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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  May 23, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm AST

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not as well as it could be. the west of the weather will continue to pull into kenya. we've got some rough season, strong winds here. it's much dryer, cool, southern parts of africa. but a week front will bring some cars, full showers, to southern parts of south africa, thursday into friday. actually, weather update the china, or is conducting military exercises around taiwan, just days off that lie to him to with sworn in as the islands. new president's vision has cooled, lie a dangerous separatists with the chinese actions main for the region. this is inside story. the, the weight is the best that is in you, us today. we're mark 60 years of partnership between our democracies. and we're
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fulfilling the worst together, and we're continuing. i truly believe this product, the best in both of us, not only in kenya and america, but around the world, fed positive impact by to our partnership, we're continuing to meet our responsibility to 4 key areas. first, i'm proud to announce we're working with congress to designate can you a major non nato ally? that's a fulfillment of years. collaboration are joint check counterterrorism operations have degraded isis and l should bob cross east africa mutual support ukraine. valley the world will stand behind you on charter and our work together on haiti. shelby paved way to reduce instability and security. i want to thank you mr. president. can, is leadership multi national security support mission and have our new partner global partnerships. going to build on all of this progress we're going to make to meet new challenges and with more resource and is going to strengthen the security
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of our countries in our countries around the world. second, for deep in our economic cooperation. both present rudo and i have focused on growing economies are going to common growing the from the bottom up that allows the bottom up. and when that happens, everybody has, i'm not the top down because we're in the middle class as well. the poor have a letter up and wealthy still do very well as to we can use as to in america. and that's true around the world right now. many companies, many countries that stands in the way and grow too many nations are forced to make a choice between development and debt. between investing in are people paying back their creditors. so today we're launching what we're calling and i robi washington vision. so this, in this, initially there's going to bring together in the national financial institutions and nations, more around the world to mobilize more resources for countries saddle with that, to open more opportunities to the private sector financing mode transfer,
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sustainable and affordable money practice is a big goal, it's gonna take time to see last the progress. we're providing $250000000.00. united states is the world bank in a crisis response when they're coming rates, united states going to make an additional $21000000000.00 available. the international monitors. today i'm proud to announce probably $250000000000.90 capacity. molly's our development banks like the world bank help low income nations invest in the development of tax of growing challenge. this is supported by the united states and many other countries as well. next, we're launching the newer technology to technological operation between the united states and can. that means new partnership, new partnership with industry, artificial intelligence, semi conductors and cyber security. knowing issues to expand, affordable internet all across your staff. if so, education for you're going to bring can use to, to the united states,
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study in the sense, you know, i'm proud to announce that i'm working with congress to make can't, can you the 1st country in africa receive funding to chips and science which has served us, well, this funding will link their supply chains dining space and to our partner is further evasion that extends from silicon valley and california to silicon. savannah can, which by the way, is already a $1000000000.00 tech. already, when even $1000000000.00 tech fireman, we're insuring democracy delivers for our fee. that includes kennedy's, i asked for community here in the united states. 2 years ago, a nation's 1st flag, vice president present a couple of harris lodge nations, 1st presidential advisory council on african diaspora engage. today we're building on her work to strengthen longstanding bonds between our feet. i also want to thank you, mr. president for taking action to implement along the way the public benefits organization,
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which provides distort, protections for civil society, and n g o, all across can like you, i believe the future is going to be won by countries of least the full full potential population, including civil society, women and young. i look forward to working together to implement this tax and jump started again. corruption, reforms, democratic values, find our nation. now let me close, it is taken together. these are responsibilities, canyon, america, must me to the years in beacon together as partner for security for foss burns for innovation. and most importantly for democracy. i don't know, these responsibilities will wake the best i know, bring them out on very nations together. i want to thank you for again, mr. president for being here. you know, and we have even figured offers foresters. thank
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you. is that president 9? $12.00. in a very, very sincere way. i think it was a prison for inviting me to make the fed visit to the united states on behalf of the people and government of can i also take peace of paternity for express. my deep gratitude for the warm wind come, we have received on that iphone and the excellent hospitality of the american people. my visit provides us as a president with the opportunity to feel a bit 60 or by not throwing nation so rooted on a shared values of freedom. democracy role equality unencrypted. my business takes place at a time when democracies buffy b retreating worldwide. the expedited thing due to what redeemed indifference to democratic values. is that the concern to us and i believe at this time that
