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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 23, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm AST

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the water per day, but now everybody here gets between $2.00 and $3.00 leaders from the heart of the story. palestinian officials hold out to 0 that in situations like this is we will deduct the funds directly from customs tax. the director of gauze is allowed, the hospital says patients and stuff are still trapped inside. the facility in the midst of fis baffles between his riley forces and palestinian sciences, unlocks the hospital and central bozza on the verge of running out a few because of his right the restrictions of the entry of a trucks. the i'm sammy's a dan. this is, i'll just say we're
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a live from dell hall. so coming up kenya is president william rudo is in the us for the 1st a visit 5 african presidents in 15 years. right. and the security topic was the agenda. the rounds, right. president and foreign minister of being late to restaurants have been killed in a helicopter crash on sunday. the beginning the news, our northern gauze. so when one of the strips, few functioning hospitals is been coming on the is right. the fire over the last few days, troops storm to allow the in the jabante, a refugee camp. world health organization says a 140 medical stuff. patients and the friends and relatives were inside the facility when it was rated. it's calling for the protection of patients and health care workers and safe passage for better evacuation. and my colleagues probably about to about spoke to my how much solve,
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how the acting director of the hospital he spoke to us while trapped inside the facility is ready. the gunfire community all we had to get the age of allowed the hospital yesterday they. busy be starting the pollution policies in force that situation be a lot of the staff and the patients, the companies only with the executive ways that would change the thing guys to see and, and now we are 14 of the stuff we are is a with the, with that what patient theater and he said lot of must be evacuated because the am . but if you want to put on the patient, isn't they have to send to us and not too long since because the situation of our
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patient is had a situation that can't walk to go to where i was sitting guys there. and there we stay with the now we have 11 of patients and another a to a patient company because there is that 2 data the and i want to see i could get better. would that be better? so now we took the out of 27 parents on under deceived in the people sitting outside the hospital, including patients and staff. as you were talking to us, mr. sala, we could hear some loud noise in the background. what sounded like gunshots. can you tell us if there is still fighting inside or in the vicinity of the hospital, it would be out of the out of sale to think i looked on bumping, getting the rounding the the, the house because they are not now shooting them to hook because 2 days, the sure thing to those but that but now the sure thing and bumping side around the the, the house because that is us night. but on the,
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on the bed and the walking in the and outdoor area outside of our hospital, it is a lot the for surgeons there. so we are an inside the hospital yesterday, the out inside of the inside of the hospital on the broken the, the door that the clothes are doing is worn gauze. are these randy on these repeatedly targeted hospitals, violation of international humanitarian law, which crohn some special protection? i'll do 0, spoke to one of the boxes as he left that out of the hospital. the closest friend that got i do when we were at the hospital as usual, but we never left at all. we never even thought of quitting on our patients and the injured people. 4 days ago we were taken by surprise when these really military besieged to hospital and went off with them. they would not allow any one inside the state to care for the lives of our patients, gun and the bypass automotive. we had 14 patients. we continued to give medical
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care to you all. then today at 3 o'clock i'm is really army force. nearly all of us from the hospital. the patients remained inside with 4 medical staff and 2 paramedics to care for them. that it was, all of us had been ordered to leave the hospital and keep walking towards the west, cause we are walking till we reach a safe area and to find shelter. we want to reach a safe place at the shelter of the medical staff to remain that out of hospitals since october 7th, until now they never left and now their homes are destroyed and they have nowhere to go outside and just need to add that we have sent several appeals to the w h o to the red cross, and to our partners with doctors without borders to intervene to protect the patients. they all promised to intervene and to talk to the occupation forces to prevent targeting the hospital patients and not to target the medical staff. so
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awesome, but i haven't seen anything done. what's the for them to pick up? i'm and have them. i can go ahead and share it from here, from this street, by appeal to all international organizations and all medical related officials, especially the w h o, calling upon them to intervene and set out to protect what remains of the hospital patients in the hospital and the medical staff who refused to leave and continue to care for those patients. here i live with a health the strays issue this wondering about the situation to locks the hospital in central golf. so it is that i thought i so alexa hospital will stuff itself probations within 2 hours because of the occupation practices in the united nations procrastination regarding the necessary fuel for the generators to work in the hospital. we have launched so many appeal was during the recent days to originally have fuel in the hospital. but no concerned policies have responded. we only
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received 3000 leases of fuel on wednesday, but the hospital needs at least 5000 liters every day. there are now more than 1300 sick and wounded patients in the hospital. the medical treatment will stop because of the lack of fuel. this will lead to a humanitarian crisis and that likes the hospital, which is the only operating hospital, which is more than 1000000 people in the central government, right. within hours, only ambulances and full field hospital in school. still, we reach the international community and the united nations to do their best to immediately provide the hospital with enough fuel. we urge the international community to work hard to stop the war against hospitals and the health system and gallons of before it's too late. we urge the international community to put pressure on the occupation to open the roof of crossing to allow more than 20000 wounded people to be treated abroad. and to provide us with the badly needed
