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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 22, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm AST

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this is a mass and blow to free speech and freedom of the press informed opinions you can be somebody, this is on one of the hostages, october 7th, and return. and i want the chilly to stop inside story. on al jazeera, the spain island and norway say they will recognize a palestinian state. israel recalls its ambassadors in protest, the hello i'm mario, minimize the welcome to alger 0 life and also on the program. the sound is ready as strikes, continue across, cause at least 24 people have been killed in the past day, including women and children. over the next few weeks,
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i will find on every box of 2 weeks of speculation, the british prime minister wishes to not pulls a general election on the 4th of july and a state funeral in iran to bid farewell to the late president's ibrahim, right? you see an age all those killed in sundays helicopter crash the i'll come to the program. we begin with an unprecedented move by 3 european nations to recognize an independent palestinian state. the story moved by spain away the island is and now the victory on palestine is long johnny, to obtaining full state hood all the european nations of also indicated that willingness to follow suit. but as riley officials outrage by this, they say that will be severe consequences. with a mox, begins our coverage now,
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and more than a century off the island, one its own recognition as an independent state. irish prime minister simon harris, drew explicit power, allows with palestine. our message to the free nations of the world was a plea for international recognition of our independence, emphasizing our distinct national identity, our historical struggle, and our rice to self determination and justice. today we use the same language to support the recognition of palestine as it stays, the israel is minutes, reaction and gaza has killed more than 36000 people and destroyed much of the territories infrastructure. more than 3 decades off to the signing of the quotes designed to strengthen the 2 state solution and negotiated and also noise. current prime minister said recognizing palestine would support a peaceful solution of to so much violence on my sensor. all this,
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the more recognition of palestine will support motor. it forces the retreating in a protracted and cruel, accomplish this as an investment, and the only solution that can bring lasting peace in the middle east. spanish leader petro sanchez's public, be criticized as well for its actions in gaza. the scene he said of a humanitarian catastrophe. he single level. one thing to look to me is that the prime minister netanyahu has no peace project for palestine fight in the territories. how much it was legitimate, unnecessary after the events of october, the 7th. but nothing. yeah, it is good. and so much pain, and so much destruction of so much runcle in augusta. the viability of the 2 state solution is in danger. elementary pools was sustained by a sense of the solution for the still peace process was simple. then you next tuesday, the 28th of may, spring will approve. it's called set of ministers, the recognition of what the state the fall assign the students of incumbents in may just spanish cities say they expect concrete x and above symbolic announcements.
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some of those of us. yes. okay, these are and see what it does. it's no good to recognize that kind of city and state, you continue to send arms to israel and a lot of them at the un recently the united states. so we started an attempt to thomas and state recognition at the and the this move in europe is ultimately political, not practical. it has still elicited a strong response from israel. it's foreign ministry. so that will withdrawal, resent bassett is from all in the know rate as it already did from spain in december and hard write national security minister. it's him up and give it said these decisions ultimately rewarded the actions of a mass on october 7th. and you know, j t, y only the countries that recognize the palestinian state today giving a price to the how much come on those to the mood risk to the abuse and say we will not allow even a date for that. i'm not allowed to publish connection, i think the customers are with seats fund negotiations. the goals are going nowhere
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right now. slots simple like decisions announced at a distance, may make few concrete changes in the lives of civilians. quotes at the center of this conflict, then a month out of data. well, the palestinian of boston to the united nations. we had months or hopes that more european countries will make the same decision. this european way hopefully will be followed by other waves. the support to the state of palestine, its admission to the land. and the recognition is taking momentum of that of what we did in the security council. and what we did in the general assembly. the state of palestine does have to be a full member of state in the united nations, as well as well as find out who they are from reporting from this. so let's go start. all right. to joins us from the jo,
