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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 23, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm AST

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think it is always an attempt to frame as to side of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias who understand what they are looking to see out and raise. the listening post covers how the news is covered. the gaza is health care system under pressure is really forces is really troops for as doctors and patients to be in the hospital. and then on the you're watching ultra 0 live from headquarters and del find and you navigate also coming up in gaza. city is really are strikes, hit a mosque on the school, killing 5 adults on 5 children. china holes military exercises around taiwan
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days after the island swears in, in new liter probation views as a dangerous secretary. political campaigning begins in the u. k. after prime minister wishes to not calls a small collection for july, but for the the world health organization has issued an urgent appeal to is really forces off to the storming of the allowed the hospital in northern gaza. to address, gabrielle says, says a 140 medical staff patients and their friends and relatives were inside the facility when it was rated. the hospital is located in the valley, a refugee camp. the w h o is calling for the protection of patients on health care workers inside the hospital, as well as safe passage for their evacuation during its war on gaza. that is really army has repeatedly targeted hospitals in violation of international humanitarian
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law that grants them special protection. ultra 0 spoke to one of the doctors as he left allows the hospital a good number to discuss this further. we were at the hospital as usual and we never left at all. we never even thought of quitting on our patients and the injured people. 4 days ago we were taken by surprise when these really military besieged to hospital women out for them. they would not allow anyone inside the state to care for the lives of our patients, gun and the bypass all the money. if we had 14 patients, we continued to give medical care to them. and then today at 3 o'clock on these really army force, nearly all of us from the hospital, the patients remained inside with for medical staff and to paramedics to care for them. how to use all of us have been ordered to leave the hospital. keep walking towards the watch because we are walking till we reach a safe area and to find shelter. we want to reach
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a safe place at the shelter of the medical staff to remain that out of hospitals since october 7th, until now. they never left. and now their homes are destroyed and they have nowhere to go outside. and just need to add that we have sent several appeals to the w h o to the red cross and to our partners with doctors without borders to intervene to protect the patients. if that when they all promised to intervene and to talk to the occupation forces to prevent targeting the hospital, the patients and not to target the medical staff. oh awesome, but i haven't seen anything done. what's the problem? they got them and have them. i can go ahead and share it from here, from this street, by appeal to all international organizations and all medical related officials, especially the w h o, calling upon them to intervene, they've got to protect what remains of the hospital patients in the hospital and the medical staff who refused to leave and continue to care for those patients here
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. and if you met that to help with will select the thought i was on. was there any else from dated by the hand? santa rosa told her, what is the storming of the now the hospital not only mean for its ability to function, but also for hospitals across the strip that are barely functioning. the will, the striking reality, the reading is back there was hospitalized before have been surrounded by these, by the army in the 1st time to initially manage to invite you to be another part of the goals assistant. again, for the 2nd time whose 2 hospitals have been surrounded by the mandatory time spot, the new reality that these 20 minutes reset trying to set to the north of district is that the 1st to eviction of medical teams or from the hospital, it means that there are joint and see the notes of district from any calling of medical existence. i know that to take full control over the north of district and to no longer even help people to get any kind of proper treatment. and this is one
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of the systematic methods as well as being using in order to empty the north of district from its residents, destroying all kinds of a life of supply of all kinds of means of supplies that include things. what's a will bakeries preventing any kind of 8 to get into the north. now, the roommate into the hospitals or from any kind of medical work has it means that people won't be able to get any kind of a treatment. then this is what the united nations relief and walk agency owner, what has saying before that the em tingled. hospitals, the full collapse of medical effects and the notes of this trip will help to increase the suppressed and the publicity of a, of, as this is a separate among palestinians, including their younger children to be talked just a alongside with the intake to us disease diseases that's widely separate among those palestinians. so right now what is happening in the north of this trip is literally a very systematic military. plum bi is valid order to control that portion of the territory. and so there have been in tens is really air strikes in the north and
