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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 22, 2024 11:00am-11:31am AST

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the football team, whatever happens next to the university have already made history out to do is teams across the world. bring you closer to the house of the story. the rain, no way an island announced they will recognize not assigned as an independent states, the irish prime minister calls it any important day or decision to recognize on assigned to not have to wait especially when it is the right thing to do the their watching out is here alive from don't have with me for the that people also coming up is there any strikes can at least 10 people in central guys that
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including of pregnant women while what sports is on the ground, lee seemed to hospitals tens of thousands of the radians joined the funeral of late president price list girls in the having come to class on sunday the it's a gmc thank you for joining us on algae sierra and we'd begin with breaking news in an unprecedented events. the governments of islands no we in spain have announced they will recognize an independent palestinian state beginning on the 28th of may. he's where the seas inside the spanish department and just the boss, our prime minister federal sanchez said, his country had an obligation to act. sanchez accused israel's foreign minister
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benjamin this now of putting the 2 state solution in danger with this policy of pain and destruction in god's still the same as those moses. therefore, he says, because it's the most of that, it's just amazing the front of us who defend human rights and an international database on rules are obliged to act in ukraine and in palestine without some of double standards. the because we are obliged to do what we can send humanitarian health because we are supporting the refugees and the displays of this. but also using a law political leave is that we have at reach to the level. so i'm going to say we will not allow the destruction of a 2 state solution. do you have any fat solution to this terrible complex?
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yes. you know, for that reason i want to communicate to you instead of to agreeing with the 2 parties. so we're in the progressive coalition and government, it's in the hand acura in the sentiments and the majority of the spanish people and next tuesday, they'll stay in this concept is that cabinets will recognize how this time well, islands, prime minister says the decision is the right thing to do in that 3 decades after the also process, we are further than ever from a sustainable peace settlement egless r. a step today taken with norway in spain is a further recognition of the adjustments, rice to states that it is a statement of unequivocal supports for the 2 state solution. the only credible path to peace and security for the israel palestine and for their people's as
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we have previously sides. that recognition is a step we would ideally have taken as part of a process towards that goal. however, we are 3 decades after the also process and perhaps further than ever from a just sustainable and comprehensive p sacraments. our decision to recognize palestine should not have to waste and definitely, especially when he sees the rice thing to do it, it is, it is a decision being taken on its merits. but we cannot ignore the fact that we are taking us as palestinians and gaza are enjoying the most appalling suffering, hardship and starvation. and noise. prime minister says a palestinian state is a pre requisite for cheating peace in the middle east. policy installed properly to the throne, the full recognition of palestine is in support of moderate forces, the dollar owner retreating front in a protracted and cruel conflict. this is an investment in the only solution that
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can bring lasting peace in the middle east. there's a strong call to other countries to do the same as we're doing today to recognize palestine and to the by ensure that the process towards the 2 state solution can only start again and gain a new momentum being in the midst of a wall with tens of thousands of dead and injured, we must keep alive. the only thing that can provide a safe home for boat is released and palestinians. while we have correspondents to bring you all the latest developments and reactions to the story in a moment will be speaking to him. i am con in amman. jordan, who have reaction from these really, governments need to. abraham is standing by in ramallah in the occupied westbank for the policy and authorities reaction. but for us we go to london and villain marks and tell us more than him about these european countries. spring island, norway, recognizing palestine as an independent state. what led to this decision as
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well? so this has been a series of ongoing discussions between a number of europe and leaders and at least 2 of them today have talked about the fact that others are likely to follow over the last few months. these leaders have been coordinating quite discreetly amongst each other, occasionally making public statements about their plans. but in terms of what's happened today in orland, they cool this uh a historic, an important day for the country on the policy line. as according to the tire shop, the prime minister simon harris. he said that each of these countries will now quote on the take, what are the national steps are necessary to give effect to the decision or the full amount of ease of making this actually concrete. and he said he was confident that the countries will join in taking this important step in the coming weeks. the new region prominent. so we decide from the youngest got so that he's up to date, that can be no peace. and them, at least if there is no recognition. don't forget, this is now more than 30 is on from the also the agreement signed in the norwegian