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medical supplies and medicines and fuel to stop the soon coming catastrophe basketball and this now with him to hold the races and deputy bella in central go. so we had the dog to the head and say, a couple of miles at last you and i spoke about an hour ago. so they, this word was, they would down to a half an hour left to fuel. was the situation now the the well before it's talking about the fuel, i just want to give you the latest update on what's happening in that and but at least a policy needs have been killed after that is right. new forces targeted. i'm a building for the ministry of social affairs and development. this building had a number of pilots in use that were seeking refuge in this building. according to the paramedics i talked to, they said that they were directly targeted from the window. at the date,
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he said that one of the rockets was a melt. miller at our teller was telling the other one was draw near straight. and we saw the bodies of 9 palestinians at 8, sorry. 8 policy means being transferred into a lots of hospitals and dozens of injuries. it's okay us right now on the permit x are telling us that more ambulances are coming and transferring more bodies, but it's not only ambulances that we're carrying the bodies and transferring them here and to a hospital, but or so people were helping with their own vehicles. and their don't key parts uh, moving to the fuse, a question of the, the, the hospital told us that they had the ability to provide fuel for 3 more hours. someone donated it for them and is this viewed israel would be only for 3 more hours. and after it, uh, the fluid is going to end and the hospice and its going to run out of uh, electricity. again, this was for the hundreds of people uh,
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having kidney dialysis treatment. this is going to put people who are injured patients and, and the premature babies in risk of death because they're completely relying on the electricity in the haven't because tommy mike cali, fully bought tivo. how did one do distressing cold air with a direct sort of a lot the hospital, which we heard a few moments ago was the situation that the okay, so let's talk about an out of the hospital and it is in july. the anthem is the 3rd where this area has been under a seeds by the is where the tanks for more than 4 days now as a body, i'm the mother and parts of the gaza strip have been witnessing a very harsh is where the talk and also at times are, are, are stationed in the area. 14 patients are still trapped into at the hospital
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a combined with a couple of doctors where that is where a new forces a storm the hospital last night. and they asked everyone taking and seeking refuge in all the patients to evacuate to the western side of the causal strip. some people could not be, it could, couldn't get it back, you wait and they stayed in the hospital. these are the patients who cannot move and they do not have the freedom of movement. so that's why the doctor is the problem is to stay into the hospital with these patients until there is a safe, secure way for them to evacuate. but again, policy and use are evacuating from a place to another and know where it's safe, sammy, and whether you hope you stay safe. thanks to that update, we're going to go over now to and about and found a soft cheese, a spokesperson for the palestine red crescent society joins us from rome online don't find westbank. so 1st of all, what's the maybe can explain to view is what exactly is stopping fuel supplies
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reaching places like an ox, a hospital that every hour getting updates that the, they're running really low. the best situation and not only for all of the hospitals, but basically for the majority of the hospitals, will stay or ration of up to this moment. all of them suffer from extreme shortages of a fuel as well as medications and medical supplies. as you know, crossings have been closed. no, if you would as getting and no medications also is getting in. and that's why all the hospitals are at for us of estoppel. patients because of if you with depression and hospitals basically rely on if you will, for the, for the power generators without electricity. this endangering the lives of patients are on the perfectly wounded patients off the intensive care unit,
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as well as babies in, in cute theaters. that's why we asked the product standard presence continues to call on the international community to apply more pressure on extra end. for the reopening of the crossings, we need sustained a humanitarian expos, to all areas of costs, including you as well as medications and medical supplies. that how your system is not going to ask fates. literally that means most of the hospitals up to this moment and since the beginning of the war on calls that have been paid, i me jump in the about, it will be is ray. the line has been, is that they've been allowing supplies to go in why once again what happens to prevent hospitals receiving critically needed supplies? as i said, basically, most hospitals are receiving. the aid is to draw say, number 5,
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crossing up to this moment, is this still a closed? no age is getting in and almost the humanitarian response for the agencies as been, has been seen because of the continued military attack on. and that's why aid agencies are not being able even to be over ation. now, if you're as getting and if you will manage to get out of, it's not, you know, it's not enough poor old hospitals. it's not enough for the ambulances as good as for the water and sanitation networks. fuel is ever since we needed for every single aspect. hospitals, me ask you what else is needed if you will, as well as, as i said because of the fuel depression. also this is that some of the suffering. 1 water resources because also sanitation,
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i'm the drinkable water and that works needs, if you will, as well when you coordinate to try and get fuel in what happens? who tells, you know, so basically at the beginning of the war, i own doctors this to clarify this point. when is there in allowed the opening of the crossing? the analogy is the opening to crossing just a few minutes early and age, but no, you will want and i'll put a couple of months. and then later, after they allow the entry of, if you will, it's well then not enough just a fixed quantities that as i defined by this really forces they say like this quantity is allowed to get, i'm, i'm, the owner was basically most of the time it's responsible for distributing the fuel and that's why the quantity is over, if you will, is not enough as your n, as responsible for the average. i think they control the number of the trucks that
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is about to get and including a fuel. and so as many times hospitals and northern goals, so we're also out multiple times they, they have to reach this page over fuel deflection because they were also the 9th offices to fuel. as when asked me to cation the medical supplies at the beginning of the border crossings, or the ha, uh, the european hospital. as one has announced that because of, if you and deflection have to reduce its own patients, i'm going to like, run. i've also, we've also kind of, there's also been interviewing and speaking about to the director of allow with the hospital. and there was clearly a very distressing situation going on as he was speaking to us. we could hear gunshots going around to go through what happens in a situation like that. do you try to arrange an evacuation a safe passage who to speak to what happens?
