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tv   Dying Earth Nothing Grows Forever  Al Jazeera  May 22, 2024 11:30am-12:00pm AST

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is the mr for the, for the establishment. so on the other hand, good x back in the garden also in the country, which has the power to disqualify the candidates seeking for presents perhaps if you veto that, is it for this candidate is. and so that's why it's expected that the selection is going to be a race between the conservative can do this and probably the, the, the load the truck now it's going to be loaded on. busy hand, this thomas is going to do is fast to mobilize all the means to have a high turn for. so thank you very much. that's how does he or his results reporting deadline from k want. let's discuss all these for the now with a by so slimy, who's a journalist, and a senior research fellow at the same time. the center for middle east strategic studies is joining us live from taylor on. thank you very much, bye. so being with us. uh these uh, of course, historical pivotal events unfolding. anyone and it seems that the forty's want to make this morning very public and also portray a sense of stability in
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a ron. what specific message are they sending here, and who is it intended for as well? a solar one message is meant to make the at the time of a, you know, incidental across as life as the nation will not fall on. it's been, become more united. and as the country is preparing for an for an in the presidential election, this could, you know, can create an atmosphere by the could be a, you know, heat or unity among the nations in order to increase the level of the turnout in the election of the high ranking officials were taken off in order to have points on acting president as well as acting farther minnesota in order to avoid a sense or feeling of that's a vacuum or a gap on the, you know, this is meant to reassure the public and the event and people that this will be,
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in the sense of them, so not, you know, bring about any disruption the today. the 2nd part of the program bill includes, you know, far and high ranking big let's raise visiting the country. and i think is significant discussions will be made and that is also wars know, things that you know of whether this, you know, incidence will bring to change the runs fine and policy or not, you know, will be discussed. and i think you ran in officials a high ranking officials will try to reassure their foreign counts as far as that the ron's engagements with them. yeah. in the by lots on methods as, as well as in this is significant regional context. we'll continue. yeah. as you say, we're not expecting any significant changes in terms of policy. the president does have significant power in yvonne, but the supreme leader is ultimately the ultimate power 9 to send. there's been a lot of political in fighting about who can run for president in 50 days. why is
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that the case and, and which candidates are going to be allowed to run in this presidential election as well. a solid within mats on the days, you know, but we'll be shifting from this sort of money. you know, i miss you into a political campaigns on the run. was expected to have this election next year. but this is, you know, happening, you know, in a very short time the, they want us to how a whole election in less than 40 days. and this indicates that they want to have a smooth on a quick transition to the next president. of the conservatives are very helpful to win the presidency, the whole issue as well as the parliament at the moment. and this incident could somehow feel rivalry among them to win the presidency. and this is quite normal. now, however, we are hearing from, you know, moderate candidates as well as some reform is figures also incentive wrong for the
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president and due to the level of the turn out as well as who will be qualified body by the guardian council on how these, you know, arrive will louise will translate into, let's say, a police call campaigns is succeeding in bringing their candidates ahead the by thing. well, that's sort of mine who can be the next president. yeah. what about, what about it? okay, that sounds great. and neither of us, there's a lot of speculation, of course, about that. what, what will the outcome of the election indicate as far as, who might replace the supreme leader or? well, you saw it, you know, the discussions on the election usually during future, you know, are very much quiet and everything which is being mentions or, you know, fine to the us are most the, i'm merely speculations and nobody would say,
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or i police very, very, very few people who could be a bit aware of this. um the sometimes you know, the discussions regarding the future later or regarding the leg presidents overall him right. you see very exaggerated in the country because these figures tend to some extent, you know, make an impact in that process. but the assembly of express with, which is composed of, you know, high rankings, larry accent officials in the country. they are the body to elect and lead there. and we can say that a so showed. 3 at least and nobody knows who would be the next, the, the an, or a at, or accept very, very few, you know, figures and everything being mentioned in a public. they could be something a mirror of speculation. so there is no a specific, you know, a information about this about assigning. thank you very much for talking to us
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about us money research fellow at the center for me, lease strategic studies, intel on. thank you for you to later i as i said with us on algae 0 after the short break. we'll be back with more on our breaking news story. this our 3 european nation spain no way. and i have recognized kind of fine as an independent states more reaction and, and not as this coming tuesday, the,
