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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 22, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm AST

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the the . ringback the, [000:00:00;00] the po, until mccrae, this is the news our lives from coming up in the next 60 minutes. spain islands in norway says i will freaking noise. a palestinian state is wrong because it's invested is in protest is ready as strikes, continue across scouts or at least 20 people that killed,
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including women and children over the next few weeks will find fault every 2 weeks of speculation. the british prime minister were she soon at coals a general election on the 4th of july and the site funeral in iran to bid farewell to light presidency for him. re see that others killed and sundays can wake up the crash. don piece of statements with you, a sports news just to know what to go now until the roof leak. finally, dublin was finally able to some book to complete the call to of a possible rebel against atlanta. the it's 1800 gmc, we start with an unprecedented move by 3 european nations to recognize an independent palestinian state. the historic move by spain, no one island. there's another victory on pellets tons long journey to obtain full stifled other european nations have also indicated their willingness to follow service. but it is rarely officials are outraged,
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saying they will be severe consequences for the monks begins coverage in more than a century off the island want its own recognition as an independent state, irish prime minister simon harris, drew explicit power, allows with palestine our message to the free nations of the world was a plea for international recognition of our independence, emphasizing our distinct national identity, our historical struggle, and our rice to self determination and justice. today we use the same language to support the recognition of palestine as it stays israel as minutes, reaction and gaza has killed more than 36000 people and destroyed much of the territories infrastructure more than 3 decades off to the signing of a quote designed to strengthen the 2 state solution and negotiated in also noise, current prime minister said recognizing palestine would support
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a peaceful solution up to so much violence on my sensor. all this, the in the recognition of palestine will support the motor. it forces the retreating in a protracted and cruel, accomplish. this is an investment in the only solution that can bring lasting peace in the middle east. spanish lead a petro sanchez's publicly criticized as well for its actions in gaza. the seeing he said, of a humanitarian catastrophe. he single level one thing to me is that the prime minister, nathan? yeah. who has not piece project for palestine fighting? that's always good. how massive, legitimate, unnecessary, after the events of october, the 7th. but nothing yahoo is great and so much pain, and so much destruction of so much runcle in augusta that the viability of the 2 state solution is in danger. complementary pools was the same, was sent as a solution for the store. the process was simple. the more modification than next tuesday, the 28th of may explain when a proof it's called set of ministers, the recommendation with the state to fall assign the students and incumbents in may
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just spanish. cities say they expect concrete x and above symbolic announcements. some of those of us, yes. okay. these are and see what it does. it's no good to recognize that kind of city and state. you continue to send arms to israel and the item at the un recently the united states. so we started an attempt to thomas and state recognition at the under this move in europe is ultimately political, not practical. it has still elicited a strong response from israel. it's foreign ministry. so that will withdrawal, resent bassett is from all in the know rate as it already did from spain in december and hard write national security minister. it's him up and give it said these decisions ultimately rewarded the actions of a mass on october 7th. and you know, j t, y only the countries the recognize the palestinian state today a giving a price to the how much come on those to the mood risk to the abuse. and i'd say we will not allow even a day for that to him about the policy. and actually i think the customers are with cease fund negotiations with gauze,
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like going nowhere right now. thought simple like decisions announced that a distance may make few concrete changes in the lives of civilians. quotes at the center of this conflict in a month, out of data. the tell us in, in, and best of the to the you in for you admin. so hope small european countries will do the same. on this european wave hopefully will be followed by other waves, the support to the state of palestine. its admission to the land. and the condition is taking momentum of that of what we did in the security council. and what we did in the general assembly, the state of palestine does have to be a full member of state, the united nations as well, has been intelligence era from reporting from this. so let's go to sort of high that who joins us now from the jordanian capital, amman,
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and sorta as well as re cool, be invested as a spy, new way. and on this we mentioned earlier, what else has the government said it's going to do and response to this uh, well, uh, so it puts, it, frankly, is ro is absolutely furious by this latest developments unimed spots we've heard of from the prime minister himself benjamin netanyahu who released a statement not long ago, it took him quite a while to respond to that. but we never last heard from him. and he says that it's a rewards for terrorism. and basically the same sentiment from what we heard from these, right? a foreign minister that had responded immediately as that decision was made from all 3 countries, also saying the same. but let's take a listen 1st to benjamin netanyahu. it seems we don't have that at the moment, but let me just go through the points inside. so he says that this evil must not be
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given a country. it will try to repeat the type of 7 mastercard. he said we binds, agreed to is not also in that same statement. he added the 80 percent of palestinians in the west, but he said supports october 7 in quite an incredible statement that because what he's been saying is, is the palestinians, the recognition of a palestinian state means that all of that is all on top of that state all how much all in supports of how much. but of course, most of the palestinians living certainly in occupied territories, all living under constant uh, occupation and fox, and a you ton by israel's defense minutes. say i've gone to earlier today, all the dots announcements. he basically has now done a, you'd sent on a 2005 just engagement law, which will mean that israel con and so know of and supplements in the west bank. and also that pays away for an expansion of those illegal sacraments, illegal supplements,
