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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 22, 2024 2:00pm-2:30pm AST

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wise, we, the public has to get out there and do something about it. the stream on al jazeera, [000:00:00;00] the island sprain in no way, and now and so recognized palestine as an independent states. israel recalls it from baset or is in response for new back to boy, you're watching l g 0 live from doha. also coming up is really as strikes can at least 10 people in central guys, including a pregnant women while it's forces on the ground. they see, shoot to hospitals in the know the u. n says promising is in guys that are getting a portion of the water they need and most of it is polluted. and also in the use,
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tens of thousands of iranians joined the funeral of late president e brain. racy was killed in a heavy comp device on sunday. the thank you for joining us in an unprecedented move. the governments of islands, norway, and spain have announced they will recognize an independent palestinian state beginning on the 28th of may. sylvania and malta could follow sewage. these were the scenes inside the spanish parliament as the announcement was made. prime minister federal sanchez, that his country had an obligation to act and accused these ras, 5 minutes or many minutes now of putting the 2 state solution endangered that you may have any sooner than yahoo. the prime minister netanyahu has no peace projects for palestine witnessing yahoo! is creating so much pain and so much destruction and so much runcle in gaza and the
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rest of the time that the viability of 2 state solution is in serious danger. our decision to recognize palestine should not have to wait and definitely, especially when he sees the rice thing to do it, it is, it is a decision being taken on its merits. but we cannot ignore the fact that we are taking it says palestinians and gaza are enjoying the most appalling suffering live on the if. and this was, this is an investment. and the only solution that to can bring lasting peace in the middle east. it is a strong call to other countries to do the same as we're doing today. recognized palestine and then what i'll be is there any government a strongly opposed to move by islands? no, we in spain, it's foreign ministry, has ordered the immediate recall of his advisors in all 3 countries. is there a finance minister visit last? small church has called for sanctions to being posed on the policy and you know, authority. while we have a non con in amman, jordan, who will get us more on these really reactions in just a moment. but 1st, let's get the latest on european nations,
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recognizing palestinian statehood with the billing mazda was in london for a. so what more of a movie learning about what was behind this decision as well petra sense, as the spanish prime minister seems to be the driving force as early as december. he was right public, the criticising these ready government on his license in gaza, which he at the time called the humanitarian catastrophe. in march, he met with some of his european count spots at a europe wide meeting and saw the conversations with both the arash. the norwegians was removed because they don't part of a you. but also the multi is the civilians that may well follow this according to the irish prime minister assignment. our speaking this morning. he said that while this was an in store, i couldn't pull some data base on and palestine. he was quite confident that all the nations in reference less likely to move to instability. it would follow his example in the days or weeks to come to an a wage and prime minister going to school. so he was talking about this as a very significant moment because what he thought it would mean was through
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recognition. that was a possibility of peace in the middle east. he said that such a one year is off to the also accords with sign paving the way it will for what was meant to be a 2 state solution. the palestinians have taken quite important steps towards that solution. and that kind of sign said in his was, has a fundamental right to an independent state federal science as a mid data falls in the parliament in madrid, talking about what he considered the actions of mentioned y'all who that what unacceptable. he said the department of store in israel was turning a blind eye bombing hospitals, schools and holmes, using quotes from the cold and tara to punish molden. an 1000000 innocent boys and girls is worth noting. sweden and several other central and eastern european nations have previously recognized palestinian statehood. but this is still a very significant a inside europe. thank you for that villain marks live there in london. let's cross over to him. ron con. now who is in amman? jordan, because he's really 5 ministers, a government has
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a bond dial just here in israel, so we're reporting from jordan's capital instead. so israel re, connie, the massachusetts and bassett, as in spain know in the island in ron. what else has the government been saying about this? decision, the well, the charge for the reaction is being led by is all cats, the foreign minister, he actually issued a statement, a very clear, very unambiguous statement saying this endangered israel security that it was attack against israel serenity. he also went on to say that this rewarded terrorism, and that's really a key statement that we're going to have from lots of different people. that the recognition of a palestinian state rewards thomas for the actions on october, the $75.00 attack in israel. but we were also now hearing from the diplomatic channels here with these ready broadcasting corporation. it said that israel intends to impose diplomatic isolation on countries that recognize the progress,