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capital back in 1993. since then he said the palestinians have taken important steps towards the 2 state solution. the terror carried out by him asked he was talking about not supporters of a 2 state solution. the state of israel palestine, he said, has a fundamental right to an independent state. speaking at a press conference, petra sense as then the spanish department us that we had a lot of applause inside the spanish parliament in madrid. earlier. he rejected what he time the massacre and gaza, and the rest of the products and in territories, reiterated his demands for 2 state solution. he said, prime minister netanyahu is still turning a blind eye to bombing hospitals, schools and holmes. he's using hunger cold and tara, to punish more than a 1000000 innocent boys and girls, while a villain. thank you very much for the mach 5 there in london that's had to ramallah now in the occupied west buying the. the brain is therefore, as needed. what's the reaction from the policy new storage? yeah, i'll tell you the action from the pillow success 3 generally stay in
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a circle. so tweeted that these are historical movement that the world is pretty young thing for justice and for choose after decades of the palestinian struggle. now if you ask, tell us simians in this 3 they would tell you that yes, this is welcomed. yes, they would love to see more countries in the world showing support than showing hope freely for a state of their own. but in reality, what does this change on the grounds? little but on a diplomatic level, we would see the palestinian authority a considering this as a success of its efforts as it was for years now, trying to get all those thieves to recognize the palestinians, the as part of putting pressure on israel, specifically after this war that we've been seeing what's happening inside the disease because as to this is helping it advise the palestinian cause and the world showing these really aggression. not just don't garza but also on all the
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palestinian territory. so for palestinians who are involved in diplomacy, they see it as a success. they see it as something that they can build on. remember, we're talking about the palestinian authority that has tried to advance a membership in the united nations security council that has not been fruitful at the moment, but they've pushed for years to get se towards recognition, which they've got. and now they are. and then member states south of the united nations. so all of these efforts are being seen here as a way to put pressure on israel as an occupying power, as an aggressor, as a, as to what's happening in the occupies westbank and also in the besieged. because it's true, but again, for people example in genie now they're still seeing these way the way the unfolding and it's 2nd, they, they're still suffering that mr. cation of the continued is really violations against them. you need to thank you very much destiny. the abraham lives in
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ramallah in the occupied westbank. well israel as expected as strongly opposed to move by islands. no way in spain is foreign minister has ordered the immediate recall of his some boss orders to ireland and norway. let's bring in iran. con was in amman, jordan because he's ready, government has found out his era from re forcing from within israel talk to us about this reaction from the foreign minister of israel. what's the to say, and what more can we expect from his route in terms of retaliation? a well, he's leading the charge. he is issued a statement date, talked about the recall of the method is to no way. no, i then expect as well to also recall is i'm about to the, to spain as well in the coming hours. he says, i'm sending a click on unequivocal message star then the new way. israel will not remain silent in the face of those undermining his subordinates. he and endangering its security . but this big spit is the key real force of the message that will come from the
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days of riley's. today's decision sends a message to the palestinians, and the weld terrorism pays up to have asked our organization, care about the largest massacre of jews as all the goals up to committing heinous, sexual crimes, witness by the weld. these countries chose to reward him ass and iran by recognizing a palestinian state. expect that to be the real thrust of everything the is raised . we'll do, we're expecting that we have will have similar language from seeing is where the figures, including the problem is that benjamin netanyahu. what can they do about this? practically, this was a unilateral recognition, so it's not like they can reverse it will pull out of deal. there is no deals. what they can do is they can put pressure on the us to try and come out with a strong statement condemning this. the us is position, let's find out what when that comes and what that actually means for his role. but right now, again, much like the i c c decision, it will be about discredit thing people. it would be about going off to them
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already the far right members of the is ready governing coalition. people have been for those sponsored. you've already said we should punish the palestinian authority . now for this we should build more supplements in the occupied westbank. so that's the kind of language that we're hearing, but it's a very clear, very unambiguous statement from israel's foreign minister and honest. now leading that charge in ron, thank you very much. him on con reporting deadline from amman. jordan, because once again these are the government has found objects, era from operating within israel. let's analyze all this for the now with all the different medic editor james space was here on the set with me. james, these are not the 1st countries to recognize palestine as a state, but still hugely symbolic and significant. not the 1st. if you actually look at the numbers and it's quite cod properly count them is something like a 100 and the t 940 countries of a 193 countries of the member states and united nations that recognized palestine.
