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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 23, 2024 11:00am-11:31am AST

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the the . ringback the jobs are few remaining hospitals under pressure doctors and patients are being forced to leave now after is really troops storm the medical facilities. the you're watching all to 0 life from the headquarters, intel fine getting navigate to also coming up in gaza. city is really are strikes, hit a mosque, and the school chilling 5 adults and 5 children funerals take place for
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iran, as president on, for administered, killed and a helicopter across on sunday will be live in the capital said wrong. on punishment . drills, try know, holds military exercises just days after taiwan swears in a new leader. hello, the world health organization has issued an urgent appeal to is really forces after the storming of the, in the hospital, in northern gauze. to address give, russo says a 140 medical staff patients and their friends and relatives were inside that facility when it was rated. the hospital is located in the giovanni a refugee come. the w h o is calling for the protection of patients and health care workers inside the hospital and safe passage for their evacuation. during its war on gaza is where the army has repeatedly targeted hospitals in violation of
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international humanitarian law backgrounds from special protection. that was, is there a spoke to one of the doctors as he left the hospital, the hispanic, i do when we were at the hospital as usual and we never left at all. we never even thought of quitting on our patients and the injured people. 4 days ago, we were taken by surprise when these really military besieged the hospital and went out for them. they would not allow any one inside. we stayed to care for the lives of our patients, gun and the bypass all the money. if we had 14 patients, we continued to give medical care to you all. then today at 3 o'clock on these really armies forced nearly all of us from the hospital. the patients remained inside with for medical staff and to paramedics to care for them. all of us have been ordered to leave the hospital. keep walking towards the watch because we are walking to we reach a safe area and to find shelter. we want to reach
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a safe place at the shelter of the medical staff to remain that out of hospitals since october 7th, until now they never left and now their homes are destroyed and they have nowhere to go outside and just need to add this that we have sent several appeals to the w h o to the red cross, into our partners with doctors without borders to intervene to protect the patients . if it, when they all promised to intervene and to talk to the occupation forces to prevent targeting the hospital patients and not to target the medical staff. so awesome, but i haven't seen anything done. what's made up in a month to pick up them and have them. i can go ahead and share it from here, from this street, by appeal to all international organizations and all medical related officials, especially the w h l. i'm calling upon them to intervene and they've got to protect what remains of the hospital patients in the hospital and the medical staff who
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refused to leave and continue to care for those patients here. and i told her about zoom is joining us from dayton by the hand. central garza. so what we can hear there from the doctor thought is obviously a lot of pressure on these hospitals as their lead seats to buy is really forces over and over again. what are you hearing about the situation right now as a lot of the hospital will during playstation materials, in fact, come out at one and a lot of the hospitals are fully equipped to ensure shorted as tough tossed short stuff to hospitals because they are completely were struggling in terms of free times of the conflict. but right now there is more growing in the news. medical pressure on medical teams on the ground to keep a rating in light of the on for us it. and it's kind of a low defense even casualties among civilians in the notes of the gaza strip. and now the situation is complicated and compounded with notable difficulty in light of the new military expansion of the fighting
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a new military ration in the valley. a refugee camp now, as we've been hearing from the medical teams on the hospital, they have been saying that they were forced to leave the hospital after the is ready offices. and these are the ministry, so just to inform them to no longer remain in that area. because it's will completely be a part of the ongoing military activities areas for the as many um, we know they have been st besieging the hospital for days now forcing them to sleep . but they are still a num, 12 metix inside. they submitted some facility to operate using and refuse to flee until they can allow for them to bring function in says in order to complete the people who are in a very desperate need for medical assistance in order to be transferred to a new place that could be suitable for receiving medical treatment on that string just to be real dilemma. and the realistic of the palestinian medical sector is facing is that the vast majority of hospitals now become out of service. this means there's a full medical collapse in the entire another part of districts and now come on at
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one hospital has been previously hit with cube artillery shows, forcing its medical stuff. typically, it means that people in the north of this trip won't be able to get any kinds of medical treatments. and that will get to really bring in nervous repercussions on drums occasions in terms of the medical conditions for a bacteria and residents. and then other at corner of the strip thought it, we understand overnight that is where the air strikes hit a mosque as well as a school. and there were casualties including children. tell us where these were located is and has the number of people who been killed now gotten higher. well, that's right. so civilians are getting cubes and even wanted to do to the east valley ongoing bombardments and strikes that continue to rain down and buildings. and there is neighborhoods in particular since of, and only to tax to at least 16 palestinians in