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danny capital oman instead sorry. tell us more about the reaction to this move inside israel, whose role has been absolutely furious about this and fights when the announcement was made earlier today we had from these ready, 5 for a foreign minister of the is the riled cots immediately saying that so that will be rep precautions that he will so summon those and boss it is and he said that more steps will be taken and it will be felt and is wrong. what remained silent and it certainly didn't because we also heard from prime minister benjamin netanyahu. that's a release statement, a later in the day, but just a few hours ago. and then it's, he said that it's a reward for terrorism, and he said that it will not be bringing peace country to what no way had also said earlier in the day. and also said that this evil referring to him, osmond not must not be given
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a country. it will try to repeat the october 7 months ago. he said, and we won't agree to it. he also added uh, that's 80 percent of palestinians. he said in the west bank support outside about 7, but that's irrelevant. but i mean something he's basing it on loosely on a pole, but we know for sure, but people living in a occupied westbank have been living on the occupation of for decades now on subsidies. they would want to see a policy and in states we've been hearing from all the ministers as well. i'm more noted simply, we've also seen that the defense submitted. so i've gone as robust what's known as a disengagement know, which allows and legal is really set to, to return to 3 supplements in the north of the occupied west bank. thank you very much. reporting to us from amman and jordan sort of hire right. what i'll do here is whitehouse correspond, kimberly how could brings us the response now from america and national security
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council spokesperson john kirby speaking on behalf of us presidential by and saying that a it has been known for quite some time that the us present supports a 2 state solution, but what he does and so forth is the recognition of a policy and stage through unilateral recognition, such as has been done through by the recognition of ireland is being norway, recognizing a policy and st, unilaterally. what he prefers is that to be done through direct negotiations by the parties in direct negotiations. what he is also saying is that the us president has for, for all his political career, whether it's been as a president or vice president, even as a senator in the us congress. he has always supported the 2 state solution. but he does not support that. it is done as it has been done and recognized at utah laterally. so this is something that the white house is very uncomfortable
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with and hasn't vocalized it. and so this is something that the white house was a getting saying that they are not happy with. they do not want to see you in a lateral recognition. they want direct to go. she ation between the parties. meanwhile, slovenia, or is one of the countries considering recognizing a palestinian state. gabrielle is on those boat to the countries ambassador to the un in new york, spain, norway in ireland, announcing that they will recognize palestinian statehood and the next country that could follow suit is slovenia. i caught up with their you and ambassador, and this is what he had to say about a possible announcement as soon as next month for the minister travel to the region that extensively to several countries to get the views to get the right impressions . i don't think we are professing now all the information and as for me is to
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set by 13 of june. we will also find the live space internal discussions. so could be fairly soon. why is it so important right now that slovenia potentially recognize palestine as a state and we wanted to our to condition not to be on the our condition, but really to have an effect on the situation on the ground this. i try mr. world now to or the. ready remember a prime ministers encouraging everybody to come on board. um, so we want to create a momentum which was created this morning by 3 countries. you want to continue. that's momentum. i mean that way to help stop lice the, the, the situation on the ground as well as a, create a mentor for 2 state solution, which is now somehow on, on, on the shelf. so this is behind our reflection that we don't just recognize as slovenia, but that we are part of
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a movement that to of how is it out to get more secure and palestine to get finally, their own state as they deserve which slovenia, on the brink of recognizing palestinian statehood. the question is, could it lead to more countries following suit? gabriel is on the, i'll just say here at the united nations new york. when i don't miss out special interview with the civilian foreign ministers. also the european affairs administer for the country. tonya file, and that's on top 2, i'll do 0 on that side today. a 20. so c, g m t, the master's military weighing those edges, video of what it says is the killing of 3 is right. the soldiers operating in the gaza strip on wednesday, the video showed a group of soldiers being targeted by snipers several times. it time took place in
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the north of bay till noon is ready. all need didn't confirm the attack. since october 7th, these riley ministries confirmed the killing of $614.00 soldiers inside cause a meanwhile. and his riley as strike has killed 10 palestinians in the i was a 2 neighborhood in gaza. city moving 20 others were injured. also an overnight strike on central gaza has left at least 10 people dead. the victims were old from one family thing crude, a pregnant women and children. their bodies have been taken to the alex, the hospital. the attack happened and the is a way to area when is right. he strikes targeted buildings. but with sheltering displays, people are just there a $10.00 whole jerry is in central gauze or, and brings us more on that. what's been happening that starting with shots that refugee come for the is really forces have been calling people into a body and into another. and parts of the causal strip to move west. there has been
