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tv   The Listening Post  Al Jazeera  May 22, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm AST

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ended one of its largest illegals drug seizures in mid april president, for dina and marcus junior, proud declared that not one person died in the operation. and that's how he's waging his and senior cottage campaign, which would be not a but the call says that can't be true. she alleges her partner was shot to death by anti drug agents in double city. former president would be good to turn his home town a year into the marquess presidency from the somewhere of the i was shocked when i got to the morgue and so he had a huge cut across his chest. i thought he was just shot. but one of the children witnessed him getting stabbed as well. a nearly 7 hundreds of died as a result of the crack down since mark was took office in july 2022. according to researchers at the university of the philippines far cried from the thousands killed during his predecessors term, but the killings haven't stopped. the. the fact that mr. mark was, has not rescinded. the policies of the drug war or death was laid down by mister
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good benefits is, is uh that needs to be pointed out. this is up against drugs. it's a ward, the mayor of devil city. it was 10 to 30 estimate, clear, intense to keep pursuing in late march. he want those involved in illegal drugs to get out of a city. within a matter of days, 7 drug suspects turned up that human rights group said there was nothing new about the so called war and drugs here in double city. in fact, it became known for the levels that squad, visualize the group. this is twos of executing suspected drug dealers. when former president would be good. the thursday was mirror and independent monitor recorded at least 53 killings in the 1st 12 months of his son's current term. mostly during police rates, police say they were killed jury shoot outs and often repeated defense by authorities. when criticized for killings, presley, i did not. they knew my we don't want our police officers to dine during these
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operations because we need them to protect the majority. but as families of alleged victims of extrajudicial feelings, testified in congress for the 1st time on tuesday, they said police have been slow to provide information on their loved ones cases, leaving that with no recourse but to file a complaint at the international criminal court. barnaby though alger 0, double city, southern philippines, a lot sense now. but i'll be back with another full person for you in about 25 minutes time. i'll see you then listening post as the program coming up next. this is a region that is last week. we develop thing, but it's one also that is afflicted by conflict. police perhaps we try to balance the stories, the good, the bad. i think the people allow us into their lives,
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dignity and democracy. asked me to tell the stories. and we're now 8 months into the war on gosh, and the is really narrative that it will, or rather kate, from us, is unraveling from, with you. plus the coverage of to critically important election. so that's where the state on the news channel is under the gun in india, where artificial intelligence is wreaking havoc on the truth the this past week, this really military intensified. it's a salt on both ends of garza, north and south journalists are saying the bombing in the north is worse than anything they have seen since october 7th. at the outset of this genocide, a war israel said it would destroy a mazda completely the return of its operations in northern godsa, where the israelis had said they had dismantled, come off, is one more assigned,
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that is really, leaders have overestimated the capabilities of their own forces and there was disquiet amongst the generals divisions within the ranks. the defense minister has laid into benjamin netanyahu, saying the prime minister has some decisions to make on a post war plan for glosser. across the board or in egypt, there are signals coming out on state controlled media. outlets that the authorities in cairo are losing patience with the is really government. still, this is a war. the vast majority of his rantings continue to support and the domestic and media coverage that they are seeing as one sided as it is, is a major reason for the, the intensity of what we are now seeing in, gosh, makes it feel like we have entered some kind of times remember this from israel's military spokesman, goofy, i'm the, what's the phone? a don't come, he's good at that station or from us. that was 4 months ago in january. then
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why are the, is bailey's bombings that same area, the north of casa, again, now, because bad dismantling never happened. it was propaganda. israel's lack of a coherent military strategy is now being revealed by us. really officials themselves with a career defined and developing between the defense minister and the prime minister over what happens when this war ends. the prospect of israel taking over garza and restructuring it, meet, fucked off up. and they come on, mr. kenneth pharmacademic. name shots vi eve is what i'll face slightly belts. what are the, you know, i'm gonna said that he was entirely opposed to a military government overdoes up and also to a civilian occupation over gaza, making very, very clear the rift between himself on miss m. yahoo!
