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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 23, 2024 5:00am-5:30am AST

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cd and sally ongoing coverage in the selections on al jazeera, the israel recalls that some basket from arlen, spain, on no way up to 3 european nations, say they will recognize a palestinian state. the money is about, is there a nice and also coming up? no refuge in gaza is riley forces from a mosque school sheltering display civilians getting 5 adults and 5 children. president emmanuel mccomb arrives in new caledonia off to a week of deadly unrest and the french of the seas territory plus over the next few weeks. points on the british prime minister, the russian c not announced
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a general election on the 4th of july. the opposition labor policy is cooling at the time. the 3 european nation spain no way in ireland to all to recognize an independent palestinian state. it is another victory on palestine loan johnny to obtain full statehood and their father defends israel's isolation. another european nations have also indicated the willingness to follow suit for these rarely governments says it's outraged, saying that they will be severe consequences when the monks begin cell coverage. and more than a century off the island want its own recognition as an independent state. irish prime minister simon harris, drew explicit parallels with palestine. our message to the free nations of the
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world was a key for international recognition of our independence, emphasizing our distinct national identity, our historical struggles, and our rights to self determination and justice. today we use the same language to support the recognition of palestine as it stays the hold on israel as military action and gaza has killed more than 36000 people and destroyed much of the territories infrastructure rolled in 3 decades off to the signing of the quotes designed to strengthen the 2 state solution and negotiated in also no ways current prime minister said recognizing palestine would support a peaceful solution up to so much violence on my sensor. all publicity in the recognition of palestine will support motor. it forces the retreating in a protracted and cruel accomplishment. this is an investment in the only solution that can bring lasting peace in the middle east. spanish leader petro sanchez's
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publicly criticized as well for its actions in gaza. the seeing he said, of a humanitarian catastrophe. he single level one thing to me is that the prime minister netanyahu has no peace project, the palestine fight in the terrace group. how mazda is legitimate, unnecessary, after the events of october, the 7th. but nothing yahoo is good and so much pain, and so much destruction of so much runcle in augusta that the viability of the 2 state solution is in danger. complimentary pools was the same, was sent as a solution for the store. the process was simple. and next tuesday, the 28th of may, spring will approve its call instead of ministers, the recognition of the state to fall assign. but students of incumbents in may just spanish cities say they expect concrete x and above the symbolic announcements. some of those of us, yes. okay. these are empty. what it does is no good to recognize that kind of city and state. you continue to send arms to israel and a lot of the un recently the united states. so we started an attempt to try to send
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in state recognition at the under this move in europe is ultimately political, no practical. it has still elicited a strong response from israel. it's foreign ministry says it will withdrawal resign, pass it is from all in the know rate as it already did from spain in december and hard write national security minister it to me up and give it said these decisions ultimately rewarded the actions of a mass on october 7th, and you know, j t y only the countries that recognize the palestinian state today of giving a price to the how much come on those to the mood risk to the abuse. and i'd say we will not allow even a date for that. i'm not allowed to publish the next thing to customer service and with see find negotiations. the goals like going nowhere right now. slots simple like decisions announced at a distance may make few concrete changes in the lives of civilians. quotes at the center of this conflict. then a month out of data,
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israel has re cooled at some buses from are the no way in spain. some of hearts has the, is really reaction from the jordanian capital, amman. and a reminder to a view is israel has jumped down to 0 is operations in israel, which is why we are reporting from outside the country. israel is furious at the slightest development in fact, so it is right, the prime minister benjamin netanyahu said that it's a giving into terrorism, or rewards and fights. he said that it will not be bringing any piece, certainly to israel. and also i said the, this evil in reference to how must must not be given a country. it will try to repeat the october 7 must because not no way said that it took this step because of the current government. and because of the prime minister benjamin netanyahu refusing to speak to anyone on the palestinian side and also. c under his nose, allowing to the expansion of illegal settlements in occupied west bank. well,
