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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 23, 2024 3:00am-3:30am AST

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as the israel recalls it some best as from on and spain on no way off to the 3 european nations say they will recognize a palestinian state the my money inside this balance. is there a knife and oh, so coming up, no refuge in gaza is rarely forces bowman most going to school sheltering display civilians getting 5 adults and 5 children, the president in monument chrome arrives in new caledonia also. we could definitely on rest and the french of the seas territory over the next few weeks.
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at refund, british prime minister wishes to knock announces a general election on the 4th of july, the opposition labor policies cooling at the times to check the 3 european nations spain, norway, and on and to recognize and independent pilots in states. it's another victory on palestine long journey to obtain full statehood and it further deepens, israel's ice nation. all the european nations of also indicated the willingness to follow suit. but these running government is outrage saying that they will be severe consequences when the monks begins on coverage santa, for like more than a century off the island, one its own recognition as an independent state. irish prime minister simon harris, drew explicit parallels with palestine. our message to the free nations of the
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world was a key for international recognition of our independence, emphasizing our distinct national identity, our historical struggle, and our rice to self determination and justice. today we use the same language to support the recognition of palestine as it stays the hold on israel is minutes, reaction and gaza has killed more than 36000 people in destroyed much of the territories infrastructure rolled in 3 decades off to the signing of the quotes designed to strengthen the 2 state solution and negotiated in also no ways current prime minister said recognizing palestine would support a peaceful solution up to so much violence on my sensor. all publicity in the recognition of palestine will support motor. it forces the retreating in a protracted and cruel accomplishment. this is an investment in the only solution that can bring lasting peace in the middle east. spanish leader petro sanchez's
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publicly criticized as well for its actions in gaza. the seeing he said, of a humanitarian catastrophe. he single level one thing to me is that the prime minister netanyahu has no peace project, the palestine fight in the terrace group. how mazda is legitimate, unnecessary, after the events of october, the 7th. but nothing yahoo is good and so much pain, and so much destruction of so much runcle in augusta that the viability of the 2 state solution is in danger. complimentary pools was this thing was sent as a solution for the store. the process was simple. and next tuesday, the 28th of may, spring will approve its call instead of ministers. the recognition of the state of palestine. but students and incumbents in may just spanish cities say they expect concrete x and above the symbolic announcements about the and okay, these are empty. what it does is no good to recognize the kind of city and state you continue to send arms to israel and a lot of them at the u. n. recently,
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the united states. so we started an attempt to try to send you an state recognition . will it be under this move in europe is ultimately political, no practical. it has still elicited a strong response from israel. it's foreign ministry says it will withdrawal res. i'm pass. it is from all into know rate as ability it did from spain in december and hard write national security minister. it's him up and give it said these decisions ultimately rewarded the actions of a mass on october 7th. and you know, j t, y only the countries did recognize the palestinian state today giving a price to the how much come on those to the mood risk to the abuse and say we will not allow even a date for that. i'm not positive policy and actually i think the customer service and with cease fund negotiations, the goals are going nowhere right now. it's not simple like decisions announced at a distance, may make few concrete changes in the lives of civilians. quotes at the center of this conflict, then a month out of data is role has been cooled. it's investors from our the new way
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and spain, our car. it says it's rarely reaction from the jordanian capital. a mom and a reminder to a view is israel has shut down now does. there is operations in israel, which is why we are reporting from outside the country. israel is furious at the slightest development in fact, so it is right. the prime minister benjamin netanyahu said that it's a giving into terrorism, or rewards and fights. he said that it will not be bringing any piece, certainly to israel. and also i said the, this evil in reference to how must must not be given a country. it will try to repeat the october 7 must because not no way said that it took this step because of the current government and because of the prime minister benjamin netanyahu refusing to speak to anyone on the palestinian side. and also. c under his nose, allowing to the expansion of illegal settlements in occupied west bank. well,
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also earlier, the defense minister you, i've got a long, robust, a 2005. this engagement tool, which meant that is rout hot to prevent is riley settlers from returning back to some of those supplements in occupied where spike. he then allows that today, meaning they could return, but within hours these really come on. she's kind of sold that and said that's set, this wouldn't be able to return because they couldn't be able to, they wouldn't be able to afford it. rather this just gives you a sense of how angry israel is about all of this. and all of this is happening as the occupation occupied westbank continues as the war continues in gaza. and those the families of those that have been abducted and taken captive in gauze, or continue their protests against these, right, the governments. so the height of all, just sarah, i'm on the palestinian and besta to the united nations. we have months or says the
