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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 22, 2024 1:00pm-2:01pm AST

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the, the, this business of say, these roads thought no bundle a dash football is he is the, [000:00:00;00] the, you're watching the news. our life from headquarters is all fine. daddy. you navigate, here's what's coming up in the next 60 minutes. it's never the wrong time to do the rice tank island spain on norway and owns they will recognize palestine as an independent states. israel recalls at some baset or is and response is really air strikes, kill at least 10 people in central garza including
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a pregnant women while it's forces on the ground least seats to 2 hospitals in the morning and tens of thousands of iranians during the funeral of the late president of the human seats, who was killed in a helicopter crash on sunday. i'm doing a casual school with the school. it's advantage celtics as they begin the end, the eastern conference finals with a win over the pay the welcome to the news hour. it's 10 gmc in an unprecedented move. the governments of ireland, norway, and spain have announced they will recognize an independent palestinian states, beginning on the 28th of this month, slovenia and malta could follow suits. so these were the scenes inside the spanish parliament. as the announcement was made. prime minister pedro sanchez said his
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country, it had an obligation. the us and the cues, the is really prime minister. benjamin netanyahu of putting the 2 state solution in danger emitted any sooner than young lucky enough for you for 5 minutes, then it and yahoo as no piece of project for palestine to the missing yahoo is creating so much pain and so much destruction. and so much ranko and gaza and the rest of the time that the viability of 2 states solution is in serious danger or decision to recognize palestine should not have to waste. and definitely, especially when disease the rice thing to do it is it is a decision being taken on its merits. but we cannot ignore the fact that we are taking it says palestinians and gaza, are enjoying the most appalling suffering live on the if and is this is an investment in the only solution that can bring the lasting piece in the middle east . it has a strong call to other countries to do the same as we're doing today to recognize
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palestine is really government has strongly opposed to move by ireland, norway, in spain. it's for administrative order. the immediate recall if it's some basset or is in all 3 of the countries, is really finance minister bessolo. small trips has called for sanctions to be imposed on the palestinian authority in a moment. will bring it in wrong con, from my mind. jordan will bring us the reactions from the is really government, me that but he him standing by for us and or on my left for reactions from the palestinian authority. but 1st let's get the latest on european nations recognizing palestinian statehood from villa marks. joining us from london feeling what more we learning about what was behind this decision at this time? well, this has been an ongoing dialogue between some of these european lead is going back to the end of last year. that would meetings in march in brussels involving petro sunset and others to try and coordinate this announcement. and just the last week or so, we've been talking to people inside the various ministries in those capitals about
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the timing of this announcement. this was an important historic database island and palestine, according to simon harris, the prime minister that he did those say that he was confident and quote, the other countries will join us in taking this important step in the coming weeks . that may well be most for us to be in here. they've been involved in these conversations that are the last few months, the norwegian prime minister, known as gusta talking about that needs to be peace in the middle east and not going to happen with this kind of recognition. don't forget with 31 years off the bills, the agreements was signed in the norwegian capital. he said the palestinians have quote taken and pull some steps towards the 2 state solution. and protest line has a quote fund to bundle right to an independent state cutter, essentially that mid don applause from the parliament in madrid, rejecting the i did. and benjamin netanyahu, who has been trying to find a solution himself, saying that quite prime minister netanyahu was still tightening a blind eye and bombing hospitals, schools and holmes, using he said,
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hung cold and tara to punish more than a 1000000 innocent boys and girls and girls are just finally the context for this is useful for people to be aware of sweet and recognizing kind of some of the statehood. 10 years ago was the last you remember to do so. there's around 7 or 8 in all those in the previous is before they became members of their opinion, most in central and eastern europe. we've also taken that decision in the past. okay, a problem. thank you for bringing a spot from london. so apart minister benjamin netanyahu, his government has bound out to 0 in israel, and that's why we're reporting from the jordanian capital. i'm and that's where, and we're on kind of standing by for us. so iran, you know, people would say this is not really a good week for israel, particularly coming officer of the i, c c. this isn't to seek arrest warrants of the prime minister benjamin netanyahu as well as the defense minister. and now you have this announcement, what's uh, what's been the reaction amongst officials, they're, as the reaction has been swift and has been unambiguous. uh,
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the apartment is that as well, caps released the statement in that statement. he said, i'm sending a clear and unequivocal message to either into no way is well, we don't remain silent in the face of those undermining it serenity and endangering it security deals, or we call them back. as soon as he goes on to say, today's decision, it sends a message to palestinians and the will, the terrorism pays you guys on site. uh these countries have chosen to reward him us and iran by recognizing a palestinian state. that's going to be the force of the message coming from israel as i've said it in the past. but any recognition of a palestinian sight is simply revolting. come asked with that attack on israel on october the 2nd, but we've also had other reactions as well. the defense minister you'll have kalonde, has actually rescinded a very key military odor in the occupied westbank, which allows for re engagement in the occupied in the northern part of the occupied westbank. but for those small trips, the finance minister has cooled
