed me when it comes to this decision as one that would give him support in the wider agenda of reformers palestinian institutions and the thought of sending authority
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on davin and vicious agenda. in respect of the days and months ahead, the foreign minister and the king of jordan sufficiently no equally warmed. he was quite comes to step as do all of the art of these contact group will see this as a strong phillip and support to their efforts to get meaningful in suspense of talks underway within the framework of the out a piece initiative. so this is very much about piece, not the cabinet might you weren't. so i tried to maybe make that for the point that we, more than any country may be, i've learned thought less condemnation on its own does not work. you'll have to find political solutions. but also you have to say at this moment in time, that the assault on the people of god, regardless. i mean what happened on the subject of october was terrific. we all
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recognize us, but what's happening now in rafa and how it happened to north garza, there is no justification for the us. and you can't stay silent on us either. you can't just fold drums and ignore that reality and thought is perhaps why. at this moment to try most you say for decades of the districts that are being considering when is the right time. but if not, know when to recognize the rice or palestine, she said us, it's never the wrong time to do the right thing. and i want to know in years to come that art and spoke up, spoke in favor of peace and in favor of
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a political sacraments that lies children in palestine, children and israel. they've safely unimed peace and security side by side. it has been the longstanding position of this country that a 2 state solution is the way to bring peace to the middle east. and we believe in moving a lock step with norway. i would say 2 countries that also have a long involvement and piece. and we think that sends an important message to us a telling us to correctly says, moderates and peace makers in both is read on palestine and they exist in both countries. we have to stop defining nations by a select number of individuals, decent people living in these 2 countries often and fear. i didn't need security. we want to continue to have good relations with israel. we're very clear today in our comments, i'd be very clear of my comments to the president of his read in relation to the importance of quoting for the unconditional immediate release of all of the
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hostages and condemning opposite atm. son. as i said. so many times we offer the condemn amounts, we see them as an illegal disgusting terrorist organization. i say they clearly don't understand the psyche or the depth of feeling of the irish people. amount of say they should follow as they should follow the sentiments and feelings of the irish people under the markers. could i just say just to make the point that this was included in the government's problem for government. when the government was formed a number of years ago, and if you read the problem for government, for the clarity, candidates, the commitment to re recognition of the kind of city and state in terms of timing, terms of the appropriate timing circumstances. and in the context of the wider piece and process that is very much the context. and we've been working with spain,
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nora and indeed with other like minded groups within new york union. uh for quite some time now for over 68 months intensively. all the states are at different stages with indiana union and respect of the recognition process. but no adults are going to see this. certainly nobody in the region. and remember, countries like jordan egypt, saudi arabia, they're extremely concerned about the impact of, of the ward on guys a, a, the, a tober attack on the wider regional stability and security and peace of all peoples in the region. their thing to us recognition is an important part of their initiative of their desire to have a political track and to, to, to replace discharge of the war that's currently being wage rich. yeah, well it was part of the law. it started with that show. and when it will meet now starting here in a court, and this does slip out a seni,
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the stalled by the senior for the vine and tony. it just doing the analysis lloyd will have we have been listening back to island to this define minister of foreign minister as well. announcing today that island will recognize, formally recognized a promise to me in the state. on may the 28th we heard from the irish prime minister 1st assignment harris has said piece is possible of jack. this is a chief of all and recognition of both as part of senior living space and a new threatening stage is the cornerstone to which piece can be built. simon harris, announcing again that island will recognize the kind of city and state just as nobody has done in the last hour and strain is expected. also, it is always doing now as the oh they have they have in fact the prime minister of speaking right. 9 commenting madrid, spain also announcing that it will recognize the policy and you said from the irish we,