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the new state and boy called them. it won't allow them to come to briefings, it won't provide them with any kind of input information is usually given to on buses. and the diplomatic isolation steps is one of a series that will be taken later. so there are more steps that are going to be coming. now we've also heard from your color and uh, the transmitters that he has rescinded. a key agreement in the northern occupied westbank where military engagement wasn't taking place was now going to take place the page to wait for something but physical smoke church was which is building more illegal on the international law settlements, but perhaps most per book. and typically we've heard from it the model, ben, give a, he actually went to the alex up most compound, a very deliberate move to try to inflame palestinian intentions. sorry, inflamed palestinians in to doing something. let's just say what he had to say. now mccomb cut those retail obviously from the highest place for the people of israel,
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which belongs only to the state of israel. i say to night we will receive further evidence of why from us must be totally destroyed. the country is to recognize the palestinian states today are giving a rewards to how much forces motors and abuses. and i say we will not even allow a statement about a palestinian state. even a statement on a country like that of us not even allow a statement that's a very and strong message from it. the more bank of it, but who haven't we heard from? yes, that's the prime minister. benjamin netanyahu was lucky that he will speak in the coming hours, and his statement is going to echo, i think what the is ready for a ministry upset which this simply will it's terrorism. and will, will be coming to you of course, for all those latest reactions in ron con, lived there in amman, jordan, because again, these are the government just by about a year from operating from within israel. and here now is need to abraham in the
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occupied westbank with the latest reaction from the when it comes to the decision on paper. yes. a seen by the palestinian, the full or is the by the diplomats as a great step towards acknowledging palestine. recognizing patterson without going back to negotiations without going back to israel as a basis for the commission. so this is important to us for palestinians in the streets. their lives under occupation are still happening. the same way they would happening before those 3 countries decided to recognize palestine as an independent states already in janine palestinians are bearing the i'm if occasions of a 2nd they open is really read. this has left the least 8 tell us simians killed during that invasion. and this, some of them were just students going through their schools, the teacher and the surgeon. so that gives you an idea about what palestinians and how kind of city is, are receiving such news. yes, they are a good push, but it's a, this symbolic, yes,
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it's will probably paved the way to was ending the occupation. but this will take a long time as far as palestinians in the streets are concerned with the saying is that the israelites continue in with its violations against palestinians. whether in the besieged goes to serve with the continued bombardment of palestinians, or in the occupied west bank. where do we see rage? where do we see a rust massive arrests of palestinians tensions. but also the most important thing, which is the illegals sacraments expenses as well. let's take a closer look at the road to palestinian statehood. in 1988, the pa assigned national council declared his independence. that of meeting and algeria, that nation was the 1st to officially recognize an independent palestinian state weeks later. dozens of other countries including much of the arab world, most of africa, asia, and several european eastern european nations followed suit. the next wave of recognitions came in the late 2010 and early 2011, when
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a host of south american states, including argentina, brazil, and truly recognized palestine. that's now bringing on different medic, editor, james space. so 3 important european countries announcing today that the recognized palestine is an independent state. do you expect other countries in europe to follow a suitcase? i think this is the important thing. is this 3? it once it's been now going to be meant i'm going forward some of those leaders when they spoke and made those important announcements a few hours ago set, they were expecting all those i think one to watch slovenia, which sits on the us and security council. small country, but currently very important sitting on that 15 member body, they have indicated that it's coming soon because of the big countries in europe. i don't think we're going to see anything from germany any time soon. given germany's a difficult problems, it's had a in a ticket. i think it's position since october. the 7th. i don't think they are
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going to be the country that's recognized as about assigning any anytime soon. i think that probably also applies to and only you country the u. k. upfront stand is the big question because from does seem to be supportive of the idea in principle. and we've got some clue, i think, from the french from the french foreign minister, stephane central heat, spoke literally a short time ago saying that the whole idea of recognition was not a to boo for friends. bought these the words such a decision must come at the right time, and it's not just a matter of political positioning. in other words, he's saying it's actually got to do some good and then not rolling it out, then not rooting it out, but it doesn't sound like it's in. all right, now in terms of the impact of this decision by these 3 countries, what is it going to mean in the media as far as diplomacy is concerned between palestine and these 3 countries and also at an institution like the united nations, right? so, well, 1st you, on may the 28th,
