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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 22, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm AST

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assuming eyes is really is and actively use human eyes is palestinian. this is not the time for doing this kind of way. tracking those stories examining the journalism and the effect that news coverage can have on democracies everywhere. here at the listing the best, the spain islands a new way so they will recognize a palestinian state is right and we close that same baset is in protest on the ground just rarely strikes targets. central gallons, a once again killing at least 10. tell us sending the content mccrae, this is l. just a live from the also coming up over the next few weeks. i will find out at 3 folks to weeks of speculation, to the british prime minister, but she soon that calls the general election on the 4th of july and the state
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funeral and around to bid farewell to night presidency for him. right. you see an 8 of those killed in sunrise helicopter crash the we saw with an unprecedented move by 3 european nations by new way, an island to recognize an independent palestinian state. it's another victory on telephones. long journey to obtain full state who has and if the difference is rosa selection. other european nations have also indicated their willingness to follow a search. but these ready government is outraged, saying that will be severe consequences. but the max begins are coverage. santa, for like more than a century off the island, one its own recognition as an independent state. irish prime minister simon harris, drew explicit parallels with palestine. our message to the free nations of the world was a plea for international recognition of our independence,
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emphasizing our distinct national identity, our historical struggle, and our rice to self determination and justice. today we use the same language to support the recognition of palestine as it stays the hold on is israel is minutes, reaction and gaza has killed more than $36000.00 people and destroyed much of the territories infrastructure rolled in 3 decades off to the signing of the quotes designed to strengthen the 2 state solution and negotiated in also, no ways current prime minister said recognizing palestine would support a peaceful solution up to so much violence on my sensor. all publicity in the recognition of palestine will support motor. it forces the retreating in a protracted and cruel accomplishment. this is an investment in the only solution that can bring lasting peace in the middle east. spanish leader petro sanchez's publicly criticized as well for its actions in gaza. the seeing he said, of
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a humanitarian catastrophe. he single level one thing to me is that the prime minister method. yeah. who has not piece project the palestine fight in the terry's group. how much it was legitimate, unnecessary after the events of october, the 7th. but nothing yahoo is good and so much pain, and so much destruction of so much runcle in augusta that the viability of the 2 state solution is in danger. complimentary pools was the same, was sent as a solution for the store. the process was simple. and next tuesday, the 28th of may, spring will approve its call instead of ministers. the recognition of the state to fall assign students and incumbents in may just spanish cities say they expect concrete x and above the symbolic announcements. some of the, okay, these are empty. what it does is no good to recognize that kind of city and state. you continue to send arms to israel and a lot of the un recently the united states. so we started an attempt to thomas and state recognition. let the, under this move in europe is ultimately political,
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no practical. it has still elicited a strong response from israel. it's foreign ministry says it will withdrawal res. i'm pass. it is from all into know rate as ability a did from spain in december, a and hard, right? national security minister, it's him up and give it said these decisions ultimately rewarded the actions of a mass on october 7th. and you know, j t, y only the countries that recognize the palestinian state today giving a price to the how much come on those to the mood risk to the abuse. and i'd say we will not allow even a date for that. i'm not allowed to publish can actually, i think the customers are with see, find negotiations, a gauze like going nowhere right now. slots simple like decisions announced at a distance may make few concrete changes in the lives of civilians. quotes at the center of this conflict in a month out of data, the palestinian and best of the to the when free admin. so hope small european countries will do the same. this european way hopefully will be followed
