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tv   The Lost Souls of Syria Ep 2  Al Jazeera  May 22, 2024 3:00pm-4:01pm AST

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it or from the heart of the story, i'll send you the officials hold out to 0. that in situations like this is we will deduct the funds directly from customs, touched the here watching alger 0. i'm telling you navigate i with the check on your world headlines, the governments of ireland, norway on spain have announced they will recognize an independent palestinian states, slovenia, and malta could follow suit. the decision will be implemented beginning on the 28th of this month. the spanish prime minister petro sanchez said, his country had an obligation to act accusing the is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu of putting the 2 state solution in danger emitted any sooner than yahoo look. you know what i get the 5 minutes to nathan, yahoo! as no piece of projects for palestine title but missing yahoo is creating so much pain and so much destruction and so much runcle in gaza. and the rest of the time
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that the viability of 2 state solution is in serious danger or decision to recognize kind of thing should not have to waste. and definitely, especially when disease the rice thing to do it is it is a decision being taken on its merits. but we cannot ignore the fact that we are taking it says palestinians and gaza, are enjoying the most appalling suffering live on the if and is this is an investment in the only solution that can bring lasting piece in the middle east. it has a strong call to other countries to do the same as we're doing today to recognize palestine. v is where the government has strongly oppose the move by earlier norway on spain. it's for a ministry order. the immediate recall if it's in bassett or is in all 3 of the countries, is really finance minister bezel smocks rich has called for sanctions to be imposed on the palestinian authority. the far right minister is from our bank of here says the decision rewards from us. now because those became obviously from the highest
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place for the people of israel, which belongs only to the state of israel. i say tonight we will receive further evidence of why from us must be totally destroyed the countries to recognize the palestinian states today or giving a rewards to how much force is motors and abuses. and i say we will not even allow a statement about a palestinian state, even a statement on a country like that. i'll just bear with me that but he has the latest reaction from roman law and the occupied westbank. and when it comes to the decision on paper, yes, a seen by the palestinian, the for is the by the diplomats as a great step towards acknowledging palestine. recognizing patterson without going back to negotiations without going back to as real as a basis for the recognition. so this is important to us, but for palestinians in the streets, their lives under occupation are still happening the same way they would happening
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before those 3 countries decided to recognize palestine as an independent states in central gaza at least 10 palestinians have been killed in an overnight is really strike. the victims were all from one family, including a pregnant women and children. their bodies have been taken to a ups off hospital. the attack happens in the way the area when is really strikes targeted buildings sheltering, displaced people. the state funeral for a runs late presidents. a bit of humor that you see is being held in to her on tens of thousands of radians, have been gathering at freedom square in the capital to pay their respects. he was killed in a helicopter crash on sunday, along with the 4 and a minister and 7 others that use his body will be taken to his home city of must head for burial later on thursday, iran is marking the 3rd a 5 official days of morning announced by the supreme leader i. it's all odd if i'm in a on funerals have been held in central nigeria for some of the at least 40 people
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killed by gunmen during an attack in the plateau states. armed men invaded the zoo rock mining community on monday, shooting at the local villagers and torturing houses. the region has been hit with violence over control of resources and insur, communal strife. last december, at least $200.00 people were killed during a similar rate on mostly christian villages. on the poly climber academy retest report has scaled mount everest for a record 30th time. the 54 year old broke his own record that he had just set 9 days earlier. with his 2nd a sense of the season, he 1st reach the summit in 1994 and has climbed the world's highest mountain almost every year since. those are the headlines on al jazeera coming up next, it's the lost souls of syria by the
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hope you're seeing are real soon. see this selection of, of photos. just a small fraction of those that a brave man brought out of syria. the evidence in this case is frankly even stronger than that that we had against the nazis at nuremberg, divani. and we ask you because i'm sure they like dining. you have the best for them and they'll be nice feel i don't. what does a lot of whole but, you know, one for quite a lot of reasons that are on the line we started investigating in may when we were contacted by people from the syrian a community in exile where desperately trying to find a way to seek accountability for they discover industry, so our photo across the
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who is in charge, who is giving the orders, who's be fine. making sure that that takes place from the mornings through the afternoons and until that person is killed and then photo cross. we're not presenting test symptoms coming in depth as an estimated fact, we are alleging est tethered, so the blender said, what do you think live in dublin? cdm parties are going to send this to piano executive whenever they move it out. i
