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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 22, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm AST

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the ongoing coverage, the indian selections on al jazeera, the, [000:00:00;00] the hello until mccrae. this has been use our life from coming up in the next 60 minutes, staying island to norway site. they will recognize a palestinian stage as well because the 10 best that is an anger on the ground is really strikes targets. central gallons, a once again killing at least 10 palestinians. united nations has people encounter getting only of course of the most of they need. and most of it is contamination is also a hit the, the site funeral in a room to bid farewell to light the presidency for him. are you seeing others
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kelvin sunday's helicopter crash? and pete assume it's with all your sports movies. we have loading up to the right being final as buying the coast and continue the push for and in the it's $1500.00 g m t. and we started with an unprecedented move by 3 european nations to recognize an independent palestinian states. the historic move by spain when island is another victory on palestine is long journey to obtain full stifled other european nations have also indicated the willingness to follow search of these randy government. this outrage saying they will be severe consequences for the monks. begins our coverage and more than a century off the island, one its own recognition as an independent state. irish prime minister simon harris, drew explicit parallels with palestine. our message to the free nations of the
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world was a key for international recognition of our independence, emphasizing our distinct national identity, our historical struggle, and our rice to self determination and justice. today we use the same language to support the recognition of palestine as it stays the hold on israel is military action, and garza has killed more than 36000 people in destroyed much of the territories infrastructure rolled in 3 decades off to the signing of the quotes designed to strengthen the 2 state solution and negotiated in also no ways current prime minister said recognizing palestine would support a peaceful solution up to so much violence on my sensor. all publicity in the recognition of palestine will support motor. it forces the retreating in a protracted and cruel accomplishment. this is an investment in the only solution that can bring lasting peace in the middle east. spanish leader petro sanchez's
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publicly criticized as well for its actions in gaza. the seeing he said, of a humanitarian catastrophe. he single level one thing to me is that the prime minister method, yahoo has no peace project, the palestine fight in the terrace group. how mazda is legitimate, unnecessary, after the events of october, the 7th, but nothing yahoo is good and so much pain. and so much destruction of so much runcle in augusta that the viability of the 2 state solution is in danger. elementary pools was the same, was sent as a solution for the school. the process was simple. and next tuesday, the 28th of may, spring will approve. it's called set of ministers. the recognition of, of the state to fall assign students and incumbents in may just spanish cities say they expect concrete x and above the symbolic announcements. some of us as an okay these around see what it does, it's no good to recognize that kind of city and state. you continue to send arms to israel and a lot of the un recently the united states. so we started an attempt to try to send
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you an state recognition at the and the this move in europe is ultimately political, no practical. it has still elicited a strong response from israel. it's foreign ministry says it will withdrawal res, i'm pass it is from all into know rate as ability a did from spain in december and hard, right? national security minister it to me up and give it said these decisions ultimately rewarded the actions of a mass on october 7th. and you know, j t, y only the countries did recognize the palestinian state today giving a price to the how much come on those to the mood risk to the abuse. and i'd say we will not allow even a date for that. i'm not allowed to publish the next thing to customer service and with see find negotiations. the goals like going nowhere right now. slots simple like decisions announced at a distance may make few concrete changes in the lives of civilians. quotes at the center of this conflict, been a month out of the palace, sending an ambassador to the un. we had mental hopes,
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more european countries will do the same this european way hopefully will be followed by other waves, the support to the state of palestine. its admission to the one and the recognition is taking momentum of thought of what we did in the security concept. and what we did in the general assembly, the state of palestine does have to be a fully member state in the united nations. really and my colleague during navigator spoke to the language in foreign minister has been bought the ida he says we're shooting us in palestinian statehood. is one of the many steps needed to help achieve pace. a, it's a, a so with many pieces, one pieces do it that disappear. this thing is based on the other one is known as ice with all the right up with, with the arab states. and one is a piece,
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a guarantee for israel and the mobilization oklahoma springs. think about as i know dorothy is the some of these different demos that will change the situation. but this is one piece of the puzzle and it's one piece that we hold on. we were already to say that the card, the, or late that piece. now, are you having conversations with other governments in europe or elsewhere about taking the same steps and which you've taken today. and if so, which countries are the ones to watch? the we are indeed in close contact with several countries and some of them are definitely looking into and moving uh like we did the in the coming weeks. um, but uh, i am the spokes person. so i believe it to them to decline their own policies, but there is a lot of attention going on in europe now. and there will be me things that are held in brussels. and on sunday and monday i was on the upcoming sunday and monday . and that's where both the t or b and then
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t r f ministers would meet. and one of them will be chatted by me, which is also going to buy it. and then you'll find us in precedence that i'm lama will stuff up who will present the plan. so the new policy in government, there will be a meeting a chair by and bring spice. hello so that right? yeah. who believes this? aaron? ruben myself with the number of your audience and how to present and the next day that will lead me things with the you. so this are, all of these are all a efforts trying to build a bridge between 9 your and this i rep this and this the data as well as some of the initiatives that, that are under way. let me ask you about some of the reaction that's come through 1st of all from israel and this is according to is really, is really media who is reporting that the government is considering sanctions on your country and that israel will impose different od installation on you spain and ireland and there will be a series of further steps taken after that. what's your response? so we, we have, i mean, for us, nobody additional 6 board weapons to as well. and the norway as an advice against a, an