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we heard department is to say that from islands own history knows what it means to us by to stay towed and having full rights island. he said, i believed in the fundamental rice of palestinian people, and this was also a way for island to show its unequivocal support to the 2 state solution. well, the reaction from israel to the 3 countries, spain island, in no way announcing that they will recognize palestine. well, the reaction from ace read has been swift and, and very angry. i have a foreign minister of israel. i can't say that it is. where is the irish and norwegian folly does not the terrorist and we are determined to achieve uncles. he says, israel will not remain silent in the face of those who undermine its sovereignty and endangered security. they will be serious consequences for the decision of ireland in no way. are these ready for administer? i said,
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and israel has already announced that its withdrawing and some boxes and basset us from no way and highland, let's spring and we'll stop by and go to you once again. who's the secretary general, the palestinian national initiative? joining us from ramallah any occupied westbank with stuff i, you were able to hear, i believe what the irish need to is, how to say about their decision to, to recognize pot assign today what, what is your reaction to what you her and then also your reaction to the angry response from this route to the what i think i would do the boxing and, and when it comes to this one, by the way, i'm sure that if they have a bad sprain has now so recognized a palestine on the so hopefully model the video itself, so we have talked to you and i was asked to follow up with them and said funny,
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significant steps. and that means a lot in the direction of i to be done justice and peace as well said about it is a very important in determining that i understand people now that people to a sensitive edition is the most zoe, a model of the, the fact that this man has the video and on saturday that's fine. that's fine. today is about to fish. and so i guess it, i need to find the fall off the 2 sides of the ground in the long run. right? but the, this is of loss is extreme government and for the government, i'll start a new with invited by nothing. yeah. on that i'm invited by the international
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criminal court. it means that the inspections extremism in the government has moved from cap and the action will be using these different permissions, claiming that the security is the think about. convince anybody i think most of the moment. yeah. and the victory, it's mr. bear who to let me ask you this. i mean, you say it's a historic moment, a huge may symbolic moment. but what does it change practically on the ground? it was that manages, just as could be seen, that's important. because in fact, we have seen since 1967 is the case that the bank that i need to make it is it amy? yeah, it makes it to them in the process of finding the bank,
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they're able to buy it. now, guys, as well as the bank, so the lennox don't keep my ticket. does that make it once it from the sinews, the land. and the fact that now we have a vision means that what their mother is a 5 digit is with have no, and he doesn't value. and eventually we have to be to this we, we are, is very, yeah we, we heard the 3 countries say that this move, they hope that this move will complement efforts towards the to stage solution a and a secure lasting peace between israel and palestine. but we talk about, they talk about a 2 stage solution, is that still something feasible today? when you look at the reality on the ground, i mean what impact is this move going to have on this piece process and,
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and there's 2 state solution that we keep hearing about the state is that this is nice, but the sign is the nicest. that very mean, but of course this would not be somebody. i mean, unless this man with the date on this, on the side of the people to the, for the farmer as the what's happening is that the right people come out to be come up spanish and what the, the weight and the solutions nevada possible. what is the next step that independent us in states or the next step would be for right? the problem is the government and the position. this is
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why the series, which is just nickname you want us to use, which is exactly what the automotive is. now in and what the noise back there is no, just for such a plan. this is the moments from the perspective of that all these factors, the man, i don't know. and they said this thing and people as equal. but do you think this is likely to have a positive impact on the piece broke down the piece of process? do you think it will have a lot of impact on it? is the fact that it has to be added to the position of course, which is very extreme on the american system without
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the assignment but, and i just did not see a few semesters, but we will see a continuation of the students, which is even more if i now with all these pieces, i think it's now it will be in the union members, the group, not this is the front of the people for them for this, for the 1st time that the nation is even more than that's what happens when they do some business shoes and they would love to stop our thank you mr. bragg, looking for speaking to us, almost half a bar go to the secretary general of the pont, assigned to national initiative. joining us there from ramallah. let's get the view now from israel and speak to akiva l dot, who is a political analyst and contributor to these really daily paper. how rights is in tennessee. if mr. l dot. thank you for speaking to us. we've already had a very strong reaction from these really for administer,
