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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 23, 2024 1:00pm-2:01pm AST

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[000:00:00;00] the this business uptake the rooftop, no bundle dash football. he is the on the services and use our own outs as 0 for the back support live in doha, coming up in the next 15 minutes. guys, as healthcare system under pressure is really tools for doctors and patients to leave out the hospital in the north of this trip. china holes military exercises around taiwan days after the islands waves in a new leader homepage and use as
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a dangerous separatist. also this, our political campaigning begins in the u. k. i have to find many services to not cause a snap election for july before the in belgium team is president, holds a concept to promote his new book while protest increase against easy economic policy and support excellence to celebrate the 1st choice. he is 61 years as the lookin school to have tricks in the road to make final navy the thank you for joining us. it's 10 g m t. the world health organization has issued an urgent appeal to is really forces. after the storming of the out out the hospital in northern gaza, dr. tedra scribe reyes, who says a 114 medical staff patients and their friends and relatives were inside the
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facility when it was rated. the hospital is located in giovanni, a refugee camp, w h o is calling for the protection of patients and health care workers inside the hospital and safe passage for the evacuation. well, during his war on, guys are these really ami has repeatedly targeted hospitals in violation of international humanitarian law at grants and special protection. alger 0 spoke to one of the doctors as he left to our hospital. the 2nd i do when we were at the hospital as usual, and we never left at all. we never even thought of quitting on our patients and the injured people. 4 days ago we were taken by surprise when these really military besieged to hospital women off would. they would not allow any one inside the state to care for the lives of our patients, gun and the bypass out of money. if we had 14 patients, we continued to give medical care to you all. then today at 3 o'clock is really
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army force. nearly all of us from the hospital. the patients remained inside with for medical staff and to paramedics to care for them. all of us had been ordered to leave the hospital and keep walking towards the wisconsin. we are walking till we reach a safe area and to find shelter. we want to reach a safe place at the shelter of the medical staff to remain that out of hospitals since october 7th, until now they never left and now their homes are destroyed and they have nowhere to go outside and just need to add that we have sent several appeals to the w h o to the red cross, and to our partners with doctors without borders to intervene to protect the patients when they all promised to intervene and to talk to the occupation forces to prevent targeting the hospital patients and not to target the medical staff. oh awesome, but i haven't seen anything done. what's made up in
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a month to pick up them and have them i can woman have insurance from here, from this street, by appeal to all international organizations and all medical related officials, especially the w h l. i'm calling upon them to intervene and they've got to protect what remains of the hospital patients in the hospital and the medical staff who refused to leave and continue to care for those patients. here let's, let's get an update now from august. here's terry capitalism, who's in dental, blah, in central guys that tell you what more you hearing about the situation about out of hospital and at other facilities across the gaza, strip the world to make it more clear fully. is that both hospitals to all functional in the north of district, including allowed on come on as one hospitality. they have been on the who is very minutes received in the course of the past couple of days earlier. just in the last 2 days. the is read, the minute tree was working deliberately in order to completely empty both
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hospitals from medics and even from wounded people as they are turning the entire north of district into actually is very military pays. now we've been hearing from medics in the come on our door and come in at one and also and allowed to hospitals . they have been confirming for l gives a right that they were forced to flee under the east valley from bottom. and the is very military, so we'll just have with them to no longer remain in the hospital and to take all the wounded people out. but what we have been recording the past couple of hours is that more those results emetics have been fleeting from the hospitals, but they are still a number of doctors and nurses inside allows the hospital refused to sleep in order to afford and i'm shooting for the wounded people who can't move on foot to in order to plead, to leave the hospital to the western portion of guns. cities on the situation is, gets in dia, now as being tell you a note of this trip is absolutely going through a full medical collapse. now fully and they've been in tens intensities really
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strikes in northern guys, a type following tents i understand and in the south, just bring us up to speed with the latest attacks and fighting across the street. the one of the key development militarily on the ground is the new minute tre. encouraging that the is value for a patient forces has taught it in babylon, town and the north of the city where the city had been completely turned into a pile of rubble and initial days of the with the boat at town. and the military now is working again inside in order to many kindly charges how much remaining battalions the despite again, there is really initial announcement that they manage to militarily control the city. i'm but you tell, you know, that part of johnson again boatman has continued and that is city destroying more residential neighborhoods in the park at north city of big town at the same time in the far south of detach. we in a rough attacks have been cut results in the last couple of hours in the central areas of roughly including the roof of central market square,
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a group of palestinians being kids with a drug. and the sonia were a number of casualties being transferred to a co way to hospital to get medical treatments and the central areas of district to day witness. also mass bombardments, 5 biggest without turnover and find tickets where at least 35 posting. he has half a report of killed since the hours of this morning off to being to recover different areas that had been widely hit by these valley forces bar swimmingly. what we have been recording as well is actually i'm gradual increase of the manager operations at the central areas of roof. i have this step that map to what the is when the defense, minnesota officer loan tested before that they are preparing for expanding the fights and into or off to reach new areas them. that's practically what's happening now. when lights of the unprecedented humanitarian crisis unfolding the entire trip in lights of the own getting close to a vote is as new age as getting into the territory only through the new or the recently established married time,
