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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 23, 2024 1:00am-2:01am AST

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across the united states, why are the students protests for palestine being met with military style track down white is by they insist on 0 consequences for israel in its war on gaza. the quizzical look of us politics, the bottom line, the, [000:00:00;00] the hello, i'm sorry i'm and why the welcome to the news out live from dell are coming up in the next 60 minutes. israel recalls it's ambassadors from island, spain, and no way off to 3 european nation save. they will recognize a palestinian state. meanwhile, that these 22 people have been killed and the latest is riley strikes across cause
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most of them women and children present the manual macro on arrives. and you kind of don't, you know, after a week of deadly unrest in the fringe of this, these territory over the next few weeks, i will find out at 345 minutes originally. so not going out to the general election on the 4th of july. the opposition labor policies, calling it a time for change, the welcome to the program and we begin this now with a significant move by 3 european nations, spain, norway island to recognize an independent palestinian state. and now the victory on palestine is a long journey to obtain full statehood. and if father defends israel's isolation, all the european nations of also indicates that willingness to follow suit is ready . government has outraged by this move. they say that will be severe consequences
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will amongst begins, are coverage in more than a century off the island, one its own recognition as an independent state. irish prime minister, simon harris, drew explicit power, allows with palestine. our message to the free nations of the world was a plea for international recognition of our independence, emphasizing our distinct national identity, our historical struggle, and our rights to self determination and justice. today we use the same language to support the recognition of palestine as it stays, the israel is military action, and garza has killed more than 36000 people and destroyed much of the territories infrastructure. bolden, 3 decades off to the signing of the quotes designed to strengthen a 2 state solution and negotiated and also noise. current prime minister said recognizing palestine would support a peaceful solution up to so much violence on my sensor. all publicity in the
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recognition of palestine will support motor. it forces the retreating in a protracted and cruel accomplishment. this is an investment in the only solution that can bring lasting peace in the middle east, spanish vida petro sanchez's publicly criticized as ro for its actions in gaza. the seeing he said, of a humanitarian catastrophe. he single level. one thing to me is that the prime minister netanyahu has no peace project for palestine fighting. that's always good . how massive, legitimate, unnecessary, after the events of october, the 7th. but nothing. yeah. it is good. and so much pain, and so much destruction of so much runcle in augusta that the viability of the 2 state solution is in danger. elementary pools was the same, was sent as a solution for the store. peace process was simple. and next tuesday, the 28th of may, spring will approve. it's called set of ministers, the recognition of the state to follow assign the students and incumbents in may just spanish. cities say they expect concrete x and above symbolic announcements.
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it's one of those of us. yes. okay, these are and see what it does. it's no good to recognize that kind of city and state. you continue to send arms to israel and a lot of them at the un recently the united states. so we started an attempt to try to send in state recognition at the under this move in europe is ultimately political, not practical. it has still elicited a strong response from israel. it's foreign ministry so that we withdrew, as i'm bassett, as from ireland to no wait, as it did from spain in december and hard write national security minister, it's him up and give it said these decisions ultimately rewarded the actions of a mass on october 7th. and you know, j t, y only the countries the recognize the palestinian state today a giving a price to the how much come on those to the mood risk to the abuse and say we will not allow even a day for that to him about the policy and actually, i think the customers are with cease fund negotiations because like going nowhere
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right now. something simple like decisions announced that the distance may make few concrete changes in the lives of civilians. quotes at the center of this conflict in a month, out of data. oh, speaking to us, the wage in 5 minutes to s best boss a said that recognizing policy and statehood is one of the many steps needed to help achieve peace. a, it's a, a so with many pieces, one basis to establish a part of the thing is based on the other one is known as ice, with all the right of it with the arab states. at the and one is a piece, a guarantee for israel and the mobilization oklahoma springs. think about as i know dorothy is the some of these different demos that will change the situation. but this is one piece of the puzzle, and there's one piece that we hold, and we were all ready to say that's the card, the code or lay that piece. now that we are indeed in close contact with several
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countries and some of them are desperately looking into and moving uh like we live in the coming weeks. um, but uh, i am the spokes person so i believe it to them to be planted on homelessness. but there is a lot of attention going on in europe now, and there will be me things that held in brussels. and on sunday and monday i was on the upcoming sunday and monday. and that's where both the t or b and then t r f ministers would meet one of them and will be chatted by me, which is also with the new policy and presidents that i'm lama will stuff up to will present the plan. so then you understand the government that will be meeting a chair by and brings by solo. so that right? yeah. who leaves this, i wrote, wrote by myself with a number of you, of the entire person and the next day that will lead me things with the you. so this are, all of these are all a efforts trying to build a bridge between 9 your and this i read this initiative as well as some of the initiatives that that are under way nobody just most explored with them. so as well . and then norway,
