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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 23, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm AST

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you look forward to 0 as you've seen telling us nothing grows forever. the is ready, soldiers force doctors and patients out of out the hospital, one of guys lives, functioning, medical facilities. are you watching out to 0 live from to have with me for the back. people also coming out the 1st state visit fine african leader to the us in 15 years. can you, as president william hotel is being welcomed with military honors to the white house? political campaigning begins in a u. k. after 5 minutes survey system that calls us not the election for july, the 4th and francis president and manually my call says it will
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take several days to restore. com in the french territory of caledonia, after weeks of the thank you for joining us. the world health organization has issued an urgent appeal to is really forces after the storming of the out the hospital in northern guys. dr . tedra us give her a, a so says a 140 medical staff patients and their friends and relatives were inside the facility when it was rated. the hospital is located in your body at a refugee camp in northern garza. w. h o is calling for the protection of patients and health care workers inside the facility and safe passage for their evacuation. well, during his war on guys, ivy's really ami has repeatedly targeted hospitals in violation of international humanitarian law that grand some special protection alger 0 spoke to one of the doctors as he left out the hospital. the suspend doing when we were at the
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hospital as usual, we never left at all. we never even thought of quitting on our patients and the injured people. 4 days ago we were taken by surprise when these really military besieged the hospital and went off with them. they would not allow any one inside the state to care for the lives of our patients. gun in the box out of money. if we had 14 patients, we continued to give medical care to you all then today at 3 o'clock and these are really army force, nearly all of us from the hospital. the patients remained inside with for medical staff and to paramedics to care for them. all of us have been ordered to leave the hospital, keep walking towards the watch because we are walking till we reach a safe area and to find shelter. we want to reach a safe place at the shelter of the medical staff to remain that out of hospitals since october 7th, until now they never left and now their homes are destroyed and they have nowhere
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to go outside and just need to add that we have sent several appeals to the w h o to the red cross, and to our partners with doctors without borders to intervene to protect the patients when they all promised to intervene and to talk to the occupation forces to prevent targeting the hospitals and the patients. and not to target the medical staff, so awesome, but i haven't seen anything done what they've done. they got them and have them. i can go ahead and share it from here, from this street, by appeal to all international organizations and all medical related officials, especially the w h o, calling upon them to intervene, they've got to protect what remains of the hospital patients in the hospital and the medical staff who refused to leave and continue to care for those patients. what are the i spoke to mohammed a saw who is the acting director for the out the hospital in northern guys
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a he spoke to us while still trapped inside the facility. he says patients and staff are facing a very difficult situation that we have to get the age of allow the hospital yesterday wednesday. busy the starting, the physician for his is in for the to wish and the a lot of the stuff and the patients, the companies or yeah, with the so is that the way that would change that was getting guys to see and, and now we are for p and of the stuff we are is a, with the, with that what patient theater a lot of must be evacuated because i am if you to that and they put on the patient isn't they have to send to us and on too long since,
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because the situation of our patient is had a situation that can't walk to go to where i was sitting gazda on the we stay with the now we have 11 fissions and another a to eh, bishop company because there is that to data the and i want to see i could get better with this data. so now we took the out of 27 paths on, on the seed in the people sitting outside the hospital, including patients and staff. as you were talking to us, mr. sala, we could hear some loud noise in the background. what sounded like gunshots, can you tell us if there is still fighting inside or in the vicinity of the hospital? it will be out of the out of silk to think i looked on bumping in method of rounding the the be hosted on the mouth now. so think them to her 2 days, the sure thing to those that that but now the sure thing and phone being side