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the strip. tell us what you've heard about those as well as the latest attacks elsewhere across goes on. well the attacks right now have been taking place in the notes of guns in particular, in a tunneling pound of these running in country unit top target to an evacuation centered in base how noun worth unapproved injuries have been recruited among evacuees who are taking shown. so induce evacuation since is on. it's worth remembering that earlier today it is very minute 3 has announced a new military invasion of bank tunnel in town at the north of the gaza strip. as bottles are still ongoing in that area alongside that. and all the pots of the treasury in a rough, exactly what that's happening. terry ducting, the central nature whose work do is actually advertisement for the maneuvering troops to use that refuge account, which is one of the main neighborhoods that is located in the central area is
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a rough. that means that the all me is gradually expanding the military, encouraging of rough district alliance of the phone to to ration of humanitarian conditions in that area. but although attacks can central at garza city today has killed at least 35 palestinians as the medical reality. of course, the territory is losing. i'm getting much more narrow a day by day. okay, todd, a thing here thought also reported him dated by the thank you and how stands across cause are dealing with extreme shortages of fluids, water and fuel. but even before the war is rose, nearer to death to blockade limited the volume of goods allowed into the strip and recent months the people of cause i have been increasingly relying on donkey carts as a means of transportation and income from desantos reports. it was once considered an outdated form of transport. now the nor
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palestinians in gainesville are relying more and more on donkey carts and here in hon. eunice, people say it's become the only way left to get around. i am a volunteer at the european hospital. i am facing great difficulty finding a means of transportation to the medical facility. i need to get at least 2 rides. in addition to walk in 3 kilometers. not only is the journey fraught with danger, it is insanely expensive to nearly 8 months into israel's war, palestinian save the suffering is beyond measure. with shortages of food, medical supplies, and fuel. and those who still have vehicles are using them to make a living. let's say they're struggling to make ends meet off the golf on.
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i'm using this pickup truck to earn a living. how is that? how suffering is beyond description? one, least with diesel now costs $16.00. it's also injustice. if i challenge the passenger $1.00 to $3.00, we end up financing, but it's beyond my control. i highly cover the cost of fuel oil in something to feed my children. appraisal plants comes to an insert. donkey carts have become prominent during israel's war, ongoing sale. palestinians have used them to move their belongings after being forcibly displaced to transport goods and even to take the injured to hospital. for suffering from a sharp shortage of fuel, transportation is yet another problem to beg of flowers. unbelievably expensive donkey cart is the only alternative for transportation. even patients can find a ride to the nearest hospital. i myself have multiple injury. the engine between
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the rubble left behind from relentless is really a tax palestinians say they're looking for ways to survive in the midst of the siege ongoing. so how does that hurt as either the, the body or if it runs late presidents but he but a e. c has arrived in his home city of much had for burial. these are the live pictures and you can see thousands have been gathering in the streets to pay their respects. this is the 4th official day of morning one, uh, 4 out of 5 for the ac and 7 others, including the foreign minister for saying, i mean on the on, were killed in a helicopter crash on sunday for a ministers funeral rights or underway just shows of the capital to iran, and that is where our correspondence already has him,
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is joining us from id where the funeral has to be. it has been held or is being held for the foreign minister. a tell us what you've seen and how the day has gone as well as the body of the house. and i mean, i have the landlords, they, to rest here at this shrine to the solid sofa to her on the beginning of the sad when he saw to the minister of foreign affairs. while he was the same, one was attended by former officials for about 40 minutes, says and then it was transferred to this place where he was buried. and of course signed the city off. much as you can see onto the uh, the body of president the brian right. you see is uh uh, expect it to be like dressed in becoming a few hours. the funeral is uh, going through right now. and before that, he was taken to the city of the john, the city that to be presented at the council of ex. that's which is the counsel restart, responsible for electing the future lead up. this is now the situation here. of
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course they've been several to the funeral also is housed in the city of deputies to the north, west, the eclectic and the, the golf. now golf northeastern. as that right, john, also i suppose to be slaves and russ, tens of thousands of people across the lawn took part in these a funeral. busy and tomorrow, of course would be the last day of moaning. and so i leave, the officials has been keen to portray a sense of continue it at least until the next presidential election is held, which is in 50 days time. how. how do people view this sort of next interim period? what, in fact there are 2 paths. moment one, the, the supreme leader, even when the setup president have up to was missing and gave us a key and staff that nobody should be. what is the life of people the businesses.