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a full sanctions against the palestinian authority, but also he wants at least $200000.00 new settlements legal under international law to be built in the occupied westbank. and then you go at the motor bank of the, of the national security minister. he went on an incredibly provocative visit to the alex up most compound. and he was also quoting for house, as the palestinian authority be sanctioned as well. okay, well thank you so much. and uh, once again will remind you that everyone is having to report from my mind. jordan, because benjamin that's now his government has been delta 0 for reporting in israel and will cross over to that. but he does that is joining us now from but i'm a law in the occupied westbank too. and does that tell us about what sort of reaction you are hearing from them a lot not only from the palestinian authority, but also from people on the grounds and whether they think this will make a difference to their daily lives. yes that in this is a very important question when it comes to the decision on paper. yes. a seen by
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the palestinian a full or is the by the diplomats as a great step towards acknowledging palestine recognizing protest and without going back to negotiations without going back to israel as a basis for the recognition. so this is important just before palestinians in the street, their lives under occupation are still happening. the same way they would happening before those 3 countries decided to recognize palestine as an independent states. already in janine palestinians or bearing the to verification of a 2nd. they opened his way the read. this has left the least 8 palestinians killed during that invasion. and some of them were just students going to their school, the teacher and the surgeon. so that gives you an idea about what palestinians and how, how the city is, are receiving such news. yes, they are a good push, but it's the yeah. and this symbolic, yes, it's will probably pay the wage with ending the occupation. but this will take
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a long time as far as palestinians in the streets are concerned with the saying is that the israelites continue and with its violations against palestinians. whether the end of the seas goes a surf with the continued bombardment of palestinians or in the occupied west bank . where do we see? res would we see a rust massive arrests of palestinians tensions, but also the most important thing, which is the illegal sacrament. expenses that expenses and has been run during this palestinian space that is being recognized almost impossible in reality. because as we are recognizing the faith with the board, as we're seeing israel, the occupying power, moving more if it's population towards an occupied territory, making it more a more impossible for palestinians to have a contiguous state of their own. but again, when we talk to diplomats, these, these as the success of the efforts of years is not decades of work in the
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international arena and also in the us as well. all right, thank you so much than that, but i am thanks for that reporting from on the law. so let's take a closer look at the road to palestinian statehood in 1988. the palace by national council declared its independence at a meeting in algeria. that nation was be 1st to officially recognize an independence palestinian states. weeks later. dozens of countries including much of the arab world, most of africa, asia, and several eastern european nations followed suits. the next wave of recognitions came in late 2010 and early 2011. when a host of south american states including argentina, brazil actually recognized palestine. we have with us, sorry to put matic editor james base and discuss the so james, now you have 3 european major european capitals coming out with this announcement. this usually significance is it not? it is significant. other things like a significant for 2 reasons,
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momentum and timing on momentum 3 at once. all them over on the way we know there are because we know the comments of some of the european countries. and we know that each of the 3 countries that today record of said they're going to recognize palestine on the, on may the 28th, which are orleans in spain. putting us you countries and no way which is not in the you but has this very special role, is the guardian of the oslo accords. so important countries um the ones that likely in the pipeline i would look very closely at slovenia and motors with them said, slovenia and most of the countries, nope, big countries. important right now though they both sit on the un security council and that's why because they've had to speak and debates on palestine. we know that position very clearly and that those 2 looked like they are probably going to be among the next countries to recognize starts in terms of timing. i think it's just look,
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look at the week the prime minister netanyahu has had disclose just hours of to the i, c. c. the prosecute to the said he wants to arrest warrants against the israeli prime minister and to the defense ministers. now, up to a panel of 3 judges to decide whether to give those arrest warrants and off to the of the big international court. the international court of justice heard hearings and the case vote by south africa of to try and ask about court for a ruling to stop the rafa offensive. and i suspect everything is going on at the i c. c. and with regard to the state recognition as this is a political context for those judges as they make, they make them the ration. so that could be the bad news, but israel down the line and certainly this is a day where i think israel looks more isolated than it has for some time. look during your reported for us for many years from the united nation. so what's this, this recognition for countries to individually recognize palestine as a states? what does that mean? because we know that palestine also is not
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a full member of the united nations, and it wouldn't make any difference that the united nations. what did make a big difference in these countries? what, what, what key. and it was the hon status for the policy and use that that, that took place in the last couple of weeks that gives a palestine of a more important voice and then put more important power in the u. n. institution. but they already have quite a bit of power as an observer, say to the united nations. i remember back 2012 and they would give them that also observe a state status as a, as an observer state, we just don't. well, supply giving up outside the un, what real paths they have. they can't vote in the un general assembly, but i remember the policy in the past as to the you and then, and he's still in the job bri edmonds. so say no, no, this is going to start recognition of model most states recognizing palestine and will go to places like the international criminal court. oh, joined the run statute and take israel to court. we may even go to the
