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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 23, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm AST

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which is 0 dollars to find suggest is through the courts. fairly straightforward in terms of establishing command responsibility as families and the lawyers space, a terrible deal in the search for the truth, the lost souls of syria. well, now just the era, the, [000:00:00;00] the hello, i'm sammy's a them, this has been use out live from dell coming up in the next 60 minutes. the director of gauze is allowed the hospital says patients install false feel times inside. the facility in the midst of face baffles between is ready forces in palestinian sizes
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. kenya is president william rudo in the us. so the 1st state visit volume applicant president in 15 years trade and security top the agenda. campaigning begins in the united kingdom. also the embattled prime is the cause of snap general election for july. the full, the china holds mid 3 exercises around taiwan days, off to the island square. assume and usually the badging considered as a dangerous secretary at bottom piece of statement with your school ref found, the dell has discovered he started opponents and what is expected to be he's lost in the french open and it's a tough 1. 14 time champion will face one of the favorites, forcing alexander's veterans the but again, the news, our northern garzo at one of the strips, few functioning hospitals is coming under is right. the file is ready for us is
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stormed out in the valley, a refugee camp world health organization says a 140 medical staff patients and the friends and relatives were inside the facility when it was rated. the w h o is calling for the protection of patients and health care workers inside the facility and the safe passage for their evacuation. the of my colleague fully bought the boat, spoke to my how much sol, how is the acting director of the hospital in northern garza spoke to us wal tracked inside the facility on the heaviest, right? the 5 as we get to the age of allowed the hospital yesterday they. busy be starting the pollution policies in force that situation be a lot of the staff and the patients the companies only would do is i
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would say that was getting guys to see and, and now we are 14 of the me because stuff we are is a with the with that what patient theater and he said lot of must be evacuated because the am. but if you do that and they put on the patient, isn't they have to send to us and on too long since, because the situation of our patient is had a situation that can't walk to go to where i was engaged on the we stay with the now we have 11 of patients and another a to a patient company because there is that to data the and i want to see i could give but with this data. so now we took the out of 27 past one on the received in the people sitting outside the hospital, including patients and staff. as you were talking to us, mr. sala,
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we could hear some loud noise in the background. what sounded like gunshots. can you tell us if there is still fighting inside or in the vicinity of the hospital, it would be out of the out of sale to think i looked on bumping, getting the rounding the the, the hosting on the mouth. and i was shooting them to her 2 days, the sure thing to those but that, but now the sure thing and pumping side around the, the, the house because there is this night. but on the, on the bed and the walking in the and outdoor area outside of a lot of hospital a, there is a lot of surgeons there. so we are an inside the hospital yesterday. the out in thought of the inside of the hospital on the broken the, the door that to close during its one godaddy's right in the army is repeatedly targeted hospitals in violation of international humanitarian law. the ground some
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special protection. now the 0 spoke to one of the doctors as he left the hospital, the hispanic either when we were at the hospital as usual, but we never left at all. we never even thought of quitting on our patients and the injured people. 4 days ago we were taken by surprise when these really military besieged the hospital and went out for them. they would not allow any one inside. we stayed to care for the lives of our patients, gun in the box, out of money. if we had 14 patients, we continued to give medical care to you then today at 3 o'clock on the as really army force nearly all of us from the hospital. the patients remained inside with for medical staff and to paramedics to care for them. that is, all of us have been ordered to leave the hospital. keep walking towards the wisconsin. we are walking till we reach a safe area and to find shelter. we want to reach a safe place at the shelter of the medical staff to remain that al, out of hospitals since october 7th,
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until now they never left and now their homes are destroyed and they have nowhere to go outside. and just need to add that we have sent several appeals to the w h o to the red cross. and to our partners with doctors without borders to intervene to protect the patients. they all promised to intervene and to talk to the occupation forces to prevent targeting the hospital, the patients and not to target the medical staff. oh awesome, but i haven't seen anything done. what's the problem? they got them and have them. i can woman have insurance from here, from this street, by appeal to all international organizations and all medical related officials, especially the w h o, calling upon them to intervene and they've got to protect what remains of the hospital patients in the hospital and the medical staff who refused to leave and continue to care for those patients here. and i just got more now with him the
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whole the entire of the battle in central garza so him some distressing the phone call. that was my colleague fully back to bo update us. now, what's the situation for those people trapped inside the hospital? the ok, so let's 1st explain where allowed the hospital is. it's incentives opposite into about it isn't in the modern part of the causal strip. where this area has been it witnessing a very huge military ground in air. i talked for more than 2 weeks, according to the people in the hospital. the have been received for the past 4 days last night at 38 m. that is where the forces stored in the hospital and the us all the patients there to evacuate to the western area of the city. some patients are still there and some doctors promised that they're going to stay and treat the patients that could not evacuate until they have a secure,