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you're working with can deployed capabilities and rodney like minded democratic countries to set up the cost for democracy. during our discussion, we agreed on the significant opportunity for the us to run the country lead recalibrate. it started to strengthen its support for applica discussed of the us african leadership summit by enhancing its investment in the institutions of public on integration and increasing support for peace and security of us. we take these historic steps of elevating our apartments have to be more effectively not growth in addressing number of challenges. it is important for us to appreciate that in many countries in africa including can struggling with an over wouldn't make convergence of multiple to show including extreme climate events
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. distressed on the drop drop, the people he worked in you on the middle east coast cumulative impact is today by the national resources for investment in people on the corner mcgross into managing climate in induced crisis and servicing. so brain dead for these reason i have on the board, the impact the photo of partnership, to facilitate recovery from this month to port prices. and particularly for the united states of america to take a leading role in a comprehensive debt resolution framework. by doubling contribution to the one session or the financing window of the one of the bank. and also to work with the i am at re channeling since the institutions like of the applicant development bank
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to find the leverage on private picked up funding for support country. unless this is done, this done immediately the bodies of freedom. democracy under hold of no part in great deal, but on the general peace and security into one of africa and the great lakes region . i express optimism that can on the us, we innovate people to design a pro, fee of defense and security framework to help can. now, i've got the date and the read just in general, to deal with a piece on security challenges that are undermining schuman will be slowing down development. and also having a negative impact on democracy. we up from our mutual commitment to this. somebody like vision of haiti to that month, to national security, to support mission the can. now you would permit and clean energy industrial
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partnership. we have just committed to ease and coverage. you might store on of a collective dunning and bid us on the product. i'm sure we have incorporated the applicant finance summit in nairobi last year. according africa results potential is a huge opportunity to deploy us technology need investment to capitalize unprecedented growth through green industrialization sleep much. so i agreed to heston that a new one of the africans growth an opportunity to talk to sustain the right thing were meant them all by investments and exports in the manufacturing space. to me then, we agreed to undertake stuff a newborn green growth by facilitating conclusions of us to take the trade and investment partnership alongside that in one of our goal. during our discussion with nest fast hon. president biden, on the us government,
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dissemination to make our partnership walk and resort to spread and deepen the roots of freedom, democracy, security, and prosperity. throughout with the was s, my visit comes to a close. i am confident that our in goodman have lead a solid foundation for us to continue the work that we have begun with strong faith and great to hope for success. because in jo, by then. okay, now in africa, have a strong and committed friend. i think if you present, you do have a friend at no haven't cause cause i'm paying people not to see no idea what unit nor makes no sense. no 1st question mark a wilner mcclatchy's. second this is president
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super. she's a fine, a on one level best on haiti, and on israel your administration went on a world wide search for security forces. vanity's forces, bangladesh, the canadian shavanne, any but american forces to stand up. this multinational security support mission for haiti before tenure split up to leave. can you explain why it is that you believe on the one hand that this mission is so critical and on the other? why it is that you have categorically rules out contributing us forces to this effort? is it your call to be faxed to these games or to contain them? and on israel? does the united one question, actually your question? the question, the question of drive the haves. a concluded that for the united states as applied forces in the habit just raises all kinds of questions that can be easily
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misrepresented by what we're trying to do and be able to be used by those who disagree with us. then again, start getting paid in the united states. so we set out to find a, a partner or partners who would lead that effort that we would participate in now with the american forces or supplies and making sure they haven't, they need. and so, you know, i'm very grateful, present rid of leadership here, only national effort, but can use willingness to really read this matter matters. not the only country meetings and there's going to be us forces not on the ground for gas supply, logistics, intelligence and equipment. and facts and equipment is already right. and kind of stepping up with police and other countries plan to do as well. nice states can support the collective efforts. and of course, can, you won't be going alone. we're working with congress to provide $300000000.00 to m
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. s. s. mission and additional $60000000.00 or equipment assistance. and we've also, we've received and are continuing to bring major contributions from other partners as well. present route on i agree with the patient, people who deserve better. this is their a piece of security and, and i thank him for taking on his responsibility, but we have his back there on the way you have a question for you or president rudo. but before i do, i, i do very briefly have a question on whether you see united states has any evidence at all. that would substantiate the icpc prosecutors. a specific allegations against is really meters, that they are using starvation as a tactic of war and gaza or exculpatory evidence for that matter. and what if you would commit to releases that information before any potential