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the, the, you're watching allergies 0 live from don't how with me for the back people,
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a reminder of our main story this hour, at least 3 european countries are formerly recognizing the state of palestine. island, spain, and no wait. let's take a look at where they stand. island has bonded to states solution since 1980. it's government says that recognizing upon a city and state would compliment peace efforts and support a 2 state solution. spain has also said the 2 state solution remains the only answer to the crisis in the middle east. prime minister federal sanchez has been one of the most outspoken european leaders against these rascal on guys no way has host cities really promising in peace talks in the past at the beginning of the 19 ninety's which led to the oslo accords. it also believes a palestinian state is fundamental to realizing a 2 state solution. while joining us now is mer on colorado is a professor of government at georgetown university here in kata. and also with steve clemens, hosts of colleges, there is. so the bottom line, good top you both with us. let me start with your initial reaction to this decision
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by these 3 european countries, the significance of it, and what impact do you think it's likely to have there on 1st significance is symbolic rather than practical. but it does ramp up pressure on the 10, you know, under war cabinet to end the war in gaza to a stop or at least do something about the ramp and violence in the west bank. and to probably slow down the pace of settlements in the west. bank. all right. see, i think it further isolates both israel in the united it states for not moving forward because you can't on recognize the state once you've recognized it. we now see the withdrawal form for consultations of ambassadors of israel to these to these nations. they're to come back and look at it, and so it's real lives in a way, more diplomatically isolated. but i feel like this is a long term response to the secretary john kerry, who once said, we can't one piece more than they do. and these nation just saying we have to one piece more than they do what,
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what's likely to be the reaction from the bite and administration. you have 3 important to europe and countries making this move to date. one of the close on islands of the bind administration, how are they likely to respond to it? i think the by the middest ration will say these are wrong headed moves that getting in the way of a vital process that's necessary to bring stakeholders for piece together. so america believes the process needs to precede these outcomes in recognition. i think united states will be paralyzed over this. and as we see generationally huge support for, for pet both palestine and those victims and gaza right now. and i think you're going to see a generational divide in the response to these acts where many people are waking up and saying the status quote of how the united states has been pursuing palestinian justice test doesn't work anymore. and maybe this kind of step is necessary, right? you talked about mirror on the fact that on the ground, you're not likely to see any, any practical changes. but the hope is that this for,
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for gas momentum perhaps to the peace process. do you see that happening, us? in some ways, we hope that this gives momentum to the peace process, but i think we've seen the fallacy of the so called peace process over the last 1520 years or so. the peace process. we've been talking about the peace process as we have seen, the progressive dismantling of palestine. the expansion of his early settlements had now the destruction of gauze. right. so i think in the long run, yes, of course, this is likely to change the narrative about palace spot in the short run. i don't see it and you know, when it talks about recognizing the pod, a city and state along which borders and 1967 borders which are not there anymore on. exactly. and, and so, you know, even just the security barrier. that is, it has created this infamous wall cuts into 10 percent of the west bank. and so the 67 borders, as you mentioned,
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really existing the abstract rather than the reality that do you expect to see by the countries to follow. so now we, we've seen, i, you, i think i think that they're going to see that this is a step forward. we've seen within un resolution votes for a long time, a supporters of, of both just as but statehood with for palestine. and so i think a damn has been broken to some degree, but i think it's going to be a complicated mess out to my colleagues said in one sense the united states has reported to be on the verge of suit some new security arrangement with saudi arabia right, so this is again saying, well, we're going to re shuffle the deal within the region. we're trying to get saudi arabia to work. the united states start out with any close before and with china so much with their post the deal. but to do the deal and not yet again, resolve this underlying issue. remember, before october 7th happened, jake sullivan, the president's national security advisor came and said, you know, the region has never been as peaceful and the com is it is right now. and so again,