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international court of justice. now i have to tell you, then moving the decade ago, when he told me in a small group of reporters that was bit cynical. and i have to say he was right. it's played out like that a, just on the point you were making a moments ago about norway in particular. i mean you, you rightly pointed out the norway of course, was the custodian off, the also piece process not taking place in 1993. so how significant is a house i can experience as be and also particularly from norway that there will be recognizing a policy mistake? well, i think it's significant for this reason. some people are saying, and this is the only thing that i think you'll hear from, from london, and probably from, from washington. no, no, no, no, that this, this, this has to be part of a negotiated settlement. we know you called cape for the palestinian statehood. now you have to it has to be part of the negotiations with his route. well, the country that did most to try and get the negotiations going was no way they have been very key in this all the way alone that they believe the right thing to do is to recognize palestine as
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a state right now. and it's worth remembering that yes, out of starting in home state is the united nation, is the only reason palestine is not a member of the state of the united nations is because that requires the un security council to recommend date to the un general assembly. the general assembly is bound to vote for it. we know they have the votes that but in the security council there is one nation, the blocks it and that's the united states. all right, james, thank you so much. a key for elder is a political. alice is also a contributor to the is really daily paper harris, and he explains how the is really government's will react to the requisition of an independent palestinian state. and if you look at the, the international response or the impact on his riley position, a visa v, the international community. of course, this is a what we call a uni last or step that a,
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the goes against and on the hours and the majority of these very can s h is also fee of, uh that, uh, agree to it. but a senior in state especially, not too many. let's really i want to remind the viewers the just a few months ago. the majority i, i believe that it was close to 100 out of the 120 members of nash a pos very weird, a resolution against any intellectual recognition. also, but a scene in state. and as long as the united states is not joining this, and the united states would have probably put a veto if uh, one of the members of the security council oh, will try to submit such a resolution is right. it is not the only safe domestically. i believe that
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the national weather usage as another demonstration of i'm to semitism of victim hood. that's another proof that the world is against us. you see we uh in oh is oh for war again. come us. and i remind the view is that so nathaniel keeps saying that there is no difference between how much don and focused on look at what happened after the prosecutor of the i. c. c. has made his statement. president head, so for the minister guns and le pied went all out against it, defending the government,
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the police 10 pallets, the nunes have been killed in overnight is really strikes and central gaza. the victims were all from one family, including a pregnant women and children. their bodies have been taken to an upstart hospital . the attack happens in the way the area when is really strikes. targeted building sheltering displays, people thought about as soon as and dated by the from central garza. he has more on the latest, is really a tax that we have been witnessing of the past couple of hours more attacks by the use of the military. as there was a clear intensification of old calling dismissed a treat acts on the ground. now starting from the middle areas of specifically and is the one to tell me where at least 10 palestinians have been reported killed, including gun unplug, the baby that was extracted from the root of his mother that was supposed to killed in the attack. now at this number, as expected, by the way to go, if there's more, imagine c s, it's being made by rescue as into areas have been attacked. and that's why the town, as the,
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are searching on the remnants of that shot to the building that was destroyed now in other parts of the territory as we've been hearing from eye witnesses in rough. uh the military is gradually expanding the minute treat. encouraging a rough district, there is a notable advancement for the east valley menu, bring the military tanks on the central areas of roughly including a shovel or a variety of neighborhoods. now these are you central neighborhoods in the central areas of roughly now the military is advancing slightly in a way that cannot spot trigger any kind of international criticism on the intensifying power on the ground. as more palestinians have been cleaned from roughly district and they have been moving to the western part, believing that it might be a safe area. but the is very prime minister on defense minister has been stating ive been stating that they are determined to expand the minutes. reparation and rough law in order to many totally dismounted the remaining battalions of the
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military ring of how much. most palestinians in gauze are getting only a quarter of the water they need every day. and that's about for leaders, according to the united nations. and a lot of it is polluted and salty, leading to a public health crisis. bernard smith reports in the search for one of the rarest and most valuable commodities in gaza. clean drinking water. it's children who are carrying most of the but it's back breaking. what so with much of the infrastructure here destroyed by his rails, foaming, this is one of the only ways to get water from a to be undefeated when we desperately need water to drink and to maintain basic hygiene. as you can see, we don't even have enough water to wash out dishes properly. we're using signed up to try to sanitize them, but it's not enough. cooking utensils are also contaminated with sand residues and
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making it difficult to prepare food safely. united nations estimates the average palestinian and gaza is surviving on the 3 lead to the water per day for all the needs that's well below its emergency. stand at a 15 league about water is also salting and contaminated with as much as 70 percent of the population drinking straight from polluted wells. the young man with treating salty water for drinking purposes. we action pay cash for it and stores in large containers and then distributed to the people. we appeal to donors to help us buy water, even if it's sold to just provide us with most of the water means on safe hygiene practices, which help the spread of diseases and across cause attempts to repair the water supply network. a held up because israel isn't lasting in new products, it says they could be used as weapons. the huffman one to 92 percent of water and