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issue? and so i see see arrest warrants and president, brutal at the mission that kenya is about to lead in haiti is obviously a support mission that is well known. but the fact is that he's national police have been internationally funded and trained for some time and never the less have obviously failed to the fact means games will canyon forces and partnership with the m. s. s. be out front in the fight against these games, or will they be a static force behind the h n p. and are you concerned about the casualties among thank you very much. can you believe that that one's ability of peace and security anyway in the was including in haiti is the collective responsibility
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of our nation. and for people who believe in freedom, send them initial democracy and justice. and if he's that he's on why can not took up this responsibility because we have been participating in peace mackey. and we have been participating in peacekeeping over the last 40 years in 47 countries, including very difficult neighborhoods. like what we have on to face in haiti, we are going to pick up that responsibility along the sides of the haitian police us and we have clear modesto, put it on the, how we're going to relate with the situation on the ground that has been agreed on to the united nations framework. so we are looking for what to this deployment because we believe that the women into running hate this up piece like or other
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women and children and people around the world. i see. see you guys never keep the deal. that's okay. um that, you know, we've made our position clear on the i c c. we don't think the, we don't recognize the jurisdiction. i see, see where it's be an exercise. and, and it's that simple. we don't think there's an equivalence between what is your date of march okay, next i am driving next question. let me how you describe it from kenya or the next question is i boy, yeah, thank you. thank you. one question on this is on page press invited kenya is from the e. lead doing the heavy lifting in
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a company and put you on somebody assaulted on the democratic republic of washington as information that's coming to millions of dollars for the costing height. isn't it ironic? that way, i made a case spending, it's for the lowest, and i'm going to send the latest in 2021. i'm but you will need the sheep when you, when you took from kabul. and then you'll come with think can yet one of the 4, it was 12000 kilometers away from me. i mean, why that is people the way that they put me on your own in the you of whatever was the most useful. if you don't commenting, can you can explain that very easily is the reason why i've cached as a known as the graveyard of empire. this likelihood of anybody united in afghanistan is highly, highly, highly unlike number one. number 2, there are ways to control isis, other than occupying f, can you as an unnecessary need. now, with regard to, hey,
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haiti is in a very of the caribbean, then very model. there's a lot point on the transfer. and we're in a situation where we want to do all we can without us looking like america. once again stepping over the side, this is what must be done. patients are looking for health as well as the folks in the caribbean. and so we were checked out with a number of other countries. the one who stepped up is haiti committed to providing wherever with all the intelligence and equipment and the light heavy. and so it's a logical thing and you have a 1st rate capability and you keep your work as an important dynamic. i agree with president biden that can not participate in haiti. it's not so much about what happened in the past. it's about what we believe in the peace and security of human it on. we don't find that the
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us is committing because they us cannot commit to can i am the president of can it's mean to make that disease is the people to commit that on troops using their own structure. we've gone through the process. i think k no problem and does a pool. we have a clear monday, we have a p up from work. and it is tough as the people of kind of who made this division in the interest of stopping peace and stability as that is points to button global citizen. and understanding that insecurity instability, any way is in security and instability. april. by the way, you asked about your applying. we weren't doing anything anywhere else. when we were kind of occupied around were awesome guys, you come in and you know,
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we can kinda help relieve a human suffering that united states largest amount of turn, toner, providing 375000000 in the amount of training funding just this year going support for more than 6000000 supplies, people from the d r c. so we are engaged in more than one place. pull up my president. and you said that to can you is committed to in you a cut to speech and i told them that you said it's business. i'm going to tell you and it's in a big deal. but can you explain the, your political goal? 12000 kilometers away from light will be when it's close in the county, so bilingual wasteful court and to kind of have looked at open it because of the abundance of problem you're committing own national police post hygiene. otherwise the priority is this been one of your major mining festa, feel us talking about security incidents and the even the defense governance 2nd,