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as an advice against the any commercial relations to anything related to the by territories for instance. so we already have some, and we also have sciences against the starting line and the settlers and, but we have not seen as or tools and bond on planning things for any to be the right way to go. because we want to partnership with both the palestine at the same use on these wireless and we think it through sites centers at requires that we are able to speak to both as well as writing. these have been reacting to the recognition of palestinian statehood with anger. prime minister said the move was rewarding how my acts of terrorism. just reminded top you is that israel has shut down. i was just, there was a oppressions in israel. so we are forcing from the judge any capital online instead. so our hi ross is that his role is furious at this latest development in
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fact, so it's really prime minister benjamin netanyahu said that it's a giving into terrorism or rewards and fights. he said that it will not be bringing any piece, certainly to israel, and also said that this evil in reference to how must must not be given a country. it will try to repeat the october 7 must because not norway said that it took this step because of the current government and because of the prime minister benjamin netanyahu refusing to speak to anyone on the palestinian side and also under his nose allowing to the expansion of illegal settlements in occupied west bank. well, also earlier, the defense minister you, i've got a long roof bust a 2005. this engagement tool, which meant that is rout hot to prevent his writing. settlers from returning back to some of those supplements in occupied westbank. he then allows that today, meaning they could return, but within hours,
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these really come on the chief council dot and said that set this wouldn't be able to return because they couldn't be able to. they wouldn't be able to afford it. rather this just gives you a sense of how angry israel is about all of this. and all of this is happening as the occupation occupied. westbank continues as the war continues in gaza. and as the families of those that have been abducted and taken captive in gauze, or continue their protests against these, right, the government. so the height of all just sarah a man. so let's just take a closer look at where we are in terms of recognition for a pot of st. statehood in 1988 the palestine national council declared its independence that are missing in algeria. that nation was the 1st to officially recognize an independent palestinian state. weeks later had thousands of other countries including much of the, our wells, most of africa,
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asia and several eastern european nations followed suit. the next wave of recognitions came in late 2010 of the 2011 when a host of south american states including argentine of brazil. and should i also recognize palestine on the policy arena, bozza to the united nations has given his reaction to today's developments. we had months or sadie hope the little countries will recognize the state of palestine. this european wave hopefully will be followed by other waves, the support to the state of palestine. its admission to the land and recognition is taking momentum of that of what we did in the security council. and what we did in the general assembly the state to by this time this have to be a full member of state in the united nations. meanwhile, in america's avoiding administration, says that it doesn't agree with the way spain either in
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a new way. reach that decision. a white house correspondent, kimberly how kit has more on the us reaction. seeking is a white house press briefing on wednesday national security advisor jake sullivan said. but the recognition of a palestinian state by ireland, spain and norway is something that the united states cannot support because it has been done unilaterally. each country is entitled to make its own determinations, but the us position on this is clear present in 5 minutes. i just said has been on the record supporting a 2 state solution. he has been equally emphatic on the record that that 2 state solution should be brought about through direct negotiations through the parties. not through unilateral recognition, national security advisers like sullivan also said. the growing lack of support for israel is a concern for the buying administration. that's why the us position will be communicated to us allies in the coming weeks. kimberly helped get al jazeera,
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the white house. earlier this year. molto was also considering a possible recognition of a palestinian state. but shortly off today released the statement saying that it wasn't the right time. the multi is government said it's ready to recognize the state when such recognition can make up positive contribution. one of the circumstances a right. meanwhile, front side, officially recognizing the pilot and city and state is not to do, but any such decision needs to come at the right time. and it's not just a matter of political positioning. and then belgium, which was also expected to join the 3 of the european nations and recognizing palestine said, you can recognize only ones. so when we do it, it needs to come at the right moment when it has an immediate impact. well, the, all the country is lavinia, they could be the next year, a p, a nation to recognize a palestine. gabriel is under, spoke to the countries ambassador to the united nations in new york of spain, norway,
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in ireland denouncing that. they will recognize palestinian statehood and the next country they could follow suit is slovenia. i caught up with their, you and ambassador. and this is what he had to say about a possible announcement as soon as next month. for the minister traveled to the region very extensively to several countries to get the views to get the right impressions. i think we are professing now all the information. and as for me is to set by setting of june. we will also find the lights, these internal discussions. so could be fairly soon. why is it so important right now that slovenia potentially recognized palestine, is the state. and we want to, to our to condition not to be on the our condition, but really to have an effect on the situation on the ground. the so i try mr. world now to all the. ready remember
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a prime ministers encouraging everybody to come on board. um, so we want to create a momentum which was created this morning by 3 countries who want to continue that momentum. i mean, that's the way to help stop lice, the, the, the situation on the ground as well as a creator, momentum for 2 state solution which is now somehow on, on, on the shelf. so this is behind our reflection that we don't just recognize slovenia, but that we are part of a movement that to a how is it all to get more secure and palestine to get finally their own state as they deserve with slovenia on the brink of recognizing palestinian statehood. the question is could it lead to more countries following suit gabriel's on to address here at the united nations new york. is there any forces of killed at least 22 people in gauze or on wednesday? this includes those have been trying to reach in his riley designated so called