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sanitation infrastructure has been completely obliterated here in con units. the lack of electricity is where some of the crises with generate has completely destroyed. audrey sewage overflowed into streets in the c leaching into ground water and wells contaminating the water system, potentially for generations to come. but it's smith, i'll just say the, the, the state funeral if it ons, late presidents of behavior that you see is underway into ron. tens of thousands of iranians have gathered at freedom square in the capital to pay their respects, but the easiest body will later be taken to his home city of mush heads for burial on thursday. iran is marking, it's 35 official days a morning, announced by the supreme leader i. it's on odd if i'm a name for suicides, are joining us from freedom square and they're raining capitals that are on so russell,
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lots of people coming up coming out with rather to show their respects and for, and signatories as well. tell us what you've been seeing you around. your mood is like well, seems early in the morning on we have seen tons of thousands of iranians have gathered in and around this. uh they did the freedom square behind me and they have been waiting for the president, so it's the front of wells to day of bodies. and so we will see people cry in, and most of them are in black as a sign of morning. so with the bodies or from the presence of mind received, the former, the for the minister, we're seeing ended up a lot young and the companions just suddenly the goal has been passing to these way to the square. and then they're going to be taken to the city or from a shout that the presence going to be taken to the, to do it from a ship and being buried there. the for the minister is going to be buried in an
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intent rocks. on the other hand, there are several for the guests that our presence here. uh, the fusion, uh the, the president, the, for the municipal egypt for the minister and the vice principal of turkey. the, the product, the prime minister on practiced on iraq. and of course, the delegations from, from tell the band from, of kind of stand, how does the russian part, lemons do mind the old being here? these are the, some of them that are many more and these, of course is important for the iranian political establishment here because they want to show that the wrong is not to isolate that from the world. and it has friends. okay, me so thank you so much for that update from ron will not speak to our boss has lonnie who's a journalist and a senior research fellow at the think tank the center for him at least strategic studies. also joining us from to herancha to have you with us, how would you describe president a that uses like a c uh well today we will be uh,
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seeing that fine dignitary and high ranking officials visiting the country. many of them are from the region or those. so i've had friends read relations with a ron or those. so i have not even had those friendly relations, including like tanisha or even i heard that there was a delegation from the rain. you know, this indicates that the policy of the ron's lake presidents that easy and his foreign minister i'm the law he on was mostly focused on engagement with the neighboring states in the middle east. and this level of presence by funding officials, in the case that you know, of this has been the focus, the funds of their policy. which even in the later today, try to reassure fun, you know, uh, officials visit think the wrong today that this same policy will continue um, on the, when it comes, you know,
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to the domestic politics. you know, he tried to be in, at the time of these sanctions by the bus, the time that the nuclear deal was not working. he tried to resolve, you know, economic issues and number one by trying to focus on the domestic production capability. right. and number 2, so engagement with is the impact or is that the regional countries or the foreign minister, the former for a minister for saying, i mean, i mean on the here and really had the confidence of the establishment in iran. what are you going to be the challenges that fit the the interim for administer is going to face over this 50 day period because there are historical events right now unfolding in the region of well uh, if you put this situation into context where the significant developments are
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taking place in the region is specifically the cause of war. uh these questions are begging to be asked, but you know, you've been in current act acting for them. and so was the chief negotiator before . and he was the defeated foreign minister. he was in the same, you know, administration on government um, but the president on foreign ministers, they are quite, you know, important members of the government and the process of the decision making part of the, you know, process for the foreign policy. however, the input infrastructure for the decision making in the country is broader than the government includes institutions or other personalities, including the leader himself. and the major part of that infrastructure remains in place and is intact, right? so that's why, you know, no big changes, expect the bends we're discussing the wrong spot and policy. and it's, it is going to be subject to continue to then change,
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i think. but how do iranians feel about having to head to the pools once again in 50 days time to really wrong was supposed to have presidential election next year. and some of the, um, thinking that may be the election in the united states. uh, i mean it might impact on the candidates, so ending in that the, you know, next year's election. but with this incident happened in the bronze that election is going to be on the l. e one. and, you know, within less than 40 days on the 1st leave establishment is trying to make sure that there would be not be a feeling of gas, a gas or vacuum in the country. they want to make this transition as smooth one to the next president and the government. but then the 2nd, you know, aspect, you know, the v is a high level of political. the rivalry specifically among conservatives,
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is expected in the weeks to come with a, you know, up sense of a strong presidential candidates. meaning the late president brought him that you see, we can have more hold for, you know, candidates including monstrous like i, luggage on the or even some reform is candidates who might feel that they might have the chance to run for president. right? so that's why i think within a few weeks we might be seeing a political campaign which can create to come to teach in the country that you know, shifting from this ceremony atmosphere into a political campaign. thank you so much for joining us for to her on our bus. bonnie: thank you. still ahead on the houses. there it is. our more analysis on what's the recognition of palestine as a space means following arlene spain on more ways and also tons, columbia as president analysis faction after