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but some of those with symbolic votes, some of them were votes by parliament's that the government, so having a really acted on. so it is a little bit of a confusing picture. these are the important countries because you've got 2 important e u countries here, spain, one of the power houses of the a, you island unimportant model voice in the you know way, how so your piece of course, i got no way, nothing to you. country bought the home of the also piece of gold and a country that has played such a role in the peace process towards 2 states. and the fact that norway now believes the only way to get to to states is by recognizing not just as well, but recognizing palestine as well, i think is an important moment and may well be a signal to all those, those leaders that are spoken today. and we know that positions because they've said things positively about the policy in the state in the past. and, but i'm petro sanchez,
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i'm the prime minister of spain just weeks ago. said that to me here, all now to 0, but they're saying that there are other countries are going to get the likely to follow in the near future. that's the important question. the country is going to follow suit and who might they be? well, i think we need to look because lots of lots of other countries around the world already, as i say, recognize palestine. so as a question of the west and countries, i think that we will have an impact here. and the important european countries on conscious of it within the e u that i think of a relevant right now slovenia and mozart sit currently on the un security council, both very supportive of palestinian statehood. we know that from what they've said, and as the benefits for protest and become a member of the states, if the un what they've said in the security council, so those, i think a strong kind of, it's very soon of the big countries in europe. i don't think germany any time soon . of course the case, nothing in, in the you,
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but it looks like they've talked about it. i don't think just look at that reaction to the i c c site ruling from says the one to watch. maybe on interesting, interesting, not in terms of no way span an island. they are recognizing palestine as a said from may, the 28th, practically on the ground. what does that mean? are they going to be opening up an embassy in ramallah, for example, what, what measures is it, it's ongoing to follow the system if you, if you recognize the state you, in some form will have representation of both sides. now that doesn't necessarily mean you have to have an embassy and a resident done by so the thoughts of countries recognize another country and have a non baset in nearby. for example, they could designate the around buses in jordan, also to be the representative to palestine. and, and most of these countries do already have people who deal directly invoice the deal with the policy, you know, authority, but i think it may sound like it's only symbolic, but it's not. so i think it's pretty historic that they are doing this and, and,
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and the is a way of getting on, particularly in the week that you've seen the i c c decision. and does the judges of the international court of justice, the other important body of thinking about an order that south africa wants to stop the offensive and rough? what impact is this decision by these 3 countries likely to have on the ongoing war on guys that but also on the piece process? we heard some of the leaders that talk about the fact that they hope this will give input as to the piece process limits. well, i mean, it is a big question. um, their argument is that you legitimize the, the state to palestine and to you within the fact to create the very start of a 2 state solution. you actually have now in the eyes of the 3 countries, 2 states and the they, they obviously think that this is the way of pushing things forward. this will be opposed, of course. just look at what we seen in the last 48 as in the us. and there's that
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there's no way it's not likely to change. and you'll notice from over here, the thing that i think is interesting is one of the states is a state that the president listens to on an island. very good. thank you so much, james, for that james. so he's out to come out to get us with the latest date on this developing story island, spain, and no way recognizing pat, assigned as a state. stay with us on out just here. when i sent him on this optimization, the that's wrong with your weather uptake. or to see so we've got some pretty solid bands of rain for the mountains of north wales, western england and eastern scotland in the zone. we could see some flooding that rain stretches over the north sea. its always to go into plague northern germany and denmark with somewhat weather eventually move into scandinavia, an area that desperately needs rain, its been incredibly parched there. now also today for watching this band of rain
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eventually push its way into poland. this is going to break the heat in warsaw for at least one day, and hence her temperature should rate back up. and it's because we've got that warm, se, strictly breeze, most of the turkey looking dry, including the capitals. so that's allowing the temperature to get up to 28 degrees and on gra, hot for cyprus, nit garcia. got your pencil the in for 30 degrees. okay, still some showers through northern spain, northern parts go. but in the south where the sun is out, those temperatures are starting to climb as well. and it's a hot picture for egypt, capital cairo, $41.00 degrees, but your temperature will come down in the days to come. and with this tropical cycle and just off the coast of kenya, we've got wind wave and rain follow parts in time for south africa. it is a quiet pitcher. we've got plenty of sun in the forecast for you today. on wednesday, the