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a 4 story building but was completely so atkins, as they are still victims under the russell was induced victims including 10 children. all right. uh, we apologize. we've lost our connection with thought it was reporting for us from dated by the hon. central garza but families. this is really as health and you also have released a video showing is really women captured by how much on october the 7th it's aimed at the is really government to pressure officials to reopen negotiations on their possible release as soon as possible in one con, as more from i'm on to bring them home campaign. who is the advocacy group that advocates on behalf of the families of the captives released a heavily edited video within the last 24 hours. it shows 5 female soldiers being taken captive by him. ask them then the how was camp
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a military base. now the bring them home campaign released this video deliberately with one specific goal in mind to try and put pressure on the wall cabinet to resume the negotiations over the captive. and it worked to that video went viral. is there anything anybody was really discussing on the late night talk shows and it's world in newspapers this morning, probably. so benjamin netanyahu and the little cabinet simply had to listen to these ladies public for one's on this particular issue. so what they've done is they've pushed uh, the negotiating team to go back and try and come up with a new draft. now that was already dropped in place. they've been several drops in place to try and get these captives out and get palestinian prisoners released as well. but it's always full of the very last hurdle. now is going to be interesting to see if the negotiators can actually push a mass toward a deal because
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a mass has been very, very clear that has to be either a temporary cease lot or a more permanency. so i, that's something that the israelis don't want to do. they want to carry on the will own garza, but they won't, these caps is released as well. so it's going to take some time. but this comes as direct pressure from the bring them home campaign. and that's interesting. let's see how much more price of this group can actually put on them to actually get this deal signed. and if this deal is something that's prime minister benjamin netanyahu, and his little cabinet can actually swallow. so let's see what happens in the coming days. just a reminder that prime minister benjamin netanyahu is government has been and i was a 0 from a forwarding. and israel, so that's why you're more on the team or having to report from the jordanian capital i'm on. we'll bring in a new se, yano is that cut out who is an associate professor of golf politics? it cuts our university. thanks for your time. again. this video that was released by the is really a families and ron was referring to,
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do you think it'll pressure nothing yahoo at all. there have been 8 months of protests already. will this one make a difference? i think it was very effective different, but they decided to given you instructions on what she sort of knew what she had some team that nobody was talking about. legacy as of right now. but it was talking about other things that they were presenting at. you started from outside, but it seems at the same time uh element more for him to to start doing something that let's be curious not to stop the war is just to achieve. the 2nd goal of nathaniel already has been putting the 2nd priority. do you think of this? was it or was it the i see see seeking his arrest earlier this week or was it yesterday? is a european capitals seem to recognize a palestinian state 3 european capitals besides the suppression of course. but that is not the person that in the way we want, or we are expecting that this stuff in the that the front seat. i mean it in ink off of this. they didn't stop being as soon as last week. that's all this,
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the promise i'll get to happen. and, but i still have this be the what really is we started to hear that they would resume negotiation. so unfortunately, the pressure of that is being accepted from outside it's visible is making some small desk steps, but not enough to push the funding to make it move based on that on the pressure. and the only thing that is, feel and modeling. and if i mean for moist, the internal pressure that can make he's going to do for and to make himself to become, or to be account other for what is going on here. and it's all similar all over the place up can be done. and now, so if they send you what i'll look like, which is all the work on it. but if the certainly government keeps saying that this, well, i mean the fees are flies on the table. yeah. so what kind of break? so we still need to do, i suppose the question is though we've seen these negotiations take place over and
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over and that is where these have sent a team. but as we've often heard, they didn't have a big enough mandates to be able to negotiate. so do you think this time around now that the work cabinet has reportedly instructed the negotiators to resume the cease fire talks? do you think that they'll be given a mandate to explore new avenues? i suppose to this is what we are saying that the we have, i mean i could do that even though he's looking, they would complain about that. they need their help. that's monday. but they, they quickly, every time they need, they need to discuss something they need to come back, at least read it if they are given new monday, the kind of belief discuss them for you. so as far we have any improvements, if this monday this not happening, it just keep discussing that you have to really say how to use it without any condition. it would not be working. and on the other hand, how must pass and nothing has to offer. it's only really some the and the house is the only thing that the guy use us. i said that was okay. thank you so much. i.