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safe way to evacuate from the hospital. but the hospital is still like, as we heard at the interview with the doctor, you hear constance bonds, constance airstrikes in the background. it's, it's very hard to reach them as, as well because the internet's connectivity and the telecommunications is very poor . but we are trying our most to reach the people there and to know and to get the latest updates. right. and they're going to ask you to stay with us for a moment because we've had another really distressing mooning about the situation at another hospital and gone. so that's until august. so let's listen into what have health ministry officials, i'd say, as good as the i time. alexa hospital will stuff itself peroration within 2 hours because of the occupation practices in the united nations procrastination regarding the necessary fuel for the generators to work in the hospital. we have launched so many appeal was during the recent days to originally have fuel in the
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hospital. but no concerned policies have responded. we only received 3000 leases of fuel on wednesday, but the hospital needs at least 5000 liters. if we die, there are now more than 1300 sick and wounded patients in the hospital. the medical treatment will stop because of the lack of fuel. this will lead to a humanity are in crisis and that likes the hospital, which is the only operating hospital which there's more than $1000000.00 people in the central government, the right that it was within hours, only ambulances and safe steel with hospital and spoil stone. we reached the international community and the united nations to do their best to immediately provide the hospital with enough fuel. we urge the international community to work hard to stop the war against hospitals and the health system and gallons of before it's too late. we urge the international community to put pressure on the
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occupation to open the roof of crossing to allow more than 20000 wounded people to be treated abroad. and to provide us with the badly needed medical supplies and medicines and fuel to stop the soon coming catastrophe. so the official, the hinge was talking about 2 hours and that was a while ago was the situation of the locks. the hospital now was me. they just updated us that the hospital is going to run out of fuel and it could be in the next 30 minutes. um, unfortunately we're talking about hundreds of patients that are daily doing companies that y'all asses. and most of these patients were transferred from adult flow from the hospitals. there were also talking about babies connected to the incubators. and we're also talking about people that were injured by the is there any forces and are doing surgeries every single hour? all of these people completely rely on the electricity,
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and it's as good as the left of the hospital isn't one of the only hospitalizations facilitating across the gaza strip. so we're still waiting and a wasted waiting. they still have hope that anyone could bring the more fuel, but unfortunately they're saying that's only 13 minutes is the only fuel they have left at. it's not only the patients and the injuries, and the people who are doing could be the honest is rely on this hospital. there are also hundreds of journalists that are brought has things from the hospital through the world using this electricity. also, this house has a lot of people that are seeking refuge here for more than 8 months. and all of these people also rely on the electricity in the us with a this is leading for a very catastrophic situation. well, i think so much handle that as well as you've been hearing these hospitals have been running out of fuel because these are, i was preventing the entry of
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a trunks that despite is very officials pledging to allow more trucks to enter the strip on wednesday to humanitarian aid at drops were carried out over the city of con eunice and the southern gaza strip. co got isn't, is riley, coordinating, bobby, it says $27.00 trucks of being unloaded from a floating pit built 5 us for the world. food program says just a small amount of this site is actually being distributed before the will began molding $500.00 trucks, pos through the cut them up asylum crossing every day. now it's less than 20 trucks . food and medicine is piling off of the egyptian side of it off crossing a deliveries remain suspended while this way the forces keep attacking the southern city. fambrose's director of planning it underway. he says, the lack of food medicine in dangers lives. a very little aid has been able to come
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in because i go back to levels the levels of a that we're getting in in october when the war 1st started. since the operation in rafa began on the 6th of may, the united nations is received. fewer than a $150.00 trucks. and as you said, the beginning of, of this rep for prior to level 500 trucks were coming in every day. so a $150.00 trucks have come in, in, in, over 2 weeks. and that's it. as a poultry, moultrie, amounts of the there are small amounts coming in for other crossings, but i know that i know by no means levels required to feed and meet the basic life saving needs of the population. these are food operations and rob. so we, we stop distribution, food and run for a few days ago, simply because our warehouse is now stores what m. c, we will be able to review distribution as,
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as soon as we're able to bring the requisite number of trucks in through the car and show on both thing, we could break even tomorrow if the crossing reopened. and if we were provided with the state routes to get by aid in swat warehouses and taught distribution centers across southern garza model, omby sharla is out to 0 senior political analyst who joins us from paris model one . when you were 3 days out from the i, c. c, prosecute, so requesting and the rest. why don't feel some of your top officials when the other day, the full, the i, c j, possibly ruling an n t o operations. seems like this of suffering and hospitals know the best p r, exercises it or you don't know how, right you are. it's. it's, it's just incredible what these values are doing and are capable of doing that. but
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you see there's also become habits and i think it's very difficult to give up this sort of a habits. i think the sort of addicted now to that kind of stages and that we've seen practicing guys over the past. it's months, especially a goes tests because the schools and women and children and so on, so forth. you know, certainly they say the truth is the 1st victim of war, the people into the past 8 months. looking at israel's, your own garza and drive in genocide. i would say the 1st stick to move this war has been more out of the 2nd victim. is human decency? never seen a human decency disappear the way it has with such stages and practice that gives patients and doctors and nurses in hospitals. and last but not least, if there's the truth, but that you see it is not practical. but i mean is nothing you can do this as the i, c, c and the i, c j and the what community and the national he one organization start up in arms.