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mean don't meet on sick off most of went in and ask for this. does it get us located? is the one that's one of the so many data in the sands giving is actually getting please there is a context talking on the the this is abdul. this is that we understand that he was a delivery driver driving i believe,
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between the homes and come home. and he was picked up at some point in 2013 that's . that's when we believe that it is clear to oftentimes who were picked up a junk points because check points would have lists of people to look out for. the photos is just a list. so it's a check point. a guy stops. i would guess that his name matched somebody who, who was wanted for someone's a legitimate reasons, but but who, who, who was a, let's say, a genuine opponent of the machine. i'm assuming it's in this case and if you guys were going to be side of what the content on monday to on the face all over the years, it's hoping to be settled 1st icon. the whole structure was geared towards hoover and massive numbers of people in accordance with directives that came from the central crisis management. so i think you're going to be now that the,
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they said they are based on this the easily on this to do that. you will see on this, on the central crisis management cell, the c cmc in english set of categories of people to be arrested. those who participate in demonstrations, those who finance demonstrations, those who speak to foreign journalists and march the name of syria in the international uh domain and so on and so forth. but the system was so inefficient and so brutal that once you arrested, you were comfortable in the mind of, of the system. this case when i go back in the, in now, and that's telling me is because the study the c cmc, the central crisis managers. so established policy. so these were the key members of the central crisis management. so all this,
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the top leaders of the syrian state served on that committee meetings happened on a more or less daily basis. then minutes from that meeting would be prepared and they would be taken to the presidential palace for approval, for a correction or amendment by a saw himself. and for this event that especially on the left side of homeowners association, it's a matter of going to be some of this kind of in you have a lot of colors to expand so very much we're going to have to present this to spanish. josh, you know what, those are, all of these things have what we've got to be able to pinpoint those individual. so, i mean, how, how do we have a lot of documentation which sets out how to $48.00, fit in to the archipelago or the system of oppression?
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so from a legal point of view, it's fairly straightforward in terms of establishing command responsibility for what you're telling me is the unlawful feeling of mr. of the system. so somebody and get it if you can most that it effect in any way the, the, the, that the most i'm using and what was the scale the you know, all you please on the list. you just give me the best soon to
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study for down to nice increasing nice office. are you some? so what about go in? it isn't from a knock usually what else you can do. so he's also will allow me to ask you to sit down still the same as all your own us, your father. no offense, because the date is reached, their capacity to see them as in effect or not the truth concrete because it doesn't have to copy. do, don't jump on all mazda anyone on them. it's all people. people, if you don't like popular means, links it off to see i knocked measured due to dickens bikes and also the diesel, diesel. you know, the different come on to me. let's see, sort of you, the full key pencil. sounds good as long as you're not ready. i'll talk to you
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sooner to fix like, i don't feel bad and i know that this is what is wrong. the police have functions and problems, age web hosting on the only don't x. the problem is i usually just sitting outside your cell vascos have something to the pers, these little, not tiny tags, equity sound is you them from us on task see phone call. you've all seen manhattan duplicating? did you have to assume or yeah, hopefully that will not. dish packs h. as in the bag table, you have to ask the dispatcher 20 can't. we don't get the draft in for the can. you don't have to dentist and said she was boss consistent with cindy or thoughts on
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the sheet of the see nice. so best through you, this will tend to media decisions, you know, kind of solve the one that doesn't necessarily def office x t f, tell me the run, i'm for people. so that produces poor with the point was that you did, it was a plant if he did level one of the 4 digit useful says don't you do? so these exist these visions of the show that i go to the 2nd people who told you about the field with a fair at the additional fees to do for who celia t always the are the college w celia on do because so it of course is awful speak. if you don't please, we need to know the the investigation is starting now. the prosecutor ulton did traditional investigation for enforce disappearance,
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torture and crimes against humanity. and what is interesting in this case is that we know that they have been brought to them and say, investigative branch and we know also that they have been arrested by the air force intelligence services to individuals once they are detained in when they're being interrogated or often forced through physical violence in many cases to give up the names of other individuals and then with names of those individuals and up on one in the list. so that could potentially be the scenario that that led to the detention across the father. and some documentation will be key.