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a resurgence of revel fibrex the in the that's role with your weather uptake or to see so we've got some pretty solid bands of rain for the mountains of north wales, western england and eastern scotland in the zone. we could see some flooding that rain stretches over the north sea. its always to go into plague northern germany and denmark with some what weather eventually move into scandinavia. an area that desperately needs rain, it's been incredibly parched there. now also today for watching this band of rain eventually push its way into poland. this is going to break the heat in warsaw for at least one day and send her temperature should rate back up. and it's because we've got that warm se, strictly breeze, most of the turkey are looking dry, including the capitals. so that's allowing the temperature to get up to 28 degrees and on gra, hot for cyprus,
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snicker. so you got your pencil the in for 30 degrees. okay. it's still some shower through northern spain, northern portugal, but in the south where the sun's out, those temperatures are starting to climb as well. and it's a hot picture for egypt, capital cairo, 41 degrees. but your temperature will come down in the days to come. and with this tropical cycle and just off the coast of kenya, we've got wind wave and rain follow parts in time for south africa. it is a quiet pitcher. we've got plenty of sun in the forecast for you today. on wednesday, the $27000.00 photographs of dead and tortured civilians. have you seen the photo so and in the prosecutor ulton did traditional investigation 1st disappearance, torture and crimes against humanity in the final part of the series, which is 0, follows the fight for justice through the courts. fairly straightforward in terms of establishing command responsibility as families and a lawyer space,
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a terrible deal in the search for the truth. the lost souls of syria. now just sierra in depth analysis of the days headlines, if that was a rougher offensive. where would the people go? people have no place to go. each one of 1000 people has to be displaced at least 2 times frank assessments. this is a max and blow to free speech and freedom of the press informed opinions you can be somebody, this is on one of the hostages, october 7th, and return. and i want the chilly to stop inside story on al jazeera. it's the the
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hello again. this is also 0 here, as a reminder, off the top stories this hour, the governments of ireland, norway, and spain have announced they will recognize an independent palestinian states beginning on the 28th of this month. is really government has recalls its investors from the 3 european countries. at least 10 polished indians have been killed an overnight as really strikes and central dogs. all the victims were all from one family, including a pregnant women and children. their bodies have been taken to the opposite hospital. these fate funeral wrongs late presidents of the ac is being held into one tons of thousands gathered in the capital to pay their respect around. supreme leader is citing over that will return to our top story and that's the recognition of palestine as a state. we have with us mirand, colorado who's a professor of government is george strong university in cats are welcome back to
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elgin 0. how big a moment is this for palestine? it's a big symbolic moment. palestinians have been craving international recognition. and finally, 3 significant countries in europe, i recognize the palestinian state. but i think we need to keep in mind that the victory here is symbolic or the recognition is symbolic. rather than practical a. can you elaborate on that a little bit and tell us what could be the implications of us? well, it certainly wraps up pressure on that and yahoo and a war cabinet. but it doesn't necessarily change conditions on the ground on the ground. what we see is a progressive dismemberment of palestine. expansion of is, is really settlements. and in many ways, palestine has become a collection of cities. and the movements between which is extremely difficult.
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and so, although this is diplomatic, very significant, symbolically significant on the ground, i'm afraid it doesn't necessarily change conditions. the more country is recognized palestine though, i mean you have this analysis today from the 3 major 3 major european capitals more are expected as what we're hearing. and the more countries that recognize palestine individually does not mean, then there's more pressure on the united nations to grants, palestine full membership at the security council. we've seen the votes try to happen, but of course it's been blocked by the united states. no doubt. it increases pressure on the united nations, but it also further isolates the united states and is a, it puts pressure on the united states and in particular on the bite and administration to have some sort of cohesive policy. the biden administration has been talking about its support for the 2 state solution while at the same time re
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towing the recognition of the state of palestine. so i think it also wraps up pressure on the bite and administration. the from sort of the is really points of view who will be held responsible for this. and israel, do you think heads are going to roll and will it look like this is a failure on some level. it is definitely a diplomatic failure. it's a political failure buying the 10 yahoo! i think nathaniel, who is in the political trouble of doing this thing, keeping him in the office is his continuation of the war on gaza and the destruction of gaza. once that war is over. i think we might finally see an end to nits in yahoo, who's decades of long political career. could this decision have an impact on the world goes on the trajectory of thought was, well, we've seen that there are people within the cabinet. any gaps, for example, who have said they want to see and is really planned for the day after the war is
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over. so definitely this will have some sort of consequence on the war. what that consequences, we don't quite know yet. okay, we'll leave it there. thank you so much, marana colorado. thank you for giving us your analysis. we're earlier my colleague fully bossy. both spoke to steve clemens, he's the host of elders. he was bottom line. and he says that the growing recognition of palestinian statehood is increasingly isolating israel as well. as the by an administration you can't on recognize the state once you've recognized it . we now see the withdrawal form for consultations of ambassadors of israel to these to these nations know to come back and look at it. and so is real lives in a way, more diplomatically isolated, but i feel like this is a long term response to secretary john kerry, who once said, we can't one piece more than they do. and these nation to saying we have to one piece more than they do, what's likely to be the reaction from the biden administration. you have 3 important therapy in countries,