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meeting more houses being built in occupied territories in the west bank. and of course also we have hubs as we always do from members of the most right. we is really government and it's history, certainly from the national security minister. it's a mall bend of it as well as smoke truths. we also so it's not been convey himself to not the i'll accept most compound sounds said hurriedly is sites and incredibly provocative. movie stones, it's a 1st time since the october 7 attacks. and of course in that he said that they should be rep precautions to this. we know that that will be further steps as well . so that will take, i'm not would include the classic isolation. thanks so much sorta sorta how did for us in a month, early in my colleagues during navigate, i spoke to the new region 4 in minnesota. it's been bought. i they, he says recognizing palestinians started as one of the many steps they did to help
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achieve pace. a, it's a, a so with many pieces uh, one piece is to establish the products they use based on all the sites with all the rest of the week with the arab states as the and one is a piece, a guarantee for as well. uh, the mobilization oklahoma springs named the products i know dorothy is the some of these different demos that will change the situation. but this is one piece of the puzzle and there's one piece that we hold and we were all ready to say that's the card. the code or lay that piece. now, are you having conversations with other governments in europe or elsewhere about taking the same step in which you've taken today? and if so, which countries are the ones to watch? so we are indeed in close contact with several countries, and some of them are definitely looking into and moving like we did the in the coming weeks. and, but i am not their spokesperson. so i believe it to them to decline their own
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policies. but there is a lot of attention going on in europe now, and there will be me things that are held in brussels. and on sunday and monday i was on the upcoming sunday and monday, and that's where both the t or b and then t r f ministers would meet one of them and will be chatted by me, which is also with the new product in president that i'm lama most of us who will present the plans of the new policy and government that will be meeting a chair by and brings by so so that right. yeah. who believes this? aaron? ruben myself with the number of you'll be in scenario prison and the next day that will lead me things with the you. so this are, all of these are all the efforts trying to build a bridge between the your and this i rep this initiative as well as some of the initiatives that they are on the way. let me ask you about some of the reaction that's come through 1st of all from israel. and this is according to is really, is really media who is reporting that the government is considering sanctions on
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your country. and that israel will impose different at its isolates. and anew spain and ireland, um there will be a series of further steps taken after that. what's your response? so we, we have, i mean, 1st nobody does most export rhythms to as well. and then norway, as an advice against a, an e commerce, sol relations to anything related to the bi territories for instance. so we already have some, and we also have sanctions against a certain right in the settlers and, but we have not seen as or tools advantage on planning things ready to be the right way to go. because we want to partnership with both the 1st time at the same use on these wireless and we think it through sites and those uh requires that we are able to speak to both clearly of this. yeah, multi, i was also considering a possible recognition of a palestinian state visually off to it released the statement setting. it wasn't the right time. the multi is government said authority to recognize
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a palestinian state when century technician can make a positive contribution. and when the circumstances arise, and meanwhile from said officially recognizing the palace, city, and state is noted to boot. but any such decision must come at the right time and does not just a matter of political positioning. and belgium, which was also expected to join the 3 other european nations and recognizing palestine said, you can recognize only ones. so when we do, it needs to come at the right moment when it has an immediate impact because it's good. kimberly how kits. uh, what has correspondents whose life for us the now kimberly the button administration has also weighed in on this move. what has it had to say of the? yeah, well, earlier we heard from the national security council's folks person john kirby, but now the national security advisor, jake sullivan, is speaking to reporters. the white house press briefing underway and what he has,
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the essentially settings responded to the declarations. the by the countries of ireland, spain in norway essentially saying that each country is entitled to make their own determinations. but when it comes to the united states position, he said it's very clear that president 5 news on record is saying that he supports a 2 state solution. having said that, he believes in a guaranteed security of israel. he also believes in the guarantee security of palestinians and the right for them to have security and didn't think that he is well in equal measure. but he believes the best way to deliver that is the 2 state solution. but he's also equally in fabric that it must be delivered by direct negotiations between the 2 parties and not by you to a lateral declaration. such has been done by ireland, spain, and norway. so of the united states is firmly opposed to what has just occurred and when asked by reporters about this, the national security adviser said that they are
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a little bit discouraged by what has occurred and they are going to be communicating this to their allies. thanks so much for that, that is kimberly how codes for us at the white house. so let's take a closer look at the road to palestinian statehood in 1980 i, the palestine national council declared its independence at amazing in algeria. that nation was the 1st to officially recognize an independent palestinian state. weak, slighted thousands of countries, including much of the arab world. most of africa, asia, and several eastern european nations also followed service. the next wave of recognitions came in like 2010 and early 2011 when a host of south american states, including argentina, brazil, and chile recognized palestine. when mounted in the shower uh joins us and he's out . is there a senior political analyst, he is with us on scott, from paris? and 1st of all, can we just talk a little bit about as well as response to new way, arlington spine today,