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a couple of extracts and outside that refugee camp also. and as a, to a neighborhood in the gauze of city where there's, where the forces targeted as civilians group where a 10 policy needs have been at kills and multiple injuries have been also reported . moving to divide you aware of that? is there any forces also targeted palestinians, why they were trying to evacuate from the another in areas to the western areas and to the city you for policy news have been killed. people are not only leading airstrikes but they're also being targeted while they are evacuating. moving to a no fly, there has been a multiple airstrikes in the past couple of hours. and again, people are, are trying to move to the safe zones, but they're currently being targeted in the safe zones of ordered by israel. now are the told story this out, but you can find minnesota has called
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a general election for july, the 4th where she soon acts as his policies and should economics the policy off your cost of living crisis. now it's a move in the person to choose it to decide whether we want to build on the progress we have made or risk going back to square one with no plan and no such on you today. i spoke with his majesty the king to request the dissolution of the king has grown to this request, and we will have a general election on the 4th of july. in case of physician labor policy leaders also have been speaking out kids thomas, as the election is an opportunity for change is time for change. i will offer is to reset both our economy and politics so that they, once again. so the interest of working people, we took the reject the poor review for the comic strength to somehow different from those but the top of the pos for 2 years,
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for all the crises we talked to face sticking with, that's why there was left all country exposed in secure, un, unable to unlock the potential of every community showing how is life for us in london. and so jo, note, why now of the well, i think it was a huge surprise of mary. um, no one in westminster woke up this morning. imagining that this evening, they'd be witnessing scenes in the x l center in london of the conservative party, launching its election campaign to great find fire in front of all of its members and its m fees, richie. so not had another 6 months within which he could have called this election . the smart money was on him doing so in the autumn giving his party enough time to try and rebound from his pretty awful position in the polls post and consistently
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for months. now around about 20 points behind labor, a mid concerns sides. rumors of dissatisfaction with his own leadership within the party and the number of senior tories calling this decision madness. yes, he went ahead and made it 4th of july. is the general election date in this country and the opposition labor policy looking more and more day by day like a government's in waiting needed absolutely no encouragement kits. tom and you heard him that coming out with a big speech at 2 central themes and that speech repeated over and over time for change and stop the chaos. and we're going to be hearing a lot more of that over the next 6 weeks. previously, the next page on behalf of his party to fold essentially to be strong and security ahead of what he described as the most dangerous he is. this country will face off to the cold war ends to restore this country to economic health, but he points to inflation vegas folding announced just this morning as evidence that he's spotty is the only party that will be able to pull this country out. the 3 is of the cost of living crisis,
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the voting the voters will give it. i'd give him another 5 years in downing street . i mean, the opposition labor policy has had its own set of challenges and internal crises hasn't joined up. but the expectation for awhile is now been that kissed on the will be the next point. minnesota yes, as i say for months now, the labor party has been filing a head to the conservative party by an average about 20 points. that is a pretty enormous leads, the hope to think he might have been that had they waited too late to they could have tried to narrow that lead the conservatives of what was said, his stomach, he's not being opened about his policies, is not providing any detail beyond the promise of restoring freakonomics debility to this country. well, uh the decision appears to have bein by the prime minister. that things may not get any better for his party after a very poor showing in local elections in may that the time to go to the for is now
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. he says, there is a plan and the plan is working. the problem is to few brickman see enough evidence of that plan, not just on the economy, but also on migration and also on public services. so the time is now the 4th of july, the general election dates in this country out. thank you very much, john. a home in london. i was, i'll just say our life from dow hosted i had for you main candidates to germany as far as the policy bows out of campaigning, just weeks before european parliamentary elections. we look at the philippines war on drugs and teddy, why the government has under scrutiny despite promises of a non violent crack down the