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hope small countries will recognize the state of palestine. in this, you will be an wave, hopefully will be followed by other waves, the support to the state of palestine, its admission to the land. and the recognition is taking momentum of that of what we did in the security concept. and what we did in the general assembly, the state to by this time this have to be a full member of state in the united nations. columbia has announced it will open an embassy in the occupied westbank. president, gustavo petro, i ordered the opening of new diplomatic post in the city of ramallah at this moment, columbia cut all ties with israel, or if it's worn, gaza describing its actions as genocide. a pot of
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sydney is living in the old pod west spying say they feel encouraged by the wave of support from european countries to recognize an independent palestinian state that abraham reports from ramallah. it's another day under israel's military occupation . here in the office supplies west bank, the palestinians we've been speaking to tell us, they have more reason to feed a hopeful. now they've been seeing how 3 western european countries are renouncing to recognize palestine as an independent states. but they're also saying that this comes on top of a wave of growth is that have been supporting palestinians in the past few months. they've been seeing also students all across the world. and specifically in the us demonstrating and protesting for policy me. and we've met the palestinian woman whose family is in garza now. she lost her father in the beginning of the war and. 5 and she said she feels that his blood didn't go and being doing. i hope that all
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countries in the world to recognize palestine an envelope oregon. so we wants to be like the rest of the world to live freely in our own state. israel needs to be put in its place. i hope that more states will recognize palestine. so israel is forced to end its war. the, we're noticing a big change in the way western countries precedes the idea of palestine. it's a positive shift that states are supporting us. now. the product spending and presidency has welcomed that decision. we've heard yellow official calling. it's a historic one saying that this comes after series in years of diplomatic work in the international arena, and also in the united nation. today, what we see is unimportant shift. and this 5th will be followed by others. and we will continue to press on until we achieve our in the beginning of the,
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its self determination, independence to celebrate with a whole award. this achievement, the only achievement for the student people is under this injustice that has been going on for ages for years. palestinians have been telling us that they felt that they've been left alone, a bound and why the rest of the world. and they hope that this recognition would be one step of a series of steps that will bring them closer towards freedom towards having their own independence. they need that, but he just eat off the occupied westbank. tell us quite in the occupied westbank is really stuff lives have attacked a village south of the city, if novelist witness to say they tried to set homes of palestinian plays in the outskirts of feet. village devolved events. greece managed to put out fire before it reached and the structures separately led buttons has significantly search in the occupied territories since of type of december. this will say when the alters
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hard westbank is really so just have sought out. is there a crew near a hotel in jeanine? as all correspondence was preparing to get a knife at one hotel south and that was injured, soldiers withdrew often folders in the main entrance and security, with the joining forces of killed 5 children off to bombing a school. and most in dallas was 55 adults. what was that killed and the striking dozens of people were wounded, rescue workers search the slide is in the rubble with the bad hands. among the dead people who had been trying to reach his writing designated so called safe sides. a sense of stuff for boy in october is really force as of now killed over 35700 times . daniels including $15000.00 children and all cordarious and central garza,
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with more on the attacks. starting with a shots at rescue g. com for the is really forces have been calling people into a body and in another, in parts of the causal strip. to move west, there has been a couple of extracts and outside that refugee camp also and as a to neighborhood in the gauze and city where there's where the forces targeted as civilians group where a 10 policy needs have been at kills and multiple injuries have been also reported moving to divide you aware of that, is there any forces also target to palestinians while they were trying to evacuate from the another in areas to the western areas and to the city for policy and use have been killed. people are not only leading airstrikes but they're also being targeted while they are evacuating. moving to the flood, there has been a multiple airstrikes in the past couple of hours. and again, people are,
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are trying to move to the safe zones, but they're currently being targeted in the safe zones of ordered by israel. how much is military wing has a video of what it says is the killing of 3 is riley soldiers operating in the gulf of strip on wednesday, video showed a group of soldiers being targeted by snipers several times. the attack took place in north of 8th noon is ready all meet. don't confirm the attack. now since october, the 7th is rarely ministry has confirmed the killing of $614.00, so which is in golf. its now off to move in 7 months of war. israel has still not achieved its state. the goal of illuminating him us this month . so fee is fighting in jamalia and northern gaza. that's off to the is rarely all meet. went back to areas where it said home us have regrouped the us space news
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side. let's go reports only 30 to 35 percent of how most sizes were part of the group before the type of 7th have been killed. and about 65 percent of its tunnels all still intact. that's according to us intelligence it will say, reported concerns from us officials at home us has been able to recruit thousands of fights is during the war in while the us actually of defense lloyd austin, has criticize israel for failing to prevent from us from taking that area is it once controlled william laurence, the professor of international relations at american the invest. he says, there's disagreement between the us and israel on the ministry strategy in golfer right from the beginning. there hasn't been much agreement between the us and uh and israel. you may remember that it's sent in its commander from the most sol opperation seeing me most. or maybe it's the most similar recent military operation