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so this is being interpreted as guidelines trying to shed light on the strategic disagreement about the future of the assault me. the growing signs of bonnie's within the is really military 1st surfaced this past week through a series of leaks that appeared to be calling the name of some kind of e mail and a guy swear to come out of what all the best for me. and then your several senior officers criticized benjamin netanyahu for a troubling lack of a post war plan. for gods and what size and color and moment contempt. surely the mamma, the optional world, a color touch web. the generals did not go on the record, but by sticking out anonymous and collectively, they put the lack of a plan for the day after front and center in israel's discussion of the war. when
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war becomes prolonged and there is no clear exit strategy, military generals often will come together and start issuing statements that reflect a lack of confidence and the wave of government has been administrating the war. and so the coordination of generals often signals the fear the military is frustrated with the conduct of the direction of the war. and what's become clear, what the pro long of the war is that there is no clear tactical operational objective or clear exit strategy. since the beginning of the war, we've been hearing similar messages of discomfort that there's no strategic plan or angle from retired military officials. that we're seeing it now coming from serving military officials. and that it's happened in a more coordinated manner. really reflects the growing frustration, you know, for it is not a means by itself it's, it's a means of reacting to or creating different realities. and if you don't know what
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that reality is, then yours sentencing yourself to and was fighting which, you know, unfortunately is the past 100 years of israel palestine, when it comes to his reading media itself. there have been no filters to life now. don't show my children much white horse michelle blame they've made are incredibly consignment tree statements that have implicated somehow in this case the genocide which is role now has to answer for me. you've also had is really media, be very sanitized. i mean, the majority of his radios don't actually realize the she extent of destruction. and yet, and you have numerous opinion polls showing that the majority of israelis support the continuation of this on schools. and where you have those that according to the end of it, it's more to do with the fact that they want that their hostages back rather than the sheer scale of, of, of loss of life that causes are experiencing right now. and will continue to experience this really government will help also detected some ominous signs coming
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out of egypt with which it has had a piece feel invoice. since the camp david agreement in 1978. first, the cc government indicated it would sign up to south africa's genocide case at the international court of justice, which no one saw coming. then there was a call from a prominent egyptian talking here to walk away from the camp david's on the player. and i as we better do more headaches and a mistakenly. but as you won't have to tell him because he thought you would ask what the hell is. and that was followed by an ambiguous morning, 2 objections about him of what may lie, a head in the gaze home for the far, the more i saw that either or as it gets solved, egyptian intelligence agencies maintain
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a firm grip on the countries. media outlets which suggest the change in messaging is coming from the very top. egypt has been very um, you know, very much the same created into what has happened since the 13th of october. 5th is really p on management for the redeem the time when many of the morning products monitoring catastrophe and so now, so to me, to, to see egypt now allowing to sort of criticism of the camp david greene within its own state sponsored media. that is all very indicative that's of every team that's trying to say face the government might be using this media and these anchors as a way to accomplish 3 things. now the 1st is that there is increasing frustration with the needs of some population. but how the government has been treating the situation in gaza signaling and we hear you and we're reflecting your frustration.