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by other waves. the support to the state of palestine, its admission to the land. and the recognition is taking momentum of that of what we did in the security concept. and what we did in the general assembly, the state to by this time this have to be a full member of state in the united nations as well, has been and they'll just arrow from reporting from this. so let's go to sort of high that who joins us now from the jordanian capital amount. so that as well as we said, has recalled the invested as of spending when island, what else has the government said it is going to do in response while we've just been less than an hour heard from the prime minister himself benjamin netanyahu. it took a few hours before we had this statement, but, and he says it's a rewards for terrorism. that's just 1st take a listen. so that's
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a sound but a nation's bomb. and you know, bill pump locked in tension of several european countries to recognize the palestinian states. is it award for terrorism? 80 percent of the palestinians in the west bank support the terrible massacre of october 7th. the evil must not be given a country. it will be its terry state. he will try to repeat the october 7 massacre and we will not agree to that. now this is a sentiment that many is riley is across the political spectrum, including from the foreign minister is raul cats also earlier said that this is rewarding him us and effectively saying that what happened on october. the 7th was okay. and a threat to his rule is really national security. now a prominence to benjamin netanyahu that quote's saying that 80 percent of those and occupied westbank supports via time. but what he has been doing, and it seems
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a lot of that right tricks is, is, is moving towards that palestinians or how mosse it's based on again, what is ro is doing in gaza. now also what we've seen today is the defense, minnesota. you, i've got a lot to a, you ton on a 2005, this engagement know that prevented israel from entering stats and supplements in the northern parts all the occupied westbank and not effectively means those settlements. but israel has been one thing to expand. we're talking about tens of thousands of new is riley homes on occupied tired treat. it allows and pays the way so that, but it also pays the wasteful is really illegal set lives in the occupied territories to try and create those illegal outposts. now of course, also with that, we've also been saying the national security minutes to it's a ma spend because they make a very provocative move for the palestinians and says to me,
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for most things around the world as he entered in stones, if you like the i'll accept most hometown that says that hurley is sites for most things around the world at the time when then no allow during visiting hours. and in that he also released a statement against the recognition of the palestine as a state by those 3 countries. okay, thanks so much. sought us out of high that for us there. in a month i'll just it was white house correspondent, kimberly hill kits has the reaction from the united states and national security council spokesperson john kirby speaking on behalf of us president to buy and saying that a it has been known for quite some time that the us present supports the 2 state solution, but what he doesn't support is the recognition of a policy and state through unilateral recognition, such as has been done through by the recognition of ireland is being norway, recognizing a policy and st,
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unilaterally. what he prefers is that it be done through direct negotiations by the parties in directly go she ations. what he is also saying is that the us president has for ra, his political career, whether it's been as a president or vice president, even as a senator in the us congress. he has always supported a 2 state solution. but he does not support that is done as it has been done and recognized uh, utah, laterally. so this is something that the white house is very comfortable with and hasn't vocalized it. and so this is something that the white house is once again saying that they are not happy with. they do not want to see you to lateral recognition. they want direct to go. she ations between the parties. mulling the shower is, is there a senior political analyst who joins us on skype from paris for more on this? and lo and if we can just talk about the timing of this festival,
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why do you believe that these 3 countries have chosen to make this move now as well? you know, there's no great, there's no benefit or great time house to do any such thing. this could have been done uh, 3 or 4 decades ago. um, but i certainly the preventive, the past 8 months. uh, the, and for the genocide info assign the computer at the base rate is overman, has really raised a horse, sympathy, unconsciousness around the world. and it has certain governments to act now because i've been a number of ways it might be late, but after that number, it might be some money. but again, but on the door. and it, arguably, you could say that the europeans should have done something definitive to watches or punishing good forwarded. so instead of doing that, since businesses as usual between you and if it is right and then decided to, uh,