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that threatened sanctions that pulling there and best it is missing. yahoo is just said that this is a reward for terrorism. what do you make of that? do you think? would you, i mean a, 1st of all, are you surprised by anything that he has to say at this point in time? or what i've been saying for a while now that nothing you know has lost it. you lost it both methodically and other quick last it's mr. hartley because everything is stood for as basically i can flow to that in front of our eyes and his eyes over the last 8 months. mr. security, it turned out to be empty. mr. long serving partners that they're not to be indicted on importance. corruption charges his idea of war. uh swift. when it gives time i was when even real can find does have to end up doing. i can be honest with these ladies. is right. discover more isolated in the
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reason i didn't the world. so really why didn't know that he hosted, you know, she's back against a teacher every possible concerning this article and given nazis and somebody to keep and referring to the i c. c. prosecutor. so what do you see, what it nicely judges or something is supposed to be most it and, and in more ways than one. i think there's a response about funding come back to those goes along with a 30 or how i mean tennis or the finishes become in a way that imagining the countries other countries on the world doing the same thing. what is he going to do with what is really and especially from, for companies in the world just makes no sense whatsoever. yeah. do you think that this is actually going to change anything in the short term, especially on the go on the grounds in gaza? and it's not meant to change anything because for, for some of this is a bit too little, too late. submit some bought it, and it's tell them a step by here to,
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to do something on palestine without doing something serious against is or as, as it goes, this will constant cost. so what has to be this spectacle about these steps? but at the same time, i appreciate that there is a movement towards more of a technician and your wife's, it's the weekend of hold those 2 thoughts at the same time. this is to, to, to, to night. but this is also a good thing that is happening for the other cities. yeah. they were in a huge divisions in europe at the moment. not that because you've got no way spying an island on one side. but you've also got the likes of germany and italy, which it providing huge amounts of weapons to, is relevant to him. and he is taken on the behind the us and to in the terms of how much it is spinning and sending with ins to is ryan. yeah, germany is of course, as we all know is a special case because of its history. one criminal lesson on history by say, number again is not just know back in june, but again,
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i guess the world should not accept another genocide unfolding on tv screens of our eyes as we speak to germany, took the narrow version of never again to read that because once he's not even as is okay, there's a genocide that gives us that is, i think there's a lot of americans pressed on your powers, like england, france and germany comes on to withhold their support for steven. we know test to be a bit more progressive, this assets, but also the opposite is getting a bit desperate like an insurance investor on it's set to use what the purpose is not to know where i'm inside of that. they continue to double down. i'm talking about the rescue goal. she, she's that we need to do such an issue, which is probably the dumbest thing i've heard over the past so many years. because we know i'm probably just the time to write the book. diplomacy for dummies.
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because the problem i see increase is i think it does not need to major solutions after after such long term problems as a certified a sign, what you need is a different the teacher balance of power. what you need is international pressure. what you need is america and pressure to change. so that's what leads to diplomatic breakthroughs. not cynical talk about that because she said, we know that over 30 years, but no way, i think we need to know where. yeah, i know if i said to yourself more to say thanks so much my one as always, we really appreciate you're inside the shower. they're just, they're a senior political analyst us. so if any is a foreign minister tanya fail and has told al jazeera, the country has a moral juicy to help palestine with its recognition. she explained the process or country has initiated to recognize palestine slovenia a few days ago. our government decided to launch the procedures for the completion
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of palestine. to be frank, i wish to see the different circumstances to have a complete peace plan based confidence. everyone's to think of the table including use that at least us and never to want to discuss what did they, austin, and the political architecture. it's not happening. so in the absence of that, we decided we have a lot of duty, at least the symbolic duty to give a hope for the seniors with this for the step under conviction. and i the whole other congress with follow us because a lot of going to research things today. yes, we support the state solution but when how and the which conditions and you can watch out for the interview with a civilian farm, minnesota and 1212 just harold, that says today, it's 2050 gmc, the us military wing has a video of what it says is the killing of 3 is rarely sonya is uprising in the gaza
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strip. on wednesday, the video showed a group of soldiers being targeted by smart this several times. the tax would place in the north of by block. yeah. these ready on a did not confirm the attack. now since october the 7th. he's rarely military has confirmed the killing of 614 soldiers and gaza, or, and this riley strike has killed 10 palestinians in the elsa 2 neighborhoods in gaza. city of a 20 others are also injured and an organized strong, called central counsellor. at least 10 people have been killed. the victims were all from one family. they included the pregnant women and children. the bodies have been taken to the hospital may attack happens, and the way the area of when is rarely strikes targeted buildings sheltering, displaced people with you, and continues to report, end up taking palestinians being despised from profit as they flee increased as rarely, military hostilities, stefan derrick is the spokesperson for the secretary general said that those
