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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 23, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm AST

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this on the politics of the conflict is the human suffering that we look forward to us. we brave bullets and bonds and we always include the views from all sides. the director of gauze is allowed, the hospital says patients and stuff are trapped inside the facility in the midst of face baffles experience. writing forces, palestinian sciences deluxe, the hospital and central browsers on the verge of running out of fuel because of his ready restrictions and the entry of a truck, the on sundays have them. this is i'll just hear a live from the hall. so coming up the united nations votes to annually commemorate
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the 1995 strengthening subject aside academy as president william roots always in the us. the 1st state visit financing lead during the 15 years pricing security on top of the agenda. the to begin in northern gone, so web has been fist fighting around one of the strips, few functioning hospitals is rarely troops, fidelity a storm to allow that. in the jabante, a refugee camp. the world health organization says a 140 medical staff patients and the friends and relatives went inside the facility when it was rated, calling for the protection of patients and health care workers and safe passage for their evacuation. the of my colleagues probably about to go spoke to my how much solve, how they act, same director of the hospital. you spoke to us well,
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trapped inside the facility with gun fi, clearly eligible. we have to get the age of allow the hospital yesterday they. busy be starting the pollution forces and then for that solution be a lot of the stuff and the patients, the companies or yeah, with the to evacuate. that would change the thing guys to see and, and now we are 14 of the me because stuff we are is a with the, with what patient the lot of must be evacuated because i am. but if you do that and they put on the patient, isn't they have to send to us and not too long since, because the situation of our patient is had a situation that can't walk to go to where i was getting gazda on the we stay with
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the now we have 11 of patients and another a to a patient company because there is that to data the and i want to see i could give but with this data. so now we took the out of 27 past one under deceived in the people sitting outside the hospital, including patients and staff. as you were talking to us, mr. sala, we could hear some loud noise in the background. what sounded like gunshots. can you tell us if there is still fighting inside or in the vicinity of the hospital, it would be out of the out of sale to think i looked on bumping, getting the rounding the the, the house because they are not now shooting them to hook because 2 days, the sure thing to those but that but now the sure thing and bumping side around the the, the house because there is this night. but on the, on the bed and the walking in the and outdoor area outside of
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a lot of hospital a, there is a lot of surgeons there. so we are an inside the hospital yesterday, the out inside of the inside of the hospital on the broken the the door that the clothes on during its war on gaza. these righty army has repeatedly targeted hospitals, international humanitarian law, bronson, special protection houses here. a spoke to one of the boxes as he left allowed a hospital and the hispanic either when we were at the hospital as usual. but we never left at all. we never even thought of quitting on our patients and the injured people. 4 days ago, we were taken by surprise when these really military besieged to hospital women out for them. they would not allow anyone inside the state to care for the lives of our patients. gun and the bypass automotive, we had 14 patients. we continued to give medical care to them. and then today at 3
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o'clock on the as really army force, nearly all of us from the hospital. the patients remained inside with for medical staff and to paramedics to care for them. that is, all of us have been ordered to leave the hospital. keep walking towards the wisconsin. we are walking till we reach a safe area and to find shelter. we want to reach a safe place at the shelter of the medical staff to remain that out of hospitals since october 7th, until now they never left and now their homes are destroyed and they have nowhere to go on a sudden now and just need to add that we have sent several appeals to the w h o to the red cross, and to our partners with doctors without borders to intervene to protect the patients when they all promised to intervene and to talk to the occupation forces to prevent targeting the hospital patients and not to target the medical staff. oh
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awesome, but i haven't seen anything done. what's the model to pick up them and have them? i can woman have insurance from here, from this street, by appeal to all international organizations and all medical related officials, especially the w h l. i'm calling upon them to intervene and they've got to protect what remains of the hospital patients in the hospital and the medical staff who refused to leave and continue to care for those patients here. and the theme is that the health ministry issue, this warning about the situation at all. ok, so hospital in central gossen as a, as a alexa hospital will stuff itself peroration within 2 hours because of the occupation practices in the united nations procrastination regarding the necessary fuel for the generators to work in the hospital. we have launched so many appeal was during the recent days to originally have fuel in the hospital. but no concerned policies have responded. we only received 3000 leases of fuel on
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wednesday, but the hospital needs at least 5000 liters every day. there are now more than 1300 sick and wounded patients in the hospital. the medical treatment will stop because of the lack of fuel. this will lead to a humanitarian crisis and that likes the hospital, which is the only operating hospital which to more than $1000000.00 people in the central government over it that it was within hours, only ambulances and safe steel with hospital and spoil stone. we reached the international community and the united nations to do their best to immediately provide the hospital with enough fuel. we urge the international community to work hard to stop the war against hospitals and the health system and gallons of before it's too late. we urge the international community to put pressure on the occupation to open the roof of crossing to allow more than 20000 wounded people to be treated abroad. and to provide us with the badly needed medical supplies and