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making this move to day one of the close on islands of the by the administration. how are they likely to respond to the by the ministration will say these are wrong headed moves the getting in the way of a vital process that's necessary to bring stakeholders for peace together. so america believes the process needs to precede these outcomes in recognition. i think the united states will be paralyzed over this and as we see generationally huge support for, for pep, both palestine and those victims and gaza right now. and i think you're going to see a generational divide in the response to these acts where many people are waking up and saying the status quo of how the united states has been pursuing palestinian justice test doesn't work anymore. and maybe this kind of step is necessary be, is where the army has forest hundreds of thousands of palestinians to flee it. i saw in southern gaza since it's increased the tax 2 weeks ago. many of them are living, make shift tense and a tiny coastal pots called out of milwaukee is really army claims. it's
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a safe zone, but displace palestinians and rights groups. a people are crammed into the area under facing severe food and water shortages. honey muscles, reports from out of milwaukee and southern gaza, a weather infernal displacement having crazed the whole rest of due to inadequate medical facilities and lack of authentic patient as we walked on the side of the beach, we come across. this was very crowded. a space were for the latest families moved all the way from nevada city all the way through this area and been sheltering inside for the past 15 days. and as you see, the lack of sanitation on the, the lack of highs. eunice, exacerbating the living conditions for this particular for this with families. and the bible says you, but i am an old woman. i go into the sea to fetch salt water. i wash our coats with
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it and they all go through and we have no clothes to where we get the water from the sea to do the dishes, the washing to clean. this is our life. the go. look at our large families are forced into small space and as you see, how is the inside with across the golf and free by majorly made of young children. why for us to do this? because living conditions have an i hadn't been while you were suffering badly due to the lack of bullshit, we find ourselves having to buy with clean um, salty water and we can't even afford it. and it's difficult to find. we've already suffering when we got to have is this right here. this is all know off the beach westborough on unit with people right here. one with thing, the people here. i'm joining the one of the summer. there's one in the are here because the last, the access to when water we're going to leave their homes
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and right back and from the vibrations on the front part of the city all the way through this area. this particular side has been a major location of his really relentless attacks within the past month. a honeymoon mode via mos evacuations on palestine. the funeral has been held in central nigeria for at least 40 people killed by a gunman during an attack in the plateau. states armed vine invaded the zora mining community on monday, shooting after the local villagers. unfortunately, houses region has been hit with violence over control of resources. an interesting you know, strife loss, but number please. 200 people were killed during a similar rage on mostly christian villages, the columbia and president,
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gustavo petro, will travel to a southern region on friday in response to the deteriorating security situation. a splinter group, a former fork revels has launched an offensive against state forces on asunder and $0.50. this report from bo goes all a series of explosions of the rock columbia. it's called a tile county region over the past several days. this is what's left of a police station in the town of morales, after a blast, killed several officers and injured and the 6 others believed the fark, e m. c. a rebel group is to blame for the violence. the groups western faction walked away from the stocks with the government in april, starting a full scale assault and the region where they operate. all ship. by the way, we'll say we want the go see a to new c spy with the e. m. c. this criminal organization has shown with its attacks against civilians in this region that
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a truce isn't possible. president gustavo pay through order defense minister in the military leadership to immediately travel to the area and establish a permanent and security council calling for a total offensive against the group. he also replaced the armies chief general louisa spina who had come under fire for the deteriorating security situation. galka rescued then say they have been increasingly terrorized by the group it's very distressing, especially for the children have know what this fight and is affecting us all of it . so have to you 50 security expert. elizabeth dickinson says the violence is the consequence of an increasing fragmentation of cologne because internal conflict in recent years. and particularly since the pandemic, we saw the ultimate. there was a trend toward consolidation where different, smaller groups saw an advantage in coming together to look for concessions from the
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government. now the piece talks have been thrown into crisis. i think the logic is very different. it's much more about controlling and lucid economies on the local level, and that is leading us towards the situation with more and more smaller groups. splitting off and looking for their own interest rather than nationals accord. the ongoing face stocks of health to reduce violence in some regions, but not fall in the rule. southwest, for example, crimes such as extortion, kidnapping, or the recruitment of children. i've actually increased s criminal groups. continue to tightened their grip, leaving the government with no option better, return to a full offensive with civilians caught in the crossfire. i listened that i'm get the. i just need a book that extreme temperatures in mexico have been linked to the depths of dozens of how the monkeys, local media reports,