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around the, the, the house because there is this night. but on the, on the best things on the out of walking in the and outdoor area outside of our hospital. and there is a lot of surgeons there. so we are an inside the hospital yesterday. the out in thought of the inside of the hospital on the broken the, the door that the close as well as not just out of the hospital. these really ami has repeatedly targeted medical facilities across the gaza strip. all just here is honey. my mood visited us. the hospital in darrell belie best in the center of the guys is true, but it's one of the last remaining functioning health facilities in the territory. we're inside the lot, the hospital that's the only remaining operational health facility and major one in the central area right now is running at the lowest capacity possible. 15 days ago, we did a report here and we, we did see some of the dire situation at the hospital giving how ill worried
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crowded this whole facility has been since the evacuation orders. where is it a from? we're a residential city all the way to the central area, just making it over a crowd in lack in major a space for a free injuries worth patients. and as you can see, with barely able to walk into the co resort of the hospital. right now, people on the side of the corner doors are either sleeping, evacuated inside the house, or they are among the injuries. and patients either arrives to the hospital within the past hours of the bombing campaign continues to pound across the gaza strip or within the past few weeks, the lack of a phrase leads into an increase increase or inadequacy of the hospital itself. there is a lack of sanitation there are, there's damage, i use facility inside the hospital, just increasing the rest of the threat of infectious and communicable diseases in
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the hospital. very proud of this face. and one thing that, that is striking us all the time. it is the is that they is the vision medical, the staff inside the hospital. this isn't an injury that arrived at the hospital within the past the 3 days then and so far been left in the court or the hospital simply because there is no space. all the rooms are packed with patients and, and injuries. but also there are no doctors do the check on on this injuries and do to make sure they're getting these the proper medical intervention that they need honey. my mode in central guys have it in the occupied westbank funerals as being held for the 12 palestinian scale during a 2 day is really rate in the janine refugee camp. the policy and health ministry says 5 children were among the dead. dozens of people were injured, including
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a journalist and ambulance clothes. is there any bulldozers rip type roads and damaged infrastructure? dozens of jeanine residents have been arrested. is there any forces in settlers of killed at least $518.00 palestinians any occupied westbank in more than 7 months? the center of the world news now, and kenny as president william roto is in the us, says that 2 countries mark 60 years of diplomatic relations. these are life pictures from the white house where the kenyan leader and his wife are just now arriving. being welcomed by president joe biden. this is a 3 day state visit and william bhutto is the 1st african needed to be hosted to a 3 date and a state visit in washington in more than 15 years. he and president joe biden
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are to discuss trade and security, kenya has agreed to send a 1000 police officers to haiti as part of a multinational mission to help restore order. after months of violence, again live pictures from the white house of us president joe biden welcoming william router, the president of kenya and his wife and joe biden. the 1st lady, i also present at the ceremony, which is underway at the white house last spring. and kimberly how could our white house correspondent in washington d. c. a highly significant in symbolic visits. kimberly yeah, that's right. because what this march is 60 years of diplomatic ties and, and cooperation between united states and kenya, significant as you mentioned, because there are security ties, trade ties, innovation when it comes to technology. also when it comes to global health. but
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this visit also is a little bit front with controversy. and this has been brought up a number of times because there was a promise that was made by the us presidents. it was not kept to recall the washing to the african summit that was held back in 22. a 2022 of december. the us present made a promise to african leaders that he would visit the content the following year. he never did that, that 2023 came in width for now to 2024. it's an election year. it's unlikely that the president is going to be able to make that trip. and so there is a little bit of tension over this visit. so. 2 right now it's all pop in circumstance, elaborate ceremony, all smiles and handshakes that i can tell you there will be some formal talks around 15 g m t that will be followed by a joint press conference and a state dinner following that. yeah, a lot of pomp and circumstance, as you say, we see present 5 and, and president go to their and their wives,
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rachel rudo and joe biden as well. they are taken to the podium now as we speak. now the talks that are going to be happening are likely to focus, of course, on this uh uh, force that kenya has promised to deploy for security in, in haiti. talk to us about that. kimberly, what do we expect? can you to announce specific? yeah, well this is all part of that ongoing security cooperation that we've been talking about. it's got a longstanding tradition. this is an example of that. what we're expecting to hear an announcement about who is the deployment of 1000 police officers canyon police officers. boeing into haiti trying to quell that ongoing gang violence that has ripped the country. but again, this is a long standing tradition of counter terrorism efforts and cooperation between the united states and. and yeah, whether it's been a badly else above whether it's been working you prayed, or even to combat the who is in the red sea. this is something that has been