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safe. so they would targets around central garza of to being forced to flee from the southern areas and then further north and the all as a 2 neighboring kansas city. 10 palestinians were killed and thousands injured in an asteroid is ready for us as of now killed more than 45000 palestinians, including 15000 children and other who jerry is in central garza with mall starting with a shot that refugee come for the is really forces have been calling people into by the end, in another, in parts of the causal strip to move west. there has been a couple of extracts and outside that refugee camp also and as a to neighborhood in the cause of city where there's where the forces targeted as civilians group where a 10 policy needs have been at kills and multiple injuries have been also reported . moving to divide you aware of that? is there any forces also targeted palestinians was they were trying to evacuate
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from the another in areas to the western areas and to the city for policy and use have been killed and people are not only leading airstrikes, but they're also being targeted while they are evacuating moving to a no fly, there has been a multiple air strikes in the past couple of hours and again, people are, are trying to move to the safe zones, but they're currently being targeted in the safe zones of ordered by israel. well, i'm us as ministry wing is, has add a video of what it says is the killing of 3 is really soldiers, all pricing and gaza. on wednesday, the video showed a group of soldiers being targeted by snipers several times. the time took place and not the north of bait. noon is ready all me didn't confirm the attack since october 7th. the ministry has confirmed the killing of 614 soldiers in gaza
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will have to move in 7 months of war. israel still hasn't achieved it stated goal of ultimately eliminating a mass this month. so fears fighting in giovanni and northern gauze that onto these radios, he went back to areas where he said, how my son re groups the us base new site. but it's a co reports that are new 30 to 45 percent of mass fighters were part of the group before october 7th has been killed. about 65 percent of its tunnels are still intact according to us intelligence. it also, of course, has concerns from us officials that a mouse has been able to recruit thousands of fights as during the war and the secretary of defense, lloyd austin has criticized israel failing to prevent a mass from taking back the areas at once controlled. and he already spoke to william laurence, a professor of international relations america at the american university. and you said that the seems to be some disagreement between the us and israel on the ministry strategy and gaza. right from the beginning. there hasn't been much
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agreement between the us and uh and israel. you may remember that it sent in its commander from the most sol opperation seeing me most or maybe as the most similar recent military operation by the us in which the us managed not to kill a lot of iraqi civilians and purge isis from uh, from a rack and or at least urban areas of a rack and most of a rec and israel is basically didn't take that, that strategy to heart. and while they do have mechanisms to avoid killing civilians didn't implement their own policies either and uh, and ended up killing, you know, at least 16000 civilians by their own admission and probably many more. and so there's a huge disagreement between the us and israel on strategy. now the us, as you probably know, is withholding heavy bonds, withholding intelligence not supporting that alpha operation other way because the us both on the intelligence side and on the military strategy side doesn't to agree
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with israel's approach to defeating him. us, even though the us agrees to some degree in the idea of how much no longer governing guys a, it really believes the strategy is all wrong. mean one and the okay, fine. westbank is rainy settlers of attacked. a village south of the city of novelist. witnesses say they tried to set in the homes of palestinians of blaze in the outskirts of the village. civil defense cruise managed to put out the 5 before it reached any structures set. a lead, violent so significantly surged in the occupied territories since the war began. c the bell, the french presents emanuel mac corners arrived, and you counted donia these meeting with politicians to try and calm the situation . the french of the seas territory off the days of protest against changes to that boasting system. probably defended support as in the indigenous contacts all angry
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at french government plans. 6 people, including 2 police officers, were killed in the unrest. our correspondent wayne hey, joins us live from toronto and you zealand. what is the purpose of my crumbs visit them? what does he want to achieve from his time? and now what i'll do now, it's been a closely guarded secret, really what his plans are in new caledonia. he did make some brief comments when he got off the plane to some french media who were waiting at the airport. he said that they will address the most delicate political questions while using caledonia . and he said at the end of this day, decisions will be taken and announcements will be made. we don't know what those will be. he's going off to meet with political ends at community leaders from new caledonia. it is a bit of a difficult situation for them and it's definitely a gamble. him going to new canada, california at this sensitive time. he couldn't bounce that. the bill to change the electro law will be withdrawn from congress that would immediately take the heat out of the situation. of course,
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he could announce that he's forging ahead with it before the end of june, which is his states and timeline. that would mean no doubt the protests would continue, and he could also land somewhere in the middle, where he announces a delay or a suspension. all the constitutional change which would allow time for more dialogue and the more time to chat the possible. what about the security situation that wayne cause we know that a security forces have been, be stopped deployed by frogs, but there's been a great deal of unrest. 6 people have died. is that concern about how this could affect the french president's visit that? well, i think the security presence around him will be fairly intense. so don't think there's any danger that he's going to be placed and the immediate threats. but there is no doubt that the project is a going to use this as a way to continue to get the message across, perhaps even intensify. over the last few days,