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playing a living among rubble and damaged schools with a lack of tens and a central services since uh, the 6 of may, nearly 815000 people have been displaced. some rough uh with about a $100000.00. others displaced in the north. over the past 10 days, nearly 850000 people have registered with on a walk. in con eunice, they've registered to receive services from and walk with a 36 percent increase in the number of people and ottawa facilities there. okay, well let's get more from within guys or within the community who is in the obama and central cancer. and to, as we mentioned it as a text right across the gaza strip, can just bring us up to speed with what's been happening on the ground in the last hour or so of the okay, so starting with a shot that refugee comes where the is really forces have been calling people into
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body and into another and parts of the causal strip to move west. there has been a couple of extracts and outside that refugee camp. also in as a, to a neighborhood in the gospel city where there's where the forces targeted a civilians group where 10 policy needs have been at kills and multiple injuries have been also reported. moving to divide you aware of that? is there any forces also targeted palestinians was they were trying to evacuate from the northern areas to the western areas and to the city for policy and use have been killed and people are not only leading extracts, but they're also being targeted while they are evacuating, moving to the fly, there has been a multiple airstrikes in the past couple of hours. and again, people are, are trying to move to the safe zones, but they're currently being targeted in the safe zones of ordered by israel. ok, thank you so much. and hendo call the,
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the india obama and central gaza. thanks so much. i of the, the u. k. prime minister has cooled a general election for july. the 4th, pretty soon access his policies and showed economic stability up to the cost of living crisis. now is the move in the person to choose it to decide whether we want to build on the progress we have made or risk going back to square one with no plan and no sir on you today, i spoke with his majesty the king to request the destination of the king has grown to this request and we will have a general election on the 4th of july. is time for change. i will offer is to reset both our economy and politics so that they, once again, so the interest of working people. we took the reject,
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the poor review for the comic strip to somehow different from those but the top of the pos for 2 years for all the trustees we've talked. suffice. sticking with that idea. as left all country exposed in secure, un, unable to unlock the potential of every community to laurel this, let's go to join how, who is live for us now in london. joe, how surprising is the timing of this? i think it came as a very substantial surprise the really soon i chose to push the button on the general election this early. he had another 6 months within which possibly to do it . the smart thinking was that he would wait until the autumn, at least, to give his potty some time to rebound from its pretty powerless position in the poles. posting on average consistency for months now. around 20 points behind the opposition labor party, a mid room is of dissatisfaction within his own party with his leadership. and
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indeed the number of his own. m. p. 's describing this move as madness. nevertheless, he has made the move. the 4th of july is the election day to 6 week campaign now underway essentially, you know, next and the opposition labor parties meeting absolutely no encouragement. you heard kissed on the lead to the straight out of the blocks with a speech looking more and more like a prime minister in waiting to key phrases repeated over and over time for change and stop the chaos. and i think we're going to hear a lot more of that of the next 6 weeks. so she, so next page he's potties page to the electric, essentially to fold the 1st on security. took off the person in the face of what he described was the most dangerous used to come since the cold war and the 2nd to restore economic health. that he will point to forwarding. inflation figures out on wednesday is evidence that he and his party, our best place to pull britain out of a 3 year long cost of living process. if i didn't, the, the electorate will give him the conservatives 5 more years in downing street. i'm
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kind of want to rush you through neck. cool the election today but i think essentially because the speculation bill was simply becoming overwhelming and getting in the way to offer new is attempts to try and rebuild these parties, image for the electorate. and also because of an appalling showing in local elections early this month in the sense that things were probably not going to get very much better. the prime minister says over and over there is a plan on the plan is working. the problem is not enough. people see enough evidence of that, not just on the economy, but also in public services, also on migration stuffing. make small boats across the channel. that isn't. that hasn't happened despite a plan to send the asylum seekers to the one that he could have waited till the ultimate would have had the merits of giving him a full 2 years in office. but she soon, i just decided that the best bet is to go for it now. okay, thanks so much for all of that. this you on hold for us the outside 10 downing street, gonna stay with the store and go to kevin craig,
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who is the ceo of p l m. i communications of public affairs and media communications agency in westminster. he joins us from london also. thanks very much. for being here on l, just sierra tony 40 all days to go until election day, who is in the bid a position at this point in time. and there's no doubt that with the general election having been cold today in britson is his case storm a. the leader of the labor policy is in the back to a position to have a vision that the country can get behind. and you need to cite as well as being privileged to be a successful business man. i'm also a labor policy kinds of indigent mid election and we are looking forward to the conversation in britain, in central stuff that could no fit switch where i am to cite to people. it's time to change your correspondence. i don't how i watch this trying to little because i'm active in business nationally and internationally. a cold, right?