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and israel re calling it some boxes from uh, uh, no way and, and from uh, ireland as well. how is this move being used by this? is it a big blow to israel as most stuff, a bankruptcy said that as well, if you look at the, the international response or the impact on his riley position. a visa, the international community, of course. uh, this is what we call a uni right. so step that uh, a uh, just goes against an attorney hours and the majority of these riley message is also fee of, uh, that's uh agreed to it, but a senior in state especially, not giving me that truly. i want to remind the viewers that just few months ago,
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the majority, i believe that deep was close to 100 out of the 120 members of nash, a foster. very weird, a resolution against any intellectual recognition. also, but a scene in state as long as united states is not joining this and uh, united states would have probably put at reach or if uh, one of the members of the security council mall will try to submit such a resolution is, is not the only safe domestically? i believe that the national weather usage as another demonstration of december season of victim hood. that's another rules. yeah. beds the world is against us. you see,
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we know it's awful again. come us and i remind you is that john, nathaniel keeps saying that there is no difference between how much strong and focused on. right. so let me ask you this. i mean, i mean, you say this is not going to change a us position, but we have 3 countries in, in your up to date par for one, no way island, spain as well. recognizing palestine is a state actually they, they, they must be some, you know, some rethinking at some point within is there. i mean, even yeah, in the pete had said that uh is wrote ought to be thinking about recognizing a palestinian state. at some point, is this not going to have an impact on the internal dynamics within israel? you already look at what happened after the prosecutor of the i. c. c. has made his statement,
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president head sold minister guns, and the pied went all out against it. defending the government and at the time like this when is where the majority is, where he's believe that we are in the mix of exist. oh, apologies. we we lost connection that to me. so i keep it out. are it is yeah, we've lost it. uh that was a keep a l dot from the high rates newspaper giving us these really reaction. and these really view the to this decision by island, spain, and no way to recognize palestine as a state that's bringing in ron con, once again, who's in amman? jordan, because these really government has bind down to 0 from reporting from within israel. so reminder, same run of these really reaction to this decision by these 3 european countries. we've heard very strong words from the foreign minister. that's absolutely right.
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israel accounts of foreign minister as leading the charge when it comes to the response. he's issued a statement. he begins by saying, talking about the recall of the boxes, the island, and no wait. and then he goes on say, i'm sending a click on unequivocal message to all the noise as well, would not remain silent and the face of those undermining and serenity and endangering its endangering it secures today's decision, sends a message to the palestinians and the world terrorism pays up to the how must her organization care about the largest mask of jew since the whole, the cost of committing his sexual crimes witness by the world. these countries chose to reward him as any wrong by recognizing a palestinian state, this distorted step by the countries and injustice, the victim, and the memory as of the victims of a 7th, 10 and a blow to the f as to return to a 128 hostages, that was always likely to be as ready response. they've talked about that before. any recognition,
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all of the palestinian states would be turned them out to rewarding him, ask for the attacks on october the 7th. however, the irish teach art department is the actually referenced base. he talked about the palestinian people. he said this was not about rewarding. how much space was about securing peace in the region. any way of yours progress is that to get that piece is to recognize palestine and to move forward with a 2 state solution. come into a code as well by then, or region prime minister. so they knew that this was going to be the response i faxed to the, in to the speeches. so we, that's the israel counsellor, he's the farm and the stuff we're going to have from the war cabinet and from prime minister benjamin netanyahu. those responses will come, no doubt in the coming hours, but this does put tremendous amounts of pressure as well as a guest. the key, the elder was just talking about that because there is no mood in israel to go for
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2 state solution even to recognize a policy that states that something that the problem is. so benjamin netanyahu has always said he's actually said very, i'm very proud that there is no policies in the state. okay, run, thank you very much for that email and kindly 14 deadline from a mine, jordan, because again, these really uh cabinets has bind dodges here from reporting from within israel. just a reminder, again, if you joining us that the breaking news we're covering on knowledge a 0 this our is that 3 european countries, no waste, spain and island has recognized have announced that they will recognize palestine as a state on may the 28th. let's bring in a mirror on colorado who is a professor of government, a door shining university in cut off for his reaction to this. i usually symbolic gesture, as we've heard muran. but what does it mean practically, on the ground? and are they recognizing a part of city and state along the 1967 borders,