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also earlier the defense submitted. so you all have gunk robust, a 2005. this engagement tool, which meant that is rout hot to prevent is riley settlers from returning back to some of those supplements in occupied where spike. he then allows that today, meaning they could return, but within hours these really come on. she's kind of sold that and said that's set, this wouldn't be able to return because they couldn't be able to, they wouldn't be able to afford it. rather this just gives you a sense of how angry israel is about all of this. and all of this is happening as the occupation occupied westbank continues as the war continues in gaza. and those the families of those that have been abducted and taken captive in gauze, or continue their protests against these, right, the governments. so the height of algebra, a man,
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steve palestinian and besta to the noise of nations, re add months or hope small countries will recognize the state of palestine. this european wave hopefully will be followed by other waves, the support to the state to palestine. its admission to the land and the recognition is taking momentum of that of what we did in the security concept. and what we did in the general assembly the state to by this time this have to be a full member of state in the united nations columbia. has announced it will open an embassy in the occupied westbank. president, gustavo petro, i ordered the openings a new diplomatic post in the city of ramallah. earlier this month, columbia caught old ties with israel over as one, gaza. describing is actions is genocide said present if it
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was to send the get president pietro has given the order that we opened the columbia embassy and ramallah. that is, the next step we're going to type is in the book single bustle, key to get a lift gate. it's almost a little bit. we have show that more and more countries are going to recognize the palestine, and this has nothing against is ryan all the people of as ryan or jewish people using the united nations a great in the context of the oslo accords. but a 2 state solution should be created. and so if you need 2 sides, then obviously that requires palestine to be recognized as a states. the israeli forces of killed at least 22 people in the gaza strip on wednesday, including people who had been trying to reach his riley designated safe stones. they would talk to the round, central gauze, the off to being forced to flee from the south. but the noise in the owls they to neighborhood involves the city 10 palestinians were killed and thousands were
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injured in an asteroid. is really forced, as of now killed over $35700.00 palestinians, which includes $15000.00 children and all cordaris and central gaza with more on these rarely attacks. starting with a saw refugee come for the is really forces have been calling people into by the end and another, and parts of the causal strip to move west. there has been a couple of extracts and outside that refugee camp also. and as a, to a neighborhood in the cause of city where there's, where the forces targeted as civilians group where a 10 policy needs have been at kills and multiple injuries have been also reported . moving to divide you aware of that? is there any forces also targeted palestinians was they were trying to evacuate from the another in areas to the western areas and to the city for policy and use have been killed and people are not only leading airstrikes,
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but they're also being targeted while they are evacuating moving to a no fly, there has been a multiple air strikes in the past couple of hours. and again, people are, are trying to move to the safe zones, but they're currently being targeted in the safe zones of ordered by israel is really military has fullest medical self to abandon the out the hospital in north and gauze. it troops besieged the facility and the giovanni, a refugee camp for days, looking ambulances, all access. now they've sent a mass exodus of doctors, nurses and paramedics streaming west on foot seeking safety and shelter. i'm forced to leave the patients behind. out. is there a spoke with one of the doctors? is he made that jenny? a good number to the closest friend that could i do when we were at the hospital. as usual. we never left at all. we never even thought of quitting on our patients
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and the injured people. 4 days ago we were taken by surprise when these really military besieged to hospital women out for them. they would not allow anyone inside. we state to care for the lives of our patients. gun and the bypass automotive, we had 14 patients. we continued to give medical care to them. and then today at 3 o'clock on these really armies forced nearly all of us from the hospital. the patients remained inside with for medical staff and to paramedics to care for them . how do you? all of us have been ordered to leave the hospital. keep walking towards the wisconsin. we are walking till we reach a safe area and to find shelter. we want to reach a safe place at the shelter of the medical staff to remain that out of hospitals since october 7th, until now they never left and now their homes are destroyed and they have nowhere to go outside. and i just need to add that we have sent several appeals to the