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the the case dom or is looking more more like a prime minister on westminster in london today is absolutely a goest with shop. a big decision that richie stock is going to, like napa has a partition prime minister going so late in such a bad position in the opinion polls how it comes with the same day as a new inflation. so it goes, we're out the show and functions pulling by 2.3 percent. obviously he is trying to rush you through. now at this point in time, is trying to say that he is the size pair of hands that the country in the economy needs. right? now, well, you'll be very kind to him. i'm looking forward to having that conversation because of the british public and the business community. the i see in spend a lot of time with don't attribute a small change in inflation to the economic brilliance of his prime minister. we hope in living through 14 years of economic chaos and instability,
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not least the severe shots to the british economy caused by the conservative policy and resubmit the sen. yeah, so you don't, you'll being very nice the prime minister that but i'm looking forward to see just seeing how the british people. so i talk to you about their economy and that child is and i am detect big i lots of interviews. you ask them for the plan, the case study and rachel reeves, happy in this country. okay, thanks so much. kevin will have to leave at this given craig, for us from london. are there with this page is still a hate here on al jazeera, the main candidate for germany's 5. right. if the policy bows out campaigning just weeks before you are p and pile them into elections plus 7, n as in k, i'll tell you why. it is advantage celtics as a big in the eastern conference funnel with the window over the prices,
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the thumbnail for your weather update across the middle east and africa. good to see you as always con pictures. we'd expect to this some of the year across the radium peninsula, some shars and storms for a south west. saudi arabia's, as her providence seen, those hidden mis storms across scamming as well, especially in the mountains. but let's talk about the seats up and down the golf. it's that time of the year temperatures pushing past 40 degrees, including for us here in the shooting for high of $43.00 central asia, looks like there's some up whether running off the caspian sea. so that's going to play took a minute, stands capital ask about 24 degrees and still some showers really never too far away from both federal on and marco more what, whether comes in to venture for that western side of the circle? yeah, that's going to impact is stumble, some pretty solid bands of rain to,
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especially for the capital. still hot in egypt, cairo 41 degrees, but your temperature is, will fall on friday. and after that tropical cycle. and it's now fragmented and broken apart, but still, staring quite a bit of rain across canyon. so weather alerts in play there. and as we dipped to the south, really not much to report quiet conditions. here they get see a few showers sneak into cape town with a height of 19 degrees on thursday. okay, that's it for me. i'll catch up with you soon though. the fits the fastest expansion of legalized gambling and us history. with sports fights at the center. you're not a sports fan anymore unless you're dealing on the game. fault lines examines the surgeon petting and the impact on those suffering from its addiction. just didn't feel as real as putting actual cash on a table. like again, we've turn this into
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the, you're watching, i'll just hear a reminder of our top story is the cell in norway island in spite and have announced they will recognize an independent tell us any insights. beginning on the 28th of this month is ready. government has recalled as invested as from the 3 european countries and protest u. k prime minister issue. so next is a general election is to take place on july. the 4th to next is his policies and showed economic stability up to the cost of living costs. and just rarely strikes across scouts that have killed at least 24 palestinians in the past. i. 10 of the victims were all from one family, including a pregnant women and children students in germany, a continuing to show their sol adair with the with palestinians and demanding an end as well as war on guns of peacock has this report from a campus in berlin. a very angry faces the villains, humboldt,
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devise the resolution to go now to make the rest of the people outside people. they say breaking the very sick girls in germany on things that can be said to place as old stuff inside people on the top fold up out occasions so into that the building would says and tables savings great pays include goods and suppose of how this fun all over the apartment complex and scientists of university people throughout the building, as well as about 500 people in that several 100 people outside what they say. they want an end to the tennis audit garza, they won't beg of us as a cultural tied to it. as well, and they also have a very, very angry about the way the purchase invalid company wouldn't be talking as well. and then the occupied with bank is riley st. louis, reportedly spot defile south of the city of nicholas, the witness society. a tech has tried to fit hundreds of palestinians applies in the outskirts of the village. a civil defense cruise managed to put out the file before it reached any structures that led violence has significantly searched in
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the occupied territories since october. the 2nd site funeral for a rainy and presidency breeding rise, c has been held in town, tens of thousands gathered at freedom square to pay their respects. the dozens of foreign guests went in the capital as well to pay the condolences for so sort of reports from toronto. morning, around the late president, tens of thousands of uranium is turned out, insulted from to say farewell. i can see about the data. everyone has a duty in the country in his capacity. i am here at the funeral, not just for the president, but i am morning for my country, our beloved president. these have to be on there. i seen as equal. he lost a family member, the president abraham bracy was popular among conservatives together in and around problems, freedom square to accompany him for the last time. the you