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ongoing ad, we'll continue. so that's what we're watching for. kimberly, thank you very much. of course, we'll check in with you for all the latest one. can you as president visit to the winehouse william hotel? i've uh for a 3 day street state visit in washington d. c. this says they thank you company or not to the u. k. where political parties are campaigning a day after the prime minister wishes to not call the surprised snap election. the vote will be held on july, the 4th. so knock says his policies have brought economic stability after a cost of living crisis. but opinion polls suggest is governing party could be facing defeats. that's bringing oven and mocks, who's alive at downing street in london. the campaigning has already begun available. what of the conservative spin out of which is that i could literally be chris crossing parts of the u. k, but it's in the middle of england and now in south wales this afternoon. this morning though, he was full of thoughts or questions about his plans for the selection and the
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timing of the selection. one of the big acknowledgments, while the as being around the i did his plan to default assignment because from the u. k to east africa through a window is now not going to happen before the selection july. 4th has been a flagship policy around immigration for his policy. and for him post means the lead us. it's been 2 years in the making. they still haven't been able to get a single flight off the ground from the u. k to rewind and he's not doing it wouldn't happen before the election. that will give him a lot of challenges amongst the right wing members of his policy, the conservatives. but it also gives a lot of, i mean a she does, it was for the labor party who said that this is a policy that was never going to work in the 1st place. and like many of the other policies have been cited by the conservative policy over the last 14 years, they have not being good full, the u. k. and what about the opposition for them? how they preparing themselves for this not protection?
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well they came out of as clearly raring to go for the they've been demanding the selection for many, many months, no doubt and taught because they also far ahead of the conservative delay the policy in the polls. they released the video as mr. soon. i was speaking to yesterday evening talking about what they, the cale. so the conservative governments criticizing the way that the student has himself around the country, but also his treatise as, as low as trusts and bar songs. and before him, the challenge for labor is trying to not get boats as complaisant, given how far ahead they are in the polls. and that's something that in the messaging as being reiterated again and again. then thank you very much. been in my side for a step in london. stella head on alger 0 china holes military exercises around taiwan days after the island swears in a new leader, homepage and use as a dangerous separatists and injuries. debby. apologies
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for that half ma ma much peters debby is wanting as charged. president baptist disputed the next the israel's war on gossip be coming forever across the united states. why are the student protests for palestine being met with military style track down? why despite insist on 0 consequences for israel in its war on gaza, the quizzical look of us politics. the bottom line pod who came in to be use is israel and obstacles piece. i think that the new thing, the f one of these government with these says 5 digit, you say getting russell, a thought provoking on the e. you made weapons being used in guns. no guns should be used in an offensive way . that's our facing realities. you're running mean what does he bring to the table? hard from the presidential go to some we cannot take the fact that he was signing
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up, present as not the need for the fact that he had the story on talk to. how does he have a week to look at the world's top business stories? how much of the rebuilding, the cost of who pays from global markets and economies of small businesses have just started seeing and station come down and how it affects the dives? how big a problem is global food insecurity? counting the cost? oh no, jews here. we don't simply focus on the politics of the conflict. is the human suffering? that's the report on we brave bullet in bonds and we always include the views from all sides. the or the you're watching out your 0 life from the high reminder about top stories is really
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forces at targeting the 2 remaining health care centers, sale, functioning in northern gaza. they have order staff to be out the hospital and have a talk tomorrow. at one hospital. the u. n. has issued an agent to fire for medics to be protected in the occupied westbank. she knows that being house for the 12 out of simians killed during a 2 days for any rate. amy jeanine, refugee camp balancing and health ministry says 5 children where among the dead and kenya is president william hotel, is in the us to mock 6 years of diplomatic ties. he's being welcomed at the white house by president joe biden can and choke start preparing to enter haiti as part of the un legislation to bring the box defense and judge mamma address debbie has been sworn in as chad's new president. after being declared winter of the election house, early of this month, he had served as entering liter since 2021 after his father edward's debbie was killed by rebels. finding how the presidential election after months of nationwide