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climate probably only is from one of the most bio diverse nations on this you're interested in. if nature does not function, we don't exist exploding solutions to save life as we know what we work with and within the cycles of the we're not using office resources, we use them again. and again, if we learn from nature, we have a chance to move forward. i'll just see you as you've seen doing nothing grows forever. the fucking back, you're watching l g 0 live from dell. hi, reminder of our top story. this our, the governments of spain,
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island in no way have a noun, sea off for many, recognizing an independent palestinian state. a status which will enter into force next tuesday may. the 28th is rather strongly opposed. the move in has announced its recording and some boxes from ireland and no way to as get the latest out on the situation in guy's line, at least 10 palestinians have been killed in overnight is really strikes in central garza. the victims were all from one family, including a pregnant women and children. the bodies have been taken to alex the hospital. the attack happened in these a wider area when is really strikes targeted buildings sheltering to space people. let's bring in, i'll just here as terry cup was little now was in doubt by in central guys. so attacks. c across the street again with more than 40 people killed in the us, the 24 hours. sorry. it's just bring us up to speed with what's been happening on the ground for us. of the 12 we have been witnessing of the past
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couple of hours more attacks by the use of any minute tree as there was likely intensification of old calling dismantled trees on the ground. now, salting from the middle areas of specifically and is the way the town where at least 10 palestinians have been reported killed, including gun unfold, baby that was extracted from the room of his mother that was supposed to killed in that attack. now at this number, as expected, by the way to go, if there's more, imagine c s, it's being made by rescue as in the areas that have been attacks. and that's why the town, as the, are searching on the remnants of that shot to the building that was destroyed now in other parts of the territory. as we've been hearing from eye witnesses in roughly the ministry is graduate, expanding the men it treat encouraging a rough district. there is a notable advancement for that usability menu for invalid treat tanks on the central areas of roughly including a shovel or a variety of neighborhoods. now these are key central neighborhoods in the central areas of roughly now the ministry is advancing slightly in
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a way that cannot spot trigger any kind of international criticism on the intensifying power on the ground. as more palestinians have been clean from roughly district and they have been moving to the western part, believing that it might be a safe area. but the east, very prime minister on the defense minister has been stating, i've been stating that they are determined to expand the minutes. reparation of rough law in order to militarily dismantle the remaining battalions of the military reading of how must find all the parts of the territory. the new folks council in the valley, a refugee camp 6 palestinians, have to report to that count as to no one to the east by the fire for move them 10 days. as admitted to us, the ration is getting much more difficult day by day. as they are right now, depending on the principle of demolishing complete residential neighborhoods, one off to the on the induct very bus. it refuge account where medics are struggling to keep a function of the time that they are suffering from say, the shortage of medical supplies and even what to do in order to survive and to
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continue their mission for the next day. topic of all this is happening as, as on the raw has announced that a distribution in rafa in the south is going to be suspended because it says of a lack of supplies and also in security. what impact is that going to happen? well, generally we have been saying and repeatedly reporting that the united nations really and what i didn't say is the sold out the most the prominence you'd organization that is operating in the territory and is responsible for providing 8 supply for the entire garza's population. now they are saying that there are suspends in a supplies and distributions and distances in a rough, our district due to the great collapse of security. say in a rough i have been light of the own government expands and the operations to reach to central areas. now, and this is a clear results for any potential military installation,
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the roof and this is right now happening on the ground. now this is a very significant assess that will bring a negative repercussions on the process of deliveries on the majority of garza. and as a rough, why is the main area right now? we're thousands of thousands are living in a more area. this is a jason to run by district. that means that it's a gradual collapse. hold you, our services inside the tired. so it means that more than 1.1.5000000 palestinians with the broad from getting used by the united nation, a services under the same time been you recently. so this is not even enough in terms of the numbers of age getting through to the territory here. yeah. can you a very desperate somebody's hearing situation stale topic? briefly before we let you go, how is this news the announcement by island, spain and, and no way that they recognize an independent palestinian state. how is that resonating they have people reacting to that of the