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and we're off and running with your weather report across europe and africa. let's go. so it's a pretty del forecast across the u. k on thursday then of rain is moving across the northeast, spreading out across scandinavia. this the forecast on thursday. let me show you what's going on on friday. yep. we see it across this region here. this is much needed rain. this area has been parched, hot and dry wildfire alerts and play across parts of last year, including the capital rica and for southern finland as well. now the shower, so can you do little to press down that he should be 18 this time of the year and re good. we've got you in at 26. so the string of hot weather continues. awesome. pretty powerful. storms in germany. that energy now shifting into poland, bringing a fresher fuel. so 21 degrees on thursday, but your temperature shoot straight back up on friday. that weather dropping down through the balkans and as far south as turkey. that's now going to move west east across the country. biggest down ports will be around the black sea coast and for the turkish capital. other end of the mediterranean suns returning. so there's the
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temperature is now starting to go up and we've got some sheets for the top end of africa pushing right across as a how we've set some records for just how hot it's been. and we may see a few showers sneak into cape town on thursday of the. now let me tell you almost suffice. cold results the past of its kind. in west africa, we were surrounded by a wild life. from the moment we entered a coupon. occupied right now able to practice much luck. the now be used only electric very close here. like coming here, sits on within large tears faced with a look in my private now. thanks royal. i can also visit somebody valley equal, restored to me and gone to the
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the a come back. look at the main stories that were following now. and no way island in spain of announce they will recognize an independent palestinian state beginning on the 28th of this month. the is really government is furious and is recalled. it's um basset is from a 3 year pin countries in protest. meanwhile, is riley strikes across cause i have killed at least 24 palestinians in the past day. 10 of the victims were old from one family, including a pregnant women and children. and the u. k. 5 minutes of richie soon acts as a general election is set to take place on july 4th. soon, access is policies and should economic stability. alfred, severe cost of living crisis people living in the occupied westbank say they feel
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encouraged by the wave of support from european countries to recognize an independent palestinian state officers. and it ever had reports on this now from ramallah. it's another day under israel's military occupation. here in the office supplies westbank, the palestinians we've been speaking to tell us, they have more reason to feed a hopeful. now they've been seeing how 3 western european countries are renouncing to recognize palestine as an independent states. but they're also saying that this comes on top of a wave of growth is that have been supporting palestinians in the past few months. they've been seeing also students all across the world. and specifically in the u. s. 73 thing and protesting for palestinians. we've met the palestinian woman whose family is in garza now. she loves her father in the beginning of the world. 5 and she says she feels that his blood didn't go in vain. do i hope that all countries
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in the world to recognize palestine an envelope oregon. so we once would be like the rest of the world to live freely in our own state. israel needs to be put in its place. i hope that more states will recognize palestine. so israel is forced to end its war. the, we're noticing a big change in the way western countries precedes the idea of palestine. it's a positive shift that states are supporting us now. the palestinian presidency has welcome the decision. we've heard p hello, official calling. it's a historic one saying that this comes after series in years of diplomatic work in the international arena. and also in the united nations. they, what we see is unimportant chip, and this 5th will be followed by others. and we will continue to press on until we achieve our in the beginning of
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a rides. solid determination independence to celebrate with the whole award. this achievement, the only achievement for the student people, is under this injustice that has been going on for agents for years. palestinians have been telling us that they felt that they've been left alone, a bound and why the rest of the world. and they hope that this recognition would be one step of a series of steps that will bring them closer towards freedom towards having their own independence. they need that, but he just eat off the occupied westbank, california. and we take you to the ron now where the state funeral has taken place for the president abraham, right? you see in the capital tat wrong? tens of thousands of people gathered up freedom square to pay their respects thousands of fine. guess when the capital as well to pay that condolences are so cited reports now from to for on the morning around the late president,