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he can do that because he chose lying and deception as a strategy. he's stuck and tries is just listening came yesterday talk to an american network. the man just lies from his nose. i mean, just, you know, none and being non stopping lies, i'm lies about what goes on and he thinks he can get away with it. but a long as i mentioned this the day before the i c j might rule uh, on the question of whether to order an end to these right, the offensive and rough off the i c c prosecutor did say that there may be further requests coming from him and how is all of this continuation of these kinds of seems likely to play out and some of these menus next steps? well, i tell you, i mean clearly these ranges are counting on the americans to protect them from whatever might come out of the i, c,
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c and i c j. and clearly these radius of gone to the dark side and they really don't care about them. what the i c j an ice you see says i think connecting me over basically has lost it. he doesn't care. i think he understands now that he's gone too far and he just needs to continue. there is no way he can back off. so i think he's gonna probably become even more dangerous in the days, months even used to come because judging from his national secret type, spicer. so i agreed this might go on for years and got so, believe it or not, somebody's reading media when you read them today, they seem concerned that the i c j might be about to order an end to their office offensive. do you think that might be the case tomorrow? you know it's, it's very possible because of the seas about unraveling on tv screens everywhere. but judging from jake sullivan, this visit to is read to things on have isn't the markers. i'm not going to stop
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days during this phone call. i'm going to offer that is right is are already and proffer more than $700000.00 people have been displaced once again, out of that off of the signature. and clearly this raise our, i didn't, and i hope that the international court will take the seriously, and at least at least take a symbolic gesture of taking a stand that was simply put an end to the blushing to the general side. that's part, that's continuous time russell in front of our eyes model i'm to show it to thanks so much. i the funerals of being held in the occupied westbank for the 12 palestinians killed during a 2 days ready. right in the janine refugee camp for palestinian house ministry says 5 children were among the dead. thousands of people were injured, including a journalist, an ambulance cruise, is ready, bold as rip top roads and damaged infrastructure. thousands of jeanine residents
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have been arrested. is ready for assistance as of killed at least $518.00 palestinians and the occupied westbank and molten 7 months. the 10 years president william rudo is in the us, so talks on debt for lease haiti's in security. china is growing influence in africa, kenya has agreed to send a 1000 police officers to hazy as part of a multinational mission to help us store order of the months of gang violence, the greatest and meeting with joe by the 2 countries loc. 60 is of diploma for nations, is 3 days. state visit is the 1st 5 african leda to washington dc and more than 15 years. our white house correspondent kimberly how kit joins us now live from washington dc. so kimberly, as i said,
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the 1st stage visit by an african lead to more than 15 years. why? well, this is all about the celebrating the 60 year partnership that has been a collaboration on a number of big topics strategically in terms of security, in terms of frame tie as in technology, advancement, global health, but also advancing when it comes to clean energy, which is a big deal for the us president the also for the african leader as well. but there is a bit of controversy sammy the surroundings this visit as well. and that has to do with a promise that president biden made back in december of 2020 to go remember when there was the african summit here in washington, dc. you as president july and promised that he would visit the continent in the following year. well, that was last year of 2023 and that your came and went and president never went to
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africa. and so as many remember that. and so now we're into 2024. it's an election year. it doesn't look like this visit is on the calendar for president 5 is and so little bit of a tinge of a leg or be too strong a word, but disappointments. so that is trying to be sort of glossed over with the pomp and circumstance authorities taking place. with the arrival, you mentioned the meeting, the 2 leaders and sat down to discuss. and then there is going to be joint press conference a little bit later, followed by elaborate state dinner in the coming hours. and let's talk a little bit about the agenda as not any trades and debt issues, but also the deployment of kenyan police to haiti. what do they expect it to discuss on that? yeah, this again is part of that club ration. i was talking about security being a big partnership when it comes to kenya and the united states, a long standing tradition that goes back really decades. and so this is sort of an extension of that. what this announcement is,
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is talking about 1000 police officers from can you that are going to be deployed to have a trouble nation that has really been overcome by gang violence. so the people are really suffering there. so this is going to be an announcement, a partnership with the united states to try and contain that gang violence. but this is again something that the counter terrorism efforts that have been worked on together between the 2 countries. whether it's been al, should bob, whether it's been in ukraine or even whether it's been working to combat violets against the who sees in the red sea. so this is a well established relationship and this is a new extension of that. and that's kimberly how is that for us outside the white house? it's got more now. this with stella. i got a she's an advocate, governance and security unless joins us from nairobi. good to have you with us. so we know on this trip there's been a lot of talk about that really if us grounds being funneled through the i, m f. is this
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a case of washington trying to underscore itself as an alternative to china for africa? and then there's a very high possibility that this is up to leave a move, but they use this coin. so it's about china. some of you know that they have them helping me if thoughts, by many countries from the global not to, to actually remove china from the table. it's been a divorce. china has been negotiating itself into a lot of africa. so i wouldn't be surprised if, as part of this move, the us is trying to negotiate and gets at that the mutual increase their costs as, as, as i put an upgrade to as a pop. now, to cancel that they can be able to, to have a biggest peak from there to china. of course, it could not hasn't been central voice in the east africa community. so the entry into k, no, that means that they also have a, i had stuck in terms of negotiations for the it's difficult for me to just read your because i'm not interested. i'm