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a floating dog terry. thank you very much restaurant is here is tara capitalism, reporting deadline from down by in central guys as well as the fighting goes on and the humanitarian situation. worse and is, are as well cabinet has agreed that the negotiations for the release of these really, capt isn't guys. i should continue. no agreement has been reached after months of talk. so let's talk to donny a 5 minute, bob. this is a specialist. one is really pat assuming relations and he's joining us from brussel . thank you. daniel for being with us is a great deal of internal pressure right now. and then it's now government from the captive from these, if in numerous attempts to strike a deal, but they've all faulted in recent months, will the growing internal pressure force the government to resume negotiations on the captives in some shape or form. am i though it appears to me that the need to know we'll do everything in order to perpetuate remaining, empower
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a hostage deal. we'll end the war. there is no other way to obtain a release of hostages without ending the war and is rarely withdrawal. and it doesn't, you know that the feet arise at such a deal. he will no longer for you in the power. and as a result, we know what needs to be done. it will not be done by prime minister nathan. yeah. all right, now, while there is no end in sight to the war, as we heard from my correspondence that is really forced, has continued to strike guys from north to south is a di, humanitarian situation. hospitals are being laid siege. i, i'd be late in siege. it in guys are right now, what is the end game ultimately for this government? is it to completely eliminate the civilian population of costs? i a follow know closely for through the years. the nose and game is
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not to have an in game. the conflict can be resolved, it will be managed and connection the i. e. s. a, and he is really army has been given no objections to this war. because there are no objectives to explore. the only objective from the political issue on that is need to know is to pick federally to war in order to keep him in power. the army in an extraordinary move should openly, we don't know how to we okay to come. that unless we know the objective, you can't go anywhere unless you know where you're going. and just and you know is simply saying, i'm not going anywhere. and that's distribution denture, extraordinary that you say that i mean what, what does these really public then make of this?
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there is the internal pressure that we talked about, but also now external pressure. a lot of it this week from the i c c, from countries in europe choosing to recognize an independent palestinian state. how does it resonate with these really public at large, all the concerned about this growing international criticism and di summation of the country of the responses or conflicts, nobody trust meeting. now, the majority of these reading public see consistently as operating for his personal benefit and not the benefit of the people. that doesn't mean they are in favor of a more restrained response and does it. he's not trusted by his opponents, he's not trusted by is supported, which nobody believe advantage is,
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is in deep crisis and should not be covered by somebody who no one stress. no, the international involved which is the pre disturbing for me is really i am very upset that there have been a risk orange, a put some you agenda, but it is more troubling to me that i believe that those are risk orange or not without merit is real has been allowed, my government has been allowed to act with impunity. and as a result of that, we engage in practices which are unacceptable and the legal that is good for israel. it's good for published i and you to measure rolled order. if israel's light hold us accountable for what we're doing to mr. simon,
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thank you so much for talking to us. thank you for sharing your views with us, daniel seidman specialist, when he's really promising invitations, joining us from brussels. well, let's discuss all this further now with luciano soccer wright, who is an associate professor of gold politics at content university. thank you for joining us on the news. our, let's see. i know you heard that, that is there any voice a quite possible was he said that it israel, he said he is in deep crisis. israel today is isolated internationally and yet is there as allies don't seem to be doing much to refer to change of situation. what do you make of this? well actually we were discussing before it's been more isolated than ever before, but it's not as isolated as it should be in order to change something different about the united states to keep supporting that because the, the 9 that the i, c, c, r g has started station on over easter of the fact that this ro, gibson, that people care about, you appear in congress or even the us reporting what they are doing,
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but they would continue the war because their objective is to remain in time. us maybe send it to be the solution that is not the problem, the price or from international organizations, even from the united nations security costs it, or there are some of the means nothing, right? in order to, to depression, they only the kind of make that the change if the united states is decided that they would not do that, that's what, what fight for the pressure then can be applied diplomatically to convince the us, perhaps, to change its fence to some extent, i mean what happened with the european countries is a step. what's happened with the car? what would happen with south africa? what is happening with other countries or their concerns to even the what's happened in previous week with easy threatening to to, to revise the piece the that they had signed in maybe 79 is something that's kind of more price or a re calling on both of those, i mean, i can send in a trade deals that they have been ongoing for,
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for 4 years or the gates. these are ways that they can, they can, they can create more momentums on every country. we see that there are prices for their own governments to revise that links to with these files, right? this is working. this is working button to low and pool. maybe too late. tonight, too late. interesting. the recognition by, by european countries, spain no way island. they hope that you know, by doing this so it will give momentum to the, to, to the peace process. you think the recognition helps or hinders of the past to the peace process. this with this and what's happened to date, the east rep because they gave me new instructions to re initiate the conversation that i know sort of had to do with the pressure from outside. but the pressure for me as i have to do with the media that was released with we shows that clearly they
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have to do something with the hostages. we don't have the military from the beginning and they kind of go means that on population, that's what they are doing is correct. so they have to continue the for the in the stuff. if all these together contributes to reach a piece to agreement or long or shots, it's a good point, but i don't see that the precise contributing to, to that with insightful. it just reads great awareness and to give them more countries criticising history, but still fight either prove that this working in changing. and if i knew who i personally work. thank you very much for talking to us about this uh, luciano soccer off from university joining us on the news. our thanks for your time not to be occupied, westbank and is really forces. i have withdrawn from the janine refugee camp. they killed 12 palestinians during the 2 day rates that the found a city and health ministry says 5 children were among the dead. dozens were injured including a journalist and underlings clothes. is there any bull doses ripped up roads and damaged infrastructure?