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won't be there, i have to my lease from any let the funeral premier at that ron university race enjoyed his from the backend throughout his entire carrier, my chevy to and off when it was announced that the helicopter was missing. i said something to this happened. i finished the pain as if i lost my balance. but i am said, particularly for our supreme deed this because he has lost his rights hunt. the president the carpet is carrying the bodies of the president for the minister and other officials who were killed in a helicopter crash on sunday with transferred to freedom square. but it was not on the iranians. we attended the funeral. several fulton guest, including the meat of cuts are for the ministers of egypt, entered the prime ministers of iraq and pakistan, and many more were intent run to convey their condolences for the political establishment in the country. it was important to show that one is not isolated
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from the world, and it has franz saw how about the present race. it will be buried in his hometown of my shift on thursday. then defies the morning period will end and there will be shift and election campaign to decide who will be his successor. difficulties that has for the government to re establish a relationship with a deeply the why the public the presidential election is set for june 28. many believe the guardian console, which has the power to approve or disqualify the candidates seeking to run for president will likely veto the report miss candidates. that's why the election is expected to be a race between because every 2 segers this instead of ultra 0, that on to india as prime minister and arrange from id is taking us to him in the 6 week election that began on 19th of april. since as international as positive a b j piece with collections in 2014,
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it's implemented policies that have left minorities on the specials and as the polls into the final stages. the n t minority rhetoric has become louder. the indian government has no chronic diseases to l. just heroes jr, unless we're covering the election from outside of the country. felix, you know, are of reports. 23 year old. so jude is worried about raising 6 children by herself. her husband was killed by right when vigilante groups last year, who was abducted from india's western state to for i just done on suspicion of being a coast month left. many such attacks have become increasingly come on under the b j. these governance vigilante groups often linked to it over the local right when groups are accused of attacking and killing country, treat is what most the most names and bullets once known as untouchables. hindus make up, the majority of india is 1400000000 population. consider the call wholly well,
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what's the budget on the bus rung dial? people killed him after they talked to him. they fast took him to pharaoh's pool, but when the cops of the police station been to arrest him, vigilant is took him elsewhere. horrendous things. a pasta lives in fear in the northern altar pradesh indians, most populous state, is governed by the b, g, p. r in the says he's from, he was attacked by a right wing handle crowd last year. he's out on the left of being held under the states and taken version little past in 2020 same you meant what they alleged that i was lowering people to convert to christianity. it's not true. i'm against forced conversions, an insult on cutting a tucker, b, g p. government bound head scarves in schools and colleges. the move lead to a nationally debate and a legal case. in other states,
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homes and businesses have been bulldozed and places of worship set on fire. ex but c, b, g p's, including nationalistic ideology, has led to be deficient. the majority psyche is to be associated by continuously trying to suggest that the gp is the only folder to conformation which can put the role of minorities into place. prime minister and the red drum, or these government has been accused of pushing through discriminatory policies. but what do you insist he's bought? you works for the benefit of everyone. what's going on, we believe and providing free grains, free medical treatments, good housing, subsidized guest cylinders and both a we provide all that to everyone without any discrimination. human rights organizations have one of increased abuses against minorities in india. others blame the b, j piece,
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handle nationalistic ideology in india. risk of becoming one of the world's main generators of instability atrocities and violence because of the massive scale and gravity of the violations and abuses, targeting not exclusively but mainly religious and other minorities. as its 6 week long general election comes to one end. many voters hope the next government focuses more on development and creating jobs. felix new r o g 0 vietnam's parliament has elected security chief to land as the country's new president of the major, major anti corruption campaign force has predisposed that to resign. the land vows to continue the fight against corruption. the site president holds allows the ceremonial role but is one of the country's top 4 political positions. the so called 4 pillars. the opposite of the body chief, the prime minister and the polymer, and speaker for the south african president,
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jacob's whom it has been borrowed from contesting next week selections. but suppose office m k pa the site that doesn't change anything. the confident zoom will still lead the policy to victory. i remember the tests a report from devon jacob's image support to say just because the court blocked him from running for parliament and next 6 elections. it doesn't make him any less of a threat to so that's because governing african national congress, we as a south africa you, you want change. we want into a months. i like you of south africa. we find the industries. they've got nothing to do that to week from and those things jacob zoom is the face of i'm going to is these are which means spirit of the nation co m k. i just widely known and this is his home problems. and let's say, oh my president jacob fema may take some votes away from the v and the positive,
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especially in this problem natal. lima is still very popular. decide that against are up against and zoom. i was forced to quit as president in 2018. he then start out with the amc pa to and his new campaign for m k which was formed in december, asia new um, so now um he still has considerable political clouts, particularly among zeros. so that's because the largest ethnic group and when it comes to corruption, political and the say zoom, i knows how to use those allegations to his advantage. intel, that's because it was in the new government has been accused of some form. of course it is in sound like getting away with you, so that's why people use it. but as you look because they think that is being singled out away from the campaigning. really see when the still fits as water from a communal tap. she was to live in the south africa where people can access decent basic services this it a so for quite some time, even though it's no way they,