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this is really forces have withdrawn from the janine refugee camp in the occupied westbank. they kill 12 palestinians during their to day raid the palestinian health ministry size 5 children were among the dad's. thousands were injured, including a journalist, an ambulance crews, and dozens of janine residents. hub interested. let's get more of a situation in the occupied wes back in a job, but he is joining us from a lot. tell us more about the aftermath of this rage engineering to the web posting is, are still assessing the damage caused by these really forces that have seats in the refugee camp for more than 38 hours straight. we're talking about 3 homes that have been completely destroyed, demolished, but there are damages to other homes where these really forces used to go and move inside the come pro through moves from one home to another. this is not something
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new. we've seen these really forces use the sax ec before, because we're talking about that dry with a refugee camp and homes are very close to one another. it's interesting to note that these really forces is released a statement saying that they believe that the power inside that refugee camp is growing. it's changing when it comes to the attack 6 used by these really forces they've been trying to operate in jeanine for more than 2 years. now, if not more, and these been saying that every time we leave, we come back, we find the resistance fighters inside going through. you're becoming more and more powerful really. so let's talk about how many palestinians, when we're are being laid to rest 11. now at funerals are being a, are taking place and you need only one person's body was able to be late to receive the source of the rate. so now you can imagine how intense the situation is,
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how sad this is, because we're talking about 5 miners and also a surgeon was parking his car in front of the hospital when he was shot to. okay, and is that thank you so much for that updates from the occupied westbank the still ahead on ultra 0 over the next few weeks, i will fight for every votes on your truck. a snap election in the u. k. rushes through, not learn stuff, even in politics. it never rains. it pours on presidents a manual micro holes talks with leaders in new caledonia, often more than a week of unrest and the french pacific territory. the the have that we've got something of
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a stormy situation in europe at the moment. thanks to an area of low pressure reasons. very heavy rain on thunder storms to west and north western areas and got some of the warnings out for the north west of england. and the northern wales, but it just looking fine or across the south. the thunderstorms continue, however, full front. we've got some red warnings out as well for western parts of germany and is ago. so as a into friday, it's going to get west for across central parts of europe. the heavier rain coming across germany into the check for public and austria as well as poland. now that has been some improvement weather wise for the south west sustain and portugal will see temperatures start to pick up here on friday. it is going to get cooler, however, across the se. so with that, with the weather working across greece and the balkans on was to to keep the remains largely dry for the north, east, west and pots of russia. it's going to get west in the very north, the scan today, but still temperatures here sitting very high for this time of us it off of warm
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and humid weather to be found in no way. and despite the temperature coming down slightly and also on friday, we'll see the heat ton back up on saturday with some scattered showers. the fits the fastest expansion of legalized gambling and us history. with sports fights at the center. get on a sports fan anymore, unless you're gamely on the game. fold lines examines the surgeon pending, and the impact on those suffering from its addiction. just didn't feel as real as putting actual cash on a table. that like again, we've turned this into a nation of visual gamers, definitely not in control. the big gamble on it, just the, you know, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the truth reminder of the top stories on aldo 0 this hour is really forces or targeting the true remaining health care centers. still functioning in northern gaza. they've ordered stuff to leave allowed the hospital and david todd come out and nod one hospital view and has issued an urgent appeal for medics to be protected as early forces. abundance school on mosque and gaza city, killing 20 people. 5 of them were children since the started fits war in october, the military has killed more than 35700000 simians, including more than 15000 children the body, if it runs late presidents. but the email that you see is arrived in his home city of much heads for