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busy would come, you continue as normal, and then the 2nd day when the death was announced, immediately the transitional period started with the appointment of the interim president and the intern for a minute stuff. and of course, a putting date for the elections, which is, which is even less than 50 days. this would be in the coming uh, 40 days from now. people of course, would be very uh, anxious and concerned because of the situation for a situation of uncertainty. however, the establishment wants to, it feels as vacuum as soon as possible because vacuum in the radio and cultures in something that government slides. and that's why that is election underway. the next next week they can do this. will start submitting the kind of the seas, the campaigns will start, and immediately life will get to normal. actuated yet, as i, i have been since seeing the intent on the part of the facts going on. she knows
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that going on and life as, as usual, is being restored. we can see shops open, most opening restaurants, opening. so things are getting to normal as soon as possible. okay, thank you. are the hash and thanks for that reporting from iran are still as on al jazeera, with a shortage of doctors and health workers and ukraine. volunteers are stepping in to lend a hand the hearing dislikes. shark populations is declined 70 percent understanding the reality. i just placed it in a fluid. i'll just say it was teens across the world when you come to the house of the story. in depth analysis of the days headlines, if that was a rough or offensive, where would the people go? people have no place to go. each one of 1000 people has to be displaced at least 2
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times frank assessments. this is a max and blown to free speech and freedom of the press informed opinions. you can be somebody. this is on one of the hostages, october 7th, and return. and i want the chilly to stop inside story on al jazeera, hod, he came in to be israel and obstacles piece. i think that the new thing you have on his government with these says 5 digit, you say getting russell, a thought provoking. odd since the e, you made weapons being used in guns. no guns should be used in an offensive way. that's our facing realities. you're running mean, what does he bring to the table? hard from being president, joe, could we do it or something we can uptake the fact that he was signing a present as not that important factor here. the story on talk to how does era the
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the hello again, the top stories on alger 0, this our is really forces our turn getting the to remaining health care center is still functioning in northern garza. they've ordered stuff to me even though i was a hospital and have a time to come out and odd one hospital. the u. n. has issued an urgent appeal for magics to be protected as really forces and fondest school mosque in gaza. city killing 10 people, 5 of them were children. since the start of its war and october, the military has killed more than 35000 palestinians, including more than 16000 children to the body. if it runs late, presidents of the email that you see has arrived in the eastern city of for john's . the burial is due to be held later on thursday, in his home city of much tides,
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not to life picture from restaurants, and thousands of gathered to pay their respects. funerals have been held in the occupied westbank for the 12 palestinians killed during a today is really raid and the janine refugee camp. the palestinian health ministry says 5 children were among the dead. dozens were injured, including a journalist and ambulance crews is really bulldozers ripped up roads and damaged infrastructure. dozens of jeanine residents have been arrested. is really forces in settlers of killed at least $518.00 palestinians in the occupied west bank. in more than 7 months, the humans joining us now from it on the line they occupied westbank to tell us what the situation is in janine right now. and what's been the aftermath of that deadly raged. yes, it's killed at 12 palestinians and the bodies of 11 of them are being laid to rest
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as we speak now because only one person his body was allowed outside, then was able really to get out of the hospital to be laid to rest the rest of the body, the families had to wait for the end of the read. this took place for more than 38 hours to be able to bid their loved ones farewell and need them to rest. we're talking about 5 miners affording to local sources who have been killed by is ready for his fire, but also a surgeon who is just barking his car in front of the hospital when he has been shot and killed as well as a teacher who is going to his school, so we're talking about people who are going about their daily lives now according to palestinians, they are the said that the confrontations did not stop. so during the time, so long as these really forces with it, and we've heard from the is really army a statement saying that they noticed that the resistance fighters inside that are
