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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 23, 2024 2:00am-2:31am AST

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establishing plan responsibility as families and their lawyers face a terrible deal in the search for the truth. the lost souls of syria, one l, just the era. the israel recalls that some busters from orleans, spain, and no way off to the 3 european nations, say they will recognize that palestinian stays the same site. this is alex, is there a 9 from? don't know, also coming up at least 22 palestinians have been killed and the latest is rarely strikes across casa, most of them, women and children. president emmanuel maxwell arrives in new caledonia and often
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weak of deputy unrest in french territory, plus k plus. i'll tell you the hello. welcome to the program. we begin with a significant news by 3 european nation, spain, norway and orland, to recognize an independent palestinian state. it's another victory on palestine long journey to obtain full statehood on it further deepens, israel's installation. now, all the european nations have also indicates that the willingness to follow suits about these rarely government is outrage saying that they will be severe consequences within monks begins, are coverage santa for more than
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a century off the island won its own recognition as an independent state irish prime minister simon harris, drew explicit power, allows with palestine. our message to the free nations of the world was a plea for international recognition of our independence, emphasizing our distinct national identity, our historical struggle, and our rights to self determination and justice. today we use the same language to support the recognition of palestine as it stays. israel's minutes, reaction and gaza has killed more than 36000 people and destroyed much of the territories infrastructure. more than 3 decades off to the signing of a quote designed to strengthen the 2 state solution and negotiated in oslo. nobody's current prime minister said recognizing palestine would support a peaceful solution up to so much violence on my sensor. all publicity in the recognition of palestine will support motor. it forces the retreating in a protracted and cruel accomplishment. this is an investment in the only solution
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that can bring lasting peace in the middle east. spanish lead a petro sanchez's public be criticized as well for its actions in gaza. the seeing he said, of a humanitarian catastrophe. he single level one thing to me is that the prime minister, nathan? yeah. who has not piece project for palestine fighting? that's always good. how massive, legitimate, unnecessary, after the events of october, the 7th. but nothing yahoo is great, and so much pain. and so much destruction of so much runcle and gusta, that the viability of the 2 state solution is in danger. complementary pools was the same, was sent as a solution for the store. the process was simple. the more modification than next tuesday, the 28th of may, the spring will approve its concept of ministers. the recognition with the state of palestine. but students and incumbents in may just spanish cities say they expect concrete x and above the symbolic announcements. so i'm part of it as well as okay, these are empty. what it does is no good to recognize that kind of city and state.
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you continue to send arms to israel and a lot of them at the u. n. recently, the united states are you, we started an attempt to try to send you an state recognition. would that be under this move in europe is ultimately political, no practical. it has still elicited a strong response from israel. it's foreign ministry says it will withdrawal res. i'm passive is from ireland to no wait, as it did from spain in december and hard write national security minister. it's him up and give it said these decisions ultimately rewarded the actions of a mass on october 7th. and you know, j t, y only the countries that recognize the palestinian state today of giving a price to the how much come on those to the mood risk to the abuse. and i'd say we will not allow even an update for that to him. i've talked to published and actually i think customers are with cs fund negotiations with gauze like going nowhere right now. slots simple like decisions announced that the distance may make few concrete changes in the lives of civilians. quotes at the center of this
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conflict, then a month out of data is really neat as have been reacting to the recognition of palestinian statehood with anger. the prime minister said the move was rewarding him us for acts of terrorism, reminded to of years israel has shot down houses. there is operations in israel, which is why we are reporting from outside the country. so hire is in the jordanian capital a month. this is rel, is furious at this latest development in fact, so as right, the prime minister benjamin netanyahu said that it's a giving into terrorism or rewards and fights, he said, but it will not be bringing any piece, certainly to israel. and also i said that this evil in reference to how must must not be given a country. it will try to repeat the october 7 must because not no way said that it took this step because of the current government and because of prime minister
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benjamin netanyahu refusing to speak to anyone on the palestinian side and also. c under his nose, allowing to the expansion of illegal settlements in occupied west bank. well, also earlier, the defense minister, you all have gunk revised a 2005. this engagement tool, which meant that is route how to prevent his writing. settlers from returning back to some of those supplements in occupied westbank. he then allows that today, meaning they could return, but within hours, these really come on, the chief cancelled that and said that set this wouldn't be able to return because they couldn't be able to. they wouldn't be able to afford it. rather this just gives you a sense of how angry israel is about all of this. and all of this is happening as the occupation occupied. westbank continues as the war continues in gaza. and as the families of those that have been abducted and taken captive in gaza,
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continue that protest against the is right. the government. so the height of all just sarah a man. let's take a place to look out the road to palestinian statehood in 1988 the palestine national council declared its independence out of a meeting in algeria. that nation was the 1st to officially recognize an independent palestinian state. we excited thousands of countries including much of the, our wealth, most of africa, asia, and several eastern european nations lead suits. the next wave of recognitions came in late 2010 and early 2011 when a host of south american states, including argentina, brazil, and chile recognized palestine, or the palestinian investor to the united nations. we have months or hope small countries will recognize the state of palestine. this european wave hopefully