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we now holds over 600000 pages of reasoning documentation or they can support you that are relevant for your case. the most of the documentation was generated by the security intelligence alvarado, the know the detailing or the facts do something with the the or the new season
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includes a demo and is often the savvy, the security data, all send them a sure don't need to monday or into village you need know that ticket as in no, no back to do need you don't have the job. i have to find examples. swanson told you don't people get twice runcle 20 dice tester is your works. i don't know. you know, the not so many sides dawson, you on the phone that he had them in the queue. most of what i'm doing in the room, the faithful side room, or my mom. a do don't as long as best from way led to spice from they've actually came as in the
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of the, the having in touch with the window of doing about leaving the country and evade know of a criminal case against members. so say, administration, remember that the security forces in particular, we fear they may be some fatality age. the goals of your company in london should be sending everything in as soon as we give them the green light, bbc,
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cnn 0. you said since they run what i also wanted to actually all 1st time if he wants to see the complaint, he can see the complaint of you know, the, the amount of the be great. but it needs to be just been a platinum. it can mean he also was interested in knowing who would be the ones that are the perfect traders that are named looked at pages $3.00 and $4.00 of the names because this is printed on both sides. so, um can i see that you're gonna see? all right, let's see. uh, do me a test on that piece of she has the full here is your uncle okay. um. so we can do about the, the,
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the maintenance of the name is the name of the game. i misplaced a. yeah. and that was all the yeah. the list on that. oh yeah. it's all over the last that in the able to go by that. okay. camino assembly with us only now. so good on. ok, telling me anything. but i'm looking at what they look good. the other guy,
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a little control is a photo. so it's telling me listen, i say not to be a stuff. i mean, i mean, what do you all have like a salad told of in the anybody wants to be a human rights attorney of course, you know sort of way and i'm still in the sort of it by the noise that day. the most difficult thing is to be able to do when you tell the victims that you are going to do. so don't generate expectations. when you cannot deliver the arc, this one is close to uh like any other, you know, if you're not is fine,
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you're not going to under human cd o c o one. okay. yeah. but the reason why it's called super good news here. it's of course, don't have to put it unless you're not the sort of my, no, it'd be the least. you know, if you're not going to see good last, have some serious comments. you, there's something called as soon as i mean there's the 1st one that's going to be honest with you. the just last week, a woman in spring syrian, i filed a lawsuit accusing 9 of your senior government, intelligence and security officials. the lawyers who have filed this accusing your
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government of human rights abuses. i have collected 3000 pages of evidence and over 50000 photographs taken by one of your former governments photographers. we'll verify the pictures with it verified that they're not edited in photoshop before. have you seen the photo, so i didn't understand the photos. the photos verified for those i should be held him because you have it and because you mentioned it in yes, in front of your audience there is a number of the can not nation such a picture without verifying who are those and where and ever think about that just to put in front of the audience to the or the thinking by the ceiling. one moment who filed the lawsuit, the syrian woman who filed the lawsuit says she saw her brother in those
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photographs. in this on allegations we had spoke about concrete evidence. you can not make judgement, it just felt like i'm just taking you was there once a day when i proceed in governments in every well, you can have any individual across the top and you know the words anywhere, but it's not the part of the left. what was on full amount, that is why the down is really want you to hold for them to see. i make sure it was on the comics. hey, you know these all of these, all of alex is estimate you the exemption. loud music will not be there. to move that to receive what i hear them, you know, you usually need to induce even substituting it. and then you get the also to some smid. i'm on jimmy. less than not. there's all kinds of likes to, to some calls from the heart is always to get some wind telling me about the gym as
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in, in a demo. um sure. where to send the new diet de these onto the new places that said it was, you know what i usually best anymore. okay. some, some of the short on getting call me there was no accidental to this to discuss. i pad was helpful and i just want a phones if i need to renew that at that said no. it's yeah, like i said, i don't want just call you randomly lose a miss. yeah, i knew that both to the customer. fremont, that was just gonna move on the didn't cause the kid that i can do said the whole sure these are these 2 guys from a c a i that is that i'm not going to let me send you the do know me and her son and said i'm not going to college to still don't should have said yeah, i don't have any knowledge of them and if that's connected to more than one. yeah, i don't see there's nothing that was useful penalty based on this new book say well uh, but also she's the one girl who needed keys with the foster. so those you know,