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e commerce sol releases to anything related to the off of my territory as far as and so we already have some and we also have sanctions against the a certain widen the settlers and, but we have not seen as auto at to fools and band on anything is ready to be the right way to go. because we want to partnership with both the palestine at the same use on these wireless. and we think it through sites and those uh requires that we are able to speak to both way. following reaction to this announcement will speak to our white house correspondents, kimberly healthcare in just a moment. but 1st let's go to sort of high to who is in amman, is this route has been down to 0 from reporting from this. so we're reporting from the, to a dining and capitol and sorta as well as we mentioned, has recalls the ambassadors as by new when islands and responds. what else is the government say that is going to
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yeah, i mean the reaction came the very fast and furious that we had from b is really a foreign ministers. are outcasts almost immediately saying that's serious steps will be taken, but there will be consequences. the israel wanting to remain silent and he said in those was mentioned earlier that by the reading, but that includes that to the magic installation that has been done before with other countries. but we've also, in a significant, you turn in facts and of from the eoc guidelines. he's the minute minute, 3 minutes. and he said that they will return to the 2005 removal of the 2005, this engagement law which prevented his route from entering northern parts of the west bank. and that would lead the pos way to the return of illegal settlements, which best law, smart truths. we know he's the finance minister, but also in charge of the expansion of those settlements is also for and has
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already been pushing for that even today. and including saying that prime minister miss an s and your needs to take a serious step suddenly in sanctioning the palestinian authority which governs part of the west spikes. that's and the we know that israel has occupies the west bank, but are some areas some supplements that it's not been able to go into in the same way. it has been in other pause and also a major publication from it's a mob been debate. that's the national security minister. in fact, we've heard response from jordan pulling it approval. consent move where he stormed ox up. most compounds highly controversial. in fact, the 1st time since the how mazda october attack, and really a message he sent out saying that so it's not possible for a palestinian space and independent one. we know that even 5 minutes of benjamin netanyahu has always spoken out against it. despite efforts to move forward, so that with the help of the us,
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but it always sold before the war and such indeed as no intentions from these ratings, at least right now for that to happen. ok, thanks so much so that sort of hide it for us. the in a month the colors go to what else the what house that we're corresponding can we help it is standing by in washington dc and can leave button administration as well . so wait in on this move by these 3 countries. what does it have to say so far? we've heard from the bottom administration national security council suppose 1st and john kirby saying that the president of the united states, of course on record saying he supports a 2 state solution. but what he does a support is recognition of a palestinian state through utah lateral recognition. instead, what he supports is that this occurs through direct negotiation between the parties. he does not like that. it has happened in this case with the sort of you
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to a lateral recognition by ireland, spain, norway, he has, and this has been echoed by the national security council spokesperson. he says that he has always, he being the president of the united states, but a strong supporter of a 2 state solution threw out his career, whether it was vice president is the senator in the us congress. but he is not for unilateral recognition does. here's the problem at all this. what we know, of course, is that these really prime minister benjamin netanyahu has been very clear that he believes, but any sort of establishment of a palestinian state he believes as endangering the existence of israel. so when the us president says this, what he's saying is, is that he's putting forward a position, but he knows this clearly not possible right now. so the president stating, knowing this full well. but unilateral recognition currently is the only option. okay, thanks so much for it. what does that, kimberly, kimberly, healthcare dot white house correspondent via thank you leah, to see
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a multi i was also considering a possible recognition of a palestinian state. but shortly after released the statement saying it wasn't the right time. the maltese government said it's ready to recognize a palestinian state when such recognition can make a positive contribution and when the circumstances arise. meanwhile, from suit officially recognizing the palestinian state is not at the boot, but any such decision must come at the right time and is not just a method of political positioning in belgium, which was also expected to join the 3 other european nations and recognizing palestine said you can recognize only ones. so when we do is it needs to come at the right moment when it has an immediate impact. well from all of this we have joints now 5 but we mcdonough, he's the full irish and best of the to the u. k. easily as well as the european union and he is in dublin. thank you very much for joining us here on al jazeera, we just pick up on what the multi from some belgium sits, the,
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the old talking about the timing of this. so why is it so important that they get the timing right, and do you think that island spine and no way have done so? i think 1st of all, the face believes important. are the country that have to struggle for it's independence and we have empathy with the palestinian people, and we believe they have a right to add to their own stage. it's also about supporting the 2 state solution, which is the only possible solution is if there is to be one in the middle east, which means of course, a state for this rest. why the suspect for the palestinians, as regards the timing, there's never to perfect timing. there's always pros and cons, but it does seem to me that the treat governments. i've called you twice at the united nations general assembly voltage by a $143.00 volts to 9 earlier this month. to accept palestine as a full members, united nations were moving with nowhere in spain. and all of a has done more comfortably than any other country to promote a 2 state solution to promote a balance to coach them. at least we talk of the also of course. so yeah,