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dozens of jeanine residents have been arrested. these are a forces and such as have killed at least $518.00 palestinians in the occupied westbank in more than 7 months. i'll just bear with me that your brain has more from ramallah on the aftermath of these really raid on jeanine. the web posting is, are still assessing the damage caused by these really forces that have seats in the refugee camp for more than 38 hours. 3, we're talking about 3 homes that have been completely destroyed the mullers, but there are damages to other homes where these really forces used to go and move inside to come, broke through holes from one home to another. this is not something new. we've seen these really forces use the sax ec before, because we're talking about that throughout the refugee camp and homes are very close to one another. it's interesting to note that these really forces is released a statement saying that they believe that the power inside that refugee caps is
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growing. it's changing when it comes to the truck used by these really forces they've been trying to operate in jeanine for more than 2 years now. it's not more . and these been saying that every time we leave, we come back. we find the resistance fighters inside going through. you're becoming more and more powerful. so let's talk about how many palestinians would were, are being laid to rest 11 now at funerals are being a, are taking place and you need only one person's body was able to be made to receive the source of the rate. so now you can imagine how intense the situation is, how sad this is, because we're talking about 5 miners and also a surgeon was parking his car in front of the hospital when he was shocked to kill me to abraham in ramallah. they're not palestinians across guys. that are dealing
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with extreme shortages of food, water and shield. but even before the war is rise, nearly 2 decades decades limited, the volume of goods allowed into the strip and recent months, the people of guys have been increasingly relying on donkey costs as a means of transportation and income. i'll just hear a time to sound who types of story as it was once considered an outdated form of transport. now the nor palestinians in jonesville are relying more and more on donkey carts and here in hon. eunice, people say it's become the only way left to get around. i am a volunteer at the european hospital. i am facing great difficulty finding a means of transportation to the medical facility. i need to get at least 2 rides, in addition to walking 3 kilometers. not only is the journey fraught with danger,
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it is insanely expensive to nearly 8 months into israel's war, palestinian save the suffering is beyond measure. with shortages of food, medical supplies, and fuel. and those who still have vehicles are using them to make a living. let's say they're struggling to make ends meet my cut off the got off above the ground. i'm using this pickup truck to earn a living. how is that, how suffering is beyond description? one, least with diesel now costs $16.00 off of injustice. if i challenge the passenger $1.00 to $3.00, we end up financing, but it's beyond my control. i hardly cover the cost of fuel oil in something to feed my children. appraisal plights comes to an insert donkey carts have become prominent during israel's more ongoing sale. palestinians have used them to move their belongings after being forcibly displaced to transport goods and
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even to take the injured to hospital for suffering from a sharp shortage of fuel. transportation is yet another problem to beg of flowers, unbelievably expensive. donkey cart is the only alternative for transportation. even patients can find a ride to the nearest hospital. i myself have multiple injury. and in between the rubble left behind from relentless is really a tax palestinian say they're looking for ways to survive in the midst of the siege ongoing sale. how does that hurt as ita, the the as turn to the days of in use now and tie when these forces have mobilized in response to 2 days of chinese military drills around the island. raging says he exercises
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a punishment for the separatist acts of its new administration. led by lie ching tay katrina. you write for somebody jane, a lodging to has been tie one's president for less than a week. the chinese leaders have over the judge attempt to be a threat to be at school of one day, claiming control of the self government island in response. they've launched 2 days of intensive military drills around tie one, the chinese people's operation on the says, the joint sea and exercises focused on compet writing is controlling the battlefield and precision strikes. one key targets the media say the purpose is clear to the type of this is a strong punishment for this separate his ex wife of ty, when independents forces to go, the so called separatist acts refer to law as comments during his integration on monday was the one, i hope china will face the reality of the republic of china is the existence inside of the respect the choices of people. try, one one's immunizations. that choice,
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he said, this is a taiwan not to be subordinate to be king. he also, thanks to the united states, the islands, most important allies for security support. chinese officials was furious for administer. one cold, lie, speech hostile and provocative discretion, and said tie, would he separatists would be nailed to a pillar of shame. the military drills coincides with the release of a series of post is featuring weapons titled sacred weapons for killing. ty wants independence lighting to assist peace and stability across the taiwan straits and to maintain the stages. including today during those messages and most in line which is refused to accept the chinese. chinese lead is also considered lies closeness to washington, to be collusion with external forces. speaking from australia, us general, said beatings preparations for a possible offense if with nothing new and one of the devastation of such