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a many are already dead when they fall out of the trees or they're so weak that they just don't survive the fall at all the temperatures and the state of tabasco have regularly surpassed 40 degree celsius in recent weeks. residents have been taking the animals to veteran and clinics to try to save them. a small town in the state of iowa in the us has been almost wiped out by tornadoes, killing several people to wrench, lorraine and high winds, cause widespread damage to greenfield authority say they're still trying to assess the scale of the disaster. there had been days of heavy storms in the midwest region. the criminal trial of the former us president donald trump is entering its final phase. on tuesday, the defense team rested its case without calling trump to testify. trumpet charged with $34.00 accounts, to falsify and business records to hide hush money. payments to an adult film. actress christ salumi reports from new york for the defense rest of its case. and
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the 1st ever criminal trial of a former us president. after calling 2 witnesses, and donald trump wasn't one of them. instead they honed in on robert costello a lawyer who disputed claims that donald trump knew all about efforts to silence an adult film star and paid his former fixer michael cohen to do so. trump's payments to colon are at the heart of the charges, the faces $34.00 counts of falsifying business records. the cone admitted on the stand that he's lied under oath before the prosecution had no choice, but to put michael cohen on the stand. and that's what they did. of course he presents certain difficulties. the jury saw documents e mails invoices, phone records, and even checks signed by donald trump and heard from stormy daniels who was paid to keep quiet in the run up to the 2016 presidential election. an affair she claimed she had with him. they also heard from media mogul, david packard, trump's co conspirator,
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and the hush money scheme. but the prosecution's case largely comes down to cohen and what he says, his former boss knew. so that's the great big cat present. any evidence that directly shows that he knew this is only information interest pay the only way to present that evidence is by presenting stormy daniels, michael cohen. david peck are people that have spoken to trump and can tell a jury that was being tapped behind the payment. trump, who denies all of it reserved his commentary for the cameras. ringback extra center i will return to the court room next week to hear closing arguments and
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begin their deliver ration solved. 12 jurors must agree on donald trump's guilt or innocence to avoid a mis trial. christine, so we me out to 0 new york. so heads on the houses, there is our female sports stars are made into barbie dolls. ahead of the paris olympics that's coming up, put you in sports. the business latest is sponsored by interlock tuck. he's real estate consultant.
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the base initial agents to be sponsored by interlock talk. he's real estate consultant . the the hello. yeah. i'm sorry for the sports news. trust you during thank you very mb, its its advantage, boston celtics, and the m b a's,
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eastern conference finals was the 17 time champions. took game one of the indiana places, but i had to come from behind to the full school. so let's just service 6 seconds. remaining jaylen brown, high things out thanks to this 3 points to, to push the gain into over time. out of the way a taylor tyson's turing. 10 of his assess 6 points in over time to help themselves . 6 valley 21332128. when in front of the home crowd. it's the cell 6, reach the final so play for reco, 18th and be a title. the best of 7 series continues in boston with game 2 on thursday. a series is far from over. we come back and play well enough to win again on, on thursday so, so i'm not, you know, i'm not trying to prove, prove anything individually. i know the ultimate goal is to try to win the championship. but and one step at a time by labor case and go in such
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a pot to of a possible um, bass and treble. later on wednesday, the job and champions take on atlanta and you're right. peak final is am to lift 3 trophies in 8 days. david strikes reports by 11 cruising a 2 games away from football, him or tablets, a 51 match and beaten run his audience. the 1st ever going to sleep gets high to and that heavy favorites to lift the german cup on saturday. the full that vote chevy alonzo. his team must be at the atlanta in the row peak funnel at dublin's adieva stadium. would have been preparing for these moments. so all here is no just to the job. my, you always prior to the game, why is the ball is rolling this time for the players? medications performances, the season of the nickname, never lose. and all the more impressive considering that it's so long as i suppose, full season coaching at the top level with
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a team that are in danger of relegation. when he took over, i learned a lot from, from the players as well. i'm they teach me a lot of things practicing these. how do you so you learn best on and this year it's been on the last year as well. it's been like, you might have a whole bunch of gold sheets. it's had been me so much on with good players, normally issues here and this year we're happy to play us live accrues and won this tournament back in 1988 when it was the wife a cup. and it's that 1st you are paying finals since finishing one is up to right madrid in the 2002 champions league hoping to know them of tracking dublin boat is in the info on same atlanta. they may have lost the culprits. how many a final t events this last week, but they now have another shots that claiming the 1st major trophy and 61 year is it the dc monkey modem or multiple g d, which we played a lot of matches in a positive way, but we still have regrets about what happened against events is that now it's another game, another cup final, it's a new match with
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a very prestigious trophy on the line. so we've got no excuses. level crews in last, the previous 2 games against atlanta. but going to this one is clear favorites. they know that if they completed this hurdle and the causes slauson and germany 2nd division stepped between then and then unprecedented invincible travel. david stokes out to 0. chelsea it becomes a search for new manager off deposit and company with money to purchase the teen or the auction time had only been in charge for a season in which they finished fixing the premier league and secure to european football for next season. fortune tina, who previously managed tottenham and pissy, had originally signed a 2 year contracts with the london club to come to night, right. as of the 1st to increase the final of crickets. i po, they've finished top of the table and then flash. the sunrise is my divide in the playoffs by 8, which it cuts in short. yeah, i a housing them to victory with an i'm beacons. 58 runs from just 24 balls.