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is always the best to use the civil liberties for combat. and that the guys from that sure, i follow have boxes, office i let's go see if it's 200 televisions probably exist, the dealers just how do you hold for just solve which it will say, hey, we decided that i was not going to pay for the new assessment, that seems robo, excuse me, if i wasn't going to pay that, you're telling me that she told me. so i to check for this is quite as the one that i wanna say now novels me see if it's by the kids on, on the screw me. so i guess if i could work out and then just say she say she
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would just go there like anything was received. shes salty, my initials, that's a lot of true. there's also. so what is the always the the brooklyn motors which ignited a country and k o l g 0,
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well goes to gaming with political schools in the 1980s was settled by assessment was there was a big back. so coming in the battle in which south humans president was part of a deadly game, i refused to give them my head, will give up power the killing of self human. the politicians during a routine cabinet meeting. a 1986, an estimate of an assassination on al jazeera. there's a next generation in the united states. they're not happy with what is happening in gaza. they're not happy with the u. s. foreign policy, and that's why they're trying to make their voices heard. the administrators of each university really have a choice to either escalate and call in police, be confrontational, or to actually listen to what their concerns are. city stream of people being arrested, placed in the zip tie and cops and taken away many of the purchases we talked to have said they will continue protesting until their demands are met.
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the i. this is all to 0. i'm 30 navigator with a check on your world headlines. the governments of ireland, norway on spain have announced they will recognize an independence palestinian states. the decision will be implemented beginning next tuesday. the spanish prime minister petro sanchez said, his country had an obligation to act accusing the is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu of putting the 2 state solution in danger. midway, nissan, rather than young, the prime minister netanyahu as no peace projects for palestine, but missing yahoo was creating so much pain and so much destruction and so much rankel and gaza and the rest of his time that the viability of 2 states solution is
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in serious danger or decision to recognize kind of saying should not have to waste indefinitely, especially when he sees the rice thing to do. it is it is a decision being taken on its merits. but we cannot ignore the fact that we are taking us as palestinians and gaza are enjoying the most appalling suffering look into them on the if. and this was, this is an investment in the only solution that can bring lasting peace in the middle east. it is a strong call to other countries to do the same as we're doing today to recognize palestine is really governmental strongly opposed to move by orland, norway, and spain. it's for a ministry order. the immediate recall if it's in bassett or is and all 3 of the countries, while the is really finance minister has called for sanctions to be imposed on the palestinian authority. meanwhile, at least 10 polished indians have been killed in central dogs. in one of several overnights is really strikes. the victims were all from one family, including
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a pregnant women and children. their bodies have been taken to a ok. so hospital, the attack happens in the way, the area where is really strikes targeted buildings sheltering, displaced people, us and the state funeral has been held into ron for iran, late presidents. but he made a se tens of thousands of radians gathered at freedom square in the capital to pay their respects. the easiest body will be taken to his home city of much has for burial on thursday. iran is marking the 3rd a 5 official days of morning announced by the supreme leader by a tele audit company. those are the headlines on l to 0. the news hour is at the top of the hour. i'll see you then, but coming up next, it's back to the lost souls of syria. the
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looks like an abundance prosecutors who are following a direct political order to no matter what, oppose this kind of case. the case of the syrian victims is, is something that's been doesn't half for lack of a better warbles to do the vaccine doesn't have any, any possibility to go anywhere else in tomorrow because he says price national students because there is no international macquarie's in the sequence pursuit, so removing this opportunity for her to look for suited vacations bring her completely defenseless to kind of a stomach virus. she has the cx, he's
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a victim of the crime, just to kind of go anywhere in the world super big. if the supreme cool takes an easy way out and just onto that in a very similar way to the on box, where does it go from the constitutional question of the way the we got what we got. i am constantly fearful that my flight of steps, trusting me, my face is going to be the face that they see and remember the worst that happened
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to them in their lives. and that's something that eats me every single time we had bad news. the the, this is the mother of the house of the us, not then affordable stuff. all the