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we look company and we hope that other countries will follow us. and of course you also have the ongoing secular movement and being expanded in the west bank, which she referred to are some of your interviewees referred to earlier in the program. so that's the government is working to make it harder to have a 2 state solution has more and more and more than half of you know, ready is ready satler's or not but doesn't belong to them. but this is not absolutely no special orders from us. and that's being made here by that by all 3 governments that recognize today of course it's understandable that the government in jerusalem will say that because they don't like the decision. but i think it's not the decision to recognize the house on the brother. nothing. yeah. those policies over the last 6 months that have the strength of experience and i'm coming out of state is you said that you had more countries will follow. which countries do you think most likely to, to come along next? or i think the wishing foreign minister who was introducing a program
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a few minutes ago said he doesn't see for that. of course, neither do i speak to them, but there are a 143 countries in the un general assembly to have voted for recognition for recognition the other side. there are already if i can use congress that recognize pablo. so i'm spending on our end of just the most recent 2 and one here. so, so being able to use a belgium and so on thinking about doing it, but i can't speak for them as we know the a you is rather divided when it comes to what has happened and guys are over the last 6 or 7 months so. so germany is still providing width and state as well. for example, can you just give us an idea of what the relationship is now between these countries that a part of the union, but it clearly divided on this major major issue. i think it's important to understand that the european union, the french a certain number of states don't start off with agreements and everything. and therefore, every time this disagreement,
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this represents some ad undermining of the whole country union was created because types different countries have different points of view and different perspectives . and it's remarkable the extent to which they do reach pavement so, so many things. but the situation was fine is so sensor kit and german history and the prospectus that every, every country has, it's very, very difficult to reach. but it's not as if it was a consensus which people are reckoning away from or has to be moved towards the irish possession of the last 6 months with more countries calling for a cease fire and so on. but we're respectful of each other's possessions, but we also respect your decision making procedures that require you to say. and so we respect the german position as a respect ours. but i think there is a gradual moment within the european union to be more assertive and calling to cease fires. more countries are recognizing deposited in space. okay, well have to leave today, but we really do appreciate your time and insight into one of us that spoke we went on a former irish invested it to the u. k. italy and the issue you can well,
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let's take a closer look at the road to palestinian statehood. now, the 1988 to palestine national council declared its independence at amazing and algeria. and that nation was the 1st to officially recognize an independent palestinian state weak slice it thousands of countries, including much of the arab world, most of africa, asia, and several eastern european nations followed search. the next wave of recognitions came in like 2010 to nearly 2011 when a host of south american states, including argentina, brazil, and chile recognized palestine. oh, okay, well for more on this, we uh, join. now if i could, the, and living on this uh, with hertz, these type of thanks again for being with us here in the studio, we really do appreciate as we've seen the response from israel. how would you describe it and what impact do you think that this is actually going to have on the internal politics of as well? is there a change on the 7th of october?
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it became autonation realistic. in many way ways more aggressive tends, these varies, portray the reality in very different colors that anyone else in the woods. it's as a site team denied. and for them, any like this means that the word these against us means that anti semitism prevailed, that we have an old shrugs in this world, leaving only or no sold or kind of notions which uh, being really puts in the these really mine sites us except the one think to ask, what is our responsibility? what did we do wrong between each this situation which we are be coming up, arrest a. why and why do we object so much like a visual palestine is where the could so many times before that then the out times that this is the solution. so many is where the politicians say so. so what's wrong?
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if no way of spain wireless recognizing it, palestine once he's on december take in, this is what we are thinking. did not, did you talk about denial? i mean, is there any sort of internal debate going on in the country about why so many countries are attending against, as well. at this point, the moment that this, the bank would take place wouldn't be the moment of change. these debate is not the existing authorities of the table. the only debate is why do they do it to us not? why did we do what we done? why did we call meet the cries of the old world? this now? judging us for a desolate us to look at these phenomena for coordination in the why the context of the decision of the a, of the over the technician and a, and a court of justice. and the end of the phenomenon seemed the recent weeks in the international community, which shows that the world is reaching,
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the point in which you choose, 10 is read, we have enough. and in this context, these raise us still living behind a protection wor no, to see no to discuss, no, to speak about the really shoes and just look for blame being the owner. well, what's the windows that go to change and, and what would have fix that change? the whole view is that the, the, so the stage is ready to start to feel it on the post under lice. when you are living in a press states and it is also a private person in the price to pay your kind of travel. and if you're traveling, you feel very a i'm accepted, thinks might happen. and i hope and then is very relaxed and says it is, it was seats for the supplements for the kinking, gaza full. for what is it for seats?