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the 2nd is to the american government, is that the diction government today is increasingly on shore of where it says, given that there have been aspects of the camp david agreement that are on the brink of being violated. and so here is signaling to the us. what are you going to do about it? and the 3rd, it's actually signaling to not 10 yahoo, the frustration within the egyptian government. these really have taken for granted that the 2 neighbors that it has peace with egypt and jordan are not big fans from us. and therefore implicitly supported the goal of getting rid of them. but the fact that egypt joined the i c j. k. so i'm genocide should be a shock to be as early as. but i'm not sure that they're prepared to, to even receive warnings on h months. into it's janice side, a war on gosh, israel is growing more i some politically, but also culture with this really versus musicians. filmmakers and publishers
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saying they are being shunned around the world. but rather than provoking a re, a re examination of the stretch, the pressure from the outside seems to be stiffening attitudes in the blame for that will always start with the politicians involved. but the is really mean by letting so much genocide, a language go unchallenged at times, making it their own will never lift this down for you off the phone and show you the lafayette from the media narrative, it is real, is insane. and it's central to public, the thing people think that israel's isolation and the canals isolation is actually gonna put pressure on these really public to end is rain. so what we're seeing on the media is this kind of most saw narrative or sounds and narrative,
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but it's being pushed that i'm sure we are all alone. wonderful. have a home i was looking for will be side picture of it. the actual sure. the middle. okay. and the home with you must be brought to m as in kite. i'm really, i'm really kind of full time with all the same for the hotel surely. so i mean, i get it all. it's more, we had no friends. we always have ourselves to rely on nobody's with us. in the beginning of showing today is a degree in metals. i believe my nice little and again though it's noon. and that actually kind of creates this heart and show from critique in which any critique becomes perceived as part of this. everyone is our enemy. everyone is against us. one of the major themes of this war has been just parallel realities, that different groups of people are living in and is really is, are living in a reality that in which regular guidance almost do not exist. the media is focusing
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exclusively on victim hood and on the american military narrative of, of what's being accomplished without at all, discussing the costs of this i hop out of this mission of the salad phone and that's what it does on it makes them double down which makes it more and more than that's essential if she and it's a little bit of a feedback loop because they're just simply not being given the language to imagine that something can be done differently. that there could be diplomatic solutions, perhaps not killing everybody. is a way of doing things so for africans are voting this month and for the 1st time in 30 years, the ruling african national congress party v a n c may fail to win an absolute majority. the parties response to that seems to include meddling with the national broadcaster, s a b c. mean obviously robbie is here with more b and cesar eyes deposit in 1994 mocked the end of south africa's apartheid data.
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however, it's on the back foot in the selection with crime unemployment. i'm corruption among the issues in a country where ation in the quality the means that the ality. so the party has to internal sondra and it's messaging hocking back to the days of nelson mandela. and the n c's central role in ending apartheid we have restored our pete po's dignity together. one of the key matter to is the n c is buckling is about the formation of a possibly coalition government. it might be forced to put it together. this was an ad put out by the mean opposition group in the democratic alliance or d, image quantity seen between the agencies and the filing f, f. m, as whom of function, and that this quantity shift corruption lives. we only get twist. the ad had some shock value, but the public broadcaster icbc was having none of it. i s a b c s reject the d h a d a said the s a b, c's rejection was the result of an st into fusions. and that story of the amc has
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control and manipulation of the country's largest, broad costa has dominated popular discussion. it was turbo charged by the fact that last month, the head of a c b. c. news which will show my daughter was summoned by the state security agency to take a polygraph test suspiciously close to the election. what many called a pressure tactic, a desperate if the strange to say once in a tight and seems to be subjected to this level of the, to where and see it has a long history of integrating with the a, c, b, c. on the former president jacobs, who might join us what you showed a happy news quote to people over government failures, things would be less and so it is under incumbent presidency. the i'm a pull, so but with the elections disclose the cbc is clearly getting squeezed. thanks me or in the world of politics. optics are everything the way things look can be as important as the way they really are bending. the truth can be part of the job. and artificial intelligence is here to help. the biggest selection process in history