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we have seen things gradually start to slow down as that security presence has increased. but they have said that uh, over the course of the next 12 hours or so while the president is in you caledonia, that they will find themselves more. and some of the places where they have been since the pro to started and indeed sprayed some of the action to some places that they haven't been up until now. and we're already hearing reports that they are blocking some key roads leading out of the capital, new media, so they certainly got to seize on this opportunity to get the message across. thank you very much, wayne. hey, in new zealand to the u. k. now the british climb is reset the 4th of july, the next general election where she soon acts as, as policies of insured, economic stability in the country. officer cost of living crisis. he made this announcement on the same day when official figures showed inflation, it dropped to levels last seen 3 years ago. john hall reports from london, confronting expectations produced prime minister risky. so not because of to go to
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the polls months earlier than expected. in a rain drenched downing street, he called a general election for the 4th of july on earlier today, i spoke with his majesty the king to request the dissolution of the king has grown to this request, and we will have a general election on the 4th of july, the opposition labor party needed no encouragement. they've held a consistent lead in the opinion. polls of some 20 percentage points for months. time now said his stomach for change. but the label is a vote for stability. economic and political politics, the tribes more likely own lives, a vote to stop the chaos or she soon has taken a decision at all with some within his own party who called him madness to go to the country. when you're so far behind in the polls, it seems the prime minister has decided that after a poor showing the local elections and with rooms of dissatisfaction with his
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leadership inside the party, the things are unlikely to get any better. the prime minister insists there is a plan and the plan is working. but many people see too little evidence of that in failing public services and no and to small bud crossings of the channel despite a plan to send the asylum seekers to rwanda. to next promise to keep for it and secure a head of what he describes as the most dangerous he is since the cold war and to restore the economy to health. the prime minister pointed to for the installation as a sign that he's potty is best place to end 3 years of a cost of living crisis. you phone, the voters will give it 5 more years in downing street during the whole elders 0 london. or i spoke with patrick diamond to professor and public policy at queen mary university as london. now he says that this announcement by the prime minister really took the world of politics by surprise. this was not expected of people
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believe that you actually would take place and eat some of this here. so i have no action in the summer before the summer holidays is not something that we want them to take. and so it is fairly surprising and it's a very bold mean by what she said. i mean, labor has been enjoying a very large double digit lead in the polls. so kids darma the opposition either going to the selection, he's in a very good position. he says it's a time for change, but the labor party supposed to see it that way. yes. language. very confident because it's being enjoying inconsistent need in the opinion polls. but it's important thing to remember that like the house of mountains decline because it did very poorly in the last general election in 2019. i think there's also a sneaking feeling them on somebody's as a cult, as the polls may not be right, they do show lead. so i can substance of more than 20 percent. but all those really correct and when the election is k,
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well is need to some narrow away in like this section. so yeah, labor is confident, but i think that's a anything to ground to it. and they certainly don't take for granted. the idea that they could, but a lot of slight majority, i think they're trying to play down expectations and randy gets across the message that there is everything to play for this election campaign. suppose there are some leave of policy, so forth is a feel somewhat alienated from cassandra and perhaps the rest of the party in terms of his position on foreign policy. his approach to what is happening in gaza and perhaps also on the immigration. yes, we did see in the recent local election, some evidence that votes is particularly impulsive. the country, whether it's a high concentration of muscle invites us that we did see some tiring, often that i provided. so there was no doubt that the leadership stones ongoing also does seem to have kind of the impact. although that he's on like testing to
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try is the outcome of the election. 72 does that claim does faith in the song impulse of the u. k. i'm a, the issue of immigration, decimals circle, society, and ball. the conservative government is performed is for around the planned to stop the boat's buying stall, taking that the pull taishan of asylum seekers to around that price is expected to begin in the coming weeks. and no doubt we won't be dividing line in the election campaign. a still ad for you on the program. we look at why the main candidates, the gemini, as far as the default is pulled out campaigning just weeks before european parliamentary elections and 7 n as in k. i'll tell you about the how good to see. welcome to your weather updates. let's talk about these bonds to
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rains. driving it into the south coast. stephanie, i'm are here quite the so came for young gone. you could scoop up to about a 100 millimeters of rain and 24 hours that much rain. that's how it certainly could produce some funding. this is just the start of the monsoon season, disturbs weather for that southeast corner of china. think profits is like one done and food young getting strict wisdom showers, but most of the countries sends out across the yellow river valley. that means young jo, your temperature, 36 degrees on thursday has also been hot for china is capital. but we've now got a weather maker rolling through here that's going to drop down your temperature. a few showers change around the wind, but really basically look at this down to $21.00 on saturdays. so big changes from what you've had as of late. the rain is turning lighter in indonesia, especially across the monitor island. i think we're going to see more in the way of sunshine on thursday. and it's been dr. really for the whole month of may in south australia, including for adelaide. you could see your dry is made on record and we've got