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you're going to see formal sermon is take place. one assumes in ramallah, in dublin, in, in madrid and in also so they'll be big focus. the, it means that they will be a boss. it is who will be credentialed to palestine and published a new non boss does credential to those countries. now, in some ways not, so what a big change because all of those countries have invoice to the policy new assorted is that just means the ties will be upgraded. formerly, to an a bus that with regard to the united nation is actually the big step came in the last couple of weeks when a pot of signs roll up, the u. n. was in homes and it's now 6 among the other members of the general assembly in alphabetical order and, and, and has more privileges at the us and uh, for the next step which would be full palestine to become a member of the state of the united nations about so folks of the general assembly and we know that they have still votes, we know overwhelming, maybe general assembly with but,
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but for that the problem is the security council is the 1st step. they have to recommend it to the, to the general assembly before the general assembly can vote on it. and that's where the, that's the, the blockage has been. we start last month with a, another attempt to do this. and the problem there is the security council has vito's, a 5 permanent members, and the us has shown on this issue. it is prepared to use this fee to palestine is not a member of the united nations because one country, the united states and united states. so, so even though old, most of the rest agree with the idea change. thank you very much, transfers that different medic, addison of the and the war on guys an hour and at least 10 palestinians have been killed and overnight is really strikes in central guy. the victims were all from one family, including a pregnant women and children. their bodies have been taken to unlocks the hospital . the attack happen in these are way to area when is really strikes targeted
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buildings sheltering, displaced people. let's get the latest on the situation and guys i would take up was almost joining us from darrow, by in central guys a tide. bring us up to speed with these latest strikes and in their aftermath, while the past couple of hours, well critically don't. and even flight the for the vast majority of concepts as we have that clear intensification of the minute treat involvements in the north of this trip, where now the military is pushing the pump into the valley of refuge account surrounding evacuation centers as one of their centers has been targeted by these, went out to the unit size. there are still a lot of palestinians being killed and their bodies up throwing in the streets of the value of refuge account without getting any sort of help or risk to operations by the emergency. and that just, it was alongside with the civil defense cruise and that's absolutely a very tragic,
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seeming to value as both hospitalized. our stance around that by these very minute, 3 suffering from critical shortages of, of food alongside also with medical supplies as they are buckling time in order to risk to um, to keep providing a treatment for palestinians being wounded in the ongoing operation into a value in other parts of the territory as to why that group of palestinians have been attacks were at least 10 palestinians earlier have been killed, including i'm pulled baby who has been extracted from the wound of his mother who has been killed him that attack as well buttoned the fall south of this trip in a rough uh they are more on government gets at this time in the western side of the district by residential slots was targeted injuries have been transferred to the more of the hospital to get the treatment as they are according to our witnesses, there is a slight gradual advancement for the east valley artillery units to the central areas of rough law. as best as our rating that we have from us spices and the is
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very ami work more the kinds of things are getting into the you repeat it to the equate to hospice. so to get medical treatments, talk to us about the humanitarian situation. i mean, on rise suspended a distribution in rafa because it says of a lack of supplies and in security. what impact is this having tack? will the humanitarian situation and roof a has beyond being to this to effect as now there is and who the suspension of a distributions by the united nations relief on what agency due to the collapse of security and lack of pull kind of a entries to the district, now we clearly remember that since the beginning of the mandatory, encouraging a rough off post boat as best as well now is controlling have been completely close by these by the military. and they are not using any kind of fades into this trip. but only what is getting into the goals with strep throat, the new really mates and recently established floating don't. and that's not constantly is accessible for
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a deliveries to bit territory. but we have been hearing that also from warner with members that they have even brooklyn would be providing medical services throughout the medical center leading to the united nations relief. and what agency in rough uh, because of the deep shortage of medical supplies as the ongoing cloud, the board is, is considered to be a great to below the full humanitarian. so it's being provided by this agency, which is the most prominent outstanding agency in district that provides thousands of humanitarian services for policy use of the situation. in fact, slowly getting more deteriorated when hourly phase of palestinians believe that they are losing the services of owner. why day by day. thank you very much for the update that solved is here's terry cup was on reporting their life from now, but i in central gas still head on audra 0. be taking a look at some of the days i've been using colombia, the president announced as auction up to
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a research in south rebel by the in depth analysis of the days headlines. if that was a rougher offensive, where would the people go? people have no place to go. each one of 1000 people has to be displaced these 2 times frank assessments. this is a mass and blow to free speech and freedom of the press informed opinions. you can be somebody on one of the hostages, october 7th, and return. and i want to start inside story on out to 0.