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medicines and fuel to stop the soon coming catastrophe. in the cold already has the latest on the situation that are developing central garza. at least a policy needs have been killed after that is right. new forces target to a building for the ministry of social affairs and development. this building had a number of pilots in use that were seeking refuge in this building. according to the paramedics, i talked to, they said that they were directly targeted from the window. as they he said, that's one of the rockets was a mil to mil. at our teller we selling, the other one was dro nurse straight. and we saw the bodies of 9 palestinians. it being 8, sorry. 8 policy needs to be transferred into alexa, hospitalized, and dozens of injuries. it's a chaos right now on the permit x are sending us out. more ambulances are coming and transferring more uh bodies. but it's not only ambulances that were carrying
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the bodies and transferring them here and to a hospital, but or so people were helping with their own vehicles and their donkey carts moving to the fuse. a question of the, the, the hospital told us that they had the ability to provide fuel for 3 more hours. someone donated it for them and is this doing is it will be only for 3 more hours and after it, the fuel is going to end. and the hospice and it's going to run out of electricity . again, this would put hundreds of people in having kidney dialysis treatment. this is going to put people who are injured patients and, and the premature babies in risk of death because they're completely relying on the electricity in the hospitality is right. the army has intensified, is the salt on or off, or it comes as the international court of justice is set to rule on friday on
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a request by south africa to order as well to holt is offensive on the southern city. the un says more than 900000 palestinians have been forced to flee it off. she was the last sheltering place for people in garza. sorry, the defense minister of guns repeated his determination to press on into that awful . i thought small, there's a volume of we are strengthening our efforts and confronting rasa. and this operation will intensify. and we will push more forces from the ground and more forces from the air. and we will continue with the maneuvers and we will achieve our goals hitting him off hard stripping it of its military capabilities and creating the conditions for the return of the hostages. so they can return to their homes. this is an important matter. it is a central issue for us, and we will make every effort to implemented by all means. let's get to model on the shoulder now, i'll just here
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a senior political and let's see joins us from paris. good to have you with us. so model on, i'm show you might remember on the 9th of march, the us president said invading golf a whole is a red line. where is that red line today? it doesn't exist. exist no more. and if there was any proof of that, you didn't get his national security adviser, jake sort of runs visit or is there a loss there seems to have agreed that whatever it is or is doing now is sort of acceptable because it's almost the fact to anyway, you know more than a 100000 but a soon as i've already been displaced and is there is already fighting in different neighborhoods within the 5 very close to the center and tax overall side. so the americans have no choice but to do what they've done since the very beginning of the war, which is full and israel's footsteps, with their head down,
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bound down. it should mean looking at what's happened model on the u. n saying 900000 people have been displaced is rather as old as at least 9 blocks of areas of, of rough to be evacuated. the defense minister, as we heard that talking about pushing more ground troops instead of shoot us officials like john cubby, still have any doubts will still be talking about how well is right. the officials told the us, this is a limited operation, limited in scope and time. yeah, this is part of a comparison here, and i think they've been sort of covering for each other. and especially the amount of comes covered for these right is the kind of a fed this, this empty talk for too long. now they've done the same if you remember, after the land invasion as on the, on and until today. ready every day, every other week,
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the americans find another excuse to somehow render things more vague than what they really are on the ground. so and continues to buy is rise, time continues to spin. ah, what they started does because they have continues to human the 8th and then there's the by the session as a refusal, it's advice continues with its plans. basically under the mantra, is there any montera is ready to do what this once in the world, including the united states, can say, what if, what, what is most or this comes at a very sensitive time, right? this is fresh off the a decision by the i c. c. prosecute as a seek arrest warrants for some seniors, right? the officials and the day before the i c j might we went on where the israel should end it's rough, offensive, how scenes of children bleeding in hospitals,
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directors of hospitals, pleading for safe passage. how is that likely to play out? and some of these legal values play out the way it should i hold. uh, which is uh, there is a genocide. i'm totally into insight and is around because getting more crimes and see there's are in that sense, you know, what criminals, that's how it, you know, if you want that, how these strategies are taking it. well, it's just to me attending the world to go to ahead. let me say that again. these really leaders are telling the world, including its courts to go to head. if you remember just a couple of days ago when the new orders funded to the ice, you see who will not rooting to die. sissy prosecutor state and she said 2 things. and it, it was an english and behavioral version. and both of those i'm sitting here for basically to the prosecutor as rogue,