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w h o to the red cross. and to our partners with doctors without borders to intervene to protect the patients that when they all promised to intervene and to talk to the occupation forces to prevent targeting the hospitals and the patients and not to target the medical staff. so awesome, but i haven't seen anything done what they've done. they got them and have them. i can go ahead and share it from here, from this street, by appeal to all international organizations and all medical related officials, especially the w h o, calling upon them to intervene, they've got to protect what remains of the hospital patients in the hospital and the medical staff who refused to leave and continue to care for those patients. palestinians living in the occupied westbank say they feel encouraged by the wave of support from european countries to recognize an independent palestinian state. it's abraham reports from ramallah. it's another day under israel's military
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occupation. here in new york supplies westbank, the palestinians we've been speaking to tell us, they have more reason to feed a hopeful. now they've been seeing how 3 western european countries are renouncing to recognize palestine as an independent states. but they're also saying that this comes on top of a wave of protests that have been supporting palestinians in the past few months. they've been seeing also students all across the world. and specifically in the u. s. 73 thing and protesting for palestinians. we've met the palestinian woman whose family is in gauze and now she lost her father in the beginning of the world. 5 and she said she feels that his blood didn't go and being the one. i hope that all countries in the world to recognize palestine an envelope oregon. so we wants to be like the rest of the world to live freely in our own state. israel needs to be put
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in its place. i hope that more states will recognize palestine. so israel is forced to end its war. the, we're noticing a big change in the way western countries precedes the idea of palestine. it's a positive shift that states are supporting us now. the palestinian presidency has welcome the decision. we've heard p hello, official calling. it's a historic one saying that this comes out through series in years of diplomatic work in the international arena. and also in the united nations, they, what we see is unimportant to and this 5th will be followed by others. and we will continue to press on until we achieve our in the beginning of a rides. solid determination independence to celebrate with the whole award. this achievement, the only achievement for the student people, is under this injustice that has been going on for ages for years. palestinians
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have been telling us that they felt that they've been left alone, a bound and why the rest of the world. and they hope this recognition would be one step of a series of steps that will bring them closer towards freedom, towards having their own independence. they need that, but he does eat off the occupied westbank. california still ahead on the out. is there a state funeral in a room to bid farewell to late president abraham, racy and 8? all those killed and sundays. helicopter crafts and a swarm of household tornadoes. devastated pumps for us midway, mid west, state of iowa. the
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were off and running with your weather report. first things 1st for paint the colors on dark, the red, the hotter it is like a bucket stance in providence. many spots closing in on 50 degrees. this is pre monsoon heat. it's not going anywhere until those monsoon rains arrive and look at this, jacob that you could rival your hot. it's may day on record, other side of the border in northwest in the same story here as well. let's do punjab states. i'm right. sorry. i think you may hit 50 degrees sometime over the weekend or early next week, and that could be your hottest may day on record. now, here's where the monsoon rains are rolling across them. all these pushing into southern india around careless stay dark in the blue and the yellow. the more intense those rains are. we're also seeing it slammed into the west coast. actually long coat dragged right across the bay of bengal and running across the independent nickel bar islands, finding its way into southern mat in mars. so quite the soaking for young gone as well. let's talk about the weather story in china right now. it disturbs the
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weather in the south. in the north, we've got heat for the yellow river valleys, younger joe at 36 degrees and some district weather. just moving to the east of japan's main island of honshu could brush us with a few showers and it's turning dry across sumatra island on thursday. see the unique perspective. a deep fake image of donald trump with flood folders to try to win over black voters. these aren't real, but the harm is incredibly realized on hud voices. it's our responsibility to make sure that future generations are not lied to connect with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. young americans in particular have been extremely critical of the united states as role in the us. the stream on out to 0, the, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the torching out is there a mind at the top stories this hour is rarely strikes across because i have killed at least 20 to palestinians on wednesday. is really forces, foamed homes, and tops and civilians said that shelter in the study. 5700 published indians have been killed since the beginning. no way on and in spain have announced they will recognize an independent palestinian state. is there any government has recalled it's in boxes from the 3 european countries and purchased from the spanish is a fellow at the institute for policy studies. she says more countries outstanding