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did you ever try a does tentative road. did you ever suggest life? not on our fords. life strew booked for b, bees and dialogue and except being accepted in our neighborhoods. but the way students very, very little, we have seen a very far from change. the 1st stage in any case will be becoming a moment. sure that a stick is the word is against us. let's get you right to. and that's find the word me, but this kid with class for them. okay, well have to leave it a bit. we really do appreciate it. they do get in may be there for us. thank you. thank you. the at least 10 palestinians have been killed in the night is riley strikes and central garza, the victims were all from one family that included the pregnant women and children . their bodies had been taken to l oaks. the hospital, the attack happens in this why the area of when is rarely strikes, targeted, building shelter and displaced people. ok,
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let's get more now with 10 double color in debt, obama and central kaiser and continue just step, bring us up to date with the slightest attacks that we're seeing across the strip. can you just explain exactly what's been happening there and the full out from them? the well in the past couple of minutes in this courtyard apollo sinews, who was recently killed by the is ready for says on his way back to the another in city was actually killed by live. i munition from the is rarely forces and it was heartbreaking here in the courtyard as his beloved ones, his family members and his neighborhood neighbor neighborhoods, paved and, and how their funeral here and be to come and be buried him. this is a little bit of what i left the hospice and has been witnessing every single day moving to jamalia to a to the another in gaza strip. these are the forces it targeted to houses. and
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there has been also targets in us to have a neighborhood and also, and it's a 2 and neighborhoods where at least a 2 palestinians have been also being killed. moving to defy. there are still ongoing extracts and palestinians are telling us that there are lots custer's in the eastern sides and areas of the city where anyone who moves or, or moves from a place to another is being shot with those cop quad the cop. there's. so the situation is escalating, an air strikes are not, are, are, are not stopping. and we're talking about all across the causal strip. okay, thanks so much. and we really do appreciate you bringing us the latest. the of from goza state funeral has been held and cut on for around slight presidents. abraham rising, but late is, are in the capital, and has been paying the final respects. tens of thousands of iranians gathered at freedom square in the capital. for prius, there are many prices bonnie, who will like to be taken to his home city of mashhad for burial on thursday,
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around this knocking instead of 5 official days of morning. have a good spring in las vegas and now who is the director of international crisis? a group around project. thanks so much for being here with us on the, on the program. i mean, these are pretty historical times within around not, i mean, well, thirty's seemly want to make this morning, very public, but also to try a sense of stability within the country. how complicated is that balance and how do you think the country and that's leadership is doing at the moment? or, or, you know, the is, there's one thing the stomach for public is really good at is organizing funerals like this. but the reality is that it's really a show in order to demonstrate to the resume supporters at home that there will be continuity and also to enemies abroad. but impact is present, racy, was not a heavy weights did not determine the country's foreign policy. did not even
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domestically uh was it was not a major player, was basically a glorified chief of staff. and that's why when the accident happened to supreme leader quickly came out and said basically this is not going to going to change anything. and that is, i think, the reality that need reflect and do you think the spring data has done an effective job and in and making sure that the country continues as it was? well, yes, for sure. i mean, they have to go to another sort of process and that's a tricky process because they're doing it in a short timeframe. there is that action uh, going to be held on june 28th in the next few days after the funeral. the candidates would announce themselves or have to be ongoing for a qualification process. and, and that's all tricky because this is happening in the middle of an economic crisis that the government is dealing with. and as a result of the sanctions and mismanagement in the middle of regional tensions, we saw it came to a head of what israel last month and, and iran will be inwardly focused in the next few weeks. so all of this is
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difficult to manage, but the main people running the country and on managing these are the supreme leader and the revolutionary guards. and that has been no change on that front. yeah. but how the people in around how and how they feeling about the prospect of going back to the pauses, the voter apathy at this point in time. well, we can just look at a election that was held last week and part of meant for you in action and enter on only 8 percent of the population participated in the last 3 national elections presidential and parliamentary. we have seen no record of salt and turn out to so that indicates that there is a degree of political aptitude because of dissatisfaction and the country's economic and social restrictions that basically the government is most well. what do you have an idea of what direction the country might take through these elections and, and in the year or so ahead? well, i think this would be very much i'm in for conservative affair. so in many ways, it's like us primary elections held within the same party and only the most devoted
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members of that party who will show up to about okay, thank you so much for literally the day and we really do appreciate you your time and inside other thank you. thank you. scare. well, this place is still a hit here on al jazeera, including more than a 1000000000 voices, but minorities say that being silenced and in the general election. and it said the onto the celtics. as i begin the in the eyes of eastern conference fun with a winner for the prices, the here's what's cooking across the america as we've caught driving rain in the forecasts for a northwestern ontario province in canada and attached to this rain is severe storms in the southern states, so let's pick up the story there. again, this is a forecast today on thursday. we'll see the storms erupt. eastern texas, oklahoma, arkansas, pushing into tennessee,