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especially in his interviews after that. but there's something interesting certainly that was not in the english transportation where it was in the hebrew and that was reviewed by one is randy jordan on this. and this probably was news to me . i hope that's news to the world as well. that in the hebrew version of responding to the arts, se, imagine you, once again referred to another biblical verse, this time from some ro, basically employee, that is there, i will continue to carry it's general song in guys. that was, is it a spouse? yes. i know the converse seminar and or send the same actually the same spirit of the one that you folks i guess, will quite allow malik. just story then killed in to the children and animals and so forth. but this time of booking another one another where are some other but because also implies that these are will continue to get his genocide. so nothing else message of the world. his girlfriend's muscle guard is go to him. we will do
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what we want and you can continue to talk as you must while i guess tomorrow we might get a bit of a clear idea of whether the i c j. bies into that. thanks so much. i don't want to charlotte that from power the united nations has overwhelmingly passed the resolution designating july 11th sized forever needs a genocide remembrance day. it marks the day when more than 8000 main. the most of the men and boys were massacred by boston in subs in 1995. okay, for us on the reports from the united nations or before the vote took place and the general assembly here at the un, serbia's president, made an impassioned speech to the general assembly,
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calling for countries not to vote for this draft resolution. he essentially said that it is politicized, and that it could spark regional tensions. but in the end, it did pass overwhelmingly $84.00 countries voting for it, 19 against and $68.00 countries abstaining. now what exactly does this now adopted resolution called for it's uh it would designate july 11th is an international day of reflection and commemoration of the 1995 genocide and to be observed every single year. the draft calls for the united nations to prepare outreach programs and invites countries and organizations and in jose to participate in annual awareness activities that on are the victims. now this resolution was sponsored by germany and were one did it had over 25 different co sponsors as well. should be pointed out that the international court of justice,
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the u. n's, highest tribunal determined at 2007, the acts of genocide did occur. and that, that court's decision was included in the draft resolution that has now been over whelming, we adopted gabriel's on to l, just either at the united nations in new york. the still ahead on al jazeera presidents, emanuel my call halls, talks with leaders in new caledonia, often more than a week of unrest in the friend specific territory. the interrogate the narrative. there's no question about the united states has effectively complicit the genocide challenge. the rhetoric. yes, a unique the correct, but so is the international community upfront. only without just here. the
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the, i'll come back, let's recap on headlines now. drive the forces of targeting the 2 remaining health care centers. still functioning, the northern garza. they've all wooded stuff to leave the hospital and the attacks come out on one hospital along so hospital is about to run out of fuel. the united nations is overwhelmingly passed the resolution designating july 11th says remnants agend assigned to remembrance day marks the day when more than 8000 mainly most and men and boys were massacred by both in subs. 1995 surrounds lights. president abraham. the ac has been laid to rest in his hometown of my son.
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he's been buried that vietnam reza shrine, which is visited by millions of pilgrims every year. thousands of people gathered in the northeast in the city to pay their respects spicy and 7 others, including the fine, minnesota, saying i made up the law. yon killed in a helicopter crash on sunday on the hash. him has more now from all the funeral is over in the shroud, president choice, he was laid the rest also into hon earlier today for the minister jose, and i mean off the was late to the sound of the rest of the vacation who kills on the 19th of may in a helicopter crash. so the mounting will continue for one day, which is tomorrow. and of course now the countries and the transition period we haven't entered in president was the former vp mohammed most of that. and also an
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interim foreign minister that sally balked city. now it's clear that i know that in this a, this is a chapter that was thrown and there's another day everyone is preparing for this day. the elections is coming on the 28th of june, and that's it. less than 50 days, actually, the did the constitution gives the states the 50 days that they're doing the elections in that i was $43.00 days from now. so everyone would be now concentrating on focusing on the 30th of may when the candidates will start submitting the candidacy. so of course that should pass through the dog and concert that's is supposed to fret. the candidacy is an approved or refuse the ones who are uh, you know, going to run. and this also will give us an indication on the stablish means readiness to open up and organize and election. and of course,
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this will have its own impact on the turnout. a kenya is president william rudo is in the us. the talks on debt relief. china is growing influence in africa. and haiti's in security, kenya has agreed to send a 1000 police officers to haiti as part of a multinational mission to help restore order of the months of gang violence, which has been meeting with president jo bivens, the 2 countries mark 60 is of diplomatic relations. is 3 day state visit is the 1st by an african leader to washington dc. and more than 15 years of white house correspondent, kimberly how it got joins us now live. so how much of a red carpet treatment? is he getting of the quite an elaborate one we should say, as there was a very elaborate welcome ceremony on the south lawn of the white house that was followed up by a visit by lap the oval office. and now we are waiting