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how is it that we end up in a situation where people are trapped in a hospital of all places we should be at a safe place with gun firing? yeah, it's one of around the we have reached this page unfortunately and endorse this tragedy many times in many hospitals and now ship a hospital come out one hospital now, one of the hospital any are also with eclipse hospital, which is run by the pad is planned to the crescent and i'm supposed to present as far as you highlighted at the beginning of those who can walk patients, they were forced all of them. and the idea is to leave the house bitten by those who can't walk the or send trapped inside the hospital. and at this point, and coordination is like efforts is being done by the w h o and other organizations in order to have coordination with those where you know where it is and, and sure to provide
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a fee credit or to allow the evacuation of those patients however, up to this moment, those patients, the medical staff. 1 being detract inside the hospital. this is not, i'm sorry when they say it on the truck, how they know being given a safe colorado. is that what you're saying? that they've requested the same car, they're all from these ready authorities and then what happens, they're not getting it. there's no response. yeah. in the area, is this the extremely dangerous? um the is really occupational courses or the spend operation of any of these areas . anyone is trying to, in such area as being out targeted. that's why we need to save asked, right, what i'm due to notice because those patients can just walk through. they need to be transported by ab do them. so we usually, they need to coordinate for the ambulance says, with the israeli military and have permission before the consent without your new bosses activation can be thank you very much and have all full for
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clarifying the not some balls of the situation. the trend spies to create the sort of scenes that we're hearing about today and amount of stuff from the palestine right? present society or the mountain kenya is present when bhutto is in the us. so talks on debt relief, china is growing influence in africa, and haiti's in security county has agreed to send a 1000 police officers to haiti as part of a multinational mission to help restore order of the months of gang violence. retail has been meeting with president, jo, buys and the 2 countries mark 60 is of diplomatic relations, is 3 day state visit is the 1st by an african leader to washington dc. mullen and 15 is a white house correspondent, kimberly how could joins us now live from washington dc. so 1st of all, tell us
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a little bit about the significance of the fact that this is the 1st things visit by african leda. more than 15 years. yeah, this is uh exactly right. and as a result, uh what we know is that to really know uh, sort of expense has been spared in terms of making sure that this is an elaborate welcome. there's going to be a state dinner. there is a joint press conference that will be taking place and the 2 liters of already set down to the oval office and had a bit of a formal bi lateral as well. and we know on friday that today he will also be meeting the the later version will be meeting with a vice president as well and chamber of commerce, business leaders. in other words, the red carpet being rolls out. but at the same time, in addition to all of the ceremony and the serious with high level discussions, there is also a little bit of controversy vis hanging over this visit. given the fact that the us
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president made a promise to not only this african liter, but other african leaders back in december of 2022. did. he didn't cheat. and that was that he was going to visit the continent and a fact didn't. uh he said he would do it in 2023. that year came and went and now we're in to 2024. pronounce you as president. has said that uh, that is still on the agenda and resumes that he's going to be re elected in november for another term. the american voters will have to decide on that, but that is certainly hanging over this visit tend to certainly there has been some disappointment about that. talking about the agenda, take us through once on the agenda of this visit from economic issues to the security situation in haiti. yeah, that's right. the white house says that there's a lot that this is, they celebrate 60 years of their partnership with diplomatic relations and that's what the state visit is celebrating. you know, it's trade ties, it's, it's clean energy, it's technical innovation, global health. but it's the security relationship that really is kind of the
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foundation of this relationship in addition to the economic ties. and what highlight of this is the fact that there is an announcement being made on this visit. and that is that the 1000 of kenya's police officers will be deployed to haiti. a country that has been ripped by gang violence is just to overcome. and really the residents, they're just struggling every single day. and so as a result of that is going to be a highlight of this visit, has the 2 nations work together to try and combat that. but again, underscore in this ongoing security partnership is the fact that this is nothing new. the 2 countries of work together in counter terrorism efforts, whether it's al, sure, bob, whether it's working together in ukraine or even a compact of the who's he's in the red sea. and that's kimberly how could outside the white house for us. the head amount is 0, live at the you and also those to annually commemorate the 1995 forever need
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subject aside the israel's war on god. so be coming in forever. war across the united states. why are the student protests for palestine being met with military style track down wide is by to insist on 0 consequences for israel in its war on gaza. the quizzical look of us politics, the bottom line, investigating the use and abuse of power across the globe colleges here. sectarianism is tearing at the scenes of unity within india is vibrant tapestry. as election for the sweeps, the nations to childhood friends find their relationship unraveling. as they pulled to opposing polls can the friendship survive,