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and therefore also recognizing israel as an occupying country. exactly, and as you've been mentioning, the importance of this is symbolic rather than practical. the 1967 borders exist on map but not necessarily in reality on the ground. and what we see is a series of cities, palestinian cities that are disjointed and disconnected from one another. so in reality, a palestinian state is really not feasible is not practical, but none the less this recognition of a palestinian state does significantly ramp up pressure on netanyahu and a war cabin. yeah. so what measures do you think this recognition should be followed by? if it's have to, if it's task weight, well, uh for this to have weight, there need to be, uh, additional european union states joining in. and that would put pressure on the
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united states. it would further isolate american diplomacy. we saw the pressure on the us at the, in the united nations with the vote that the u. uh, the us v told of course uh as one of the guests mentioned. ultimately it's the united states that can effect change on it is really politics. what about the, this is the dynamics within israel right now. do you agree with a keep a l dot from how? right. so said that this is only going to strengthen this, the hours position within israel at the moment. probably nothing you know is under tremendous pressure to end the war to have a plan for the day after to bring the hostages home. i'm of course, he's got his own traditional problems. so i think this would only add to pressure rather than strength and nothing. you know, okay, we've seen the i c c also requesting
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a warrant for is really and how mosque leaders in this past week? this latest announcement by these 3 countries. how much does it add to israel as what appears to be israel's growing isolation and internationally? so no doubt is a, is becoming increasingly isolated. the destruction of gaza has really damaged is a few taishan internationally. but we need to also keep in mind that is it views itself as an exceptional state that the international law doesn't necessarily apply to it. and that issues like this recognition of palestine, as we've seen, the narrative now is that this is anti semitism. so what, what about the piece process, of course, of the irish need is that it's talking about the fact that they hope this announcement and this decision 5 by their respective governments will complement efforts towards the 2 state solution. but again, as we said, the reality is on the ground. uh that really
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a 2 state solution today is not something that's feasible. what, what impact is it going to have on the peace process? can it's re ignited those efforts towards that lasting piece? yeah, we've seen the fallacy of the peace process over the last several years. the peace process doesn't exist. it only exists in rhetoric and in terms of diplomatic niceties. but ultimately, what district technician does is to create a greater atmosphere as sick, a set of circumstances that will ultimately ultimately help some sort of solution, some sort of negotiated settlement towards some sort of of end to the current dire, predict them until palestinians. all right, bear on. come bravo. thank you very much for joining us. of course we hope to talk to you some more about this throughout the day here on out you 0 again, this breaking news story this hour at 7, g, m t 3 european countries,
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spain island and norway announcing that they will recognize policy sign as a state on may the 28th continuing analysis and coverage office and his story and other developments in his resume on gaza in a few minutes. stay with the the unique perspective. why is it the doctors didn't get to have a site in any of the medical workforce has been so and devalued by the british government for such a long time on hub voices. tick tock has been a place for organizing politically, for getting people to vote for getting people to protest, connect with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. why is our government taking us toward, on the basis of live we the public has to get out there and do something about it. the stream announces era.
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the cause of $27000.00 photographs of dead and tortured civilians. have you seen the photo so and in the prosecutor ulton did traditional investigation for disappearance, torture and crimes against humanity in the final part of the series, which is 0 follows the fight for justice through the courts. fairly straightforward in terms of establishing command responsibility as families and a lawyer space, a terrible deal in the search for the truth. the lost souls of syria. now just sierra, the hearing disliked sharp populations is declined. 70 percent, and we're still not doing anything about it. understanding the reality plays that
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exploded reporting from the ex whatever happens next to the university have already made history out. as soon as teams across the world bring you closer to the house of the story. the rain, no way an island announced they will recognize the sign as an independent states, the irish prime minister calls it an important day or decision to recognize unassigned, should not do anything desperately, especially when it is the right thing to do. the, their watching out is here, a lie from don't have with me for the that people also coming down is really strikes kid,
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at least 10 people in central gaza including of pregnant women. while what sports


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