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that back on israel. this is not going to change the situation facing palestinians on the ground right now in gaza facing genocide in the west bank, facing an escalation of violence. so that's a very important framework within which we look at this. what's happening though means an increasing level of isolation of both israel and it's backers in the united states and the escalation of diplomatic support for palestinian rights. and all of that means that is really, is increasing. we get is increasingly isolated in the world. uh, it is losing the support that it has had traditionally across political lines in the united states. it's now very much a partisan issue very much. a republican party issue support for, for israel, at least on critical support. and we're looking at
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a situation where spain and norway, of course, are very close us allies, ireland. it has a special place in president vitamins, heart. and these are now the countries that are turning away from israel and turning towards palestinian rights. it's symbolic at this stage, the possibility of a 2 state solution is they all want to be talking about is not really in the cards . there is no land left for us of a real viable state for palestine because of the expansion of this really settlement in colonies across the west bank and occupied east jerusalem. but at the symbolic level, this is enormously significant in terms of the isolation of israel, the french president and my new my calls as secure as the reinforcements will stay in new caledonia as long as necessary. he's been meeting with the local lead as best to try to calm the situation in the french overseas territory on the days of protest against changes to the virtual system. the par,
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just as fear that the electoral reform will don. you the votes, if in indigenous connex, 6 people including 2 police officers, have been killed in the unrest as one of the you might wish, along with the ministers in the entire government is to stand with the people so that we can return to face to come in safety as quickly as possible. this is a top priority. i would like to thank the high commission of the security forces, the elected representatives, along with the return to come in safety is obviously the return to no mallet to supplies and food. because i know that many people are suffering today from a huge crisis. some of the fellow people are sick of us, have great difficulty stadium themselves before this is the priorities i of the supposed have to speak to a correspond to wayne. hey, he's the only person to rhonda in new zealand. so wayne, uh, so the, the problem is the talking in the last couple of hours. what else is as even saying
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and all we expecting, any major announcements? yes. for the president to manual make role when to meet with political and business leaders in new caledonia. he's doing that as we speak. he's got a long list of meetings that he is holding before he went into those behind close to meetings. he did make a few more comments. and perhaps the most interesting was the one that you reference before about the security personnel, some 3000 security personnel in new caledonia to try to do with the situation. many of them coming from from us, saying that they will remain there for as long as it takes, including possibly through the olympic games, which our course change your to be held in paris beginning on july the 26th. so clearly the french government, concerned about the situation and you cut caledonia that it could drag on. and the last thing, of course, it wants is international headlines during its hosting. all the elliptic games about unrest on the streets of
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a french territory. as far as the announcements and decisions go, he did say they will be some, at the end of this very short visit to the new caledonia and capital mia. it's just a question of whether or not any sort of announcements or decisions will go far enough to satisfy the protest as well. what is it that the protest as want to see out of this visit as well? i think it's fair to say, 1st of all, that there was a great deal of skepticism even before the president touch down early on thursday in new caledonia. but when the visit was announced, for example, we saw a post on social media from one of the leaders all the contacts. so she was national liberation from one of the key independent scripts. he said he comes to 5 and the he said the fire. so a lot of skepticism about this trip and what exactly it could entail. they want this changed to the constitution related to the electro laws in new caledonia to be
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thrown out or at the very least suspended. it's due to god before congress authority passed through parliament due to go to congress to be ratified, basically by the end of june. so it's possible we could see a manual macro announced that he's going to suspend it for unlikely, but he could announce that it's going to be thrown out altogether. while he's in these meetings with the political leaders and business leaders from what we're seeing and hearing the overwhelming majority, all of them will be telling the president that for the sake of the security situation, he really needs to suspend that constitutional change. and wayne, the situation i knew caledonia has led to a lot of tours leaving the country. is that still the case? so evacuation slide still happening, or have things come down a little bit? yes. well, this many tourists were stranded there because pretty much soon after the purchase began last week, the international airport in new may