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houses place. look for the lease of the med, the and then the i mean has and then kind of disagree my, you know, my conduct can wait on that. but in a sea salt is the customer can see, you know, mean that was your from, from be, know me, i have been doing this close and get enough stuff. i thought it was kind of to see she had done for them some of the few minutes them of the, of the showed and all. but i'm gonna say what i would suggest we do now is listen to to guests that are here. you will not be able to see them, but you will be able to hear them. so i would suggest we just this
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123. 0 the us is that i go by the code name, caesar and boss. i know what i'm not the police department, i'm so being on the level of law for the past 4 years. i left no door that we did not knock on in different people that we tried to reach out to a move on a smart home in order to bring the voice of those things that are looking to come up to conoral home. what have you murdered in this machinery of death? are you able to hear us? hello and then not hearing. nope. so he told me this one, but i can try to open nothing. testing to see
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the get everyone here. yes. thank you very much. and we will hear from mr. sammy elizabeth, pete, and then you this to sorry, the but then you will some people now you, i would like to reiterate that i'm not very happy to have to be present here today . but obviously with us and i think we don't have the model for 2 years with cesar insights to get to document the war crimes that we have seen last little. and then the other thing i promised and that we will reach just this once we reach the international community, we're looking into your shall and then your husband took place. but today i feel that i have disappointed caesar. been living with the
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united nations has closed its doors in the face of the victims. step one to go, but i then if you would please open the doors of justice in your countries. the we've done all these historic countries in europe continue, please open the doors to the courts so we can bring these criminals in front of justice. the caesar caesar caesar, i'm to go to spoke with you about a buy some, some of the don't cheap because there were many bodies and it was still small and use this garage. and this is incredibly close to the presidential palace for
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a full size, a place for the sort of head they also know s is a religious is just against me force in syria. so why is this happening? there's all these talks now about reconciling with a sunray g on yeah, how does that make you feel a serious level when you move you doesn't have to do with have a minute submitted and the sci fi was just kind of me. i hope this is most of the
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flu shot the system, the use of the
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wisdom of the shuffle says how you look at these the the
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oh. 6 the the, the. 2 2 2 2 2 the
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shop the . 7 7 the, the body shop you have in the house and i know messing with them, but we will see you at the study in the us. and i should have
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done for 5 for getting put even a while off. a lot of the she said to the say, the lab has the right to to listen search images. these rooms only thing a battery came as any illusion processing is because have a g one fits into this,
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it will not do that purposes. just don't do any, as long as you didn't get all the full 100 veterans. do mob customized restroom on november, detect palm as in as any noticed is on, on the don't. sure. will say ball. on november. the mean does it, it looks like it didn't look away sort of sounds good. so. so, so, so, so sounds good. sounds good to swing by now as well now, and i've actually, i've actually this talk to later today to him cause you've awesome what the the
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design and see of of the easily the motor that they have done a soon to walk over space over to you as you can see, the accuser, do you see the the team go to the menu? yeah, that's funny. so when i talk to you and i'm all to do, it was salty cell phone. go see me. i mean, it was uncle tv. if you do, i remember look, get tools you over to g like build, you'll be able to securely send us your notice or print or bash on the left side. northwood, you, i'm, you assign. it will show you. so he's also in your loan to allow me to ask you the and you just pick the remote controls. go to the demo. celeste told me that that is unable was a social that's i said,
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you like to ask you to meet those 2 of you. because they really sort of mobile through there, although you don't, don't want, it always seems to me i got to switch out. this is the, an unprecedented trial resumed this week in germany to mentor on trial, their former siri and officials who are part of the president bashar last sides regime. they've got to germany with a wave of refugees and claim decide them there. and then last year, authority started looking into for these men, were interested them on charges of committing crimes against humanity during serious civil war. the hello michael. one equal settlement with the lovely the says,
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what are these copeland's sermons inside and what are the underwater with that? what is your laid down? i took on uh, i left the colleen. no. with the simple, vilified. oh. my god. i'm seeing the uh on uh comes the model i did to the higher 0 one model of the model, the swan. i saw to be marketing vehicle is this and i'm looking for a good sort of that's not audible. so what do you mind if i look into this stuff