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a very old. these are the life pictures you can see thousands of turned out in the streets to pay their respect. this is the 4th official day of morning, but a 8 and 7 others, including his foreign minister, were killed in a helicopter crash on sunday. for a minister as funeral rights are also underway in the capital to her on that we can bring in all the high. so he's joining us from selves of the capitals around . so we were looking at the president's body and measured on the life picture. you're into her on. tell us what's been going on there and what you've been seeing you around, you got in that are covered up to the one that we all see you. i've seen the pictures from that has all the p are here to do on the,
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on those 2 jobs and all sure to do all these to the each 12000 people or maybe it's tens of thousands of each cities say the funeral is of the so today is your final day. the bodies are going to rest here in the, in charter, i in shop bought a minister for setting up. i mean, the rest of the, of the, his body was taken to the ministry of 40 that says where the 70 identity by all i caught a minute because it didn't size his body was taken to big john, i know and much had what he's going to do and i need the country, i suppose now has to prepare and get to grips with a pendant presidential election and i'm in 50 days time.
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the country is going to kind of fight on file. you know, those are, you know, the 2nd shown to the, the patient and the other side, which is obviously the closet. want to see any kind of document. that's why nothing is going to impact the lives the 2nd day. the president appointed to go up and get in for them in itself warranted all to the actions. but the so, you know, of course everyone would be waiting to see why the can't do this and this is right . you hear about indication on how the next phase is going to be on the houses front positions of period. okay. any thank you for that reporting from
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a wrong political parties in the u. k. are due to start campaigning a day. also the prime minister wishes to not called a surprise stop election. the vote will be held on july. the 4th soon access his policies are brought economic stability after a cost of living crisis. but opinion polls suggest is governing party could be facing defeats jona hall reports from london, confounding expectations produce prime minister risk. assume not because of to go to the polls months earlier than expected in a rain drenched downing street, he called a general election for the 4th of july. earlier today, i spoke with his majesty the king to request the dissolution of the king has grown to this request, and we will have a general election on the 4th of july. the opposition labor party needed no encouragement. they've held the consistent lead in the opinion. polls of some 20
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percentage points for months time. now said q a stomach for change a but the label is a vote for stability. economic and political politics, the tribes more likely on life's. i vote to stop the chaos or she soon act has taken a decision that olds with some within his own party who called it madness to go to the country. when you're so far behind in the polls, it seems the prime minister has decided the doctor of poor showing the local elections and with rooms of dissatisfaction with his leadership inside the body. the things are unlikely to get any better. the prime minister insists there is a plan and the plan is working. but many people see too little evidence of that in failing public services and know and to small bug crossings of the channel despite a plan to send asylum seekers to rwanda. so next promise to keep rick and secure a head of what he describes is the most dangerous he is since the cold war and to
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restore the economy to health. the prime minister pointed to for the installation is assigned that he's potty is best place to end 3 years of cost of living prices. you phone, the voters will give it 5 more years in downing street during the whole elders era loved the a lot. so bringing villa marks is joining us from downing street in london. so villain, what's been the reaction to this surprise? not election that's been called the reno just been going through some of the participant papers this morning looking at one of the tablets of tends to lead to the left the labor party here in britain. it has a fight, so they're not returning it's dining street. covet in rain, his statement were given during a heavy time pull it says drown and outs. another tablet here, the sun newspaper talking about the timing of this election. how it's going to interfere with a lot of the cultural activities that are very popular at the beginning. of july here in the u. k, it says the pilots bit of a pond on
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a pretty swell that i would repeat on a and then the times one of the, the broadsheets here in the page. the headline is soon, right? that's the house and that's the reflection of a lot of the comment tree here over the last 12 hours. also about this being a bit of a gamble on timing. so not this morning appearing on one of the radio stations here in the u. k. was the last about the assignment of this election. he didn't have to cool one until january, many members of the same policy were expected to be this full. he didn't have a clear on so it has to now he repeated again his case, but he will be helping to continue with the economic improvement and seeing just one quarter of economic price of the last 3 months that he's been pointing to during. all right, thank you very much. thanks for the updates from london for months. russian forces have been bombarding ukraine's 2nd largest city car to using guided bronze drones and resolves and it's put pressure on emergency services. and volunteers were trying to bridge the gap as drawn home and reports. are they going to need