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a come on to the us and can in general and before the different members of the stuff for the community. and of course they have a joint security interest that would also make that extremely beneficial. but it definitely does come with this part of it is part of the if we can call that special treatment that kenya is getting and the can you leave is getting of this 1st state visit by an african leaders of us in more than 15 years is that connected to kenya is position and decision to send police troops to haiti, which i'm confused. i'm assuming i believe that it's, it's linked to kind of position to head the much national security supports and mission to that he is especially because this is a process that has been discussed for a very long time. and can you volunteer? i think in july of last year, um i do uh, a number of titles along the way. uh, including a quote uh somebody condition and
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a quote truly. that to declare it illegal to st cannot police to, to hate to. part of the reasons was because we do not have that as typical agreement uh with, with the governmental or k t. one level government was crumbling to sign disagreement with the, the, for my primary stove or for k t a. he's excellence. yeah. or young henry. there was a such a violence in, in, in the team the month of march. and unfortunately, that's resulted in email. i'm signing disagreement, a transnational professional counseling has been formed in height to the ties. now typically we for these, the human security council created so that they cannot to lead this mission. and so everything was right on the ground was right for this deployment. prop and, and you the piece to know that the 1st 2 books are supposed to be on the ground today or tomorrow. unfortunately, they have some reports that the flight that was supposed to to, um, transport them from there will be to, to, to put the prince was delayed on tuesday. the reasons why have not yet been open to
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communicated. and so the soldiers have been asked to be done by they have been born yet. best would have come cited with his excellent supposed interest, which was the visit to the united states of america. and these would definitely be an opportunity for them to make a statement, especially because of the kind of collaboration that can happen between the, the government of the united states of america and the government of canada. as far as these intervention in, in asia is concerned about how to read the delay here. do you think it has something to do with the sentiment of many people back home in kenya? once exactly convinced that this is the right thing to be doing now when there are policing challenges in kenya, as i, i know there's a combination of reasons and of the voice of getting them. and the issues that can be raising are part of the reasons. once what, what do you mean during that period? when, who do you know, hearing the complaints about what categories of issues can have had about this deployment? one of them was a to cushion, had the big ticket to check about the safety of to the police. one defense to,
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to pay change in order to control the interest that way. and of course, we need to discover that there's a budget that has been advised for this purpose. and perhaps a few people who are able to relax. however many to knows what to think about the corruption independent police. it doesn't about the, the history or violence from picking up police demonte plans, but they haven't been to those citizens in virginia. and many wind doubt about the possibility of them being impartial when they go to hated to for the intervention. and number 2, the ability to avoid and gives you a corruption even once the good that the expression has no money that we expend a corruption to the places. but that, that to get in touch with you about from that. the diesels of the question of this being because of getting in depth that people who was being, you're sending the children of canyons to go and fight to institution where they're not prepared. and they may not be a skilled, some pamphlets have been made. 100. this will just what i mean, policeman most sense to the us for training and preparation for this. i don't know
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what the level of cooperation does training that's given them. but of course we also know that there has been a such a violence. indeed, it's getting more stable as, as the days go by. so it could be of course, journal eva instability on the ground. but also with the combination of trying to ensure that then the deployment is going to make sense because it can be quite some of april, the face of pulled up to as a displacement, getting them to both restore the situation or at least create an environment for negotiation to happen. thank you so much. been good talking to start. i got a lovely speaking to you to a the south houses of people in the wrong of gathered in the northeastern city of mice had in a bid to a final farewell for the president pro. he's trying see, he's being light to rest of the shrine of the mountain. reza, these are pictures from the seas home, city wide crowds of paying the final respects. pricey and $7.00, including the foreign minister saying i made up the law he on killed in
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a helicopter crash on sunday. the only harsh him is live for us from the capital to her on. so i was the official funeral ceremony reach, sofa the most. i me, i think we are the last stage of the states. funeral was president. phrase is a coughing right now with the mom or the shrine. the probably now uh they will be circling the, the, the shrine and dates that are on he will be betty. that actually is why you see was just before becoming the president. because for the end of this, this trying, he comes from this city from, from a shred itself, a prior to that his body was taken from long to be a giant, which is a city it goes to rush, had him put us on. and it's the city that was that's, he was elected by its people to be the representative of the experts council or the i'm the, i'll fix for elect the future lead up earlier. also we were today,