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talked about the deployment of if need be the can minutes your and the special impossible to make sure that the school setting up and then go to school in areas that's happening in the phone, in kenya, where you commit to taste when we have a problem back home. is it in a i don't need that to be up within the fire in the file waiting. the bus home when you all the way up and all holmes, i'm fine. thank you very much. i made a commitment to the people have kind of to slip out in security in dental trips. i have followed us with options. as we talk. there are 3000 military up with us and then on 32000 police of south and federal street. we have a new way to the 515 schools and completed. we have pretty open 20 course already. that's why across in the northeast. and that exercise is on go, we have made tremendous progress in making sure that we p a security at home. but
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that does not take away our responsibility even as we why deploying troops and policemen in our own country, not to slip out the bundle program. we deployed a 1000, i told them to add troops to vs vehicle because that is our neighborhood. we have 5000 troops in somebody because equally studies are responsibility and he should not be an exception. that's why deploying of powers in security to meant to have to speak to the same belief and commitment to peace. i'm thinking the next question from april ryan or mr. president's president vine president. great, so thank you. first of all,
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when you talk about haiti present every show you said haiti is a collective responsibility for all nations for you, mr. president. press advising, present. do you believe that these nations can break the back of this militia? that is the nation and all. so when it comes to the united states, one for the condo, especially as a flag has behind you, morehouse, mister president, could you tell me what the applicant as well as is doing when it comes with managerial prices in? thank you. what was my question, sir? your question was haiti, chin united states in kenya or of nations collectively the back of this coordinator, malicious. that has the risk of an issue? yes. the very way we're doing it.
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we're not talking about a but a 1000 person arm is made up of train for example. this is a crisis table that we don't want. we think we can bell this way with the multi national approach with q haiti leading the way. that's providing intelligence as well as equipment game and criminals do not have nationality. they have no religion. they have no language. their language is one to deal with them. finally decisively, within the parameters of the law. and that's why we're building a correlation of nations beyond kenya under us,
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many one making contribution to what that messes forth in hate to secure that country and to protect the box of the game. and the criminals that have visited on port how pretty in that country on the see the a you that you stop with them community and can see without much i've just told you that kenya had a 1000 troops in haiti. we now have another $800.00, nothing heavy, but in the see, we now have another $800.00 troops from southern we are going to be having a meeting of the east african community. i'd be to 10 minutes. so my 40 minutes to can chat. so they had a conversation and shortly we wouldn't be looking at how to begin the dialogue
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process. another nairobi process because we believe there is no military solution to what is going on in data. but instead, dialogue should be able to be by the necessary momentum and outcomes that will settle the month of in you get some data. so both the a you the east up kind of community and can you as a country seized of that much, we know that the humanitarian crises in eastern vfc has displaced across to 7000000 people. now went to town, the united states of america for stepping in with humanitarian support for that region, because it is a corner partition or of different countries in different ways to deal with that situation that's about supplementing troops. we have a meeting at
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a while deploying our infrastructure to facilitate the distribution of them. i think the see let me ask a nancy a good to i'm can she have? yeah. okay. none of us can america to be the weight on w contribution to was bounce international development assistance and developing countries accessible financing. so i did just press on the top of climate change. what is the thank you, i'm sorry, i didn't catch all your questions. sorry, i'm say, okay, the best thing america to lead the way and w contribution to the water bottles international development to assist us 2 pebble developing countries to access financing to get that distressed and
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to top of climate change. what is your commitment on this? we made a major commitment to this number one and we said the united states as long champions, international financial institutions that provide low cost concessional resources, supports developing countries including from the i'm at so that in my ministry's tough design is established on that new initiative that provides low cost funding for countries that are taking steps to enhance the resilience. important partners in africa, every capital lane, see sure they have their capital need to invest in their future. we heard them and we stand with them. now. that's why we work with congress to enable the united states to make available in the coming weeks, up to $21000000.00 and funding of resources to the i m f. trust fund that provides concessional, lending the 1st congress to little like having to go when you're in debt,
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having to go and find someone to help you out. that's what this is about. lisa, 40 friends in this partnership is happy and we're happy to do our part and look, we've also double our commitment to the and i'm proud united states the biggest don't have the idea in the cycle, and proud to be working with the long side. can you support robust financing and policy fact is going to help the most valuable countries address their investment? there's debt and there's grow. and you can't, you gotta deal with that before you deal with the grow. and so we're, we're trying to be using the national organizations to be able to provide that capability. so people who grow ask us about the this is a press conference.


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