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you know, uh, mix some gestures, political, diplomatic gestures towards the palestinians. again, this is important, this part of our community. this process that we see more more movements around the world is able to assign a gauge the occupation of these drugs. i want to talk about no way for a moment because obviously that the custodian of the oslo accords sign more than 30 years ago. how much appreciate, if any, do you expect us to put on both as well in the us to actually engage in a more serious piece process? a funny, yeah, i mean, you know, we're not, we're a speech out there from the 16, the north for you can say that they don't have a vested interest, right? they don't have strategic interest to those countries like highland and norway. i also stated many other speak out of, you know, a certain political wisdom,
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unconsciousness moving forward. and did you see that there is no way out of this impasse? this is our son in which they work towards decades, but to in fact find the devices. but it seems like, i think they understand what the americans refuse to me, which is the whole bug about direct negotiations leading to the 2 state solution. is magical thinking. if thoughts, single thinking, because we all know that 1st of all, is there a does not when we go ship with policy and leaders of all the piece process or don't accept the principle as soon as they come back and said the reason that the people so the idea of needing, needing to know more, send to him to somehow what got the deal. this is just is just sitting because we all know that these are, these would want to enforce their tax sequence. assume all of these 6 tasks then
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these raise will continue to operate by the side as the house for more than 5 seconds. yeah, we heard from kimberly, how could said the white house as it bottom believes the palestinian sex should be realized through negotiations and no unilateral recognition. what did you make of that? a yeah, that's a bit stuff i think is a bit. uh, you know, last i think a test nation because we all know that the united states has pride to sponsor or new portions for 2 decades of war. and, and they basically feel about that because if they want to design moyer, than that critical sponsor would be the most negotiations. and the idea that direct negotiated policy is right is could lead to substitution. it's just symmetrical thinking. so they might just have no choice at this point in time, but to ritual rate. more of the same that has not worked because they,
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since they don't have the coverage or the. ready just say what these to, besides, what some of the countries are saying that it's high time that might assign the person who's on record, not as of people with this ever say. oh man, it depends. okay, thanks so much my on my, on the shower. the elders are a senior political analyst. thanks so much the and is riley trunk has killed 10 palestinians in the elza to neighborhood and gauze, the city or the 20 of is also injured. and you know, even on strike on central guns or at least 10 people have been killed, the victims from one family and del color is in central cause. with more all these serenity attacks in this courtyard apollo sinews, who was recently killed by the is ready for says on his way back to the another in city was actually killed by live. i munition from the is rarely forces and it,
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it was heartbreaking here in the courtyard as his beloved ones, his family members and his neighborhood neighbor neighborhoods, paved and, and have their funeral here. and they took him and they buried him. this is a little bit of what a lot of the hospice in has been witnessing every single day moving to jamalia to a to the another in gaza strip day. is there any force is targeted to houses? and there has been also targets in us to have a neighborhood. and also in his day to and at neighborhoods where at least a 2 palestinians have been also being killed. moving to defy. there are still ongoing airstrikes and palestinians are telling us that there are lots comforters in the eastern sides and areas of the city where anyone who moves or, or moves from a place to another is being sought with those cold quads, carpenters. so the situation is escalating and air strikes are not, are, are,
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are not stopping. and we're talking about all across the causal strip mold and opinion voices, but minority sites are being silenced and any is general election. the an aide work i travels to vote on syria saying he's back to hell are you will come back. are you afraid it should? no, no fun. but notes in the eyes of his government with my citizenship was revoked. i was surprised. a new 3 part series detailing the struggle is a pretty shade waka and the dangerous consequences of citizenship revocation on innocent until proven guilty statements in syria. coming soon on al jazeera in depth analysis of the days headlines, if that was a rough or offensive. where would the people go?