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i the funeral law for 4 minutes. someone saying, i mean, i'll do live here on the funeral started. that'd be for the ministry. the presidents are full or most of the, uh for my, for the ministers and also 7 all officials. then the body was transferred to another shrine to the saw to the south of, to have on and shot it a shot. the, the shut off of the laws even has any way. i said i'd be and all the lie on was late dressed with these funerals chapter of it runs the modern history is being turned and of course the country is heading to us. so the change now, it's been an event us a few days in a wrong, this funeral procession being very closely watched around the world. tell us about the turnout and what that tells us about the political temperature in the country to well, interestingly,
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it's the turn out was huge and depth and whether it's in, in to have on or in temporaries or much of the numbers we saw on televisions on the streets were big numbers, but actually this is the in general, related to the, to the moment of settle. this could, it could have, i've couldn't have a, what is it called connotations? this is going to be, it affected or seen, maybe when the elections come at the last election, for example, about 40 percent of the people defaulted it. and now we are headed off and you elections. that's going to be on the 28th of june to, you know, to measure how this is really affecting, or how this is being translated in, in politics. that's going to be the electrons where we can know what in general it still investigating. and you live in such situations in soto and we see it, we saw such a pictures also well after the killing of cos, i'm sure they money runs, i r g c,
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a officer of the senior commander. so this is uh, this is one thing. the other thing is that everyone now is waiting for the days of the kind of disease that's not going to be submitted. and how this stablish mint is going to deal with the candidates. this is this, is it going to open off and get more people from different colors of the political spectrum audits. going to keep it within one political calling. this is going to be definitely of in how things are going to be in the future. and that could be that keeping an eye on it for us. thanks so much. riley hash and still ahead on al jazeera presidency. manual. my call hold stokes, with leaders in new caledonia, off the move in a week of on rice and the french pacific time. treat unable to rebuild their lives, why? hundreds of thousands of south africans are heading to the polls homeless. that
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trick. so remember in the final of the euro currently coming up with the had that let's have a look at the weather across the south america. and after a low in the very what, whether that's being taking southern pots or brazil is more heavy rain to come. so it's a in for friday, for places like a real grunge at the so as well as sent to caterina. and that heavy rain continues on friday. you can see the storms running their way across into power wise. some of those putting into bolivia as well with more heavy rain to come from northern areas of brazil, sewer, non and the guy out of it is very fond down in the south west. seen the driest of the weather, the likes of patagonia with kula at affecting cost of chilly as well as arch in
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tina and some of that sweeping up into southern areas of brazil. on friday. we'll see temperatures come down here, but they will be on the up for the east coast of brazil for pace like rio de janeiro. 35 degrees celsius that on friday. and mexico is continuing to see some very hot weather. we've had the 3rd heat wave declared this yet well, thirty's, the or doing what? they can't help people cool down as temperature touch up to 40 degrees celsius and above. across the 9 states. monterey, coming in at 40 degrees celsius at on friday, rising up to 44 as we go into the weekend. the
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the award winning program from international exploring the funds with weld clause program. programs that open your eyes to tennessee if you are on algae was here. israel's war on god becoming a forever across the united states. why are the student protests for palestine being met with military style track down wide is by to insist on 0 consequences for israel in its war on gaza. the quizzical look of us politics, the bottom line, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the low welcome back. you're watching l g 0. let's recaps those headlines is ready for us is a time between the 2 remaining house cast sense is still functioning and those and gone so they've ordered stuff to leave allow the hospital and of attacks come out of one hospital along the hospital size. it has less than 30 minutes worth of fuel . 10 years presidents, plenty of routes, hose in the us for talks on debt relief. cases and security in china is growing influence and ask a county has agreed to send a 1000 police offices to hazy as part of the mission to help the store or the the for the other ons lights. president abraham. the ac is being laid to rest in his hometown of much on thousands have gathered up the members of shrines from noon
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pricey and 7 others, including the fondness, so it kills. and it has to come to the price on sunday. the political policies in the u. k, have become campaigning a day off to the prime minister issue, so not cold, a surprise stop election. the vote will be held on july. the 4th. so like says these policies of roles, economic stability, also a cost of living crisis. but opinion polls suggest is governing policy could be facing defeats, most conservative with a moxy, joins us now live from london so that them take focus. so 1st of all, the challenges which so knock is facing right now. well, some of you just mentioned those opinion polls in most national polls here in the u . k. sooner as conservatives, or at least 20 points behind the label opponents, they had a residing victory in the last general election. hey, it's almost 5 years ago now. they have a huge majority in parliament that's been slowly with all the way over the last
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year or 2 with both the factions from that policy, suspensions from that policy. and now, coming up to this general leg, smith excited around 17 members of students, conservative to public peace, that they will stand down and will not contest that constituency see again. so that majority very much and carol, just on the numbers in parliament. but when you look at the polls, it looks like it could be a very significant feed for him. one of the big challenges is around his personal record. he's anything in the job best in 2 years. but he was very, very clear about what he hoped to achieve. having come in at a time of really the comic tom all here. he has stabilize the economy, some of the house board inflation down, but on issues like health care, public debt. unlike ration he's not yet met any of the targets he publicly set for himself to effect on zillow. understand these so like is had a bit of a gap on the campaign trial today. how's that impacting the man of the people image?