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and same goes for louisiana anywhere in this. so we could see an outbreak of tornadoes further west. we go, it is a much quieter picture of still breezy up and down the coast of california. l. a. a $22.00, not far off where you should be for this time of the year. but it touched cool. we could say today on wednesday, still del forecasts, western canada of the pacific northwest. this energy will move into the northern plains, dramatically drop down temperatures and some snow coming forth, the rockies. there's all the weather in northwest center, providence ran around the great lakes. eventually this will move into the us northeast and knock out the heat. there it's been some of the hardest weather in 8 months. quite a lot of rain in the central caribbean that could produce some funding for us. then for the top end of south america, it's our usual shars and storms in northern brazil. but once again, we've got more rain coming into a flood, hit parts of southern brazil on wednesday. and on thursday that rain is still there . so the flooding could be made worse,
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the, on counting the cost india's income inequality gap, his wife makes. so how can poor people get the share of the wealth? how much does the us spend in foreign aid and does about funding how to post global stability? plus why zambia has bams charcoal production products? counting the cost on elders 0. the canyon government has ordered thousands of people across the country to move away from wetmans that have flooded many areas. torrential rains in the region have been made, was by the el nino with a phenomenon. this is how close the houses are from the narrow that down. it doesn't look like margins covered by what the highest says when it will bucks flows . the water comes to that. how is this? the problem in that ruby has been watson by pull drainage and easy to settle next. people's beeping near the narrow be down say they know they're not supposed to be there,
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but it's the only place they can afford. the you're watching, you'll just hear a reminder of that. on top stories, the south orleans, norway and spine have announced they will recognize an independent palestinian state beginning on the 28th of this month. these rarely government has recall the time pass. it is from the 3 european countries and protest. at least 10 palestinians had been killed in overnight as ready strikes and central kansas. the victims were old from one family, including a pregnant women and children tend to stay funeral has been held and around for the life presidency room,
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racing for late as are in the capital and had been paying the final respects. tens of thousands override news had gathered freedom square in the capital for a prius ceremony. the slip any is foreign minister tanya fail has told us here a hood country has a moral duty to help palestine with its recognition. slovenia a few days ago, our government decided to launch the procedures for the completion of palestine. to be frank, i wish to see the different circumstances to have a concrete piece plan based confidence. everyone's see, think of the table including use that at least us and then we will want to discuss what the day after and the political architecture. it's not happening. so in the absence of that, we decided we have a lot of duty, at least the symbolic duty to give a hope for the seniors with this for the step on the commission. and i the whole other congress with follow us because a lot of confidence are things today. yes, we support the state solution, but when, how and the which conditions you can watch
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a full interview with us with any and foreign minister on saturday at 2050 gmc most palestinians and gals are getting just a cool how off the water they need every day that's about 3 leases according to the united nations and how much of it is contaminated with salty leading to a public health crisis. bennet smith has more in the search for one of the rarest and most valuable commodities in gaza. clean drinking water. it's children who are carrying most of the book, 6 backbreaking. what? so with much of the infrastructure here, destroyed by israel, is foaming. this is one of the only ways to get water from a to be undefeated when we desperately need water to drink and to maintain basic hygiene. as you can see, we don't even have enough water to wash out dishes properly. we're using signed up to try to sanitize them,
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but it's not enough cooking utensils that also can come into the sand residues and making it difficult to prepare food safely. united nations estimates the average palestinian and gaza is surviving on the 3 lead to the water per day for all the needs that's well below its emergency standard of 15 liters. water is also salting and contaminated with as much as 70 percent of the population drinking straight from polluted wells. the young man with treating salty water for drinking purposes. we action pay cash for it and stores in large containers and then distributed to the people. we appeal to donors to help us buy water, even if it's sold to just provide us with most of the water means on safe hygiene practices, which help the spread of diseases and across casa attempts to repair the water supply network and held up. because israel isn't blessing in new products,
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it says they could be used as weapons. the huffman one to 92 percent of water and sanitation infrastructure has been completely obliterated. here in con units, the lack of electricity is west and the crises with generate has completely destroyed country. sewage over flows into streets in the c leaching into ground water and wells contaminating the water system, potentially for generations to come. boat at smith, i'll just do the a cindy is probably going to send the ranger moody is the thing i said to him and the 6 week election that began on the 19th of april edison says henry nationalist policy, the beach. i paced with directions in 2014, it's implemented policies that have left minorities unsettled and as the polls into the final stages, the n t minority rhetoric has become louder. the indian government has no chronic diseases to l. just areas, journalists,
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so we are covering the election from outside the country for lexia. laura reports 23 year old said you the is worried about raising 6 children by herself. her husband was killed by right when vigilante groups last year, who was abducted from india's western state to for i just on, on suspicion of being a cost money left. many such attacks have become increasingly come on under the b g p's. governance vigilante groups often linked to it over the local right when groups are accused of attacking and killing cartridge treat is what most the most names and bullets once known as untouchables. hindus who make up the majority of india is 1400000000 population considered the call wholly well, was there any budget on the bus rung dial? people killed him after they had talked to him. they fast took him to pharaoh's pool. but when the cups of the police station been to arrest him,