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the challenges here with the the welcome back. a recap of our top stories on how to 0, the governments of islands. no, we in spain have announced they will recognize an independent palestinian state beginning on the 28th of may is or us government to us. we call this some basset us
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from the 3 europe and countries in opposition. at least, and policies have been killed in over ninety's really strikes in central guys. the victims were all from one time in showing of pregnant women and children, and their bodies have been taken to the hospital and most palestinians in guys that are getting only a quarter of the water they need every day that's about 40 to is according to the united nations and a lot of it is polluted and salty, leading to a public health crisis, furnished with 3 points in the search for one of the rarest and most valuable commodities in gaza. dream drinking water, it's children who are carrying most of the book, 6 backbreaking. what? so we'd much of the infrastructure here destroyed by israel combing. this is one of the only ways to get water from a to b. and if, even though we'd desperately need water to drink and to maintain basic hygiene, as you can see,
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we don't even have enough of water to wash out dishes properly. we're using signed up to try to sanitize them, but it's not enough cooking utensils that also can come into the sand residues and making it difficult to prepare food safely. united nations estimates the average palestinian and gaza surviving on the 3 lead to the water per day for all the needs that's well below its emergency. standard of 15 liters of water is also salting and contaminated with as much as 70 percent of the population drinking straight from polluted wells. the young man with treating salty water for drinking purposes. we action pay cash for it and stores in large containers and then distributed to the people. we appeal to donors to help us buy water, even if it's sold to just provide us with most of the water means on safe hygiene practices, which help the spread of diseases and across casa attempts to repair the water
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supply network. a held up because israel isn't placing in new parts, it says that could be used as weapons. the huffman one to 92 percent of water and sanitation infrastructure has been completely obliterated here in con units. the lack of electricity is where some of the crises with generate has completely destroyed the audrey sewage overflows into the streets. and the c leaching into ground water and wells contaminating the water system, potentially for generations to come boat at smith, i'll just do the states. you know, for a runs late president as being held in tehran, tens of thousands of uranium gathered at freedom square and the capital to pay their respects. gracie's body will lay to be taken to his home city of my shod for burial on thursday. yvonne is mocking its food or 5 official days of morning announced by the supreme leader. i have totally how many results are dot?