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a conflict. at stake would be untold numbers of lights, troy's of dollars in global economic damage and international or the maintenance of the international or that's delivered road, a piece of stability over the past 80 years. it's a cost. china doesn't want to add called to food any time soon, but the message it's sense is clear. china is ready for if we should come, katrina, you all to 0. thank you. well area we spoke to when thing. so who is a non resident fellow at the atlantic council as global china have? he estimates the 2 days of chinese military drill is only the beginning of a wider strategy. this certainly feels like clearly to the bigger thing since to come. i mean, china has a full range of tools at its disposal, and china never really shies away if i'm using as many of them as i can when it comes to taiwan. but and the screen include things like diplomatic isolation,
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matri trio was like this one as well, asking them extensions. but those are into a ministry multiple agency aspects that take time to coordinate, mobilize, and then finally unleashed. and so china high but doesn't want to wait until it's completely ready to do everything before. so to do anything against taiwan. and that's why you're seeing this, the initial round of me a tree. drill right now in near taiwan and kind of with offshore islands. and so definitely expect more punishment to come from china, which is why i think this is robin calling is to punish itself, is more of a signal of a more things to come for sure. and even if you look at the very name of this matri trio, it's got a code word, a colon name for it, rather it's code joined sword. 2024 a. nope, nope. be suffix k as in point 24 k. i think it's there to tell you that this is around a and you should be expecting ram be possibly around. see if not around the to come
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following this as well, which is why i've finch. there's a reason to be good to be on a higher alert. it's moment to the body of the vines late president abraham rice. he has arrived in his home city of my shy and for burial thousands gathered industries to pay their respects on the 4th official day of morning. pricey and 7 others, including the foreign minister hosting. i'm here on july and were killed in a helicopter crash on sunday. the board may assist funeral rights are on the way in the capital t, right? i'll just here is on the auction has more from here. we can see now the president's a funeral, and that'd be a john, good job and has that kind of a significance for president tracy. it's the city way for it was elected from as a member of the assembly of experts. the concept that the lex, the future shipping, the delphi one after the a john, he will be taking too much,
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had the 2nd largest city in new rod. and also the home of the tomb of the room was headed up who's the 8th in mind for the she almost lives, the body of the president is going to better be buried at the tomb. actually he was the custodians office to him for 4 years in the past of it by law. so i know the someone is being has for the minister of foreign affairs for me to sell for the office. first thing, i mean i'm here at the ministry of philadelphia as is by the just got into the ministry and there's also so many attended bites. most of the form uh 40 minutes says on the get tick uh, on the balcony county off to the ceremony at the bottom of the street. the body off . i mean off to light on with the transfer to also another shrine close to the city of to have on the shrine of opposite lives in a hudson. a still head on alger 0 at present the money of my whole whole song with meters. and you just kind of don't, yeah, to more than
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a week of 100 seeing the french pacific territory with a shortage of doctors and health workers in ukraine volunteers. a stepping in cement and a shock. mull 5 by munich in their search for a new coach that's coming up in sports mesa with joe. just stay with us for back after the break. the the had a lot of that. we've got something of a stormy situation in europe at the moment. thanks to an area of low pressure, bringing some very heavy rain on thunderstorms to west and north western areas and got some amber warnings out for the north west of england and the northern wales. but it is looking fine or across the south. the thunderstorms continue, however, for frogs, we've got some red warnings out as well for west in pots of germany. and is it go? so it's a, it's
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a friday. it's going to get west for across central parts of europe. the heavier rain coming across germany into a check for public and austria as well as poland. now that has been some improvement weather wise of for the south west sustain and portugal will see temp. just start to pick up here on friday. it is going to get cooler, however, across the se. so with that, with the weather working across greece and the balkans on was to, to keep the remains largely dry for the northeast of western pots of russia. it's going to get west. so in the very north, the scan today, but still temperatures here sitting very high for this time of us. it also warm and humid weather to be found in no way. and despite the temperature coming down slightly. and also on friday, we'll see the heat ton back up on saturday with some scattered showers, or the brutal motives that ignited
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a country. and k o l g 0 will goes to gammon with political schools in the 1980s with sexual bias. i, since there was a big back. so coming in the battle in which south humans president was part of a deadly game. i refused to give them my head will give up power the killing of self human. the politicians during a routine cabinet meeting, age 1986, an estimate of an assassination on al jazeera, the latest news, as it breaks here, that being even basic things. but the main concern is how these people are able to feel that live with detailed coverage hall teeth tooth has been on the heavy ariel from above and to months. now the residential building here is just been here from around the world, which you'll see here is a catch of muscles of the fisherman used to be able to get these just by going about 20 minutes from here. now we have to go out at least 4 hours
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the, [000:00:00;00] the, you're watching the news hour on alger 0 with me for these actual a reminder of my top stories. is there any forces have withdrawn from the janine refugee camp in the occupied westbank? they kills 12 palestinians during the 2 date range. dozens were injured including a gen list and i'm buildings codes. and guys, i is really forces that targeting the 2 remaining health care centers, so functioning in the north of this trip. they have older stuff to leave out the hospital and have a tax come out, had one hospital the u. n. has issued an agent to pay a for medics to be protect british 5 minutes originally. so knock has called