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and there's an article in the lease that's good for you? well, the don't in the hopefully people would have the chicago set off the bonus on the body to bundle and disconnect itself. and i mean almost to unclick, i end up on a slow leak, deutschland devante allison dd sufficient, some of the senior sure good afternoon. understood, wasn't one of you seem to be still on the line. so your thoughts and body shop. and so let me 1st and this made it seem inches. good. ok, not unfair. think less than you. but as far as the hosting it stays out that tied
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up could be a little east. visa can miss dba almost in say it's not that tie in in, in quite a move list. the ones that i need us to unplug them again. so i am beat up by the eh, i just feel there's some behind the instance to hear enough those sound good fish devolving with this weakness in these, this stays out that time for when so be steve, why you see even so couldn't log them for the fall, i'm getting ions, lopez the one in button couldn't be avoided 10 when decent mention port robin voight and c vitally even less than you know, i'm going to ask this some i was talking about skeen and dr. machine is the voice seemed what's found. welcome to qualify for them for these 12 affordable ones pop, not a whole pop which are nice to of my to going to lead an internet to $9.00 cost puts this the dodger. this was
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placed on us. we did sushi sort of this and the thought of that adverbs to a place on top of the time, uh, assorted to the whole shahid for. so we're going to shift tuffy apart and how, yeah. what's your best bet to do is you click on those daughter things and i'm into that to module sheet that guides them. how to does evil not as bad as mean. that's a definitely back. no, that's a who we monitor the who the head of the class. no
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they should have to be on hold on. now i can be a debacle. so difficult while exhibiting you would have accounted for 300 eye to any who could serve as 90 this time. like i'm on a service team. oh that i'm. i'm not a firms just that i've ever been a when my phone, i'm not if she's mad down couple of times if you have multiple attempts present say of call. yes. the and way as ead. yeah. me let me continue to all shape. so for me it was a no fuel cover and getting to see in the whole as
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a menu can yeah, go ahead just came on thinks of all this model, but they're not if allow me to see this with you when the how do you own your model, i mean, you'll have the, why you to the left the com will be looked at, but i don't want to not to clock into the system that i don't want to be any from better homes. the
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here's what's cocaine across the america. so we've got driving rain in the forecast for our northwestern ontario province in canada, and attached to this rain is severe storms in the southern states. so let's pick up the story there. again, this is a forecast today on thursday. we'll see the storms erupt, eastern texas, oklahoma, arkansas, pushing into tennessee and same goes for louisiana anywhere in this. so we could see an outbreak of tornadoes further west. we go, it is a much quieter picture of still breezy up and down the coast of california. l a. a $22.00, not far off where you should be for this time of the year. but it touched cool. we could say today on wednesday, still dial forecasts. western canada of the pacific northwest. this energy will move into the northern plains dramatically dropped down temperatures and some snow coming forth, the rockies. there's all the weather in northwest ontario, providence ran around the great lakes. eventually this will move in to the us northeast and knock out the heat. there it's been some of the hardest weather in 8 months, quite a lot of rain in the central caribbean that could produce some funding for us. and
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for the top end of south america, it's our usual showers in store and in northern brazil. but once it come, we've got more rain coming into a flood, hit parts of southern brazil on wednesday, and on thursday that rain is still there. so the flooding could be made worse of the, on counting the cost. india's income inequality gap is why it makes so how can poor people get the share of the wealth? how much does the us spend in foreign aid and does about funding how to post global stability? plus why zambia has band charcoal production problems? counting the cost on how to 0, interrogate the narrative is the u. s. has continued support for israel affecting his global standing. there's no question about it. the united states has effectively complicit the genocide challenge the rhetoric. yes. say lisa, correct. but so in the international community,
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can we also say that deals the cornerstone of democracy is having a free and open democratic process upfront without the, [000:00:00;00] the, to watching the news, our light from a headquarters and i'm getting navigating. so here's what's coming up in the next 60 minutes, norway, ireland, and spain announced they will recognize palestine as an independent states. israel recalls that some basset or in response is really air strikes to at least 10 people in central garza, including a pregnant women. while it's forces on the ground, lay seeds for 2 hospitals in the morning. when you,
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when says palestinians in dollars off are getting


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