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will be followed by other waves, the support to the state of palestine. its admission to the land and recognition is taking momentum of that of what we did in the security council. and what we did in the general assembly, the state to by this time this have to be a full member of state, the united nations. the body and administration says it does not agree with the way spain island in no way reach that decision. whitehouse corresponding committee help, it has more on the us reaction. speaking of the white house press briefing on wednesday national security advisor jake sullivan said, but the recognition of a palestinian state by ireland, spain and norway is something that the united states cannot support because it has been done unilaterally. each country is entitled to make its own determinations,
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but the us position on this is clear present in 5 minutes. i just said has been on the record supporting a 2 state solution. he has been equally emphatic on the record that that 2 state solution should be brought about through direct negotiations through the parties. not through unilateral recognition, national security advisers like sullivan also said. the growing lack of support for israel is a concern for the buying administration. that's why the us position will be communicated to us allies in the coming weeks. kimberly helped get al jazeera, the white house. earlier this year. molto was also considering a possible recognition if the power steering states shortly off to release the statement saying that it wasn't the right time. maltese government said it is ready to recognize a palestinian state when such recognition can make a positive contribution and when the circumstances are right. the mall from said
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officially recognizing the palestinian state is not a top boot, but any such decision must come at the right time and is not just a mess of political positioning. meanwhile, belgium, which was also expected to join the other 3 european nations in recognizing palestine, said, you can recognize only one. so when we do it, it needs to come at the right moment when it has an immediate impact, slovenia, it could be the next european nation to recognize in palestinian states. gabriel, alice, on the i spoke to its investor at the united nations, spain, norway, in ireland. announcing that they will recognize palestinian statehood and the next country that could follow suit is slovenia. i caught up with their, you and ambassador, and this is what he had to say about a possible announcement as soon as next month. uh, 40 minutes to travel to the region that extensively to several countries to get the
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views to get the right impressions. i think we are professing now all the information and as for me is to set by setting of june. we will also finalize this internal discussions. so could be fairly soon. why is it so important right now that slovenia potentially recognize palestine is a state. and we wanted to our to condition not to be on the our condition, but really to have an effect on the situation on the ground this i try mr. world now to or the. ready remember a prime ministers, encouraging everybody to come on board. so we want to create a momentum which was created this morning by 3 countries. you want to continue. that's momentum. i mean that way to help stop the lice, the, the, the situation on the ground as well as a, create a mentor for 2 state solution which is now somehow on, on,
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on the shelf. and so this is behind our reflection that we don't just recognize a slovenia, but that we have part of a movement that to of how easily route to get more secure and palestine to get finally their own state. as they deserve which slovenia on the brink of recognizing palestinian statehood, the question is, could it lead to more countries following suit? gabriel is on the i'll just even at the united nations new york, the columbia has announced that it will open an embassy in the occupied west bank. president gustavo petra ordered the opening for new diplomatic post in this city of ramallah. earlier this month. columbia cut all ties with israel over its one, gaza describing its actions as genocide the
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there's really forces have killed at least 22 people in the gaza strip on wednesday, including people who i've been trying to reach is ready designated. so cool, safe serves. they would targeted around central gaza, off to being forced to flee from southern areas further north in the out they to neighborhood in dallas and city 10 palestinians killed and thousands were injured in an asteroid. israeli forces have now killed over 35700 palestinians, including 15000 children. seems all cordarious in central garza with more on those . the types starting with a top refugee come for the is really forces have been calling people into body and into another. and parts of the causal strip to move west, there has been a couple of extracts and outside that refugee camp. also in as a, to a neighborhood in the gospel city where there's where the forces targeted a civilians group where 10 policy needs have been at kills and multiple injuries
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have been also reported. moving to divide you aware of that? is there any forces also targeted palestinians was they were trying to evacuate from the northern areas to the western areas and to the city for policy and use have been killed and people are not only leading airstrikes, but they're also being targeted while they are evacuating. moving to a no fly, there has been a multiple air strikes in the past couple of hours. and again, people are, are trying to move to the safe zones, but they're currently being targeted in the safe zones of ordered by israel in the occupied. westbank is rarely settlers of attacked, a village south of the city of novelist, witness to say, they tried to set the homes of policy a blaze in the outskirts of the village. civil defense cruise managed to put out the 5 before it reached a new structures that had led balance has mc