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people have no place to go. each one of 1000 people has to be displaced these 2 times frank assessments. this is a maxim blow to free speech and freedom of the press informed opinions. you can be somebody who says, i'm one of the hostages october 2nd and return. and i want to stop inside story on out to 0. interrogate the narrative. there's no question about the united states has effectively complicit the genocide challenge the rhetoric. yeah. think that correct, but so is the international community upfront. only without the the
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you're watching you'll just hear a reminder of our top stores. the south norway, islands and spine have announced they will recognize an independent palestinian state beginning on the 28th of this month. is there any government has recall the time best of this from the 3 european countries in protest. at least 10 palestinians have been killed and i have an i, it is rarely strikes and the central cancer. the victims is from one family, including pregnant women and children. so u. k prime minister has called the general election for july, the 4th for she. so next is this policy's ensure economic stability off the cost of living process. now is the move in proportion to choose it to decide whether we want to build on the progress we have made or risk going back to square one with no plan and no such. anya, today i spoke with his majesty the king to request the dissolution of the king has grown to this request and we will have
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a general election on the 4th of july. it's time for change. i will offer is to reset both our economy and politics. so that they, once again, so the interest of working people, we took the reject the poor review for the comic strength to somehow different from those but the top of the pos for 2 years. for all the trustees we've had to face sticking with that idea of left off country, exposed in secure, un, unable to unlock the potential of every community a little more on this during the whole, joins us now from london and china. how surprising is the timing of this? what want to wish you so next? choose july. the 4th. oh, hugely surprising that he's decided to press the go button on a general election quite as early as he has done. the assumption had been that he
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would wait, at least until the autumn, giving his policies that much longer to bounce back from its pretty awful situation in the falls polling consistency on average, about 20 points behind the opposition. labor potty rooms of despite dissatisfaction with his own leadership in the party as well as some of his own and fees indeed have already called this move madness yet he has chosen to make the decision. he's gone to the king. parliament will be dissolved, kicking off a roughly 6 week election campaign. that of course, is underway in earnest and the labor party you had kissed tom of the leader of the opposition's phrase out of the traps with a speech in which he used to phrases multiple times. time for change and stop the chaos. and that is something i think we're going to hear an awful lot more about animals, more of in the coming 6 weeks receive food next, pledge to the electorate. but it's basically 2 fold. one is security. he talks about britain facing the bystanders. is since the cold war with war in europe with
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the weaponized ation, he says of global migration and artificial intelligence, the labor party, he says, has no answers. and the other is the economy of the central plan, cuz he's less than 2 year old premier ship up to now to restore his company's economy. he points to it goes out on wednesday, showing inflation was folded into a 3 year. lo, the hopes that will be taken as a signal by the electricity, spotty, is best place to do what is necessary to run 3 is of a cost of living prices and give him and his party 5 years more. in downing street, me turn it sooner. obviously, tools extensively about economics debility, is that going to be the defining issue? do you think of the selection the economy is always going to be a defining issue is not the defining issue of any election as i say, he will points to figure this out just this morning suggesting or saying that in
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place before the 2.3 percent from 11 percent, when he took office in october 2022, the country has paid money in the cost of living crisis for 3 years. his pictures to the electorate is only the conservative party knows how to get this done, and he's willing to take the decisions to make it sustainable. economic recovery the labor party, he says, simply is not to be paid to the labor party. i will do so as dangerous for the economy the day before his picture costs to restore government for working people. yes, the economy is central to all of this ultimate is. this is a decision taking the by the prime minister to stop the speculation. fever speculation that was getting in the way of his efforts to do anything to restore his body's image in front of the electorate. he has decided now to go to the electric. thanks so much joe. that's going to be a busy full. he'll die is also during the how for us in london. the site funeral
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has been held in toronto around late presidency for him, right. the world leaders are in the capital and have been paying the final respects . tens of thousands of iranians gather the freedom square in the capital for a press. there are many races buddy will later be taken to his home city of my shop for barry alone. this time around this knocking, it stood of 5 official days of morning. russell said, is this update from freedom square into the of the morning? tens of thousands of the rooms have been found that wrong. the freedom square for that sound good funeral ceremony that's being held for the late president will be around it, but i embrace it. therefore, to administer saying, i me don't blog and they are companions. so most of people here are in black as a sign of morning, guessing people crying and they are waiting for the president. this is federal to they are bodies. just that little that go, their bodies were on the vehicles and pay being taken through the freedom square