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by the us in which the us managed not to kill a lot of iraqi civilians and purge isis from uh, from a rack and or at least urban areas of a rack. and most of a rec, and israel is basically didn't take that, that strategy to heart. and while they do have mechanisms to avoid killing civilians didn't implement their own policies either and uh, and ended up killing, you know, at least 16000 civilians by their own admission and probably many more. and so there's a huge disagreement between the us and israel on strategy. now, the us, as you probably know, is withholding heavy bonds, withholding intelligence not supporting that i for operation other way. because the us both on the intelligence side and on the military strategy side doesn't to agree with israel's approach to defeating him. us, even though the us agrees to some degree in the idea of how much no longer
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governing guys a, it really believes the strategy is all wrong. so head on al jazeera, a state funeral, and a ron to bid farewell to late president abraham re cna, all those killed in sundays helicopter, across the the latest news as it breaks here. that being given basic things. but the main concern is how these people are able to feel that live with detailed coverage hall teeth tooth has been on the heavy ariel from above and for months. now, the residential building here is just been here from around the world, which you will see here. is a catch of muscles, the fisherman used to be able to get these just by going about 20 minutes from here . now we have to go out at least 4 hours in depth analysis of the days headlines. if that was a rougher offensive, where would the people go?
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people have no place to go. each one of 1000 people has to be displaced at least 2 times frank assessments. this is a mass and blow to free speech. and freedom of the press informed opinions you can be somebody, this is on one of the hostages, october 7th, and return. and i want to be too late to stop the inside story on out just sierra the challenges here with the, the, [000:00:00;00]
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the open vacuum watching the out. is there a mine desktops, or is this alex no way arlington, spain have announced they will recognize an independent palestinian state, is where the government has recalled it some past as from the 3 european countries and protest is rarely strikes across golf. i have killed at least 32 palestinians on wednesday. is there any forces? foamed homes, and talks and civilians say left shelter? of the $35700.00 palestinians now and how much does matter to wing? how's that a video of what it says is the killing of 3 is writing soldiers operating in the guns and strict on wednesday. since october, the 7th, the is ready. menissi has confirmed the killing of 614 soldiers in garza. the st. funeral has been held into rome. se rollins,
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late president abraham racy will lead is all in the capital and have been paying the final respects. tens of thousands of radians galvis at freedom square in the capital for pres ceremony. micies buddy will like to be taken to his home city of my shop for burial on thursday, or on his mocking. it's 35 official days of morning or so is that it has this update from freedom square into hong in the morning. tens of thousands of the rooms have been found at wrong. the freedom square for that sound good funeral ceremony that's being held for the late president will be around it. but i embrace it therefore, to administer saying, i mean off blog and they are companions. so most of people here are in black as a sign of morning and i've seen people crying and they are waiting for the president. this is fairly well today or body is just a little that go,
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their bodies were on the vehicles and pay being taken through the freedom square and then he's going to be taking three's hometown mesh and be buried there. there are uh, 4 in guest as well. deborah the, the president, or soon as yeah, the for the minister of egypt. the for the minister and the vice president of turkey. the dependent that the, the prime minister of patches done iraq, the deputy prime minister of india and several other guests to put in guess also attending the funeral. that, of course, is important for the running put to commit stop judgment. to show that your one is not isolated from the world and it has franz. instead of that, i'll just be around that wrong. the president of the origin, tina has been giving a rock star like performance to promote his new book capitalism, socialism, and they need a classical trump. how the malays book comes is origin. tina's economy has flowed
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with construction and manufacturing industries. call this hits. light came into office in december and has since flash public funding and trimmed away tens of thousands of government jobs. we can speak to alan celeste, he's a political economist. he joins this from. you can province in argentina. thank you for your time. so capitalism, socialism, and the new classical trap. what do you make if your president's new book as well? it's, it's basically, i haven't read the book, but from all reports possible that all right, it's a re, gosh, of a lot to the president's a recent speeches and what kind of you to not at the scores that people use too. yeah. there's also the controller see because
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the various apparently is a sports by the photos of some of the works, but she's cited with no attribution. never works, plagiarized. so there's, there's a vision that basically fits his discourse on, uh, the economy is covered by the presence of the states and how the state needs to withdraw from the economy and almost from society in order for me to nominate freedom to charge and how, what do you make of how he has handled the economy since he came to power in december. a lot of his policy, the policy is being implemented are essentially a very radical version of the traditional shop shop