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a suffice stop election. the vote will be held on july, the 4th to maximize his policies have brought economic stability after cost of living prices. that opinion poll suggests his company body could be facing heavy defeats while from all on the british elections last spring and then in march. so it's joining us live from london sylvan. and what's the reaction to this not election. a wondering, just to take you through some of the british newspapers, which tend to be quite colorful, both in the design, but also the headlines. i want to start with the times, one of the broadsheets say, one of the most serious newspapers has a headlines to not bets the house of reference to the fact that many people who see this decision to call the election as early as july is a bit of a gamble based on the fact that he himself is so far behind in the opinion polls. we've also got the guardian with the some of the headlines, tonight's big gamble,
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the date email talks about now being the moment for britain to choose its future. that's the newspaper that tends to lean towards the conservative party to suna heads and then also, but they the mirror drown an out a reference to the site that was to rent. so downpour of rain during through night statement announcing the selection dates, the sol, him get some sleep deep. so before he returned back inside diamond's refinement. and what about the opposition them? how they reacting to this map election? well, during that statement yesterday, the labor policy lead a test on the issued essentially a campaign at the a video that showed some of the criticisms. the pos is going to be leveling against the conservative party, soon off to. so that statement, he gave his own statement indoors out of the rain in which he told us about the tale. so the conservative policy of, of us full to me is both the brits and he told us about rising mortgage prices, economic instability. he talked about sort of more local issues. but the sewage
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does become a requirement for them in person's rivers. he blames that on the privatization of all the companies here in the u. k. t said that the policy elected in july during what stopped by tales. thank you very mentioned, feeling that sounds stairs going to modify pushing their life from downing street. well, let's talk some more about this now with susie bonnet versus a funds they will offer an economy, they set the daily mail. she's life from canton the you cases a very good to have you with us on al jazeera. so a gamble on the timing it would seem. richardson, i didn't have to call any election until january. why call it now? well that's what i was wondering about. i should just point out i that might study mallow accidentally mirror. oh sorry. which is the other. yeah. this was actually a lot to it could be added to the daily mail. so the hops occupied. so i apologize for that reason as to why he started now is a mystery to most people. so those barriers, conspiracy theories,
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perhaps that he was expecting some more high level defections. oh, that he was facing me to ship childs from within his own policy, which may have made he's met him, he's just, he's got to get an now boy done. now he's run a huge risk because the pleasure is my things he's promised to do have just not materialized yet. what he was hoping to do was to get an nielsen, which would make some sense because that would have an opportunity for an interest rate cost as it is that happened to me. there's no going to happen during the election cycle. so it hasn't been an interest rate cut, which means people who have got mortgages which have gone off tuesday as a result of this process brief time, you know, can see any kind of relief before they asked to go to the post because i just had an idea of this month, local elections which decimated the base of his policy, the local representatives who the act of a suit, he would expect to be asking now to guy on the doorstep. on his behalf on okey for his policy for a fresh eye and they know, how are they gonna go out now uh a that 2 months off to having lost during states and local counts. and i'll give it,
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he should be given charge, but he's banking a lot on the economy. i mean, the following, the inflation and so on. he's kicked off at a stressful day of campaigning today. how do you think? you know, he's planning to turn it around as the economy going to be not for him to to attract votes as well. no, it definitely isn't going to be enough. i think frankly, wish you seen that could hand out. he's immense. what else on the street coolants of autism is still not going to vote for him? he wants to go bear in mind in the states. there's a much more research in the economy than we have here in britain. and joe barton is really struggling in the pulse, and the economy grows is not going to be enough to get him across the line because it's just not even as good. so what we've got in this situation has 14 years, and frankly, most people just want to change his mind. and even really in my politics at people, that stuff starts conservative, right? is that just not bothering but not planning to vote this time? a lot of other people are preparing to switch or vice infinity, but in the hope that they just get a change, whatever is going to be anything can be back to the mess or the general asked you
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don't, right? before i ask you about labor, i just wanted to talk to you about any gratian. because that had been another of his big talking points, richie, so not. but he announced just this morning that the flies to one day taking migraine. so across the channel would not take off before the election. so you know, we're supplying here with that. no one of the things he was saying using the radio swooning was that an election is about future and he's gonna do these things in the future. and his spouse keeping his big cell, i don't think that's gonna work. you can only really all do that if you all in a position, if you've never had a chance of power. but if you've been in profit to use, if you had shots, not before that, if you was, if your policy was in power for decades, then you absolutely can say, well, trust is to do it next because just because we haven't done it previously, that's not going to wash, what about labor susie? they've managed to achieve sustain ponied. can they maintain it and you know, will, will they be able to take this to the finish line?