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he's not about trying to cultivate yes, so he's been out in a number of parts of the u. k as has his opponent case tom at one of the challenges . so you're not cause a politician faces. he's not very natural around people. even his team would acknowledge that, but essentially what we sold today was him making a joke about the football in south wales, people that in the country of wells, part of the united kingdom. probably not about thrills when he says all you gotta be enjoying the football this summer, they will not be of the nation participating the european championship that we'll see over the course of the summer. i think that will be it's the kind of person to person touch that he seems to often struggle with. he's very, very good about getting into the weeds on policy. but a campaign very much is often about trying to connect with voters, and that will be a challenge for him. and his piece of just heading into this delightful collection date for the monks outside number 10.
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how about the 3 savvy has been sworn in as chance presidents also being declared the winner of elections held earlier this month? debbie had served as interim prizes and since 2021 off the his father was killed by rebels. they finally held the presidential election off the months of nationwide. protests. bill position is a large vote rigging they calling for the results. it's be a no place to stick to my a coal saw or is a policy advisor and the co founder of the non profit organization. think africa 25 to 2050. rather, he says he doesn't think specs of dramatic change of direction and chad on the daddy that is going to be of this new continuation because uh the people that, uh, the base, the base for his uh for those leadership are still in place. uh, most of the, the,
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the, the military uh who supported his 12 this is support. same as well. oh, the history. yeah. like in any country it's not the one at least. but um, but yeah, i mean, he's, uh, he's also younger for 2 years of age. i think he showed that he was ready to, to open his hands to, to view a position when he allowed the 5 minutes the success matter. when he pointed to the most prime minister before the elections. and um, i think the fact that there was, uh no um, uh, although there was they were uh, some kind of issues before the elections after the elections. that as being some context suntrust ations. but at the same time, the process ended up being um, uh fed the accepted by everyone as
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a result of that one. so i assume that so he'll be able to govern and he's on stock a now french presidency. manual mccall says a controversial electoral reform rules when you caledonia, it would not be false through. he made the comments while meeting local leaders and the french territories council, no mere weeks of unrest, followed plans to change the voting system. when high reports got devona, welcome to the president to besieged french territory. after a week of protest. emanuel mack, chrome said he was the to resolve the crisis is about only of them when it gets because from the local section of course we'll be looking at economic reconstruction support, rapid response, and then the most sensitive political issues to talk about the future. new caledonia need to it's an uncertain future that seen people take to the streets, protesting against the proposed constitutional change. if approved by congress,
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it would allow french nationals who lived in new caledonia for at least 10 years to vote in elections. the indigenous come acts who have little long struggle for independence. say the change is really about colonization and minimizing their influence. so see, we've been lied to for use and they've lied to our ancestors. they've lied to out elders through the various agreements that have been made. we run out of food agreement. it's the longest when i'm with tired of not being recognized. that some of the protest to say they'll stay on the streets for as long as it takes, even though the numbers have decreased. in response to the violence, the president sent some 3000 security personnel to new caledonia. click that, that may be very clear. these forces will remain as long as necessary, including during the olympic empire, olympic games which start in paris in july. the last thing the french government will want is on wrist and one of its territories. while it has the will detention
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wayne hey, al jazeera, a tie. when these forces of mobilized in response to 2 days of chinese ministry drills around the island aging says the exercise is our response to what it calls the san francisco tax. it's new administration by lighting, se katrina, you reports from badging, diesel matching to a husband tie one's president for less than a week. the chinese leaders have already judged him to be a threat to the agent at school of one day, claiming control of the self government island in response, they've launched 2 days of intensive military drills around high one. the chinese people's operation on me says the joint sea and exercises focused on combat readiness, controlling the battlefield and precision strikes. one key targets, stake media say the purpose is clear to the type of this is a strong punishment for this separate his ex wife of ty,
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when independents forces to go of the so called separatist ass refer to lies woods during his inauguration on monday. he said taiwan was not subordinate debating and also thanks to the united states, the islands, most important ally for its security support. chinese officials were furious for administer, one e cold, lie, speech hostile and provocative disgrace, and said, ty would a separate this would be nailed to a pillar of shame. the military drills coincide with the release of a series of post is featuring weapons titled sacred weapons. for killing ty wants independence lie, responded to the aging by showing support for taiwan, supposes saying he would not be intimidated by the troops with her. within the junction me, i will stand on the front line with old brothers and sisters from the national. allow me to defend the piece together. we will continue to defend the values of democracy. lighting to says one and civility across the taiwan straits and to