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policy. is that the item that has promoted his daughter today, and that the more all the dots up to resolve, we cannot be thinking have promoted. so there's not really a lot of surprise there. uh, basically very dramatic us spending costs in almost every area of, of government. uh, and also the postponement of a lot of government says government payments to providers and imports and cetera. and so the, the, the fiscal surplus of ease of change. so charles is really kind of a bit of a policy because he's managed to do that by not paid already. it means that the spending cuts in dollars spending the figures very substantial. ready
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the projects on the population we are seeing right now as we speak signature, illness problems, but not least developed to now a very wide spread provincial uprising essentially by police teachers, workers, and many others students now joining in because of the spending cuts and because of the inadequacy of their salary as you see that house and also in other provinces around the country, robins, the mendoza, province to the rest of the country. the traditional system workers have been on strive to 3 weeks. so b, b, y, even though she sort of power square size is a major victory is responsible for truth is that it's causing very widespread hardships. and the rising rates of unemployment is rising rates already
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and the very substantial drop in economic activity we found out today that industry instruct 30 percent compared to last year. the same way construction. commerce is dropped price. it's functional. so we're seeing rising unemployment in both the public sector and the products that okay, so i thank you for your time. i didn't step as political economist that in you can province knowledge. and so, you know, the french president and my new my call has arrived in new caledonia is missing politicians to try and calm the situation in the french overseas territory following days of protest against changes to the voting system. pro independent supports as an indigenous collect. so angry french government plans, 6 people, including 2 police officers, have been killed in the unrest. wayne, hey,
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has mo on mccullin's visit from toronto and using and he is meeting with political leaders at the modem. it'll say community leaders in new caledonia about the best way forward before he went to those meetings. when he got off the plane in new media, he spoke very briefly to some french media. who would they're saying that his goal is to restore security and come to new caledonia as quickly as possible. and he also said at the end of the day, he's expected, i'm going to be the for around 12 hours. he said at the end of the day, they will be decisions made and announcements may know we don't know what those are, of course, but oh, eyes will be on with that he makes any decision about the electrical loss changed to his spot. this recent round of protests now he could announce that is going to be withdrawn completely, that he will cancel that change to the new caledonia and electrical law that obviously would be welcomed by the pro independence pro chest is who being on the
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straits and would take the heat out of the situation, but if he did that, he would also have risk upsetting people on the other side of the political divide, the loyal as those who want to remain a french territory. he could land somewhere in the middle of, of this and decide to suspend the electro law for some time to allow some more dialogue to take place. and again, that could also go some way towards resolving the card and use all the unrest on the streets of new caledonia. after months of speculation that you k prime minister has called a general election so july, the full now is the move in the person to choose it to decide whether we want to build on the progress we have made or risk. going back to square one with no plan and no such audio. today i spoke with his majesty the king to request the dissolution of the king has grown to this request, and we will have
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a general election on the 4th of july. ok, that's it for me. my, the inside of next inside story love said no way on and then stains decision to recognize and independent out of the are off and running with your weather report for science. first for paint the colors on dark red, the hotter it is like a bucket stance. in providence, many spots closing in on 50 degrees. this is pre monsoon heat. it's not going anywhere until those monsoon rains arrive. and look at this, jacob a bad. you could rival your hot it's may day on record, other side of the border and north west end. the same story here as well. let's do punjab states. i'm right. so i think you may hit 50 degrees sometime over the weekend or early next week, and that could be your hottest may day on record. now, here's where the monsoon rains are rolling across them. all these pushing into
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southern india around careless stay dark with the blue and the yellow. the more intense those rains are. we're also seeing it slammed into the west coast. actually long dragged right across the bay of bengal and running across the independent nickel bar islands, finding its way into southern mia and mars. so quite the soaking for young gone as well. let's talk about the weather story in china right now. it disturbs the weather in the south. in the north, we've got heat for the yellow river valleys, younger joe at 36 degrees and some district weather. just moving to the east of japan's main island of hunt. you could brush us with a few showers and it's turning dry across sumatra. island on thursday, so yeah. of the over $27000.00 photographs of dead and tortured civilians. have you seen the photo so and in the prosecutor ulton, did you additional investigation for disappearance? torture and crimes against humanity in the final part of the series,
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which is 0 follows the fight for justice through the courts. fairly straightforward in terms of establishing command responsibility as families and a lawyer space, a terrible deal in the search for the truth. the lost souls of syria without just sierra norway, ireland, and spain announced that they will recognize an independent palestinian states. we live in european nations follow suit. and what does this means to palestine efforts to become a full member of the united nations? this is inside story, the


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