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you, jacob, are always upgrading and finding new ways to put in front of these really forces militarily, so these ready for us to say that they're trying to find new ways to try and stop old armed resistance actions from within jimmy and itself. so let me ask you this when the is really, is conduct these raids and operations in territories in occupied territories in the west bank, where the palestinian security forces varying according to the signed agreements between the palestinian liberation organization p. o. on israel, it has been agreed the long time ago that when never these re, new forces want to operate in an area once a way that they tell the palace, send me an a forward you through what's known here is the security for the nation between the 2 parties, so the palestinian security forces are demanded to leave the area and allow these
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really forces to get in. this has been one of the main critiques of the palestinian authority by people. you're saying that it's leaving the policy and is really dealing solidly with b is re the armed forces, the 3rd raising palestinian towns and cities with the palestinian authority. the way it looks sockets, is that these re, the army has much more advance follower. there is no way palestinian security forces wouldn't be able to confront familiarity with these really forces. that's why they say that they've been trying to and the occupation by their thing, more international pressure on the palestinian so sorry on the is way the occupation to and it's evaluations against the palestinians. and that's why we do not see the palestinian security forces in those rates that are taking place in different areas in the type of thing. okay, and is i think you need to have it. i am reporting from it. i'm a lot in the occupied westbank. the political parties in the u. k. are due to start
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campaigning a day after the prime minister wishes to not call a surprise snap election. so that vote will be held on july. the 4th soon access that his policies are brought economic stability after a cost of living crisis. but opinion polls suggests that his governing party could be facing the feats for the marches. joining us live from london outside downing street believes so. what's been the reaction to this call for a snap election during the opinion polls to suggest that students conservative auntie around 20 points behind the labor opponents. and so the newspapers here have really sees on the the some of them was fault with the london times. this reaction with the headline on the front page yesterday was soon bets the house. again, an allusion to the risk that he seems to be taking, given how far behind a spot he is in national polls. the guardian has
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a similar message through next big gamble, whereas some of the newspapers that have potentially bit more supportive of mr. so not kind of conservative into the daily mail here in the u. k. it has the front page headline. now is the moment for britain to choose it's future. very much echoing the message that soon i gave during his statement outside dining street yesterday afternoon here. and then finding the daily mirror which tends to support the labor policy, tends to skew slightly less to the physical center drown and out. it was a very, very heavy down forehead. assume that was even that statement. a lot of the newspapers playing on that fine. not a great visual visual metaphor for the stats of the pleasant campaign. that's for sure. right. and, and for them, i suppose the off position must be pleased with this news for they reacting well. they've been demanding at election so many months if not at least a year or so. they've been ahead in the polls for a long time since the premiership of maurice johnson and his trusts. and some of
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the scandals and financial time all that the 2 of the precipitated in terms of that reaction yesterday they released a campaign video. as soon as i was speaking, talking about the conservative parties, tailspin forget the conservative and let the government here in britain for 14 years now. in a statement just off to mr. so you're not going to speaking case tom, but the leader of the late apology talked about ending the kale surround for let's and me of complaints. many of them very widely accepted in the u. k. blame those on the conservative and said that his policy is given power off the july 4th. but i have to stop by kind of tail summer time, but we cannot make non political stability to person. thank you so much for the march reporting from london. for months, russian forces have been bombarding ukraine 2nd largest city car keys using guided bonds. drones and massage president will let them resilience concerns. moscow is taking advantage of the lack of air defenses in the country. the strikes have put
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pressure on emergency services, and volunteers are trying to bridge that tough as don't home and reports. they're going to need a lot of coffee. this is a volunteer medical rapid reaction unit, night shift how to keep the work from 11 to 6 am going wherever they were brushing their attacks on ukraine 2nd city. at the moment they were alone. in the past few months, hockey's been under intensifying bump up. and so what is the purpose is simple. the 1st in and keep people alive. they're all trained combat paramedics, the main weapons, tony case in the light medical bag. they have to be agile. scroll too much as we short them to time for have to on right to. and that can be really critical to us. for example, if someone has a must have bleeding,