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maintain the status. including today during those messages and most in line with his refusal to accept chinese 70. chinese leaders also considered lies closeness to washington, to be collusion with external forces. speaking from australia, us general, said beatings preparations for a possible offense if with nothing new and one of the devastation of such a conflict. at stake would be untold numbers of lights, troy's of dollars and global economic damage and international or maintenance of the international or that's delivered road of peace and stability over the past 80 years. it's a cost. china doesn't want to add call to food any time soon, but the message it sends is clear. china is ready for if we should come, katrina, you all to 0. thank you. so the head on al jazeera shock moves by buying
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a new ne, can the search for a new coach, and that's coming up for the business like this to be sponsored by intellect. tuck,
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he's real estate consultant. the businesslike has to be sponsored by intellect tuck, he's real estate consultant, the the right pieces here. so we can kinda jump on the sport savvy. thank you very much. the tools of the frame chosen has not been calling to refill it though and what is expected to be his last ever appearance. road in general's. give me a look just number for alexander is that or of that was the reaction in the audience when it was revealed that the unseeded and adult will be playing one of the favorites in the 1st round, 13 time winner of the event is expected to retire at the end of the year,
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and he'll be playing recently crowned a tiny and open champion and fault said alexander's very rave, and the merry who has also said he will go to the day at the end of the season, face is 39 year old and 2015 champion, span fostering cap in the women's, the other one you can see on check check. so the type of defense against the qualify with the possible match up a full time grand slam champion. only i suck in the 2nd round between the 2 year old is the thing. so when her 3rd run and girls talk to me in a row and sort of rule, the 1st found begins on sunday. for sure, decision has been really great all ready for me. so this less results, especially, you know, my dre, the norm for sure are giving me confidence. and um, you know, i, i know that i can adjust to any kind of conditions and even in, you know, short amount of time and i place, you know, bring us top layers there. so for sure, it shows that, you know, the work that we're doing is really paying off automotive,
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look them and say is, this is just the beginning of the securing is placing football history. he's got a spending hattrick for atlanta in the road for the final as they did the unthinkable and the fee to be, i'm beaten by labor crews, and david states, reports and so on through us celebrating the 1st major trophy and 61 use thanks to add a motor look when the london bono, jerry, a wing. good. let's jump into the the stadium. opening the scoring and the 12 minutes went to the to free minute should be about chevy alone. so i just let the keys inside and then hunt for an invincible treble. but when, when scored again with less than half an hour gone, the $51.00 game and beaten run seemed destined to end. the gym and champions had come by the brink several times this season. but on this occasion, it wasn't to be lipman who previously struggled to establish himself
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in the premier lead going the 1st trip, any european club final. since 1975 we sent the confidence in my ability to the you know, to create to score was to help my teammate. is that the lenses 1st try faces the 1963. it's on the in cap and that's a 2 decades of coaching. a 1st piece of silver with the jump pair, i guess breeding typically in europe, i need to bubble in easily the clubs that are winning things and we have used them . we've seen instances about over the last few days, those clouds actually struggle to keep costs down in the chain. i thought, where is pennsylvania has managed to win things. well, it's still being a financially sustainable club as politic. who's in the $360.00 ones? i'm beaten, jenny comes to an end of which included $42.00 wins, you know,
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competitions and secured them a 1st button to sneak it. so i told they normally t is not to to get the feed in their 52nd game. normally you have my charlie, i'm going to see some show. it's quite being quite the exception of what we have. i chief, we'd have to be really proud for all of what we need some think about it. if i share with being today it's, it's painful about it's the surface will level cruise and can still when the double with the german cup final coming up on saturday. but this night belonged to atlanta and the friends back home and beg him of the 1st to tell me. and when is it this tournament in a quarter of a century, david stokes, which is 0 to some use out of germany way by munich. all reported to be in talks to san vince and company as a new head coach, the full dimensions. the assistant captain is currently a fairly who have just being relegated from the primary. he's are any other managerial robles with the envelope in his native belgium by unfinished food and the bonus vega. and i'm looking to replace thomas to go who announced he was
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leaving in february, said he 8 year old company, one full premium. the titles with the city and speech german having already played at hamburg us and with them of consumed un lot. peggy, as the clubs, new manager, the former spain rail, madrid and wolves boss, has reportedly agreed a 3 year deal to take over from david moiz. he also won the road for the got sylvia in 2020 i. yeah. when i won 3, i out of what i will do. we are here because i went to the shed for us uh, off on testing today when we, we, we close on when i believe in here because i would meet him and his wife and the person to, to be here. that's why we have on the possibility, but the, i repeat, i am very happy that it was sent to me because i choose to wish wildly and messy and dodge and so, you know, getting ready to defend