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a joint press conference to take place in the east room of the white house, and that will be followed up by a state dinner later this evening here in washington. but what this is all about despite the pomp and circumstance is a for some very serious discussions with regard to economic and ad furthering those economic ties. given the fact that china has extended its reach across the african continent, that's something of great concern to president biden. and also to president rudo given the fact that many of the nations not just 10, you have some very excessive loans with very high interest rates. that of both nations are hoping the united states and canada can be refinanced. it better to. 2 terms also they're looking for better security cooperation, the 2 leaders as well as further and technology and global health. but with, in the midst of all of this, there's also a little bit of controversy. the fact that president by and made a protest visit that continent back in 2022,
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said he would do it and 23 didn't. and didn't do it in 2024. it appears either. now the president saying, uh, just a few moments ago that he plans to do it after he's reelected. so that's quite a bit of a damper on things, but present saying he's going to do it. but after the election so apparently is optimistic, he's going to get another term. now take us through the agenda here from economics to sending kansas ending in. it's police the hazy or yeah, well this is an example of the sort of the celebration that's taking place here and highlighting this partnership and collaboration that's been taking place between 10 . yeah, and the united states this visit the state visit, the 1st we should point out of an african liter. and 15 years uh is significant because celebrates the 60 year collaboration. a security one is really the foundation. and so what's happening is that there's announcement being made of
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$1010.00 police officers that will be deployed finance, depart by the united states ad to haiti to try and combat the ongoing gang violence that has really ripped that nation and paralyzed it. if you will, and so as a result of that is something that's going to be discussed. but this is again, an example of how the 2 nations have been working together for a long time, decades, really, whether it be fighting al, should bob, whether be working together, you frame, or even whether it is combining the, who's these in the red sea. so again, we're watching very carefully, the press conference between these 2 meters is set to begin any moment. that's kimberly how could watching the situation very close to be just outside the white house. let's think inside the white house. we're actually looking at those live pictures that kimberly was talking about a press conference that we understand will kick off soon between the president of
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the united states and kenya. mocking an important moment in relations between the country. but also an important moment in regional issues, both regional to africa and to the american hemisphere in front of presidency manual. my call says the controversial electoral reform law for new caledonia would not be forced through. he made the comments while meeting local leaders and the french territories, capital, new media, weeks of and rest followed plans to change the voting system. the indigenous cannot community says the change dilute that voice. fine hire pulls a guy devona, welcome to the president to besieged french territory. after a week of protest. emanuel mack, chrome said he was the to resolve the crisis is about only of them when it gets
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because from the local section of course we'll be looking at economic reconstruction support, rapid response, and then the most sensitive political issues to talk about the future of new caledonia, need to it's an uncertain future that same people take to the streets, protesting against the proposed constitutional change. if approved by congress, it would allow french nationals who lived in new caledonia for at least 10 years to vote in elections. the indigenous come acts who have little long struggle for independence. say the change is really about colonization and minimizing their influence. so see, we've been lied to for use and they've lied to our ancestors. they've lied to out elders through the various agreements that have been made. we run out of food agreement. it's the longest when i'm with tired of not being recognized. that some of the protests to say they'll stay on the streets for as long as it takes, even though the numbers have decreased, is in response to the violence. the president sent some 3000 security personnel to
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new caledonia. click that. that may be very clear. these forces will remain as long as necessary, including during the olympic empire, olympic games which start in paris in july. the last thing the french government will want is unrest in one of its territories while it has the will detention wayne, hey, al jazeera. well, that's it. for this show, you can get much more and all the stories we've been following. you've had over 12 website out to 0, don't com. whether is up next slide story will examine the implications of china slices. mandatory exercise, the the
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hello, they will get to africa in a moment. the bus in the middle east and live on for it's very quiet, but hot picture. when does the temperatures across the gulf pickup over the next few days? $42.00 degrees celsius that in mecca will be into the 14th stretching from saudi arabia through to a month with $41.00 degrees celsius. that in must got, that is a large me drive picture. we could see some showers, however, coming into western pots of yemen. but the witches to all the way that can be found for the north of this across to keep the bits of wintery and wet weather stretching across the caucuses and into northern parts of a run. but the temperature still sitting above the average into run temperatures. well above the average across the north of africa for places like libya as well as egypt and have a look at this tripoli, we'll see 40 degrees celsius there on friday with the intense heat that comes down to the t as a maximum of high on saturday it's much west across the gulf is getting notice what
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as it could be, the west of the weather will continue to pull into kenya. we've got some rough season, strong winds here. it's much dryer, cool, southern parts of africa. but a weak front will bring some coastal showers to southern parts of south africa, thursday into friday. actually, weather update the china or is conducting military exercises around taiwan, just as often lied to him to with sworn in as the islands. new presidents vision has cooled, lie a dangerous separatists with the chinese actions main for the region. this is inside story. the. the weight is the best that is in you. today, we're mark 60 years a partnership between our democracies.


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