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a close to commercial flights. it is still closed and will remain so until at least half a day. so the new zealand and australia and governments in particular, were very keen to get military across into new caledonia to evacuate the citizens who wanted to return home. it took them a long time to get permission to do that, the managed to get a handful of flights in the there are still many people who are strained to the new caledonia of both the new zealand and australia and governments requested permission to land the rec, project again in new me uh, on thursday. those requests were denied by the french authorities because of the president's visit to new caledonia. so that's being met with prostration by many of those people who were stranded the and the new zealand ministry of foreign affairs . and the statement said that they cover those frustrations. okay, thank you to that wayne hey, by pressing her on that and using and taiwan has mobilized it's forces onto china. launched 2 days of ministry, x sizes,
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chinese state television released this map of drills being held around the island that taking place. days off at la chang tay was integrated as president. china has ramped up drills since is election when in january asian claims the self governing island as its own territory. the state funeral for a rainy and president abraham racy, has been held in temper on tens of thousands gathered at freedom square to pay that respects the sole source of husband this morning. around the late president, tens of thousands of uranium turned out, insulted round to say farewell, i can see about the data. everyone has a duty in the country in his capacity. i am here at the funeral, not just for the president, but i am morning for my country. our beloved president deserve to be on there. i feel as if i lost a family member,
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the president abraham. gracie was popular among conservatives together in and around problems. freedom square to accompany him for the last time. you're going to be there, i have to leave for money. let the funeral premier at that ron university race enjoyed his strong the backend throughout his entire carrier, my chevy to and off when it was announced that the helicopter was missing, i said something to those happened. i filled the pain as if i lost my balance. but i am said, thought security for our supreme deed, the because he has lost his icons, the president the cousins carrying the bodies of the president for the minister and other officials who were killed in a helicopter crash on sunday with transferred to freedom square. but it was not on the iranians. we attended the funeral. several fulton guest, including the image of cuts,
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are for the ministers of egypt and took the prime ministers of iraq and pakistan. and many more were intent wrong to convey their condolences for the political establishment in the country. it was important to show that one is not isolated from the world, and it has france saw how about them present race. it will be buried in his hometown of my shift on thursday. then defies the morning period will and, and there will be shift and the election campaign to decide who will be his successor. all the difficulties i had for the go meant to re establish a relationship with a deeply divide the public. the presidential election is set for june 28. many believe the guardian costs, or which has the power to approve or disqualify the candidates seeking to run for president will likely veto the report miss candidates. that's why the election is expected to be a race between because every 2 figures this, instead of ultra 0,
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there on the british prime minister has set the 4th of july for the united kingdom's next general election, which you see and access is policies have in short economic stability of the cost of living crisis maybe announcement on the same day when official figures showed inflation had dropped to levels last seen 3 years ago. john, how has this report from london confounding expectations produced? prime minister risk assume not because of to go to the polls months earlier than expected in a rain drenched downing street, he called a general election for the 4th of july. earlier today, i spoke with his majesty the king to request the destination of the king has grown to this request, and we will have a general election on the 4th of july. the opposition labor party needed no encouragement. they've held a consistent lead in the opinion polls of some 20 percentage points for months time . now said q a stomach for change. but the label is
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a vote for stability. economic and political politics, the tribes more likely own lives, a vote to stop the chaos or she soon has taken a decision at all with some within his own party who called him madness to go to the country. when you're so far behind in the polls, it seems the prime minister has decided that after a poor showing the local elections and with room is a dissatisfaction with his leadership inside the party. the things are unlikely to get any better. the prime minister insists there is a plan and the plan is working. but many people see too little evidence of that in failing public services and no into small bud crossings of the channel despite a plan to send asylum seekers to rwanda. so next promise to keep for it and secure a head of what he describes as the most dangerous he is since the cold war and to


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