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the political divide and the world's largest democracy? india is fractured with this whole noun, which is the era the the, the if i take you through the headlines here now to 0. now, is there any forces that targeting the 2 remaining house gas sense is still functioning in northern gaza? they've ordered stuff to leave, allow the hospital and have tax come on those one hospital long. so hospital is about to run out. so if you can use president william rudo is in the us
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adults on debt relief. china is growing influence in africa and hate these in security, kenya has agreed to send a 1000 police officers to hey, t, it's part of efforts to restore the months of gang violence. drones, lights president abraham, but you see he's been lights arrest and this hometown of my shot. he's been buried that the amount of as a shrine which is visited by millions of pilgrims every year. thousands of people gathered in the northeast and city to pay their respects by you see and 7 others, including the farm is saying a made up to lie on killed in a helicopter crash on sunday, or the hash whom is live for us from the capital to ron's, we understand the burial has now taken place. where does that leave this procession? the the sooner is all the english had president tracy was laid that the rest also into ha, now the uh today. uh for the minnesota,
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jose and i made off the was late to us and the rest of the delegation were killed on the 19th of may in a helicopter crash. so the mounting will continue for one day, which is tomorrow. and of course now the countries and that transition period, we have an interim president who has the former vp mohammad, most of that and also an intern for them. and that's uh, that's on the box at the now it's clear that i know that this is, this is a chapter that was done. and there is another day everyone is preparing for this day. the elections is coming on the 28th of june, and that's it. less than 50 days. actually, the constitution gives the states. yeah. 50 days that they're doing the elections in that i was 43 days from now. so everyone would be now concentrating on focusing on the 30th of may when the candidates whose thoughts submitting the
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candidacy. so of course that should pass through the dog and concert that's is supposed to fret. the candidacy is an approved or refuse the ones who are uh, you know, going to run. and this also will give us an indication on the stablish events, readiness to open up and organize and election. and of course, this will have its own impact on the turnout on that point. now think goes through the process that happens next to try and smooth out the transition as well. of course now the uh, the, the, the, the entered in presidents now or the cat tech, our president does the school. and the country is taking care of the executive branch, you know, and you're on the head of states is a supreme, the done. so the president, it's a different system, different from all the,
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all the systems. so the executive branch headed by the president to we can go back to prime ministers and all the systems will now take care of the, the country is a daily business. and those costs would be preparing for the next election. next election is suppose, as we set to be on the 28th of june. now after the kind of this is all submitted, there's going to be a campaign. the electra campaign today also the heads of the uranian television and radio, the sort of see my, the such ability said that the television is going to organize the debates. that actually every election we advertise, then selection is preceded by debate. so the base are going to be organized for the, the issue is that the period before the election is very short, it's very short for the candidates is very short for the establishment and it's very short for the people. but it's clear that the establishment wants to end this vacuum as soon as possible, and not to that any chance 448,
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to open the country for on such a highly hashem from her on. thank you so much. i of the united nations as overwhelmingly passed a resolution designating july 11th as february to genocide remembrance day in monks the occasion in 1995 when more than 8000 mainly balls. and the and most of the men and boys were massacred. 5 balls here in subs gabriel as on the joins us now from the united nation. so gabrielle, how is that going down? the subs? well, not very happy with the prospect of this policy, but it has yeah, that's right. this has been very controversial in some quarters, quite frankly. in the survey as president actually has been to the u. n. he was here and he actually spoke to the general assembly before the vote took place,
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urging countries not to vote for this is very passionate about this. and it's very an issue that he is really very strong on. quite frankly, he made an argument that this draft resolution is politicized, and that it could spark regional attentions among other things. but in the end, the boat did take place and it was overwhelmingly 84 member states voting for 19 against and 68 abstaining. so this has now adopted some of the countries about it for it. of course, serbia, we saw china of the russian federation as well. also joined voting against it, many european countries and some countries in africa, voting for it. now what is this resolution exactly? say it's designates july 11th international day of reflection and collaboration of the 1995 genocide to be observed annually. the.


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