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heats lots steam for w. a few showers though. that's going to drop down your temperatures in the days to come in quite a bit of rain coming for the east cape. so this is a soaking for kids, been on thursday of the brutal motives to take night to the country and k o l g 0 will goes to gammon with political schools in the 1980s. with several bias lessons. there was a big battle coming, a battle in which south humans president was part of a deadly game. i refused to give them my head, give up power the killing of south pm and the politicians during a routine cabinet between 81986 and not to me. 7, assassination on al jazeera, after a 10 year journey in which it has become the most important translation award from i'm into the how to relate the language world wide shaped come out of old for
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translation, and international understanding of dumps is the opening of the nomination period for the year 2024 starting march 1st to may. 30 fast nominations are made on the award official website w w, w dot h t a dot q a forward slash e m the the new the main stories. no way island in spain of an al cell recognize an independent palestinian state. is there any government is were cool that sounds bass. it is from the 3 year pain. countries in protest is writing strikes across kaiser of
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killed at least $22.00 palestinians on wednesday. is there any forces bombed homes and targeted civilians as they wouldn't even shelters? within $35.00 and a half 1000 policies have been killed since the war began. and the french presents emanuel mack chronus arrives in new caledonia, off to the west on rest in force. he is probably defendants of forces, indigenous kinda accent. i agree because of plans to reform the loosing system. i want to talk about palestinian state and now the recognition for its with the for the spanish fellow at the institute for policy studies and also of challenging empire people, governments and the un it defy us power. she joins us from washington. thank you, phyllis, for taking the time and for waiting so patiently. so today we have this for the recognition for palestinian statehood combined with action that we've seen recently for means national criminal court and also a new generation of pro palestine antiviral. for testers,
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in some of the most prestigious institutions of, of learning in the well taken altogether. what could this mean israel as well, i think the 1st point is that it's, we need to keep in mind that this is not going to change the situation facing palestinians on the ground right now in gaza, facing genocide in the west bank, facing an escalation of violence, so that's a very important framework within which we look at this. what's happening though, in terms of all of the things you just mentioned, means an increasing level of isolation of both israel and its backers in the united states. and the escalation of diplomatic support for palestinian rights, and all of that means that is really, is increasingly it is increasingly isolated in the world. uh, it is losing the support that it has had traditionally across political lines in
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the united states. it's now very much a partisan issue very much, a republican party issue support for, for israel, at least on critical support. and we're looking at a situation where spain and norway, of course, are very close us allies, ireland. it has a special place in president biden's heart, and these are now the countries that are turning away from israel and turning towards palestinian rights. it's symbolic at this stage. the possibility of a 2 state solution is they all want to be talking about is not really in the cards . there is no land left for us of a real viable state for palestine because of the expansion of this really settlement in colonies across the west bank and occupied east jerusalem. but at the symbolic level, this is enormously significant in terms of the isolation of israel and for all that it's a prime minister. netanyahu says he will go ahead with an attack on an escalation.
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the attack is already underway, but an escalation of the attack on roster he will be doing so with far less support and far less ability to count on unprecedented levels of us military and diplomatic protection than he ever faced before. so that's a very significant moment that so do you think that it could eventually have an effect on the extent to which america is prepared to give comp lounge to israel and the way it prosecutes this will because as you quite right, you said everything we've seen so far from the ice is the arrest warrants to recognition of palestinian statehood to america's own policy isn't doing anything to end the style of ation and genocide and gaza. and that's absolutely right. and the challenge we say is here in the united states at the moment, which as you recognized is seeing the, the biggest expansion of
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a movement for palestinian rights centered on the university. campuses with these encampments that has, in many cases, been so brutally struck down by local police forces with a great deal of violence. people sent to the hospital with terrible injuries at the same time in a number of those campuses at brown university at evergreen university. at about, i think it's up to about 8 or 10. now, the students have succeeded through the use of their encampments of persuading the administration to at least begin the process of negotiating over major divestment campaigns to pull their massive amounts of money. these are universities with multimillion dollar, in some cases, 1000000000 dollar endowments, where they have traditionally invested in corporations that make a great deal of money through the is really occupation to the is railway system of
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apartheid. and now they are having to negotiate with the students to we move that to pull out those investments. so we are seeing a shift and it's taking place in a moment when we have these uncommitted votes during the primary election season, where somewhere over 600000 primary voters, but huge numbers in many of them in case what we called swing states states that are really, in clay, for the november election, i sent a message to president buying and saying, we can't vote for you with these policies. you must change your policy if you expect to get the vote of young people, of the arab american community of the black community. these are communities he counted on and right now he can't count on those communities. voting for him. even if this is a war and gone that impacts the american election and the democrats were to lose. i said was