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e subs in new york, the pied territories since october. the 7th, also in the occupied westbank is rarely soldiers have sought at out. is there a crew near a hotel in jeanine as all correspond was preparing to go live? one hotel staff member was injured soldiers with 2 off the full size in the main entrance situations and still a head on out as era. sorry, for the next few weeks, i will fight for every votes. british prime minister wishes to knock announces a general election on the 4th of july, the opposition labor parties cooling its time to change on growing mistrust in the democratic congo. often video games fire was showing soldiers, excuse men, accused of being behind a site. the
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1st things 1st, let's roll with your weather updated across the americas. this is not the news i want to give you more rain coming into flight hit parts of southern brazil this rain, not going anywhere, locked into play. it's a $12.00 punch. because watch what happens over the course of the weekend waking up saturday morning. cool air, really slings into place your temperature is well below average parts of lake dre waking up to 70 degrees and even sub 0 for patagonia. so from the start to the day there, let's go back to the here. now the forecast on thursday has rain raped over northern brazil as we'd expect to see it this time of year. we've had quite an active batch of what weather in this central caribbean here. and we see a just rotating around this. so in his spaniel of that eastern side of cuba and for jamaica to states, we go active, whether flaring up here, once again,
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it's possible outbreak of tornadoes anywhere from i'd say, arkansas, tennessee, as we look toward mississippi. now for the great lakes, we've got disturbed weather here. quite soaking range. that's now moving to the us northeast. so it's going to drop down temperatures there. and so that way as we go in improvements in the weather for vancouver, but look at this storm system over the northern plains, billions. their temperature is well below average and still breezy up and down the coast of california. the
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the the you're watching out is there a mind the thought top stories this our no way i live in spain have announced they will recognize an independent palestinian states is where the government has recalled it. some boxes from the 3 european countries and protest is rarely strikes across the golf. i have killed at least $22.00 palm springs. on wednesday it started phones, homes, and talked to the civilians as they left shelters. bolden, 35700 palestinians have been chosen some again
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a french president and manuel my call as arrived in new caledonia. he's mazing politicians to try and calm the situation in the french overseas territory following days of protest against changes to the voting system. pro independent support is an indigenous complex, so angry of french government plans, 6 people, including 2 police offices, have been killed so far in the unrest. a speech all corresponding wayne, hey join slide from to rhonda in new zealand. wayne, it was quite to some decision i believe, by the french president to visit new caledonia hasn't been much reaction to his visit. yes, uh, southern indeed, and not a lot of detail coming out since the announcement of his trip about exactly what it will entail. in fact, one source close to the president quoted by the a p use agency said the whole thing was an improvise ation. so perhaps assignment
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is that even though it's closest to the president, maybe even the president himself were a bit unclear about what this was going to involve. he is meeting with a political lead, isn't the modem, it'll say community leaders in new caledonia about the best way forward before he went to those meetings. when he got off the plane in new me i, he spoke very briefly to some french media. who would, they're saying that his goal is to restore security and come to new caledonia as quickly as possible. and he also said at the end of the day, he's expect that i need to be there for around 12 hours. he said at the end of the day, they will be decisions made and announcements made. now we don't know what those are, of course, but full eyes will be on with that he makes any decision about the electrical loss change to his spot. this recent round approaches, 12 hours, that's an incredibly short trip. took us through what's at stake. well, there's
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a few options here and it is a gamble for the president to even go at this time. so again, it's all about the electrical load change that is supposed to go to congress in france by the end of june. now he could announce that is going to be withdrawn completely, that he will cancel that change to the new caledonia an electrical loss that obviously would be welcomed by the pro independence. a pro chest is who being on the straits and would take the heat out of the situation. but if he did that, he would also have risk upsetting people on the other side of the political divide, the loyal as those who want to remain a french territory. he could land somewhere in the middle of, of this and decide to suspend the electro law for some time to allow some more dialogue to take place. and again, that could also go some way towards resolving the card. and they use all the unrest on the streets of new caledonia. okay, thank you for that wayne. hey, that for us in toronto. now the british prime minister has set the 4th of
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julys, the united kingdom's next general election, where she soon acts as this policy 7 short economics ability off the cost of living crisis. he made the announcement on the same day when official figures showed inflation had dropped to levels last seen 3 years ago. doesn't help which month of the confounding expectations produced prime minister risky. so not because of to go to the polls months earlier than expected in a rain drenched downing street, he called a general election for the 4th of july on earlier today, i spoke with his majesty the king to request the dissolution of the king has grown to this request, and we will have a general election on the 4th of july. the opposition labor party needed no encouragement. they've held a consistent lead in the opinion polls of some 20 percentage points for months time . now said q a stomach for change. but the label is a vote for stability,
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economic and political politics, the tribes more likely own lives. a vote to stop the chaos. or she soon has taken a decision that olds with some within his own party who called it madness to go to the country. when you're so far behind in the polls, it seems the prime minister has decided the doctor of poor showing the local elections. and with rooms of dissatisfaction with his leadership inside the party, the things are unlikely to get any better. the prime minister insists there is a plan and the plan is working. but many people see too little evidence of that in failing public services and know into small bug crossings of the channel despite a plan to send asylum seekers to rwanda. so next promise to keep rick and secure a head of what he describes is the most dangerous he is since the cold war and to restore the economy to health. the prime minister pointed to for the installation