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protests, the opposition has alleged vote rigging and called for the results to be a no. and the i spoke to my core san jose policy advisor and the co founder of the non profit organization. think africa 2050. he says debbie is likely to push the same policies for motive bias funding is going to be or does the continuation because uh the people that was in the base, the base for his father's leadership are still in place. uh no, to lead the, the, the ministry who supported his while, this is support. same as well. although of his, the, like in any country, it's not one at least. but um, but yeah, i mean he's, he's also younger for 2 years of age. i think he showed that you was a ready to, to, um, uh, open his hands to the old position when he allowed the pregnant. it's the success
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matter when he appointed a most prime minister before the elections. although there was they were some skirmishes before the elections after the elections that have been some context contest patients. but at the same time, a process ended up being um, accepted by everyone as a result of one. so i assume that so she'll be able to govern in diesel install. thousands of people in the run have gathered in ne and city of my shot to be the final firewall to late president the brain, right? you see, right, see, will be late to raise had been shina kee mom, razor rice, c instead and others, including the for an minister who's saying me are of july and were killed in a helicopter crash on sunday. of the taiwanese forces have mobilized in response to 2 days of chinese military drills around the island. badging says the exercises already responds to what it calls the separatist acts of the new administration.
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lead by president. viking to katrina. you report somebody, change all the lighting to has been tie once president for less than a week. the chinese leaders have already judged him to be a threat to the j edit school of one day, claiming control of the self government island in response. they've launched 2 days of intensive military drills around tie one. the chinese people's liberation army says the joint c and exercises focus on conduct. writing is controlling the battlefield. and precision strikes. one key targets, stake, media, se the purpose is clear to the title. this is a strong punishment for the separatist act. 5 of ty, one independence, forces to go of the so called separatist ass, refer to lies woods during his inauguration on monday. he said taiwan was not subordinate debating and also thanks to the united states. the islands most important ally for its security support. tony's officials were furious for
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administer. one, he called ly, speech hostile and provocative disgrace, and said tie would a separate this would be nailed it to a pillar of shame. the military drills coincide with the release of a series of post is featuring weapons titled sacred weapons for killing ty, one's independence. lie responded to the aging by showing support for taiwan. supposes saying he would not be intimidated by the troops with her. what's in the jump to me? i will stand on the front line with old brothers and sisters from the national, allow me to defend the piece together. we will continue to defend the values of democracy lighting to the system and stability across the taiwan straits and to maintain the status. including today during those messages, most in line which is refused to accept chinese servants. chinese leaders also considered lies solutions to washington to be collusion with external forces.
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speaking from australia, us general said badges preparations for a possible offense if with nothing new and one of the devastation of such a conflict. at stake would be untold numbers of large troy's dollars and global economic damage and international order maintenance of the international word. it's delivered road of peace and stability over the past 80 years. it's a cost china doesn't want to add called to food any time soon. but the message it sends is clear, china is ready for if we should come, katrina, you all to 0. thank you. the front as president, the menu in my call says dialogue is the way to results more than a week of unrest in new caledonia. nicole has been meeting local leaders and the french pacific territory after protests against changes to the voting system. he says the current situation is unacceptable and that it could take several days before comm returns. when hey, reverse a god of on a welcome to the president to besieged french territory. after a week of protest,
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emmanuel mack, chrome said he was there to resolve the crisis. is about only of them when it gets because from the local section, of course we'll be looking at economic reconstruction support, rapid response, and then the most sense to political issues, to talk about the future of new caledonia, need to it's an uncertain future that seen people take to the streets, protesting against the proposed constitutional change. if approved by congress, it would allow french nationals who have lived in new caledonia for at least 10 years to vote in elections. the indigenous come acts who have little long struggle for independence. say the change is really about colonization and minimizing their influence. so see, we've been lied to for use and the, they've lied to our ancestors. they've lied to our elders, through the various agreements that have been made. we run out of food agreement. it's the longest when i'm with tired of not being recognized that some of the