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i guess it's vicky. it can find that to zoom up promises to provide better services, free education for disadvantage. children, create jobs and fight corruption. but so is, every other politician consisting next week's general election, hardwood tasa, out of there, devon, the leading candidate, the german, these 5 raj potty has pulled out of campaigning for next month. so you are p and pile them in collections the if these maximilian cry is facing backlash after making controversial comments. he made about the nazis main power military force. in recent months, the alternative to germany has been hit by several scandals that have heard it in the polls. the kind has moved from bill and by stepping down from his policies national executive and agreeing to refrain from any more campaigning. maximilian ca is hoping that the questions which are rising ever higher against him will no longer be pointed at his own policy. but he is the main candidate for the highest
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de tentative for germany in the european elections and is very unlikely and needs to be re elected when those fights cost the straw that broke the camel's back appears to be comments the con gays to tell you in these papers, which said that s s. were criminals, instruments that s, s prime instruments subjugate 1st and then exterminated millions of jews in this country, millions of soviet prisoners of war and of the people who find themselves in not see captivity. the point here is that smelly, depending the leader of the french have, some of them on us are not the said that she was no longer prepared to sit for the i have to in the european parliament because of comments like that. and also remember the policy finds itself in a real problem right now. one of its provincial regional leaders is just being
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found guilty of knowingly using nazi slogans and his campaigning that's been heck up from sewing. yeah. and the policy centrally has been told by a quote that it is still okay for the german equipment to the f. b i to suspect the f d i a is an extreme, is potty dominant cane al jazeera bullen in this place. he's still a head here on the al jazeera, including we hear from the hello sons, co rossi kid, and to find to keep training up to escaping war and gaza and females, full styles and made into bobby dollars. i hated the terrace olympics. that's coming up with peter and sports. the business latest is wrote to you, boy,
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i guess is i live slowly on one of your lives makes more than plates. the business like just is free to you believe i guess is an ice fly on one of your
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makes modern plates. the best stuff is for now his patient. so thank you very much. just a few minutes to go now and so that you wrote for the final is by labor cruise and go in search of po 2 of of possible and beats and travel sense of gathering in dublin, the head of the game against latania inside at the atlanta at the visa stadium, labor cruising the newly crowned german champions, all aiming to lift the 3 trophies in 8 days and make it $52.00 games without the fees. david stakes reports the by 11 cruising a 2 games away from football. in all tablets, the 51 match and beaten run his audience. the 1st ever in this league, a title and the heavy favorites to lift the german cotton on saturday before that vote chevy alonzo. his team must be at the atlanta in the road for the funnel at
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dublin's adieva stadium. we're not being preparing for these moments. so all here is no just to the job. my you always prior to the game was there, ball is rolling. this time for the players, medications performances, the season of the nickname, never lose, and all the more impressive considering that it's so long as i suppose, full season coaching at the top level with a team that were in danger of relegation. when he took over, i learned a lot from, from the players as well, and they teach me a lot of things. practicing is how you showed you learn best on and this year and it's been the last year as well. it's been like it might have been a whole bunch of college it's. it's had been me so much on with good players, normally issue. so you're not this year. we're happy to play us a letter cruise and won this tournament back in 1988 when it was the wife a cup. and it's that 1st you are paying finals since finishing one is up to row
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madrid in the 2002 champions league hoping to know them of tracking dublin boat is another informed team atlanta. they may have lost the culprit. tell me a final to you events this last week, but they now have another shots that claiming the 1st major trophy and 61 year is it the dc monkey modem of a multiple g d, which we played a lot of matches in a positive way. but we still have regrets about what happened against event is that now it's another game, another cup final. it's a new match with a very prestigious trophy on the line. so we've got no excuses, left occasion lost the previous 2 games against atlanta. but given to this one is clear favorite. they know that if they can play this hurdle and the causes louts and in germany, 2nd division stepped between then and then unprecedented invincible travel. david stokes, out to 0. now to a power struggle, a tele and champions into a land where an american investment fund has seized control of the club, into the chinese owners,
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assuming failed to re pay $450000000.00 loan to the us in oak tree soon. and this is the risk stability of the company see things it needs to protect its investments . it means to enter all the 7 city club under american ownership alongside. that's atlanta. ac milan, toyota, and tina roman general and palmer performa into boss claudia of any areas said to retire after stepping down as kelly audi coach by mutual agreements. the 72 year old has managed several top teams in europe. but if that's best known for guiding list associates of the premium e title in 2016, its 8th time grand slam champion and andre agassi will take over the captaincy of team a will that the labor club starting next year in san francisco, the former will number one, a spend time coaching novak junk of age since these 2006 assignment, but now you could be plotting the down full of junk of which is likely to be called of t europe. john mcenroe will continue to leave the will team for one more light,