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is currently underway in india and so called a deep fix, highly realistic, entirely fake a are generated videos and audio are everywhere. voters are seeing celebrities endorsing candidates. they never actually endorsed and dead politicians coming back to life, saying, or doing things they never actually said or did aware of the power of perception, political parties, including prime minister and the rent remote is b, j. p. are jumping on this technology, just wave outs. and it's not just india, because this is an election year for more than half of the world's population. and that has analyst warning that generative ai poses a threat to democracy. by listening posts joanna, who's now on technology that enables politicians to not just make fake content that looks real, but provides them with an opening to dismiss real content as fake. what i name is acknowledges me with a for me, but yeah,
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it is. okay. and there's something you will read that you want to make this good us what it started up scientists or us getting imported automotive events on the paintings or the events is not able to do it can be will be very destructive. well, the extent that we can't even imagine vivian dressing jones is known as the indian deep faker is company produces images, videos and audio that look and sound real quick are entirely safe generated through artificial intelligence. for years just don't reserved is a trickery for bollywood swapping the bodies and faces of celebrities for entertainment. but in the lead up to in the general election, he discovered a lucrative, new market politics. we started getting a lot of requests from political parties and with the agencies part of the funds on more than one good request from different parties,
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particular categories are onto the bus and what unethical request. one is to solve the vsoft opening to be done on who so i'm wondering what should it be the old that might impact his image. the 2nd thing is to pull the w screening, also opening the door and making me say something that he has never said that can impact. does it mean what was once hypothetical, all the sites going to have a big impact on elections, off people going to try and use these in various melissa, as context is no longer hypothetical globally, we've seen a huge increase in the amount of defects being used in political context, specifically to try disrupt elect or processes or to spread this information. they all doing and they're doing it at scale and not just in india around the world. dfcs got their start in nor proceed fake non consensual, sexual imagery posted online, but used as a tool to do but mislead, generates evey. i inevitably came crashing into the world of politics. the world's
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biggest ever election is currently on folding in india with nearly a 1000000000 indians registered to vote. political parties including prime minister and a vendor modi's, tech savvy b j. pete, are using all the tools in their arsenal to sway voters, including a deep fakes are used to send personally, is messages to indians even bring deceased politicians back to life. but some sympathetic content is more malicious like fake video of celebrity criticising mode . movie compatibility here we go with dca talkie post celebrate cody, how many do keywords, even part of medical, how many vehicles guide you go? how many, many like the indian authorities are playing catch up, trying to hunt down those behind the viable, deep face, the, by the time they catch them. in most cases, the damage has already been done. or we don't know what the true impact could be
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off of it, and deep fakes and their ability to influence what does it seem to entities. but there was a survey done by a cyber phone calls, mcafee singled with the last 12 months, or was 75 percent of indians had been exposed to the faith content, either by way of audio or video. i think it often works in the interest of political bodies do have degrees owns on what a i does on what the fix to on what misinformation this information and feed me was does so obviously fake re i eat. the manipulation media has been around for a long time, but what's really different about the face and the realism of the outputs that cannot be generated. and the problem is that the takes don't just make things things look real. but it also provides plausible deniability. and the reason that people could use to doubt whether real things, all right, and dismissed them as the fact that problem is known as the liars dividends. the
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benefit that anyone, including politicians, can get from the existence of deep stakes to be able to cast down to reality and dismiss inconvenient facts. it creates a kind of family skepticism or content, including what is real, can be valued. and that's that evidence to pay off for anyone who's out to this, inform me about a lady from boston who told us about odd new done. he has a video and did think that the opening might split that video that renewals or is not. he told me that video is always something i'll what he told me, you won't have to create a detailed videos will be denied if we don't do it. the open 10 of these, i don't know where to solve the face of the same person on the same video, but it shouldn't look like a new thing. so that one's the opening to spread so you'd be able to spread it more than that and you don't read tonight. that is not cool that so do you think we do or so this was very,
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very clear. the politicians in india are generating low quality videos of themselves, so arresting juxtaposed that against potentially authentic video and say, hey, it's on 6. there was a case a couple of months ago, we're in a southern indian politician. said that a lot of his unique audio was fake. and when fact checkers and boost at a specialist in the area went back and examined date. they found that box of the order will fix, but parts of the order will actually go spend it. and i think that's going to be a huge theme going in to 2024, which is an election. you'll find some pleasure folks. this is almost the kind of at a stand ignite, listen, if i say to you, okay, well, you need to know that everything that you not see in here, it could be i generate, it could be fake. but i can't really tell you how to figure out what is real, that needs to either have an impulse. i do think that this is a really tricky moment where awareness of the face is growing and get we don't have