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is assigned that he's potty is best place to end 3 years of a cost of living prices. you phone, the voters will give it 5 more years. in downing street during the whole elder 0 love, the fullness of african president, jacob's do my husband, bob from contesting next week's elections. but supporters of his m k party say that doesn't change anything. they are confident that zoom will still leave the policy to victory. hermits also has this report from devon, jacob's image support to say just because a court blocked him from running for parliament to next week's elections. it doesn't make him any less of a threat to the advocates governing african national congress. we as a south african, you want change, we want into writing, but i like you of south africa. we find the industries they've gotten nothing to to that week from and those things jacob zoom is the face of. i'm going to is these
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are which means spirit of the nation, o m k as his wife now, and this is his home problems. and let's say, oh my president, jacob zoom. i may take some votes away from the v and i the part to essentially in this province was natal fema is still very popular. decide that again for ups in against and zoom, i was forced to quick as president in 2018. he's been out with the amc partridge and his new campaign for m k which was formed in december, asia new um, so now um or he still has considerable political clouts, particularly among zeus. so that's because the largest ethnic group and when it comes to corruption, political, i'm the said zoom and knows how to use those allegations to his advantage in so that she kept us in the building. government has been accused of some form. of course it is in, in sound like getting away with you. so that's why people use it. but as isn't it because they think it is been singled out away from the campaigning. really see
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when the still fits as water from a communal tap. she was to live in the south africa where people can access decent basic services, use it a so for christmas type, even though it's no way they, i'm just taking it kind of under to zoom up promises to provide better services, free education for disadvantage. children create jobs and fight corruption. but so is avery, as a politician, consisting next week's general election hadn't been tasa out of there. devon, the parliament in the democratic republic of congo has elected a new speak. it fits how come a, hey, it's home in the captive, concise show was attacked by government days ago. the armies said it was positive and attempted to. meanwhile, the rights groups of cooper investigation into about they say, could be extra traditional kennings of the attack is by soldiers seen in
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a video circulated online. just a warning to view as they on distressing images in this report from the start, malcolm web is reporting from contessa the democratic republic of congo. so cool to attempt has raised a yet more questions. as more videos circulate online. this one, it pays to show members of the presidential god capturing and then killing man at the one i spoke to him, the congo river. some pods are too strong for us to show. see me a minute. resources told us this is sunday morning the, the president's office, and the count should man the ones who to enter the empty office hours before that they didn't try to hide their operations. they streamed live on facebook. remarkably, nobody stopped them passing through contrast the most secure neighborhood of government buildings and foreign embassies. just
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a couple of blocks away. it's another. well, we don't need been here a few minutes before people came with something to say. often with day of struggling to learn about what the team assembled doesn't have a good word to say about the government. the crew is a masquerade to distract us. it's a lie, we're suffering and stuff. we're warning them. we need a new government the any place that was actually a time on sunday was the home of permanent politician for child commentary is supposed to say it was an assassination. attempt to stop him to coming to speak to apartments or succeeding president felix to security on the city streets. trade didn't stop, not even for a day, or millions of people in consensus struggling to get by tens of millions of communities across the country to live in probity. many of the people here say that i believe was the government saying others say on the stand the politics,
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but they do know that life is guessing. honda. many people complain of economic decline and crumbling services since presidency security was announced, the window of kale taken dispute to the elections in december. he has informed the government be adjusted on what it is if the country is running. an auto pilot is politicians of buying for positions, and the people are struggling daily. that adds to the people's mistrust of the government. anybody could take advantage of the power vacuum showing the political opposition to said the attack may be used to justify a crank down on descent off to the attack. it's the almost edited arrest at about 40 people who were involved. no one can think that the the who did an attempted crew has been nipped in the bon bonded defense and security forces, these foreigners and congress, these people were put out of action including deleted by the army. knew the governments have commented on allegations of that involvement in the attack,
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while the executions some of the people who might be able to explain more about sundays attack and now in jail or dead. malcolm web. how does era kinshasa democratic republic of congo? palestinian toronto a athlete, mais alba, stormy, escaped from casa, often months before. she is now living in egypt on his continuing had training in on a coach who was queued in the whole opera and got a, has a story for 18 year old. mais albus tommy karate is more than a marshal out. it's a bond with the home and friends she lost during the war and gaza. well, the house in north west garza was destroyed. it was boomed in the room. i lost my cousin on my coach captain jamin of haiti. may god have mercy on him. a many of my friends in the club who i'm busy.


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