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a trump victory could strengthen and reinforce support for israel, so it's not clear how it would necessarily affect the the relationship between washington and tennessee. i think that's right. i think unfortunately, when president binding came into office after making a number of commitments to change the policies, the extreme pro israel policies that trumpet put into place, moving the embassy to jerusalem, shutting down the consulate in east jerusalem, stopping the funding of onerous. many other things president by had promised to change all of those things, but he changed almost none of them. so right now there isn't a huge gap in what the policy would be. i think most of the people who voted uncommitted in these primary elections did so not because they support donald trump in most cases, they are deadly opposed to the former president. but because they cannot bring
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themselves to vote for the president who currently is not only endorsing but enabling a genocide that is going on right now. so the, the key is the movement demand for a cease fire has everything to do with stopping the genocide in gaza. the election is 6 months away, the genocide is going on today. so this is not just about the election itself. it's about using the vote to keep the pressure on an escalate, the pressure on the bottom, the white house to say you have got to stop enabling this genocide stop sending the weapons stop sending the money. that's what's going to do it. that's what's going to stop the is rarely assault on gaza. thank you very much for us. it's always good to talk to you, phyllis penis. so meanwhile the occupied westbank policy means they're saying they feel encouraged by this wave of support from europeans to recognize and independent
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states. and the fmr force from among it's another day under israel's military occupation. here in the occupied the west bank, the palestinians who has been speaking to tell us they have more reason to feed a hopeful. now they've been seeing how 3 western european countries are renouncing to recognize palestine as an independent space. but they're also saying that this comes on top of a wave of roses that have been supporting palestinians in the past few months. they've been seeing also students all across the world. and specifically in the u. s. 73 thing and protesting for palestinians. we've met the palestinian woman whose family is in gauze and now she lost her father in the beginning of the world. 5 and she said she feels that his blood didn't go in vain. i hope that all countries in the world to recognize palestine an envelope oregon. so we want to be like the rest
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of the world to live freely in our own state. israel needs to be put in its place. i hope that more states will recognize palestine. so israel is forced to end its war. the, we're noticing a big change in the way western countries precedes the idea of palestine. it's a positive shift that states are supporting us now, or the palestinian presidency has welcome the decision. we've heard yellow official calling. it's a historic one saying that this comes after series in years of diplomatic work in the international arena. and also in the united nations. they, what we see is unimportant chip, and this 5th will be followed by others. and we will continue to press on until we achieve our in the beginning of a rides. solid determination independence to celebrate with the whole award. this achievement, the only achievement for the student people, is under this injustice that has been going on for ages for years. palestinians
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have been telling us that they felt that they've been left alone, a bound and why the rest of the world. and they hope that this recognition would be one step of a series of steps that will bring them closer towards freedom towards having their own independence. they need that, but he just eat off the occupied westbank, california, the, the state funeral, se iranian, and present. every rice he has been held in tapper on tens of thousands, gathered up freedom square to pay their respects. dozens of fun guests are in the capital as well to offer, to pay the condolences are so said reports from town on the morning, around late presidents, tens of thousands of uranium turned out,
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insulted round to say farewell. i can see about the day that everyone has a duty in the country in his capacity. i am here at the funeral, not just for the president, but i am morning for my country. our beloved president deserves to be on there. i feel as if i lost a family member, the president abraham. gracie was popular among conservatives together in and around problems, freedom square to accompany him for the last time you're going to be there. i have to let the funny, let the funeral premier at this ron university race enjoyed his strongly the backend throughout his entire carrier, my chevy to and off when it was announced that the helicopter was missing. i said something to this happened. i finished the pain as if i lost my balance. but i am said, thought security for our supreme deed this because he has lost his right 10th the
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president. the cousins carrying the bodies of the president for the minister and other officials who were killed in a heavy crop. the crash on sunday was transferred to freedom square, but it was not on the iranians. we attended the funeral. several foreign guests, including the image of cats, are the for the ministers of egypt entered the prime ministers of iraq and pakistan . and many more would entail from to convey the account balances for the political establishment in the country. it was important to show that one is not isolated from the world, and it has france saw a whole lot of them have preservation would be buried in his hometown of my shift on thursday. then defies the morning period will and, and there will be shift and election campaign to decide who will be his successor or 2 long difficult days ahead for the government to re establish a relationship with a deeply the why the public the presidential election is set for june 28. many believe the guardian costs,
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or which has the power to approve or disqualify the candidates seeking to run for president will likely veto the ford miss candidates. that's why the election is expected to be a race between because every 2 segers this instead of houses 0 there on the go to germany. now the leading candidate for the fall right party is pulled out campaigning for next month. so you're a p and parliamentary elections. the f d 's maximillian cross is facing backlash often making controversial comments about the nazi's main permanent tree force. in recent months, the alternative for germany has been hit by a number of scandals that have had the policy in the polls. don't mccain has moved from biling by stepping down from his policies national executive and agreeing to refrain from any more campaigning. maximilian ca is hoping that the questions which are rising ever higher against him will no longer be pointed at his own policy. but he is the main candidate for the if day. attentive to germany in the european