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they can in 2 minutes to so this is some of the product, the rest of the shipment. a co sign is a leader. and a businessman, everyone in this building to unit has a day joke. at a quick see about to item people from frontline, towns boat than so policeman maxime, an architect and does show what's in a cool center like the of the she has a story behind her in bozeman. here her parents live in an area occupied by russia . she worries about them the only i'd really like a team like us to be available to my relatives during an emergency situation. i wish they have people with schools like us who could help us. but from that store it's important has grown in a sense of vocation, enjoyment even to this, to offset itself because of the hospitals. it focuses on the one hand. this is to help people who need it. and on the other hand, it's an adrenalin, an addiction. i simply wouldn't be able to return to civilian life. so even though
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i could die from this, i feel that i'd die without to. this is the night life now, waiting together on the ground to the next. cool. don't the home and how does it a, how to keith? this taiwan has mobilized its forces after china launch 2 days of military exercises around the islands. beijing says the drills are in response to provoke us have comments, new presidents lighting to a major in the and i'll get ration on monday lies sides. high one would not be subordinate to china. beijing claims the self government islands as its own territory. katrina, you has more from beijing, a ton is foreign ministry repeated some of the earlier comments that we had from aging people's liberation army that this is clearly drills that are punishment for what? trying to see the separatist acts miss it while i try once you administration and namely the new president lighting to who is
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a newborn monday. and what we do know about these drills is that they started 7045 am on thursday morning local time. according to will not release by the kia la. uh, these are p like pools the surrounding taiwan as well as the outlying islands. and they say that these are designed to practice a chinese courses combat readiness, precision strikes and practice. the chinese schools as ability to seize and control the battlefield. these are going for 2 days. and as a response, we've had try one, mobilize the armed forces, the time when he's government come out and say that these are reversible. they've said that these military jewels by china are a threat to tyrants, democracy and freedom. but typically, taiwan and the people. these are the only audiences that agent wants to make a point to. they've also said that these drills are still pointing against interest periods and publication by foreign forces, and that was a point that one is for mr. suppose this really made that bathing is full. so
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urging the united states to still it's a pool of time. oh, that's it for me. the weather is next 10 minutes inside story where the team will be examining norway arlington spain's decision to recognize an independent palestinian state by the have that let's have a look at the weather full cost if the east asia, as we go into the weekend and you can see a dense cloud sitting of or southern parts of china. that's the may you front. it's going to bring more heavy rain to southern areas. give a soaking to hong kong and tie one as well friday into saturday. now it's much wyatt across japan, but the change in the wind here friday to saturday will bring temperatures down slightly $25.00 degrees celsius that in tokyo. and we will see something of
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a cool zone. of course, moving parts of china, thanks to a front, is going to bring some of that rain into beijing. you can see it that on such a day, but clear skies on sunday and the heat will be turning up once again. and the heat is a story across the south asia for pakistan as well as move in areas of india. we've got that pre monsoon heat bringing heat wave conditions to places like rock just on, as well as to for dash and deli temperatures here, pushing up to 46 degrees celsius. then you w angela whole. it's also hot across the south, but luckily we have got some way to weather cooling things down ever so slightly. cases like carola, are expecting to see some very heavy rain as we go friday into saturday. and a circulation in the bay open goal is going to bring some heavy rain to me and my among the dish on saturday. the brutal mode is to take night to the country and k o l g 0. well,
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goes to gaming with political schools in the 1980s was settled by assessing that was a big back. so coming the battle in which south humans president was part of a deadly game. i refused to give them my head, will give up power to the killing of south pm and the politicians during a routine cabinet. take a 1986, a not to me. of an assassination. on al jazeera, norway, ireland, and spain announced that they will recognize an independent palestinian state. we live in europe and nations follow suit. and what does this mean to palestine efforts to become a full member of the united nations? this is the inside story. the other one was.


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