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and what is the great, i know because police are dishonest and people are opinion. and is it going to stand up when actually going to about a box and has to put an x on a piece of paper? and it could be some people sign. it could be quite a soft laid and i see it could be a fall class. the result then is expected thoughts. like i said, i think you're going to have a lost the homes and the conservative side of things they can bill of latest support. you've got a lot of constituency changes this time as well, which will mean previously safe seats. and now to graphs, and that was quite sure how that will been a full because the boundaries have changed. so it's entirely possible that possibly the polling is a bits off because of those boundary change. but to say that when people go into the ballot box, who them is actually make it that fall, that going to be, do you know, do a lot of the guy he's been in for a couple of years and this, frankly, just been pretty dreadful. i had a very poor political judgments throughout his period, his prime minister, and who's representative of a policy has been there, frankly too long for most people. although i'm trying you guys all right,
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and i think it's, it's, it's case thomas, to lose. he comes to lose it, but he's got what quite hops lose at this stage, right? so your prediction then, so they will rashly. so next they'll be prime minister on july, the 5th. i know it's getting to be kissed on that. i'm pretty certain the extensive than these and whether it's hung, call them in or you know, it's a small majority or a big majority. i think he's what's the all known at the moment. i don't think even kissed on those that he's working on the basis that it's going to be tight and that you have to look for every votes. i think frankly, is going to be the appetite for change. and it really doesn't matter who you speak to. what demographic, that from what policy, they might normally support where they stand and immigration, or otherwise the current incumbent is just no up to the jump on. the policy has been in too long and it is, but just a sense of decay about the whole thing be here in 15 years. so exactly the same thing that lake deposit gets. this happened to the end of the planning brownie or 2 out of the end dispatcher, and major people just get fed up often moving a decade and they want,
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they want changed. i just wanna switch it around or fitness wherever out. there's a huge, that's just something different. thank you. so it's a for talking to us as a bonus, that's joining us there from canton, the u. k. thank you for your time. now russian for us invited me important is holding talks with the king of by rein. how am i been east? how highly fun in moscow? the leaders are expected to discuss corporation on trade economy in energy. the king of bahrain has invited russia to a middle east peace conference, which will be held in his country home. i've been esau. hi, lisa arrived on wednesday for an official to day visit. is 1st in 8 is in 2022. the more not offered to mediate between moscow and ukraine and the war in ukraine. now for months, russian forces have been bombarding our ukraine 2nd largest city khaki is using guided farms. drones and miss size is put pressure on emergency services and volunteers are trying to bridge the gap, john home and because they're going to need
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a lot of coffee. this is a volunteer medical rapid reaction unit, night shift how to keep the work from 11 to 6 am going wherever they were brushing their tax on ukraine. second city. at the moment there were a lot in the past few months hockey's been under intensifying, but above and what the purpose is simple. the 1st in and keep people alive there will train combat power, medics then main weapons. tony case in the light medical bag. they have to be agile, scroll too much as we short them, the time for the have to on right to. and that can be really critical to us. for example, if someone has a must have bleeding, they can in 2 minutes to. so this is the perfect, the rest of the shipment. a co signed is a leader. and a businessman,
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everyone in this building 2 unit has a day job at a quick see about 2 item people from frontline towns boat than so policeman. maxine, an architect, industrial works and a comb center like the others, she has a story behind her in bozeman. here her parents live in an area occupied by russia . she worries about them. yeah. the only i'd really like a team like us to be available to my relatives during an emergency situation. i wish they have people with schools like us who could help from that store. it's important has grown a sense of vocation, enjoyment even to this, to, as i said, it's not because of the fact of this. on the one hand, this is to help people who need it. and on the other hand, it's an adrenalin, an addiction. i simply wouldn't be able to return to civilian life. so even though i could die from this, i feel that i'd die without to. this is the night life now, waiting together on the ground for the next cool. don't the home and how does it or
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how to keep 9 people, including a child, have died in mexico after stage collapsed that a presidential campaign rally the citizens move in party was holding an event in the state of naval la on, on wednesday night. it's presidential candidate, jorge alvarez, minez said a gust of wind caused the sage to collapse. more than 50 people are injured. mexico's meteorology, coal services had warned of heavy rains and possible tornadoes in the region. in the us, a series of possible tornadoes have devastated parts of the state of iowa and the worst hit. the town of greenfield for people were killed and dozens injured. rescue is still searching the rubble of destroyed homes more storms off forecasts in the coming days. as rob rentals reports, at least 26 tornadoes, ravaged, 3 states doing the greatest damage in iowa. oh, it is just
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a rip. it gets hard to describe until you can actually see at the devastation, much of the town of greenfield population. 2000 was torn to pieces. many residents are stunned and trying to cope with the extent of the damage done to pruitt's family home has been wrecked. just going to the most you know, like i said, just picking up stuff in the region known as tornado alley violent spring time storms are a fact of life. but this warm of twisters was particularly large and powerful, moving rapidly from west to east, gaining strength as it bore down on fields and farms. residents rushed to shelter. we also reports in the weather was going to be bad. there was a tornado heading our way and so i took my kids to the basement authority, say multiple people were killed and dozens are being treated for injuries. when we have this many homes that have been destroyed and just fully demolished, we want to make sure that every resident, every person has a kind of force. trailers were flipped like toys in wind turbine smashed to the