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a lot of coffee? this is a volunteer medical rapid reaction unit, night shift how to key they work from 11 to 6 am going wherever they were brushing their tax on ukraine, 2nd city. at the moment, there were a lot in the past few months. hockey's been under intensifying, but above and what the purpose is simple. the 1st in and keep people alive. they're all trained combat power, medics. they main weapons. tony case in the light medical bag. they have to be agile the sculpture and much as we short them the time for a has to on right to. and that can be really critical to us. for example, if someone has a must have bleeding, they can in 2 minutes to so this is the perfect rest of the shipment. a co signed is the leader. and a businessman, everyone in this building to unit has a day joke at
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a quick see about to item people from frontline, towns boat than so policemen maxime, an architect and dash up works in a cool sense. a lot. the of the, she has a story behind her in bozeman, here her parents live in an area occupied by russia. she worries about them. you know, i'd really like a team like us to be available to my relatives during an emergency situation. i wish they have people with schools like us who could help from that store. it's important has grown a sense of vocation, enjoyment even to this to as i said, it's not because of the fact of this. on the one hand, this is to help people who need it. and on the other hand, it's an adrenalin, an addiction. i simply wouldn't be able to return to civilian life. so even though i could die from this, i feel that i'd die without to. this is the night life now, waiting together on the ground for the next cool. don't the home and how does it or how to keep
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a taiwan has mobilized its forces after china longs 2 days of military exercises around the islands. beijing, so as the drills are in response to provoke, could have comments. the new president lighting so i'm majoring isn't alteration on monday. why says hi juan would not be subordinate to china. beijing, please the social govern island as its own territory. katrina, you has more from vision. trying to sort of ministry repeated some of the earlier comments that we've heard from aging people's liberation army that this is clearly drills that are punishment for what? trying to see the separatist acts miss it while i try once you administration the name, the, the new president lighting to who is a newborn monday. and what we do know about these drills is that they started 7045 am on thursday morning local time, according to will not release by the pa. uh,
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these are p like pools the surrounding taiwan as well as the outlying islands. and they say that these are designed to practice a chinese sol. so see combat readiness, precision strikes and practice. the chinese poses ability to seize and control battlefield. these are going for 2 days. and as a response, we've had try one, mobilize the own forces, the time when he's government come out and say that these are reversible. they've said that these military deals by china are a threat to tie one's democracy and freedom. but to be clear, taiwan and the people, these are the only audiences that they do wants to make a point to. they've also said that these drills are still pointing against interference and publication by foreign forces. and that was a point that one is for mr. sclerosis. and really mates that bathing is full. so urging the united states to store it's a pool of time. 9 people including a child, have died of mexico. after stage collapse that of presidential campaign raleigh
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citizens movement party was holding an event in the state of new wave leon on wednesday nights it's presidential candidate as for hey, over as mine is that a gust of wind cause the states to collapse more than 50 people are injured mexico's whether services had a warrant of heavy rains and possible tornadoes in that region. kenny, as president william rudo, is in the u. s. as the 2 countries mark 60 years of diplomatic relations. his 3 day of state visit as the 1st by an african leader to washington dc. in more than 15 years. he and president joe biden are just to discuss trade and security. kenya has agreed to send a 1000 police officers to pay t as part of a multinational mission to help restore order. after months of gang violence, the french presidents in $91.00 micro size dialogue because the weights and results more than a week of unrest. the new caledonia micro has been meeting local leaders. they're
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following protests against changes to the voting system. wayne,


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