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protests to say they'll stay on the streets for as long as it takes, even though the numbers have decreased. in response to the violence, the president sent some 3000 security personnel to new caledonia. click that, that may be very clear. these forces will remain as long as necessary, including during the olympic empire olympic games which start in paris in july. the last thing the french government will want is unrest in one of its territories. while it has the will detention. wayne, hey, al jazeera towed on a new zealand. the 9 people, including a child, have died in mexico after a stage, collab setup presidential campaign riley. the citizen, this movement party was holding an event in the state of level a on, on wednesday night. it's residential candidate, jorge out about as may knows said a gust of wind caused a stage to collapse. more than 50 people are injured, mexico's metre illogical services had wound up heavy rains and possible tornadoes
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in the region. and the u. s. a series of possible tornadoes of devastated parts of the state of iowa. and the worst had time of greenfield for people were killed in dozens injured. rescue is a still searching for the right above the level of destroyed homes. most homes are forecasts in the coming days as rob reynolds reports. at least 26 tornadoes, ravaged, 3 states doing the greatest damage in iowa. it is just a risk. it's hard to describe until you can actually see at the depth of station, much of the town of greenfield population. 2000 was torn to pieces. many residents are stunned and trying to cope with the extent of the damage done. a pruitt's family home has been wrecked just going to the most you know, like i said, just picking up stuff in the region known as tornado alley violent spring time storms are effect of light. but this warm of twisters was particularly large and
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powerful. moving rapidly from west to east, gaining spring as it bore, down on fields and farms residents rushed to shelter. we also reports in the weather was going to be bad. there was a tornado heading our way. and so i took my kids to the basement authority, se multiple people were killed and dozens are being treated for injuries. when we have this many homes that have been destroyed and i just fully demolished, we want to make sure that every resident, every person has a kind of work. trailers were flipped like toys in wind turbine smashed to the ground. tens of thousands of people were left without power and the weather service says more storms are on their way over the next several days. rob reynolds, l g 0, warren. all these stories were covering on alger 0 on a website that out is there a dot com the very latest on there, including the latest updates on his ras, one guy. so that's it from me for the batch of all my colleagues simon's a john,
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will be with you in around 30 minutes with the offices here and use our coming up next it's talk to, i'll just stay with the i had a load that was stopped by looking at the satellite images for south asia, and dennis cloud is sitting across the bay or bang goal, that's the circulation that's going to bring some very width. and when do, whether to the surrounding areas, patients like the on demand and nick about islands me in my bung additional east in india on the east coast is india now we'll see heavy rain continue for places like carola in the south of india with bus of heavy rain as well in sri lanka as we go through the we can not the very heart picture. i'm drawing to the north of this. we've got a dividing line across central parts of india. wet temperatures will continue to
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touch into the mid forties. as we go through the we can, you can see 46 degrees celsius in the whole new delhi that will continue through to monday with excessive heat. and heat has been the story across parts of east asia for places like japan, with temperatures have been sitting well above the average. they'll come down slightly over the next few days with a change in wind here, but also come down. okay, of moving parts of china. that's thanks to a front brick going to bring some way to where to beijing on saturday. but for the south of this, it's west across the very south, but the heat continues to build in shanghai on saturday. the now let me tell you about the cold results, the 1st of its kind in west africa. we were surrounded by a wild life from the moment we entered a coupon, occupied right now able to practice what the now be used,
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only elected very close here, like common here, sits on within large stairs, faced with a look in my private now. thanks. royal. i can also offer somebody valley equal, resorted in gun the malaysia stands in the house of agent, and as much as one of the most vocal on the console as this rel intensifies, it strikes the world is watching, especially what's referred to as the global south. the roles of global pals around the scrutiny, the actions, or lack of the united states and other nations of sponsored debate, of a fostering piece of fueling to how does the laser view the international response .


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