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a couple american title next month. a new pin code is being introduced to the tournament alongside the usual rate and the yellow ones. the pink card will be used to indicate a concussion substitute, which gives teams the option of making a 6 change in the event of a head injury. if deployed to the opposition team would also be given an extra sub to maintain famous stupid. don't judge has laid the dallas mavericks to victory and game. one of the western conference finals series with the minnesota temples don't change school. the 53 points, well kindly irving school 24. we split the in the 1st hall for full the mavericks. but it was done. chips is 15 points in the 4th quarter if that help them fight best to win 108105 minutes so, so it has to game to on friday and to be in h. l. the new york rangers have found themselves folded behind in the series for the 1st time in the playoffs. it was game one of the sequence was fun and it was
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loads me because of the floor dependent to go 10 bit. so gable broke ski made $23.00 save to shuffle off. the range is as defensive. 13, nothing. game 2 is in new york on friday. and that's what was what was used for the time being 11 other update a bit late to send me thanks. so much peter. now south africa's government has promised to build hundreds of thousands of houses for the pool, but it's far behind its target. as people have the polls, those with no homes, i'm all desperate that i have read the reports from cape town. as this is one of thousands of informal settlements in south africa, emmys, i'm a year to 1st run up in the cape town, more than 2 years ago of to some here were forcibly removed from a neighboring area. since then, it's estimated that at least 40000 people have both make shift homes here using corrugated iron plastic sheets and we have possible breaks then confidence. tate has lived here for nearly 20 years. no, no, no. sell a deposit leads to
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a home is also we're the only toilets, all the smell of sewerage and waste can't be avoided. she blames the provincial governments led by the opposition democratic alliance, or d a. a month, the waters 13 the grades are production and a toilet cerebral and no one from the municipality comes while the government is building homes for the poor. there's a backlog of at least $2300000.00 homes. and that number grows each. yeah, me, wow. i can say that's bad because if you look into this center, but 60600000 people, that is on the waiting list. these are a lot of options there this afternoon, these projects and also there's no accountability residents. yeah. explain. this area was marked for development, but it's tools and they don't know why. in cape town, the number of people without homes worse and during the cold, but 19 pandemic. people lost income and the economy struggled, or an estimated 14000 people live on the streets of the greats of cape town area.
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while the government does provide shelters, there aren't enough bids to accommodate everyone, the needs know. so there are some who say they don't want to sleep in child because the democratic alliance is the influx is people from florida provinces is one of the reasons for the high demand for housing. the national government headed by the african national congress says a d a is not using the budget. it's been allocated to build homes, housing budgets, and infrastructure budgets are need planning and long term. and when you're done, especially in the of the finances on a municipality to deliver housing, you've been given, given a month or 2 to deliver on that budget. it's not possible. but the amc too, has been criticized for not providing enough homes in the 8th provinces. it runs a south africa hits to an election. the lack of housing for the flow remains a major problem, often influenced by politics, corruption,
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and the lack of money to meet them in a ultra 0 cape town. well that's it from me for this news out, but i'm back in a couple of minutes with another full show. stay with us. the or an aid. what kind of travels to vote on syria saying he's back to health. are you looking back? are you a fighter? no, no fuss, but not in the eyes of his government. when my citizenship was revoked, i was surprised. a new 3 part series detailing the struggle is a pretty shade waka and the dangerous consequences of citizenship revocation. i'm innocent until proven guilty. statements in syria coming soon on, al jazeera fits the fastest expansion of legalized gambling and us history.
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with sports fights at the center. you're not a sports fan anymore unless you're dealing on the phone lines examines the surgeon pressing and the impact on those suffering from its addiction just didn't feel as real as putting actual cash on a table. like again, we've turn this into a nation of visual gamers, i'm definitely not in control. the big gamble on it, just so you know, this is the 1st to decide that we see the real time. it's the victims themselves long before there's a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream. it is always an attempt to frame as to side of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias, understand what they are looking to see out and raise. the listening post covers how the news is covered. the latest news, not only that these patients were receiving, tells me that y'all as, as treatment in unless you are hospitalized. but they were also seeking refuge here
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with detailed coverage for the warrant. people had access to a leaders of water per day, but now everybody here gets between $2.00 and $3.00 leaders from the hoss of the story. i'll send you the officials hold on to 0. that in situations like this is we will deduct the funds directly from customs tax. the director of gauze is allowed the hospital says patients and stuff are still trapped inside. the facility in the midst of fis baffles between his riley forces and palestinian sciences, unlocks the hospital and central bozza on the verge of running out a few because of his right the restrictions of the entry of


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