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vigilantes took him elsewhere. these are in the things a pasta lives in fear. in the northern auto pradesh indians, most populous state, is governed by the b j. p. i read the says he's from he was attacked by a right wing hendo crowd last year. he's out on the left of being held under the states and taken version little past in 2020 same you meant what they alleged that i was lowering people to convert to christianity. it's not true. i'm against forced conversions in south and cutting a tech, a, b, g p, government bound head scarves in schools and colleges. the move lead to a nationally debate and a legal case in other states, homes and businesses have been bulldozed and places of worship set on fire ex but c, b, j p's into nationalistic ideology,
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has led to deep deficiency. the majority psyche is to be associated by continuously trying to suggest that the gp is the only folder to conformation. we can put the role of the minorities into place prime minister and the red drum. or these government has been accused of pushing through discriminatory policies. but moving insist he's bought, he works for the benefit of everyone. we believe in providing free grains free medical treatments, good housing, subsidized guest cylinders and both a we provide all that to everyone without any discrimination. human rights organizations have one of increased abuses against minorities in india. others blame the b, g piece, a hindu nationalistic ideology. the india risk of becoming one of the world's main generators of instability atrocities and violence because of the massive scale in gravity of the violations and abuses,
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targeting not exclusively but mainly religious and other minorities as its 6 week long general election comes to an end. many voters hope the next government focuses more on development and creating jobs. felix new r o g, a 0. for more on this, we joined now by strep as the does group, the who is a journalist with the one use we have science. he joins us live from new delhi, thanks very much for being with us here on al jazeera. now as we mentioned to the address there wasn't granted visits to cover the selection. so can you just give us an idea of what it is like they are in regards to the concerns unknown? hindu minorities have right now when it comes to the selection. the for that's right. we have seen in the past 2 weeks after the 2nd phase of the election is being conducted in 7 seasons. and also the 2nd phase of god who loved me saw in the community narrative of by the 5 minutes to him says i was really taking
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a high pitched outdoor and he started it using the countries me mean opposition? 5 to the phone, respond to all of that, everything. just naturally, women, boyd, a jewelry, i'm giving it to them, then went onto a so to put me in opposition, $5.00 off trying to see fairly the uh, the size of those uh, backwards costs and communities in the country and giving it to was since all this was based on his interpretations, all the followers find his mind said, still, now let me just see showed that the following spartans mindful does not see anything like this. in fact, it does not explicitly mention with students that go on. it just talks about the back, which community movie has continuously switch to that again and again. and that has been followed by all the lead, just as a sparking definitely does. if it's foggy, and this has not seen any action by those boys bardeen endeavor to say election, somebody's nothing gets back to be the election so much. nothing can get off. the 7 pieces of pulling is all over to them. and after 5 seasons i beg your pardon is over to these elections?
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i mention of india has issued moses since the fall is on the gbi and ask them to defend from using communal matter to their board speakers. but the fax is the 5 of the pieces of elections already over. and i'm in fact we've also seen reports of suppression of the symbol does. that has come in from the video, which is the most popular stage in the country, which stands about 50 feet out of the $543.00 seats in india. as follow me, we've seen um reports from this baseboard as somebody in the beach ramos and more um were beaten, charged by police. and electoral offices did not allow the vote. and their id cards was smashed all these vigils that are available in social media liter for selection officials back to hey dr. this is whitening reported in the news. they went ahead and said, no such suppression did take place, but yeah, okay. videos of images and testimonies are, i just want to jump in there and ask how big of an issue is this story for folks? is this going to sway anyone in who they will end up voting for?
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do you think i would say that prime minister movie, enjoy a baby lawyer, a who beast amongst the news which 5, which funds produce about it just the 2nd on and off in the us population. that is not to say that the most and which is the largest minority launch support and we do have sections and listens once we support them. so it wouldn't be safe to say next . his popularity is um, is immense and his popularity has not supported didn't in this, and this come either direction because we have to remember that this has been his politics from many, or it's nothing new that he's brought into the of um, to the co gotten been ground it is what is new is the fact that after you meet these statements in subsequent television, interviews for friendly media channels, he said he has never made such farmington leave, right? that's the most. then he would have died from public life. the very next day he went and addressed another public salvage, but he once again brought about who knows what is most the sole source of getting,
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even though it's it's, it's a, it's a game of majority and qualities which he knows works for him that you know one, he has to be loyal and popping up about the bees and, and therefore he's appealing to that diesel once again, as chris questions are being raised about unemployment and information in the sense the b, g, b has gone back to its way of me book. okay, we'll have to leave it there, but we really do appreciate your insight into all of this. thanks so much for joining us on al jazeera to be a novice parliament, has elected security chief to land is the country's new president of the imagine anti corruption campaign, forced his prey, assisted to resign the land valves to continue the fight against corruption. the site present holds a largely ceremonial roll, but is one of the country's top full political possessions, the circle full pillars. the others of the party chief, the prime minister and the parliament speaker, columbia and president ghost of a petra was, will travel to