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this assessing what you can do with one big block in the middle east without resolving this tension. i think further isolates the united states as well out there. and this is happening in the election year, of course, with by didn't, you know, hoping to to be the guide is losing yeah. support among some in the black community a lot in the youth vote guess who put him into office. the black community. i mean, a lot of people put them in office, but strong black support, strong use support for joe biden before who now see this issue is a social justice issue, right. what they're seeing and gaza. and you're seeing a softening in those numbers. and a rejection. you saw president biden speaking it more house college, a historically black college the other day with certain graduates turning your back on him. right. black graduates turning your back into president biden. so this is having a real impact at this moment. so do you think it might, might lead him to reconsider his position if, if this, you know, well, i heard a reply may in fact say they have reconsidered their positions, that they have put a limit on 2000 pound bombs that they have come out and talked about is we all
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taking a, a kinder and gentler course in the destination of, of guys i think they, they think they're sending the right signals. a lot of others don't think they're doing enough. steve talked about the normalization with the israel and the labor and the courts and so on we've, we've heard a lot about that. it seemed that after october, the 7th, that was off the table for the time being. but we've seen a lot of shuttle diplomacy. you know, blinking, going to, to re add a several times in the last few months. do you think that's near today? and with this recognition? now these 3 countries where does it leave out of space, like saudi arabia who want to establish relations with, as well. i do think it's me, i think that should pass sale. i think it's only a matter of time before savvy or a b and is a normalized. the war on gaza has only delays rather than completely changed the narrative. uh, but i do think the saudi arabia assess, is that it's, it's in its strategic interest to normalize. this is right, of course,
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in return for massive security guarantees from the united states. okay. now in terms of the 2 state solution, all these leaders who mentioned what announced this decision today talked about having, you know, a palestinian state, jerusalem as it's capital and so on. what do you look at the current situation of getting on the ground to date? that is not something that's feasible. what do we establish a palestinian state as i invite those european leaders to visit palestine, go on the ground drive between bethlehem and jericho different palestinian cities and realize the facts on the ground. and so i think ultimately we need to change the narrative. we need to change our thinking and the, the ultimate solution does not necessarily live in a 2 state solution which is on feasible, impractical and beyond reach today, let's say that was also curious about the timing of this announcement today. but by
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these 3 european countries, they're not actually announcing today that they'll recognize palestine as a state, but in a week what, and this is also coming in the same way that we saw the i c c announce that he might seek a, a request for numerous one for his really and he asked me to is, what do you make of all these events happening? momentum. yeah, it's the, it's momentum. it's weighing in against this process of what is perceived to be significant. impunity by israel in the gaza crisis again coming back to the rasa border in the efforts by the, by the administration to check what is real might do there. so this is basically trying to offset and then also within his real hearing benny gant's come out and offer open declarations of condemnation to is really present a prime minister netanyahu. again, all of this is showing, this is a pressure cooker. it's a growing the or is it was more pressure on this now?
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you think or does it? i think it contract has more pressure, not on you know who netanyahu seems to love the pressure and seems to thrive in that world. but i think that is real estate thinking about what it's conscious place in the world is going to look like. you know, i agree with me right to get to the point where you could actually conceive in any real term terms on the ground. a viable to state solution requires a remarkable change in circumstances is very hard for us to see happening today. with that said, i think these measures help create an impact the consciousness of his release. largely we have to be honest or largely supportive of the measures inside cause or right now. this is basically sending red flags to them from those that have been friends of various who been part of the their community for to say wake up, take a look at your environment. this is not a healthy situation, ma'am. on in any space she irish prime minister also talked about the responsibility of palestinian leaders and you know, the policy and the story comes to mind here. if you win
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a stablish of palestinian state, the leadership, the palestinian leadership, today in his car in for, is it going to be able to respond to the needs of its population of the population of this, of this independent state that they're looking to to establish. i mean, how, how should the policy and leadership reorganize itself? perhaps? i who that's an excellent question for the what do we have seen is that the palestinian leadership has consistently left the palestinians down. it has a band and in many ways the palestinian cause in return for its own political longevity. and i think we do need new blood. we need new leadership. we need new thinking among the palestinians. will i'm us, be part of that leadership or is that a clearly no, no, go for, you know, the americans and these rates will come off as an organization may not necessarily be, but that line of thinking, the fact that political islam has a role to play on the ground, i don't think that's going to go away anytime soon. okay,