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is that the freedom square intel on with more in the morning? tens of thousands of the rooms have been found that wrong. the freedom square for that sound good funeral ceremony that's being held for the late president will be around it. but i embrace it therefore, to administer saying, i mean i have to log on and they are companions. so most of people here are in black as a sign of morning and i've seen people crying and they are waiting for the president . this is farewell to they are bodies. just tell me that i go, their bodies were owned vehicles and paid being taken through the freedom square and then he's going to be taking three's hometown mesh and be buried there. there are uh 4 in guest as well. deborah, that the president, or soon as yeah, the for the minister of egypt, the for the minister and the vice president of turkey, the dependent that the, the prime minister of practice done iraq,
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the deputy prime minister of india and several other guests to put in guess also attending the funeral, that of course is important for the writing, putting an establishment to show that your one is not isolated from the world. and it has franz. that's inside of that. i'll just be around that wrong. a funeral has been held in central nigeria for at least 40 people killed by gunmen during an attack in the plateau stage. on demand invaded this rock mining community on monday, shooting at local villages and torching houses. the region has been hit with vine and silver control of resources and into call me know strife. last december, at least $200.00 people were killed during a similar rate on mostly christian villages to to columbia. now, where president, gustavo petro will travel to a southern region on friday in response to the deteriorating security situation, a splinter group of former fall cripples has long shunned offensive against state forces. alexander,
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i'm get to you before some bubble top the series of explosions of rock columbia. it's called a tile county region over the past several days. this is what's left of a police station in the town of morales after a blast cube several officers and injured and the 6 others authorities believe the far gmc, a rebel group is to blame for the violence. the groups western faction walked away from the stocks with the government in april, starting a full scale assault and the region where they operate. north ship back out on the way. we'll say we want to go see a new c spy with the e. m. c. this criminal organization has shown with its attacks against civilians in this region that a truce isn't possible. president gustavo, paper order defense minister in the military leadership to immediately travel to the area and establish a permanent security council calling for
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a total offensive against the group. he also replaced the armies chief general louisa spina who had come under fire for the deteriorating security situation. how can residents say they have been increasingly terrorized by the group sales? it's very distracting, especially for the children have know what this fighting is affecting the school of it. so how does your 50 security expert, elizabeth dickinson says, the violence is the consequence of an increasing fragmentation of cologne, busy internal conflict in recent years. and particularly since the pandemic we saw the ultimate, there was a trend toward consolidation where different, smaller groups saw an advantage in coming together to look for concessions from the government. now the peace talks have been thrown into crisis. i think the logic is very different. it's much more about controlling and listed economies on the local level, and that is leading us towards a situation with more and more smaller groups. splitting off and looking for their
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own interest rather than a national accord. the ongoing piece, docks of help, the reduced violence in some regions, but not all in the rural south west. for example, crimes such as extortion. kidnapping, are the recruits we have to of children have actually increased as criminal groups continue to tightened their grip, leaving the government with no option better, return to a full offensive with civilians caught in the crossfire. i listened that i'm get the. i just need a book down and find me in the pony time or come a rita chaper has k is mount everest for a record food he, if time the 54 year old folk, his own record that he just had 9 days earlier with his 2nd descent of the season, he 1st reach the summit in 1994 and has climbed the wells highest mountain almost every year since. and that is in use for now analogies here,
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that's it for me for the vacuum as well. the weather is next and inside story will examine if the icpc action might be finished or ask international i. so be sure to stay with us on angie's here. thank you for watching the the, let's go with your weather uptake. kicking this one off in asia pacific, we've got some disturbs weather coming in to china's capital. that's going to drop down the temperature in beijing over the next little bit. and this batch of rain just moving out over the north west pacific. just may clip punch you islands with a few showers on thursday. also getting quickly showers and songs and that southeast corner of china that's also rolling in to taiwan. but away from the rain look at these temperatures of long the yellow river valley jungle show at 36 degrees. you know, another spot into growth. we're dealing with some serious heat is the radium peninsula including the golf region for us. here in doha,
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we've had some of our hottest states so far this year, so okay, colors are on dark, is the red, the higher the temperature. let's go 43 degrees for us in doha, on thursday. and we're also seeing that pre monsoon heat build in a big way through buckets on many spots, close it in on 50 degrees, including jacob. a bad, i do think you'll get there and potentially rival your hot is may day on record or get pretty close. now for the other side, with the border things are heating up in northwest india as well, including for punjab state. so for i'm, it's are you to could close in on 50 degrees and that could be good enough for a may record. and then we've got our bond to range impacting southern india over $27000.00 photographs of dead and tortured civilians. have you seen the photo so and in the prosecutor ulton did traditional investigation for disappearance, torture and crimes against humanity in the final part of the series,
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which is 0 follows the fight for justice through the courts. fairly straightforward in terms of establishing command responsibility as families and a lawyer space, a terrible deal in the search for the truth. the lost souls of syria. now just the era the international criminal course top prosecute. so 6 arrest warrants for his wally, i'm from us. leaders, the united states was condemned to move against its allies. but really i see things action different as well as international isolation for its war on guns up. this is inside story, the


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