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a southern region on friday in response to the deteriorating security situation. a splinter group of former fall cripples has launched and defensive against state. full says listen to run p a. p sent us this report from boca to the series of explosions of rock columbia. it's called a tile county region over the past several days. this is what's left of a police station in the town of morales, after a blast, killed several officers and injured and the 6 others. although it is believed the fuck, m. c, a rebel group is to blame for the violence. the groups western faction walked away from peace stocks with the government in april, starting a full scale assault and the region where they operate. law set back out on the way . we'll say we want to go see a new c spy with the e. m. c. this criminal organization has shown with its attacks against civilians in this region that a truce isn't possible. president gustavo pay through order defense minister in the
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military leadership to immediately travel to the area and establish a permanent security council calling for a total offensive against the group. he also replace the armies chief general louisa spina who has come under fire for the deteriorating security situation. alco residents say they have been increasingly terrorized by the group name. it's very distressing, especially for the children have know what this fight and is affecting us all of it . so have to your 50 security expert, elizabeth dickinson says the violence is the consequence of an increasing fragmentation of cologne because internal conflict in recent years. and particularly since the pandemic we saw the ultimate, there was a trend toward consolidation where different, smaller groups saw an advantage in coming together to look for concessions from the government. now the piece talks have been thrown into crisis. i think the logic is
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very different. it's much more about controlling it listed economies on the local level, and that is leading us towards the situation with more and more smaller groups. splitting off and looking for their own interest rather than a national accord. the ongoing piece, stocks of help, the reduced violence in some regions, but not all in the rural south west. for example, crimes such as extortion. kidnapping, are the recruits we have to of children have actually increased as criminal groups continue to tightened their grip, leaving the government with no option better, return to a full offensive with civilians caught in the crossfire. i listened that i'm get the i just need i booked on the toyota and severe storms in the us. state of iowa, have killed multiple people and cause widespread destruction in greenfield. dozens of residents have been injured and the home severely damaged power outages are affecting more than 61000 people. across the stage,
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several midwestern states have been issued with severe thunderstorm advisories, including parts of minnesota and wisconsin a couple. so a hit hit on al jazeera, females fold stars, and maidens and bobby tolls the head of the paras olympics. that's coming up with peter and sport the business latest to be sponsored by interlock tuck. he's real estate consultant,
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the business li, just to be sponsored by intellect. tuck, he's real estate consultant. the other side of this for now, his face. yeah. so thank you very much. just a few hours to go now i'm to be you wrote for the final is by labor cruise and go in search of part 2 of a possible and beaten treble fence. so gathering in dublin,
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the head of the game against the tele, inside that's atlanta at the of the, the stadium. they've occlusal, the unit. the german champions or a means of lift some of the trophies in 8 days and make it $52.00 games without defeats. david stakes the call, the by 11 cruising a 2 games away from football in all tablets. a 51 match and beaten run has already in the 1st ever been this legal title and the heavy favorites to lift the german cap on saturday before that vote chevy alonzo. his team must be at the atlanta in the row peak funnel at dublin's adieva stadium. would have been preparing for these moments. so all here is no just to the job. my, you always prior to the game was the ball is rolling. this time for the players. medications performances, the season of the nickname, never lose. and all the more impressive considering that it's a long as i suppose,
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full season coaching at the top level with a team that were in danger of relegation. when he took over, i learned a lot from, from the players as well. i'm they teach me a lot of things practicing these. how do you so you learn best on and this year it's been on the last year as well. it's been like, you might have a whole bunch of gold sheets. it's had been me so much on with good players, normally issues here and this year we're happy to play us live a cruise and won this tournament back in 1988 when it was the wife a cup. and it's that 1st you are paying finals since finishing one is up to ro madrid in the 2002 champions league hoping to know them of tracking dublin boat is another informed team to atlanta. they may have lost the culprit. tell me a final to you events this last week, but they now have another shots that claiming the 1st major trophy and 61 year is it the dc monte modem? was you? do you watch it? we played a lot of matches and a positive way,
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but we still have regrets about what happened against events this but now it's another game, another cup final. it's a new match with a very prestigious trophy on the line. so we've got no excuses. level crews in last, the previous 2 games against atlanta, the going to this one is clear favorites. they know that if they can clear, they settled on the causes louts and in germany. second division stepped between then and then unprecedented invincible travel. david stokes. how do 0 a no. so a power struggle at a time, even champions, seem to malign when american investment fund has seized control of the club into the chinese zone is assuming failed to repay a full $150000000.00 loan to the us, whom oak street suiting saves of the risk the stability of the club, but increases it needs to protect its investments. it means into all the 7 city, all club under the american ownership, alongside atlanta, ac,
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midland field and seen a roman general and palmer before me into boss county, yada, yada. you said to retire after stepping down as kindly yachting coach by mutual agreements. the 72 year old has managed several top teams in europe. that is perhaps best known for guiding list associates of the premium, the type lean 26. it's advantage boston celtics in the, in the eastern conference finals of the 17 time champions took game. one of the indiana paces for that to fall back in the falls closer with just over 6 seconds remaining, jaden brown type things up. thanks list 3 points. so it's a push the game into over time, out of the way of jason's items, going to be splitting 6 points. you know, if it's one to help the celtics really to a 153128. when, if the southwick's reached the finals, they'll pay for a written $18.00 same b. i titled the base, the 7 series continues in boston with gain 2 on thursday. series is far from over.