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your thoughts see if i find the on the role of the policy and leadership look, i think they've got to find a new equilibrium for legitimacy with their people and they're not anywhere near that right now. i think there are those that have been out proposing that they get back to kind of looking at all factions being part of this. i don't know whether i'm off go through a rebranding, but i'm us as a movement amongst isn't just individuals. and so you have to realize among the different factions there, the equilibrium of legitimacy among palestinian people does not exist today and it needs to be reset. and the only way you can do that is bringing these factions together and negotiate so very interesting is talk to you about. thank you so much for joining the hearing me around. come by steve clemens on the news with us. thank you very much. now we're hearing from the president of the palestinian authority. mahmoud abbas that spring, anita a brain. we joined just from not from ramallah in the occupied westbank need. what's uh, what's the, i'm with a boss. how to say about this decision by these 3 year be in countries to recognize about us and state we do. yeah, we just saw 3 statements coming out on the palestinian official agency,
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west side from the palestinian president, welcoming each states, acknowledgements of recognition of palestine as an independent states. saying that this shows that how the international recognition of the right of the palestinian people to the side on their destiny is being more and more recognized. saying that this will definitely make the end of the occupation of the palestinian territory much and much closer. we've also heard from fedex basically the party that is habits by the president of my move to advise the president of the palestinian authorities also welcoming the decision while diplomats here in palestine working with the palestinian authority. we'll see this as a success of the efforts that has been happening over the years in decades really in the when and in the diplomatic did not. and others are saying here,
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industry that this would not have happened if it wasn't for october 7th, if it wasn't for the continued a russian by these really forces against palestinians inside the besieged cause us to wild on paper. this is seeing here is a great step. very much welcomed on the street. it's really does not change, but a yeah. let's see. oh, spell assuming is on the ground. if we take seen, for example, in the north of the occupied west bank, that is going and really suffering, that is precautions all is 2nd day of and is really way that has already killed 8. holla, simeon, so far injured, 21 palestinians as well. they might not even have electricity. now because of the damage of vince infrastructure to know that this decision has been made and they know that the aggression will continue on the ground as these radio occupation really is raising left right and centre of palestinian cities. and it's
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a read the expanding is in need, can supplement and surprises the presence of such as the attacks of specialist. so yes, again, great diplomatic moves, but with the change, anything on reality for palestinians on the ground, not really need to thank you very much. just i'm just here is neither a brain by forcing a life from ramallah in the occupied westbank this spring back. did somebody get it? and now jane space is joining us on the set. so again, 3 important to european countries. no way on in spain saying that the recognize how to sign as an independent states. how much james was this also achieved by? how does simeon diplomacy? well, i think there was an important part of this, but you had a criticism you had need of the criticism among palestinians about the policy and of the source. but they have carried out a pretty conservative diplomatic efforts in recent years. are the back in, in 2012. so that's more than a decade ago when palestine go to observe a status at the united nations. that meant that they could have that flag outside
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un headquarters in new york. and we were all thinking this is a bit symbolic. and then i remember the small group reports is a read month. so the impacts of events still the ambassador of palestine to the united nations. and he said, no, this is the 1st step to recognition by more and more countries around the world. and we're going to go and apply to join the writing statute and join the international criminal court. will have to say at the time most about those report is we're pretty skeptical. any of those things will come to pos, split a decade home. that step in 2012 can be an important part. fitness pod with a series of measures that really have diplomatically strength and protestants possession. but how so precisely, i mean, again, no way, spain and 9 and then not the only countries to recognize palestine is a state. they are number of others, but usually significant does we say? but what does it mean diplomatically 4 percent of the united nations, for example? well, i mean they, they are important among the group of western countries because the western
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countries of the main hold outs with regard to the recognition of palestine, the numbers are a bit confusing. come states that the recognized published on it somewhere like a $139.00, maybe a $140.00 a $141.00. it depends on what you count because sometimes parliaments of done symbolic votes. sometimes there's been a decision by government that has not been being respected by governments that have followed, followed this, but i think the question is now whether this will lead to a flurry of other countries of which countries those could be in the places to look to very important countries when i say the names, you know, i think that very important slovenia multics that pretty small e u countries, but they base it on the un security council. pretty clear from best statements on the security council that those 2 countries are pretty close to, to, to, to recognizing palestine of the other big european countries. you countries don't think germany's that any time. what if i'm friends up front, so i think is the one to watch, i think from it's a permanent member of the security council,