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elections and is very likely indeed to be re elected when those fights cost the straw that broke the camel's back appears to be comments. the car gave to an italian newspaper the weekend in which he said that no full members of adult hitler's s. s. were criminals. as tremendous that groups the s s was the prime instrument, whereby the nazis subjugated persecuted and then exterminated millions of jews in this country, millions of soviet prisoners of war and of the people who find themselves in not see captivity. the point here is that smell had to pay and the leader of the french have some of them on us or not. the said that she was no longer prepared to sit for the i have to in the european parliament because of comments like that. and also remember the policy finds itself in a real problem right now. one of its provincial regional leaders is just being found guilty of knowingly using nazi slogans and his campaigning. that's been heck
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it from sewing. yeah. and the policy centrally has been told by a quote that it is still okay for the german equipment to the f. b i to suspect the f d i've to is an extreme, is potty dominant cane al jazeera bullen. i said for you on the news, i'll tell you the story of how this science karate kid and finds a key training of the escaping war. and garza,
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former south african president, jacob zoom or has been bought from contesting next week's elections. but suppose it is m k policy say that doesn't change anything. that confident zuba will still leave the party to victory. latasha reports now from dublin. jacob's image support to say just because the court blocked him from running for parliament to next week's elections. it doesn't make him any less of a threats to say that because governing african national congress, we as a south africa you, if you want change, we want into a month. i like you of south africa. we find the industries. they've got nothing to do that to week from and those things jacob zoom is the face of. i'm going to is caesar, which means the spirit of the nation co m. k. i just widely known and this is his home problem. and let's say, oh my president jacob fema may take some votes away from the v and the fox is
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supposed to be in this problem. natasha. lima is still very popular. decide that against are up against and zoom. it was forced to quit as president in 2018. he didn't start out with the amc pa to and his new campaign for m k which was formed in december, asia new um, so now um he still has considerable political clouts, particularly among zeros. so that's because the largest ethnic group and when it comes to corruption, political and the said zoom, i knows how to use those allegations to his advantage. intel, that's because it was in the new government has been accused of some form. of course it is in sound like getting away with you, so that's why people use it. but as you look because they think that is being singled out away from the campaigning. really see when the still fits as water from a communal tap. she was to live in the south africa where people can access decent
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basic services. this is so for quite some time, even though it's no way they, i guess it tends to zoom up promises to provide better services, free education for disadvantage. children create jobs and fight corruption, but so is avery, as a politician, consisting next week's general election, hardwood tasa, out of there, devon, in india's appointment as an arranger mode you're speaking of the time and the 6 week election that starts at on the 19th of april, is hindu nationalist party to be j. p swept to victory in 2014 the policies, policies of left minorities, feeling frightened. indian government has no grounds at visas to l. just there is john list, so we are covering the election from outside the country instead. phoenix, neil wire reports now 23 year old said you know, he's worried about raising 6 children by herself. her husband was killed by right
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when vigilante groups last year, who was abducted from india's western state over i just done on suspicion of being acost month left. many such attacks have become increasingly come on under the b. j b's governance vigilante groups often linked to it over the local right wing groups are accused of attacking and killing country. treat is what most the most names and bullets once known as untouchables. hindus will make up. the majority of india is $1.00. be in population. consider the call wholly. well, was there any budget on the bus run down? people killed him after they had talked to him. they fast took him to pharaoh's pool. but when the cups of the police station been to arrest him, vigilantes took him elsewhere. these are in the things a pasta lives in fear. in the northern auto pradesh indians, most popular states is governed by the b g p. i read the says his family was attacked by
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a right wing handle crowd last year. he's out on the left of being held under the states and taken version little past in 2020 same you meant what they alleged that i was lowering people to convert to christianity. it's not true. i'm against forced conversions. an insult on cutting a tucker. the bgp government band head scarves in schools and colleges. the move lead to a nationally debate and a legal case. in other states, homes and businesses have been bulldozed and places of worship set on fire ex but c, b, g p's, including nationalistic ideology, has led to be deficient. the majority psyche is to be associated by continuously trying to suggest that the gp is a only for the conformation which can put the role of minorities into place. prime minister and the red drum,
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or these government has been accused of pushing through discriminatory policies. but what do you insist he's bought? he works for the benefit of everyone. what's going on, we believe and providing free grains free medical treatments, good housing, subsidized guest cylinders and both a. we provide all that to everyone without any discrimination. human rights organizations have one of increased abuses against minorities in india. others blame the b, j piece, handle nationalistic, ideology. india risk of becoming one of the world's main generators of instability atrocities and violence because of the massive scale and gravity of the violations and abuses. targeting but exclusively, but mainly religious and other minorities as its 6 week long general election comes to one end. many voters hope the next government focuses more on development and