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come back and play well enough to win again on or on thursday. so so not, no, i'm not trying to prove, prove anything individually. i know the ultimate goal is to try to win the championship. but and one step at a time, the celebrities have been certainly also pretend phone festival in the south of france. but these being another star attraction on the rate of carpet, the elliptic flame, french athletes and school stalls carried the torch down the carpet and up the famous steps of the pen, the festival. ahead of the showing of a foam detailing fonts as in the big history. it was a little part of the tow tree day taking place 2 fronts. hey, the of the games which became in paris on july, the 26th. and the head of the games. 9 athletes have been chosen for a new range of barbie dolls, highlighting role models in women, sports, among them, french books, as spelled mostly the one gold in rio, spanish pattern try. i think. susanna rodriguez,
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who is the reigning olympic champion from tokyo and 5 time and the big tennis made a list of venus williams. there's moments in life that you can't even dream about. i never thought that i would be, you know, made as a barbie doll. when i look back on my life, i can't, i literally can't imagine my life without sports and without the game. so i want other young girls to have that invaluable experience of playing a sport and what it teaches you and what you learn and what you take from it. not just that moment for the rest of your life. well, that's what the school thinks for the time being some prelim, thanks so much bigger families, all victims of alleged extra duty, judicial killings on the phone, the philippine president rodrigo, to, to, as i, a testifying before congress for the 1st time the current administration of the times is a non violent approach to drug trafficking, but human rights activists say suspected criminals, a still being killed, bound to be live. it pulls from the whole city in so in southern philippines. as
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philippine police presented one of its largest illegal drug seizures in mid april president for the and marcus junior, proud declared that not one person died in the operation. and that's how he's waging his and senior cottage campaign, which would be not a but the call says that can't be true and she elect as her partner was shot to death by anti drug agents in davos city farmer. president would be good to turn his home town a year into the marquess presidency from the somewhere of the i was shocked when i got to the morgue and so he had a huge cut across his chest. i thought he was just shot. but one of the children witnessed him getting stabbed as well. a nearly 7 hundreds of died as a result of the crack down since mark was took office in july 2022. according to researchers at the university of the philippines far cried from the thousands killed during his predecessors term, but the killings haven't stopped. the. the fact that mr. mark was, has not rescinded. the policies of the drug war or death was laid down by mr. good
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benefits is, is uh, that needs to be pointed out. this is up against drugs. it's a ward, the mayor of devil, city, and zip. as jen to 30 estimate clear he intends to keep pursuing in late march. he want those involved in illegal drugs to get out of a city. within a matter of days, 7 drug suspects turned up that human rights group said there was nothing new about the so called war and drugs here in double city. in fact, it became known for the levels that squad visualize the group. this is twos of executing suspected drug dealers. when former president would be good, the thursday was mirror and independent monitor recorded at least 53 killings in the 1st 12 months of his son's current term. mostly during police rates, police say they were killed jury shoot outs and often repeated defense by authorities when criticized for killings. trust me, i did not. they knew my we don't want our police officers to dine during these
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operations because we need them to protect the majority. but as families of alleged victims of extrajudicial feelings, testified in congress for the 1st time on tuesday. they said police have been slow to provide information on their loved ones, cases leaving that with no recourse but to file a complaint at the international criminal court. barnaby though alger 0, double city, southern philippines. well, that's it for me. for this news, our, you can find much more on our website though, and one of the stories we're following closely is out of the u. k. with the reports written isn't. and then said, the british prime minister wishes to nick is expected to call for a boat to take place in the summer, now alia on wednesday. so next year, the national election will be held in the 2nd half of this year. now he is here to speak shortly, and we will bring that to you when it happens. i'll be back in just a moment with much more of the dice and use to stay with us.
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the an aide work i travels to vote on syria saying he's back to hell. are you looking back? are you afraid of? no, no fun. but not seeing the eyes of his government. when my citizenship was revoked, i was surprised. and you 3 part series detailing the struggle is a pretty shade waka and the dangerous consequences of citizenship revocation on innocent until proven guilty statements in syria. coming soon on, al jazeera that fits the fastest expansion of legalized gambling and us history with sports fights at the center. get on a sports fan anymore, unless you're dealing on the game. fold lines examines the surgeon testing and the impact on those suffering from its addiction. just didn't feel as real as putting actual cash on a table. that like again, we've turned this into
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a nation of visual gamers, definitely not in control. the big gambles on it. just the, you know, in the news yet again, these palestinians families in rough rep what level they have following forward is from the east. really minute treat evacuation or risk that they what told roughly what to provide safety. the closure of the roof of crossing is prevented the departure of thousands of wounded people and patients who were waiting to travel among them is a 2 year old lama of a holy. she and her cousin, sustained injuries and is rarely s troy, across small offices. 7 months of the path for more than $1500000.00 palestinians remain some such as does this apply to humanitarian aid, into this trip with the warnings they could be fed the depleted was this place from all? shoot ya on the sierra 10 to daniel bella, then to alpha, and this will be the 5th displacement,
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8 groups holding for isabel to de escalate now and say there is no plans. the for the people in rough, the spain island and norway side tables recognize the palestinian states. as royal recalls the temp pass, it is in anger. the, i'm told mccrae, this has helped you to rely from the also coming up on the ground as riley strikes target. central gallons a once again killing at least 10 palestinians selection of room is prime minister


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