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there's some noises you get another chance, theresa finalize, and they play the winter wednesdays. eliminate so between the bunch of some wheels and boiled challenges, including celebrities have been turning out at the cannes film festival in the south of france. but there's been another star attraction on the red carpet. the olympic flame. french athletes is full sauce, carry the torch down the carpets and up the famous steps of the appellate festival . ahead of the showing of a film detailing foxes and then pick history. it was old parts of the torch relay, taking place 3 fronts ahead of the games which began in paris on july the 26th. while the head of those games, knowing that police have been chosen for a new range of bobby dulls highlighting role models and women sports among them, french folks. so mostly the one goal in re a spanish power track fleet. susanna rodriguez, who is the reading olympic champion from tokyo and 5 time and then pick tennis medalist venus williams. mean there's moments in life that you can even dream about
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. i never thought that i would be you know, made as a barbie doll. when i look back on my life, i can't, i literally can't imagine my life without sports and without the game. so i want other young girls to have that invaluable experience of playing a sport and what it teaches you and what you learn and what you take from it. not just that moment for the rest of your life. all right, that is all your support for now. it is back to during, so thank you so much. will the french president, somebody with micro is traveling to new caledonia, the island nation and the pacific a seem days of unrest triggered by propose changes to the voting system. the overseas french territory is under a state of emergency after violence broke. so during protests wayne, hey, how's the latest? in some parts of new caledonia is capital new map protest is still in control and promising to find home unless we won't give up until they
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withdraw the decks. they are bound to 4 to no, no, we won't give up even if we have to die for it. the text he refers to is a constitutional change that would expand the electorate in new caledonia allowing more french nationals to vote and local elections. the indigenous cannot say it's entrenching french colonization and marginalizing the voice. the we're waiting for this text to be withdrawn because it means the illumination of the contact people were already in the minority. if they get this text through congress and resign were screwed. the french government continues to increase the number of security personnel who, being slowly bringing the situation under control, but days of protesting looting and us, and have shut down pots of new map. and some people worry, it will never be the same thing in the deal, not to go to reading for the police to intervene and then maybe will be a bit more relieved. a bit more liberated. it's true that afterwards it will be
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difficult to rebuild everything. and that's that it's a sad story. there's only one word for it. sad of the international april remains close to commercial flights, stranding many tourists. on tuesday, the governments of new zealand and australia were given permission to land military, a craft in new caledonia to evacuate some of the citizens. the 1st have arrived back home, angry with the strong government 3 homes. and as much as that, i felt that they should have warned us prior to going move flights, upland in the coming days, contingent on the fluid security situation. wayne, hey, al jazeera, towed on a new zealand. and finally, nepal, league climber, tommy retail sharp. i have scale the mount everest for a record 30th time. the 54 year old broke his own record that he had set just 9 days earlier. with his 2nd, a sense of the season,
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you 1st reached the summit of 1994. it has conned the world's highest mountain almost every year since then. i'll leave out for those with you in a moment with foreigners on it, which is 0. the route to mode is to take 90 to country and k o l g 0. well, goes to gamut with political schools in the 1980s, with sexual bias. i think there was a big black hole coming in the battle in which south humans, president was part of a deadly game. i refused to give them my head, give up power the killing of self human, the politicians during a routine cabinet victory. a 1986, an estimate of an assassination on al jazeera, hundreds of officers closing in on the area where the students have been protesting against israel for them guys for almost 2 weeks. they also want the university to
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stop investing in companies. they say profit from east wales war. some of the students tried to prevent the police from entering the university one but one. they were arrested. the police and rated hamilton hall, their objective to detain. the students who had fabricated themselves inside. they broke a window and entered view of the 1st floor, candles broke capital capital. the students were evicted from the whole. dozens were arrested. even the students that was obtained, nobody is resting, and we will not stop until columbia and columbia university is a place that inspired a movement across the united states to demand an end to the world. got how many of the students would have spoken to are saying that whatever happens next to students of columbia university have already made history. unique perspective. why is it the doctors don't get to have a say and any of the medical workforce has been so undervalued by the british government? from time on hub voices. tick tock had been a place for organizing politically,
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for getting people to vote for getting people to protest, connect with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. why is our government taking us to work on the basis of live? we? the public has to get out there and do something about it. the stream announces era . the island sprain and no way a noun cell recognized palestine as an independent stage. israel recall different boxes in response. for you back to boy, you're watching l g 0 live from bill ha. also coming up is really as strikes scale at least 10 people in central guys including a pregnant woman,


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