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ground. tens of thousands of people were left without power and the weather service says more storms are on their way over the next several days. rob reynolds, l g, a 0. i. france's president, the menu, and my coal says dialogue is a way to resolve more than a month of unrest and new caledonia. he says strange security reinforcements will stay in the pacific territory as long as necessary. my call has been meeting local leaders following protest against changes to the voting system when, hey, re for some tell wrong, got in use event a god of on a welcome to the president to besieged french territory. after a week of protest, emanuel mac chrome said he was the to resolve the crisis is about only of them when it gets because from the local section, of course we'll be looking at economic reconstruction support, rapid response, and then the most sensitive political issues to talk about the future of new
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caledonia need to it's an uncertain future that same people take to the streets, protesting against the proposed constitutional change. if approved by congress, it would allow french nationals who have lived in new caledonia for at least 10 years to vote in elections. the indigenous come acts who have little long struggle for independence. say the change is really about colonization and minimizing their influence. so see, we've been lied to for use and they've lied to our ancestors. they've lied to out elders through the various agreements that have been made. we run out of food agreement. it's the longest when i'm with tired of not being recognized. that some of the protest is say they'll stay on the streets for as long as it takes, even though the numbers have decreased is in response to the violence. the president sent some 3000 security personnel to new caledonia. click that. that may be very clear. these forces will remain as long as necessary,
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including during the olympic empire olympic games which start in paris in july. the last thing the french government will want is unrest in one of its territories. while it has the will detention wayne hey, al jazeera towed on a new zealand stella head on al jazeera. i have tried to remember in the final of the premier league coming up in sports with joe next statement. the
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business latest the sponsored by interlock tuck. he's real estate consultant. the business slate has to be sponsored by intellect, kentucky's real estate consultant, the all the time that this force here. so totally thank you. i development says this is just
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the beginning of the securing his place in football history. he's got a standing hat trick for atlanta in the of our peak final as they did the unthinkable and beat the beaten, violated piece, and they've stuck support that's what on through us celebrating the 1st major trophy and 61 use. thanks to add a motor look when the london bono jerry a window, let's jump into the the stadium. opening the scoring and the 12 minutes went to the to prevent she'd beat about chubby alone. so it's another cruise inside and then hunt for an invincible triple win. win screwed again with less than half an hour gone. the $51.00 game and beaten run seemed destined to end. the gym and champions had come back the brink several times this season. but on this occasion,
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it wasn't to be lipman who previously struggled to establish himself in the premier lead. going the 1st treat any european club final. since 1975 we sent the confidence in my ability to, you know, to create to score was to help my teammate. is that the lenses 1st try faces the 1963 autonomy and cap. and that's a 2 decades of coaching. a 1st piece of civil way to jump carol guest breeding, typically in europe and the bubble. eventually, the clubs that are winning things have you saw them? we've seen instances about over the last few days. those clouds actually struggle to keep costs down in the chain. i thought, where is pennsylvania has managed to wincing as well as skills, being a financially sustainable club as politic. who's in the $360.00 ones i'm beaten? journey comes to an end of which included $42.00 wins, you know, competitions and secured them a 1st been display, good side. so they normally,
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p is not to to get the feed in their 52nd game. normally you have my charlie, i'm going to see some show. it's quite being quite exceptional. what we have, i chief, will have to be really proud for all of what we need some think about it. if i should be in today it's, it's painful, but it's the surface well level cruise and can still when the double with the german cup final coming up on saturday. but this not belong to atlanta and the friends back home and beg him of the 1st to tell me. and when is it this tournament in a quarter of a century? david stokes. out just there. now some unexpected news out of germany went by munich reports to be in talks to sign vincent company as the new head coach. the former munch especially captain, is currently at bun lee, who have just been relegated from the premier league is only of a managerial role was with and elect in his native belgian by unfinished 3rd independence lisa. and i'm looking to replace the thomas to who,
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who announced he was leaving in february 38 year old company, one full time unique titles with $56.00 german having also played for humbug. a look at don't search has led the dallas mavericks to victory and game one of the western conference finals series with administrators. the temples don't change. got 33 points while inquiry of in school 24 of assessing the 1st house with the mavericks. but it was done to just 15 points in the full full. so that helped me come from behind. 21. oh $8.00 to $1.00 eye size. minnesota host game to on site. so i just said to myself, you know, we've got to win this game. i gotta be way better because 3 quarters i didn't play good. uh, so i just came into force. uh, get to my spot and lives. it seemed to him. and that child in new york ranges have found themselves falling behind to the series of the 1st time in the playoffs. it was game one of the eastern conference finals. and it was largely because of the