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tens of thousands of uranium turned out, insulted round to say farewell. i can see about the data. everyone has a duty in the country in his capacity. i am here at the funeral, not just for the president, but i am warning for my country. our beloved president deserves to be on every on. i feel as if i lost a family member, the president abraham vc was popular among conservatives together in and around problems, freedom square to accompany him for the last time you're going to be there. i have to leave for money that the funeral premier at that run university race enjoyed his throne, the backend throughout his entire carrier, my chevy to and off when it was announced that the helicopter was missing, i said something to those happened. i finished a thing as if i lost my balance, but i am said, particularly for our supreme deed this because he has lost his rights hunt,
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the president, the cousins carrying the bodies off the president for the minister and other officials who were killed in a helicopter crash on sunday was transferred to freedom square, but it was not on the uranium who attended the funeral. several fulton guests, including the image of cats, are the for the ministers of egypt, entered the prime ministers of iraq and pakistan. and many more were intent wrong to convey their condolences for the political establishment in the country. it was important to show that one is not isolated from the world and it has plans. so how about the present race? it will be buried in his hometown of my shift on thursday. then defies the morning period will and, and there will be shift and the election campaign to decide who will be his successor. difficulties a has for the government to re establish
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a relationship with a deeply the why the public the presidential election is set for june 28. many believe the guardian costs, or which has the power to approve or disqualify the candidates seeking to run for president will likely veto the ford miss candidates. that's why the election is expected to be a race between because every 2 segers this, instead of houses 0, that on the leading candidates, the germany's far right parties pulled out campaigning for next month's european elections. the f. these next 1000000 cost is facing a backlash office and making controversial comments about the nazis main power. military force. dominic cane has the story now from the german capital biling by stepping down from his policies national executive and agreeing to refrain from any more campaigning. maximilian ca is hoping that the questions which are rising ever higher against him will no longer be pointed at his own policy. but he is the main
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candidate for the highest de tentative for germany in the european elections and is very unlikely and needs to be re elected when those fights cost the straw that broke the camel's back and appears to be comments the caught gaze to tell you the loose papers which says that s s. criminals, instrument that s s prime instruments not subjugated 1st the keys and then exterminated millions of jews in this country, millions of soviet prisoners of war and of the people who find themselves in not see captivity. the point here is that smelly, depending the leader of the french have some of them on us or not. the said that she was no longer prepared to sit for the i have to in the european parliament because of comments like that. and also remember the policy finds itself in a real problem right now. one of its provincial regional leaders is just being
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found guilty of knowingly using nazi slogans and his campaigning. that's been heck it from sewing. yeah. and the policy centrally has been told by a quote that it is still okay for the german, a quote to the f b i to suspect the f d i a is an extreme, is potty dominant cane al jazeera bowen. but in these, from vietnam, the parliament is elected security chief total, i'm is the countries, the president, after a major anti corruption campaign, forced his pre to assess a to resign. mom is about to continue the fight against corruption. state president holds largely ceremonial role, but is one of the country's top for political positions. it's known as the so called for pillows or families of victims of alleged ex additional can cummings onto the former philippine present. rodrigo detach has been testifying before congress for the 1st time, a current ministration advocates a non violent approach to drug trafficking. but human rights activists the same,
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but suspect 2 criminals, a still being killed on or below reports from develops city in the southern philippines. as philippine police presented one of its largest illegal drug seizures in mid april president for the non marcus junior, probably declared that not one person died in the operation. and that's how he's waging his and senior cottage campaign, which had been that a what the calls is that can't be true. she alleges her partner was shot to death by anti drug agents in double city. former president would be good with her. this hometown a year into the marquess presidency from the somewhere of the i was shocked when i got to the morgue and so he had a huge cut across his chest. i thought he was just shot, but one of the children witnessed him getting stabbed as well. nearly 700 of died as a result of the crack down since mark was took office in july 2022 according to researchers at the university of the philippines. a far cry from the thousands killed.


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