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and then he's going to be taking three's hometown mesh and be buried there. there are uh 4 in guest as well. deborah, that the president or soon as yeah, the for the minnesota or egypt, the for the minister and the vice president of turkey, the dependent that the, the prime minister of practice done. you rock the deputy prime minister of india and several other gas to put in guess also at the end in the funeral. that of course is important for the run inputs to commit stop judgment. to show that your one is not isolated from the world. and it has france this out of that, i'll just be around that wrong. us and the as prime minister and the ranger emoji is taking us to $0.10 citizens who nationalist policy, the beach. i paced with collections in 2014, it's implemented policies that have like minorities unsettled, felix c o. r. a reports 23 year old. so jude is worried about raising 6 children by herself. her husband was killed by right when vigilante
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groups last year, who was abducted from india's western state to for i just on, on suspicion of being a coast month left. many such attacks have become increasingly come on under the b g p's. governance vigilante groups often linked to it over the local right when groups are accused of attacking and killing country, treat is what most the most names and bullets once known as untouchables. hindus who make up the majority of india is 1400000000 population considered the call wholly well, what's the budget on the bus rung dial? people killed him after they have up to 10. they fast took him to pharaoh's pool, but when the cups of the police station been to arrest him, 50 lab test took him elsewhere. these are in the things a pasta lives in fear in the northern alter pradesh. india's most popular state is
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governed by the b g, p r in the says his family was attacked by a right wing handle crowd last year. he's out on be left of being held under the states and taken version little past in 2020. to him he meant what they alleged that i was lowering people to convert to christianity. it's not true, i'm against forced conversions was the insult and cutting a tucker, the bgp government bound head scarves in schools and colleges. the move lead to a nationally debate and a legal case in other states, homes and businesses have been bulldozed and places of worship set on fire ex, but say the b g p's into nationalistic ideology, has led to be deficient. the majority psyche is to be associated by continuously trying to suggest that the gp is a only for to conformation which can put the role of minorities into place. prime
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minister. and aaron, from all of these government, has been accused of pushing through discriminatory policies. but what do you insist he's bought? he works for the benefit of everyone. so not we believe in providing free grains free medical treatments, good housing, subsidized guest cylinders and both a we provide all that to everyone without any discrimination. human rights organizations have one of increased abuses against minorities in india. others blame the b, j piece a hindu nationalistic ideology. the india risk of becoming one of the world's main generators of instability atrocities and violence because of the massive scale in gravity of the violations and abuses, targeting not exclusively but mainly religious and other minorities as its 6 week long general election comes to an end. many voters hope the next government focuses
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more on development and creating jobs. felix new or o. g, a 0. well, that sits and they told me craig, for the moment where there was an experience on story, looks a new way, arlington spines decision to recognize an independent palestinian state to stay with the time. now for your weather update across the middle east and africa, good to see you as always con, picture. as we'd expect at this time of the year, across the radium pinion to us, some shars and storms for a south west. saudi arabia's as her province, seeing those hidden miss storms across scamming as well, especially in the mountains. but let's talk about this heat up and down the golf. it's that some of the year temperatures pushing past 40 degrees, including for us here in the shooting for high of $43.00 central asia,
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looks like there's some up where they're running off the caspian sea. so that's going to play took a minute, stands capital ask about 24 degrees and still some showers really never too far away from both drawn and walk through more wet weather comes into venture for that western side of the circle. yeah, that's going to impact is stumble, some pretty solid bands of rain to especially for the capitol, still hot in egypt, cairo 41 degrees, but your temperatures will fall on friday. and after that tropical cycle. and it's now fragmented and broken apart, but still, staring quite a bit of rain across kenya. so whether alerts in play there, and as we dipped to the south, really not much to report quiet conditions here they get. see a few showers sneak into cape town with a height of 19 degrees on thursday. okay, that's it for me. i'll catch up with you soon though, of the fruitful mode is to take 9 to the country and the k o l g 0. well,
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goes to gamma with political schools in the 1980s, with sexual bias, i said there was a big back. so coming in the battle in which south humans president was part of a deadly game. i refused to give them my head, give up power the killing of south pm and the politicians during a routine cabinet meeting. a 1986, an estimate of an assassination. on al jazeera, norway, ireland, and spain announced that they will recognize an independent palestinian state. we live in european nations follow suit and what does this mean, how this science efforts to become a full member of the united nations? this is inside story. the other one was.


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