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creating jobs. felix new r o. o g 0. am i calling during naples? i just spoke with the managing director of governance now news magazine. kyla, should i do, corey says the obligations of unfairness to men, nor sees a false as i like to begin by saying that in the largest democracy and all these are both saying that people are not allowed to vote on people are not allowed to would basis on the basis of religion is completely unsettling, but, and it is completely devoid of anybody, but they're more than more profoundly sir. i mean, there was a video that surfaced on social media. it's more than reports. so it's thought about the issues of religion. i know somebody is a separately those whose name i have not being featured in the, in the, in the rules. but that does not mean that it is done by the government or it could be, uh, some kind of a glitch. you know, more than 970000000 with us on a historical would be across 7th, across 70 phases. so sometimes you do some technical issues. you'll need to not be there in the bose. but that doesn't mean that everything done specifically on the basis of any cost read or did you, you know,
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and i know many of the times the additional commission of india before the, even the forwarding started has reminded people to go to the website. i checked their name and the name is not that they have to do. do they just stood for that campus and pack the election in any way? however, this does not impact the election in any b. and you know, this all the propaganda done by the fact that, you know, so done. but let me just find out if things are not allowed to, what are the name is for the what does list is completely on, on substantiated because even in the country as, as large and bred in the size of the other 970000000 windows out there actually each isn't responsible for what we should have in order to see that his name is there. i did die. and you say it's propaganda, but the beach ape has been accused of discriminating against muslims and other minorities. so how is it planning on winning back? the trust of these groups during the selection. now at the end of the day, does it propaganda? it is a proper notice rated by the opposition needed, and donald position has come together as the i n d r. a block in india bought
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a st. karate acetate and they sell this, telling me, escaped from casa often months of war. she's now living in egypt. she's continuing her training, an owner of her coach, who was killed in the hall. barbara and golf, her reports a full 18 year old. mais albus tommy karate is more than a marshal out. it's a boat and was a home and friends she lost during the war and gaza. well, the house in north west garza was destroyed. it was boomed in the room. i lost my cousin on my coach captain jim of haiti. may god have mercy on him, a many of my friends in the clubs who i'm vicious plays. they had impatient and were killed as well. the occupation did not stop anyone, neither old nor young know k is no anyone. mais escaped with a family to egypt west just continuing had training and i've been left to connect them. i saw this karate when i was 7 years old. captain jim i was unable or used to train with him day after day, and colossally became
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a part of me. she says her curts encouragements drive her to success of the many times as a pay went through difficult circumstances. he was always supportive, encouraging and motivating me and tournaments before i started any much he would be the a karate is helping mace cope with how long you're going to say. what was the electronic, rocky makes me change the negative energy that came to me because of the will. whether it was the things i saw, the destruction that happened to us, or the displacement, or moving from one place to another during the need. mesa is not training with egypt, karate national coach in kyra mesa, and then kind of clears mesa has good potential. she's made great strides and physical training skills and tactics inside palestine. god willing will be able to develop a potential here. she has beautiful capabilities and both for kicks and hand techniques
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. she has good skills may solve this time assess the difficulties just based will make a champion barbara and grandma, i would just say, well that's it for me for this me is out. but my lean side will be with you in a moment, was more of the day's news stay without you there? as an aide where a car travels to vote on syria saying he's back to health are you will come back. are you a fighter? no, no 5, but not in the eyes of his government. with my citizenship was revoked. i was surprised. and you 3 part series detailing the struggle is a pretty shade waka and the dangerous consequences of citizenship revocation. i'm innocent until proven guilty. statements in syria coming soon on, al jazeera fits the fastest expansion of legalized gambling and us history with sports fights at the center. get on a sports fan anymore unless you're dealing on the game fault lines examines the
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surgeon setting and the impact on those suffering from its addiction. just didn't feel as real as putting actual cash on a table. like again, we've turn this into a nation of visual gamers. i'm definitely not in control. the big gamble on it just so you know, one of the biggest selections of 2020 pools in the general election will administer now render moody's b t p. increase it through the across the country. how will economic consistency and use some employment suede boots as in key states. and will the media be able to come of a freebie unfairly. ongoing coverage in the as an action on out is the area over $27000.00 photographs of dead and tortured civilians. have you seen the photo? so i didn't. the prosecutor ulton did traditional investigation for disappearance, torture and crimes against humanity in the final part of the series, which is 0 follows the fight for justice through the courts. fairly straightforward
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in terms of establishing command responsibility as families and a lawyer space, a terrible deal in the search for the truth. the lost souls of syria, one l, just the era. the, this is earl recalls it some busters from all in spain, and no way off to the 3 european nations say they will recognize that palestinian stays the same size. this is out. is there a 9 from? don't know, also coming up. at least 22 palestinians have been killed in the latest is rarely strikes across garza, most of them,
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women and children. president emanuel maxwell arrives in new caledonia and often


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