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florida campus goals. and so gave overall scheme age 23 sites to shut out the ranges as the pump is $1.00 to $3.00. nothing's going to is in new york on friday depending save all champions, the kansas, the chase hubbard, tons of training in an off season. full of, of field destructions, including the pun, arise and comments made by took a harrison but at the university graduation ceremony. some of you may go on to lead successful careers in the world, but i would venture to guess that the majority of you are most excited about your marriage and the children you will bring into this world. that was positive, but cause speech at a catholic university which address the female students in the crowd. you'll start criticize the celebration of pride month in the us. and president joe biden starts on abortion. but because teammates and coach will asked about it at the news conference on wednesday are judging by the care to the new shows every single day. and that's a good person, as, as someone who cares about the people around them cares about his family and their wants to make a good impact in society. when you're in the locker, there's
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a lot of people from a lot of different areas of life. and they have a lot of different views on everything, and we're always going to agree we're, we're a microcosm of, of life here by some different areas, the religions, different prices. and so we all get along, we all respect each others. so you know, opinions and not necessarily do we, do we go by those, but we, you know, we respect everybody to have a voice. i know a joke of which is fine tuning his preparations and next week's french opened by reaching the quotes of windows in geneva. well, the one the young to come from on 6363 on wednesday, as he also celebrated his 37 1st day with his 1180 p match victory. surprisingly, he's still searching for the 1st time. all right, that as long as both went out, i have will feel like to fully joe. thank you very much. we'll see you later. now, urgent team is president. heavy malay has given
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a rock star like performance to promote his new book. it comes as the economy has slowed with construction and manufacturing hottest have very simple re force from the capital by the size. i am the king, the lawyer king sent argentine as precedent, heavier relay. he presented his new book capitalism, socialism, a menu plastic, a plot with a music show in a stadium. and what a sight is, the book is meant to split. he's level, he's having ideas where he opposes any type of state intervention that they feel like speak about my journey on how my thoughts changed from being hosted by nature and marxist until i became a disciple of the austin birch area, the capital letters nice book for over here now were about his book and the economics theory he continues to defend. have you had any day, continues to try to defend himself from traditional politics by establishing
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a direct communication with his followers using alternative ways like social media and shows like the one happening in when a site is suddenly lay social, implementing one of the harshest officer with the plans in argentina's history, and for many he's using this show to try to divert attention from the real issues affecting people in the country. we lease main priority since taking office has been to we do sewing inflation. and in order to achieve it, you had to reduce public's lending to reduce the deficit. inflation is now going down. but out in tina's economy is expected to contract by more than 3.5 percent this year. be on the drop in activity. factories are anticipating major layoffs, but he's supporters, incest. he's on the right path. ok, cool. lot of says me lays delivering on his promises the team that has had a problem for many years. and he's starting to fix it,
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who's bringing down inflation when the economy will be sent in a few months. but it's not just stick with all my troubles. he's facing this week. spring announced it is permanently withdrawing it some basset or as a result of a growing diplomatic feud with argentina. me at close ally of donald trump spoke to roll last weekend by insinuating the wife of springs prime minister, but it will, son just was corrupt. he says he'd like it this, so i thing that you may know that for he selected his constituency. and that is something that is one of the viewing positive lights. i think uh, really on my terry's way off of dealing with, with important important stuff. are you in tennis president behaves like a rock star, and polls show his phone to where's continue to believe him? but many are beginning to question whether he's the right man to guide argentina
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towards a more constructive economic past city. so we'll just see that when a site is and that is it for this news hour on out to 0, stay with this very novel gave, it will have more of the days, top stories coming up a show me. thank you for the so we news of eunice goes world press freedom prize, were announced a collective award honoring the palestinian journalist covering the war wrong does . when does the recipients out? does he have his guys a bureau chief, why i sent a message of appreciation. he says palestinian terrorist and guys i need justice and protection. his wife, children, and other relatives were killed by his really bones before he himself was nearly killed. at least 143 media workers and journalists have been killed in gaza in nearly 7 months of war. this use wordpress freedom conference also focused
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specifically on the dangers faced by journalist covering the environment. the number of attacks against the journal this to are specifically covering the environment has risen 42 percent in the last 5 years. the best and to build experts say is for those who attack facts and silence journalists to be held accountable. for young women in the south african town play by poverty rate and murder baby. yet despite all community workers determined to provide refuge, long as the communities say, not my problem is always gonna happen. like one small town safehouse. and with this documentary on that jersey to, this is the 1st genocide that we see in real time. it's the victims themselves. there's
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a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream media. it is always an attempt to frame at the 2 side of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias. understand what they are looking to get out and raise. the listening post covers how the news is covered. the the gauze health care system under pressure is really forces is really troops for as doctors and patients to be in the hospital. and then on the, you're watching all the 0 life or my headquarters and i'll find and you navigate


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