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i think from what you've already closely what, what, what comes from power. so what comes from a present micro, i'm just outside the, the you for me, you remember the u. k. they've talked about it as well, but the don't think that's imminent that okay. now in terms of the measures on the ground, what this means, this recognition, you know, come may 28th. what's gonna happen happen? i mean, will, will, will they be sending a masters to, for me? i left for example. i think that's highly likely. i think we're going to see some of, and some events on that date, the opening of maybe not a fully fledged embassy. these, these are relatively small countries, but some source of advance. i mean, you don't actually, if you recognize the state, have to have an ambassador in embassy. you can have an ambassador somewhere else who has the credentials for that country. so one of these countries, for example, could have that run by so that to jordan, also be, be, be the on back to the, to palestine as well. and that a lot of countries do that and don't have residence on both of those. but it does
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mean that they, they recognize palestine as a sulfur in the state. about simple to briefly what about the piece process? where does that, what does it needs a piece process of force no way was with the also of course were held the, the hope from these countries is that this will, you know, give you momentum to the peace process. is it likely to? yeah, i mean, all an ottoman spain are important because that they're important to you countries, but no way i think is, is the big one here. and because they all the custodian of the also the process of the 2 state solution which is called so off track. and it is what we're talking about again go back to a year ago and no one was talking about the 2 state solution. uh no one was talking about that anymore in the us, it stopped talking about it completely and was talking about normalization and, and the april honda accords. and now the 2 state solution, whether it's feasible is completely different question. but the 2 state solution is what you're hearing from o, international leaders. when they talk about this subject with the including the us
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with a course, one big exception. and that's these randy problems. all right, james, thank you very much for that jane space. i different medic editor with the latest analysis on this breaking news. we've been covering here on alger 0 and that is spain no way. and island announcing the recognize how to sign as an independent face respond minnesota saying this is an important day, but we've had very strong reaction from israel, which a series of follows in as recall that some bass that has some island and no way plenty more on this story and others what covering here on out just sierra and just a few minutes to stay with the the latest news as it breaks this year's march at the message, not just for the card government but also for the incoming ones that they're not going away until they know what happened to their loved ones with detailed coverage . millions of pharma. now how rich thing that we crossed by day,
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whether they may not get that good right. because the risk management of wait am phone from around the world. surprises rose sharply. yeah. inside, when neighboring nigeria restricted, as there will come a time where no amount of dollars will be able to make up for what is broken. activists making their voices heard. how many disasters do we need to start taking action in the fights against the climate? catastrophe. this generation is trying to save the world. we are in an emergency right now. when you do the much destruction you're gonna face the consequence. nature is done. i will just be a risk, new series, dying now or never. unique perspective, why is it the doctors don't get to have a say in any of the medical workforce has been so undervalued by the british government? from time on hub voices. tick tock has been a place for organizing politically, for getting people to vote for getting people to protest,
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connect with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. why is our government taking us to work on the basis of live? we the public have to get out there and do something about it. the stream on al jazeera us over $27000.00 photographs of data and tortured civilians. have you seen the photo so and in the prosecutor ulton did traditional investigation for disappearance, torture and crimes against humanity in the final part of the series, which is 0 follows the fight for justice through the courts. fairly straightforward in terms of establishing command responsibility as families and a lawyer space, a terrible deal in the search for the truth. the lost souls of syria. now just sierra, the colleges. when
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the spain, no way an island announced they were recognized how to sign as an independent states, the irish prime minister calls with an important state to be an art, into a long standing policy position and through successive governments. and we wished to recognize the state of palestine as part of it and is a good process towards the 2 state solution. the play you watching l g 0 live from to how it moves for the.


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