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in place solution approaches, legislative approaches to sort of respond and help people understand back to what they see. as every legislators are struggling to keep pace with the technology last year, the indian government said that it did not intend to regulate ai, 3 months ago, just prior to the election campaign. it changed its mind after a journalist of google's, a software gemini, with a result, moody was a fascist. and the a i both answered yes, gemini justified. it's characterization on the root in parties, quote, new nationalist ideology is collect down on the send and it use of violence against religious minorities, facts, many human rights organizations agree on. but an answer the b j. p co biased and that's one of the many problems with regulating generative a guy who should decide what's the accurate escal and an ethical instead of common
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sense. and who should have the responsibility to decide what content needs to be, fly this faith. and when it is, does responsibility of each and everyone is the responsibility of all the interest that i spend is supposed to be on the big next on the meta they made a. and if that is, once we get the all clear does like us and even though what does it any one thing that is escalating your emotions for the next level, you should stop and think about the appreciate it or not, or what still deeper one go see what the one go see. so if anyone dentist aligning with the frequency of motion, they are not going to fit checks for the ones who believe that they are going to go it's, it's a big issue. and it's very concerning. concerning not just in india, but the world over any year when more than half of the globes population in more than 60 countries is heading to the pools. a i analyst warren, that synthetic content is left on checked, could influence billions of voters and democratic processes. but the problem isn't
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just a i, it's the political context in which this content drives a polarized world in which politicians like to render moody from the flames, subdivision jobs, the somebody that part of the i think when we talk about the i or the physics and we talk about the impact and democratic process is around the world in there is a good example to think hard about what's going on there on the do you have the prime minister in good standing up and singing out a single community and listing population in india identifying them as improved treaters as the eagles potty tacking india and whom do is depicted as gods and goddesses trying to protect that space. what is reflecting is big society conflict, and i think a, i wouldn't add one level of complexity to it, but it would be even mr. foss to not accept the fact that there are other very,
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very deep problems. lee. and finally, last week, the new york times published a story about the coverage of gaza. that was more revealing than the paper probably intended the piece focused on alternative new sites, including alger 0 that are proven popular with younger american audiences these days, including student protest to the article said that all the major news outlets like the new york times and cnn have reported extensively on israel's campaign in gaza. the coverage in the view of student protesters doesn't to sign. i'm not blame to israel for palestinian depths. but in that same article, the time says to algebra journalists have died since the start of the war. died of what cancer? one of those journal this summer i will duck was targeted by and is ready drone not show that is the new york times telling its readers what young americans subject to in its reporting and then doing more of it. we'll see you next time here at the
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listening post. unique perspective. a deep fake image of donald trump with flag folders to try to win over black voters. these aren't real, but the harm is incredibly realized on hud voices. it's our responsibility to make sure that future generations are not lied to connect with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. young americans, in particular, have been extremely critical of the united states as role in the us. the stream on out to the era you will see caught a duty and a growth using for p use a cost to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of on projects except the cost. and we strive to ensure it reaches its deserving recipients, visit the costs on wordpress. and remember,
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to cut purifies wells and increases systems costs on red chris a sort of 10 year journey in which it has become the most important translation award from. i'm into the how to rubik language world wide. shea come out award for translation, and international understanding. announce is the opening of the nomination period for the year 2024, starting march 1st. to may. 31st nominations are made on the award official website, w. w. w dot h t a dot q a forward slash e m. interrogate the narrative. is the u. s. has contains corporate israel affecting his global standard. there's no question about it. the united states is effectively complicit to the genocide challenge. the rhetoric? yes, the correct but so in the international community, can we also say that deals the cornerstone of democracy is having
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a free and open democratic pro upfront without the spain island, norway say they will recognize a palestinian stage. israel recalls its um, bassett, as in protest, the so i'm around demising. well contagious era life from dell on also coming up on the program is really as strong as continue across concepts. at least 24 people have been killed in just the past day. this includes women and children over the next few weeks will find at the british prime minister wishes do not calls a general election for july, the 4th.


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