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world? how a city in the city and to see that step that that had been taken by of a, by spying islands and even no way to recruit, which will absolutely provide palestinians to be able to gain more ground and rights. internationally. light of the ongoing diplomatic assets being made by the is valley diplomacy in order to distort to the image of palestinians in his eyes of the international community. up to now at least a 140 to you and member states have recognized the state of palestine as a state you to and that's with such a leak above the weights of the states to fund it. for example, from where the french president, the one the crone has said that the recognition of a panel of palestine as a site is not. i said to it means that it will definitely will help to increase awareness about what, what is happening in the side goes under the same time at the speed, fos, this of palestinians, as seen from unofficial has said that is
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a direct result of that successive announcements being made by those countries which completely so how many up to a citizen messic has been committed inside the church and how israel completely acted against old principles of the international humanitarian move. and that's today from the eyes of palestinians is absolutely his target on the significant news, where they believe that it will help them to gain more rights internationally. thank you very much. terry. cassandra 0 is terry capitalism, reporting deadline from daniel black in the center of the gaza strip of the best turn to out of world news now in the states, you know, for yvonne slates. president o'brien bracy is underway into iran. tens of thousands of the radians have gathered at freedom square in the capital to pay their respects raised his body will later be taken to his home city. on my side
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for the burial on thursday, yvonne is mocking. it's 3rd of 5 official days of morning announced by the supreme leader. i have to allow the how many is go live to raise. so say die. who is in yvonne's capital t around his freedom square, huge crowds showing up to pay their respects, re so and many foreign dignitaries as well. tell us about what's been happening in the 10s of thousands of uranium is to start from early in the morning on our pool into this seats between the revolution square and the freedom square right behind me. and still people are more and more people are arriving. so in the morning the shopping leave, the company has that the prayer for, for the, for, for credit to receive the late president, the 9 receipts for the, for the minister and the other 7 companions. so now the coughing is what i expect
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them shortly. also arrives to did squared and people are going to pay. they are the, there was bad and we have b, c, and people crying here waiting for the are presidents. and also you can see that most of people are in black. busy as a sign of morning, on the other hand, there are several ford and gas as well. the prime minister of pakistan's prime minister off the rocks, the fort administered. and the weiss, president off charge chief, the officials, the representatives of patty bon from a dentist on the deputy for the minister of india. the for the minister of egypt. and the head of the russian parliament do marks a so he's or so she or these are the gas em on this i'm on the ford and dignitaries so, but there's a set of shorts. you're expecting the coffins also to be taken to the freedom square here. right? right. so once this funeral is over, the focus is going to be on uh,
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electing. the next few radian president, and that will be in about 50 days or so how, how do we radians feel about the prospect of returning to the policy in 50 days? be so the presidential election of the search for june 28th. and so the candidates are going to apply to ron, starting from may to the, to the turn of june. and then that the, the campaigns are going to start from the, from june 12 until june 27th. however, here, one of the issue in iran is to turn out that recent elections. we have some, you have seen a trend of decline lead to turn out that is quite concerned for the project, an establishment here. and many people believe that the reason for that low turn out is that more and more here, engines are losing faith in the elections that it could bring any change. so the
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particular establishment on the other hand wants to hydro now, because to additionally, the high turnouts as will be the primary source of the list them for the particular establishment. so on the other hand, good x faxed in regarding also in the country which has the power to disqualify the candidates seeking for presence, perhaps in a veto, that is important is candidates. and so that's why it's expected that the selection is going to be a race between the conservative can do this and probably that the load the truck now it's going the lower. on the other hand, this thomas is going to do is fast to mobilize all the means to have a high turn for. so thank you very much. that's how it is here. is results reporting deadline from k want. let's discuss all this for the now with a by so somebody who's a journalist and a senior research fellow at the same time, the center for middle east strategic studies is joining us live from taylor on. thank you very much, bye. so being with us.


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