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pick up the september environment. another side form a will number one grudge of federal it has the same thing the for the game, but not in an obviously competitive environment. although no doubt these children in paris try they lock and taking a few points of the 20 time grand slam. what federal was in town to integrate a new stadium to it's advantage, boston celtics, in the, in the eastern conference finals as the 17 time champions took game one over the indiana pacers. but they have to fight back in the 4th quarter with just have 6 victims remaining. jane and brown type things up thanks to the 3 points to push the game into over time, his hand and his face out of the way a jailer contain nobody's 36 points and i have time to help the cell 6, ready 28133128. when if the celtics reach the final? so pay for receive 18 same the titled the base of 7 series continues in boston with game 2 on thursday. series is far from where we come back and play
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well enough to win again on, on, on thursday. so so not now i'm not trying to prove, prove anything individually. i know the ultimate goal is to try to win the championship, but and most of the time, stage 17 of the jaded atanya has been won by jim needs georg spine. houser. the day is 150. no, i'm kidding me. just age was dominated by climbing and the gym and did it based on this occasion. spine, how's it managed to create a gap between himself and dependence on and never looked back the 22 year old proving too good in the rain on his grand 2 a day before crossing the line in face to face school today. overall, later today, pockets all denied a hattrick of stage wins, but it keeps the lead his pink jersey near the 8 minutes clear of these nearest challenger. and the head of the olympic games mind athletes have been chosen for
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a new range of bobby dogs, highlighting role models in women, schooled among them, french books. so most of the new one, golding, re a spanish kind of try. i think susanna rodriguez, who is the reigning olympic champion from tokyo and 5 time and then pick 10 this med list and venus williams. i mean there's moments in life that you can't even dream about. i never thought that i would be, you know, made as a barbie doll. when i look back on my life, i can't, i literally can't imagine my life without sports and without the game. so i want other young girls to have that invaluable experience of playing a sport and what it teaches you and what you learn and what you take from it. not just that moment for the rest of your life. i have 2 little girls that hey, we're going to 11 of those, tell him that he so much fit in date, posted in karate. yeah, it's late to make a list on the escape from council. after months of war, she now living in egypt with her parents and siblings and is continuing had training,
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an owner of the college who was killed in the war. bumper and gulf of reports. for 18 year old, mais albus tommy karate is more than a marshal out. it's a bond with the home and friends she lost during the war and gaza. and that's not the shamella of our house in north west because it was destroyed. it was boomed in the room. i lost my cousin on my coach captain jim of haiti. may god have mercy on him. a many of my friends in the club who i'm vicious plays. they had a impression on what killed as well. the occupation did not stop anyone, neither old nor young know k is no anyone. mais escaped with have family to egypt west just continuing had training and i've been left to reconnect. then i started karate when i was 7 years old. captain jim i was on neighbor or used to train with him day after day. and karate became a part of me. she says her curts encouragement drove her to success of the mouth. many times as
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a pay went through difficult circumstances. but he was always supportive, encouraging and motivating me in tournaments before i started any much he would be the a karate is helping mace cope with how long you're going to say. what was the electronic, rocky makes me change the negative energy that came to me because of the will. whether it was the things i saw, the destruction that happened to us, or the displacement, or moving from one place to another during the need. mesa is not training with egypt, karate national coach in kyra mesa, and then kind of clears mesa has good potential. she's made great strides and physical training skills and tactics inside palestine. god willing will be able to develop a potential here. she has beautiful capabilities and both for kicks and hand techniques . she has good skills may solve this time assess the difficulties just based will make a champion barbara and grandma,
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i would just say era. but you can find much more on a website. the address for that is l g 0. don't com that. so for me, totally crazy. so this is alvin marie, i'm the mazda. we will be here in just a moment with much more of the days use to stay with us. the team in the gaza strip as is the last continues. there's a deliberate mission of posting and humanity in western media. and it needs to be questioned, sustains coverage that actively humanize as, as readings and actively humanize of palestinians. this is not the time for doing this to kind of wait tracking those stories, examining the journalism and the effect that news coverage can have on democracies everywhere. here, at the listing the best. there's a next generation in the united states. they're not happy with what is happening in
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gaza. they're not happy with the u. s. foreign policy, and that's why they're trying to make their voices heard. the administrators of each university really have a choice to either or escalate and calling police be confrontational, or to actually listen to what their concerns are. city stream of people being arrested, placed in the zip tie and cups and taken away many of the purchases we talked to have said they will continue protesting until their demands are met. in japan, divorce often leads to one parent losing only contact with the children. judges usually grunt sole custody to whoever was last, physically with the child, with a new law set to allow the joint custody one. 0, one east investigates. depends parental abductions on i will just the era in depth analysis of the days headlines. if that was a rough or offensive, where would the people go?
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people have to face again. each one of 1000 people has be displaced at least 2 times frank assessments. this is a mass and blow to free speech and freedom of the press informed opinions. you can be somebody that says i'm one of the hostages, october 7th, and return. and i want to be too late to stop the inside story. on al jazeera, the spain island and norway say they will recognize a palestinian state. israel recalls its ambassadors in protest, the hello i'm mario, minimize the welcome to alger 0 life and also come on the program. the south is


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